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Posts posted by Stryder

  1. Sky went for his next punch, this time just lacking the effort as he hit it and did no damage. She was right about one thing there, in his opinion. Everyone hated being alone. No one liked forced solitude, no one did unless they were sadistic.

    "Eatos your not going to be alone here. You will make friends and always have people around you"  He replied before falling flat on his back. He had no reason to stand right now, he had missed the rock the last who knew how many times, or just done no damage. He wanted to lay down for a good five minutes. As he layed down, he watched everything around him. He honestly didn't want to go home.... this game was everything his life wasn't, fun! But others did.... and he vowed to help them... meaning he had to escape this game, even if he didn't want to.

     ID# 81715 results:

     Battle: 4

    Rock HP 25/50

  2. "Yeah, animals work, but i need to take on stronger ones that can drop loot for me. I normally just try and find carcasses on the ground which i can turn into leather" He says to her as they leave. He knew she was scared of leaving the safe zone, but she didn't seem to have any fear at all. 

    "Yeah i don't like it much either, to formal for me. Next perfect i craft im going to make a replacement and use this for when i'm thrown into formal situations" He says, looking over at her and realizing she didn't have ANY armor yet. Looking over, he asked something.

    "Why haven't you gotten yourself any armor yet?" He asked, wondering why she hadn't actually protected herself. She had a rapier, but she didn't have anything protective, at all!!! He was wondering why, it seemed stupid not to be protceting oneself?

  3. In a park in the town of beginnings, Sky was resting. He had his armor equipped, his gentleman's suit making him look way to fancy, and with his white jacket on, he looked like he was on a date, or wedding, or something, just like his friend had said. He wished he had something else to wear.... but he didn't. He was quietly resting, laying down on the green grass, but he was awake, keeping his eye out for anyone who tried to lay hands on his avatar. He was safe in the safe zone, unless in a duel. He didn't want to be forced into a duel he would be asleep in!

    Wonder what Olivia is doing.... Haven't seen her since i helped her get Motega... We still need to go to the lake sometime.... He was thinking, semi hoping she wouldn't run into him while he was wearing this. 


  4. Sky blushed even more when she started laughing. He couldn't help it! It was what he had to wear!!! It was armor, ridiculous armor he would replace at the FIRST instance unless he ended up getting a date, but armor notherless. He was embarrassed as hell to be wearing it in such a casual place.

    "No...... you didn't pull me away from a date, who would date me? This is a armor set i bought to keep me safe.... And others, you will be glad im wearing it if we get into a pickle!!!" He responds in a embarrassed fury, no anger in his voice, but just... embarrassed as hell.

    "As a tailor, i need to get anything from wool to leather, anything i could possibly craft clothes from" He replied, walking with her away from the portal. He hoped they wouldn't run into anything... but he knew it might happen.

  5. Sky went in again, going for a kill shot!!! Well, a shot to damage it, but either way he wanted to hit it. As he charged in, he swung his blade, the Chimera noticing him!!! As he swung, the chimera deftly kicked up a paw, causing Sky to have to quickly dive to the side, his strike failing. He sighed, jumping back. He looked at the health gage. With one more hit, Atzo could kill this thing. 

    "All yours Atzo, have fun" He called out, putting his blade up just in case. Atzo was a great warrior, and he knew that he would wipe the floor with this thing. Sky knew that as Atzo went in, his scary ass blade would slice this thing to ribbons, if not, well guess he had a chance to go for another crack at the dam thing!

     ID# 81668 results:

     Battle: 3

    Stryder - HP 100/100 Energy 6/10 | 3 DMG | 1 ACC | [H:2]

    Kyoto - HP 20/20 Energy 2/2 [H:0]

    Atzo 300/300 HP | 11/30 En | 6 DMG | 3 EVA | 2 ACC | 1 LM | 1 Savvy [H:3]


    Chimera 27/150 HP | 45 DMG 

  6. (Yay........ half health........ 50 more posts to go!!!)

    Sky went for his next punch, completely missing again, and watching as Eatos in a blind rage, well, more like venting rage, smash and dent the rock. It now had a sizable crack in it, not big enough to split in another punch, but it was a sign they were actually doing damage!!! He listened to her as she continued, admitting her feelings about everything. From what he was getting out of all of this.... she was scared.

