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Posts posted by Row

  1. The boar hit the ground but it did not cry and squeal in pain. This surprised Row and she jumped back in fear of a surprised attack. The boar got up and shook its head. It snorted and turned to her. Its eyes were completely red as the boar was filled with rage. This rage to kill the girl was the reason for its increased strength. Given its low hp, the creature was getting desperate to win. Row felt more at ease as she knew a lucky hit would spell the end of the boar. The Dice Gods had their fun all ready and should not be a problem now. With this, it was about time for the boar to attack her. Like she predicted, the creature started its charge and was on the warpath for maximum damage. The only question was, would it hit?


     ID# 70724 results:
     Battle: 3
      MOB: 4

    The boar missed row. Row missed the boar.

    The boar missed its attack and and Row missed her attack.

    Row 19/20
    Stray Boar 3/10 

  2. Pulling her spear back, she waited for the boar to return. While she was predicting a different outcome, the dice gods do love to play joke. She laughed while moving her spear with the boar. How could she not laugh at that luck? It was that excitement that brought joy to randomness. While some consistently would do her some good, it was never as much for or profitable as taking risk. The risk of whether or not a hit would be a crit or a miss made the battle all the more exciting. The boar finally stopped and kicked up dirt while squealing. It was ready to attack her and take her soul. Well maybe not take her soul but more of sending her to the afterlife. But that made two of them. She raised her shield and prepared for the charge. 

     ID# 70696 results:

     Battle: 6 MOB: 1

    The boar missed. Row hit it for 1.

    The boar charged at her but she avoided by jumping into the air and stabbed it in the back.

    Row 19/20
    Stray Boar 3/10 

  3. Jumping back to her feet, she put on some distance. The power of the boar was nothing to ignore. If she was hit with that attack, she just could not imagine it. She continued smiling though it was more of a face. She was not scared, at least that was what she told herself as the boar continued throwing its tantrum. She pointed her spear at the beast and raised her shield. She had avoided a lot of attacks up until which showed how much she improved but as with all who follow the Great Dice Gods, it would be only a matter of time before that boar gets lucky and lands a hit on her. All she could was prepare for it and hit it back just as hard. No, she would hit it even harder. The power of the Dice Gods was not the luck they granted you, but power of not needed them. 

    ID# 70694 results: 
    Battle: 3  MOB: 2

    The boar missed, Row missed.

    The boar charged row but she dodged it. She tried to thrust it but it escaped he range.

    Row 19/20
    Stray Boar 4/10 

  4. Steam flew off the boar's head as it snorted more and more. It stomped its feet on the ground as it looked at the girl on the ground. With the lost of half its hp, the boar was enraged. This was its final defense to take out the newbie players who thought they could take it out without a fight. Despite knowing this, she was stunned every time it happened. Despite how dangerous it was, she could not help it. The boar took advantage of this and jumped in front of her. Gritting her teeth, she wondered if she would have enough time to react. Should she not, this was going to be very painful. The boar squealed and drove its tusk to the girl.

    ID# 70692 results:
     Battle: 7 MOB: 2

    The boar missed. Row hit the boar for 1.

    Row rolled away from the dangerous tusk that slammed into the ground. Dirt flew everywhere, showing the power of the attack. All the power was useless if it could not hit though. She rolled into a one-hand handstand and then swung her spear, cutting the boar.

    Row 19/20
    Stray Boar 4/10 

  5. The boar squealed but stopped moving. Well stop moving was more of an over exaggeration. It was trembling. It tried to squeal but the sound came out weak as if it could not control its mouth. Row smiled seeing how she stopped the boar in its track. Walking up to the creature, she placed her foot on it head. Raising her spear, she prepared to strike her immobile opponent. She did not raise her shield, as the boar had no way to attack back. All it could do was watch as more pain was about to come its way. She placed extra pressure on her foot to keep the creature still but she did not know if this would be enough to keep it still. She was not a heavy girl. 

    ID# 70690 results:
     Battle: 6 

    Row hit the boar for 1.

    The boar watched as the girl's spear drove into its head. Regaining movement, the boar squealed and stood up, knocking Row onto the ground. Then it stood up and its bodies coloring turned to a hue of red.

    Row 19/20
    Stray Boar 5/10 

  6. The boar crashed into the ground. It rolled around frantically trying to soothe its aching belly. Squealing louder and louder, you would thing she landed a critical strike. Row glanced at its health bar and saw that she did not really do that much damage to it. Therefore, the question became, why it was acting like this. It was truly pitiful but she would not have a problem hitting it again. Killing it meant more treasure and more treasure meant more money. She armed her spear and ran to the boar. She planned to strike it while it was crying in order to capitalize the opening it was showing her. She doubted she would get the first strike but at least she could make it use an easier attack to avoid. She gave out a battle cry while raising her spear and shield.

