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Posts posted by Dominion

  1. Dominion took little notice to the Boar now seeming to put it's attention an Sey again. Dominion ran to the side opposing the boar, planning in his mind as he swiftly ran about every detail which protained to his next action. First I will side step past the boar as Sey does his next attack and hopefully land a successful hit. I know that a normal attack should leave the boar a little bit closer to defeat, especially since my best attack barely drains the health bar. All I need is a couple normal attacks and that will buy him enough time to do a final... Dominion didn't land his foot correctly on the ground and caused him to slip. He could not land an attack since the Great axe slipped out of his hands and onto the ground a few feet away from his body. He was pretty sure he would be fine since Sey most likely still had it's attention. Dominion began to stand back up, looking for the Great axe that slipped out from his hands.


    ID# 71633

    Battle: 1 (Critical Fail)


    Sey- 200/200 HP, 6/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 7

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6




    Boar- 36/100 HP, Dmg 10 


  2. Dominion reads the rough outline of how to play, but still seems slightly confused. He looks back up and says with what looks like determination, "White pawn A2 to A4." as he moved pawn on the farthest left side forward two squares. He then looked up at him. "So, who would you recommend for custom made armor and weapons?" Dominion asked him. "I have scouted around this first floor, and I have seen some ok stuff, but I need some stuff that will most likely keep me alive. I need stuff that can regenerate my health bar, and cause enemies to give up their turns when I make successful hits. Got any suggestions? Also, how do you best recommend I get a bunch of col when all I have is practically no good items? And last but not least, If you become my adoptive father, and you become my blood brother, will we be able to trade our col equally? Now I know that sounds really bad of me, but in China, the father usually helps take care of his adopted son, and from what I heard of blood brothers in the South Americas, it is safe to say they helped one another out all the time. How would that work? Or will we just ignore that part of both cultures?" Dominion shut his mouth as Wolfie made his move on the chess board.

  3. Dominion heard Sey loud and clear. He opened up mouth and muttered Focus and... Dominion leaps from the ground with a small amount of lag following his body, as he brings the axe above his head. While coming down upon the boar, he whispers to himself a soft word "predict".  Dominion lands the blunt part of the great axe against the top of the boar's head. Its snout is smashed into the ground with such force. The health bar shows a critical hit, even though the health bar didn't move nearly at all. Dominion regained his composure and immediately realized the focus had just become even between them. "crud... should I attack one more time, just for the sake of attacking or wait for you to attract the attention again? Either way, the boar currently has equal attention between the two of us" Dominion said aloud.

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 6/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 6

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6




    Boar- 39/100 HP, Dmg 10


    ID# 71572

    Battle: 10 (Critical Success) [1+2=3 Dmg to Boar]


  4. Dominion stood away from the intense combat, watching as Sey performed a magnificent attack. Dominion had seen stuff like this on the Chinese Monastical Grounds, painted with great detail in the other world, but to actually see someone with such smooth accuracy do similar right in front of him completely bewildered him. Dominion was left speechless as Sey said "Told ya". Dominion began to move back in to the battle zone after a very quick halt, holding his great axe in his right and left hands. He attempted to bring his great axe over his right shoulder and create another critical hit, but as he struck, he realized he was moving too slow. The boar removed itself from his attack range and yet again the boar kept its attention on Sey. Dominion was just relieved this attack didn't attract its attention in the slightest.

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 5/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 6

    Battle Healing +5 HP

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 4


    Boar- 42/100 HP, Dmg 10


    ID# 71560

    Battle: 3


  5. Dominion knew it would be a good idea to keep a winged beast such as the butterfly where it could not take advantage with the air. However, Dominion became to eager to make a strike. Letting loose his arm, he struck again at the butterfly, but luckily Wolfie got in the way, causing Dominion's attack to fall short. He realized that if the butterfly were to hit him, there was a chance that his hp could drop significantly. He knew he already attracted the attention of the infected thing, and it was most likely going to continue to focus on him unless Wolfie were to make a successful hit again. Dominion praised the moment as both him and Wolfie moved away from the butterfly at around the same time. "I think I should wait for you to make a successful attack before I go and attract more of its attention.

    Dominion 39/40HP | 4 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 2

    Wolfie 58/60 HP | 6 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 1


    Corrupted Butterfly 26/30 HP | 10 DMG



    ID# 71558

    Battle: 2 (miss)


  6. Dominion smiled to her, "You have had experiences that make you think this world is filled with darkness, but I have had experiences of both. Wisdom can only be obtained with open eyes." Dominion took notice to the personal goals question she made. "My only personal goal... well I have always wanted... " Dominion shook his head as if impossible. "I want a brother who can teach me".

