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Posts posted by Row

  1. Before Row could punch Vargas in the face for being a kill securing jerk face who flaunted his high attack power and level, Vargas sidestep and tripped her. "Ahhh" she cried as she fell and closed her eyes. She wanted to cry, but how could she. She was not a baby and it was her fault for attacking a higher level and much quicker player. However, something stopped her before she hit the ground. She felt an arm around her and finally heard Vargas voice. Immediately she opened her eyes and saw his face close to hers yet again. Her rage became embarrassment and her heart would not stop thumping. She almost could not hear his voice over the thumping. However, her pride managed to grasp the meaning of his words. "You did... dummy..." She turned her head so that he would not have the pleasure of looking at her blushing face. Finally, he released her but she could not stop blushing. Unable to face him even after the offer of col, she let out a cry and ran away shouting "DUMMY!"

    Thread Complete: 

    Row- 2 sp, 140 col
    Zulas- 2 sp, 120 col
    Vargas 2 sp, 390

  2. After arriving to the safe zone, the group stopped to say goodbye to their new friend. She laugh while looking away, "Yeah... But next time, I won't fail. When I take a job, I go 100 percent!" How's eyes where on fire as she declared her resolved. This was just a small blunder on her road to fame and glory. She learned alot about the aggro system and how dangerous not managing it was. She also learned why people feared the front lines. Losing a friend, even a new one, was a horrible feeling. Being powerless as a boss strikes down your allies was something she never wanted to repeat again. For that reason she knew the next skill she would get would be one for tanking. 

    After Johnathen left, the two turned in the quest. It was no surprises that Vargas chose the leather armor. He was a DPs, a strong one at that. It would suck to have to go back to chipping away the mobs HP little by little when they spit up. "Sorry again for failing you... I promise, next time I will properly defend you." She took a bow to finish the apologize. The she rose laughing. "Still it was fun playing with you. We should party up more often but for now, see you later." Without giving him a chance to respond she ran off into the town and disappeared into the crowd. 

  3. Row had not time to respond as she felt her self suddenly yanked towards Vargas. She was greeted by a mischievous smile which she struggled to return. sweat dripped down her face as she fought to keep herself from appearing surprised. However the combination of Vargas bring his face to her and that comment broke her weak facade. Her face went immediately red as her body felt powerless. It was a matter of him being stronger but a matter of not having the mental capacity to do anything but imagine him kissing her. She wasn't ready for that though, as she only recently met him. She did not even think he thought of her like that. She closed her eyes, trembling red. Then she was pushed to the back and the next thing she knew the boar was dead. Her boar, which had her treasure. "Va-va-VARGAS!" Her embarrassment turn to rage. 

    "YOU JERK! THAT WAS MY KILL! I WORKED SO HARD TO WEAKEN IT! ARGH." She ran at him with her fist balled up.

  4. Despite making a fool of her self, the battle was not over. Without waiting for the man to respond, she started charging at the boar. It seemed to recover from its massive flop and was ready to attack again. Now all she needed to do was focus and not piss off the dice gods who surely loved her. She raised her spear. She took aim. She bent her legs, preparing to lunge. Then a familiar voice broke through the focus.

     ID# 71839 results:

     Battle: 8

     MOB: 6

    It was Vargas. "Oh hi Vargas, what are you doing here on my treasure groun..." The next thing she knew, the boar wack her in the back. "Argh you stupid boar. Die and give me your treasures as punishment for impeding my conversation with my partner!" She slashed the boar's face shortly after recovering from the attack. "Sorry, I am busy killing this boar... we can play later." she gave him a wink before turning back the the pig creature.

     Treasure' Boar: HP 7/50 
    Row: HP 17/20  hate 8
    Vargas HP 100/100

  5. She was disappointed to hear that her new build path was not the rarest one but it would not deter her. Picking a path was not about being different. She was a treasure hunter before everything. She listened as Vargas and Jonathan continued speaking about tank stuff like how a lot of people try to get a little tanky. She would not blame them. Her friend nearly died because he was not very tanky. She was unstoppable at level 1 because she was very tanky. Then the conversation shifted to Vargas arm, or lack thereof. She snickered again as he got up but was a little disappointed when he did not fall again. However, his comment about giving them a thumbs up did send her into another fit of laughter. "Well, maybe next time you won't take my aggro." She marched forward ahead of the group as if she was the heroine. 

