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Posts posted by Able

  1. Able listened to her words of encouragement and had gone in to strike the goblin after being cheered on. He had a grin on his face, up until the goblin had blocked his attack with it's tiny, rusted dagger. "WHY AM I SO DAMN UNFORTUNATE?!" he screamed with frustration. It appeared that this opponent was just too slippery to hit because once again, he was unlucky. On the bright side, he was able to deny the goblin from counter attacking himself by keeping his blade connected. "I'm so sorry you have to watch me struggle." he said ashamed of himself. The goblin before him look at him with narrow eyes and a sneer on his face as it laughed directly at him, spitting towards his face at the same time.

    The obnoxious noises coming from the mob were quite literally getting on his nerves, as the saliva of the enemy had touched his arm. The red haired player had defeat in his eyes and the fight had barely even began. At this rate, he'd be here all night with little to no progress, and the best part of it all was he had an audience that could mock him post fight-- that is, if the fight will ever end. "Imagine the headlines already! Level 9 stuck in a permanent fight with goblin, a spectacle you can't miss right here on the third floor!" Joking around with Telrenya to perhaps lighten the mood, since she wasn't exactly able to just go in and attack. Instead, of getting more frustrated, instead, he simply began to make himself a well known meme as that trend had been going around. Anything that was funny, people just made it go viral around the floating castle and it became today's hottest news.

    [ID: 85620]

    Goblin: [MD: 5] [Miss]

    Able: [BD: 5] [Miss]


    Able | HP: 172/180 | NRG: 14/18 [+1 - 2 = -1] | Hate - 0

    Telrenya | HP: 20/20 | NRG: 2/2 | Hate - 0


    Goblin | HP: 30/30 | DMG: 9 |

  2. "Dammit, why is it every time I want to go hunting, players keep taking out all of the mob spawns in the area?!" Able had shown his frustration on his face as it seemed like the mid-tier players keep coming through the lower leveled floors and clearing out all of the mobs to harvest their loot and Col. "How exactly are we supposed to level up if these players are stealing our training locations?" Asking questions aloud was one of his few pet peeves as it let others hear exactly what he was thinking, not that he has ever really been a person to keep his thoughts to himself. Being vocal and honest about how he felt was a common process of his. Normally there'd be some boars right outside of town, but it seems as if someone had just taken those out too. "Well, looks like no training for today, and since the area is clear--", he stopped himself mid sentence as he took another glance around himself just to make sure there wasn't an enemy in sight or a player anywhere in the immediate distance. Once he found that the coast was clear, he dropped his body to lay on the grass of the fields on the first floor and just relax. He closed his eyes lightly enough to where he would block out the sun, but nothing to put him to sleep. His arms were under his head for comfort and legs were in the shape of a four while one was bent and the other rest upon it, a rather uncomfortable position, but he didn't quite feel the need to change his posture.

    The temperature was perfect and nothing was wrong with this floor, if anything, many people would say that the first floor was one of the most perfectly designed floors for people to just relax, live, hang out, train, run a shop, everything. Of course he wanted to make his way to the front lines relatively soon, but nothing really mattered if he couldn't kill any mobs for experience. He let out a sigh of relief as now he was just able to rest his body further.


  3. Able let out a gentle sigh, as the goblin continued to dance in place for a brief moment, but not much longer the goblin had decided to stop its mockery. He wasn't entirely sure if it was done and just got bored with his incapability to hit the humanoid target, or if it was looking more towards killing them to loot whatever it could off of him. Taking small but rapid steps, allowed the goblin to approach Able quickly enough that it had momentum to go through with an attack. 

    [ID: 85616]

    Goblin: [MD: 10] [11 - 3 = 8 Damage]

    Able: [BD: 5] [Miss]

    Although the goblin was small, when the rusty, tiny dagger came swinging towards him, near his hip it left a digital, red mark that glowed and refused to disappear after the blade tip connected with the player. He let out a tiny grunt, but it wasn't too bad since the attack was mitigated by some of his armor stat, perhaps it was cut down by a few damage, but nothing significant enough. The red haired player attempted to retaliate with an attack using his left arm, but was too slow as he was currently more focused on the wound that had just appeared. Looking up in the corner of his menu, he could see a tiny portion of his health was missing.

