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Posts posted by Dominion

  1. Dominion payed very close attention to his partner explain that when he said "loot" he meant " material". His partner made it seem like materials were all around them, and that they just had to look around well enough to find them. Then he heard mention to finding one of these so called "Treasure Chests", which intrigued Dominion greatly, especially since he had never seen one in this game before. However, the comment made prior to this, about the materials being found if the person who looked for them was looking hard enough, also intrigued him. So because of that, he commented back to his partner, "We should definitely look for materials then, with the possibility of finding a treasure chest along the way. After we find a couple materials, I say we go looking for a treasure chest, and make that be our main goal before calling it a day."

  2. Dominion slid beside the girl as she charge forward, barely able to get around her and still wield his giant axe, as he adventured further into the cave. The dim torch light did illuminate a general path downwards, which was probably a good thing. He followed the path of torches on the walls for a little while, not wanting to run and make sound on the off chance that there were more mobs. So, with careful and deliberate steps along what he supposed was some sort of rock formation, He did begin to here the sound of something. Was it whispering or weeping? Dominion could not tell from the sounds of battle above, but he thought it was potentially the kid they came to help. The only person that would make sense to be down in this cave was the girl npc and her friend, but it could be a completely different person for all he knew. So, with this in mind he continued moving forward, trying to keep the movement as quiet as possible, hoping to get a good look at whatever was making the sound.


  3. "Well, I need to collect materials and apparently doing these battles can, at times, bring them. I am also up for looking for loot, but I have no idea where to look." Dominion said with some thought. "After, of course, we take a decent sized break from combat. My great axe is surprisingly not in any worse of a condition than it started out being, so that is a relief." Dominion remained standing beside the great axe, eyeing its general quality. The blade had not dulled any more, mostly because it was already dull when he had gotten it, but no other cracks or needs for repair were visible. He just shrugged and turned back to his partner. "So, if we were to search for loot on this floor, where would we go? Does loot usually just spawn? And if not, is there a spot where it will most probably be?" Dominion had been in the grasslands of the first floor only in passing previous to this day.

  4. Forgoing attack

    Dominion stood behind the girl, not moving from his spot. He could barely see around him, with the small amount of light from the side torches. He heard her say that the battle would not be very long now. With that said, Dominion agreed with his instincts and did spoke in front of him so that the girl could hear. "You think you could handle the rest on your own? I would honestly prefer not joining a battle if you can handle the bats practically alone. I don't trust my starting giant great axe to last much longer in duration for battles, especially after this one." Dominion held his great axe across his body, because it was to large to hold vertically in that part of the cave. He adjusted his grip so that his right arm was holding closer to the head of the great axe, and left hand was near the center of the hilt. He made sure not to move enough to attract any attention from the bats and stay behind the girl.

    Kasier: 516/520 <52/52> H: 9
    Dominion: 80/80 <8/8> H: 4

    Giant Bat: 19/50 [Paralysis 1/1]
    Giant Bat: 20/50 [Paralysis 1/1]

  5. Dominion got behind her right as she used the howl skill. His ears rang from the howl, which he was not prepared for. When he got out from behind the girl, he was somewhat disoriented, as he thrusted his giant great axe forward. The long hilt covered the distance which he would have needed to reach them, and nailed the bat with the most hp to the cave wall. A small critical sign arose from above the bat and he seemed to regain his composure. He quickly fled from the combat to stand again behind the girl. As used to combat as he had been in the real world, not wearing good items in this game made him feel very threatened. He had done very well up to now, but he decided in an instant that he would wait for the girl to somehow finish the battle, and not risk his own death.  


