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Posts posted by Crozeph

  1. "Now that settles things. Shirogane pack a medium level difficulty Sudoku, we're gonna go out and find some golden fleece" he stood up, grabbing his sword and looking around "the Heisenberg twins aren't around today? oh well they'll appear somewhere before we get out of Yomi." He opened his inventory and scanned everything he can give to his two companions. They weren't an official guild, just a group of players making do with the lemons they've been given. "After this I'll head home and see if Yuki is back, take a baguette if she isn't" he thought. It was a dangerous notion, Yuki sometimes doesn't like it when he's stealing ingredients. 

    "The ruins here are pretty depressing, we can go somewhere more lush or vibrant like those ruins near Loreal Elves territories". He had his fair share of adventures on Elven lands thanks to Dazia, Shirogane and Plini may like it there. He scanned his inventory again making sure he has at least ten pieces of bread with him, something to munch on while exploring.

  2. Back in business

    No time to waste, no time to die, and die another day. Crozeph lunged forward, straight from being face down on the ground and then up to running towards Wushen. "I love the smell of stew in the morning!" he yelled.

    A rage fit of survival or annoyance, a little bit of both, maybe more about the annoyance. He wanted to end the battle, getting it dragged on because of his energy losing is really bad for his mental health.

    Ereshkigal's sharp edge grated at the scales of the dragon, eager to sink in but it seems now is still not the time.


    ID: 218263
    BD: 1 + 6 = 7 [success]
    24 x 17 = 408 - 15 = 393

    (8) Crozeph | HP: 920/920 | EN: 18/98 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 | LD:1(2)

  3. Just one more push

    He thought. Things went out of hand this time when it comes to their team's flow of battle. Good thing Koga still had enough to go on. There was no feeling of fatigue or aching bones. None of that exists in the game as a way to keep players safe from torture... maybe.

    Crozeph fell face down on the ground, he wanted to gather what little energy he had to unleash one more attack but he also wanted it to go further. Dirt on his face, palms not sweaty, maybe arms are heavy... Yuki's spaghetti.


    It was the thought of her, the meaning of why he does this. He needed to contribute, they needed to get out. The sound of the wind chiming inside the garden of their manor. the faint clinking of Yuki's utensils as she prepares their meal, his was always special. Yuki would always add a little extra for him. 

    He wanted that again, and that want seems to have a good effect on him.


    Crozeph gained 4 EN
    Crozeph used Meditate and recovered 16 EN

    (8) Crozeph | HP: 920/920 | EN: 35/98 (+4,+16) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 | LD:1(2)

  4. "It fucking persists!"

    Cro yelled, a very rare reaction to any battle he's in. It must've been the heat or the realization that he might not be the pogchamp anymore. 

    or maybe, it's because he's almost out of energy

    He didn't like this blunder, no one does. He ran, strafed, lunged not to his heart's content but to his mind's annoyance. The monster must die or else Wushen would be always giving them the maze runner treatment. 

    Three slashes, all coming at once. Eager to reach the brimstone monster and put it down, like what a feral and undisciplined pet deserves. Three slashes converging at one point, at Brimstone's imaginary double chin. 

    "I'm tired, I want tic tacs."

    ID: 217946
    BD: 4 + 6 = 10 [success] CD: 9 [ST-B] next attack

    24 x 15 = 360 - 325 damage to Brimstoner

    (8) Crozeph | HP: 920/920 | EN: 15/98 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 | LD:1(2)

  5. As Dazia continued with her intricate plan, Crozeph was already slumped on the ground and pulling out tiny weeds. He wasn't the type to reveal what he plans and he also, as much of a scumbag he is, overlaps his plan with others. Of course this has greatly benefited Jacob's Ladder and his fiance but will it work on Dazia? he doesn't care.

    "Elven borders? something stupid?"

    His ears picked up something of a good idea. Crozeph did sucker punched Elves who had superiority complex, he helped the Elves who got gang banged by goblins but in the Elven borders? 

    He grinned at the thought of it "the Elven Borders ehehehe"

    He rolled on his back a few times till he bumped on one treant, stood up and whispered something to their forest friend. The treant gave a slow, growling laugh at what Crozeph whispered and he himself chuckled but it had that slight malevolence in it. 

