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Posts posted by Stryder

  1. Sky smiled as Eatos moved out of the way Sky moving in with his snake bite to get the kill. He closed in, leaping over the panthers head, landing behind it. He spun, doing a one eighty and staring at the panther, the panther whimpering right before the sword sliced it down, the three slices cutting it into three pieces, all three turning into millions of red shards, showing it was dead. He watched as his loot menu came up, giving him one hundread and eighty Col, and one tier one material. He grinned, glad he was still in the lead. He looked over, a little sad he hadn't gotten anything he could give her.... Then he had an idea, opening his menu and sending her 90 Col, half of what he had gotten from the mob drop.

    "Thanks for the help. Don't worry about me, i got a material out of that. You can take half the col, you deserve it for helping"

    ID# 81957 results:

     Battle: 6 + 1 - 7

    DMG - 3x3 - 9

     MOB: 1

    Panther HP - 0/60 DMG 18

    (H4) Stryder HP - 116/120 - Energy 0/12 -mit 18 - 1 EVA - 1 acc - 1 Keen

    (H3) Eatos HP - 80/80 - Energy 6/8 - DMG 3 - 1 ACC

    Loot roll

    ID# 81958 results:

     Craft: 7 - 1 Mat

     Loot: 4 + 2 - 6

    Col - 180 / Split to both 90 each

     Mats collected this thread

    Stryder - 3

    Eatos - 0

  2. Sky laughed at her, deciding to be a little mean as he petted her on the head for a moment, trying to annoy her even more. For some reason, he just needed a laugh after all this.

    "There there, we almost broke this thing!!! One or two more hits, your call if you want to sleep through it!!!" He said before turning, running towards the rock and delivering yet another punch, watching the whole thing crack. It was so damaged, at certain angles chunks were taken out, and a little light shone through the rock, showing that it had cracked almost all the way through

    "It would be nice if you could hit it without those damage gloves, i really want to break this thing open myself.... its been hours, i really need the satisfaction of finishing this, but it still has one or two of my hits left in it.... Maybe i could borrow those things to see how they work? You seemed to do some insane damage with them!!!" He said, looking at Hei as he asked.

    ID# 81966 results: 

     Battle: 7

    Rock HP 4/50

  3. He noticed how Eatos was in disbelief. He had literally taken only about three damage this fight, and as he was thinking what the panther came at him again. Sky was quick to swing his blade, though he missed, the panther dogging his blade nimbly before delivering another scratch at him, his suit once again fully mitigating the damage, himself only taking one damage.

    "Make that four. This suit is protective Eatos, it may not look it, but it has nice stats" He replied, before smiling at her. He looked at his energy gauge, he was almost out, he had maybe one more sword art in him before he was limited to just normal attacks..... He hoped that Eatos hit it, then he hit with his sword art, If they managed that, the panther was dead and it was all over. He begged for her to hit it as he sttood there, no fear of dying, he knew he wouldn't.

    ID# 81955 results:

     Battle: 3 + 2 = 5 Miss

     MOB: 7 - 1 = 6 - hit

    Panther HP - 10/60 DMG 18

    (H4) Stryder HP - 116/120 - Energy 2/12 -mit 18 - 1 EVA - 1 acc - 1 Keen

    (H2) Eatos HP - 80/80 - Energy 6/8 

  4. Sky nodded at her, his armor actually having stats.

    "Yes, this armor gives me evasion stat and mitigation" He said, before the panther once again took a swipe at him. Instead of trying to move, he let it hit him, giving the panther a brutal death stare. The panther, seeing the stare, grows at him, only for Sky to activate his snake bite and smash the panther three times, it yelping in pain as it bounced away, wounded. Its health bar was in the red, it was nearly dead. One or two more hits and it would be all over. He just stared at it, before snapping out and looking at Eatos.

    "In this fight it has literally done about... three damage to me" He said to her, giving a thumbs up before looking at it again, giving it a death stare that meant he was going to kill it.

    ID# 81951 results:

     Battle: 10 ( Plus 2 dmg)

    DMG = 3 + 2 - 5 = 5x3 = 15


     MOB: 7

    Panther HP - 13/60 DMG 18

    (H4) Stryder HP - 117/120 - Energy 3/12 -mit 18 - 1 EVA - 1 acc - 1 Keen

    (H2) Eatos HP - 80/80 - Energy 6/8 - Mit 0 - 1 EVA - DMG 3 - 1 ACC

  5. Sky watched as Eatos went in front of him, though he was quick to respond, knowing that if she stayed in front she could get hurt. He sidestepped her, moving in for a basic strike, trying to get its attention. His blade went under the panther, who had jumped to doge it, and as it swung its claw at Sky, he dropped fully to the ground, the swipe going overhead, he then pushed the panther, kicking it lightly. His foot had done no damage at all, but the panther had been pushed away a little.

