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Posts posted by Stryder

  1. Sky hadn't noticed the Fox, it must have been creeping up, to them slowly, but when he saw Olivia sit down, he wondered why, looking over and seeing why she had sat down, only to see the cute thing. He blushed a little watching how the fox jumped into her lap and how she hugged it.

    She looks just as cute as- DID I REALLY JUST THINK THAT!!! 

    He turned red for a moment before collecting himself, then remembering what she had just said. Something about someone called Grace? Maybe someone she had lost in the real world? He didn't feel like it was right to ask, instead offering a hand to help her up with a warm smile on his face, still a little embarrassed at what he had just thought.

    "You have a way with animals, Fox are normally really shy, but this little one just walked right up to you. Congratulations M'lady Olivia" He said to her, smiling before adding "Grace will be proud of you" 

    He hoped he had said the right thing then, his worry building up but not showing. He didn't want to ask about her personal life, it was wrong, but something about what he had said felt right. He just hoped he didn't hurt her at all for saying that.

  2. Now she called him master? He didn't know why she kept addressing him like royalty, he wasn't anything 'royal'. He had rich parents, but he wasn't royalty in any way, but just decided to shrug it off, letting it slide like a water of a ducks back. He looked at her, surprised that she had never actually seen a rabbit before.

    "They bite you because they get greedy. You will hold food out, and as they nibble all up it, they will bite your finger trying to get the part they can't reach" He answered. He hadn't fed to many rabbits before, but the domestic one he had fed had bitten him quite harshly. He had been pretty devastated at the time, until he had learnt that it was just a greedy animal. When she paused, he stopped to, watching as she started drawing? He walked over, looking at the memo pad, and was awestruck by her art. He looked up at the rabbits, lousing in the snow and then back at it, it was almost perfect! The only difference he could tell was the color. 

    "Wow, your a great artist Lady Olivia" He said to her, complementing the art he had just saw. He felt bad for stickybeaking into what she had been doing, but he hoped she wouldn't think to bad of it. Something he loved about games, and life in general was the random events that lead to meeting people, and this was definitely turning out to be a pleasant one.

    (You can roll for your familiar when you want, we hit the needed post count to do it :) ) 

  3. He smiled, shaking his head when she asked him about the cold. He had been on this floor before, and he had realized unless you let it, you can ignore the cold. He had done that when he visited his friends store. 

    "Its sweet that your concerned for me, but i'l be fine, im used to the cold" He replied. Where he was born it was normally pretty hot, the summers being insanely brutal and unforgiving, but then at winter.... Sometimes he'd need to wear two jumpers to keep himself warm. Outside of that he had grown pretty used to the cold. His train of thought was broken when she asked him to identify some animals. He looked over, seeing two snow white rabbits. They were cute, and got another small smile out of him.

    "Those are Rabbits, cute creatures until they bite you when you try to feed them" He answers, saying the last part as a small joke, hoping she wouldn't take it the wrong way. He followed up by asking his own question "Haven't you seen Rabbits before M'Lady Olivia?" He inquires, a little curious about her. He still wanted to know why she gave him her real name, but that was a question for another time.

  4.  He's.... Crippling them? He found that remark insanely untrue. There were players in this game to scared to even leave the town of Beginnings, players who weren't going to risk anything in fear of dying... Players like himself, who were trying to level and save those players.... how were they crippling them? In his confusion he once again just punched air, not hitting anything except his own dignity, his soul.

    "Thats not how it is Eatos and you know it....And you didn't answer my question. You came here looking for me, and now your helping me, so whats your goal? Were you just passing by and decided to help, or was that your goal the whole time?" He asked, not in anger, but with a bit of an understanding voice on him. He didn't like this conversation, but he needed to see it through, he needed to know her goal.

    ID# 81247 results:

     Battle: 2

  5. I was thinking out loud!!! And wait.... THAT IS HER REAL NAME!

    Sky couldn't believe it, she had just told him her real name, HER real life name. The name that everyone who knew her would use. He knew it... He was visably confused now, though he composed himself quickly, smiling at her, then she asked him if he wanted to go with her to Frostbite Lake. She once again had called him Sir Stryder, though he felt strange know knowing her real name, but she didn't know his... should he tell her?