    "All right your plan is good."


  6. Busy, busy, busy

    He couldn't even take his eyes for moment and try to eat something. Not that he was hungry but because he simply wanted to. Gone are the days where he is so uptight and edgy, reminiscent of Plini, and he hates the ever growing pressure the boss gives. 

    definitely living up to its purpose

    He eased himself into a shin-no-kamae and set his eyes on the new elemental "The fuck you doing here Morphling, this is not the mid lane ."

    Less then a few seconds, he lunged. Ereshkigal once again hummed its eagerness to cut and yet the circumstances of its full potential didn't even aligned. 

    It must've been the property of the elemental, because Cro definitely felt his blade sink deeper than he planned. He grinned, his attack landed and buried deep enough. "Told you this isn't mid lane"

    Tendril-like thorns sprouted out of Ereshkigal's katana as Crozeph pulled it out, hopefully that can keep this thing in check.

    And yes, his energy is fucked.


    ID: 217791
    BD: 9 [critical]
    Phase triggered

    24 +1 = 25 x 12 [ST-I] = 300 - 16 MIT [Phase] = 284 damage to Brimstone

    (6) Crozeph | HP: 920/920 | EN: 30/98 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 | LD:1(2)

  7. He caught the item Night handed him as he ran. the field shifted into something troublesome yet again. "Ah, yes the coward move" he muttered. "I'll keep that in mind" he told @NIGHTas he began his charge towards a different target.

    An annoying addition of damage

    Crozeph was starting to get irked by shifting to another enemy to attack but that's just the way it is for now. He can also see his energy slowly depleting, he seem to consume way more than he thinks. This blunder has been apparent to him landing heavy blows yet leaving the enemy almost unfazed. He followed what Baldur has been doing, no extra movements, just pure skill to hit the enemy. He also used momentum to gain speed rather than pump himself with strength to dash. 

    "I forgot my protein bars in our house."

    Spinning, crashing, landing every slash of his katana. He can't cut deep enough but he needs to, too many chances slipped by with him always aiming to cut deep and not a single one was fruitful enough.


    ID: 217126
    BD: 4+6=10 [success]
    24+8[RIsky]x11[AoE-I]+4[AoE Specialist]= 480 - 75  [MIT] = 405 to [Caustic]
    Crozeph recovered 50 HP
    Crozeph recovered 7 EN
    Risky activated

    (5) Crozeph | HP: 857/920 | EN: 42/98 (-15, +7) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 | LD:1 | STK 2 [80/1] | DSCH [2/1]

  8. Fucking direct current

    Crozeph felt almost sluggish, a sudden discharge was enough to actually make them halt, Wushen gaining control of the pace. Crozeph punched his left wrist and then his face "nothing to be afraid of" he muttered. Koga used an item and it restored some of their health, he knew he can count on him and Night when it comes to these kind of situations.

    him? he was simply like Job's Satan

    Once again he dashed forward, a good distance away from his teammates. The other teams weren't doing so well, one team got the rotisserie treatment. "Let's put some more effort to this Ereshkigal" he muttered again. Crozeph had the speed but his reaction to multiple attacks was terrible. Now Wushen may have just finished its attack but its huge body was a pain for him to build momentum.

    A jodan stance was enough and Crozeph launched his attack, the lightning that struck them wasn't gonna stop him. He was one of the group's DPS, he had to keep his contribution consistent "Hi, ever wondered putting that to alternating current?" 

    No gleam of the blade from the pitch black katana, only a struggle of spikes clawing into Wushen after his upward slash.


    ID: 216503
    BD:5 + 6 = 11 [success]

    Crozeph recovered 50 HP
    Crozeph recovered 7 EN
    Crozeph used ST-I

    24 + 8 [Risky] x 12 = 384 damage to Wushen

    (5) Crozeph | HP: 777/920 | EN: 50/98 (+7, -12) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 | LD:1 | STK 2 [80/2] | DSCH [2/2]

  9. "Uoooooooooogh!"

