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Status Replies posted by Nikodemus_Blackwood

  1. *Stares at active users list* 

  2. *Stares at active users list* 

  3. *Stares at active users list* 

  4. If you are going to PK at least do it within the rules. Those that are now just springing up, be careful what you wish for...

  5. If you are going to PK at least do it within the rules. Those that are now just springing up, be careful what you wish for...

  6. If you are going to PK at least do it within the rules. Those that are now just springing up, be careful what you wish for...

  7. Why did I decide soloing <<Secret of The Forest>> was a good idea? 2 Nepents have been tagging me with hits every post, and I am rolling bunk on my attacks!!!

  8. Why did I decide soloing <<Secret of The Forest>> was a good idea? 2 Nepents have been tagging me with hits every post, and I am rolling bunk on my attacks!!!

  9. Soooo... I was gone over the weekend... Seems some things have happened. Anyone wanna catch me up.

  10. ALL HAIL @Takao!!! THE MIGHTY ROCK PUNCHER!!!! NOW QUICK, BURN IT WITH HOLY FIRE!!! The rock I mean, Not Takao.

  11. Apologies to anyone who is waiting for a post from me, or a pm. My grandfather passed away this week and his funeral was yesterday, so I've been avoiding most social platforms. Sorry again

  12. dont you need a skill point in armour to get armour + enchantments? 

  13. dont you need a skill point in armour to get armour + enchantments? 

  14. If I get my hands on the person, or persons, who got me sick... I shall take extreme pleasure in their torture as I hang them from a ceiling by their toes using a large prodding stick to poke them in their kidneys!!!! I HATE BEING SIIIIIIICK!!!! *Turns white, falls over in desk chair at work, twitches*

  15. If I get my hands on the person, or persons, who got me sick... I shall take extreme pleasure in their torture as I hang them from a ceiling by their toes using a large prodding stick to poke them in their kidneys!!!! I HATE BEING SIIIIIIICK!!!! *Turns white, falls over in desk chair at work, twitches*

  16. GAH!!! I just realize my pride and joy Axe I just made yesterday, I cannot even equip for quite a long time. Le sigh... Whelp, lesson learned. Gotta work towards a new Perfect for a new axe for now.

  17. The wait for item eval is killing me!

  18. GAH!!! I just realize my pride and joy Axe I just made yesterday, I cannot even equip for quite a long time. Le sigh... Whelp, lesson learned. Gotta work towards a new Perfect for a new axe for now.

  19. I have 3 active RP/quests, <Worn out Welcome> and <Breaking the Unbreakable>, and < The Crescent Moon Rises>, and I am enjoying the company. So excited to be doing these quests with people.


    Edit: Corrected the last quest name.

  20. Breaking the Unbreakable Quest, anyone?

  21. That moment when your reading the news and hearing about bad things and just praying that at the bottom of the article the words "April Fools" are not there. Bad things like war shouldn't be joked about... Here is hope that people don't be that low.

  22. That moment when your reading the news and hearing about bad things and just praying that at the bottom of the article the words "April Fools" are not there. Bad things like war shouldn't be joked about... Here is hope that people don't be that low.

  23. So, who are you?

    Myself Im the best friend :)

  24. And, Level 40 here I am. Not an April Fool's Joke.

  25. So, whit what anime shall I fill the empty space Akame ga kill left?

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