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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. Wolfies gaze remained unmoved. “Nice is a strong word…” Wolfie says ignoring the comment on the alcohol. “Call for you familiar to stand down so that I can look you in the eyes and analyze your workings.” Wolfie said bluntly and to the point, his voice remaining in dominant fire. Though the light behind his eyes seemed to be constantly shifting. As if he was hopping between trains of thought. Shooting back the second shot, he asks the bartender for a tall glass of water. “There is something wrong with this situation” wolfie thought, “the tenor in this mans voice seems off” he takes a deep breath and allows the light to shift to the gold eye, his aura shifting from anger to emotionless, however not loosing its dominance. “I assume you want my name, They call me Wolfie.” he pauses and thinks “You cant trust this man, you have heard this style of speaking before, and nothing that is familiar is good”



  2. Wolfie took note at the man’s similar disposition. He lets go of the man and lowers his weapon, placing it back on his waist before letting out what could be assumed to be a rough sigh. “In order to be lost, you must have, at some point been found” Wolfie said his voice loosing its growl and hatefulness but still remaining graveled. Whilst his eyes have calmed, the fire seeming to dwindle, his expression and dominant aura remains unchanged. “I know that if I attempted to kill this man I would loose, but there is something inside me that feels something what is it?” wolfie thinks to himself “I can place the feeling…. Its so… familiar…” Wolfie looks around, not letting down his guard. He realizes the need to seek shelter. “I feel we have a lot in common,” Wolfie says looking back at the man, “there wouldn’t happen to be a pavilion we could sit under and talk would there?” pausing to wait for a response he thinks what the hell are you doing? You cant trust him!... but I do need to get out of the rain first….”



  3. *SNAP* A sharp and sudden sound ruptured the rain, it was not that of lightning. In one swift and elegant action Wolfie leapt into the air.  His eyes had an untapped fire “How could you have been so careless!?” His mind yelled at him as the section of the chest that housed his anger was opened full force. He quickly scanned the area as lightning struck nearby. Seeing the man who stalked him, he removed his war-hammer from his belt and rushed the man. Not giving the man any time to react, Wolfie had pinned him against a tree, Wolfie’s hand at the man’s throat. *SMASH* the war-hammer strikes the tree with force, sending bark flying around in every direction. Another flash of lightning struck behind the man, briefly illuminating Wolfie’s face. His multicolored eyes had a fire of hatred and anger that only spawns from the past he had gone through. His face was in an expression that showed bloodlust. The overbearing amount of dominant and menacing aura he gave off was enough to make any normal man sick to their stomach. “I will give you one chance” Wolfie said, his voice no more than a hellish, wolfish growl. Sending a chill down the spines of anyone who heard it. “Why are you here?”


  4. Wolfie’s eyes seemed to change in intensity. The Red eye was not so fiery and the Gold eye became more prevalent and calming. “What happens when you cannot find anything to put value in? What happens when the world get devoured and all the things around you fall away? Memories cause wounds, Experiences can never be relived, and bonds just open you up to be pushed away and stepped on.” His growling voice relinquished some of its intensity. He then took another drag of his cigarette. “What can you value when you have nothing left? How can you look to for direction when everything you know, have and love is torn from your grasp? Life goes on with or without you, time flows on even after you perish.” Wolfie took another drag and realized that he was almost out of this cigarette, apparently, he had been more focused on the conversation the Cigarette. He shrugged and threw it aside, making sure that the cherry tip was extinguished on the concrete.

  5. So, just a question, Does anyone else have this happen to them? I have had so many characters that are prominent and that I play for long periods of time, both in SAO-RPG and D&D. It seems that when I get into character, the way the character sees life is how I see life even after I get out of character. For Example whenever I play Wolfie, Abandon, or Any character that embodies the strand of my personality that I have deemed Wolf, mt views on life become dark and depressing. When I play as Iri, or any character that embodies the strand of my personality that I have deemed Iri, my views on life and subsequent actions embody that of a person who is very young and childish. Whenever I play Nixon, or any character that embodies the strand of my personality that I have deemed Nixon. I become, relaxed, analytical and welcoming. Note that these are not like different entities but rather they are Different parts of me. I am just curious as to whether or not anyone else has experienced this and if anyone had advice on how to counteract it.