     ID# 70689 results:
    Battle: 9 MOB: 1

    The boar missed Row. Row crited for 2 and stunned it

    The boar spun around to cut her but row stepped back and dropped her weapon on its back.

    Row 19/20
    Stray Boar 6/10 (stun)

  7. The boar squealed and ran forward, putting more distance between the two. The red marks on its back reverted to its original coloring but the boar was still upset about not hitting her. It snorted and squealed before turning back to her. Snorting again, it started kicking up dirt. Row could see that it wanted to charge and it would not let her close in like last time. Preparing her shield, she readied for the charge. Preparing the spear, she readied for a counter. All she needed to do now as wait for the angry creature to start its attack. The boar squealed and started galloping to the girl.

    ID# 70688 results:
     Battle: 8 MOB: 2

    The boar missed. Row hit the boar for 1 (as a reminder Row is using the new weapon but not its stats)

    After being struck before, Row was able to somewhat see the attack. As the boar leaped, Row ducked. The boar flew over her head with the blade cutting through its stomach. While blood did not come out, data bits did along with a loud squeal.

    Row 19/20
    Stray Boar 8/10



    Row smiled as she rubbed her damaged chest. That boar was very quick, much quicker than the others were for sure. She gripped her spear and pointed it at the mob. This time, she was going to properly counter attack instead of playing defensive. The minute it showed it was going to move, she would start her attack and hope to intercept it. At the same time, she crept closer so that she could react before it reached max speed. If she managed to move within range, then maybe she would have a easier time counter due to already being in position. 

    ID# 70687 results:
    Battle: 7 MOB: 1

    the boar missed. Row hit it for 1.

    The boar did not react and just watched confused. This gave Row enough time to get within range. Then the boar turned around and tried to kick her but she parried and then stabbed it in the back. Pulling her weapon out she, she positioned herself for another counter.

    Row 19/20
    Stray Boar 9/10

  9. She grinned as the new source of treasure appeared before her. While it was not going to be a threat, given she just beat 4 of them earlier, she was not going to underestimate it. She wanted to finish it fast so she could go home. This boar wanted her to die so it could continue eating and resting in peace. The boar snorted as it positioned itself for its next attack. Not moving, Row just watched and prepared her shield. This boar was more aggressive then the last ones so she doubted that she could land an attack first unless she stunned it.

    ID# 70686 results:
    Battle: 5 MOB: 9

    Boar crit Row for 1. Row missed

    It charged. Without any hint, it quickly closed the gap. Row had no time to react and was knocked down but the brutal headbutt. Getting up, she tried to slash down on the boar but it avoided her attack but jumping to the side. Once again, the girl new she found a strong mob.

    Row 19/20
    Stray Boar 10/10

  10. The boar galloped though it did not squeal. It was focused, determined, ready to kill the female player in one strike of its tusk. It did not care about how happy she was or how she managed to get such a weapon. It did not care about how much of a strength difference existed between the two. All that mattered was what its coding told it, and its coding told it that she was dangerous to its kin. It continued to move closer and closer. By now, there was no way for the girl to avoid it unless she happened to see the attack right now.

    ID# 70684 results:
     Battle: 4 MOB: 1

    The boar missed Row. Row missed the boar.

    Row launched a horizontal swing and saw a brown creature running at her. She quickly pulled up her shield and sidestepped it while bring down her weapon to counter attack. The attack missed but at least she was able to make out what the brown thing was. Another boar seemed to want to fight her. While she was tired of fighting, she could make an exception this time.

    Row 20/20
    Stray Boar 10/10

  11. Equipping the new weapon, (does not give stats) Row twirled it around. To think something like this would land in her hands so early. The Great Dice Gods really must love her. However, the world had a different opinion on the matter. A stray boar managed to walk within hostile range of her. It did not attack but instead, stared at her, this was her cue to run away, but the girl was too busy admiring her new weapon. She loved how the silver shined in the sun, giving the simple weapon a holy appearance. She loved how the craftsmanship the designer put into the tusk. Best of all, once she was through with it, she knew it would be worth lots of money. She laughed with thrusting and slashing it around her. The boar was not laughing. The girl would not move so it had to take care of her. Kicking up dirt, it started its charge. This was the only way now as a fight was unavoidable. 