    "I would be honored Lady Olivia"  He replied, giving a small bow before straighting up, his face having a small blush on it with how she had asked. He looked at her, noticing once again she was trying to avoid eye contact. He wondered why, was she just shy? Or was it something more? Before they started walking though, he noticed she wasn't wearing anything that looked to warm. He took his jacket off, offering it to her, the enchanted jacket 'Summer Star's, his first successful craft. 

    "It gets pretty cold out here M'lady, take this" He said, offering it to her.

    (Assuming of Journal Picture)

  6. Sky was insanely confused now. Olivia, it sounded like a real name. It was a real name, it wasn't something you would call your character.... or was it? Maybe she was roleplaying her character to a different degree? Maybe Nashoba was her warrior name but her characters real name was Olivia? That must be it... Why would she just tell him her real name? He didn't show how confused he had been, instead walking to the teleport gate with her. She was determined not to be called Nash, and she seemed like it was annoying her, so he would accept the request, and not call her Nash again. Maybe at a later date, but for now, he would respect her wishes. 

    "Oliva is a beautiful name, guess thats what il call you if you don't like the nickname. Alright Lady Olivia, to Snowfrost" He says, the gate warping them to the fourth floor. Once he was out of the gate, he waited for her to come up here to, standing by the gate. 

    "I wonder why she's acting like this.... Is Olivia her real name or a name she made up....." He pondered, not realizing he had been speaking aloud, but it was quiet, more like muttering under his own breath.

  7. Sir Stryder? Something about this made him feel like she was underestimating herself, and then he heard it. 'I am not in the class to be called anything else' Before bowing again. He was dumbstruck, did she just see herself as a servant? What is she, she must realize she can be who she wants here. She thinks she is not important enough to have a nickname.... How to show her she is important...

    He thought for a minute, before deciding how he wanted to react.

    "But Nash sounds so much cuter then Nashoba, besides, i like giving nicknames to those i like" He responds, watching as she pulled out a memo pad and started to write down some stuff. He didn't sticky beak to much, letting her write down her notes. He looked up, guessing it might be a good time to head off. 

    "Does the fair lady Nash want to go find a Arctic Fox?" He asks, smiling as he took a small bow to her. He was guessing she was from a society with a very big class system, which one he didn't know, but either way, that didn't define her here, and he wasn't going to treat her like any less an equal.




  8. For awhile now, Sky had been looking for some armor, but none of it was affordable, or his tier. On this floor, it was hard to find any shop that had what he wanted, but as he walked into yet another store, he saw some clothing, a suit. He walked up to the counter, liking the idea of this.

    "Hey could i please buy the Gentleman's suit? And if you are able to, appraise it twice? Il pay for one material and give you one"

    As he says this, he opens up the menu, sending over 700 Col to pay for the suit and the Mat, and sending one of his own also

    -200 Col




    Item: Gentleman's Suit (200 Col)

    Item type : Light Armor
    Quality:  Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Mitigation
    Shop: Catfish Sundries

    Description : A black and white suit that will make the user look fashionable. A must for any gentleman shindigs. 



  9. See in the dark.... it was a dark cave.... Sky groaned and sighed. He didn't like caves to much, but... guess he had no choice if he wanted to do this quest. He wished he had the Search and Detect mod 'Night Vision' but he wasn't getting that for awhile, he had to much to get before hand that was a lot more useful, like the search and detect skill itself!

    "Iv been busyish. Been trying to help who i can, and trying to get my tailor some buisness, but haven't gotten any yet" He says to Atzo, sighing after 'yet'. He had been crafting when, and what he could, but so far he had only made three items that worked, two of which were just vanity, and one of which was a shirt that increased his loot chance. He had that one equipped, just in case he managed to beat a mob, or if he messed up in sewing, which he had a chance to get his material back... he was already getting low and wished he had more.