    Sky walked over towards her, standing about an arms length away.

    "Eatos, your not alone. I'm here, Mist is here, somewhere. Your not alone, and you don't need to be scared.... Im going to do what i can to keep you alive in here... i promise" He said to her, a new resolve having hit him. He didn't want to leave this game, hell after it finished if he was alive he might jump to a different game. But while he was here, he was going to protect those he could.

     ID# 81667 results:

     Battle: 2

  7. He shook his head when she apologized, she didn't need to. He didn't want any thanks, or anything for doing this. All he wanted was for her to be happy. Once she pulled away, he didn't stop her, letting her pick up Motega and standing up as he watched her cradle him.

    "Don't Apologize Mi'Lady, I'l always be here if you need someone to talk to, its what friends do" He said, opening his menu and sending her a friend request. He wanted to stay in contact with her, she seemed like someone he would enjoy spending time with. Besides, he still wanted to know why she told him her real name, so many mysteries he had to find out.

    "As you wish" He said once she said to turn back. 

    The walk back was uneventful, seeing a few creatures here and there. Through the walk Sky had gotten his jacket back. Once back in town, Sky smiled at Olivia.

    "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call, il come" He replied, smiling before blushing a bit. He gulped internally, giving Olivia a final hug before waving farewell, heading back to the second floor. 

    Quest rewards.

    2 SP for all

    800 Col Nashoba (Stryder refuses thread col)

    Nashoba gained Motega.


  8. As Sky came out of the warp gate, he saw his friend, Eatos, but something was different. Other then the obvious gloves she was wearing, he noticed her new sword!!! She managed to craft herself a rapier.

    Good job!!! He said to himself mentally, not wanting to congratulate her with those simple words. She would notice on his back the sword she had made for him. As far as he could remember, this was the first time she had actually seen him with the blade, which he had made a perfect at a merchants place, but something else was different, this one he was a little embarrassed about. He was wearing a gentleman's suit. It was his armor, but it looked way to fancy for him. 

    "Hey Eatos, got your message. Where you want to head to?" He asked, a slight blush on his face for how stupid he looked wearing this suit. It was way to formal, but he couldn't take it off!!! It was his armor! Only thing that made it a little less formal, at least, he hoped it did, was the jacket he was wearing over it, Summer stars.

  9. Its because were TRAPPED in this game that im trying to do this.... I want to save people... 

    Sky sighed, about to go for a powerpunch when he heard it, missing his strike and falling into the rock, hitting the ground. She was afraid of being alone? Why? He hated it to, but it was so easy just to go to someone, but that was never him. No one had ever tried to find him to help themselves, he had only ever really been helping others by searching for them or just bumping into them, no one ever just came looking for him. He rolled onto his back, leaping up and looking at Eatos.

    "You came here.... so you wouldn't be alone? Eatos, thats..... really sweet.... Im sorry for getting pissed, but i came up here to learn a skill i can use to protect those i care about.... like you, and those who don't have the courage or will to defend themselves... I came up here to learn how to protect people.... Thats why this is important...."


     ID# 81625 results:

     Battle: 5

    Rock : 29

  10. Sky watched as once again Atzo delivered a powerful hit, smiling as he watched the Chimera's health go down a whole heap. Atzo was strong, and he knew that one day, he would get there to. Then he watched Kyoto fail, missing the strike. In all honesty, he was glad he missed. If he had scored a good hit, the Chimera might have turned on him!!! He didn't want that, then it was his turn. He ran in, Guiding Light drawn as he sprinted in, dashing behind it before using Snake bite, striking three times, and as he hit, the sword stabs would be seen on the other side, and as he drew back the last time, he jumped back, being on the side of it. He knew he had scored a good hit, and he had his sword out, ready if he came for him. 

    "Atzo, you better hit this thing!"


     ID# 81624 results:

     Battle: 10 (Crit Plus 2 DMG)

    base 3 plus 2 = 5. DMG= 5*3 = 15

    Stryder - HP 100/100 Energy 10/10 | 3 DMG | 1 ACC | [H:2]

    Kyoto - HP 20/20 Energy 2/2 [H:0]

    Atzo 300/300 HP | 16/30 En | 6 DMG | 3 EVA | 2 ACC | 1 LM | 1 Savvy [H:2]


    Chimera 57/150 HP | 45 DMG [Stunned]

  11. Stryder groaned as he walked out of the teleporter in the town of beginnings. He had only opened a store only a short time ago, and he was ALREADY out of materials. He decided to take the earning a living quest again to refill his Material storage. He sighed as he walked towards the place he had gotten it. He wondered if he knew anyone who might want to come along with the quest, not wanting to take it alone again.

