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Posts posted by Dominion

  1. Dominion did notice the rather sudden change in battle tactics as Sey made a significant move against the boar. Dominion moved his great axe into the air by a little over a couple inches in order to grasp the great axe more towards the center of the hilt, but realized that he didn't have anything in his hands. Dominion looked towards his right hand to see the hilt hit off of his knuckles and fall completely horizontal beside him as he was moving forward. The large great axe clattered on the ground as he began to stop his forward momentum. He turned to pick up the great axe and noticed that he had missed a good chance to do damage. Dominion thought to himself, I guess I just need to wait for the next opening and attack then." Dominion placed his great axe upon the ground and stood in the same way as he stood before, paying close attention to the combat.


    ID# 71875

    Battle: 1 (Critical Fail)


    Sey- 200/200 HP, 16/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate:2

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 0

    Boar 80/100

  2. Foregoing action

    Dominion watched as Sey made a lunge forward towards the boar as the boar moved out of the way. Dominion knew he should wait there a bit longer, just for some hate to be built up by Sey. So, instead he opened his menu and looked at his friend list. The only person thus far was Wolfie, being that he didn't ask for many friends in this game. He closed the friends list and opened his inventory. He noticed the lack of space being used and closed that too. He looked back up to see the boar make a thrust toward Sey, doing practically no damage. "So Sey, is there any healing abilities in this game that can be used on other people? I was thinking that I would gain that ability if there is such a thing" Dominion called out to Sey as he fought, not realizing that it could be a distraction since he wasn't quite yet in the battle. 

  3. Dominion heard something about a treasure chest from Sey and looked around for any object that resembled a chest. Looking to his left and right, there were no objects in sight, especially on the long extent of grass, leading on until a large tree line interrupted it further away. Dominion just shrugged, "I don't see any chests around here, so I think I will just wait until you have made a move on the boar before I do anything else. Dominion put his great axe into his right hand and placed the bottom of the long hilt on the ground. He held the axe near the head, and looked at the dull blade with some minor disappointment. "Soon, the blade I carry will be in much better shape than this one..." he muttered aloud.

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 20/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate:0

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 60/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 0




    Boar- 100 HP, Dmg 3 (hp of mimic may need to be changed)


  4. Dominion seemed to understand as Sey put the example in perspective of the owner. "So, the shop owners would rather more currency that materials because of col's worth in the game." Dominion was attempting to put the two together. "So going out of my way to find materials would be less useful than defeating mobs and getting more col. That is definitely something I did not think about before going into the grass lands." Dominion noticed a boar with the same intense outgoing presence as the other boar seemed to have, except this one was almost twice as big around. Dominion turned to Sey while pointing nearby at a large boar, "If I had to guess, I would say that the boar over there has more health than the previous boar. It will probably take much longer to kill, but I would be surprised if it does more damage". Dominion remembered his slowly growing col count in his inventory. He raised his head suddenly as if remembering something he had forgot, "So, I realized that you heal faster than the other boar was able to deal damage to you... why is that?".

  5. Dominion seemed most satisfied with the answer, but he then had a question come to mind. "So, I was looking to buy something from Macradon. Do any of the shops in this game prefer that you bring in your own materials for the creation of the item, or do they just require the amount of col they ask for?" Dominion had heard a rumor that materials were needed to get items from most of the shops, but he didn't know if that was necessarily true. Dominion didn't look around him for materials any longer, but instead began to walk in search of another Mob. "So, I know I asked a lot of questions earlier, but are you in a... is it called a party? like a group of people... I don't remember the word for a group of people teamed together in this game..." Dominion looked down at the ground trying to come up with the word. "Anyway, are you in one of those, or do you tend to fend for yourself?"

  6. Dominion was partially relieved by the final attack from Sey. The boar had gone down with one heck of a fight... and Dominion had intended to fight at least one more mob on the first floor. However, after such an intense battle against that boar, Dominion could be swayed by whatever Sey wanted to do. Dominion kept his great axe by his side as he moved to stand beside Sey. "I am so sorry for the lack of help I presented during the latter half of the fight. I don't know what got into me, but that is not my usual fighting ability." Dominion moved his head to look around the grasslands, "I had planned to go and find some materials and possibly fight at least one more mob, but after that fight, whatever you want to do is fine with me." Dominion turned to look around where the two of them stood and see if there was any materials to obtain in the general area, while paying close attention for Sey's next comment.