    Realizing that Telrenya can't attack until he generates enough hatred, she would have to stay back. "Alright, so remember when I said we were going to train. At this rate, you get to stand there and watch me get cut apart since clearly I can't generate enough hate for aggro so it focuses me instead of you. Try to stay back until I generate enough so that you aren't in harms way. If it gets to a point where I can't tank it anymore, we can always retreat and come back later when I'm fully healed. Last thing I want is for a player to die on my watch, plus it doesn't help that you have a great smile, wouldn't want to see that fade so quickly." He explained himself as he was the tank. If something happened to Telrenya, or anybody for that matter while he was given trust by them to protect them and keep them alive, he would never forgive himself. Perhaps the next series of attacks could lead the situation to change. 


    Able | HP: 172/180 | NRG: 15/18 [+1 - 2 = -1] | Hate - 0

    Telrenya | HP: 20/20 | NRG: 2/2 | Hate - 0


    Goblin | HP: 30/30 | DMG: 9 |


  4. Telrenya mentioned something about her brother and if he found out she were here. Assuming something happened or he's never around, he didn't want to pry on the subject further, usually personal comments like that mean it's a heavy subject, so he decided to change the subject. She also talked about her academics and that she was in college, but as an undecided major. "That's interesting, I was in college too right before I came into this game. I was actually getting ready to go to college myself, but I was going to be an accounting major, so I had all the intents of becoming a numbers guy." Normally after that comment, he'd use a pickup line, such as asking for their number while they're on the subject. Finally getting close to the target, he put the map down, now that it wasn't needed.

    Unlike most players, he didn't need to draw a weapon, instead he raised his fists ready to fight. Being closer to the enemy, he could finally tell what it was. Goblins, not any strong goblins though, they were poorly equipped, perhaps a rusty dagger and some leather chest pieces or pants. He ran towards the group and managed to get close enough so only a single one would follow him away from the group. "You ready?" he asked her to make sure she was prepared to attack it with him. Although it wasn't the strongest of enemies, it was strong enough for the two of them at the time being. The goblin spoke words of a different language, but nothing audible to even make clear, in fact, it sounded like it was just making noises and cackles at time almost like a bird would. It held the dagger with shaky hands and the blade was partially broken, although still lethal.

    [ID: 85595] [BD: 2] [Miss -2 Energy]

    Able took this time to fortify himself rather than charge in. Not entirely sure how fast the opponent was, he ran towards it and went for a straight punch at the short target. However, being as predictable as an open book, he was easily evaded with a simple... sidestep? The goblin didn't do much aside from step to the side a few feet and then laugh at him. The goblin mocked his attack and fell to the ground laughing at his pathetic attack. Turning red in the face, not with anger, but with embarrassment. He refused to look at the player behind him, instead he felt like he was a joke with such an attack. "Well I guess you're up." 



    Able | HP: 180/180 | NRG: 16/18 [-2] | Hate - 0 

    Telrenya | HP: 20/20 | NRG: 2/2 | Hate - 0


    Goblin | HP: 30/30 | DMG: 9 |

  5. Managing to get Telrenya to agree with his plan was the first part. It's the second part that imposed a problem to the both of them. She didn't know the floor, and neither did Able, which worried him because he didn't want to blindly walk a floor and stumble across an enemy that was too much too handle. He thought through the scenario and came to the conclusion that he'd be tanking anyways, so he wouldn't exactly have to worry about something one shotting him, nor her to be honest. Just because they were low leveled, doesn't mean they should be dead within a single blow from any of the enemies closer to the floor's capital city. "I'll be honest with you here kid. I don't know the floor either, however, nothing a map can't fix right?" He tried to make it sound like a joke, and realized he had just called her a kid, for all he knew she may actually be older than him, so time will tell if that would get to her or not.

