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Posts posted by Aoda

  1. It was clear how shy and uncomfortable the young woman was in this situation. Her face was only just returning to it's normal colour and she seemed to be unsure of whether or not it was a good idea to explore with Aoda. He understood, of course. They didn't know each other, not really.

    When she gave her answer, Aoda returned a charming smile, hoping to loosen up the the tension around them. Awkward conversations were generally not for him.

    "Great," the man began, "I've been told that this town has some really good cafés, so we could start there if you'd like. Or we could go explore outside the safezone, if you're up to it."

    Actually, he wasn't sure leaving the safezone was a reasonable idea. Aoda wasn't so much concerned for his own safety as he was for Telrenya's. He wasn't interested in another life on his hands. The noirette also had to factor in that she likely did not trust him 100 percent and he thought his appearance did look similar to a player killer's, as bad as that might sound.

    "So, what do you say?"

    (thought i'd do some good for the world)


  2. ID: 89145
    LD: 15 (+1 T3 Mat)

    Aoda stared out at Floor Twenty-one's oddly vibrant terrain. Without the lights covering his surroundings, it was unlikely he'd be able to see a single thing in his path. It was quite possibly the worst floor he could be looking for materials in, however to his knowledge, the higher quality materials were able to be found there and only there. Is the demand for these really worth it?

    He let out a sigh, clearly tired of the endless and lonely search.

    The noirette could only tell himself that "it'll all be worth it when I come back with all kinds of high-tier materials" so many times before he'd begin to stop believing it. "Where are they anyway?" He muttered, kicking over a rock in anger. To his surprise, a hidden material lay silently underneath, just out of his view. "Lucky, I suppose." Aoda chuckled, placing the item in his inventory.

    "But still," He began, "there must be someone else out here who'd be interested in searching with me. It would be a lot safer that way as well." He looked ahead of him at the unknown path. Who knows what was lurking in the depths of the floor.

    "Nothing I can handle alone, that's for sure."


    Level 10
    HP: 200
    Energy: 20
    One-Handed Curved Sword (Rank 2)
    Sneak and Hide (Rank 1)
    Extra Skills:

    DMG: 4
    ACC: 1
    EVA: 0
    MIT: 0

    Mangekyo (Perfect OHCS) - +2 DMG, +1 ACC

    5  Health Potions (+ 40 HP)
    1 Damage Potion (+1 DMG)
    1 Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    Col: 1,891
    T1 Mats: 4
    T2 Mats: 0


  3. Aoda stepped into the lit up shop that made home in the mountains on the eleventh floor. "Shield, you around? Got something you might like." He walked forward, striding up to the front desk with a subtle grin and placing his hands on the face of it. "Not gonna cost you anything this time around. No promises for the next item I come across though." He called out with a chuckle. Waiting for the man to appear, he placed the item on the desk, unsure if he was even around to make the trade. I'll stick around for a bit just in case.

    He explored the shop. Shield was the only merchant the man had ever met. From what he could tell, there weren't many of them. The brown haired man was likely the best of his class, being both a middle ranking merchant and a tank for the frontlines at the same time. Aoda definitely knew who to come to when he was in need of items or appraisals. "Where is this guy." He pondered, still examining all of the items lined against the walls and shelves, before turning to look up towards the front table again.

    (-1 Nametag)

  4. “There’s been a lot of PKers lately, right?” The raven-haired player spoke up. This brought up Jashin’s attention quickly. “I heard there have been a lot of players dropping to some guy named Dead_Ratter or something. People in town were saying he’s carrying Dual Blades, sort of like that old frontliner.”

    “You read my mind. Hear me out for a second.” Jashin began, “I want to start a guild.”

    This took Aoda by surprise. Jashin didn’t seem the type of person who’d be interested in guilds and the sort. He always thought that was the reason they had never looked for new players to help them. Now he wanted to lead a guild. He continued his sentence. “There are lots of guilds that help on the frontlines during boss fights. But what about anti-PKer guilds? I don’t know of any, do you?” Aoda didn't. He shook his head “Exactly. We could be the first. You tell me you’re not a leader, but wouldn’t you like to be? You and I could run it and we could find a few more people to join us. While everyone’s out clearing floors and killing bosses, we’ll be out here stopping PKers. Ever wanted to be like Batman?”