    ID# 72299

    Battle: 9(-1) (Critical Success) [1+1=2 Dmg to high hp bat]

    Kasier: 516/520 <52/52> H: 6
    Dominion: 80/80 <8/8> H: 4

    Giant Bat: 19/50 [Paralysis 1/1]
    Giant Bat: 20/50 [Paralysis 1/1]


  6. Dominion shrugged his shoulders as he began to relax his muscles from combat. He placed the hilt of the axe on the ground with the double blade above his head. "Yeah, we really are on a roll." Dominion didn't apply much of his weight to his right side, considering he didn't know about how durable the hilt was at face value. He decided to rest his body where he stood by going into a contraposto form, keeping one knee slightly bent. He began to wonder about what he would do with all the currency they might make from these battles, especially against such great foes. He had intentions on making a piece of heavy armor that would keep him alive if he were to be attacked, but maybe he wouldn't if that didn't fit his line of work or would be too expensive. All he needed was better gear, so practically anything would work.

  7. The silver warrior seemed to get just the right force forward to pry his body out of Domarus's firm grasp, leaving coding marks on his arm. He stopped his forward momentum in order to leap to the side grasping the giant sword. From there, the warrior swung his sword in a arc in front of him, barely hitting Domarus, but slightly too far away to hit his partner. The sword did rather significant damage for the slight contact it made with Domarus, but didn't seem hardly enough to change the course of the battle. 

    Dominion noticed this action made by the Silver Warrior and decided to sit down. "I can almost place a bet that this battle will end rather soon, because Domarus has only been toying with that enemy. How good is the that other player beside him? I can't tell what type of player he is because he hasn't done much... It has been a very one sided fight." He focused these comments loud enough towards the battle itself that the two in battle would at least be able to hear.

    ID# 72067

    Mob: 7 (Hit)

    Aereth: 340/340 <<16/34>> +1
    Domarus:  334/360 <<22/36>>

    [60-34=26 Dmg to Domarus]

    Silver Warrior: 119/350

    Hate Count:


  8. Dominion noticed the very low health bar and decided there was no longer reason to hold back any hits. So, moving to the boars right side, he lifted the giant great axe above his head with both his arms. He moved his arms forward and his left leg back to keep a balanced stance as he struck at the boar. The hit of the axe against the boars hide was not much for cutting, but did do a small amount of damage. Sey needed a good hit on the boar, but either way this battle was coming to a close. "Just one more hit from you and the battle will be over. There is not much left of this boar, and I do not wish to drag on the battle against this boar too much longer." Dominion did not put his axe down, but instead prepared for another attack on the off-chance that the battle would be prolonged.


    ID# 72066

    Battle: 6 (hit) [1 Dmg to the boar]

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 3/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 11

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 9

    Boar 4/100

  9. Kasier, what a interesting name. Dominion had never heard of a name sounding phonetically close to that name ever. When she made mention to his name, he realized how impolite he had been. However, he proceeded to remain silent as the traveled further into the cave. When a sudden sound began to resonate around them, the girl said to prepare for combat and that he needed to cover his ears. She used her howl skill which must have done something, but Dominion only could guess that it attracted the attention of the monsters. Then, He used this time to his advantage leaping forward to be slightly in front of the girl, swinging his great axe forward with great speed and accuracy, especially since he was practically blinded. The blade made contact with one of the wings.The Monster health bar dropped by a small margin, but that was enough to satisfy Dominion as he quickly moved back behind the girl.


    ID# 72056

    Battle 10(-1) (Critical Success) [1+2=3 Dmg to 1st bat]

    Kasier: 518/520 <52/52> H: 3
    Dominion: 80/80 <8/8> MIT 3 H: 2

    Giant Bat: 19/50
    Giant Bat: 22/50


  10. Dominion thought for a brief second before realizing that he had no idea who this person was. He spokes somewhat quietly so not to make much noise inside of the cave as they began to enter. "Yeah, what's your name? If I have questions about the healer class, but I don't know your name, who might I ask to find you again?" besides that, Dominion currently had no other questions. He spoke with some assurance as he had when he fought with Sey at a previous time, "I will not make an attack until you have attracted the attention of the monsters. If for some reason I might possibly make more hate than you, I will stop attacking until it seems safe." As the two of them entered the cave, the temperature didn't seem to change, which surprised him a bit, but the lighting became dark almost suddenly. Dominion was struggling to navigate in this darkness, as he followed closely behind the girl.