    The silver warrior seemed to take notice to the strange change in strategy. Also, he very much noticed the health bar drop as he became staggered. He tried to attack the closest person, who would be Aereth, swinging his sword wildly. His backwards momentum didn't help his accuracy in any way. Disappointingly for the Warrior, not one of his wild swings made contact with the guy who has been making significant progress against his health. He moved back, and seemed to catch himself as if in an attempt to calm down. 

    ID# 71537

    MOB 5 (Miss)

    Aereth: 340/340 <<13/34>> -6+1
    Domarus:  360/360 <<15/36>>

    Silver Warrior: 119/350

    Hate Count:


  7. Dominion flinched remembering the next important part of his back story. He began writing, We moved from place to place rather quickly before taking residence in the country known as Britain. I won't be able to forget that place since there seemed to be tea everywhere, just like in china. I was trying to cook one day for my father in an apartment building hidden from the rest of the world. It was practically dirt cheep, which was a good thing, because it let me become satisfied with my surroundings and overall environment. Not but an hour passed as I was waiting for some vegetables and something weird to cook on a skillet of sorts. It was totally black with a very rough looking appearance as it sit above a little circle. That circle didn't seem to do anything, but suddenly the vegetables were sizzling on the black skillet thing making loud snapping sounds.

  8. Dominion seemed to be alright with both Nixon and Hydra."I like the idea of going out and about looking for things to fight. I could use new weapons and armor, but I need more col." He then proceeded to say the following towards Nixon. "So you are 18, which means we are about the same age. You wield a whip? That's an amazing weapon, but I also remember how difficult it was to become proficient with it, so great job. Personally, I would choose something that doesn't have as much flexibility, and allow myself to instead become flexible with the item, but thats only my personal preference. OMG, YOU ARE A POET? DUDE, THATS SO AWESOME! CAN I READ ONE OF YOUR WORKS?" Dominion loses his composure as he becomes suddenly interested in poetry. Then, when he heard Nixon say something about overstepping bounds, he became even more confused with even more questions. "Wolfie, What on the earth does that mean? Overstepping bounds? What bounds are there to overstep? And what defines someone worthy in the eyes of the strong? I kinda understand but at the same time... Nope, I Dont understand, and I just don't get it! I don't know what it means to hate, but people say it in the other world all the time, but that just made me so much more confused. Dominion looked at the ground with a bit of frustration but then looked up at the sky with an insane amount of pride. "I will find my answers in due time... just like the one about the birds" 


  9. Dominion didn't notice the Butterfly until it was right next to Wolfie. However, Dominion's battle technique was faster than that of a normal person. He, with great fashion, thrusts the hilt of the great axe upon the Butterfly, causing it's rush towards Wolfie to be off by a couple feet. The attack was so forceful that it did the most damage possible by the great axe, but he only used the hilt. The butterfly hit the tree beside Wolfie with a hard thud. Dominion regained his composure, still holding his weapon in his right hand. "Wow Wolfie, that was much faster than I expected. Where did you learn to attract animals at such a great speed? I almost couldn't keep up" He said. Dominion then saw the figure in the moonlight glistening in between tree leaves. "Is... is that a butterfly? I thought those things were smaller? Is it dangerous?" He asked Wolfie

    Dominion 39/40HP | 4 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 2

    Wolfie 58/60 HP | 6 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 0


    Corrupted Butterfly27/30 HP | 10 DMG


    ID# 71485

    Battle: 10 (Critical Success) [1+2=3 Dmg to Corrupted Butterfly]


  10. Dominion realized that keres wouldn't understand why the name fit him out of game. Why would anyone understand a name that was given by someone other than your parents? He thought that the name stuck pretty well where he was from, but he could have been wrong. He was even more confused by her next comment about giving out that information. "I have nothing to hide from people. I want the people to know me and understand that fears from my past don't exist. I have heard many people with terrible stories of their past in passing, which most seem to impact their personalities for better or for worse." Said Dominion. He heard of all that Domarus had that he could offer, and Dominion seemed very pleased by the description. 

    The Warrior was hit. The blade sank deep into his neck, leaving a red squared trail as if blood should have been there. The warrior ignored the blade which had slid into his neck and made a roaring shout and swung his blade towards Domarus. However it appeared as though he was a step short and missed the Armored warrior (Domarus).

    MOB 3 (miss) ID# 71480

    Domarus:  360/360  -  16/36

    Aereth:  340/340  -  18/34

    Silver Warrior:  141/350

  11. Dominion relocated his focus as in the night it was nearly pitch black outside under the forest cover. "Why sure, I am up for continuing to battle animals out here for a couple more hours." Dominion said with his eyes wondering from tree to tree. "Although, I am blinded by the night, my other senses are by no means weaker or stronger than usual. I can still hear small sounds and feel the bark of the trees with great detail. Why is this? I am not accustomed to the forest setting at night, even though it seems almost more social than in the day." Dominion grabbed the Giant axe that fell to his side and proceeded to outstretch his right arm for a handshake while displaying a smile. "I hope you don't mind me refering to you as a brother, Just as you refer to me as pup, even if we are still not yet related by blood or by adoptive rights. Furthermore, since you are good at hunting, can you find the next animal to practice my techniques on?"