    "Eatos, don't try and take hits for me, im fine. This armor protects me from all the damage this thing can do, it hasn't even scratched me yet" He said, turning to her with a wide smile and a thumbs up before looking back at the panther. this thing was starting to be a pain in the ass!!! Why wouldn't it just die!

     ID# 81937 results:

     Battle: 2 + 1 - 3 - miss

     MOB: 6 - 1 - miss

    (H3) Stryder HP - 118/120 - Energy 5/12 -mit 18 - 1 EVA - 1 acc - 1 Keen

    (H2) Eatos HP - 80/80 - Energy 6/8 - Mit 0 - 1 EVA - DMG 3 - 1 ACC

  6. Sky shook his head when she asked if it was hurting him. His armor deflected every hit it tried to do. He was taken aback though when she jumped back to hide next to him, taking his attention off the panther for a second to long. He turned and saw it pounce on him!!! He quickly threw it off, but as it landed, it pounced again, tackling him from behind and slashing his back. Thankfully his claws pretty much bounced off, but he pushed it off him, rolling up and leaping up, grabbing his sword off the ground.

    "Im fine, keep you eye on it... Its a sneaky bugger" he said to her, his eyes narrowing down on the panther. He wasn't about to be KILLED by a panther, and he wasn't about to let someone else be killed by it. Eatos was in no danger, and hewas going to make sure of it.

     ID# 81935 results:

     Battle: 1 + 2 = 1 (Miss)

     MOB: 8 = hit

    Panther HP - 33/60 DMG 18

    (H3) Stryder HP - 118/120 - Energy 6/12 -mit 18 - 1 EVA - 1 acc - 1 Keen

    (H1) Eatos HP - 80/80 - Energy 6/8 - Mit 0 - 1 EVA - DMG 3 - 1 ACC

  7. Sky watched as Eatos ran in, stabbing the panther in the side. He was proud of her, she was normally scared of fighting, but she stepped up, but he couldn't help but internally laugh as she jumped back scared. He quickly turned his attention to the panther, watching as it leaped at him to bite him!!! He was quick to put his sword in the way, the Panther bitting onto the blade. He threw it off, continuing with delivering three brutal slices again using his Snake Bite sword art. He jumped back, looking at the panther. He wished he was stronger, sure the panther was almost at half health already, but others made this look so easy. He was weak, he barely did anything.... He made a vow to himself to get stronger, and he knew he would.

    "Geesus your an unlucky kitty...."

     ID# 81933 results:

     Battle: 7 + 2 = 9 = hit

    DMG - 3x3 - 9

     MOB: 1 - 1 = 10 (FAAAAAAAAIL)

    Panther HP - 33/60 DMG 18

    (H3) Stryder HP - 119/120 - Energy 7/12 -mit 18 - 1 EVA - 1 acc - 1 Keen

    (H1) Eatos HP - 60/60 - Mit 0 - 1 EVA - DMG 3 - 1 ACC

  8. Sky could still feel something watching him, though he continued to ignore it. He listened to Eatos, sighing a bit. She couldn't craft tools yet? Little sad, but understandable. They had only opened there shops a short while ago, couldn't expect to much. Then he heard it, rusting in the bush. He quickly drew his sword, spinning as he saw a panther leap at him!!! He had only seen a panther once before, when atzo had killed it, but this one seemed much weaker. As it came, Sky activated his snake bite, slashing three times and dealing a critical hit!!! The panther backed off, landing next to him before scratching at his side. As its claws hit him, they bounced off, his HP gauge going down by one HP. He looked at the panther. It really was weak, it didn't do anything to him.

    "Look alive Eatos"


    Locked in stats for thread


    HP: 120

    Energy: 12

    Level: 6

    DMG: 3 base 

    EVA: 1

    Mit: 18

    ACC: 1 (+1 On hit (Keen))

    + 2 LD

     ID# 81931 results:

     Battle: 10

    DMG - 2+3 - 5. 5x3 - 15

     MOB: 8 - 1 = 7 - hit

    Panther HP - 45/60 DMG 18

    (H2) Stryder HP - 119/120 - mit 18 - 1 EVA - 1 acc (plus 1 extra next round)

    (h0) Eatos HP - 60/60


  9. Sky beamed up more then he would have expected when Atzo said he was proud of him. He was honestly surprised by how much he actually liked Atzo, but he just shrugged it off, not wanting to seem weird. When he said his business would start up, he sighed, having a good feeling that everyone would just go to the skilled tailors instead of himself. He shrugged at that though, thinking about just selling to the guild.