  11. Forgoing action

    Dominion watched his partner go into the defensive position, and placed his great axe at his side. He took a rather large step back in order to give Sey space for another sword art, if Sey would get the chance. He proceeded to lean against the hilt of the axe, realizing how many attacks they had made during this amount of time. Dominion didn't necessarily want to stop making attacks, especially when his attacks would do so little when they did hit. However, by not attacking, he might give Sey enough time to either defeat the boar with a sword art or just allow Sey the time to rebuild hate against the boar, which would give Dominion a few more hits at best. Dominion wouldn't complain with either result from this battle, and instead decided to double check if Wolfie was nearby. When he looked at his friends icon, it was not on his floor, so he got of the list and began watching the battle, ready to jump in when the time seemed right.

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 7/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 10

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 8

    Boar 17/100

  12. Dominion noticed the critical sign show above the boar's head, which gave him the all clear. moving to the side in an attempt to hit the boar almost the instant Sey removed the jabbed spear from its leg. Dominion did not want to swing his giant great axe while being so close to the boar. Instead of bringing the blade above his head, he flipped the great axe around so the hilt was facing the boar. He ran forward, keeping the bottom of the axe in line with the boars main body, smashing into the boar. A critical sign came up above the boar as it was knocked to the side, making a rather nice sized dent in the health bar. Dominion looked at the bar with confusion. "How does that create a critical hit? That was just the hilt of this terrible weapon, not even the blade." Dominion quickly shrugged the random success away and hoped there would be another for Sey.


    ID# 72028

    Battle: 10 (Critical Success) [1+2=3 Dmg to Boar]

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 6/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 10

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 8

    Boar 17/100

  13. There was quite obviously something going wrong with the fight, and Dominion couldn't seem to grasp what it was. The boar was not landing any attacks as far as he could tell, but Sey and himself were not doing well either. Dominion knew that if Sey wasn't doing well at building up hate, the best thing that could happen was that he would miss. However, If Sey were to hit and Dominion were to miss, it would only make him look bad. Dominion would rather himself look bad than get killed by a boar on the first floor any day. Dominion had not prepared himself for missing the attack, but as he swung down with his massive great axe, he had a feeling the boar would move out of the way again. And, just as he predicted when it was too late, the boar moved several inches away from the blade and continued to focus on Sey.


    ID# 72023

    Battle: 3 (miss)

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 10/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 8

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6

    Boar 36/100

  14. As Sey got back into battle with the boar, Dominion was preparing another side attack. He had noticed a trend up until now where the boar would move to the right in an attempt to dodge attacks. That made the boar pretty predictable, giving Dominion the strategic edge. Dominion had not moved from his spot, but had lifted the massive great axe above his head, ready to swing it down upon this troublesome boar. Dominion waited for the boar to make its attack, and become somewhat off-balance. Dominion brought his great axe down where he predicted the boar would be, but made his move a bit too obvious. The boar turned away, moving to the left in order to dodge his rather minor attack and continue to pursue his partner, who had lifted the hate on the boar a little bit more.


    ID# 71978

    Battle: 4 (miss)

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 9/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 8

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6

    Boar 36/100

  15. Dominion saw the off-balance foot steps of his partner, and was rather concerned. Somehow he dropped his weapon, giving the boar a chance at a strike. Now, Dominion knew better than to think Sey couldn't do things on his own without Dominions help, but he really did want to attract the boars attention. Dominion came much closer than the few steps he had taken back just moments ago. Dominion reached his arms back behind his head and swung down upon the boar which was trying to get an opportune attack. He barely grazed its side again, not doing much damage to the boar, but still doing some damage. Dominion knew that the attention was still on Sey, since He had done a great job at boosting his hate. Dominion just hoped that Sey would get a nice sword art attack on the boar.