    Crozeph felt an aura envelope him like a lumpia wrapper and gave him a bump in his energy "now that's like-" he returned to his fight stance and dashed forward, Wushen towering over them. 

    The appearance of health bars was a good sign but he wasn't sure if it is a good sign in the long run. In his experience with games, a boss health bar moving back up is a huge pain in the ass. A huge monster who is indifferent to them is nothing of a threat for him but a monster that heals itself is like a glass of water, manageable at first but will start to be a burden too much to handle after a while.

    Seigan stance, aiming for the belly... if it has one.

    Ereshkigal grated at its skin and sunk deep but to someone like Wushen it is but a small cut, akin to getting cut by paper. A good attack on his perspective, a shallow one for the dragon.

    Recovered 7 energy

    ID: 215747
    BD:4+6=10 [success]

    24 x 15 = 360 - 40 = 340 damage to Wushen

    (4) Crozeph | HP: 920/920 | EN: 55/98 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 |  LD:1

  10. "Sir I am afraid of heights" he told @Koga jokingly before the swordsman tossed him up higher. He wasn't sure what Koga was up to but Wushen attacked again while he was up in the air. It didn't seem to faze the tanks, the dragon too remains unfazed. It was weird for him, getting the moustache pulled hurts like hell but the boss didn't even give a sign of wincing when he tried to cut one of the whiskers off.

    This was a good opportunity though. Koga just did what Colossus does to Wolverine during simulation training in the mediocre X-Men movies. He raised his sword, ready to do one good downward strike to Wushen's eyes "say goodbye to your 20/20 vision Mulan's sidekick!" he quickly lowered his sword, riding with the downward momentum and aimed for the eyes. He felt the contact but did it do damage? only the health bar can tell. Crozeph was beginning to descend, not even a hint of equilibrium on his fall. Crozeph took a deep breath and yelled-

    "Koooooogaaaa, catch me!"

    ID: 215352
    BD: 5 + 6 = 11 [success]

    24 x 12 = 288 - 75 = 213 damage to Wushen

    (3) Crozeph | HP: 920/920 | EN: 63/98 (+4, -12) | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 |  LD:1

  11. Crozeph landed on his feet but at the same time the dragon already attacked the tanks. It gnawed on Freyd, tried to crush Nari, and flicked Night away with its tail. The damage may not be enough to scare them but Crozeph had to take the chance right now. 

    less thinking, Baldur has already given him one tip "don't waste attacks with unnecessary moves. He quickly positioned himself to a sha-no-kamae and launched forward. He tried to run up to Wushen's orbs, hit one and at least deal an attack to its eyes. The gigantic body of the boss would tire anyone out who underestimates its size but not him. He saw @Freyd write something "should've been 'Freyd wuz here'"  he thought. 

    He was almost at one of the orbs, one foot forward, change stance "shin-no-kamae, gotta make use of it"  he muttered. Ereshkigal  was anticipating a chance to bite "Blade Demon second form-" he thrusted his katana but changed direction midway. More speed, cover a large area "-Halcyon Blade."

    He was aiming to complete all three swing in one combined motion but only two reached one of the glowing orb "stupid orbeez!" Crozeph lost his footing and was about to fall.  It was at this moment when he thought of a good save.

    He grabbed on to one of Wushen's whiskers. Crozeph held on tight and as if it wasn't enough, he tried to saw off the whisker he's grabbing with his katana "how you like this?'


    ID: 215138
    BD: 2+6=8 [success]