    ID# 71750

    Loot: 5 (found nothing but grass)


  7. Dominion recovered from his last strike towards the boar, which hit against the ground, and tried to move the blade smoothly across along the boar's body. As the blade trailed the boar, which in its own right was lunging at Sey another time, It brushed against some of the taller grass, slowing down the original momentum. The boar had gotten just out of reach again for that attack. Dominion could not help but wonder what was wrong with himself. "I only need that one last hit" Dominion spoke this aloud as he yet again concentrated on combat accuracy over amount of damage. He knew he couldn't do nearly the amount that Sey could do to this boar, so accuracy was LITERALLY the only thing he needed.

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 1/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate:14

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6




    Boar- 2/100 HP, Dmg 10 


    ID# 71748

    Battle: 3 (Miss)


  8. Dominion stood up from the meditation on the ground. He was clearly still not focused, but a small amount of time had passed and the boars health bar was extremely low. "All we need is one solid hit from either of us, and the boar will be defeated." Dominion gripped his double bladed great axe as he rose from the ground on which he had sat and walked forward. The boar was giving Sey a really bad beating, even if the health bar was truely unaffected by the result of the attacks. Dominion attempted to flank the boar from the side, but as he brought the great axe down upon the side of the boar, it had moved to attack Sey right in the stomach. Dominion's blade hit off of the ground and he lifted it for another attack. Just one more hit will defeat this boar, Dominion was thinking.


    ID# 71705

    Battle: 4(miss)

    Sey- 200/200 HP0/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9, Hate 14

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6




    Boar- 2/100 HP, Dmg 10

  9. The Silver Warrior had regained his senses. As the warrior stood there, somehow positioning his body in a way to make combat difficult, lunged to retrieve his sword. He grabbed the blade with one hand, and then the next movement, bringing the blade up into Domarus. The health bar of Domarus dropped by a decent fraction, but wouldn't be substantial enough for significant issues. Dominion was watching this move which was made by the Silver Warrior and he could not think of method in which to counter such an attack. Dominion knew that when he himself battled, his strategic abilities increased drastically, but he didn't recognize by how much until now. The Warrior hit his great sword against the armor of Domarus, mostly because it seemed that Domarus was the closest in combat. However, the Warrior could have taken a larger stride and hit Aereth if it seemed more logical of the options. 

    Aereth: 340/340 <<15/34>> +1
    Domarus:  334/360 <<21/36>>

    Silver Warrior: 119/350

    Hate Count:

    ID# 71700

    MOB 9 (Critical Success) [60-34=26 Dmg to Domarus]


  10. Dominion looks at the chess board with a hardened expression before moving his hand to touch on of his white pawns. He moved his hand to the second pawn beside the one he just moved and says to Wolfie, "White pawn B2 to B4". Dominion seemed to gain his expression and emotion back in his face. "Well, I think I have heard one of those names back in the grasslands on this floor, however, the experience does escape me." Dominion thought to himself, Why is this name Aereth so familiar? I don't really remember why the name sticks, but somehow it does. Dominion heard Wolfie say something about Macradon. "Well, I will most definitely check out his equipment and weapons, and probably check Aereth for armor. Would you say that Aereth is very credible for making things? Do they make custom items, or are the stuff their own random made items?"


  11. Dominion brought his Giant double bladed axe over his head and down upon the ground. He moved his left leg forward to balance his weight, so not to become unstable. His attack somehow managed to come up short from the intended target, but the overall swing was not that far from how he had originally planned. Dominion leaned back as he lifted the great axe from the ground that it had hit, and probably would have sunk into the ground in a wedge shape if this world was perfect. However, this blade did not really fit the experiment, since the blade was by no means sharp. "Man, I need to regain focus, or I will continue to miss." Dominion sat down where he had once stood and crossed his legs as if to meditate. 

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 2/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate:12

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6




    Boar- 12/100 HP, Dmg 10 


    ID# 71688

    Battle: 3 (miss)


  12. Dominion knew that his strategic mind was very bad unless in actual combat. Surprisingly, Dominion was a very clever war strategist. He suddenly ran behind Wolfie and threw him into the air with a suprising amount of strength. At nearly the very same time, Dominion lunged forward, swinging his great axe that was in his right hand into both of his hands. He swung down again, with Wolfie just high enough not to be hit by the blade, batting the butterfly into the ground yet again. The force brought down upon the Butterfly caused a critical sign above the health bar, lowering the health of the butterfly by a decent amount. Wolfie was still in the air, and Dominion had an idea that he would not be too pleased with the action, but the idea had strategic potential. If Wolfie were to use the height to his advantage, maybe he could keep the butterfly from taking the air.