    Atzo opened a store.... Maybe he might need some materials?

    Sky smiled, sending a message to his guild leader Atzo.

    Hey Atzo, doing a quest to refill my material storage, want to come along? Il split the amount with ya

    With that, he sent the message, and started checking his inventory. He had his items equipped, his armor and his sword. He smiled, sitting down at the edge of the town waiting for Atzo to come to where he was so they could go get some materials.



    ID# 81617 results:

     Craft: 10


    Name: Starry Pride

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 2

    Roll ID: 81617

    Roll: 10

    Item Type:  Light Armor

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: 1 Mit (9DMG)


    A bit of leather armor that covers from the stomach up with what looks like a comfortable bit of cloth, it being made of leather that was reinforced with little bits of embewed cloth that makes the seems strong. A flapping cloak like cloth covers from the stomach to the waist, having the same qualities.

    ID# 81618 results:

     Craft: 3 (fail) 


  13. Sky watched as Atzo pretty much warped into hyperspeed, slamming into a monster. He smiled, it had been awhile sine he had been in a fight with Atzo, and he had forgotten how skilled a player he really was, watching him slam into the mob. He ran in, getting there in time to watch Atzo slice up the Chimera. He had never seen any mob this big!!! it was insane!!! 

    He looked over at Kyoto, noticing he seemed a little conflicted. He sighed, before saying something to him, completely ignoring what Atzo had said, but knowing his warning.

    "He will be fine, he's a good hunter. Also, when you hit this thing you won't seem to do to much, i know the feeling, just try your best" He says to him, drawing his sword and staring at the Mob. He wasn't scared, but he knew this could go south if they messed up. He didn't want anyone here to die.


  14. OOC: All good, your way is actually a lot simpler then mine XD I just had to have all my extra stats so i don't forget in my posts.

    Sky quickly noticed when the other player didn't help him, though he didn't care. These mobs were so weak, they had hit him four times, and only done four damage so far. He knew that unless he had the worst luck and missed 100 times, he would be able to kill these quite easily. He watched as they ran in again, and before he could move, he felt himself locked! They were going to score a crit!! And he was right, as the got close, they smashed into him hard, and once again bounced off from the armors mitigation, doing no damage. 

    "Geesus you things are weak" He says, going in and smashing a boar with three consecutive strikes against the stronger boar using his snake bite sword art, ignoring the one that seemed to just be weak. He didn't pay any attention to the guy behind him collecting mats.


    Stryder- HP 96/100, EP 6/10 1 EVA 1 ACC 1 Keen(1 ACC on hit) 18 MIT

    Vigilon- HP 60/60, EP 6/6



     ID# 81503 results:

     Battle: 5 + 1 (hit)

    Snake Bite - 3x3 = 9 DMG on boar 2

      MOB: 10 (CRITICAL HIT + 2 DMG)


    Boar 1: HP 8/8 DMG 4

    Boar 2: HP 5/14 DMG 6

  15. Sky had been following the boars for awhile, watching as a friend joined it, staying in the bushes nearby. It wasn't in the open, more like sneaking. He was insanely surprised at how intelligent these were, but they seemed kinda weak. Something about them didn't look like the kind of boar that would crush others. Though his mindset quickly changed when he saw the boars targeting the same player! He didn't look like he had anything but the starting gear. He wasn't going to let anything happen!!!

    Sky started sprinting, pulling out Guiding light as he leaped in. He made the mistake of making a tiny bit to much noise, and as he went in, the boars heard him and turned on him, narrowly dogging the sword, and with its tusks smashing into him. Sky was worried this was going to do more, but as they hit him, the bounced off, his armor pretty much mitigating all the damage done. He grinned, doing a flip and landing in front of them.

    "Come on you big pork chops!!!"


