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Posts posted by Stryder

  1. Sky was standing strong, and ready. He wasn't about to let anything happen to Kyoto, but he heard the sound of something coming, and within a flash he saw Atzo, slamming into the wolf and butchering it, the wolf splitting into millions of different fragments. Then came the yell. Sky whimpered, though he quickly responded.

    "Not his fault Atzo.... I dragged him here to get him some armor..... I thought i could protect him.... " He replied, putting Guiding Light back in its sheathe. He stayed quiet, inside fuming up, not at Atzo, or the wolf, but at himself. He had just nearly gotten someone killed. Atzo had said there was no middle line, and here he was, bringing out a level one to floor three, fighting mobs that could take down his health to below half in a single hit. He had been so careless that right after, he had nearly gotten him killed and his guild leader, the one who had told him to keep others safe, had to come save him... again. He saw the fire, but turned his head away. 

    "Im sorry i dragged you out here Kyoto..."

  2. Why!

    Sky mentally shouts as he see's Kyoto coming in to attempt to save him. He was fine, he wasn't in any real danger, as long as he didn't get hit a few more times. He got up, sword drawn this time and goes for a strike, the wolf dogging it, and with insane speed taking a bite into Sky's side. He didn't yelp in pain, but his mental fear was spiking, the wolf, had just sunk his fangs into him. He watched the wolf let go, jumping back. Sky quickly held the sword out in front of him, positioning himself in between the wolf, and Kyoto.

    "Like hell your taking him!" He yells at the wolf, his protective side starting to show. Nothing was going to stop him from keeping Kyoto safe, this wolf was not going to harm him!



    BD: 2+1 (Miss)

    MD 9 (Crit + 1 DMG)

    Stryder - HP 85/100 Energy 2/10 (H0)

    Kyoto - HP 20/20 Energy 2/2 (H0)


    Wolf HP 10/10 DMG 10


  3. The fact that Kyoto said he had a sister, made Sky feel even better. He was helping someone get back to someone that they loved, and that was exactly what he planned to do for everyone he could. This was his real starting point, and nothing was going to change that. 

    "We both gotta survive first, and doing it alone is suicide" He replied, to both him saying about the real world, and him about being partners. It felt good, knowing he wasn't going to be alone. He shook his head, glad to have a friend. He opened his menu up, and actually sent him a friend request. He smiled, glad that this was almost done, but then he heard growling.... He groaned, not wanting to have to fight yet again, but it seemed they did. 

    "We got another wolf!" He calls, turning and reaching for his sword, but as he tried to pull it out, the wolf pounced. Sky narrowly dogged, ducking under it as it launched over head, its swipe missing by a cenimeter. He pulled out his sword, his attack having already failed.

    "Wait till i get a hit" He said, staring right at the wolf.

     ID# 81043 results:

     Battle: 1+1 Critical Fail

     MOB: 5

    Stryder - HP 96/100 Energy 4/10 (H0)

    Kyoto - HP 20/20 Energy 2/2 (H0)


    Wolf HP 10/10 DMG 10


  4. Sky watched as Kyoto cut down the elf, watching as it shattered into thousands of shards. A "menu appeared, showing he had gotten some materials, and then, the quest log changed. He smiled, sending the materials to Kyoto. He was the one doing the quest, Sky had no need for these materials at all. He had heard his story, it was sad, he was here to find a killer.... That made him even more worried now, if that was the case, the killer could possibly be a high level player... If they were in SAO...

    "Hey after we get back, i want you to go see my friend Eatos. She is a blacksmith on the Fourth floor. She was the one who made this sword for me. Take this" He said, opening a trade menu and sending 350 Col to him. "Use it plus whatever you get from this quest to get her to create you a rare sword. It will help you stay alive" He said, smiling as he sent the Col and material over.

    "I only ask one thing in return, use it to keep others safe. Do what you can to protect people close to you, so that you won't ever lose anyone again" He says, starting to walk back the way they had came.

    -350 Col.


  5. His goals? Sky already knew it. It wasn't even a question of what, it was a question of how. He turned, looking at him. His face had no fear on it, he wasn't scared of the goal that Atzo had set for him. At all. It was a simple goal that didn't even put him in danger if he didn't want to. He had a way to do what he could, and was going to do it. 