    Batman. Something only Jashin would say. It was clearly the same person Aoda had gotten used to. “Everyone wants to be like Batman, what kind of a question is that.”

  5. “I was the same way. But now that we’re here,” Jashin started, “I feel like something’s different. In a way, SAO is freedom for us.” Not something Aoda had ever thought of in the past. He was tunnel visioned on the fact that the “game” they all played was a prison, a cage. But in many ways, that wasn’t the case. Before Aoda could say anything, his ally spoke again. “You were going to become a frontliner, right? Like everyone else in this game? Why?” The noirette’s first thought was “because that’s what the players would want me to do.”

    “I see what you’re getting at. But you wanted the same thing, so what about you?” Aoda asked, wondering where all of this was coming from.

    A sigh left the white-haired man’s mouth. He laid down on his back, beginning to speak once more. “I was doing what the system wanted, just like you. But now I’m thinking, what if there’s something else, another route we can take?” Jashin sounded serious about this, however Aoda wasn’t sure exactly what he was thinking.

  6. The lad did the same, his legs now over the side of the mountain. Never in his life has he appreciated Sword Art Online as much as he did in that moment. Aoda had not once seen a view that beautiful.

    Jashin began to speak. “Have you ever wanted to go against what everyone wants you to do?” He looked into the distance, a stare that would normally fill a person with fear, or at least intimidate them a little. But with this dark-haired player it was different. He was able to feel some comfort in his friend, despite the fact that they hadn’t known each other for long.

    They, like many others, met inside of SAO. It was during a recruitment meeting hosted by a party of players looking for a final member to add to their group and complete quests and dungeons with together. Neither Aoda or Jashin had been accepted, so instead, they decided to form something similar together. If only they were able to actually do the quests together. However they proved to be much too challenging to handle by themselves and they were too stubborn to find more teammates. It was the two of them versus the world, in a sense.

    It was time for Aoda to answer the lad’s question. “I guess I’ve never really thought about it. I’ve always sort of done what I’ve been told. I’m a follower, not a leader.” He replied.

  7. “Hey, Jashin,” Aoda started, “You never did say where we are going.” The white-haired man continued forward only speaking two words: “You’ll see.”

    Well, thanks a lot. The noirette thought, rolling his eyes. Aoda had absolutely no idea where they were going. The mountain path they were taking was beginning to get quite treacherous and steep. Pretty soon they would have to climb the side of it. It was likely, that’s what Jashin had in mind for the two. He was what you’d call a daredevil or a gambler. He loved taking risks.

    “At least tell me how much further we have to walk.” Aoda called to his ally, who had walked a little bit further ahead. To his surprise, he didn’t say anything in response. Only gestured for him to come closer to the cliff Jashin had arrived at.

    Looking over, it felt as though Aoda could see the entire second floor, although he knew that wasn’t the case. He hadn’t realized how high it was that they had climbed. Interestingly enough, the white-haired male hadn’t started up the wall of the mountain. Instead, he sat down, hanging his legs over the edge. “Nothing crazy right now, I just want to relax for awhile.”

    “I won’t argue that."

  8. RED = Aoda
    PURPLE = Jashin

    Purpose. Until this moment, Aoda hadn’t realized that it wasn’t power that he was searching for. It was a sense of meaning. He hoped his new comrade would be able to help him find what he needed. He looked towards the individual strolling ahead of him. Slicked back, white hair covered his scalp, giving the man an intimidating look. That, as well as his blood red eyes, sealed the deal. He wore a dark grey coat (one that you’d normally wear in the winter) which was lined with fur along the collar. A lot of the times he’d leave it unzipped, showing off bare skin; for whatever reason, he didn’t wear a shirt underneath. To finish it all off, the man was dressed in a fairly plain pair of crimson pants. At first glance, Aoda didn’t realize it even had any enhancements on it. Apparently it classified as “light armor”, although he wasn’t sure how.