    DMG [24] x ST-II [15] - 15 =  345 damage to Wushen

    (0) NIGHT | HP: 1099/1299 | EN: 129/146 | DMG: 30 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 4(+1) | BH: 71 | BLD: 48 | BLGT: 32(-20) | FRB: 40(-1) | STK: 40 | HB: 57 | VD: 142 | HELL: 80 | LD: 3 | DOTE: 3/3
    (1) Alkor | HP: 989/989 | EN: 103/118 | DMG: 12 | MITI: 193 | ACC: 4(+1) | BH: 54 | TAUNT | HLY: 16 | FLN: 16 | LD: 3
    (1) Koga | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 112/124 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 50 | EVA: 3(+1) | ACC: 7 | BH: 56 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | V.D.: 113 | LD: 3 |
    (1) Hidden | HP: 966/966 | EN: 81/102 | DMG: 30 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5(+1) | BH: 53 | REC: 8 | PHASE | HLY: 16 | V.O.: 106 | V.D.: 53 | LD: 1 |
    (3) Crozeph | HP: 920/920 | EN: 71/98 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA)(+1) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 |  LD:1 | -96
    (0) Zandra | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 102/108 | DMG: 22 | MIT: 190 | ACC: 1(-1) | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | PARA.I | FRZ.I | FL. AURA: 16 | TXC: 32 | DOTE: 3/3

  12. All the way... the blade is now fully unsheathed.

    Crozeph need not to keep Ereshkigal waiting, he lowered his leg and made a ko-gasumi no kamae, some kind of ninja stance he practiced somewhere in Tartarus. The sword was starting to rattle as Crozeph fixated his eyes on Wushen "do you grant wishes?" he muttered.

    Crozeph darted, it was fast enough that he who was behind the group was quick to reach Wushen. He went past Hidden who may have tried to slink back to the shadows and then Koga, saying something about ass and riding... curious. Ereshkigal fully enveloped his arm, never letting the moment of bliss slip away. One dark trail of amorphous appeared from behind.

    the blade was grinding at Wushen's skin, it sounded really bad but...

    Hit katana sunk deeper than he planned, he grit his teeth; no showing of grin for moments like this. His speed and excitement created enough momentum and the cherry on top that is Phase made it sunk deep, Ereshkigal wants to disembowel this enemy.


    He forced his katana to go upward and leaped back, Ereshkigal's humming was starting to sound faint, as if waiting for another chance. Crozeph in mid-air, not knowing what's in store of them should Wushen suddenly attacks.


    ID: 215082
    BD: 10 [Phase activated]
    ST-I (12 + 2 x 24 = 366 - 6 = 360 damage to Wushen)

    [2] NIGHT | HP: 1299/1299 | EN: 129/146 | DMG: 30 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 4 | BH: 71 | BLD: 48 | BLGT: 32(-20) | FRB: 40(-1) | STK: 40 | HB: 57 | VD: 142 | HELL: 80 | LD: 3 | DOTE: 3/3
    [2] Alkor | HP: 989/989 | EN: 103/118 (-15) | DMG: 12 | MITI: 193 | ACC: 4 | BH: 54 | TAUNT | HLY: 16 | FLN: 16 | LD: 3
    [1] Koga | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 112/124 (124 -12) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 50 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 7 | BH: 56 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | V.D.: 113 | LD: 3 | [CHARGE CD, 0/3]
    [1] Hidden | HP: 966/966 | EN: 81/102 | DMG: 30 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 5 | BH: 53 | REC: 8 | PHASE | HLY: 16 | V.O.: 106 | V.D.: 53 | LD: 1 | [CHARGE CD, 0/3]
    [2] Crozeph | HP: 920/920 | EN: 86/98 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 104 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 5(6/AA) | BH: 50 | PHASE | FLN: 16 | PARA.I | RSKY: 8 |  LD:1 

    Wushen, Elemental Warlord | DMG ACCUMULATED: 2,086 (1726+360) | DMG: 200 | MITI: 75 15 (-20)(-20)(-20) | ACC: 3 (-1) | EVA: 0 | [DELAY] | [SHATTER 2, 0/3]

  13. Numbers ever so increasing

    Crozeph took another look at them. No one knows if their number is enough to win this one. He wasn't expecting an easy fight, like how codes are bound not to work at first try. He took one good look at himself too, not even a piece of hard armor. It was his intent, he had the enhancements needed to be what his role is in the battlefield, a glass cannon, an oslo paper version of Noah's ark, a milk carton atomic bomb. He then proceeded to grab the mass healing crystals from Night. There was no need to ask her what the items are for, too dumb to ask for it. Hidden was with their team, what a cruel world. "Lighten up?" he said, looking at @Hiddenwho walked past him "this is probably the lightest clothes I could wear" he added.

    footsteps, no reverberation yet the dread sound so loud

    He pulled out the blade of Ereshkigal halfway, black amorphous liquid slowly drizzled- not downwards but upwards. Wrapping up starting from Crozeph's wrist and then finally reaching is neck. It might seemed like the katana had a life of its own, it once was a part of someone after all. He kicked up a piece of crystal scattered, might be a piece that got axed off by Night when she ventured and fought the place. He caught the piece mid-air and gazed at it, looking at how almost pure it looks when it's glowing then to the golem.

