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Posts posted by Crozeph

  1. "It's good to know that girl's there for you, Tom's twin" Crozeph said still looking at the pile of stone and his dead friend's name on the tree. He was sad yet he was trying not to anymore, his friend Tom left with many happy memories and Crozeph didn't want to waste it with crying again and again. Crozeph turned his head at the two "try to keep each other safe, I can't protect you at all times"  he said looking at the boy. Crozeph was not in the mood for anything fun, he had to do something. "I wonder where the others are..." Crozeph pulled out another bread from his inventory and handed it to the two "you can share, I'm already running out of bread" he said with a faint smile. Crozeph's usual smile was slowly disappearing and he didn't know if he can still smile for the rest of his days in Aincrad. Tom left him a squad to lead and his twin brother is the first one that Crozeph will lead and ironically he looked just like Tom except the scar on his face.

  2. (ooc: Tom's death was heart breaking even Drat cried thus he deserves a farewell ceremony from his guildmates and also as a deeper introduction to his twin brother...no 21 gun salute though sorry)




    Crozeph didn't noticed that it was night already. The lake seems peaceful just as the rumors say. Crozeph messaged his guildmates of his location 



    From Crozeph

    I'm here by the lake. Come if inconvenient, if inconvenient come



    Crozeph looked for a tree near the lake. After a few minutes he found a tree that suits his taste "a tree that suits a nice guy like him" he said. Its been a few days since one of their members died and worse, he's one of the commanders of the guild. Crozeph has taken over the position but he felt that he doesn't want anyone to join his squad, he didn't want to feel the guilt of losing someone again in the guild. Crozeph carved something at the tree and it was his dead friend name "Tomoya" he carved. Crozeph saw his twin brother the other day and he does look like him except the scar. After a while. Crozeph piled rocks beneath it and sat in front of the tree "I wonder who'll visit you here" he said as he took out a bread out of his inventory and took a bite from it.

  3. Story Thus Far ~

    The Crow Returning in His Head


    After joining a guild and a squadron, Crozeph continued his everyday life along with his guildmates and with the addition of his friend Arekkusu to the guild which made things much more fun. He joined the squadron of a player named Tom whom Crozeph helped when he was new to the game. The next events made things much more complicated for Crozeph when a player killer named Mari attacked his friend and commander named Tom and killing him in the process which made Crozeph's anger almost making him attack the player herself. As if by coincidence, Tom's twin brother named Sousuke enters the story and joins Tom's squad which is now under Crozeph's command. Crozeph now still remembering the events decided to wander around alone but still retaining his guild position and visits them along with info he gains and quest he discovers. Crozeph is now on a watch on the player who killed his friend and also on the person who put a bounty on Tom. Crozeph is still somewhere in Aincrad wandering and visits Tempest Lost after his wanderings.

  4. Crozeph had his left foot stuck on a soft part of the sand "of all times to go stupid..." Crozeph held his sword and made a downward swing at the scorpions face before he fell down but it missed. "Tread carefully next time Crozeph" he said to himself Crozeph tried to stand but right now he should try to get on his knees first as the scorpion prepares for an attack. "I just got myself into trouble" he said.



    [iD: 3709]

    Battle Dice: [5] fail


    Crozeph 15/15

    Scorpion 4/10

  5. The scorpion was feeling powerless this time again. It didn't know how to act now it has lost one of its legs and the other one is useless. The scorpion then attacked the player with its stinger as he tries to move properly in the sand. The player stumbled down as it tried to hit him with the stinger that is aimed at his head causing for him to dodge it by luck. The scorpion got its stinger stuck on the sand suddenly as it tried to hit the player with one of its strong attacks.



    [iD: 3708]

    Mob Dice: [1] critical fail



    Crozeph 15/15

    Scorpion 4/10

  6. Crozeph saw what he hoped for...a hint of warmth and that at least could prove that she wasn't doing it just for fun, she was already consumed by the madness that is emanating in this game, by an accident so terrifying even Crozeph had a hard time believing her. He watched as Mari tried to wipe his tears, but he was in the safe zone and there's no way she could enter it. As Crozeph watched her a player suddenly came out, he looked like Tom and hearing Mari say that he is Tom's brother and her transferring some items and col, Crozeph gave a faint smile but he couldn't stop the tears from falling he was surprised by the boy's sudden appearance "Tom had a brother..." he said. He has cried enough but there was still tears, he looked at Mari this time with his usual smile "I will never hate you, pink-haired girl" he said to Mari "if others will then I won't..." Crozeph held his sword's hilt "Tom wanted to help players and he is my commander, I'll carry on his ideals and I'm starting with you..." he said. How could he forget the reason why he joined Tom's squad? they both have the same reason for being inside the same squad. "I remember you, in this floor you were performing at that time but the next time we meet..." he wiped the tears in his eyes "...play something nice" he said. Crozeph then turned his eyes on the person who Mari addressed as Tom's brother.