  12. Dominion watched the attack from Sey with a learners eye. He was fascinated by the blue ayra from the weapon and the massive drop of health to the Boar. Dominion moved to an opening where he wouldn't run into Sey, but still land a hit. He got into a balanced stance and whispered to himself focus and... almost instantly Dominion lunged to his left putting most of his weight to the transfering leg and stood directly beside the Boar. He moved the hilt of the great axe into the boars head, lowering its health bar by a little more. Somehow, the attention was split between the two players, almost equally from the Boar. "If you don't hit next time, I will not attack again because it seems to have equal focus between us" Dominion said as he backed away from the Boar again.

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 13/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 4

    Battle Healing +5 HP

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 4




    Boar- 59/100 HP, Dmg 10


    ID# 71479

    Battle: 10 (Critical Success) [1+2=3 Dmg to Boar


  13. Dominion could feel the boar's weight above him move off his body slightly, directed towards the other player. Dominion raised his torso to hold his thigh, which seemed to stop hurting once the boar removed it's weight. Suddenly, as if it could sense Dominion attempting to stand up, the boar lunged around aiming out at him with it's head. Dominion wasn't about to let the boar do him more damage, and this time managed to side step the boar. Dominion gripped the hilt of the great axe with both hands and waited. Dominion needed time to think, and enough time to plan how the battle would go from this point. He almost got himself into a position to be killed, and it was in no way Sey's fault. Dominion realized that in a way, Sey just saved his life. He owed the man a great deal of his gratitude if he managed to survive this battle.

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 13/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 2

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Sword Art: Maiming Blow - 4x1 - (4 Energy) - A skill that targets the user's legs with two consecutive thrusts.

    Damage: 4 x 4 = 16

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 2


    Boar- 82/100 HP, Dmg 10



    ID# 71444

    MOB 4 (boar misses Dominion)


  14. Dominion's face showed that he was very much panicked by the attack towards him. The boar barreled him as he tried to dodge, knocking him into the ground. His health bar dropped slightly. His back hit the ground which knocked that air out of him. He decided to continue trying to allow Sey time instead of himself to begin generating more hate. He moved to his right to try to throw the boar off, but that attempt failed. Dominion then tried to throw the boar off of him, but he was suprrised that he couldn't lift the boar off him. "Im not going to attack, so please keep trying to generate hate" he said desprately to Sey. His expression was terrified. Dominion kept trying with all his might to throw the boar off of him. The boar was inconveniently smashing his lower body into the ground, causing him extreme pain to the right thigh. 

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 17/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 0 (COME ON!)

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 2


    Boar- 98/100 HP, Dmg 10


    ID# 71442

    MOB 3


  15. The man seemed almost amazed by something relating to my questions, and decided to answer them the best he could. "Well kid, you are not wrong by any means. The Tortoise, however self absorbed as he is, like Narcissus, is trying to win a race without having to race. He probably would have lost to Achilles, except that he persuaded him the Achilles couldn't pass him as long as the tortoise was the main thing to pass. The Tortoise has wits. Now, what made you so perceptive kid?" Well sir, I thought that it was possible, but at the same time, Achilles is a human and the Tortoise is a turtle. Turtles are slow creatures and Achilles is a human, which means he probably can at least run. There should have been no problem for Achilles to have take victor in that race..." I told the man. I only remained in Italy for a couple more months before moving to the next country.

  16. Dominion walked out of the Merchants area of the first floor town and began to walk towards his spot again. He looked up at the sky once more as the sun was slightly before the noon hour still. Dominion sat against the cold stone and wood, hidden by the slight shadow produced by the light of the sun. He picked up the papers and began to write again where he had left off. Although it may have seemed accurate, I began to think of a question for the man. Not but a minute after he finished his talk, I confronted the man and asked this question: "Why is the tortoise so self absorbed? shouldn't he have known that the race is not a focus on a person, but a goal for both people to attain rather than one person hold and the other person try to reach? I understand both of what I said is competition, but that skewers the perception of the race." 

  17. Dominion then placed his pages to his right side as he began to stretch his arms and legs. The day seemed like it would be a good one, as background story reminded him of his dad and the many adventures they went on together. Dominion stood up from his place next to the wall and began walking around the city. A couple people were out and about, but for the most part it was quiet. Birds were not chirping since it was still morning, approaching noon. There was some slight clouds above the city, but he would have rather their be less than even that. flowers were beside certain buildings that made the overall appearance rather appealing. Dominion continued his travel around the city, stopping by the merchants on the first floor. "man, these prices are still so much more than what I can afford. It looks like it will be quite some time before I will be able to get good armor and a quality weapon." muttered Dominion under his breath.