  6. Wolfie didn’t realize he was being followed and thus he found a tree, sat and lowered his hood. There was a puddle next to him. He peered into it watching his own eyes as he sat. His red and gold eyes seemed to give off two different vibes. The red eye, one of fiery anger and the Gold, that of calm and lack of emotion. “Who are you?” he asked the man in the puddle out loud. “What have you become?” his voice low and graveled, becoming almost a growl. “What have you done with your life? Why have you forsaken everyone and everything? You even forsake Abigail!” his voice rose in volume at the end. And he winced as he once again attempted to suppress the wave of destructive and depressing emotions that washed over him. Before he could do anything else, his eyes filled with tears as he remembered his deceased pet. He longed to hold her in his arms once more but knew that was never again possible. Lightning strikes somewhere in the distance.



  7. Wolfie paused for a moment in shock. “Did she just call me a Dummy?” he thought to himself. After she finished he stood up in one swift motion, allowing his hood to fall to his shoulders. His Unkept dark grey, wolfish hair and piercing multicolored eyes now easily seen. “You speak of value as though it is an inherent part of existence.” He said, his voice becoming more of a growl. “When is it not true that anything that exists only has value if someone gives it value? Not to mention the fact that in order for someone to hold up a claim of value they must have someone else who agrees. Wolfie pauses before reaching down and picking up a pebble. “For example, to you and me, the pebble has no value because we don’t give it value. However, if we were to agree on the value of this pebble and make it work something, then, in that instant its value would drastically rise. Just as well, if everyone in the game decided that they didn’t want to use col anymore and instead wanted to trade using iron ingots as currency then the value of col would become zero"

  8. Wolfie heard a giggle beside him from the girl who just strolled up.   "Isn't it obviously? You fight to get the treasure!" His face remained unchanged. “Treasure cannot bring back the dead” Wolfie said with a dominant but distant tone “Treasure cannot right the wrongs of ones past.” He lights a Cigarette, takes a puff and blows the smoke in the direction opposite of the girl to show respect. “Treasure cannot unlock a chest of forgotten and closed emotion, treasure cannot teach you how to hunt down those who wronged you, treasure is no more useful to me than wind is to a fish.” Not looking at the girl, his hood continued to shadow his face. “Where is it that naivety ends and Ignorance begins?” he though to himself before knocking some ash off his cigarette. He was now more aware of his surroundings, realizing that every word he spoke could be heard by anyone in the vicinity. He feared he may have already said too much.

  9. Wolfie continued to stare at the dragon, noticing its expression but not agnologing it. Wolfie had done this before, and knew how to manipulate he own aura and what part of the Chest to open. He took a deep breath, and allowed his wolfish aura of dominance to be prominent. That aura which Abigale taught him. The only emotion show being that of dominance and frustration that would be given to an insubordinate. The man who was this familiars master came over to Wolfie and commented on his choice of drink.  “Look,” Wolfie said, his voice now low, gravelly, and domineering, “When you have seen and been through the [censored] I have, the stranger drinks do more.” With that he through the shot in his mouth without moving his head more and a few centimeters as to keep eye contact with the dragon. Waited a moment, and then swallowed. He put the shot glass down and ordered another with haste.

  10. Wolfie Walked with purpose today, determined to find a forest. He wanted to remember his childhood once more, remember when he would sit under a tree during a downpour, with Abigail sitting next to him. His walk became a swift run. His cloak flowed around him, he swiftly took every step precisely as though he knew where he would step ten steps earlier. As he ran, he shed a single tear as he remembered his now lost companion. He couldn’t let it show, he knew that. He just wished he could see her again. Unknown to Wolfie, he darts past a man in blue armour. It was the first thing he hadn’t noticed sense he had started the game. Letting his guard down slightly due to his vast ability to reason, and based on the dark stormy clouds and there way on most people. Wolfie just didn’t care anyways. The rain pattered around him, and eased the tension in his heart. Though he didn’t run for long, once he was substantially outside of the city he slowed down to a walk and took in everything around him. 
    (Note: Wolfie’s movements while running, especially in rain, are uncanny to that of Nixion)


  11. This man was strange to say the least. Not to mention the atmosphere he projected outward. He seemingly sent of his companion to, what Wolfie could only think, gain information on something. “That Dragon, it’s eyeing me.” Wolfie things as he looks around. He sighed as he came to the realization that he couldn’t even move without being confronted now. He swiftly stood, not paying attention to his chair hitting the wall with a loud Thump. He swiftly stared down the Dragon as he removed his hood. He was determined to assert dominance. His shaggy hair had a wolfish quality, his eyes piercing and his expression that of annoyance and anger. He walked over to the bar, never once looking away from the Dragon. He moved swiftly through the bar not running into anyone or anything. Sitting down on the corner he ordered a Jager Bomb, black liquorice. He could feel the chest that he kept his emotions in shutting once more, his emotions calming thought his face remained unchanged.