  10. Honored? Assistance? She was using really fancy words he would normally only hear at like, one of his parents business meetings or when he was in a shop with a polite keep, not normally words he'd he hearing from a girl in a casual place. He found it strange, but also.... intriguing. Then she introduced herself. She also had a unique name, it wasn't one of those messed up  game names like 'Killer912' with all the numbers in it, but a normal name. Nashoba. 

    Then she said it.

    Noble Knight???

    He couldn't help but let out a laugh. It was a complement that he hadn't expected, this was just random. He didn't even look like a knight, we wasn't wearing and armor or anything, just had his sword strapped to his back.

    "Me? A knight? Im no Knight, just a member of the Emerald Harbingers Recon Division. The names Stryder, nice to meet you 'Nash' " He replies, deciding to give her a nickname. She seemed to formal, and he wanted to try and snap her out of it, if he could. Maybe if he showed himself as a friend he might get somewhere, but either way, he smiled at the girl, wondering where this would lead.

  11. He couldn't help but sigh as he watched them both run off. He shook his head, in all honesty not surprised as they ran off. He waited a minute, just thinking about the events of the day before he bolted off. He had done a lot of running, and was able to catch up, and keep the pace with them, but he had strained himself. If it had been the real world, he would have collapsed, but in this world, you could do things people wouldn't even think was possible! He was behind them, a bit out of eyeshot, but he heard Kyoto trying to find where he was. He couldn't help but laugh as he kept bolting towards them, closing the distance.

    "Im fine mate, worry about yourself" He calls out, taking the back of the group. Atzo had levelled up, and he knew that if a right started it would be INSANE, but he had a feeling that he could survive at least one hit, if it came to it he would use that one hit to protect Kyoto.


  12. Sir? He hadn't heard it before, just then. Why was she calling him sir? Did she see him as someone important? He wasn't an important person, he was pretty sure most people in this game didn't even know his name. Only people who knew him was parts of his guild and Eatos, everyone else probably didn't even remember him if they had met him.

    This girl is strange, she's so formal.... Wonder why? Best not to ask till i get to know her better. And going for a Familiar? Floor four is dangerous, i'd better go to

    "Arctic Fox? Sounds cute! Want some help finding it?" He asks, smiling at the girl. She seemed really nervous, trying to avoid eye contact, and was being insanely formal. But even though she seemed a bit.... flustered? He was still going to help, if anything it made him want to help more. 

    Really hope this girl knows what she's doing going to floor four.... I'l keep her safe... Iv got to.


  13. Sky was working hard, trying to think of what to make, looking around, failing to gain any inspiration. He started thinking about some animals, and quests he had done, trying to think of a cool idea to make. He then got one!!! In a flash, he was working his machine, and he got out an good item!!! It looked perfect, just like he had imagined it. But in his rush, he hadn't seen the second material he had get chewed up. Groaning, he looked at the new Cloak he had made.

    Il call it, Arctic Winter

    ID# 81205 results:

     Craft: 9 (Good Item/Vanity)

    + 2 EXP


    Name: Arctic Winter

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81205

    Roll: 9

    Item Type:  Cloak
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Vanity

    Enhancements: 0

    Description: A Blue cloak that shines at night. At all times of the day, the cloaks pattern moves as if the Arctic lights were on the back of the cloak itself.

     ID# 81206 results:

     Craft: 1 (Epic Fail)

    + 1 EXP

    Total = Plus 3 EXP

    - 2 Mats

  14. He had his back turned when he felt the bump into the back of him, not staggering, or moving him but just shaking him as he felt someone run into him. He turned around, looking at who it was, seeing a girl. He watched as she quickly appologized, bowing down and being... Really formal??? He wasn't used to this, in this game nearly everyone he had met was just either a really casual guy outside of guilds or shops, or just didn't care. He hadn't met anyone so formal yet, he actually found it a little cute.

    "Hey don't worry about it" He replies, smiling at her. "What were you in such a rush for?" He asked, spinning the blade around and sliding it back into his sheathe. He didn't want to scare the poor girl, they may be in a safe zone, but still, it was dangerous emotionally to be threatened with a sword. 