    Dominion 39/40HP | 4 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 4

    Wolfie 58/60 HP | 6 Energy | 1 Dmg | 3 MIT | Hate: 1


    Corrupted Butterfly 23/30 HP | 10 DMG


    ID# 71683

    Battle: 10 (Critical Success) [1+2=3 Dmg to Corrupted Butterfly]


  13. Dominion had just been out with Sey seeking Col when Sey and him had parted ways. As Dominion roamed the grassland of the first floor, Dominion took notice to a small group of people. Well, all he could really make from the distance was three or four figures communicating. One figure sat down, and Dominion decided to go and meet them. He began his walk over to the group with the utmost speed. When he neared the group, he noticed two girls and two guys. He waved his hand in a way that he believed to be a greeting, or at least in a Semi-American sort of way. He didn't know anybody in the group by name, but he did recognize one if not both of the girls in the area. One had been in a smaller group conversing with, or possibly just being next to his, soon to be brother/father, Wolfie. "Hello fellow players, what leads you to be on this floor at a time such as now?" Dominion tried to make a more formal introduction, to the best of his ability.

  14. Dominion was right behind Nixon as they traveled to the seventh floor. "Yeah, I sure as heck would like to read one of your poems. Poetry seems somewhat form based, but the word choices are as free as a creek in the other world as time moves on. The flow of poetry can change as it pleases as long as it flowing within its boundaries." Dominion realized there was a group of people just up ahead, but didn't realize to tell Nixon before  NIxon walked right into Sey. "Hey Sey, whats up? How have you been? I've just been following Nixon in order to read some of his poetry, because I am clueless to most of the rules that apply to different forms, and later how to break those rules knowingly." Dominion took little notice to the man behind Sey, besides the fact that there was a figure of a human laying down on the ground.

  15. Dominion had temporarily lost his natural instinct with his massive great axe. He would grab the great axe and strike forward and above his figure once again, after turning around from where he previous miss. He did halt in place for a second to regain a little of his composure, but it was not quite enough time. As he ran around towards the boar again, he lifted his blade and thrust it toward the ground again where the boar currently was. However, Dominion missed by just a small margin of space and time, which was improvement that he needed to regain self-esteem. He lifted his blade back from the ground and placed it behind his figure. He prepared himself by gripping the hilt with both hands in an attempt, hopefully, to swing it over his head and into the boar that was several feet, but not that far in front of him.

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 2/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate:11

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6




    Boar- 15/100 HP, Dmg 10 


    ID# 71653

    Battle: 4 (miss)


  16. I ran to where my father was, standing next to a circular thing attached somehow to a stick. I grabbed the stick and pulled it down to what I thought was a letter, but had not become accustom enough with english at the time to know. The symbol was an R, which was our only chance for an escape. The boat suddenly lurched from the dock and violently backed out of the space. When we had gone out to the sea a decent distance, we moved it back to the forward symbol and lurched forward. We turned the circle in the direction we wanted to go and we were off. Dominion looked away from the page he was writing on and remembered the scene as if it just happened again. Dominion began to stand up, ready to walk off his stiff back and legs from sitting for such a long period of time.


    Dominion: 1-SP 400-Col 

  17. I arrived on the dock in India, where my father stood. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the side as a group of people with guns walked by. He put his finger over his mouth as a sign to me to be silent. We had practiced this in the monastery in China, where I would follow the monks unnoticed. I understood and gave him a nod. He turned and ran away from the place with great speed. He seemed to target a medium sized shipcraft attached to the dock. We both got in and attempted to start it. After what seemed like a long time, the lights of the ship turned on and we thought we started the engine thing. My father attempted to put it in reverse, but instead moved forward in the small dock space and crashed into the dock itself. He knew the sound must have attracted attention.

  18. The man was swimming with vigorous strokes, seeming to make some progress when suddenly he dropped under the ocean surface. I looked out onto the surface of the Ocean to see no signs of movement besides the waves on the beach. Suddenly a body came hurtling towards the shore, seemingly still. It crashed into the shore with great force, leaving him further up on the beach. He layed on the ground with drenched clothing and bare feet. My father told me to follow as we turned to the left towards a dock further away. We didn't go near the man laying on the beach, but I really wanted to congratulate him for his accomplishment. I began to run after my father who had made a little more of a distance between us. My feet were cold on the shaded sand, as I did not wear shoes for a long time. 

  19. When my father finally arrived at the tavern thing, I asked him what had happened. his clothes were in taters and hit body seemed to be slightly bruised, but there was a slight smile on his face. He seemed very tired, so I helped him set up the room. When it was time to go to bed, my father had already been asleep for an hour or so. I still have no idea what happened that day at the scene, but my father didn't seem to mind anymore. I fell into a deep sleep that night, to be awoken by my father very early. GET UP ONI, WE MUST LEAVE NOW! yelled my father as he shook me awake. We both gathered our small amount of belongings and ran out of the tavern. We got to the shore to see a group of men beside a row boat. A man was in the ocean, seeming to be on his way back from swimming out into the Ocean.