  6. Row kicked open the doors and laughed. "Hey Vargas, its time for your redemption! I have made a deal with another shop owner to get more promotion and all we have to do is appraise 2 items. Are you up for the CHALLENGE. If not too bad." She ran up to his counter and opened her inventory. The first item she summoned was the mythical Hard Leather Armor. It was a rare quality light armor type gear that gave bonus mitigation. The next and final item was Crow. Crow was another pair of light armor but it only had the savvy. That was not something she was familiar with nor something she really cared about. All that matter was that the item would be given something else at the end of the appraisal. Also she summoned 5 mats from her inventory because she remembered how bad he was at appraising anything that wasn't starter gear. "Here are some mats in case you run out. Now if you need me, I will be napping in my room!" 


    Name: Hardened Leather Armor
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 3
    ID: 71203
    Roll: 10+1
    Item Type: Light Armour
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 MIT
    Description: A strong and sturdy Leather armor that grants medium protection against attacks from enemies.

    Name: Crow
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 71304
    Roll: 8+1
    Item Type: Light Armour
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Savvy
    Description: A strong and sturdy Leather armor that grants minimum protection against attacks from enemies.

  7. Row giggled after successfully making the deal. It was nice to see that this man was not stupid. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain. "Thank you, thank you. We will return these items in a timely manner. Here is my contact information if you make any more gear you wish to have looked at." She pressed a few buttons to store the two pieces of armor into her inventory and then send a friend request. Now that business was done, she gave a cute bow and left the shop never to return again. Well, she would return after Vargas finished working or locking these things. She had high hopes for him, but the dice gods would be the ultimate deciders. She also hope that this would not jinx him. No pressure right? She quickly left the shop not caring if he accepted her friend request. It was just business after all.

    Rei collected the following


    Name: Hardened Leather Armor
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 3
    ID: 71203
    Roll: 10+1
    Item Type: Light Armour
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 MIT
    Description: A strong and sturdy Leather armor that grants medium protection against attacks from enemies.


    Name: Crow
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 71304
    Roll: 8+1
    Item Type: Light Armour
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Savvy
    Description: A strong and sturdy Leather armor that grants minimum protection against attacks from enemies.

  8. Row walked into the shop and looked around. The shop did not have a lot of stock but it did have something. None of it was maxed out which meant they could become better. After waiting for the customers to leave, she walked up to the counter. "Hello sir. My name is Row and I would like to offer you a special promotion that you will like. My and my associates at Pwn and Pawn are offering to inspect and appraise your gear for free no strings attached." She smiled while picking up the Crow armor. "In return for this deal, we ask that you stop by sometime and get more of your products appraised. And if we managed to find something on your armors, we ask that you pass our name along when sell the gear." She placed the armor down an returned to the center of the counter. "So what do you say. Want to take part in our promotion?"

  9. "Hybrid..." This game was so interesting. "If being a tank and scout is hard... then that means nobody else is doing it. That means it's a treasure!" She giggled and raised her arms. "That is what I want to do then. I will be the unkillable treasure hunter and be able to give all my friends a 'hand'" She turn to Vargas with a mischievous grin. Before Vargas could respond, he tripped over something. Falling to the ground, he appeared to try to catch himself with his missing arm, which was not going to work. He ended up rolling around in the dirt in a silly manner, which Row could not help but laugh at. This was very serious but so funny. "I'm sorry, but you're funny without your arm. Will it grow back?" She snickered more in an attempt to hold herself back. She meant for that question to come off a little more serious but when you are in a game... it's hard to take things serious.