    Beginning to lead the way towards the exit of the town, Able came to the main entrance of the city, or to others it's the exit to the actual floor's wilderness. All of this depended on which side of the gate you were. Stepping through he gave a glance at the scenery before him. For a majority of the field of view, he saw nothing but plains and fields, but he could see off in the distance the forestry that most likely contained enemies that were tougher than the usual. Making sure she was still behind him, he started up another conversation so it wasn't an awkward and silent walk. "So how'd you get stuck in SAO?" A common question to ask people that you came across, but still semi-personal. Some people are even ashamed that they're trapped in this game.

    "In case it bothers you to answer, I'll even go first. Instead of giving the long story, I'm going to compress it however." he gave it a moment of thought at how he wanted to word his way to this point. "It started in high school, I was an athlete, a top student of my class, in a family that was relatively well off. Never having any real family related problems, I've spent my time studying, playing sports, or sleeping with women. However, even when none of those three were one of the things I was doing, there were video games, obviously having the money for it, I went to get myself the NervGear and before I knew it... I was stuck playing this game with no idea that I wouldn't be leaving the game anytime soon."

    Watching the map as he walked on further, he noticed enemies further off, no more than a ten minute walk, enough time to finish a conversation or at least get going on a second one, since training most likely wouldn't take all of their attention even if they were such low levels. Squinting his eyes narrowly, he couldn't exactly tell which type of enemies they are, but they looked smaller in size, and not too lethal compared to the enemies that he saw on the bulletin board on the ninth floor. "Shouldn't be too much further", he assured her as he watched the map and listened to her reply.

  6. Waiting patiently for the blonde, it wasn't long before he saw the female figure appear before him and so he stood up straight with one hand in his dress pants pockets. He cleared his throat when she asked what kind of training he had in mind, "Well, you see I did the quest to achieve Martial Arts, buuuut I haven't actually done any combat since completing the quest."

    Bringing one hand up behind his head to scratch the back of his head through his medium length hair, he chuckled at the thought of being such a high level without having a shredded ounce of actual combat in his experience list. "I was thinking that we could go out and go fight some mobs up until the point that I can't tank them anymore, since my health pool is larger." The idea of going out to train was something he'd been wanting to do but loathed the actual act of doing so, or alone at least. 

  7. "Telrenya... That's such a unique name. I like it, it's a pleasure to meet you", he said to the blonde player before him. He gladly shook her hand and then did a slight bow in return as she did one herself. He had grown accustomed to such introductions though even in the real world, being relatively well off and money not being the greatest of problems. Although meeting the player was pleasant, he couldn't agree with her more when she requested to shift to a different floor, a floor more suitable for actually getting to know someone or train mobs. "You know, I was actually thinking the same thing. Perhaps we can go to the third floor? I know the enemies are still rather tough compared to you, but I believe I can tank for a fair bit, being level 9 at the time being."

    He waved his hand to suggest he follow her to the teleportation pad as he looked behind him. He stood on the teleportation pad still sweating like a husky in the middle of summer of Arizona. "I'll meet you on the third floor then, alright?" Able said the words that teleported him away and brought him to the third floor, Delilah, to be exact. The homes were all made of natural material and the layout of the floor couldn't be more different than the ninth floor, aside from the fourth, which happened to be in a state of permanent winter. Finally capable of drawing a breath without burning his lungs, he enjoyed feeling a light breeze that crossed his skin. Even though sweat still happened to be on him, and his hair still wet, he knew that after a fair bit of waiting, all of this would dry off and he'd be back to being as good as normal, which was clearly better looking than most guys in this game.

  8. Coming towards the end of the meal he had ordered himself he couldn't find himself finishing the meal because the heat was simply too much for him to deal with. He let out a grunt of exhaustion as the temperature that felt like it would never stop escalating began to hit his lungs with hot and heavy air from inhale to every exhale. He couldn't even swallow any saliva from his mouth or lick his lips as water seemed to evaporate to the touch of any surface to exist on this floor, honestly he was amazed that the water they served here was somehow cold, rather than boiling hot. He opened the diner door, which exited to the town center, but didn't offer more than a gust of heavy wind quickly that felt like he kissed a stove while it's on the hottest setting with his entire face.