    Hp 10 Dmg 10

    Row 20/20
    Stray Boar 10/10

  12. After pondering the thought of making money without interacting with players, she decided that it would be better just to interact with players. Why? Simple, players will spend more money than NPCs. It is as simple as that. She put her new charm in her inventory and started walking to that rare spear on the ground. Upon first glance, it did not look like much. It had a silver handle with nothing special for a design. The blade on the end seemed to be made of the boar's tusk. The edge was white as if someone bleached it before attaching it to the staff. Upon further inspection, a thin line of sliver ran along the edge of the blade. This sliver appeared sharp and was probably what gave the weapon its effect. The weapon had a high chance to inflict bleeding on a foe, which seem very useful. While it might sell for a lot, this weapon would show more value in the field of treasure hunting, for now. It was an excellent find.

  13. Just as the name suggested, this charm grants the holder extra luck. Unlike her earrings, these were just uncommon so the gain was half. Still, it was a treasure nonetheless, and would make a great addition to her trove of gear. If this game had a refinement system, then this would become a great item to test it on. The charm was very small and looked like it was a thin block of wood with a yellow cloth wrapped around it. On the front of the charm was a chibi boar running, and on the back was the Japanese kanji for luck written in purple lettering which shined white as soon as light struck it. She giggled at the picture which made the boars seem much cuter then the monsters they were. She did not mine the design but she personally would have preferred a more, royal look. If the charm's colors where reversed, a purple background with yellow letters, then it would give the appearance of nobility and thus she probably could see it for way more. Still, she was sure she could find some use for this charm if not a new owner. At the very worst-case scenario, she would just make a sacrifice to the Great Dice Gods by selling it to an NPC shop. You can do that, right?

  14. "Senpai. I understand you are worry for me but I really think I can win. Please trust me..." Despite Zulas's suggestion, it was her who became distracted. To make matters worse, it was at this time that the boar started its charge. It galloped and squealed which was Row's only clue that it started it's attack. Lucky for her, it was the only clue she needed. She turned to the boar, "Opps..." She dived away from the boar just in time, though it was not the most graceful motion she made. She rolled onto her back as she watched the boar stop its charge just pass her. "I was not ready boar... but how about I give you a taste of your own medicine."

     ID# 70595 results:
     Battle: 8
    Row hit the boar for 1.

    She kicked up her feet, rolling into a one-hand handstand; simultaneously, she swung her spear slashing it from the side. As her body rotated, she launched her self to her feet with her hand. "Wow, I couldn't do that in the real world haha. This game is fun!"

    Treasure' Boar: HP 11/50 
    Zulas: HP 95/100; Energy 2/10 hate 2 (Battlehealing) 
    Row: HP 19/20 Energy 0/1 hate 4

  15. Row quickly opened up her menu and then clicked on her profile. At the top was her name was some bars representing her health, energy, and level with their respective numbers beside them. However, she noticed the words no profession written in small letters. She regretted skipping the tutorial, as this small detail would have surely been explained and probably researched way earlier. She wondered what professions existed in this game. Such thought quickly evolved into what profession would earn her the most col. Still she was not in a place where either of that mattered. The field was still filled with boars and as such, she needed to pick up her stuff before anything else stopped by. Looking around, she wondered what should the item she identified. Walking to smaller of the two items, she decided to inspect the lucky charm. Charms where always worth a lot of money in other games.

  16. At last the battle was finished. All 4 boar's fell to the power of her shield. Though the last one gave her some useful battle exp, it was only a matter of time before the dice god sentence the creature to death. Now all that was left was four mats and 2 pieces of gear. One was a rare and the other was an uncommon.

    She inspected each mat with curiosity. While each of them was different, they all seem to go into the same area of storage. One of the mats was the hide of the boar. This was very soft and looked as if it would make some fine cloth armor, for a beginner anyway. There was no blood on it and it looked as if it was professionally skinned. She wondered if the game automatically refines things like this into their most useful form. Such a thought was trivial because she knew this mat would eventually get her some col if she could find a use for it. As she read the description more, she remembered seeing something in her menu. 

  17. Before long, 2 other players join their group. One of them was a higher level which she guessed by the quality of his gear while the other one seemed to be a newbie also. Both of them seem like interesting people and possible sources that may be useful on her quest for the elusive dessert shop. Row adjusted her position as so she could greet everyone at the same time.

    She giggled when the higher level player called her a height base name as she did with the tall player. "I wonder if I started a fad? Well never mind." Seeing that the new girl did not nickname anyone by their height, the game would come to an end. "Aoda-san it is,"  She clap her hands as to settle agreement. "I am Omi Rei World, but you all can call me Row!" A smile followed by a polite bow marked the end of her introduction. 

