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Posts posted by Dominion

  1. As he realized his mistake, he let some unknown force take him to the ground. When he hit the ground, his health bar for a very brief second dropped, only for it to be completely restored a moment later. Someone walking by saw Dominion lying on the ground in the street, but decided to ignore him and walk back inside his building. "Well, still have several laps to go, I better get up and continue." Dominion said out loud as he started back into his run rather slow. nearing the 70th lap, Dominion knew most of his energy was out, but decided to quicken the pace anyway. He began making long strides, pushing his body forward and breathing heavily. Most of the muscles in his body were sore, either because he had not gotten any water at the inn, or his body was actually getting tired from the amount of stress he was applying to it so inconsistently now.

  2. Dominion decided to begin training his body for combat. He began running along the streets, carefully dodging peope entering and exiting houses and other buildings. "Excuse me, Pardon me, Sorry," were some of the many words and phrases he said as he ran. A couple times while running he had flashbacks of running with his father in the dojo, being chased, or being taught how to move silently. However, even though he knew how to move silently, he didn't understand its use. "Why be silent when you can be outgoing about the things to do with other people", Dominion spoke aloud. A few people he passed the first time around gave him weird looks, but soon became accustom to his running loop. Some kids even began to cheer him on as he began to get tired. On the 40th lap around the city, Dominion tripped on a edge to the street which he didn't notice the previous time.

  3. Focus and predict, Dominion thought in his head over and over as he held the axe firmly in both hands. He saw the movement of Wolfie, smooth and direct as he had slammed the lizard with the mace. Dominion saw the lizard fall to its side, and Dominion gave it a chance. He concentrated his swing at the main body of the lizard, lunging forward with the same sudden force. He landed the blade into the ground, dirt shooting up into the atmosphere, as he was thinking that the lizard had particalized, but to his dismay, the lizard had seemed to follow his movements just as well. The lizard was back on its stomach, attempting to attack Wolfie, the closer threat.  Dominion easily picked the great axe out of the ground a fair distance away from the lizard. "yeah, concentration has rarely been great for me." Dominion began focusing back on the neck of the lizard allowing Wolfie to strike.

    Dominion 40/40HP | 4 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 2

    Wolfie 58/60 HP | 6 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 4


    Lizard 13/20 HP | 3 Dmg



    ID# 71324

    Battle: 3 (miss) [0 Dmg]


  4. Dominion suddenly felt lifted from his body as he breathed in. With one of his hands, he swung the ax around his neck like an advanced martial artist. Luckily the trees could not slow the momentum of the axe as it swung around him. Dominion grabbed the great blade's hilt as it was spinning along his neck and thrusts it forward into the neck of the lizard with stunning force. Disappointingly, it did very little to the reptile, but Dominion was not discouraged, for that was a great attack for a level one of his caliber. "I think this lizard doesn't like us very much at all." Dominion looked at Wolfies mace, that of a bludgeoning weapon, seeming to be much more effective against the enemy. "Maybe I should use a weapon that doesn't us a blade when I fight. It seems yours does a better job with actual combat".

    Dominion 40/40HP | 4 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 2

    Wolfie 58/60 HP | 6 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 2


    Lizard 15/20 HP | 3 Dmg



    ID# 71318

    Battle: 9 (Critical Success) [1+1=2 Dmg to Lizard]


  5. Dominion decided to try and find a merchants district on this floor. As he walked past different buildings, he took notice to all sorts of fine amulets, cloaks, armor, weapons, and fishing polls. Disappointingly, he did not come across any instrument that even remotely seemed appropriate for the use as a weapon. "I guess I will just need to keep searching, as someone is bound to be able to make one for me." He decided to look at the price ranges for the weapons, which were really, really expensive. Dominion was not discouraged by the prices, but asked around for any easy quest opportunities. The only one that seemed worthy of his time was the professions quest "earning a living". He wanted another way to gain col without the chance of death. However, he knew that he must grind the lower levels to produce that amount of col required for those items.

  6. Dominion, at the moment being very aware of his surroundings, catches sight of someone moving at inhuman speeds. It wasn't like the man was running, but at the same time, seemed to be at a new place almost instantly. Dominion no longer wanted to stand in the tavern with people watching him. He turned and began walking towards the exit doors. He pushed open the nicely carved wooden doors of the tavern and began to walk more briskly down the street. "So, I wasn't losing my mind after all. That person was able to in all practical terms teleport to different areas ridiculously fast. After he began to calm himself down, he realized that the person had to have gotten that item boosted in some way. "I should have asked the man where I got the ability to do that... because that was actually quite impressive." Dominion walked the streets of the first floor with determination yet again. 