    "All right, I want more of these Heisenberg" he told the golem before biting it and trying to swallow the crystal.


    received from Night
    Imugi's Inspiration x5


  14. "It's good that you all know each other" he thought as he ate the consumables Night had laid down for the players. It would be best if he kept interaction to a minimum. Sometimes he finds it hard to answer question from others who want to catch up. He has been drifting all over Aincrad with no purpose aside fromcro.thumb.png.e936cffcd49e0c3cd5144ce8f0ed8f17.png
     keeping Night's Watch afloat and cleaning Mikoto no Souen. Still no chance of him meeting Yuki, "she's just really busy" is what Cro tells himself. He waved at @Hirru, a good companion but him and Crozeph won't be on the same team. "It's fine, all is well" he told himself. No sign of any Jacob's Ladder member aside from him and their allies. 


    He continued with the consumption listening at Nari then Night as they seem to be discussing about the stones. @Freyd is there too, always looking ready to
     fight in Crozeph's eyes. Quite a small party this time. Maybe smaller for his taste but no use complaining, not everyone is ready to risk their life. Crozeph may already seem like a denizen of Floor 10 and almost enough to rule his own ward inside Tartarus but Floor Boss battle can claim lives in a sudden turn. 

    no matter how ahead of the curve, a sudden turn is all it takes

    Ereshkigal is strapped on his side, making faint humming sounds, as if it was excited to meet another of its kind even if the katana is simply a remnant of Shadow. "Tasty, I guess you can at least compete on my wife's coo-" he stopped himself from saying further to @NIGHT. Unnecessary, They're going to fight with their lives on the line. The fact that the thought looms over him makes Cro remember her. He bit his lip and took one huge bite out of the duck "of course, I'll go home in one piece for her" he muttered, still chewing the food.

    The stones lit up, now the fun begins. They just have to figure out who's gonna be on the fun side. Cro's dead stare was fixated on the glow "well it's too early for Christmas but I like the spirit" he said. Erehskigal's humming was starting to get louder and Crozeph quickly gripped her hilt "soon, have patience."




    Consumed buff from Night:
    Liquor of Light [+3 damage]
    Mooncake gift box [+2 ACC]
    Peking Duck Skin platter [+3 OH]
    Peking Duck tray [+3 MIT]

    Inventory [extension]
    Dimensional backpack [+1 slot]
    Teleport crystal [2]

    Stat Block [buffed]
    HP: 920/920 | EN: 98/98 | MIT: 104 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 2 | FLN: 16 | Phase | Risky 8 | BH: 46

  15. "A cycle maybe" he muttered. Elements were usually believed back then too flow as a cycle in some culture. It was what he learned too in his dumbass days in college. it all starts with something raw and ends into nothing. Crozeph wasn't a fan of this kind of thinking but he preferred to keep his inner voices in check when it comes to this. There have been a lot of ideas being laid down in the meeting, he has to come up with something that may cater to the final set-up once this meeting wraps up. He nodded at BIstro at the mention of the manpower and agreed, quite shorthanded sometimes.

    "Enough clay to make bricks" he thought.

    There were a lot of new faces too, a guy who's got Lucifer's nickname, a girl who introduce herself as Kista or so he heard "that's some gangsta name" he thought, and a Vigimon. A clatter made Crozeph turn his attention somewhere else and saw someone spill the food. A if it triggered something in him, Crozeph darted and grabbed what was on the floor. Putting some on his arms and munching the other. It took a few seconds but he was back to where he was, delicacies on his arms.

    "Five seconds rule."

