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Status Replies posted by Row

  1. Anyone know a artist/place i could get an image made up for my character? I don't want to be a exact kirito.... :( But i can't find any decent images :(

    1. Row


      I need a reason to open my tablet, I would love to give it a shot if nobody is helping you.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      Yes and no. 

      While the questions could be looked as being subjective. They are not. While its true you cannot please everyone, being fun does not mean making everyone happy. 

      For example.
      If i hit you, I will fill good and you will feel bad. Being hit is not fun. But if you give the player ways to reduce the punishment from being hit or avoid it all together, then you give the player a way to have fun with the mechanic even though they are not the one actively using it.

      The best example of this that you guys do (not saying its perfect or flawed) is the critical system. It is always fun to get a crit but its never not fun to get one. It allows you to still hurt people who max out evasion(fun for you) but it does not make people who max out Acc overpowered (fun for others). Because its not guaranteed, it can be played around. And its effects are not so extreme as to make them overpowered.

      Lets take a look at Mit.
      It make the player feel good because they reduce the damage. The obvious counter to it is to do more damage but that only helps to a point. However the game gives you the bleed, poison, burn, ect ailments that bypass mit (fun for others). Those things are not overpowered because they cannot be applied all the time (like crits) and their damage does not scale like increasing damage does. This means that pure damage is stronger for unarmored opponents and Bleed, poisons, and burns are stronger for armored opponents  

      Now lets say you gave someone the ability to perma crit
      getting perma crits would always apply bonus effects and drastically increase your damage output. Also you canot dodge crits. You could argue mit counters crits but bleeds counter mit and requires crit. There is no way to offset that perm advantage, and thus I would deem this trait not fun for others. 

      When you add an unique, you need to think like that. Will said skill make the game unplayable for other people or will it just enhance their gameplay? Will it make certain builds viable that under normal situations are not optimal? Can they be played around? Are they necessary to play the game?

      ... (I wish i was a game designer T-T)

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  3. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      Ya dont have to remove them. Just make them in a way that it will satisfy the 5 questions.

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  4. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      I guess the question you should ask yourself when you put uniques in a game is
      1. Why am i doing this.
      2. Who should be getting this
      3. Will this make the game more fun for the player if they had it.
      4. Will the game be more fun for others if that player had it.
      5. Can/Will this be abused by people in power.

      If you cannot answer those questions positively, then you should not have unique.

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  5. Anyone want to do 'The First Few Lessons are Free' quest with me? 

    1. Row


      The return of Kirito, da da da dummmmm.....


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      So uniques breaks games!

      Got it from Seul

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  7. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      Sorry for derailing this topic. I just get really excited when i think back to those times.

      In other new...
      hurray for not taking away sp from social threads

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  8. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      Yeah i head about that unique skill... I cant say i personally seen it before, but I can say that i seen him pvp without that unique. I honestly dont see that as op... I see that as being God like... Just saying. But like if there was no uniques, Tanks were still stronger then DPS.

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  9. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      Oh and i forgot... blocked half the damage you would take. after mit... soooo yeah...

      *parry* not block

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  10. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      Back then, Block was technically a tank skill. Block worked like evasion but it did not stack with evasion. And thanks for reminding me about parry.

      This was the best (non unique build in the game. Give or take a stat or two because i dont remember the exact limits)

      2+bleed +1Stun on 1H.
      3 thorns on Shield
      3 mit on armor.

      Then have the following skills maxed out.

      Battle healing
      Heavy Armor (or light... as they were interchangeable at the time)

      With this set up alone. The most damage anyone can get off on you was 4... but it would have to be a 10 crit because of your 5 evasion. (at the time the max acc you could get without buffs was 3, 2 gear 1 skill)
      max heavy armor counter max sword skill. 3 mit counter 3 dmg. Block counter 3 acc meaning only rolls of 8+ would hit. And dont forget if the enemy rolled 6-8, they took 3 damage which could not be reduced. (even if they missed). And you had like a 50-30% chance to heal up for 5 randomly every round.

      what made tris op was the fact that he could burn you on any roll above 5. The only way he could lose was if someone was higher level and that was because his skills were not maxed out yet.

      There was no real way a dps could survive a fight against a tank.


    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  11. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      Tristan was the strongest, but there was a tank meta.
      Back when Thorns worked on natural rolls and block gave 5 evasion. Ahh good times

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  12. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

  13. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      I am going to make an alt so i can be level 50

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  14. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      Oh, that is the trick. I cant believe i did not try that sooner

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  15. Why on earth did people add a rule about event SP and posts some of us are posting as often as we can with as many characters as we can?

    1. Row


      If you remove sp rewards from social threads, then you would have to make monster fights way easier lol

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  16. i missed being able to like post because i want to long on to all my alts and like your last post in the event thread lol

    1. Row


      I meant for it to be a status update @Morgenstern


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Sorry guys, I know I haven't been around much lately, but the reason is... I'm getting married on Saturday! :D

    Also, at work, I'm finishing up a MAJOR project and have been working 7 days a week.

    So life has been busy, but I will return! Until then, I leave you in the capable hands of Tak and Mack!

    1. Row


      gratz... totally not jealous... >.>

      I wish you a very happy life! XD 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  18. Is there a site record for how many posts people have made in a row in one thread without finding any materials? I may try to challenge it.  I'm at 12 posts right now I think.

  19. Is there a site record for how many posts people have made in a row in one thread without finding any materials? I may try to challenge it.  I'm at 12 posts right now I think.

  20. Is there a site record for how many posts people have made in a row in one thread without finding any materials? I may try to challenge it.  I'm at 12 posts right now I think.

  21. Is there a site record for how many posts people have made in a row in one thread without finding any materials? I may try to challenge it.  I'm at 12 posts right now I think.

    1. Row


      i would love to help you Baldur... but I need more luck to do it. But soon i will open my own business and sell rare things like that to others.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  22. Is there a site record for how many posts people have made in a row in one thread without finding any materials? I may try to challenge it.  I'm at 12 posts right now I think.

  23. And the Nerius combat has commenced!

    1. Row


      I need to stop questioning things... 

      I over react to things so much because im scared of those rule changes. It happens so much when i get happy about something.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  24. And the Nerius combat has commenced!

    1. Row


      That would be the logical way and typically how i do it.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  25. Can't wait for @Mack to stomp on this event so we can get things going.

    1. Row


      @Alice senpai 

      I failed you... Now I must cut my stomach open to repent for my dishonor

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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