    ID# 71963

    Battle: 8 (hit) [1 Dmg to boar]

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 9/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 7

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6

    Boar 39/100

  16. Dominion had known that the light armor trait was not in almost any way useful for starting a beginners build, especially if that build consisted of being a healer. Dominion remained silent at it seemed the girl was targeting his starting investments. He waited until they were getting up in order to exit the tavern to respond to a couple of her comments. "Yeah, I realized that light armor was not a good starting trait for being a healer, which is why leveling up will be good for me. Once I have leveled up a few more times, I will try to build myself up as a healer. Of course, I have no idea how to do that, but hopefully I will figure things out." Dominion kept walking forward, somewhat behind the girl in front of him, as they officially exited the tavern. The morning light was rather bright as the doors were opened in front of Dominion, and he needed to cover his eyes as they walked out. He asked the girl, "So, where exactly is the cave on this floor? This is actually my first time on this floor, so I haven't been able to explore it yet." Dominion turned his head, looking around the area for a cave entrance.


  17. As the boar was dealt some knock-back damage by Sey using the spear with great proficiency, Dominion was preparing for the next opportunity to attack. It was obvious that Sey had not used his ability, and therefore the health bar made a small decrease. He thought to himself, all I need to do is hit the boar... Dominion lifted his massive great axe above his head and waited. Dominion had not planned on the knockback of the boar, but knew it was still a chance to hit. Dominion took advantage of the moment and brought his great axe down upon the boar, which was getting hit on all fronts now. He landed his axe on the top of the boar and grazed it's hide, doing minor damage to its health bar. Dominion stepped back a bit further to give Sey space in closer combat and began to lift the blade up behind his head.  


    ID# 71929

    Battle: 6 (hit) [1 dmg to the boar]

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 8/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 7

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 5

    Boar 40/100

  18. Dominion had no idea that this quest basically repeated itself, which made him feel better about not being capable to do it on his own. As the girl told him it would be a good idea to order more in regards to food before leaving for the quest. He picked up the cup of hot green tea and took a large sip, just as she asked a question about his stats. He hadn't bothered to get anything yet from a blacksmith or tailor due to their high prices and materials... He still hadn't gotten any materials for that matter, so going to get better gear was already out of the question.  "I am a level 4 with the most basic damage, and I wear light armor that gives me a mitigation of 3." Dominion knew that in his current state, he wouldn't be much help to anyone, especially on a quest against monsters. Dominion moved his hand to call over the waiter, as he would proceed to ask for two scrambled eggs. When the waiter had left again, he grasped his cup of green tea and took another large sip. 


  19. Dominion walked over and sat down in the empty seat across from a girl, who had signaled him over. Before he could make a sigh of relief from getting a rather quick signal from someone, the girl, who most obviously was of higher stature than himself, agreed to help him. She made a sign for him to be quiet, which he understood from the very few mannerisms he learned back in America and Britain. Then, she gave the condition that he must allow her to finish her breakfast in peace. Dominion had no idea what "breakfast" was, since his father had made him fast during that morning of each day. When she ordered pancakes, Dominion was lost... He looked at the menu hoping that something would allow him a get out without looking ridiculously stupid. He read down the menu, mostly looking at the pictures, and saw no general type of food that he knew well from his brief year in America or elsewhere. He did notice, however, something that resembled green tea, which was actually sweet tea, but he had no idea, and pointed at that for his "meal". Then he breathed a quick breath of relief, while still hoping that the girl didn't judge him. He handed the menu back to the waiter and looked down at his intertwined hands nervously. Dominion had so many questions he wanted to ask her about this game, but he would keep the conditions that she made as best he could.