     ID# 81500 results:

     Battle: 3 + 1( miss)

     MOB: 8 - 1(hit)


    Stryder - HP 98/100 1 EVA 1 ACC 1 Keen(1 ACC on hit) 18 MIT (H0)

    Energy - 8/10

    Vigilon - HP 60/60 (H0)

    Energy 6/6


    Boar 1 - 8 HP - 4 DMG

    Boar 2 - 14 HP - 6 DMG

    (Locked in stats for thread)



    HP: 100

    Energy: 10

    Level: 5

    DMG: 3 base 

    EVA: 1

    Mit: 18

    ACC: 1 (+1 On hit (Keen))

    + 2 LD

    Summer Star + 2 LD

    Guiding Light + 1 DMG +1 Acc +Keen

    Gentleman's Suit + 1 ACC + 2 MIT(18MIT)



  16. Also this

    Name: Gloves on Greed

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81488

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Gloves

    Tier: 1 Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Loot Die

    Description: Tight-fitting brown gloves that have a ouroboros lightly etched onto the palms.

  17. When he heard Eato's voice, he smiled. He was in the back of his shop, just out of sight. 

    She probably wants her gloves, wheeeere AHA here

    He went into the draw, pulling out the pair of gloves. He had to admit, the name she had given them was weird, but it was her, she was obsessed with Sin, made him wonder. He walked out, smiling as he greeted her.

    "Hey, here for your gloves? I finished them not to long ago, here!" He said, handing them to her. 

    - Gloves On Greed


    Name: Gloves on Greed

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81488

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Gloves

    Tier: 1 Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Loot Die

    Description: Tight-fitting brown gloves that have a ouroboros lightly etched onto the palms.

    "Since your a guild member, normally that would be about 660 Col, but your a good friend, and you cut me a deal, so... are you able to do 400 Col?" He asked.

  18. Name: Starlit Waves 

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81489

    Roll: 12

    Item Type:  Hand Wraps (Unarmed Weapon)
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: + 3 DMG

    Description: Handstiched leather gloves that go all the way to the elbow, sort of like long sleeve gloves. They are made out of an extremely light , midnight blue material, and were crafted while viewing the stars, the embedded stars and shapes matching the night sky perfectly. The gloves are soft on the inside and outside, but the gloves increase the wearers innate strength, allowing them to hit, and be stronger then normal. The gloves also emit a small, northern lights color out at all times, the stars seemingly lit up by the light.


  19. Sky dusted off his suit, his new armor having gotten dusty. It was a black, gentleman's suit you would see in the movies, but it was the perfect armor for what he needed.He had been sitting in a tree all day, relaxing, not really having much to do. He had seen a boar following a player, well, not following, but walking the same path as the player had, and from what he had seen, keeping an eye on him. He didn't actually realize that Mobs could actively do that, but he wasn't surprised with this games AI and code build. He decided just to watch, walking along, following the player. He wasn't trying to hide, but if something happened, he wanted to be able to jump in. His sword was hanging on his back, his hand resting on it. For all he knew, that could be one of those strong boars thats equal to a floor or two higher, and this could be a level one player that could be one shoted, he didn't want to risk it, even if he seemed threatening.

  20. WOULD BE PROUD? Sky suddenly knew he had messed up. Would be meant that Grace was dead, gone. And from the sound of it, it wasn't from this game. He watched as a tear ran down her cheek, and his heart literally broke. He had just made this girl cry, and suddenly she was asking him to comfort her. He had no issues doing it, and once she leaned against him, crying, he slowly put an arm around her, pulling her close. He started shushing her, not in a rude way that is saying be quiet, but more as a comforting, 'Shuuushh' saying its alright. 

    "Im here Lady Olivia..... And i can't answer that Mi'lady, sometimes things happen that our out of our control. An example would be this game, we are stuck here... weather we want to be here or not" He said in a soothing, soft voice. He didn't understand her pain, not fully. He hadn't lost anyone in the real world, and he hadn't lost anyone here, yet. He wasn't planning to let himself lose anyone.... As much as he could help it. He started to stroke her hair, hoping it would help comfort her as she cried into his shirt, doing his best to be as comforting as he could.

  21. Failing to see Hydra, Sky walked back into the town of beginnings, back to the massive gathering. He went to the side, sitting down and watching everyone. He was in plain sight of everyone. He was the first rank of the Recon Division, right hand to Hydra the leader. He was the one who they would go to right now if they wanted to join the scouting squad. He was glad he was part of this squad, as he was able to see the world more freely then the other squads, and was hoping to be able to tutor some members as much as he could. 