  15. When Atzo gave the orders for how the hunting was going to work, Sky remembered back to when he had first hunted with Atzo when they had met, and he had given him a purpose. He hadn't been able to do any damage to it, and he knew it was going to be the exact same this time.... though he knew it was going to be worth it. He nodded at Atzo, not shrinking down this time. Before, it had been directed at him in an anger fit, this time, it was directed towards them for safety, which was something he could respect.

    "Just put your sword down Kyoto, its alright to shake a little, you had a close death experience, just calm down" He replied, before taking a step back. He didn't know what was about to happen, but from his experience, commenting on someones temper... well.... wasn't the best call.

  16. Just... what? She found it amusing..... that he wanted to help people? He was flabbergast, not knowing what to say, or to think. Was that a complement? Or was that an insult? He didn't know what to think, trying to put words together in his mind but failing horribly. With how distracted it was, he had subconsciously gone for a punch at the rock, his mind having gotten that into such a repeat, that he missed, striking at the rock and falling onto his face. Although it mentally hurt, it snapped him right out of his daze.

    "What do you mean its amusing? I won't stand by and watch others get hurt. What about you? Whats your goal?" He asks, rolling onto his back and deciding to take a five minute break, hopefully to regain his mojo, if he didn't get it back, he wouldn't be able to carry this out. He groaned loudly, begging to just.....

    ID# 81161 results:

     Battle: 1

  17. "Its the martial arts skill... and i want it to remind me of home" He admits, sighing as he stared at the ground. He had been going to punch the rock, but his mind was now elsewhere. He threw his fist, but he just hit air, before scrunching up his fists as hard as he could. He wanted something to remind him of everything he had to come back to. He wanted something to help get him save everyone else!!!

    "I want it to save people...." He says after in a quiet voice, slumping down and falling flat on his ass, before laying on his back. He now knew why this quest was so hard, not dangerous. It was mentally taxing as all hell!! He just wanted to help people.... and that was what he was going to do.

    "Why were you looking for me?" He asks shortly after, a little.... upset at how the conversation had gone to a bit depressing tone.

     ID# 81158 results:

     Battle: 2

  18. Sky was sitting near the teleport gate on the first floor of Aincrad. The town of Beginnings. He came here a lot, seeing if anyone needed help, but they never... Well, never really did. Everyone had someone with them already, so he normally just sat there observing everyone. He was about to call it quits for today. He had been here for an hour, and no one had shown up. He sighed, pulling Guiding Light off his back. He didn't swing it, he was in a safe zone, no point. But still. He held it out. After Shield had Appraised it, the blade had become a perfect item, and had gained a new enchantment. But he didn't like the enchantment, he felt that... well it didn't suit a sword.

    He stood up, looking around one last time, wondering if anyone would show up wanting help. He knew they didn't know that was what he was doing... but if someone wanted it they would just need to ask.


  19. Sky went straight into his work, trying as hard as he could to make something worthwhile. His first attempt, well..... it failed horrendusly. It got caught in the machine and got chewed up, and was now unable to use. His second, got stuck, and while he was trying to unpick it from the machine, it got torn, and was made unusable. Groaning, hit his head on the table, before going back to plan for whatever he was going to make next.

    - 2 Mat

    ID# 81130 results:

     Craft: 3

    ID# 81131 results:

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 10 + 2 (No return)

    + 2 EXP

  20. Sky watched as he Appraised the sword, and when he said the added enchantment, he groaned a little. In all honesty, he had been hoping for a accuracy or damage buff, but at least this was better than nothing, and he knew it wasn't the merchants fault, like he said, it was up to luck. He smiled at him, thankful for the service. He grabbed the Mat back, and grabbed his now perfect quality sword, putting it in his sheath on his back.

    "Thanks for the Upgrade, it probably will save my ass one day" He replies, smiling as he thanks Shield before walking out, taking his upgraded sword with him.