  20. Dominion had previously followed Nixon to the seventh floor. Dominion was rather new to the game, only having gone on one quest, which was probably one of the easiest quests in the game. He realized that floor 7 was too much past his current abilities, but in order to reach his goal as a traveling healer, he had to finish some of the quests. He somehow traveled along floors until he reached floor 2. He only wore the worst of outfits, and his weapon was a massive 12 foot great axe, but it was only a starting weapon. He had seen a lady roaming around, seeming to be desperate for help. She kept saying something about her lost child, a child playing in one of the caverns on the second floor with a friend when they were attacked by monsters. Dominion only gave a horrified expression and shook his head. "I am not good enough to help you in my current attire, let alone my current abilities." Dominion said these words rather loud, which seemed to attract a lot of attention. Dominion seemed to notice eyes looking at him as he began to panic. He turned towards the crowd of people in the tavern and proclaimed with a loud voice, "Is there anyone among you all who can help a low level player, such as me, take on monsters in a cavern?" 


  21. Dominion refocused on the battle, seeing the boar hit by Sey another time, decided to run behind it and thrust his great axe down upon it. In the previous battle, Dominion remembered all the misses he made, most of which where the boar would run to the right side too quickly. Dominion decided to use this to his advantage, if the boar had the same tendencies, to strike it as it attempted to escape from beneath his large great axe. Dominion lifted his great axe and moved into position. The boar attempted to move out of the way, and just happened to go to the right. Dominion brought down his great axe as fast as he could. He barely grazed of the very side of the boar, but he did manage to get the critical sign above the health bar of the boar. Dominion had done a decent amount of damage considering his level and prepared to move for the next spot to attack. 


    ID# 71919

    Battle: 9 (Critical Success) [1+1=2 Dmg to the boar]

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 8/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 6

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 4

    Boar 44/100

  22. The Silver warrior didn't seem very panicked with his arm behind his back, shoved onto his knees by the man in Armor. He tried to free himself his twisted arm from the grasp of the Armored man, which he did in vain, but almost managed to grab his sword with his opposite hand. All the warrior needed was a chance to grasp the sword in order to deal more damage. 

    Dominion saw this display of power upon the silver warrior and found it very unnecessary. "Your... Master seems to be very powerful, but his display of that power does not make me think he is a good person. There was no reason for that display of strength in such a one sided fight, even if it is for the life of friends or even his own person gain. If you were put into a position of that strength, would you abuse that power Keres?" Dominion was very conflicted with this unnecessary show of strength.

    ID# 71917

    MOB: 5 (miss)

    Aereth: 340/340 <<16/34>> +1
    Domarus:  360/360 <<22/36>>

    Silver Warrior: 119/350

    Hate Count:

  23. Dominion saw the spear turn a bright blue color as Sey moved in for another well done strike using his spear in front of him. The boar's health bar seemed greatly damaged by the attack, but that made Dominion think. What if my crappy great axe were to turn blue? Dominion made a disgusted face imagining his great axe as a blue color. That would definitely be most displeasing to look at. Maybe if I were to get something that resembles more of just the hilt, then it wouldn't look quite as bad. Dominion suddenly saw the chance to attack pass in front of him. "Crud, I really missed my chance by a long shot. I have got to stop becoming so distracted by the smallest of things" Dominion still held his great axe in his hands, hoping he would get another strike, even if it would be a miss.


    ID# 71906

    Battle: 1 (Critical Fail) 

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 12/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 5

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 2

    Boar 58/100

  24. Dominion watched Sey's movements with his eyes. The move he made to his side was not very clever, but the boar didn't seem to notice, but instead used its instinct. Dominion noticed that the health bar didn't shift very much, meaning that he wasn't using his special ability. Dominion realized that the move was made just to prevent damage to himself, which seemed reasonable. Dominion grabbed the great axe in his right hand and said to himself, "Lets hope this doesn't go as bad". Dominion thrusts his great axe several feet in the air towards the boar and ran forward. He gained a good amount of momentum as he ran up to the boar. He reached out with his left hand and took hold of the axe, bringing it down upon the boar with tremendous force, but only a small amount of damage.


    ID# 71899

    Battle: 10 (Critical success) [1+2=3 Dmg to boar]

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 16/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate:3

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 2

    Boar 74/100

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