    "How would you two prefer to be called Mini-san and shorter tall guy, oh and should we move this to a less dense area? I sense the crowd is getting more restless." She added the last part after noticing the crowd around them growing bigger. "Maybe we can go to a dessert shop."


  18. Row watched as another furry of blades found its way into the monster.  Combined with the bleeding status ailment, the total damage was going to be heavy. She stood there watching the boar's health bar drop slowly at first. Then after a brief pause, it started to drop more rapidly as blood dripped from its wound in the last round of attacks. This drop brought the health bar into the red. If Zulas could land 1 crit then the match would be over. However, that just did not sit well with her. If this was the treasure boar and she was the treasure hunter, would it not be best for her to kill it?. In mid thought she felt a set of tusk throw her into the air. 

    She cried as she fell to the ground. To think her luck would run out and she would finally get hit. Lying on the ground, her mind wanted to go to sleep. A wave of exhaustion hit her, reminding the girl that she already fought in a tough battle. She grit her teeth and forced her self up. Her body was responsive as normal, do to this being a game, but every knew though came slower. She yawned but held her ground. Even if she was tired, she was a treasure hunter first and a human second. Well technically she was a business girl first but that was not applicable right now.

    "Zulas-senpai. Let me fight this boar alone. As a treasure hunter,  I want to go again the dice gods with my own luck"

     ID# 70435 results: Battle: 1

    Row missed.

    Row ran to boar and swung her spear down but the boar dodged it.

    Treasure' Boar: HP 11/50 
    Zulas: HP 95/100; Energy 3/10 hate 2 (Battlehealing) 
    Row: HP 19/20 Energy 0/1 hate 3 

  19. Row watched as the boar passed her yet again. This was getting too easy now. The boar was anywhere from two to four hits away. if she managed to land a crit, that would surely spell the end of the boar. Also the boar was acting as predictable as ever. There was not a doubt in her mind that she was going to win now. She twirled her spear around trying to act cool but it slipped out of her hands and flew into the air. She watched as it disappeared into the sun and then fell down right in front of her. She jumped back after the fact.


    ID# 70493 results:

    Battle: 7 Loot: 3+3 MOB: 6

    Row hit the boar for 1. The boar hit Row for 1 and took 14 recoil damage.

    Row, shaking off the dangerous mistake she just made, walked up and picked up her spear. Holding out her shield she charged the the boar. The boar jumped back but it could not escape the range of her spear. However the boar noticed the flaw in her movement. That attack would require some time to recover so the boar freed itself from the spear and yanked it to toward itself. Row fell into the tusk of the boar but managed to block some of the damage with her shield. This cause the boar to take recoil damage and thus finished it off. The boar died leaving behind only a mat.

  20. The boar squealed, desperate to hit the girl. However, for the pass few attempts it could not even scratch her. It was baffled that the player managed to dodge everything. Little did it know, Row has been watching its movements and thus she was able to predict its simple charge attack. If the boar wanted to strike her, it would have to become a little more erratic with its movements and attacks. Unpredictable would have to become its weapon. It snorted as it faced the girl. She was returning to her stance and raising her spear. She was going to go for another powerful hit on the creatures back. After chuckling, Row rushed forward.

    ID# 70403 results:
    Battle: 8 MOB: 5
    Row hit the boar for 1. The boar missed her.

    She ran in an arc like motion and cut the boar while keeping the maximum distance away from the boar. The boar raised its tusk, which prevented the attack from being a critical but still ended up being thrown to the side from the sheer force. Getting up it ran at the girl but she dodged the attack as if it was nothing.

    Row 15/20
    BoarA 0/10
    BoarB 0/10
    BoarC 0/10
    BoarD 4/10

  21. The boar swerved as it tried to quickly turn around. Dust flew everywhere but only in a arc behind the pig creature like the waves in the ocean. The pig snorted shaking its injured head. Though the wound had already disappeared, the memory of being struck was still fresh in the creatures head. It knew that its hp was low compared to the girl but it refused to give up. Meanwhile the newbie was grinning in delight. This was a much funner match if she had to say so. The only thing that would be more fun would be the treasure it would leave behind.once she finished chipping away its life bar. Sooner or later, it was going to fall so all she had to do was keep playing. After all, it was just a game. She picked up her spear and charged at the boar.

    ID# 70396 results:

    Battle: 7 MOB: 5
    Row hit the boar for 1. The boar missed her.

    Once again she managed to strike the boar and avoid the incoming charge attack.