  7. Dominion looked down at his clothes, very ragged and turning a shade of brown. My appearance must be hideous, he thought as he moved his eyes to his socks and pants. Dominion looked over both shoulders to see people, both players and NPCs, carrying on their daily business. People wearing many different kinds of Armor, weapons, and clothes of various color varieties. Maybe I should join a group of fighters or healers or even tanks, as I need to get stronger without being killed by the enemy. However, being nomadic is probably the best option for later on, since combat is still not the wisest option. Dominion began to stand up when someone's hand seemed to move out of the corner of his eye towards his face. Dominions instincts brought his torso forward, reaching back to grab the mans arm, but nobody was there.  Dominion must have seen someone, but nobody was near him.

  8. Dominion raised his head with fashion as he decided to send message to Wolfie. sliding his hand in swift movements, he opens his messages, then realizes he had done so, closes the menu and tries again. The second time he finds Wolfie, who he realized he didn't ask for contact info about, but shrugged that strange coincidence aside. He sends a message asking him to meet him at the tavern on the first floor. Dominion specifically writes, "I need you to meet up with me as soon as possible. I have many questions for you as well as a game of chess that must be done. Please understand how urgent this is, as I need advice for getting col and people to make me two rather unconventional item. Meet me here at the tavern in the town on the first floor sometime tonight. Then our game of chess will commence!" Dominon finished the message and pressed the send icon.

  9. Suddenly Dominion remembered something of a flash back from the other world. While standing on a side walk along a busy street in the Americas, Dominion began hearing a smooth, low noise from somewhere nearby. Dominion moved around but didn't see anyone but a man in the shadows with what looked like a serpent sliding up the front of his body. Dominion was running towards the man when he noticed is was facing his mouth... the noise was the snake, and somehow the man was playing it! "How are you doing that?" asked Dominion. The man just kept playing until Dominion began begging him to teach him. The man was only able to teach him a couple songs that summer before the man died of illness. Dominion remembered the instrument well, as he thought the instrument was attacking the performer. Now Dominion came back to his knew reality inside the tavern.

  10. As Dominion pondered the idea, he decided to order his next adventures as strategically as he could. "Wolfie is thus far my greatest asset. He seems well cultured in the game as well as in the art of killing. I need to use this to my advantage, while giving him something back in return. Dominion leaned his head forward onto the table as he thought about what he could do in return. Hopefully Wolfie realizes that by making an Alliance with me, he has created a strong ally in the game. I just need the right amount of col and a person to create my required items. Now that I am currently alone, I must wait until I meet up with Wolfie again, yet still get some col.  Maybe I just need to try to perform right now..." Dominion shook his head in his arms still trying to come up with a solution to this problem.  

  11. Dominion remained sitting at the table where the people had left and began eating the bread which they had abandoned. His wisdom obviously didn't fail him. He knew that people didn't like his questions, but all people could do was either answer the questions or leave the environment. Luckily this situation happened to be the former. Dominion bit into the bread as his mouth began to salivate. As he chewed the bland bread in his mouth, he continued to think of his inspiration, previous thought of a new and improved weapon, and a way to get more col. Suddenly a thought struck Dominions mind. He wanted to be a nomadic bard. A helper for those in a problem, as well as a saver of lives. He remembered how he didn't understand life and death, and how saving lives would be great, but status affecting the enemy would be a great asset too.

  12. What was this inspiration that Dominion suddenly felt as he opened the doors to the tavern. I feel almost like the son is surging through my veins, as if my ancestors were leading my actions with their wisdom. Dominion opened the tavern doors and walked in with his head held high, very determined. He walked straight over to some people sitting at a table and began asking questions about why the creator of this world would make a sun, a significant figure by many different peoples which reminds people of the other world? Why does food exist in a world that is not but a temporary world from another world. As Dominion began to ask his second question, the people sitting at the table got up and left very annoyed for some reason. Dominion realized that they had left some bread on the table. "They must be really good people", he said

  13. He pictured a black weapon made of metal that would take the form of an instrument. He was planning to fulfill his performing profession... Then he realized that the instrument and the weapon could not one and the same. He had read that if he were to become a performer, the instrument must be used to record the song in advance, so that would not work. However, he thought to himself, A weapon made in the design and shape of an instrument would be fine, especially if it is in the same size category as the weapon he uses now. "I must find a really good blacksmith once I stockpile col. Speaking of col..." He looks over at the tavern as he walks, "they must have something for a beginner like me." he said as he stood at the doors of the tavern, feeling a surge of inspiration enter his mind.