  12. Entering the tavern, Wolfie’s black cloak covered his figure and the hood shadowed his face. It didn’t take long before someone walked in behind him. Quickly finding a seat in the back of the tavern, he watched as a man in a full suit of armour waltzed in with a similar looking woman behind him. Wolfie, curious as he was fell back from them, observing before anything else. The man seemed reputable and confident "A man of stature, a woman of beauty, and two familiars. Intriguing, though I cannot get a reading on this mans motives or  emotion. It is best to hold back and watch for now" Wolfie thought as he silently observed the man, his eyes piercing. "I wonder what makes this man who he is..." A small smirk grew on the face of the hollow man, but it soon vanished. Another puff of his cigarette allowed his face to be seen. His multicolored eyes glistened, piercingly in the dim light of the tavern but his face was quickly re-hidden by his hood. Wolfie re-adjusted his outward body language to mirror an observant bum. Someone fresh off the street.

  13. With a grimace, Wolfie asks the Bartender for water. He hated not having any Col, but he knew that he was the only one to blame. Looking to the Old Man next to him, Wolfie talks in the most sincere tone he could muster. “My name is Wolfie, who might you be?” The old man smiles at him, a smile that most would associate with a grandparent, but Wolfie just saw weakness, it was a trusting smile. “This man must not understand what happens when you trust someone.” Wolfie thought to himself. “I am Danny Martin” The Old Man said with a jolly, but raspy voice “It is a pleasure to meet you Wolfie. What brings you around these parts?” The way this man spoke had a vague familiarity to Wolfie but he could seem to place it. Where had he heard this voice before? “I have come to learn about the history of this land and the abilities of the people that live here.” Wolfie said, the low gravelly rumble in his voice becoming prevalent.

  14. Wolfie enters the city of Urbus in what could equate to a trance like state. His eyes seem empty and distant. Suddenly and quickly he blinks his multicolored eyes. “Where am I?” he asks out loud to no one. “I don’t recall coming here….” Looking around he gains no clues, then proceeds to look at his menu for a map. “Urbus, Floor Two,” he mumbles the gravelly anger becoming more prevalent in his voice, “I guess I better make use of this while I can.” Wolfie sighs and walks to the nearest tavern, lighting a cigarette, pleading with the game to allow him to feel the reassuring sensation of nicotine even though it was a virtual cigarette. Disappointed there was no rush like he wanted, the buzz never came. “Damn… maybe I can find a working pack as a quest Item…” he said trailing off as he reached the Tavern. The wooden doors stood still, but light was coming from the window. Illuminating the air as the sun set over the edge of the crater. 

  15. Wolfie wandered around a little bit, realizing that he had no idea where the town square was.  He let out a disappointed sigh and turned to his map. The most likely place was in the center of the village but that was not correct, as he so quickly discovered. “Where else could it be?” He asked himself out loud. “Maybe the tavern will give me something I can work with.” With that he made his way to the local tavern. While it wasn’t bustling about there were a few people there. He decided to seek the NPC who looked to be the most knowledgeable about the world. This man wasn’t hard to find; he was sitting at the bar with what looked to be a full glass of vodka. Wolfie approached this man and with the least angered and gravelly voice he could muster asks the man “Do you mind if I sit here?” the man says no and smiles at Wolfie, though Wolfie does not return the gesture. 

  16. Wolfie finds himself in Horunka Village on floor one. The small hunting base was bustling with people, those of all times, those of all traits. It had been a long-time sense Wolfie had hunted but he knew now was not the time for it. Instead he decided to investigate the village and the people that lived there. He was sure that he could use that which he learned from the NPC’s in his future endeavors. He just needed to find one that would react in a mannerism that was the same as a living player. One that could hold a conversation and wouldn’t give only random banter or the same line over and over again. That said he didn’t really know what to look for. He decided to find the local gathering point to try to find someone who he could talk to. Maybe he could even pick up on some gossip. He could only hope, not that he had that much.

