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Posts posted by Dominion

  1. He wrote It all started when I was traveling to China at the age of four. I was uncultured in the customs which my father had been accustomed to. I met many strange people with robes and no hair on top of their heads. They seemed rather nice, up until they began training me to fight. I would fight men with hands of iron, causing me to go unconscious every other night. During the alternating days, my father would train me in a martial art, that was said to counteract the moves which the previous bald guy had used against me. Well, I'm not quite sure if that was true, until all the bald guys had beat me to a pulp. However, once the first bald guy attacked me again, which took many days since there were quite a large number of bald guys, I was able to hold my ground to some degree. 

  2. Dominion has had quite an eventful beginning adventure to the game. He has met many different people, but only a couple of which he knew to a finer point. Dominion planned to keep this stuff written down in a journal, hopefully to look back to in the future. Dominion was in his now usual place to sleep, with a small book to write the people and adventures. He went to get a pencil from the tavern and ventured back his place along the side of the buildings. Dominion sat back down against the cold stone as he begins to write about his life in the other world, his recent endeavors, and what he intends to do in the future. Dominion started with his name at the top right corner of the first page. He also wrote what he thought was the date and the month since he logged on. Dominion was getting confused with the math and stopped trying to add up the math and just put the number one.

  3. The only thing keeping back Dominion from battle was his pure will... or lack there of apparently. He lifted the axe with both hands and swung down on the boar from above. Using the Boar as a leverage, he pushed off the hilt and landed the jump beyond the Boar. Immediately he knew he made a mistake. The Boar looked at him with eyes of hate, and all that Dominion could think was: I am so going to die. With that he glanced up at Sey with a panicked expression as he just aggro-ed the beast, which he knew already was better than himself. Dominion glanced around at both sides to see if there just happened to be anything that he could use to protect himself. Of course, nothing was standing out around him as he heard the boar making the charge. Dominion braced himself with his Giant great axe.

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 19/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT, Hate 0

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3, Hate 2


    Boar- 98/100 HP, Dmg 10


    ID# 71400

    Battle: 9 (Critical Success) [1+1=2 Dmg to Boar]


  4. Dominion saw Seys action with great detail as he barely didn't affect the health bar of the boar. Dominion was going in for the attack with intent to deal significant damage for his abilities, but stopped short realizing that if he generated hate, he would most certainly cause great trouble for his life. He swung with an intent, hoping very, very much that he would not make contact with the boar. Dominion looked up after his axe swing to see the boars health bar remained the same and he breathed a sigh of relief. Dominion backed up, and said "yes, I sure hope I can do it for them"

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 18/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3


    Boar- 100/100 HP, Dmg 10


    ID# 71391

    Battle: 4 (miss)


  5. "I was suggested this game to start getting used to electric based games. My friends said they would meet me in this world, but they may or may not have survived up to this point. Either way, making new friends from the survivors is one way to keep one of his or her toes, alive and well." Dominion noticed a boar in the distance, not insanely tough, but would probably hold it's own against them. "You should probably begin aggro against that boar, that is, since I believe you can take more hits than me. I will begin making attacks after you have attracted the attention." Dominion opened his inventory and took out a 12 long giant great axe, only holding it currently in his right hand. The blade looked extremely poor for a weapon, but what should you expect from a beginner. Dominion swiped away the menu and prepared to make his first strike at the boar.

    Sey-200/200 HP, 20/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9

    Dominion-60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3


    Boar- 100/100 HP, Dmg 10

  6. Dominion let his axe fall to his right side as Wolfie got leverage from jumping to higher ground, applying more weight and doing enough damage for the bar above the lizard to turn red. The creaure pixilates from the two combo impact. "Im guessing that was just straight instinct?"  Dominion's heard Wolfies question about adopting him as his adopted son. Dominion looked at the ground thinking. Maybe it would be alright becoming his adopted son, but I intended to become like brothers with him. Dominion offered instead a better offer. "If you adopt me, I want to become blood brothers. Related by words and by blood." Dominion kept his eyes on Wolfie, looking for a reaction in his mannerisms. "Also, I plan to become nomadic, but if you are ok with both my offers, I will definitely accept.

  7. Dominion realized that Wolfie was not reacting threatened by the presence of these people, and therefore his mood also changed. "Hey Nix, I'm Dominion, are you and that guy somehow related to Wolfie?" Dominion smiled wearing his rather lowly cloths, obiously a newcomer to the game. Dominion looked over at the other guy and asked, "who might you be? You must be some form of fighter, holding that spear." Dominion glanced at Nixon with a question forming. "How hold are you Nixon? You seem to be close to my age, but you appear to wear much better clothes, which means you must be much better than me and most of us here. Also why did you start playing electronic games? Do you prefer a certain kind of weapon? Do you understand the difference between men and women? Why is it that people seem to generate hate towards one another in this game? Also, what is your name?" Dominion focuses this question at Hydra.