  10. Row started sulking and lowered to the ground after being reminded of her failure. Swirling her finger in the dirt, she stated her excuse, "I told you already... I couldn't hit the boss." If was not like she did not have a plan, in fact, if Vargas would just have backed off everything would of worked. Luck was just not on her side for this battle or most battles if she was honest. Still she was a treasure hunter and she needed her luck there. Her eyes started to glow when Vargas admitted he made a mistake. He was a nice guy to take the blame or at least was until his next comment made fun of her inability to hit the creature. She froze in shock as if she was just stabbed by a rusty blade, but instead a physical blade, it was a verbal one of betray and evil. "Vargas!!" She whined while stomping her feet in protest to his comment. Before she could continue, Jonathan started asking if she wanted to be a tank. She froze and moved her finger to her lip. Ideally she wanted to be the a super guild leader that supplied the front lines but she also did not want to die. That was why she had heavy armor and was so tanky even now. "I... I never thought that far. I kind of just wanted to look for treasure. If I become a tank will i get a lot of treasures?"


    ID  71659


    »Name: Boar's Tusk
     [SP-F1] The Slaughter of 1000 Boars
    Item Type: 1-h Sword
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 1
    Enchantments: +1 dmg
    Description: A 1 hand sword with a bleached boar tusk as a blade on a silver handle. 

    ID  71660


    »Name: Boar Soothing Leather Bracers
    Obtain:   [SP-F1] The Slaughter of 1000 Boars
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 1
    Enchantments: +2 Regen
    Description: Leather bracers made out of boars hide that feels very soothing to wear. 

  12. Row Returned after some time to see the status of the gear she gave Vargas. "I'm back partner; did you make mi treasures better? Maybe I will give you a re..." She stopped when she saw that most of her gear was the same. In fact, the only things that improved were her starter gear. "But... how... like... How did you fail to upgrade everything but the starter gear? This game does not like me..." She yelled while stomping her feet. "Argh.. Not fair. We can't even sell this stuff." She turned around and collapsed against the wall. "It is ok... you can use that gear and sell the other stuff so we can split the money... I will just... look for more treasures. Everything will be ok... haha waaaa!" She started to walk out the room disappointed. "Drop the money in my room when you finished sell the stuff you don't need."


  13. The boars in this are looked a little different then your normal boars. Their eyes where bigger and their bodies where much more lean. They looked as if they could see all action and that they could run pretty fast. The only quest now was, could the boars beat her. Well their was only one way to find out. Row picked up her spear and ran to the closest boar. The other 3 boars parted from her victim and surrounded her. Still Row continued charging forward unaware of the weird tactics. Though she did notice that the boars were not grouped up anymore, she did not care because she lacked any aoe abilities. All that mattered was striking down that first boar!

    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
    71662 8 6 8+3 2+4 Row Msg_hover2.png 2016-12-03 07:58:23 BoarD
    71661 6 10 9+3 7+4 Row Msg_hover2.png 2016-12-03 07:58:12 BoarC
    71660 5 1 17+3 3+4 Row Msg_hover2.png 2016-12-03 07:58:00 BoarB
    71659 4 4 20+3 5+4 Row Msg_hover2.png

    2016-12-03 07:57:02 Rei BoarA 

    Row jumped at the boar and slammed her spear into the ground. However the boar jumped to the side, dodging the attack. Row clenched her teeth and dropped her spear in order to focus all her mental energy to moving her shield in front of her. The boar then head but her but struck her glowing shield and knocked her back into the center of the other 3 boars. The boar's face was covered in red damage light and it hit the ground shortly after striking the shield. However she would not have time to notice due to another boar charging at her before she hit the ground. She twisted her body in mid air to block the attack but was still knocked back quite from the boar's power. That boar fell. As she hit the ground and roll to her feet, another boar charged her, knocking her down. That boar fell. Finally the last boar also jumped up and Kicked her. That boar fell.

    Row 16/20
    Boar A 0/10 Dropped 1 Mat, Boar Soothing Leather Bracers (2 Regen).  
    Boar B 0/10 Dropped 1 Mat, Boar's Tusk (1 hand sword 1 dmg)
    Boar C 0/10 Dropped 1 mat, Iron Shield
    Boar D 0/10 Dropped 1 mat, Iron Breast Plate

    »Name: Boar's Tusk
     [SP-F1] The Slaughter of 1000 Boars
    Item Type: 1-h Sword
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 1
    Enchantments: +1 dmg
    Description: A 1 hand sword with a bleached boar tusk as a blade on a silver handle. 