    After enduring the unpleasant sensation, he stepped out of the diner and pulled the door shut behind him. He let out another deep breath that was following a heavy inhale as breathing even seemed a struggle, making his lungs burn. He eyed the teleportation pad so that he could escape what felt like legitimate hell, based on the temperatures that is, but was cut short of his focused thought because of a feminine voice. He shifted his look over to the bulletin board that had a woman standing nearby claiming that something was too high of level, most likely the monsters. Not having any real combat experience other than beating the ever living something out of a boulder, he had decided that this was an opportunity for him. Rather than walking towards the teleport pad, he approached the woman, or at least managed to walk up behind her.

    "Excuse me, but I happened to have overheard you talking about something being too high of level, which I can only assume are the monsters on this floor. I don't know you, nor do I expect you to take me up on this offer, but I was considering going training regardless on one of the lower floors, would you be interested in joining me?" He asked with a generous smile one his face and his eyes locking with her, but with multiple blinks because the temperature irritated his eyes. It was at that point he realized that he hadn't even been a proper gentleman, "Apologies, I should've started out with an introduction shouldn't I? Well haha, my name is Tobias, but you can call me Able, or Tobi, or even Tobias still if you'd like" he introduced himself like a normal human being as he reached out his hand in order for her to shake his hand if she so pleased.

    Due to such an improper first meeting, he had already proven a poor first impression, but hope isn't lost, as every situation has a method of recovery, just some people are better at finding it than others. He could tell that the woman was already hot clearly as the heat was hitting him the moment he was on this floor, and he had began sweating within mere minutes. The people around them were scarce and were rather illusive because they stayed inside most of the time, or they weren't even on this floor, but here and there you'd see some armored players walk through, or an NPC that was fully clothed to withstand temperatures this high so that they were at no risk of the heat and temperature.

  9. The ninth floor many players dreaded, not simply because it was a poorly engineered floor. It was one of the hottest, if not the hottest floor in the entire game thus far. As it was a volcanic wasteland, the lands of it are scorched and the wind doesn't feel any better than the rays of the sun that burn blisters into your skin. If this were the real world, this is a floor that would literally kill people for heat exhaustion, dehydration, and overall systematic shock and body failure. However, due to the fact that this is a game, people weren't as concerned, but still disliked the theme of the floor. Only the few players that were brave enough to stay in the floor for more than five minutes were considered already insane, but then again, there were some fine and dandy quests that were about the floor too with some nice material hunting locations that material gatherers seek regularly to maintain their stock within their shops and warehouses.

    Able wiped his hand across his forehead, dispersing any sweat pearls that rested across his entire face. His shirt had practically become see through as sweat coated his skin that was exposed near the torso region, making his body glisten and shimmer in the light. His hair wasn't as free flowing either, the sweat buildup over time had actually gotten to him and made his hair dangle as if he had just come fresh out of the shower. Water was a resource he invested into often when he was about this floor, dehydration was a weakness, especially in combat. Not just does it make you feel worse in combat, but you obviously feel more sluggish in general. Able was in the main town, Yōgan Village, he wasn't entirely sure of what to expect out in the wild. Enemies that were too strong was one of his primary concerns. He had gone into one of the diners and got himself some water and a small portion of a meal, nothing too bizarre, but enough to keep his body at a low body temperature, even though the indoors felt just as hot as the outdoors.



  10. Able took a deep breath, the climate control of this floor was so interesting. Due to the fact that there were large hills and mountains all over, the oxygen levels varied all over the floor. He found that at some parts of the map it would be extremely difficult to inhale while others were perfectly fine. Trekking mountains wasn't a feat of Able's but it was enjoyable. Nature walks were one of his favorite past times and honestly, he had no intentions of doing anything but lounging about the day to make time pass by. He felt confident enough to travel across every floor as he finally had a combat stat. Sure, it wasn't the strongest, but it was a method for him to dish out damage, and that's all he really needed. Sometimes, Able heard the wind whistle past his ear, other time he heard the birds as they called out to each other as they flew from one end of the map to the other. Although Able had his Martial Arts skill in effect now, he has yet to really do anything with it. In fact, he hasn't even killed an enemy yet since he's gotten it because he just hated the quest to do it so much. Perhaps if he found an enemy along the way he'll do something about it, but for now he was almost like one of those pacifist monks from television shows he used to watch.