    - 1 Mat

    Upgraded sword



    Item Name: Guiding Light
    ID: 81057
    Roll: Craft: 10 + 3 = 13, Loot: 2 - Recovery
    Tier: 1
    Type: Axe
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Damage 1, Accuracy 1, Recovery 1
    Description: A straight sword that looks like any other, but with the inscription 'Shine Bright' etched in both sides of the blade, and a shimmering hilt that has an angel holding a light



  21. He could... see everything? Sky racked his mind, trying to think how, before quickly remembering the guild menu. It had every member in it... No wonder he had known, he would have noticed his HP drop and he must have known something was going on. He mentally slapped himself, but he smiled on the outside, glad that he had come. If anything, he at least knew Kyoto would be fine...

    "Lets keep going, as long as your hunting" He replied, starting to get his cocky attitude back, at least, a little. He looked at Kyoto, opting.... NOT to talk to him. He still felt bad for almost killing him, and even though he had survived, he knew it was his fault that Atzo had to come and save there asses. He was glad that he had survived, and if anything, he was going to use this as a learning curve. He was NOT making the same mistake twice...

  22. Sky had been wanting to get the sword made by Eatos upgraded. From what he had heard, the easiest way to do that, was go to a merchant. He smiled, entering the fourth floor Mechants shop, the owner, Shield. His clan mates had suggested this particular merchant, and although the walk had been tough, and he would have much rathered not having done it, he was glad he was finally here. He walked in, going to the counter and pulled Guiding Light off his back. 

    "Hey could i get an Appraisal done?" He asks, putting two MATS on the table, as well as his sword, Guiding Light. He felt weird putting it down, he hadn't taken it off since his friend had made it for him. But this was going to make the blade stronger... At least he hoped it was.


    Item Name: Guiding Light
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 4
    ID:  (merchant field)
    Roll: (merchant field)
    Item Type: Weapon (1 Handed Straight Sword)
    Tier: 1
    Enhancements: 1 Accuracy, 1 Damage
    Description: A straight sword that looks like any other, but with the inscription 'Shine Bright' etched in both sides of the blade, and a shimmering hilt that has an angel holding a light



  23. Sky was a little curious about how Atzo seemed so calm, sure it was just an NPC, but still..... what if it had been a real person? He shook his head, just smiling back, before realizing what he was saying about a day off. He gulped, glad that his boss wasn't pissed, but he suddenly felt bad for having dragged him out of his mansion on a day like this.

    "Sorry Atzo, never got the memo" He replied, shrugging a little, and before he could answer Vargas, he watched as Atzo took charge, leading the way. Sky shrugged, deciding instead of fighting it to just follow. He wished they would be moving faster though... But after dragging him out on his free day, he wasn't about to annoy him.

    "So, is this quest easy?" He asked Atzo, curious about weather or not he should be worried. He doubed he did, but he wanted to be sure.

  24. Sky watched as his guild mates were flocked by people wanting to join. He couldn't help but smile. It was goign to be his job to help these guys rank up through the early stages, it was going to be all their jobs. He sighed, knowing he wasn't needed right now. Looking around, he couldn't help but notice someone wasn't here, Hydra. He hadn't met him yet, but he had heard about him being a red player. Shuddering, he decided to try and find him, and actually meet him for real this time. He headed out towards the gate, attempting to find Hydra. He didn't know what he looked like, but it couldn't be to hard to find him could it? He hadn't really noticed him when he had last met him... 

    "Hey @Hydra You here???" He called out, trying to find his guildmate.

  25. Sky didn't really take in anything Kyoto had said, not that he was ignoring him, but he himself was shocked. He had jsut had a sword that showed peoples demons shoved against his throat, and then, suddenly, he was hugged by the man who put it there. He just, stood there, Atzo having told him he did fine. It didn't seem like that, he had almost gotten someone killed!!! He hadn't protected him from this wolf. He had dealt with the others, but not this one. He didn't do anything right, so why was Atzo telling him he did? It was a simple wolf... 

    His mind was to distracted to really understand anything, snapping back to his question.

    "Hide what?" He asks, mostly to himself but loud enough for the group to have heard. He didn't help Kyoto up, still in a daze after everything that had just happened. He didn't know why atzo wasn't mad, he had done the exact opposite of what he had been told to do, he didn't help anyone, he had almost gotten them killed!!

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