  14. Dominion leaned his torso back as he began walk around the town. Glances from both sides were made as he continued to walk the streets seeing some familiar faces. Wolfie was nowhere in sight, but Dominion did not wish to mess with something that people pride themselves on, especially for Wolfie and his hunter techniques. Dominion is very pleased by both his willingness to work with Dominion and mentor him in the game. Dominion does pride himself in one thing, but seems to be walled from that thing completely. "People wouldn't understand a person with my ability to fight, using a weapon not meant for killing." Suddenly a thought entered into Dominions mind, but caused him to stand still as NPCs passed on both his sides. The thought seemed absurd to him as there must not be a person in this world that could make a weapon of such a design.


  15. Dominion thought about many different weapons he had taken notice of in the other world, but all seemed to have that same purpose. The sun was rising in the sky, light begins to fill the surface of the world on which these people dwell on, specifically the first floor, and not much for clouds covering in the sky. Dominion, pushing his back against the wooden wall of the building, places both feet in front of him. Exerting a great amount of energy from his feet, legs, and abdomen, forward rolls out in the direction of the roads. He lands on both feet some twelve feet away, his hands in his shorts pockets. "I really need to think about getting col for some new cloths" he spoke aloud and to himself. Dominion's stomach growls loud as he places his hand over his stomach, leaning over in pain. "I have two hundred col and maybe I might possibly not the type of charisma to haggle for food, but I have to learn sometime, right", Dominion spoke to himself.

  16. Dominion was waking up from sleeping outside. The air seemed to be rather stale, as if there was no such thing as a breeze. Dominion was up against a building, with his axe still in his inventory. He, after thinking about it for a while, decided that he did not want to wield a weapon such as that, with double blades able to slice and kill with no intent. He wanted something that would be useful, could be used to defend, but not have a purpose of death. Suddenly he was reminded of the other world, how death didn't make any sense. All Dominion wants is to understand, and he knows he will do just that. Understanding death, life, and everything that would be in any way related to that, Dominion was going to find out. Dominion realized he was going off into one of his question barrages, and tried to stop and regain focus.

  17. "Well, I guess the roof would make more sense for someone to be, especially someone who does not like making attention." Dominion barely noticed the sign to follow and began following Wolfie. As they entered the dense forest, many sounds of insects and small animals became very promenant. "So, what should we do when we confront an enemy? And if by chance its a human, how would you go about that situation." He looked left and right, not seeming to notice any hostile creatures yet. Dominion kept his two handed axe in only his right hand, trying to be at least somewhat quiet, but was having trouble because of his very poorly made shoes. Out of the corner of his eye, he though he saw movement by something larger than a squirrel. "Umm Wolfie," Dominions voice seemed loud, but it was just his adrenalin and odd silence of the forest which conveyed this, "I think I saw something over there." Dominion points in the general direction as something begins making a growling noise.

  18. Dominion arrived at around sevenish to the Inn, very much ready to start his quest. He looked exactly the same, as the items he did possess in the game beside his weapon would not be worth bringing into the woods. He had heard rumors and gossip of different professions from many different people and NPC's that could be chosen, but when he signed up, decided the performer profession. Dominion entered the Inn and looked around for his friend and  mentor Wolfie, who probably would be sitting alone. He opened the well designed wooden doors of the Inn only to spot an NPC. Nobody else was in the Inn and so he waited near the front door for his arrival. "I can't wait until I get a chance to improve my stuff, especially my clothes and weapon, defeat my first enemy in this game and claim a profession to become good at" he spoke outloud.

  19. "My name is Dominion" He said as he lifted his torso from the bow with a great pride to his voice. "I joined this SAO game, but I haven't gotten anywhere. Since the people here all seem so intricate, almost like that of a large puzzle, I have decided to search for people who would be in need of my assistance. In the world before this I had several friends, most of which needed my ability to fight and assist the injured. However in my current state, I'm most certainly not useful to others, and therefore, I must soon seek a teacher to help and polish my abilities in a way more useful." Dominion stated this while occasionally glancing at the ongoing fight. Dominion seems to take notice of the flaming snake. "Keres, would you mind explaining the flaming snake... Like I don't mind snakes, but its on fire... I don't think snakes live in fires..." Dominion was genuinely confused.

    The Silver Warrior seemed to be receiving great damage by the teamwork of the two players, timing their attacks extremely well. The Silver Warrior swung the giant sword over his head one more time, but only for it to make contact against the ground. 