    "You write poetry?" He asked, not in a mean way, but in a serious and curious way. He would never have guessed this big oaf to have a soft spot for poetry. He kept his laughter inside, deciding it wasn't best to say outloud.

    "Are we nearly there...."



  10. He was hoping to get into the fight? Well he could have jumped in at any time, but... he was glad he didn't Sky didnt know what level he was, and if he had been level one he might have been killed. Sky shook his head, about to give a response when he saw the other boars, for a moment he was just hoping they were walking by, but then Vigilon attacked, and the boars rammed him. With a sigh, he looked at his gauge. He didn't have much energy left! He had enough to do one sword art, Snake Bite. He drew his sword, running in.

    As he got close, he leaped past Vigilon, dashing in and dealing three swift strikes to a boar, watching it explode into pieces.

    "Im Stryder, nice to meet you" He said, standing to the side of him, He had hit one of there friends, better yet, he had KILLED one of their friends. They wouldn't exactly like him now. They did no damage, so he didn't care if he was hit.

    (OOC Oh god, i have not got enough energy to do this easily XD)


    ID# 81925 results:

     Battle: 5 + 2 (1 ACC + 1 Keen) - 7 = hit

    DMG equals - 3x3 - 9

    [1] Vigilon- HP 46/60 EP 5/6 

    [2] Stryder- HP 96/100 EP 0/10


    Boar 1: HP 7/8, 4 DMG

    Boar 2: HP 0/8, 4 DMG

    Boar 3: HP 14/14, 6 DMG

  11. Stryder smiled when he heard Atzo's voice, turning around, only to see some three headed dog thing!!! He was scared senseless for a moment, seeing it and literally jumping out of his skin and about to pull out his sword, when he noticed it wasn't hostile, as it hadn't attacked him, and it seemed to be accompanying atzo. Did he have a familiar now?

    "I'm good, great now that iv got someone to come on this boring quest with me now!" He said back to Atzo, smiling.

    "Im retaking the Earning a Living quest to try and refill my material storage, i ran out already..." He said with a sigh, a little annoyed in honety. He had only had one customer, and one person come to borrow his gauntlets for a quest. Other than that, bushiness had been slow. Sure, he didn't have much for sale right now.... or anything decent, but would still be nice to get some custom orders so he knew what he was actually doing was helping people...

  12. It didn't take long, only about twenty minutes, but they reached town again. He hadn't talked much during the walk, instead letting the two converse. He diidn't know what it was about them.... For some reason, he felt like he trusted them. He never trusted anyone! Something about them..... Didn't feel right, but not in a bad way. Especially Atzo. He always came when he asked for him, always came when he needed help. It was like the guy was stalking him, well, not stalking, but more like watching over him like an guardian angel. A stalking Guardian angel, but one notherless.

    He walked until they were in front of the blacksmiths, smiling as he leaned against the wall.

    "Rest is you kyro buddy, go get yourself some armor"

  13. Stryder looked around, noticing the bush rustling to. He grinned, wondering if something was in there. He went towards it, going to find what was there. Before he got there though, he watched something dart away with insane speed. He wondered what it was, shrugging it off as he went into the bush, finding some leather!! He smiled, touching it, and it turned into a Mat.

    "So Eatos, how do you feel about crafting me some tools?" He said, grinning as he looked over at her, the menu screen still up showing he had gotten a second mat. He closed it, the mat officially going into his storage. He continued looking around, though he could feel something really.... eerie, something was watching them. He didn't know what, but he knew that it would pounce soon.

    ID# 81919 results:

     Loot: 14 + 2 = 16 (Find)

    Mat collected - 1

    Total mats collected 

    Stryder - 2

    Eatos - 0

  14. Sky watched as Hei smashed the rock again, dealing HEAPS of damage. He was honestly suprised, he hadn't expected help, and even more he hadn't expected help which could... well help!!! He as honestly a little inspired, deciding to go for another powerpunch. He took a few steps back, then did a light run up, putting his hand on his fist as he powerpunched into the rock!!!! He smiled, watching it drop again. The rock seemed to be nearly dead, it looked like it was like.... At least ninty percent of its health was gone. 