  17. Wolfie was sitting in the town square of the City of Beginnings contemplating the live that he had and those that were lost. “Why do I still fight?” He asked himself out loud, his voice deep and penetrating the space around him. There was a mix of anger and sadness to his voice, though those who had met him before would know, that is his normal voice. He hasn’t a clue how to shake the unhappy connotations his voice tends to give but he never really needed to. “I see all these people die around me, every day it is someone new. What is the point in pushing forward? I can’t even see Abigail anymore…” he trails off at this point. It finally setting in on him that his faithful companion was left to fend for herself. He realized that she was probably dead and even if he made it out there was no way he would ever be able to see her again. “Why do I fight?” He asks again, softer this time.

  18. Profile
    Username: Wolfie
    Real name: Shorael Blackhand
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5ft 11in

    Eyes: Heterochromia (Left Gold, Right Red)

    Hair: Dark Grey and black (Resembling the coat of a grey wolf)

    About: History/personality
    Brief Version:


    Shorael was never really liked, he grew up on the outskirts of town. He was tormented and troubled by other constantly. Slowly he imploded into himself, never letting anyone in. His only friend was his pet dog. The two grew up together and took care of each other. After his parents were murdered in front of him, he ran. He didn't know what to do or what to think. So, he suppressed it into himself. Not letting others in. He grew cold and fearful. Eventually he began hunting those who had wronged him. Once SAO came out he elected to use the game to effectively learn how to hunt, how to kill. So with all the money he had saved though out his life he purchased a nerve-gear and started the game. He never really wanted to hurt anyone, he has just lost everything and has no one to trust anymore. All of his experiences with other have left him beaten down.

    Full Version (WIP and spoken by him):


    We will start with my family. My father, Henry Blackhand, was a brilliant mind and biologist. He was the sort of man who could come up with an answer to any problem. He would work as a pharmacist in the lower income areas of town, his shops were many. His goal was to allow for those of low income to be able to afford prescription drugs and still be able to pay bills. Using the money, he made from his scientific works he was able to accomplish this, and he did it very well. My mother, Caroline Blackhand was an outdoors woman. She worked as a park ranger and would spend summers as a fire watch from time to time. They were so happy together, so at peace, so at ease. I was too, none of us ever fought, there was no hardship in sight. Though as you probably know, life will never allow this. Then one day, we were walking with my father to his shop. When someone who was waiting outside, seemingly deranged, and angry, attacked us. I watched as he slit my father’s throat, then he abused my mother. I watched him play with her flesh, I watched her eyes plead for help. Then I watched as they changed to a plead for death. Oh, I forgot to mention, he tied me up so that I couldn’t move, I was forced to sit and watch as he broke my mother. When all was said and done he told her he would let her go, she was so excited to be set free but as soon as the ropes were untied, he stabbed her in the back then up her back, I watched as the light faded from her eyes, I watched as she was killed. Knowing I couldn’t do anything to help her I sat there. He looked at me, a Massive grin, like he knew how I felt, whispered in my ear. ‘Why didn’t you save them? Why didn’t you stop me? You are weak minded, weak willed, and useless.’ Then he let out a terrifying laugh, one that haunts your dreams and left me stuck there. Staring at my mother’s lifeless body, those words he said circling in my mind. Once I finally got untied, I ran. I ran fast, I wanted to go home. Once I got inside and locked the door, I wept. Everything still fresh in my mind. About three days later some men came to the house, they told me that My Fathers wealth had been ‘acquired’ by the bank because I wasn’t old enough to handle the money. Which, as a seven year old, made enough sense. In all actuality, it was siphoned out of his account by the Co-workers he had earlier in life. Not but a month after that I was kicked out of the house because I couldn’t pay bills and there was no more money left to my last name. They tried to take me to an Orphanage, so I ran. I ran into the woods. They never came looking for me, they never found me, they never cared. Broken, scared and afraid I wandered the forest. And when I had given up I heard a small yelp, animistic in nature. I ran towards it, wanting to help, or at least see what it was. Upon my arrival, I found a puppy, maybe four months old. He leg was bleeding really bad and she was horribly malnourished. I was at a distance an saw something else there as well. There were a group of guy, not too much older than me at the time, they were laughing while kicking her. I saw one of them had a bloody knife. I looked into the puppies eyes and saw the same face that had been plaguing me. Her eyes had the same pleading expression of my mother. They seemed to scream ‘Help Me’. I was so enraged. I didn’t care anymore I ran up to them and flung myself in front of the group. Yelling at them to stop. That is when something in me snapped. ‘Oh, like YOU can stop us’ the one holding the knife ‘You should just run home to mommy while you still can, or else Y-‘ he wasn’t able to finish that last sentence. He was so focused on his speech that he opened himself to a weak point. I dashed up to him grabbed then knife that he had used to hurt the puppy and pierced his throat. I watched the surprised expression before the life drained from his eyes. The other two watched before they ran. Immediately after, I turned to the puppy, Tore part of my jacked and started to bandage her leg. I then lead her to the small shelter I had made out of twigs and leaves in the forest. I named her Abigale, and she never left my side.