    His weapon was what interested the noirette the most. A scythe as red as a ruby laid dormant in the man’s grip. Some may have considered it to be unorthodox, due to the amount of blades it displayed. There were three of the sharp, red dagger-like objects sticking out of the top part of the weapon. Definitely an uncommon sight to behold. It’s long hilt was the same colour with white tape or bandages surrounding the bottom. A weapon as dangerous as the one who wielded it.

    At least, that would be the case if the man was any stronger. But alas, he was as weak as Aoda was. Perhaps a little bit more capable of a swordsman. For now, they were partners. Exactly what they were going to accomplish, he wasn’t sure of.

  9. "I guess you won't be joining me then? You're lame." Aoda chuckled, turning away from a man, who sat up against a large rock with his eyes closed and a smirk along his face. "You need something to wear? I'll let you borrow my jacket if you want." The man ran a hand through his slicked-back white hair as he opened his two blood red orbs. A bold gesture, one that the noirette may have accepted, if his friend had a shirt for him to wear under it.

    "I'll be fine. I picked something out for this the other day. And no, it isn't a kimono, idiot." Aoda responded, opening his inventory with a swish of his hand to find the outfit he had bought for the firework festival.

    Suddenly, he switched out of his swim shorts and t-shirt into a more casual set of clothing. A grey shirt and pants which were a much darker shade of grey. He wore black boots that reached up to the top of his ankles. Over top of his shirt, there was a dark jacket. He wore something similar to it quite often in the real world. To finish it all off, a large, grey scarf. It was darker than his shirt, but not quite as dark as the pants he had on. "I'll see you later." He shot a quick wave to the man, who returned a chuckle and a hand gesture that Aoda assumed was another way of him saying something like "Adios."

    After some time, Aoda arrived at the safezone where the event was being held. It sort of reminded him of old Japanese architecture, which is likely what it was intended to be. During his time in Japan, he hadn't had the chance to see a lot of temples and ancient buildings. Mostly because he hadn't been there long. Instead he was dragged inside of Sword Art Online. He continued inside the festival, examining all of the lanterns and stalls and booths. The noirette was sort of excited, it being his first SAO festival and all.

    Where do I start.

  10. Aoda was a little late to the party. In fact, the dazzling sun was already starting to set, creating a beautiful mix of colours along the horizon. The beach was still lively, which didn't come as much of a surprise to the player. For the first time ever, the noirette was dressed in something other than the starting armor that everyone wore at some point during their time in SAO. A light red pair of swim shorts and a dark t-shirt. Perfect for a hot Summer day at the beach.

    Not long after arriving, the lad realized he didn't know any other people who were there. Maybe this was a mistake. He thought, standing there idly among the crowds of players formed in the sand. Some played beach volleyball, whilst others simply chatted. There were even some who sat around the table covered in delicious-looking snacks and desserts. One girl stared daggers at a plate full of pastries, as if she were a lion and they were a group of gazelles waiting to be prayed on.

    The man let out a sigh, wishing his "partner in crime" had decided to show up. But alas, he stayed back on the first floor, only saying "Maybe I'll show up for the fireworks or something." He knew that wouldn't happen either. Festivals and such weren't his cup of tea.

    Whatever. This'll be fun.

  11. To his relief, the angered player turned and left the scene where Aoda and Telrenya were positioned. A sigh escaped the lad's mouth as he reached out his hand to help the woman stand. "No need to thank me, just be more careful next time." He responded, scratching the back of his head with his free hand. Much like Aoda, the girl was under-equipped. Probably a low level player, like himself. "I had planned on touring the town. Care to join me?" He inquired, knowing it wouldn't hurt to make a friend in the cruel world they were forced to live in.

    For the most part, he hadn't seen much of this floor. It was almost completely unknown to him, except for the few shops he had explored. It wouldn't hurt to familiarize the landscape for the future. And it was likely the blonde didn't know the area well either. It could be good for the two of them to take a look around the place together.

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