  20. I honestly didn't understand the problem with showing off such a great military force, and to be blunt, I still don't understand. However, on this matter, I didn't and don't question the reasons my dad makes to send me away from supposed "harm". Now, As I turned to face away from the spray of red and people laying still on the ground, I ran. I ran until I reached a line of buildings, which one of them seemed to be rather large. When I finally found a place that I could enter, I began to converse with the main person behind the counter. Then I asked if we could buy a room or two, and the person allowed us to have it for free. I was extremely happy with this, but I didn't dare go back to my father, who stayed at the sight of the military force. As I waited for him to return, I just counted straw from the bedside of my room.

  21. Dominion moved on from the subject of Britain to India, as he made the transition onto the next page. Not much later than that incident, my father and I were sent to India, mostly because there was very few people in that country who were looking for him. When I arrived in India, we were getting off of our ship voyage, which was really neat. I decided that the sea was really cool, but several people seemed sick literally and figuratively. As I walked onto the mainland, I witnessed a small group of people get shot by a line of gunmen. The group of people fell on the beach, red sprayed everywhere. I remember looking back to my father and saying, Look how great the military of India is! My father was by no means amused, as he looked in terror at the scene. How about you go to the first area with rooms and ask for a room for the both of us. My father said these words almost shuddering. 

  22. My father walked into the kitchen area to see me placing my finger on the skillet. This freaked him out, and caused him to move very fast to move my hands away from the skillet. My body was thrusted to the side and I was rendered breathless. I awoke to bandaged hands in my small room, which was about the size of a small closet. I called out to my father, asking for an explanation of what happened. When my father walked into my small room, he just leaned on the door and asked how I was doing. Well father, I am doing fine, especially since the pain stopped traveling through my fingers. My father looked very concerned, and told me that I would be fine as long as I just tried to recover. He began explaining about the nerve system that was in the body, and how it correlated with what I had recently done.

  23. What is going on? I thought to myself as the vegetables were jumping up and down on the skillet. I decided to grab the edge of the black skillet, which seemed like normal metal. For a brief second, I felt nothing besides the very thick texture of the metal. Then a sharp pain ran up my fingers and arm. What the heck? I thought as I moved my hand away from the seemingly hot metal. It doesn't look hot, but man, does that thing hurt. Maybe it was just me imagining, the sudden pain that seemed delayed. I reached out again with my right hand and placed my finger on the skillet. After a couple seconds, pain surged at the tip of my finger, hurting until it suddenly didn't anymore. Why is there no more pain on the tip of my finger? I don't understand. I spoke this aloud as a very terrible smell began to arise from the area of my finger on the skillet.

  24. Dominion saw the great axe had slid several feet in front of him, and as he moved to go retrieve it, he took noticed to Sey. He moved forward and sliced at the boar, before doing a leap back. A change in color made it pretty obvious that he had done near maximum damage. Dominion just stood still and watched as the action was made. He ran over to the great axe, just barely not sliding past it. He picked up the hilt and turned around to get a strike at the boar. Making long strides forward, he stuck out the axe and hoped that he would land a solid hit on the boar. Disappointingly, the boar had moved towards Sey with a tusk attack. Dominion missed the boar by a great margin. "shoot" Dominion said under his breath.


    ID# 71650

    Battle: 2 (miss)

    Sey- 200/200 HP, 2/20 energy, Dmg 3, MIT 9 Hate: 9

    Battle Healing: +5 HP per turn

    Dominion- 53/60 HP, 6/6 energy, Dmg 1, MIT 3 Hate: 6




    Boar- 20/100 HP, Dmg 10 

  25. "I will know when I see him. I have an idea of who, but I am unsure as to anything besides he is on the first floor." Dominion just glanced to the battle taking place, that was obviously towards the person in full armor. "What will you do after this encounter, Keres? I am probably just going to return to the city and find a spot to dwell until I do my first adventure".

    The silver warrior fell right into the plan of Aereth's. As the warrior struck downward, Aereth dodged to the side and swiftly planted a kick to his chest, causing some space between them. The Warrior, backed up by the startling kick, let go of his grip on the large sword. He was not able to retrieve his large sword from the ground as he moved a couple feet before regaining his balance. Once he had both feet in a solid stance, he looked around frantically for it, once he recovered slightly from the attack.

    ID# 71649

    Mob 2 (miss)

    Aereth: 340/340 <<14/34>> +1
    Domarus:  360/360 <<15/36>>

    Silver Warrior: 119/350

    Hate Count:

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