    "Hey guys, send any potential Intel squad members this way" He sent out a message to all the members here saying that, being out of the crowd sitting down by the founatin, the gistening water making the air around him feel beautiful, even if it was just VR. This world was beautiful, and he wanted to help others experiance it as much as he could.

  22. Sky had been sitting in his shop, Starview Tailor. He had run out of materials. He had about two left, two he wanted to use ONLY for requests. He didn't want to be stuck with a request when he couldn't actually craft anything. He grabbed his sword, Guiding Light. The Perfect blade that he had crafted by his close friend Eatos, the first person he had met in this world, beside mist. He then Opened his inventory, looking at his new armor... Gentleman's Suit. He had just bought it, and he was glad he had. It was exactly what he needed to fight stronger mobs.

    "Well, ti-" He was saying to himself before receiving Eato's message, saying that she was about to go material hunting. He smiled, having been about to do it on his own, and now being able to with a friend. He quickly ran out of his shop, to the teleporter. As he got there, he equipped his new armor, wearing a gentleman's suit. He felt weird wearing it, but it protected him, so it was worth it. He walked through, going to the first floor. 

  23. Sky watches as his new armor is appraised, and it gets EXACTLY what he had been hoping to get!!! Its insanely stronger, and he was happy. With thanks to the merchant, he put the item in his inventory, smiling back at Baulder with a happy face that showed his appreciation.

    "Definitely coming back here, thanks!!!" He calls out, before leaving the store.

    -1 Mat. 

    - 700 Col

    Item: Gentleman's Suit 

    Item type : Light Armor
    Quality:  Perfect
    Enhancement: +2 Mitigation/+1 Evasion
    Shop: Catfish Sundries

    Effect: 18 Mitigation, +1 Evasion
    Description: A black and white suit that will make the user look fashionable. A must for any gentleman shindigs. 

  24. Sky got to sewing quickly the next day, deciding this was going to be his day. He stared out at the sky through his roof, marvelling in all that he could see. It was a beautiful sight, and it was nighttime at the moment. He put down his machine, deciding to hand sew this one. As he went, he watched the stars, making a perfect replica of it on a pair of gloves. He smiled, having crafted it, before realizing it actually was a PERFECT item!!! He smiled, putting it in his inventory quickly. He now had his gloves for combat!!! After he did this, he crafted something else, an pair of gloves. He was proud of it, those being of a rare quality. He smiled at his achievements, deciding to send a message to Eatos about them, seeing as he had sent him a private message, ordering a pair of gloves. He put them in the drawer, out of sight, for his customer to pick up.


     ID# 81488 results:

     Craft: 11(Rare)

    EXP + 5

    Name: Gloves on Greed

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81488

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Gloves

    Tier: 1 Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Loot Die

    Description: Tight-fitting brown gloves that have a ouroboros lightly etched onto the palms.


     ID# 81489 results:

    EXP + 8

     Craft: 12

    Name: Starlit Waves 

    Name: Starlit Waves 

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81489

    Roll: 12

    Item Type:  Hand Wraps (Unarmed Weapon)
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: + 3 DMG

    Description: Handstiched leather gloves that go all the way to the elbow, sort of like long sleeve gloves. They are made out of an extremely light , midnight blue material, and were crafted while viewing the stars, the embedded stars and shapes matching the night sky perfectly. The gloves are soft on the inside and outside, but the gloves increase the wearers innate strength, allowing them to hit, and be stronger then normal. The gloves also emit a small, northern lights color out at all times, the stars seemingly lit up by the light.

  25. Approaching his work bench, Sky started sowing. His ifrst attempt, as normal, had gone terribly. He failed it, and threw the machine into the table!!! Suprisingly, this fixed it and he managed to actually get his material back. His second attempt was much better, managing, with the same material, to craft himself a cloak. He smiled, deciding to put it on sale as a vanity item.

    ID: 81336

    CD = 7 LD = 18 Mat back

    + 1 EXP

    ID: 81335 =  CD : 9 (Good)

    + 2 EXP


    Name: Windy Cloak

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81335

    Roll: 9

    Item Type:  Cloak
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Good

    Enhancements: 0

    Description: A cloak that has clouds embedded in it and is made out of a super light material that allows it to literally float in the wind.



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