    As he continued to consume delicious snacks, he finally managed to recall that one game that had a lot going on, a bullet hell-RPG-resource management-JRPG game... Knights in the Nightmare. "A certain game I know had this 'Law and Chaos' mechanic. It basically means if the battle field was set in the fog of law and law-type weapons, attacks are very effective but as the combos drop; the boss or enemies begin to take less damage because they adapted to the attacks. Players then switch to Chaos type weapons and fog then beat the crap out of the enemies before they adapt. Rinse and repeat."

    Cro then gobbled three tarts at once and continued "my point is, we can consider that the enemy will adapt on it's weakness. we hit it with Fallen it may hurt at first but it will adapt, then we may have to rely on something else to damage it until it is weak again to Fallen. This means even if we hit a weakness, it might just adapt to it and we're screwed if that happens. We gotta even out the extra effects of what the DPS can offer." Another set of tarts consumed and he looked at the list "as much as I'd like to see @Ariel - The Crowned Lion's beautiful swordsmanship or @Freyd in action again, I'll be a DPS on party 3 the easter bunny team. I'm suffering from being a really brittle glass cannon but nothing that evasion and overhealth buffs can't fix."

    - enemy boss may adapt to elements with continuous attacks, take caution.
    - evenly spread out the DPS with extra effects on their enhancements for flexibility



    Party #1 Party #2 Party #3
    TANK | Freyd TANK | Nari-Lanreth TANK | NIGHT
    HEAL | Hirru HEAL | Krysta HEAL | N/A
    DPS | Kataoka DPS | Jomei DPS | Koga
    DPS | Morningstar DPS | Ariel DPS | Crow
    DPS | N/A DPS | Vigilon DPS | N/A
    DPS | N/A DPS | Lessa DPS | N/A
  16. *munch munch*

    "They don't know I've been here the whole tim-" as if by some kind of joke he was handed an item containing information about the boss. He had the chance to be a part of two battles. It seems no one from Jacob's Ladder was in the meeting, Ariel is counted as an ally but other than that he's seen the familiar faces and with Night and Bistro hosting the whole meeting.

    How he reached and found the place doesn't matter, he's here and that's that.

    "Bistro a true homie" he uttered. Maybe some heard and some not but it is true. Bistro was a true friend who made Crozeph his cursed drink that tastes like roasted beef. 

    Now to the info at hand 

    Crozeph looked and listened. Elements, quite intriguing but he wasn't familiar with wuxing. Back when he studied engineering, there were less mentioned of impressive chinese engineering and so he had less info to work with. "It does represent them well" he muttered before munching on another rice cake. Musashi had same concepts when he wrote Five Rings but Crozeph find it absurd to connect it to that with how wuxing seem closer to it. Ereshkigal, his katana, rested on his shoulder and he started to loosen the tie on his neck. "A Tao system I've read had a similar concept, a balance of strong and weak. Counter a weak attack with strong, counter a strong attack with weak. So it's highly possible and I agree that this fight would be more on swapping to be flexible in battle."

    "What if we assign teams with one element to focus on? that way we got one team to focus healing while we still have one team who can hit hard. I'd just assume if one element doesn't have its weakness or strength they'd receive neutral damage."

    *munch munch*

    Muttering to himself and his thoughts start to get louder and louder

  17. "It's not absurd if we're helping each other" he replied to his slightly stoic alchemist. Plini reminded him of who he was back then. The only difference is he was like that due to the events of his life. Plini looked more of he was born to be that way and Crozeph respects that. However, the point of his idea is to foster a better connection to everyone. Plini gets to have materials he can use, Shirogane can have fun with the logistics, while he can stretch his legs after a long while.

    He was itching for a fight.

    He stood up and paced around the room, hand on his chin and thinking of something to convince Plini that it's a good thing. "Think of it this way, we get to know each other more, and you might meet some beautiful woman. It can spark an inspiration to you, I speak through experience."

  18. "Wouldn't it be a good idea if we do some restocking of Plini's raw materials?" he asked. For so long his small group made occasional meet-ups inside his shop just to kick back and relax. Well he was the only one relaxing, Shirogane has been making sure the shop and its storage room as properly catalogue according to how he wanted it. Crozeph wasn't lazy, he preferred a certain kind of arrangement. For his assistant however it was dogshit. He recalled ow Shirogane was an expert in logistics on some other games as she told from her stories. He was more of a Diablo inventory guy and turns out, it was a shitty kind of inventory for Shirogane.