  8. Dominion was unsure how to get a chess game set from this tavern, or where it would be located for that matter. He walked up to the keeper of the tavern and asked, "Hello sir, could you help me and my friend find the chess sets in order for to play a game?" Dominion smiled as questions entered into his mind. He couldn't wait to ask Wolfie about these things. The tavern keeper said, "wait a moment and I will give you all a chess set". The tavern keeper set what he was doing down on one of the tables and came out with a set, "please return these when you are done, for I know who you are if you try to take them." the tavern keeper said intimidatingly. "No problem sir, we will be returning this when the game has ended... or possibly several games have ended." Dominion immediately had a feeling he would need to lose a bunch in order to get all the questions out of his mind. Dominion went to a place in the shadowy corner of the tavern to give Wolfie the most quiet and secluded thinking environment.

  9. Dominion was walking the streets of the first floor doing his usual laps, when he saw a familiar face seeming to hide in the shadows. Dominion called out to Wolfie, "Hey Wolfie, what you planing on doing today? I am full of energy and need to do something to calm down my life questions." Dominion was thinking about asking him about some sword arts in the game. Maybe Wolfie would know a bit more about the people who train others in those sword arts... Dominion realized he had seen some moves that did much more damage than his own previously, which interests him. However as he walked closer to Wolfie, he thought he saw another figure nearby and became oddly angered. Dominion looked into the shadows as well as he could, but the image of the person was still not quite visible in the shadows. Dominion began to run towards the two figures, one of which he knew was wolfie, but other one was unfamiliar.


  10. "Alright Sey, it's nice to meed you, my name is Dominion. Lets go out of the city then, seeking loot and boars to defeat." Dominion stood up and offered his hand in order to give a firm handshake. This would be the third friend he has met in this game, even though most people don't necessarily trust others in this game. Dominion doesn't care if he is "being used" as some people have made mention in the game, just as long as the other person is willing to help his cause. Besides, Sey is, besides Wolfie, one of the nicest players, being that he willing confronted Dominion in a time of stress. Dominion began his walk towards the main entrance of the city, not currently wielding any blade or shield. Dominion turned to his as they exited the city and began walking along a dirt path. "So, when did you start playing electric games, such as this one? And Why did you start playing this one in particular? Any reason?" 

  11. Dominion was very much staggered. His footing was off, as he was still unable to move his lower body, and clasped on the ground with the with the lizard on the hilt of the great axe.  A small amount of pixelated blood dropped from his forhead. He grabbed his forhead as though it hurt much more than it seemed possible. However, Dominion just smiled back at Wolfie, thrusting the lizard into the air and very quickly giving his left thumb up in agreement. Suddenly gets onto his knee and jumps a couple feet in the air, swinging his great axe with both hands around his body. The sound of the contact was very great as the lizard was sent flying with visible force as it hit a tree nearby, suddenly pixilating the tree. Dominion landed on the ground, in a stance that would hold his body fine against the next attack.

    Dominion 39/40HP | 4 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 9

    Wolfie 58/60 HP | 6 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 6


    Lizard 3/20 HP | 3 Dmg




    ID# 71374

    Battle: 10 (Critical Success) [1+2=3 Dmg to the lizard]


  12. Dominion looked up at the white haired... boy. The person walking towards him seemed almost exactly his age. "You would be one to assume correctly." Dominion looked at the half smile on his face. "I see you are not that bad yourself. Yes, I am waiting for someone to assist me in Adventuring, collecting mats and defeating Mobs that spawn on this level." Dominion gave his own half smile in return. "I have learned that humans can't fly with their own anatomy, both inside this game as well as in the other world. As my experiences have happened, I have but a couple friends who seem to be always doing something. I seek col and mats to get at least one good item to start me off, but that requires assistance that most people won't give to new-comers. Would you be able to help me out at getting my feet in the ground in this game?"

  13. Dominion was walking in the first floor like always, it would seem. By this time, he had managed to gain a fair amount of col, but the prices in the merchants area were quite expensive. Dominion decided to go and ask for someone to go adventuring with him on the first floor. He passed by some guys with massive black armor, which made Dominion hesitant to ask for assistance. "Those guys might be good, but I don't intend to bring them down. There must be someone here who could assist me on this first floor besides good ol' Wolfie." Dominion spoke and walked to and from many groups of people as the numbers started to dissipate. When only a couple people remained in the middle of the city, Dominion decided to sit down. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw someone intentionally walking toward him. Dominion could see the person was... in better clothing than himself, but didn't off hand see any outgoing threat from him. Dominion was still sitting on what seemed like a decent wooden bench in the town square. 