    "Hell yeah!!!" He shouted, then looked over and saw Eatos sleeping. He sighed, walking over and crouching next to her. He shook his head, before lightly prodding her face, trying to wake her up. He knew it was a bad idea, trying to wake her up, but he didn't care. He wanted her to be awake when this was broken, she had done a whole heap of damage, she deserved to see it.

    "Wake up sleepy head....."

     ID# 81852 results:

     Battle: 9 (Crit)

    Rock HP 9/50

  15. The boars came back for him again, and Sky was quick to flip, dogging out of the way as the boars rushed by. They ran into each other, no damage being done but putting them in the same spot. With a spark in his eye, Sky rushed in, going for the kill. He activated his Rage Spike, leaping in at the enemy with insane speed, and the moment he landed, slashing upwards with a brutal strike, and he jumped back. He spun his sword, then put it in his sheathe on his back, and as he did, the boars exploded into thousands of Pixels. He grinned, having finished his little fight.

    He walked over towards the other guy, waving at him.

    "Hey buddy, how are you?"

     ID# 81831 results:

     Battle: 10 (Crit plus 2 dmg)

     MOB: 5

    DMG - Rage spike - 3+2x1 = 5 | DMG - 5x2 = 10 AOE

    Stryder 96/100 EP 2/10

    Boar 1- HP 0/8

    Boar 2- HP 0/14

  16. Sky looked around, climbing into a tree to try and get some sight. And he saw it!!! Some string!!! He grinned, crawling along the tree to get it, only for a bird to come and steal it!!! Sky jumped out, trying to catch the bird only to fail and fall, smashing onto the ground. He groaned, just glad he couldn't actually take damage from that.... Well, he could, but it just wasn't high enough. 

    "You found anything yet Eatos?" He called out, leaping up and continuing to look around, spying lots of different area's they could find stuff. But as he looked, he felt like something was watching him. It might be Eatos for all he knew, but something felt a bit... wrong. He shrugged it off, chosing not to bother with it as he continued to look, enjoying the friendly competiton he had set.

    "Not necessarily, just be nice"

    ID# 81830 results:

     Loot: 3 + 2 - 5 = Fail

    Total Mats


  17.  Sky watched as Hei both gave him advice, which he honestly just ignored, until he smashed the rock. He had a lot of bad luck trying to hit this thing for awhile, but something about how Hei hit it.... made him feel like he could keep going. He was right, martial arts also required a lot of mental restraint, if you didn't, you could seriously hurt someone! He looked at the rock, resolve regained. With a calm mind, he sprinted up to the rock, kicking off one foot and spinning, delivering yet another power kick, the rock trembling as another crack appeared. He landed on his feet, staring at it. It was breaking.... They had gotten somewhere. Before long, it would be gone, it would be broken, he would have his skill.... He would be able to go on protecting people, he would be able to at least attempt to make a difference.

    "Hei... Thanks. Didn't make much sense, but i get the message"

    ID# 81822 results:

     Battle: 10 (Crit)

    Rock HP 16/50

  18. "Despite how dangerous it was, i took him out on this quest to get him an armor set. After we finish this, he gets an uncommon armor set of his chosing, we got the materials, now we just gotta head back" He said to him, looking at Atzo before looking around. He noticed a glow through the forest... the town!!! He smiled, pointing toward sit. It had been a brutal fight, a fair few. He had almost gotten someone killed, but he hadn't, and now, he was about to help him get stronger. He smiled, before starting to head back.

    "So Kyro, if i can call you that, any idea for the design of your armor?" He asks, looking over at his new friend as they walked. He was pretty much his partner in this guild, he was the lowest level other than him, that he knew of, kinda meant they should stick together.

  19. Sky went for another punch, just doing nothing. He had missed so many times, and this was his breaking point. He snapped, mentally flaring!!! He wanted to break this... His anger was getting out of control, he had a very bad temper at times, and with stuff like this he was horrible with. He had been at this for hours, and this rock.... His anger suddenly flipped.

    "WHY WON'T THIS GODDAMN ROCK BREAK! WHY DOES EVERYTIME I HIT IT NOTHING HAPPENS! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, WHY IS THIS A THING! WHAT KIND OF QUEST HAS A ROCK THAT HAS AN EVASION STAT, WHAT THE HELL!!!" He yells at the top of his lungs, venting all his pent up anger before just collapsing, groaning as he laied on the ground, just trying to regain his breath, which he had fully lost while helling as loud as he could at this stupid quest.

    "Please help us........"
    ID: 81768 

    BD: 4

  20. Sky was about to go for another powerstrike when he heard a voice, making his momentom go off and smashing his face into the rock. He groaned, just glad he couldn't actually lose HP from doing this.... He looked over to who had talked, noticing a guy who seemed to be.... He didn't know what to think.