    Not even sure where he was, he opened up his menu to get access to his map, which pointed out that he was about an hour away from Nimbus. Temperatures were rising and he did have some sweat on his slightly exposed chest, as all he wore was a dress shirt that was partially unbuttoned. Never once did he forget his red bangs though, they were always in the way, but not something that he got annoyed with. He enjoyed it just as much as he enjoyed sleeping, and that a lot. Able had seen very little people on the floor outside of towns and cities. Perhaps people would come here more often if there weren't any hills, but if that were the case, then it would like floor 1 and 2. He let out a deep breath once more and then continued onward. Just as he thought people didn't even exist anymore, he saw a figure. Off in the distance, not too far, ten minutes travel at most. It was small, but it looked humanoid. If this was an ogre or a troll of some sort, then he sure had it coming for him because he wasn't sure how strong the enemies were. The humanoid figure was coated in black, tough to identify anything other than that color, so with nothing on his mind but to do something exciting and new, he headed towards the shape he saw off in the distance.

    (OOC: Sorry about the late reply, not even making excuses, I was simply lazy and didn't feel like replying to anything. Shouldn't be much of a problem now however.)


  11. A breeze amid the floor and the bright and gleaming sun above shone light upon the second floor. Treading throughout the town of Urbus, the Fields of Crossing, and other towns and villages on the second floor. Able had just left Urbus to go on a afternoon walk, as the weather was nearly perfect. He allowed his red hair to flow with the wind, and although the bangs of his eye length hair got in the way at times, he enjoyed the sensation of the wind kissing his skin lightly as if it were a soft hand brushing it aside. His clothing was the same attire as always, he was dressed rather formal, but not in such a fashion most people would present himself, he always left his top buttons undone and allowed part of his chest to be revealed, also he had a thing for leaving his sleeves rolled up past his elbows, and the tie that most people would wear to complete their formal clothing was used almost like a neck wrap that he'd just let hang inside of his dress shirt to do with as he pleased. Since he was a martial artist, he never actually carried a weapon on him, but that didn't mean he was strong, in fact it was quite the opposite. He was an elegant player, but a low level that couldn't post much of a threat to a field boss if he came across one.

    Earning his martial arts was a skill he did entirely by himself. Many players had apparently gotten help from others, while he was stuck doing it alone from the very beginning. Once he had acquired his skill he never wanted to see that boulder again, nor did he ever have any intentions of helping another player do the quest as it was something he dreaded by the time he hit half way to completing the quest. Walking on a dirt path, that was edged with fine grass lines that followed the trail multiple ways, he followed one that led more towards a series of woods or forestry that wasn't intended for combat, it was just a standard nature trail that was a safe zone. Able enjoyed going on walks almost daily, especially when the temperatures were nice, carrying food with him in his inventory so when he deemed fit for a break, he would sit and simply eat wherever he was. He knew he wasn't in too much danger from the enemies on this floor since he was on a very low leveled floor.

    Taking in the scenery, Able glanced over the world with his emerald green eyes and simply inhaled and exhaled the fresh summer air that was presented to him so freely. For a game of life and death, he sure thought of this is as quite the vacation from the outside world. However, a vacation is just that, a short break that's not intended to last longer than a few weeks. After a while of being in the game, Able became bored of the perfection of the world and wanted flaws. Flaws showed that a system was working as intended as every system is meant to fail in one way or another, so that people can arrange a fix for them. People may be afraid of change, however not enough change is just as dangerous. He finished the nature trail approximately half and hour later and came out on the other end of the forest, where he found a patch of flora and grass that were perfect for him to just relax. He lay in the spot and just closed his eyes after cloud gazing for a brief period and began to fall into a state of slumber where he was at his most relaxed.

    @Beatbox @Teion @Piera

    (OOC: No specific posting order as of now, so we'll go as it happens for now. I left this very vague so that you all may add your share to the story and how you get there freely to leave more room for imagination to settle in!)