  14. Dominion woke up from his spot in the city, as daylight gleamed over the buildings around him. He began to stand up, his body stiff and callused by the workout he had done the day before. He was fully up from the ground as he started his daily walk to the other side of the city, ready to ask for food and find his good friend Wolfie. Dominion had seen him on the roof once, but he hoped that Wolfie would make a more or less casual entrance today, so as to attract the least amount of attention possible. "I must ask him those questions in order to understand some of the things that have gone on around me.  Also, not to mention, I would totally be willing to grind some weaker monsters while we are here, if the time permits. I might not get any sleep for the next couple days if that is required to earn the most col possible." Dominion smiled happily as he continued his long and somewhat painful strides towards the inn. " now, if I were a Wolfie, where would I be?" 

  15. "My father was a monastic warrior in China, before meeting my mother in Japan. He removed his rites in order to travel the world with me. I've been to many places in the other world, always leaving about every year to the next country. The name itself was given to me by an old monastic monk who saw my potential in fighting. However, fighting is only good in this game if you are of a higher caliber, such as your buddy Domarus." Dominion saw the snake wrap around the girl in a "sexy" manner and was very confused, but then took notice to the battle. "So", Dominion changed his focus back on Keres, "Domarus could use a player if that person is willing to become a healer? I would probably be one of the best options once I have leveled up in this game, but until then, I am useless as a healer and a helper. My equipment is just as terrible in comparison.

    The silver Warrior was becoming more aggressive with his swings as the heat of battle raged on. The warrior seemed to be loosing focus for power. He swung around him in a three hundred sixty degree arc, attempting to keep Aereth and Domarus away.


    ID# 71363, MOB 3

    ID#  71949  BD:  7  CD:  8

    Domarus:  360/360  -  15/36

    Silver Warrior:  163/360

    Aereth:  340/340  -  23/34


  16. Dominion was walking through the tavern doors back to his little place on the side of the building with the bread in his hands. He opened his mouth and began ripping the bread and placing it in his mouth. As he chewed the food, He thought about what the man had said. "Why do players think that way about other players? Its not like what they say happens very often unless the person truly is a complete idiot." Dominion realizes how hypocritical his statement was, but was not willing to take it back. "I just need to act as the man acted but never say words as that man said. Just look at Wolfie, a man of courage and bravery, who seeks to do his job well. He doesn't seem to think twice when he fights, ready for whatever will happen. The dude in the tavern clearly didn't know what he was talking about, and if he did, it was without a filter. Dominion began to close his eyes as he began to fall asleep for the night.


    Dominion-400 col, 1 SP

  17. Dominion passed by the tavern, only to turn around to go up to the doors. He pressed his ear to see if the people inside were still awake. He heard a couple people cheering and drinking. Maybe he could get one to pay for a small amount of food. Dominion slowly opened the door of the tavern to see a player, which he had never seen before. "hey sir, could you by chance buy this dirty no good player some bread? I won't lie, I need col and really could use some assistance at getting some food and drink, what do you say?" The man whom he talks to turns toward him and offers him the some bread stating, "its not like you are going to last very long anyway, as you seem to be weak game for the red players. I honest hope you the best, but I don't think you will get anywhere." Dominion took the bread thankfully and smiled, "you bet sir, you bet." Dominion turned to exit the tavern. 

  18. Dominion begins to form a poem, "Iron frames hold in the sea of the structures, Stone walls stand forth with fortifications, Gable roofs bend with substantial resistance..." Seeming to get a meter of duh-duh duh-dut dut duh-dut-dut duh duh. As he continues to walk and say this out loud with a couple revisions, a couple people begin to catch the meter. They come up to Dominion asking about how he learned to do poetry, which made Dominion glad. Apparently performing was a real possibility for him. He proceeded to thank the people for listening to his poetry, and that he was just beginning to learn the trade himself. Dominion then waved the couple on as he moved forward thinking of new lyrics. By the time he arrived back on the side of the town, he was getting tired. His body needed more sustenance, but he decided he could wait until the next day for that.

  19. Dominion put his axe to his right side in his right hand as if confused by the comment. "so maybe try to kill the lizard without as much... intent? Dominion stood with a puzzled expression but began to lift the blade above his head with less force, since he did not need to move, as his feet were inches in the ground now, swung much lighter, cutting the arm of the lizard. He noticed that the lizard was not stuck like before, and began to ponder his next move. "Killing the beast is the best option, but it is as if my hits either affect the environment or do minuscule amounts of damage. This beast is rather quick for a lizard... I think? I haven't fought a lizard in a battle ever. There is always a first for something, and apparently this is just one example. 