    "Ummm, little random Hei, but My names Stryder... Im doing a quest to get the martial arts skill, and to get it, i need to break this rock in half using only my fists..... Its.... been at least an hour... maybe three since i started.... and its at half health..." He said, answering his question with a sigh, before getting back up again, staring at the rock. He wanted to pull out a sword and smash it!!! He was so sick of this thing! He just wanted to kick it, break it, SMASH IT INTO A MILLION DIFFERENT PIECES.

    ID# 81763 results:

     Battle: 5

  21. Sky searched around, trying to find something else he could use, anything! At first, he saw something, his luck changing as he was lured towards what looked like leather... As he got close, the bush rattled and a bunny ran out, sprinting away from him. Sky groaned, hanging his head in shame.

    "Yeah yeah, just get that forge heated up!" He said back in a jokey cocky way. He scanned around, trying to find his second bit. From the sound of it, Eatos had struck dirt, literally. Meaning he was still in the lead! He grinned, wanting to find a second to stay that way.

    "Maybe il get you to craft me a perfect paralyse sword, might be fun to swing around" He said, but in a full joke tone this time. He loved his Guiding Light, and wouldn't replace it for another straight sword. If he changed weapon types, maybe, but he would always have it for when he needed it.

    ID# 81760 results:

     Loot: 12 + 2 = 14 = Fail

    Mats collected this thread

    1 mat - Stryder

  22. Sky went for his punch, damaging the rock for the first time in ages. He sighed, begging he was right. In other MMO's he had played, he remembered how slow the start was. It had been rough, took him months before he was clearing quests solo with ease. This game was no different... Except that if he messed up..... He would lose more then some EXP... he would lose his life... Something which was a lot more valuable then some stupid EXP he could just earn back. In most games he could just earn anything he lost back... But how do you regain a life that you lost.....

    "Sorry Eatos... My reaction was bad..." He said, apologizing as he stared at the rock. They had been hitting this thing for what seemed like hours! The air up here felt thin, and it was cold. He knew it was only a game, but even he couldn't block it out forever. He was glad that he was a little hot from all the excercise today.

     ID# 81758 results:

     Battle: 8

    Rock HP 23/50

  23. She wanted light armor? He had gotten to rank two recently, and was actually ABLE to craft light armor. With a smile, he looked at her.

    "I can help with that. Im able to craft light armor right now, im just missing the materials needed. Once we finish this, stop buy and il see if i can't help you get some light armor to keep you safe" He said to her, smiling. He wanted to help protect her like she had for him, and armor might be the way to start. Once they were out of the town, Sky saw some silk hanging next to a tree, seemingly just left there. He went and picked it up, smiling.

    "Want to make a little bet? Whoever finds the least materials owes the winner a freebie of their choice!" He said, smiling. Not because he was in the lead, but he thought it might be fun to try and make a little competition here.

     ID# 81754 results:

     Loot: 16 + 2 = 18 = 1 mat found.

  24. "Math doesn't mean anything. In any game like this, the start is the hardest. No one has good gear, or the stats and rush in. But later, once people have their hands on some good gear.... Things will change. The frontliners will get you out of here..." 

    As he said that, he went for his jab, missing the rock. He sighed, sitting down again. He looked around, this game was peaceful right now, annoying, frustrating, and definitely deadly, but peaceful. He wished it was always like this... but once, and if, he hit the front lines...... He knew that it would hit the fan. He in all honesty, didn't want to make it there, he hoped he never did! But if he wanted to help people.... that might be his only way.... He wanted to get to the frontlines... He wanted to get somewhere he could help people.... And his best bet to do that was by getting stronger here, helping others with quests....


    ID# 81753 results:

     Battle: 2

    Rock HP 25/50

  25. When he saw the message pop up, he instantly read it, curious about his response. He read it, doing a little fist pump in the air as his guild leader decided to questing with him, even if it  was the boring quest, but he needed a mat storage fill up, and he didn't want to fight the wolves again.... Last time it had been hard to get materials, now he had summer stars, his jacket which would give him more luck! At least, he hoped so. He sent a message back to Atzo

    I'm on floor 1 just outside the town of beginnings, thanks for coming!

    As he sent it he sighed, he had been looking up to Atzo since he had met him. Something about him.... it was calming. He knew he was safe when he was around, because Atzo genuinely cared for others, something in which he shared. Only in Skys case, he wasn't strong enough to actually protect others.

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