    Now he spends his time looking at what he has, it seems he doesn't have anything much to offer, so this means it's up to him and his A-Team to fill his storeroom with supplies and materials.



  19. The puzzle clearly gave Cro a shock. something really intricate inside a labyrinth. Whoever was in charge of development probably sneaked in something like this in the future should players dabble their curiosity with exploration. Back he wasn't a hamster trapped in a game, he played this game. The very game where people gave him a disgusted look not by how good he was... it was because without a timer he was stalling the game far too long.

    He can't be that overly defensive player this time or they'll be stuck here forever.

    Crozeph squeezed himself in and made his way to the knight. "Mimicking movements is nice until-" he grabbed the piece by the nose and hurled it across the line of pawn and landing where he wants it to be, quite a perfect aim for someone with problems with depth perception and that's thanks to Aincrad "developing pieces is a huge part of this shit."


    White knight G1 to F3

  20. "Shit! someone grab a fire extinguisher with a red label" 

    Crozeph is no fan of flames, and seeing how Night activated one trap was enough to for him to move forward and try try to push her off. It would be a mistake for him too but his katana was more than generous to actually help him. Night seemed to be fine after that trigger and this time it might be him. In a few seconds after confirming that she's fine, Croeph turned his head and saw that the flames are about to make a rotisserie out of him too.

    Ereshkigal turned all black and enveloped Crozeph. Although not completely covered, the flames subsided upon the black liquid covered him and at least made him less detectable. "Well that seemed weird but I'll allow it" he muttered. His weapon had always been a fickle thing and once again it has proven to be helpful at times that he was a complete idiot.

    ID: 212495 | LD: 20 | Stealth success.


  21. "Very nice" he uttered, nodding his head. Impressed by the drink, Crozeph grabbed it like a kid who stole a family-size bag of Doritos from the kitchen and hurried back to where he was before. Warm and tall enough to satisfy his craving, he gazed at the clouds, the blue sky, and birds soaring up and down below. Buildings which were supposed to be bigger than them is now at the size of his palm. He reached his hand out, scaling it. He was afraid of heights but that seemed to be less of an issue, thanks to his soon to be wife which he still cannot find or contact.

    He chugged a few while looking at the people behind him. They seem to be acquainted or trying to be, depends on the progress of their conversation. It was a nice drink, he even had some on his lips as he lowered the mug. "Good to know that they're all trying to get along"  he thought. 

    "Hmm, that's weird. Aren't parties like these supposed to have a band playing music for dances? or maybe I'm too preoccupied to hear them?"

  22. The coat fluttered at the breeze, some would say he looked like a badass protagonist. This is Crozeph, he has no notions of becoming one. He may look sharp but his mind is of a child. As the coat raised at the whim of the breeze, he immediately grabs it and pulls the coat to himself. "Goddamn Constantine jacket" he muttered. People are coming in now steadily into the airship. Everyone looked splendid, as if this event was told to them in advance. 

    "I think I'll help myself with a drink" he walked away and began to look around. There is a bar, he just needed to think what drink would make him look like a normal person asking for one "my experience starts and ends with beer but that's something you order in taverns and classmates with nothing to do" he thought. Lots of things to consider and it was only just a drink "my bestfriend drinks vodka but it has those decorations, should I say those too?" and just like that he reverted to thinking of something else to say.

    He began walking, every possible answer he could think if because there's no way he's asking for a double chocolate milk drink to a bartender. Every step felt like six seconds apart but all is well once he's in front of the bar, leaned forward and said what he has to say.

    "double chocolate milk, in a mug, warm if ever."

  23. Today he's someone else...

    The search has been very unfruitful. HIs messages was lost, his frequent return at their home seem to yield no result too. His elusive wife in search of something he didn't know is still out there. His mind drifted to her fighting hordes of monsters, protecting other players, and whatever heroic shit she can pull just by her bravery alone. He wasn't like that, despite how back then they were both sword and shield together, now she's both sword and shield while he is now a bread knife... and even a bread can defeat a knife like him.