    ID:#71249, MOB 2
    Domarus:  355/360  -  22/36

    Aereth:  340/340  -  24/34

    Silver Warrior:  206/350


  20. Dominion's face lit up like a child from the other world who recieved a puppy at some holiday or religious ceremony. "Thank you so much Wolfie, im forever indepted to you.  Darkness was not very far away, as four hours from this point in time would be evening into night, which Wolfie must have known. He stood and did something with the menu that he remembered from reading the guide to the game, used a crystal to return to the main town, gathering what little he did have into his inventory. That man, whoever he was in the other world, has made my life in this game meaningful. I knew someone would, but what a great person to be a teacher! This was thought as he prepared his weapon, the double bladed great axe of extremely low quality, ate some food, gathered his other questions, and ordered them in a way to ask that hopefully would make sense to Wolfie as they his first quest.


    Wolfie-200 col, 1 sp

    Dominion-200 col, 1 sp

  21. Dominions just stared with a blank expression to that response. "I'm confused" he said. Suddenly going very silent he seemed to almost shut down. He maintained a blank stare as he worded his next question very carefully. "Would you do a quest with me much later from now... i heard of one from rumor, but I am nowhere near strong enough to take it on by myself, especially since I have just started. Im still very much a rookie... or pup as you seem to like dog terms. I want to make a custom weapon, gear, fight monsters, bosses, and animals and become strong, but wont be able to do that alone. I lack the ability to kill, as I have never done it before. I need someone who can do that for me, and in turn, i would save their insignificant life, because mine is no better than their's." Dominion suddenly smiled, "and there is no better person in the art of killing than a man of the hunt". 

  22. "Wait a second, Domarus is a name I recognize. He wears full body armor, has soom maid girl, and a friend who seems to be with him alot. He beat the crud out of a 7 foot warrior, and happened to get me out of a very difficult situation." Dominion smiled as he remembered the girl. Suddenly he remembered the awkwardness of her holding him arm, and decided to comment. "So hypothetically, if a person of the other gender were to grab your arm, and ummm... get as close as they can to you, is that a form of grapple? I had an experience where a person with... well a higher pitched voice grabbed my arm. It was pretty awkward as I couldn't move unless i used a special technique from some people from the real world. She seemed really nice, so I wanted to give her a flower... I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY!" Dominion was genuinely frustrated by his lack of understanding to the differences between man and woman. 

  23. Dominion placed his arm against his side. "I wonder why it looks so hurt. This is a game, but it seems so much like an actual injury." Dominion had a flash-back mostly relating to a scene in a Dojo where he broke his friends rib with a thrustful punch. After that day, he never could find the man, before leaving from korea. Dominion stood still remembering this and seemed to miss the statement about dueling. However, he refocused on Wolfie when he stated mental analysis. "Mental Analysis is only good if you are able to read the other persons mindset before they make a move, and possibly if there is no mindset, there might be common repetition visible in the form of a pattern." Dominion turned his body to look back in the direction of Wolfie. "Do you have any friends here, in this world, that are worth keeping?"

  24. Dominion continued his pushups as he remembered playing a game of chess against a kid in some small country once, but Dominion did not find much interest in the game, since there seemed to be no reason to play it. "By all means, but I won't lie, I don't have a flipin clue what the purpose is. I played it once, but could not understand anything that happened." Dominion followed his comment by violently contorting his body into a head stand, pushing his weight off the ground with a great amound of force, and did a one and a half front flip landing on just his right foot. His axe, almost twice his size, was perpendicular to his body as he did the movement. "Now I must continue searching this encampment in search of something to train against. I am getting rusty pretty quick if I dont keep my physical pressence in top shape." Dominion noticed a wolf in the distance roaming at the entrance of the dense woods. "Hey, look, it looks to be injured from a previous battle." Dominion pointed in the Wolf's direction.

  25. "A hunter" Dominion said with fascination. "Thats an awesome trade" Dominion began doing push ups, while continuing to ask his questions. "So what brought you to begin playing this game? I did as a gift from some of my gamer friends. I still don't know why I have friends, they seem to have abilities beyond mine, but somehow I never find myself inferior in any way." a couple pushups pass before his next barage of questions, "Also, could you explain to me what the difference between lizards and serpents are? Ive heard both, but ive only ever seen one thing when they say each name. Also, what are brothers for? I dont have one, but my friends say they hate their brothers but would sacrifice themselves for them. that makes no sense, and someone must know that answer, because It will take me quite some time to find it out!" Dominion's determination was one of the most genuine and confusing prospect to behold.

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