    »Name: Boar Soothing Leather Bracers
    Obtain:   [SP-F1] The Slaughter of 1000 Boars
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 1
    Enchantments: +2 Regen
    Description: Leather bracers made out of boars hide that feels very soothing to wear. 

    »Name: Iron Breastplate
    Obtain:  [SP-F1] The Slaughter of 1000 Boars
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Quality: Good
    Tier: 1
    Enchantments: None

    Description: Breastplate made of iron

    »Name: Iron Shield
    Obtain:  [SP-F1] The Slaughter of 1000 Boars
    Item Type: Shield
    Quality: Good
    Tier: 1
    Enchantments: None

    Description: A shield made of iron

  14. When Vargas started blushing, she also started blushing. However she was not ready to show such an emotion after making that earlier comment so she folded her arms and turned around to hid it. She did catch him nodding in agreement so she was happy. However something knocked her out of this embarrassing expression shortly after. Their hero was being all hero like and refused her offer. She felt so relieved because she really wanted that money. A grin appeared on her face which she hid behind her hand. However, his next statement would confused her. He said neither of them had armor. Why it was true that Vargas had no armor and was going to die because of it, Row was a different story. Not only did she have a set of perfect heavy armor, The Deflective Gauntlets which almost made the boss do minimal damage to her. She also had a shield which could reflect the damage back at the boss. She was far from armorless. 

    "But i do have armor..." Row pointed to her gauntlets and shield, "That is why I was hired as a tank."

    When they guy mentioned that we should not just trust him without knowing who he was, she wondered if he was over reaction. Had he been one of those rumored player killers, then he could have just watched us die or kill steal the boss. "It ok, If you were a bad guy, then you would not have used that cool yell attack that distracted the boss." She then bowed once more, "My name is R.O.W."


  15. Rei turned to the new player who jumped into the fight and saved Vargas. There was so much she wanted to say. Before that though, there was one thing she knew she must do. She walked closer to him and returned her shield and spear to her inventory. Then she bowed to the man. "Thank you so much for saving my friend when I could not. I don't know how I... could have lived with myself... had he died." Tears started forming in her eyes again. She was not a murderer, nor had she every lost anyone in her life. Death was but an afterthought in her short youthful experience that was all about fun. To be honest, she never once thought about it until now. 

    "I have failed my job as a tank... I cannot accept my portion of the reward so please take it in my stead." 

    Satisfied with her show of gratitude, she ran to Vargas and tugged on his arm so that his head was closer to her so she could whisper in his ear. "Look! I was only crying because I didn't want to be the reason you died... Don't misunderstand or tell anyone ok!"


    Oh and the elf bleed to death and didn't drop anything because loot requirements were not met

  16. The only interesting thing happening here was the number of players that gathered around a newbie player like Harry. Row just wanted to know if attacking a tree or practicing sword attacks on thin air really improved your skill at this game when the game was suppose to automatically guide your attacks. It was a little funny to see the blond hair girl question his decision to sleep in a danger zone and she could not help but smile when the other player just entered. Still, the last time she was in a crowd, someone jumped off a roof. 

    "Yeah, nothing interesting is happening here and I hope it stays that way. I don't know how I will feel if a body suddenly fell out of the tree dead." She shivered at the thought. "I am Row by the way stranger." She bowed at the new player to give a proper greeting before turning to the group and more specifically Harry. "I honestly just wanted to know if swing your sword around at thin air improved your sword skill. If it didn't that was alright but it would be really cool if I could level up in my own shop!"

  17. Row was not somebody known to have social anxiety. In fact, she adored being surrounded by people with giant wallets. However, the one thing she was not comfortable with was the strange that were not going to give her money. She can overlook any kind of customer as long as they were a customer. These people were not customers and most looked very strong. That was just an assumption though. Still, saying some of these players were crazy was not. Anyone who had to insanity to freaking jump off a building was too much for her. A dead customer is not a good customer. She leaned towards the other player (Wolf) and whispered that they should probably just leave now. Sure, he needed some help, but at least he was not jumping off of buildings. She then waved to everyone who might be looking and proceeded to walk away. If the other player followed, then fine. If not she did not really care.