    (ooc: is it ending?)

  7. Crozeph moved back as soon as Kiru made a scary joke on the new person "you scare me also Kiru!" he said. Having strong players were heart pounding for Crozeph, they were at the top of the food chain in his eyes while he's trying to make it up, they're already getting higher. Crozeph sighed as he saw Drat run into the wild "really? why do people like messing with potions right now" Crozeph looked at the new person "your name is?" he asked calmly with a faint smile.

  8. The moment another person blocked his view of what he thinks as the host of the party, he lost sight of him then he looked around to see others talking "wwait..." Crozeph stepped back to the corner "...they pretty much know each other here" he thought. The thought of it made him feel nervous "what if there was suppose to be an invitation here?" he said. Crozeph just stood there and looked the players attending and hopefully he might get a chance to thank the host if the party doesn't need an invitation.

  9. Crozeph's left eye was twitching as soon as he saw Tom "I get it...some kind of potion" he said grinning. Crozeph raised his steak and made a downward swing to Tom's head continuously "for a squad leader, you sure have a great sense of humor" he said. Crozeph was panting when he stopped hitting Tom with his steak and grease is all over the table now "nice job acting like you never know it Arthonnen" he said. Crozeph rubbed his forehead after a few seconds "that was the most embarrassing moment of my life and worse" Crozeph flinged the last piece of steak to Tom's face "my squad leader pulled it off with ease." 

  10. Crozeph felt a sudden excitement inside him as Mari pointed his sword to her "I have no satisfying reason" the moment Crozeph heard what she said, he grabbed Mari by the collar dropping his sword "but he had a reason to live!" he shouted at her. Crozeph's tears fell again, he didn't know what to feel. All he ever felt while inside the game was fear of monsters killing him and the happiness he felt from his friends...and now one of them is dead. Crozeph still held Mari, he wanted to punch her, he's trying to stop the urge to hurt her "I'll never let my frustrations get the better of me" he said "Tom earned his mark by protecting someone..." Crozeph loosened his grip of Mari's collar and picked up his sword sheathing it back "I don't know how you earned that yellow mark on you, having it doesn't only mean you killed someone..." Crozeph looked at her with cold eyes "...it also means you killed yourself." Crozeph wiped the tears in his eyes "I have no intentions of trying to kill and you also..." Crozeph was already tired "...snap out of it Crozeph" he said to himself Crozeph took a step back into the safe zone but still his eyes on Mari. She was cold just like the snow but somehow Crozeph saw something or he hoped for something to see in her "a hint of warmth in her eyes..." he said whispering in the wind. 

  11. Crozeph had to move in for a counter attack or else the scorpion will have the chance to recover. Crozeph quickly raised his sword and made a downward swing in the right leg at the tail of the scorpion "that should make dodging for me easier" Crozeph failed on cutting the leg completely but it was enough to immobilize the scorpion for a short time "now be a good creature and hand me your hide" he told the scorpion as tries to remain still to attack Crozeph.


    [iD: 3618]

    Battle Dice: [8] success

    +2 weapon dmg


    Crozeph 15/15

    Scorpion 4/10

  12. Crozeph looked at the girl, she was cute enough to get Crozeph's wits run amuck but something was really fishy "who are you really?" he asked "and Arthonnen seems fine with you acting like that when you're with him first" he said. He was looking at Tamara then he turned away eating the steak with his bare hands still. 

  13. (ooc: I guess we should stretch it a little...sorry about that)



    Crozeph heard a voice, he didn't want to hear anything but the cold wind. He turned around to see only the person he feared and at the same time starting to hate. Crozeph quickly stood up head down, his hand on his sword's hilt "you!" he shouted "you PLAYER KILLER!" he shouted with his sword pointed at her but his hand was shaking, he didn't know what to do. "He didn't deserve the mark! I don't even want to talk about it, I just wanted my friend to see the lake! of all places why choose now?" he said. Crozeph couldn't contain the fear and the excitement. His prey is before him but she's far more stronger than he is, he'd die for sure just like his friend. Crozeph lowered his sword and looked at the girl in the eyes "give me a satisfying reason for killing him" he asked the her.