    "Iv got a goal. Its simple, straightforward, and important... someone gave it to me, and i will do it, even if it kills me. My goal is to save anyone i can, i will not fall to the point of being forced to watch others die, i won't stand by. There is no sideline in this game, if i stand out, im just as much in fault. My goal, is to protect everyone i can" He says with determination. He meant every word of it, then, he noticed something out of the ordinary... somehting coming towards them?

    "More trouble found us" He says to Kyoto.

    He drew his sword again, watching as the dark elf charged towards him. As he got close, Sky quickly activated his Snake bite again, striking three times and forcing it to back off a little, he watched as it regained footing, a chunk of its HP being taken out already




    ID# 81039 results:

     Battle: 8 + 1 (Hit)

    Snake bite = (3)*1x3 = 9

     MOB: 4

    Stryder - HP 93/100 Energy 5/10 (H1)

    Kyoto - HP 20/20 Energy 2/2 (H0)


     Dark Elf

    HP: 3/12
    Damage per Attack: 9

  6. As sky thought about what to do, he started to get ideas. He went into his shop,the Starview Tailor. He was proud of it, the roof looked beautiful, and he loved the appearance of it. The stars on the roof... He was so glad the game worked like this. Suddenly, inspiration. He ran to his machine, and started to sow. First doing the cloth, and making his first piece of clothing. He was very happy with it, it looked exactly like he had envisioned!! He went straight to the next one afterwards, but instead of getting what he wanted, at least, stat wise, he failed a little. The appearance was exactly what he had wanted!!! But the item itself wasn't enhanced. Sighing, he grabbed his crafts, going and putting the cloak on sale, but as he looked at the shirt, he liked how it looked, and decided to wear it himself. 

    ID# 81036 results:

     Craft: 11

     ID# 81038 results:

     Craft: 8

    -2 Mat

    + 7 EXP


    Name: Sky Cloak

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81038

    Roll: 8

    Item Type:  Cloak

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Good


    Description: A blue cloak that has clouds, the sun and some birds patched into it. 



    Name: Summer Stars

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81036

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Shirt
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare (2 Slots)

    Enhancements: +2 Loot Die

    Description: A shimmering white cloth jacket that has a mysterious aura. On the cloth, stars are embreded around the heart and on the collar, a small yellow line of thread around them, showing how they fit the summer stars.



  7. Sky breaths a sigh of relief as he watched Kyoto kill the wolf. He had taken ten damage from that thing, if it had hit Kyoto... it would have nearly killed him. He knew that he had been in no real danger, but it was still just the fear that it could happen. He had dragged him up here, and hell be damned was he going to get him killed!

    He sheathed his sword, putting it back on his back, the small light vanishing as it entered its Sheathe. He walked over, giving a thumbs up to Kyoto.

    "Im all good, iv fought tougher things than a wolf, and you don't feel pain. I learnt that while punching a rock... don't ask" He says, blushing a little about how just pathetic it sounded to say that.  "You didn't get hit right?" He asked right after, looking at him with an intent stare.


    Stryder HP 93/100 Energy 8/10

  8. Shop is here



    Name: Summer Stars

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81036

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Shirt
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare (2 Slots)

    Enhancements: +2 Loot Die

    Description: A shimmering white cloth jacket that has a mysterious aura. On the cloth, stars are embreded around the heart and on the collar, a small yellow line of thread around them, showing how they fit the summer stars.

  9. Sky watched as she missed the rock. He wasn't going to laugh again, he had learnt his lession last time. He instead focused on the rock, determined not to make the same mistake. He squared up, pumping a few fists in preparation, before eyeing the rock. He wanted to break it. So bad, nothing was going to stop him. He was going to break it, no matter what. He threw a punch at it, smashing into the rock and causing a bit of damage, rejoicing internally!!! This rock was annoying as hell, and he couldn't WAIT to break it.