  18. Row ran up to Vargus's section of the shop holding a bunch of gear that she found on her earlier adventures. "Vargus! I have stuff I want you to appraise," she shouted as she kicked open the doors. In her arms were her starter weapon the called Iron Spear, her starter armor called Iron Breastplate, her weapon loot from the boar hunt called Red Boar's Tusk, Her shield loot from the boar hunt called Iron Shield, and a weapon given to her from another player called Lunar Quill. The weapons fell all over the table as if they were just dumped out of a toy chest. It did not help that Row was gleefully smiling like a kid the night before Christmas. "So do you think you can do this? If you need some mats, I have oodles and noodles of them!" She pulled out a bunch of mats out of her inventory as proof before putting them away. "There is no time limit, but I think we can get more customers if had more stuff in our stock, don't you think so?" She clapped her hand and rubbed them together with Yen signs in her eyes. 




    »Name: Iron Spear
    Obtain: Starter item

    Item Type: One handed Spear
    Quality: Good
    Description: A typical starter weapon made out of iron.

    »Name: Red Boar's Tusk
     [SP-F1] Treasure Hunting 1
    Item Type: 1-h Spear
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 1
    Enchantments: +2 Bleed
    Description: A 1 hand spear with a bleached boar tusk attached to a sliver handle. The tusk has a line of sliver along the edge which is very sharp. 

    »Name: Iron Shield
    Obtain:  [SP-F1] Treasure Hunting 1
    Item Type: Shield
    Quality: Good
    Tier: 1
    Enchantments: None

    Description: A shield made of iron

    »Name: Lunar Quill
    Obtain: Gifted
    Item Type: Weapon (Rapier)
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 1
    Enhancements: +2 Damage
    Description: A long, thin, silver blade. The hilt is an elegant black and silver with a light swirling pattern etched in the metal.

    »Name: Iron Breastplate
    Obtain: Starter item

    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Quality: Good
    Description: Typical starter armor made out of iron.

  19. It felt as if a knight in shining armor arrived on a steed of justice and hope. The difference here was that the guy was not riding a horse and she was not the damsel in distress. This did not make her any less happy as her friend's life was saved. Nothing could beat that feeling. Tears did not stop rolling down her face, especially when Vargas offered her his hand. She was not even that hurt and yet Vargas was standing over here. She grabbed his hand and picked herself up but it did not end there. A loud cry exploded from her as she tackled Vargas and started crying in his chest. "You baka! baka! Why didn't you stand back and let me tank." 

    Suddenly something hit her. He was still a stranger, why did she feel this way. Still she kept crying in his chest not wanting give into logic. After a few more seconds of crying and calling him stupid, she managed to calm herself down and look up at their hero. He clearly was a high level cause he could use a skill she never seen before. He just shouted and the mob targeted him instead. It was a true tank skill. Still, she did not want to just give up. Unlike Vargas, she still had some spunk in her. Though her attack might miss, she still wanted to charge forward and fight with this hero. 

    ID# 71322 results:

     Battle: 10
    Row crited the Elf for 5 and inflict bleed (12 damage for 2 turns) and Stun (1 turn). The Elf will die on its turn. 

    The elf was not looking at anybody but the new player and thus was wide open to Row. She screamed while running at the elf. The elf did not move. She jumped into the air and then impaled her spear through its back. Then she dragged it down and nearly cut the elf in half. The Elf froze and blood started dripping from its back. It fell on one knee and its death was sealed. 



    Dark Elf 10/50 Bleeding (2/2) and stun (1/1)

    Row 17/20 Energy 0/2 Hate: 3

    Vargas 40/100 Energy 5/10 Hate: 3

    Morgenstern 619/620 Energy: 62/62 Hate: 3

  20. Row's heart thumped when the elf ran to her friend. It thumped again when it launched its uppercut. Her heart nearly busted out of her chest when the elf launched its second attack. The attack connected sending Row into a panic. For the first time ever, she stopped smiling. For the first time, she learned why a death game was not a game. Time slowed down as everything in her head spun and whirled. She had to do something, she had to save Vargas. She let out a desperate cry as she charged the elf. She needed to land a critical. That was the only thing she had left that could save him.