  12. Able had a menu in his hands, and he handed the woman who gave her name to be 'Nashoba' also a menu. When the waitress arrived, he ordered two teas for the two of them to enjoy, and then she went off for a few moments to go gather their order. He looked up from the menu, about to ask what she would like to eat, but instead stopped himself. Nashoba was blushing, a lot, but tried to mask it with a cute smile. Smiling in return, he continued to look at his menu. "The name is Able, but you can call me Tobias if you wish. In fact, I'd much rather prefer that. It was my name before I was stuck in this game, and I realized that if I were to die, I at least wish to die a human and by my own name, not just some alias." When the waitress came back with their beverages, he reached over and placed hers beside her utensils, and then grabbing his own drink afterwards so that they both had their drinks. When the waitress asked if they were ready to provide their order, he said to give them a few moments, she wasn't entirely sure on what she wanted yet and he realized that. "If I had to recommend something to you, the meals are all amazing here, Nashoba. I think you'll like anything you pick." He said offering a warm-hearted smile that not many people get to see from him.

  13. Able had just reached a point of relaxation enough to where he could neglect the cold. He let out a yawn and stretched his arms upwards and shut his eyes as if he was about to get a solid few hours of rest. Well, that was until his state of relaxation was broken by a man with black hair trying to talk to him. He looked up at the player with a single eye partially opened, and listened to the man speak. Asking if it the lake was safe for walking on, he looked over at the girl that's on the lake. She looked young, but young enough where she could still handle herself when it came down to it. "I mean, by the look of joy on her face the lake looks like you could do whatever you wanted on it." Now that he knew that he couldn't get himself to fall asleep, he stood up, he brushed the snow that was formed on the back of his legs, so his dress pants wouldn't get too ruined by the water buildup. Reaching out his right hand to the player, semi-annoyed, but not so much annoyed as tired. "The name's Able. Nice to meet you." he said, with another yawn to follow.

    The snow around them was coming down very light, so it was very unnoticeable but still rather pleasing to the eye to look at. He inhaled a breath of cold air only to blow out a cloud of hotter air in the end. It was cold and that was guaranteed, but it wasn't so cold to a point it was unbearable.

    (Sorry for the short post, just woke up.)

  14. Able had been relaxing and enjoying his time at the fountain, when all of a sudden a female had approached him in need of finding the nearest eatery. He was confused why of all people she approached him, but nonetheless he didn't mind. Especially since it helped that she was relatively good looking. "Well yes fine lady, the nearest eatery is actually pretty close. Here I can walk you to it if you'd like", Able gestured in order to be a kind person. Grabbing her hand as if he was close to her he started walking with her, but he only had her hand in his to assure that she didn't fall too far behind or that she didn't get lost with his choice of path to take to get there. He led her past a few streets that exited to the outskirts of town while keeping her nearby. "So what's your name, if you don't mind me asking?" Able had been curious of her name for a few minutes now, and his green eyes turned towards her eyes and stayed locked with her throughout the conversation, while maintaining his path to the eatery, since from here it was a straight shot. 

    The sound of their footsteps followed their voice and sometimes they would be in sync while others it would be as far off as they could be. It came time to stop finally as they were outside of the 'Guilded Tavern.' Everybody inside was extremely friendly, and he pulled out a chair for the girl that had asked him, and waited for her to sit down before he helped push the chair in to the table. Afterwards, he found himself a seat across from her.

  15. Able smiled and then he looked at the rock with his eyes narrowed. He positioned himself so that he had the maximum power to his attack. Beginning his sprint at the rock, he winded his arm back and about half way towards the rock, he let his arm pick up momentum and he began to send it forward so that it would connect with the rock at maximum velocity and impact power. He yelled at the boulder as a form of battle cry. "This is it! This is where it ends, boulder!" He yelled at it as if it was a person, but he knew damn well the boulder wouldn't flinch, it wouldn't retaliate, it wouldn't even reply. The fist connected with the boulder and upon connection the massive boulder turned into a bright blue color and busted into digital pixels of the Cardinal system's data. The boulder had been destroyed, and there was nothing left of it at all. Being completely satisfied with the result of the explosion, after it was all died down and everything was over, a notification had appeared on his screen.