    Row 15/20
    BoarA 0/10
    BoarB 0/10
    BoarC 0/10
    BoarD 5/10

  22. Row was window shopping, looking for the ultimate treasure of the day. This treasure would be identified only as a dessert shop. You would think that a game where you can die forever would be fill with things besides adventure style shops and inns. Still, she would not give up as her belly was hungry and her sweet tooth was become a sweet canine. Jumping from store to store, she continued to peek inside for the magical sugary sweets that she craved. She looked at the signs, she followed the crowds, and yet all she managed to find was a bar and more blacksmiths. Was everyone a blacksmith in this starter zone. She let out a sigh. If she could not rely on the NPCs to do her bidding and make sugary sweets, then she had to use her human resources. There where dozens of players walking around and it was bound that one of them knew about a dessert shop. Looking around she noticed a man struggling against the crowd. Yes, this was it. This was the sign she was looking for. He was tall too so maybe he could help her out with is awesome observation skills. 

    "Hey, Mr. tall guy." Row slipped through the crowds with determination. "Over here!"

    After squeezing thought a few more players, she finally managed to reach him. Standing before him was a shorter girl with short white white hair that had a tint of pink/violet in it. She wore an iron breast plate with a 1h iron spear on her back. The rest of her gear consisted of a simple white shirt with a white skirt. "Whoa! you look even taller up close! Fufufu. I bet you can see over everything."

  23. (. Since Zulas is controlling the boar, I will use his roll results to determine its results 70253  Mob 1)

    The boar squealed after taking multiple hits from that sword art attack. Its hp dropped significantly despite it being affected with only one attack. If she was correct, the highest amount of damage the system would let her do was three, and yet Zulas was able to dish out six damage. This did not include the damage the creature would suffer from the bleed damage. While admiring this strength the boar started running at Row who seemed to have the higher aggro still. "Kyaaa, Nice try Treasure Boar-san but I am ready!" Row jumps over the boar, easily avoiding the predictable attack. With its back turned to her, she prepared her assault 

    ID# 70349 results:
     Battle: 6
    Row hits the boar for 1

    The boar's hp dropped as a result from the bleeding damage left behind by Zulas bringing the creature to about 60 percent of hits hp. This was a guess though as she did not have time to perform arithmetic in the middle of an attack unless it involved money. Still this brief moment was the perfect chance to hit the boar. Running at the boar, she thrust her spear and stabbed it from behind. While it did no where near the damage that Zulas did, she liked to believe that every little hit helped. 

    Treasure' Boar: HP 29/50 (-12 Bleed 1 turn left)
    Zulas: HP 90/100; Energy 5/10 hate 1 (Battlehealing)
    Row: HP 20/20 Energy 0/1 hate 3 

    (Sorry this post took so long. I was waiting for you to mod your post)

  24. This boar was crazy strong. Zulas was getting knocked around like crazy and it already dodged three attacks. Come to think of it, the last boar did dodge alot of attacks. The last time she remember fighting such an evasive enemy was that rouge in another generic computer mmorpg. Even then, that rouge was max level and was geared to dodge. She doubted these boars had an evasion boost, so that just meant they were just super skilled in combat. That or this game had some weird RnG aspect that she could not see and the RnG gods did not like them but that only happens in anime. 

    Still she had to do something or else her friend might die. Running up to the boar she raised her spear and let out another battle cry Then she jumped into the air and launched a mid air assault.

    ID# 70210 results:
     Battle: 9
    Row crits the boar for 2 and gains agro.

    Her spear impaled the back of the virtual creature as if she was cutting into jello. As she landed, she pulled her weapon through the boar creating a crescent like cut.

    Treasure' Boar: HP 48/50
    Zulas: HP 85/100; Energy 7/10 hate 0
    Row: HP 20/20 Energy 0/1 hate 2

  25. After Zulas agreed to keep his promise, she started to turn around. Then he pushed her for some reason, very hard at that. It was not long before that reason became very clear. A giant boar, compared to the one she just fought, suddenly appeared and tackled Zulas. "SENPAI!" As she got up she panicked to open up her U.I. Summoning her spear, she started to run Zulas stopped her. She looked at his heath to see it dropped a lot. Clearly, this boar was stronger than the one she fought. "Senpai... I." She did not want to make him worry but she could not just watch and do nothing. Gripping her spear tightly she waited until she was out of the boar's sights and then ran in. You have to take risk if you want to win.

    ID# 70178 results:
    Battle: 5
    Row missed the boar.


    'Treasure' Boar: HP 50/50
    Zulas: HP 90/100; Energy 8/10 hate 0
    Row: HP 20/20 Energy 0/1 hate 0

    "Senpai, I won't let you fight alone!" She gave out a battle cry in hopes to pull out the energy to join this new fight but all it ended up doing was making the creature aware of her presences. As she thrust her spear, the creature sided stepped to the left.

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