    ID# 71246 results:

    Battle: 5

    However the dice gods were not on her side. Not only did she fail to land a crit, she failed to hit the elf at all. The creature swatted away her attack like a fly sending Row into the dirt. Then it continued hunting down Vargas without mercy. Tears ran down Row's face as she gripped the virtual dirt. She wondered why she couldn't hit the damn creature. Why it constantly dodged her. Was it her level? Was it her skill? Was it just a sick joke? What could she do?

  21. As Vargas ran at the elf, Row tried to warn him that he still had aggro. "Wait, Vargas. The mob will attack you if you dont stop." She picked herself off the ground but it was too late. The two were already engage in a trade of blows. Once again, Varus landed his sword art, but it came at a price. The elf managed to land a powerful blow that sliced off his arm. Not only that but Varus lost over 25% of his hp. This was terrible. Sure, she was getting hit hard, but she never took that much damage before nor has she ever lost an arm. She had to do something quick or the arm would be the least of their worries.

     ID# 71135 results:

     Battle: 3

    She ran at the Elf and lunged her spear however the elf evaded using its flexibility to evade. "Argh don't ignore me elf!" She lunged one more time but ended up tripping again. "Ouchie."

    Dark Elf 15/50

    Row 17/20 Energy: 0/2 Hate: 1

    Vargas 70/100 Energy: 3/10 Hate: 3

  22. Rei smiled while turning to Zulas. She could understand that the guy wanted to help her. Death was real in this game and nobody wanted to lose a friend. So she decided to accept the help and fight as a team one more. "Ok Sempai, if we tag team, we could win in no time." She held out her spear and faced the boar. "Lets do a combination attack and take it out quick." Before she could continue, the boar began its charge of death and destruction.

     ID# 71096 results:

     Battle: 1 MOB: 1
    THe boar missed. Row missed.

    The charge of destruction became a charge of flopping, as the boar tripped and slid pass her. Now was a perfect chance to strike and so she swung her spear. However her spear slipped out of her hands and landed next to Zulas. She lowered her head and froze. "Uh... opps." She did not know how Zulas was going to react now that she made a complete fool of herself. 

     Treasure' Boar: HP 8/50 
    Row: HP 18/20 Energy 0/1

  23. "Thank you Vargas!" He was really fast and useful for sharing aggro of the boss. Looking at the elf, Row saw Vargas going in for a attack after the boss made an opening. "Time for a combination attack." She ran forward while yelling. Her spear was held in front of her while her shield was up ready to block the next attack. All she had to do now was make use of the opening that her teammate was making for her. Vargas's sword glowed brightly as before he unleashed another wave of furry attacks. The elf staggered and started looking at him. Then he mentioned he had to pull back because he obtained too much aggro. "Copy all, don't worry, I got this!" 

     ID# 71094 results:

     Battle: 1

    She lunged forward but ended up tripping over a pebble, not just any pebble though. It was the mithirl pebble of player tripping. She gripped the ground as she watched the elf continued facing Vargas.

    Dark Elf 21/50

    Row 17/20 Energy: 0/1 Hate: 1

    Vargas 100/100 Energy: 5/10 Hate: 2

  24. Row giggled as she pulled her spear out the boars head. It got a good hit on her, but her health bar begged to differ. Taking a step back, she waited for the boar to recover from the damage. Pretending to be stuck, which she assumed it did, was a great trick. This time she would wait for it to attack so she had the time to react. It did not take long for it to break free from being stunned, hence why she did not go in. The boar started kicking up dirt in a effort to scare her. It wanted to do a charge attack but was starting it differently than normal. Now the question was what was it going to do.

    ID# 71012 results:

     Battle: 4 MOB: 7

    Boar hit row for 1. Row missed the boar.

    Suddenly the boar covered a huge amount of distance. She jumped back and tried to ready her spear but the boar was already ramming its tusk into her chest. Then it pinned on her the ground preventing her from counter attacking. 

    Treasure' Boar: HP 8/50 
    Row: HP 18/20 Energy 0/1

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