  14. Crozeph saw the whole thing and what's worse he didn't do anything to save his friend. After the pink-haired girl whom Yuji called Mari left with him, Crozeph stood frozen "I wanted him to see the lake..." he said. Crozeph's hands are shaking "t-they killed my squad leader, they killed m-my friend" Crozeph dropped to his knees, the lake just behind him. They say it was a safe zone, she should've let Tom see the lake just for a while "pink-haired, friend of Yuji, leader of a guild, p-player killer..." clenched his fist and punched the ground "...and her name is..." Crozeph stood up, tears in his eyes "...Mari."




    Crozeph sat at the shore of the frozen lake, he was quiet he didn't mind the cold now. He lost a friend, now he's got to protect the others who are left "what will I tell them?" he thought "how can I say to them that Tom was killed and I just stood their like a stupid NPC!" he said crying. He mind about the others who are still there, he wanted to be alone...he just wants to be left alone for now. 



    (ooc: those who joined make your last post except those who left the RP I'll end this misery)

  15. The scorpion made a loud chirping sound like a cricket after its leg fell off. It began to move uneasily but still maintaining its balance. The scorpion had to attack or else the player will win easily, this is their territory and they just don't outsiders waltz in and kill them off. The scorpion moved forward with its whole body and tried to grab the player with its pincers. The player moved back but had a hard time doing it properly, the sand seemed to be a disadvantage to him in some way. The scorpion then made a chirping sound so loud the sand beneath it is getting swept away.



    [iD: 3598]

    Mob Dice: [4] fail


    Crozeph 15/15

    Scorpion 7/10

  16. Crozeph didn't waste any second and closed in on the scorpion before it could hit him with its stinger. The scorpion looks like a perfect monster to get a hide that he wants and its seem to react well on Crozeph's pace. Crozeph moved to it's right making it attack with its stinger but Crozeph leapt to its left fast enough to give a try on cutting of one of its leg. Crozeph succeeded but it seems that the scorpion can still move well even if its missing one of it leg "how troublesome" he said as he circles around it.




    [iD: 3597]

    Battle Dice: [7] success

    +2 weapon dmg



    Crozeph 15/15

    Scorpion 7/10

  17. Crozeph was kicking the snow aimlessly as he walks with the other players. He could see Tom talking with the other player named Jun or that's he wants to be called while Yuji is still having problems with his runny nose "I don't mind this cold" he said to himself as they walk "I only want to take a break from the usual routine that I do and also on the madness that is spreading now" he added. Crozeph has heard of words about players dying lately caused by other players. Some driven by the price on the head, other by revenge, and the worst one...for fun. "Seeing a frozen lake will surely help me be calm" he said. He promised to help other players but hearing some die makes him feel like he failed.

  18. Crozeph got surprised when Tom started to roll laughing to his heart's content "what's with him?" he asked Kiru. Crozeph then tried to figure something out "don't tell me this is one of those pranks again" he said. Crozeph has been getting himself in trouble whether it was big one or not and this seems to add to those moments that he never expected "you can run in the grass Drat and still I won't notice you" he told his guild leader.

  19. Crozeph entered the hall merrily, he darted to where the foods are and looked for fish or breads made in a special way. "I'm gonna eat fish toda..." Crozeph suddenlt stopped "it seems rude to just eat without thanking the host of the party" he thought. Crozeph had to hold back his hunger and looked around. "The host should be someone looking really good, after all this is his party" Crozeph looked at the guy walking with such pride that Crozeph almost laughed "I think that's him" he walked towards the player but stopped and looked at the person again "a guest..." he thought. Crozeph then turned his eyes "maybe someone who is relaxed and just chilling out" he muttered. He looked around and saw Kiru leaning on a wall and there was guy before her "that looks more like the host" he said as he makes his way to the guy sitting.

  20. Crozeph couldn't contain the embarrassment, He picked up the steak and ate it with his bare hands "I-I'm serious...at least let me eat" Crozeph's mailbox beeped as another pm from Tamara came in. Crozeph swallowed a huge chunk of steak "wha...y-yeah there's nothing to lose b-but" Crozeph chewed on the steak again. This girl is playing with him and he could see it but somehow he can't fight back "I've got to fight back" Crozeph looked at Tamara "what I mean is you're too cute for me" he said. Crozeph felt something inside him snap "yeah Crozeph fight back but it looks like you made a lame attack" he said to himself.

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