  18. The mans words were as follows "The Tortoise challenged Achilles to a race, and said that if Achilles gave him a small head start, he would surely win. Achilles was about to begin the race, when the tortoise convinced him to hear him out about why he would lose. How fast would it take you to reach me as we start the race said the tortoise. It would be very quick said Achilles. But while you have ran to get to where I am, I will have moved a short distance forward. Now lets say you catch up to that meter space between us said the tortoise. Then I will still have moved a even shorter amount forward. Thus, during the race, this will happen infinitely and you will not be able to surpass me. Achilles frowned and said I guess you are right tortoise, and with that conceded the race to the tortoise."-(Zeno of Elea) This result was not what I thought would happen in my head, but seemed pretty accurate.

  19. Dominion glanced up to see only about an hour had passed as he had been revising and rereading his story, repeatedly looking for mistakes. Dominion looked back down at the second page, where he wrote about Russia, "This still confuses me. The Bird and the Bee should have made a baby, just as she said. However, they could have been both really tired and I didn't notice before putting them in that closet. Darn, guess they may be awake once I return from this game." Dominion began writing again on the second page. The next place I remember going to was around my seventh birthday. I remember walking in Italy, where a old guy was talking for hours. He spoke of many parables and weird circumstances, all of which seemed totally possible to me, until he said something about a tortoise and a human at a race. That is what made me curious. 

  20. My father and I could not understand the language nearly at all, but nothing was better than using it as an excuse to pick up a fight. I soon became accustomed no not attack the people who I just met, but try to help them out. However, the most memorable event from Russia was at a hospital. I was sitting in the waiting room alone to ask the doctor if I could apprentice with him, but when the door slightly creaked open, I became curious. Listening to what I could understand understand at the time, I heard from a woman talking to her kid about literally the birds and the bees... for me, this was a big success. However my curiosity overcame me and I managed to catch a bird and a bee several days later. I put them in a closet, awaiting a baby, but after several weeks past, I came back and the bird and the bee were sleeping. No babies were made, so now I am still left with questions. 

  21. Dominion remembered this event in sadness, for he hoped to one day meet with that boy, Lee, again. Dominion wrote on the last of that page: While bandaging the kids wounds, I asked the older boy for his name. The boy tried to communicate, only to begin puking a mixture of food and blood. I brought him inside our monastery, knowing fully the consequences of this act as well, and acquired the "medical" monk. He had him in his office for several days before the kid came out, mostly recovered. When I went to meet the kid, he only made strange noises from his mouth. He then asked for a bowl of water, and began to draw Chinese characters on the ground. I was not very good with reading, so my dad told my it translated to: Hello, my name is Lee. Sadly, only a couple days later, my dad had been ordered to leave the monastic grounds permanently. And with the last letters being written by Dominion, he moved to the next page.  

  22. Dominion remembered getting hit in his side by his father's weighted staff and how he would feel so painful in the mornings until suddenly he was callused on all sides. Doing training like he did recently wouldn't have affected his real body, but this one seemed to be less attuned to physical pain. Dominion decided to write about his traveling to another country, even though most country experiences were becoming a blur to him. He still wrote on the first page, My father brought me with him to the next country being Russia. However, While I was still in the Chinese Monastic Supervision, I saw a kid older than me, truly beat to a point of death. I stopped my training, knowing full well the consequences of such an act, and began to bandage the older kid up.

  23. Dominion stopped writing to look up at the sky. The day wasn't quite half way over, so Dominion knew he had time to burn, especially for writing. He thought long and hard for the next part as he seemed to relive it in his head over and over again. He looked down at the page to write, I may have been good with the weighted stick, but when I fought my father, I stood no chance. He was so under classed to his father that it wasn't funny. The man fought the monks every day in the morning, sending each and every one onto the ground, cringing at their torso or holding their arms and legs. Then He would bow towards the building and walk away. My father was so secretive on his past, but the monks gave me the information where he did not. After about a year in China, we left due to my fathers quit of rites

  24. Dominion on multiple occasions had to rewrite the words he used in order for it to make any sense to the reader. Dominion read over what he had written twice after most revisions were made and began to continue writing. After continuing to be beat up the next few weeks, I, Oni, began training in weaponry. Not just any weaponry though, but the most protective form of weaponry. I used a weighted staff on a practice dummy for several days, until the dummy was in multiple pieces. Then, My father began training me in stick fighting, since I showed eagerness for it at such a young age. By my fifth birthday, I had nearly learned about how to wield a weighted weapon meant for adults or apparently special kids. This is why in SAO, I wield a Giant Great Axe that is not quite reasonable for my body type and size.

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