    <<Congratulations!>> is what it said. He had been granted the award <<Martial Arts>> as an extra skill that he may now use in combat. Completely content with the reward and happy, he put his clothing back on, took the hand wraps off and dropped them on the ground. Though they would make great memorabilia but he'd rather not look back at the day he broke a rock as a massive accomplishment. Why couldn't it be a more interesting quest in all honesty like slaying a dragon with your bare hands and tearing off it's wings. Instead, the players were stuck with the quest to beat a rock aggressively until it shattered into hundreds if not thousands of pixels.

    Beginning to make his way back to the main city, he had no intentions of looking back at this day and just wants to look forward as he can't wait for the first real fight to happen.


    ID: 81156 | BD: 10 (1 Base Damage + 2 Critical Damage) = 3 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: -2 /50 HP


    Quest Complete Rewards

    <<Martial Arts>> Extra Skill

    3 Skill Points (1 From Quest, 2 From 40 posts)

    800 Col (40 Posts = 2 Pages)

  16. Able knew he had to have sworn at least seven different times within two punches at least in pure joy and happiness. Seeing another piece of the boulder fall off, he realized that this next hit he would do after would be the deal breaker. He stepped back and didn't finish it immediately. Instead he watched the rock and simply gave it a nod. He rolled his head in a circular motion in order to roll out any kinks and the same for his legs, he was shaking out everything so that he could finish it with one final charged punch. Stepping backwards like everyone does when they're about to do a running superman punch, fatigued and weary, he was ready to end this quest. He was ready to get a solid night of rest in a normal bed and a normal room between four walls for him to just wind down and recover his physical strength while recovering the wounds that he had put on his hands.


    ID: 81155 | BD: 8 (1 Base Damage + 0 Critical Damage) = 1 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: 1 /50 HP

  17. Another hit, another chip. That became the motto of the fight at this point. Granted he had been chipping the boulder for a very long time, but now he isn't just chipping it. He was breaking the boulder. The opponent that was inanimate before him was nearly done. It was a matter of one or two more hits and then it would all be over. He cracked his knuckles and shook his arms out as he sent forward two more hard and fast punches. Rock breaking and connecting with the ground, shattering on the impact into even smaller shards of the rock. He looked up and saw there was even less health. The health bar is nothing to him but a way to track his progress, not so much to see how close he is to breaking it, but how far into the quest he is into completing it. 


    ID: 81154 | BD: 8 (1 Base Damage + 0 Critical Damage) = 1 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: 2 /50 HP

  18. Unable to let himself take another break to give his hands a rest, he had to swap to his legs. Just like his arms, it hurt a lot worse, but he could see pieces falling off with every effort to make the boulder break. It shouldn't take much longer at this point. "Come on, baby. Break for me please!" he begged out loud as he had his eyes closed to mask the feeling of pain in his expression and he bit his lip hard enough to where he nearly drew blood from the excruciating pain that he was feeling. The boulder was his only opponent of the game so far, and he'd make sure this wasn't his last, however for a very long time at least, he will not dare fight another boulder just to break it for no damn reason. Boulders will forever be etched into his brain as a way to taunt him because they don't fight back and they don't actually do damage to you. They simply hurt when you punch them because let's be real here.... You're literally punching a rock. How dumb does a person have to be to decide to do something along these lines. 


    ID: 81153 | BD: 2 (0 Base Damage + 0 Critical Damage) = 0 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: 3/50 HP

  19. Deciding to give himself a fast breather, he stopped for maybe only three or four minutes, before he went right back to power grinding at the boulder with consecutive punches. The surface of the rock became severely rigid, and a lot sharper to punch so it definitely hurt more than it did earlier. With the cracks beginning to spread across the rock, they wrapped around the entire rock, and the health bar was minuscule at this point and one would have to really look to tell how low it was. Able sighed and grunted with every punch as they were harder to pull off without feeling the sting of the sharpened edges of the cracked rock. With every punch he saw more debris fall of and he realized the boulder was actually starting to chip apart. It was another great sign to show that he had made a ton of progress.