    Maybe an event like this can take his mind off of it at the moment. After a few instructions to his associates at Night's Watch, Crozeph proceeded to procure a set of clothing. He wore it without second thought as he saw it inside a crate in their shop. It seemed like a fancy kind of outfit so he just wore it.

    Zumama was the first to revolt, it screamed a war criminal despite the different color. Shirogane laughed while Plini nodded in approval, truly a man's man. 

    Snap back to reality

    The citizen of the floor area didn't know how to react, at some point he looked like a high ranking officer while his blue eyes gave them an intimidating vibe. He quickly dismissed it with a dumbass smile and boarded the ship.

    "Ah, all around me are familiar faces" he thought. He paid them no mind and went to the deck. The airship had memories of him and the frontliners, they fought here just recently. Now everything is at peace at again, maybe. The clouds looked the same to him too, looking like white sugar cotton candies. The event went on but he, just like always, liked being by himself.

    "If only she was here, I would show her that dinosaur looking cloud."






  24. He was given the signal and that's what he likes to hear. Night have already dealt with some as Hirru kept them afloat with buffs. Nacho was doing well too, he just met her but she was already doing a god impression to him like how Night just decided to make a quest boss as her bitch.

    "Alright, making my way downtown-"

    One downward swing to the first sentinel, a sound of metal grating was starting to annoy him. His attack seem to be too shallow but no problem for this dumbass. He shifted his weight and turned the sharp edge up and then-

    A sound of something rock hard getting sliced followed

    The sentinel lost balance, it must be the left part of its body crumbling. He followed it with a throw of his katana to the center of the sentinel's body and ran towards it. Doing the same with the first one by this time downwards. He also held a piece of their body and tried biting it until it also followed from shattering "hmm, not edible I guess" he muttered. 

    Now the first sentinel can still go on and it seem to be gunning for Night. Crozeph turned his head quick, aiming to finish what he blundered.

    212487 8 5 9 10 Crozeph http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png AoE I > Labyrinth Sentinel #2 2023-02-22 03:06:36
    212486 1 6 18 10 Crozeph http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png AOE I > Labyrinth Sentinel 1 2023-02-22 03:05:30

    BD: 1+6-1=6 [HIT]
    BD: 8+6-1=13 [HIT]
    Crozeph dealt 
    23 x 11 [AoE I] = 253-100= 153 damage to Sentinel #1
    23 + 16 x 11 [AoE I] = 429-100= 329 damage to Sentinel #2

    [1,2] Crozeph | HP: 920/920 | EN: 74/98 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 94 | ACC: 6* | EVA: 4 | FLN: 16 | Phase | REC: 3 | LD: 4| Risky II
    [0,0] Hirru | HP: 1104/1104 | EN: 91/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | EVA: 2 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 76 | LD: 14 | CLDN [Barrier 0/2]
    [2,2] Nari-Lanreth | HP: 966/966 | EN: 89/98 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 23 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 60 | B.Healing [+46] | L.Momentum: 1 | LD: 4 | Bld: 48 | Concentration [1/5] | +4 EN -13 EN
    [4,4] NIGHT | HP: 1242/1242 | EN: 115/146 | DMG: 21 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 6 | MIT: 134 | LD: 13 | BH: 68 | VAMP-D: 68 | FS | AA | Stealth Rating: 6

    Labyrinth Sentinel #1 | HP: 41/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 100 [120-20] | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase | Shatter [2/3]
    Labyrinth Sentinel #2 | HP: 0/1200 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 100 [120-20]  | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase | Shatter [1/3]


    "ID: 218180 | LD: 20 (16, +4) | CD: 2 | 8,400col, Tier 4 Perfect Consumable (1), Tier 4 Rare Trinket (1)
    ID: 218179 | LD: 15 (11, +4) | CD: 5 | 3,600col, Tier 4 Materials (4), Tier 4 Rare Weapon (1), Tier 4 Uncommon Consumable (1)"


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