    Dominion 40/40HP | 4 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 7

    Wolfie 58/60 HP | 6 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 5


    Lizard 7/20 HP | 3 Dmg



    ID# 71346

    Battle: 7 [1 Dmg to lizard]


  20. Dominion was now walking along the streets, not pondering anything in particular. Only after several feet he stood where he had slept the night before. The wall and ground was dry cold stone with no special features whatsoever. This was the perfect spot for him to sleep, as nobody would want to challenge him. The ground was uncomfortable, the place to put your back was rough, which reminded Dominion of the monastery. He had learned to stay awake for long amounts of time and sleep in very unconventional places, Dominion smiled at his new sleeping quarters. "This is the most someone could ask for with my ability and proficiency, I wonder why they left such a pristine place for a beginner? I guess it doesn't really matter in the scheme of things but maybe they haven't learned and experienced what I have." Dominion kept walking past this spot.  

  21. His arm jerked back from the earth as his muscles retracted from overuse. He removed all weight from his arms and reclined back to the ground very slowly. His body in this game was not entirely what it was in the other world, but Dominion was reluctant to complain. He breathed in several times very slowly and carefully, assuming that he would be able to recover from the muscle retractions quickly. Dominion was not wrong, as he tried again to lean to his right. He was now on his arms in a pushup form, ready to force his upper body up. Within a moment he had completely regained his composure as everyone had long gone back into the tavern or other buildings nearby. Dominion was glad they went back inside so that he could walk the streets in peace. He, for the first time, did not want to speak out, but be spoken to. He put his foot forward when he thought he saw someone in the distance that he recognized.

  22. Dominion stayed put looking at the sky as evening was coming around. Dominion moved his fingers to remind himself that he was still alive and well. "What should I do? I'm only good at fighting it would seem." He remembers the practice he got with Wolfie as they did their quest earlier, how the world was not able to take his movements. The lizard as well as the environment around them seemed to glitch out at his force. Dominion repeated his question hoping that someone would answer him. "What should I do? I only used to be good at helping the injured. Sadly, I don't understand why people don't look at me seriously until they see me fight, train, and show up an opponent. WHY?" Dominion shouted with great confusion in his mannerisms as he lied on the ground. He attempted rolling over to stand up and see if the people were still around him. His arm made contact with the now cooling ground as he applied weight. 

  23. Dominion noticed that his actions were causing the world to glitch, making Dominion take advantage of the chaos. "Well, I was born in china, my father is a master fighter from the top ranks. I have trained with him since I was four. I am used to holding large weapons that resemble weighted sticks. The monastery monks that are friends with my father would beat me if I didn't fight back. I became proficient with most weapons at a very young age." Dominion did quite literally the same thing, besides speaking Focus and Predict before striking the head of the lizard with the blade of the axe. The environment was violently glitching now at the speed and force of his movements. "Personally, I would want to fight with a weighted stick, but that is not permitted in this game that I know of", Dominion continued to talk through the swing. 

    Dominion 40/40HP | 4 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 6

    Wolfie 58/60 HP | 6 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 5


    Lizard 8/20 HP | 3 Dmg



    ID# 71342

    Battle: 9 (Critical Success) [1+1=2 Dmg to lizard]


  24. Dominion noticed the lizard barrel into Wolfie. While he seemingly wrestled the lizard, Dominion muttered, "Focus and Predict, Focus and Predict, Focus and..." Dominion lifted the blade, spinning it with both hands like staff, until it almost disappeared from visibility. He suddenly lunged again, but this time he created a current of wind as he stuck down upon the area where the lizard was dwelling. He spoke very softly as he brought the axe over his head at the ground, "Predict". Dirt went flying in all directions, making the trees a shade of brown from the dirt and mud. He breathed heavily as he realized that his feet had managed to get indent in the ground several inches. "What did you ask?" Dominion asked after he pulled the very low quality axe from the crater he had put into the ground.

    Dominion 40/40HP | 4 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 4

    Wolfie 58/60 HP | 6 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 4


    Lizard 11/20 HP | 3 Dmg



    ID# 71327

    Battle: 9 (Critical Success) [1+1=2 Dmg to lizard]


  25. His right leg began suddenly cramping and Dominion dropped suddenly onto both his arms. Immediately, Dominion began walking using his hands, with his feet towards the sky. "There is nothing that could possibly stop me from reaching my limit, even if it means doing something this unconventional. Dominion's upper body was nowhere near as sore, since most days he would train with his near twelve foot long, massive two handed great axe. His legs began to loosen from their cramps as Dominion extended one arm at a time, literally reaching towards the finish line. People began to gather at the tavern, as the people stood watching the man with blond hair walking on his hands toward the tavern. The crowd was silent as he passed by them smiling, putting most of his strength in not falling over. As he reaches the "finish line" he falls forward onto the street ground, looking up at the sky.

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