    ID: 81152 | BD: 2 (0 Base Damage + 0 Critical Damage) = 0 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: 3/50 HP

  20. With only what looks like nearly five percent remaining of the health bar, Able realized he had been nearing the goal simply while multitasking, which at the moment was thinking about his past and aimlessly attacking the boulder in vital points where it would make it fracture further. Sending another kick with his shin at the rock, he felt a massive chip in the boulder break off. The piece of the rock had dispersed into nothing but pixelated pieces of data that flew into the air. "Let's go, time to take you down, buddy!" he yelled out loud sending another violent kick at it rapidly after the last one had just been completed. Weary for sure, the weariness began to fade away at the heat of the moment. Adrenaline had taken over his body and it was now just acting like fuel for his personal motif. Only a few more hits and the boulder should shatter entirely and the quest will be completed for him.


    ID: 81151 | BD: 10 (1 Base Damage + 2 Critical Damage) = 3 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: 3/50 HP

  21. Fist after fist, kick after kick, the attacks were altering and the strikes became more devastating on the boulder the longer he beat upon it. The spiderweb shattering of the boulder had begun to spread like a virus across it and he knew he was making great progress beyond this point. Ironically, this is probably going to be the hardest "combat" situation he'll ever have to be in, as all the other targets will have a chance to fight back, but instead he has to spend his time fighting a damned rock that does nothing at all. That's the part that perturbs him the most, that it doesn't, nor can it fight back. No fight is fun when the enemy target doesn't retaliate. Letting out another grunt upon contact with the rock, he saw the health bar chip down slightly further. "Nearly there," he said as he put a smirk on his face and set himself to be completely determined to make this the final stretch.


    ID: 81150 | BD: 9 (1 Base Damage + 1 Critical Damage) = 2 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: 6/50 HP

  22. Perhaps he had considered at one point to be a very respectable person and to be a very kind and loving person that could be everybody's best friend all while still being responsible and mature when it needed to be. Instead he turned out to be a narcissist who does nothing but tout about his-- well everything. Able was the person he had become, Tobias on the other hand was slightly better than he is now. He sent another direct attack at the boulder that stood before him, which happened to slightly more damage on it as he watched the health gauge drop slightly further than it had been just moments ago. It was so close now and he was prepared to finally get into some combat after he completes this quest. In all honesty he doesn't even want the combat stat anymore, now it's just the satisfaction of completing the quest that he wants.


    ID: 81149 | BD: 7 (1 Base Damage + 0 Critical Damage) = 1 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: 8/50 HP

  23. Able thought to himself of what life was like outside of the game. A way to remember how human he used to be and how he's already changed so much just from a while in this game. Would he honestly spend the rest of his life in here, or perhaps would he get to see the end of the game one day and get to see his family again, his mother. His father. His sister. His ex-girlfriend. All of these people that have had such a massive impact on the person he's become and the things that they have done and said that have influenced his behavior to this day. Granted Able was a very respectable person if you got to know him, but if you didn't then he was an asshole, someone that you don't want to get on their bad side. Nostalgia of his past life began to settle in, however that moment was short as it was broken by the connection of another attack against the rock.

    ID: 81148 | BD: 3 (0 Base Damage + 0 Critical Damage) = 0 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: 9/50 HP

  24. There were so many people that he had met, but then there were others he had only been acquainted with and that was simply because they were with another person at the time. He needed to become stronger to get gear, to get himself money, to set up a foundation for his future if he was going to be here for a long time. Perhaps he would find a woman for himself at one point as well, or maybe he'd even go back to sleeping around with dozens of women. That was all a matter of the future. All of these thoughts of people he's met in his life so far here while he was attacking away were coming across his mind and in all honesty they made this quest that much easier because now it wasn't the only thing he focused on. It was nice to let his thoughts drift off a bit to a point where he didn't know what he was thinking about anymore. 


    ID: 81147 | BD: 5 (0 Base Damage + 0 Critical Damage) = 0 Damage Dealt


    Able: 140/140 HP | 11/14 Energy

    Boulder: 9/50 HP

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