      Hide contents

    Though Wolf doesn’t like others, he is still completes any task he agrees to. He will go so far as to take a promise to the grave if he needs to. He doesn’t take well to liars and won't stand to lie. He can always be counted on by those who he trusts and respects; and even those he doesn't. This does mean, however that Wolf is much less likely to agree to something unless he has good reason too. He is very weary about giving out his word but is not opposed to it.



    Wolfie will protect those that he cares for no matter what. Though it is hard to get to a point in which he cares enough about you. Those who show the willingness to get there will never be let down by him. In the midst of danger, he will protect others at all costs. This is why he is a tank. He wants to ensure that everyone he cares about will live. He doesn't want to go though what happened to his parents again. 



    Wolfie pays attention to everything that goes on in a conversation. Everything from body language to tone of voice, to the very words being spoken to him. If you get him to open up to you, you can be sure that he will listen to every word you say and do what he can do to help, or give advice if needed. He wants to help others, and though he is sometimes clouded by his past, he knows that step one is to listen.

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html


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    Because of his past, Wolfie has major trouble trusting others. He also tends to go into situations with primarily skepticism and doesn’t want to trust anyone or anything unless he is given a good reason to trust them. This is not an easy task because those who strive for his trust have to find ways to convince them to trust them that others didn't already use against him. He wants to trust people like he used to but doesn’t know how.



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    On the outside, Wolfie doesn't really seem to care about others. He also doesn’t seem to have any emotions. However this could not be farther from the truth. In fact he has more impulsive and strong emotions than most people. Wolf had been forced to suppress those emotions for so long that he has forgotten how to unlock them. He wants to feel what he locked up, he just doesn't know who has the key.



    Wolfie has had a ton of pain and problems in the past. He always has anxiety whenever he is in a social situation. Most of the time he just doesn't know what to say or do. Not to mention his fear of getting hurt by others. He tends to avoid social interaction, however he wants friends. He will be kind to you, but he is always cautious until he gets used to someone. He just wants to make sure that no one will have the opportunity to hurt him like those from his past did

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)



    »Heavy Armor:
    1 Rank 5 SP
    Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use Heavy Armor Equipment.


    Weapon skills:

    One-Handed War Hammer:

    1 Rank 5 SP


    The effectiveness with which a player can use one-handed Hammer or Mace type weapons. (Example: Flanged Mace, Warhammer)

    Total SP: 10
    » 16th Century Italian Mace
    » Starter Iron Breastplate

    » 453 Col

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - Complete

    [PP-F2] This Life We Live (Domarus, Wolfie)

    [F1-PP-NK] The return (Wolfie)

    [OP-Safe Zone-F1] Time to start again

    [PP-NK-F1] hahaha-ha-hahahaha-hahaha-ha (Wolfie)

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - Pending


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    [PP-F1] Simple Minded People (w/ Wolfie)

    [SP-F1] Making up for it

    [PP-NK-F2] Not all PK'ers are bad (Teayre, Wolfie) <<Earning A Living>>

    [PP-NK-F1] Who will be upset first? (Corvo, Wolfie) <<Earning A Living>>

    [PP-NK-F3] A Gift (Wolfie) <<Search for the Hoya>>

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    @Domarus Good standing

    @Hydra Good standing, trade off relationship (Hydra protects Wolfie, Wolfie teaches Hydra what he knows)

    Story Thus Far (optional)


    Quirks (These are reminders for when I get into character. These are not required to make a journal and are an added choice by me for help with using my character)


    Trance Walker

    Wolfie has a tendency to enter a trance-like state when he is alone and bored. In this state he will walk somewhere without speaking to anyone. Anyone speaking to him, or running into him will immediately end this state, though he will not know where he is or how he got there whenever he wakes from this state. He will also deny it happens.


    Treasure Chest - Emotions



    Transaction list

    375 col to @Grave

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