    "What profession do you think i should do?" He asked, valuing his friends opinion. He personally kinda wanted to become an Performer, though he felt like the work wouldn't be useful or worthwhile. How was he going to protect anyone if he could only sing songs!!! He stared at Eatos, wanting her opinion, staring intently.

    ID# 81034 results:

     Battle: 6

    Rock - HP 30/50

  10. The amount of questions being thrown at him left him a little.... flabuergausted. He didn't know how to reply!!! Which should he answer first? What should his answer be? A lot seemed to be expected off him... He just had no idea. 

    "The basics? Well... sure, im not good at explaining it though... But il do what i can.... And for whats on that tree, it makes sense. This game is so similiar to real life, anything felt in here emotion wise is real. Our brains are wired to this thing" He said to him, smiling. He was glad that was a factor, he didn't want the game to just be a game... he was so glad that this game was so much more, in that sense at least.

    Before he could do much else though, a wolf pounced towards Kyoto!!! His reaction was to quickly jump in the way, the wolf getting a claw straight into him!!! He threw the wolf off him, and drew Guiding Light, bolting towards the wolf and with his movement, activating his sword art Snake bite, striking three times in quick succession, cutting deeply into the stupid wolf. He jumped back, holding his sword in front of him. 

    "Stupid wolf, if you hit it its dead!" 

     ID# 81032 results:

     Battle: 5 + 1 (hit)

    Snake bite = (3)*1x3 = 9

     MOB: 8 (Hit)

    Stryder - HP 90/100 Energy 7/10 (H1)

    Kyoto - HP 20/20 Energy 2/2 (H0)


    Wolf HP 1/10 DMG 10

  11. What brought him to this game.... The question was a little to personal. Something you learned playing games, it was best NOT to ask questions about ones real life, it just took the fun out of the game. Some people were trying to escape there real lives, others were here just to have fun. Either way, personal lives stay out of games... but this situation was different, in this game, it was life or death... just like the real world.

    "Iv always been a gamer, its either that or just deal with the asses who live in the world" He replied, indulging a little bit. Then, they got to the woods. He was right about it, there wasn't much in this game that they had messed up, except for the no log out feature, but he didn't feel like bringing that up, it would only make the mood bad. 

    "What about you?" He asked as they walked, putting a hand on his blade 'Guiding Light' as they continued through the forest in search of the elf.


  12. In Stock Items



    Name: Sky Cloak

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81038

    Roll: 8

    Item Type:  Cloak
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Good


    Description: A blue cloak that has clouds, the sun and some birds patched into it. 


    Name: Arctic Winter

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81205

    Roll: 9

    Item Type:  Cloak
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Vanity

    Enhancements: 0

    Description: A Blue cloak that shines at night. At all times of the day, the cloaks pattern moves as if the Arctic lights were on the back of the cloak itself.



    Name: Starry Pride

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 2

    Roll ID: 81617

    Roll: 10

    Item Type:  Light Armor

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: 1 Mit (9DMG)


    A bit of leather armor that covers from the stomach up with what looks like a comfortable bit of cloth, it being made of leather that was reinforced with little bits of embewed cloth that makes the seems strong. A flapping cloak like cloth covers from the stomach to the waist, having the same qualities.


    Name: Star Sign

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 3

    Roll ID: 84090

    Roll: 10

    Item Type:  Light armor
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: 1 Mit

    Description: A light armor chestpiece that looks pretty ordinary, except for having the wearers starsign on its chest, changing with the wearer. It is a white in color. 


    Name: Light Mark

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 4

    Roll ID: 84091

    Roll: 9

    Item Type:  Light Armor

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: 1 EVA

    Description: An light armor set that is made out of light weight leather, giving the wearer much easier movement in battle, and outside of battle. It is a white in color, and has the mark of hope on its side, thus giving the name 'light mark' to shine hope.



    None Atm



    None Atm

    Borrow Items

    (Will let GUILD MEMBERS ONLY Borrow personal items from own storage, No charge, MUST RETURN AFTER 1 THREAD)


    Name: Starshield

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 3

    Roll ID: 84088

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Jacket (Light Armor)
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: + 3 EVA

    Description: Starshield is an jacket that has been handstiched from the start. It is black, and has on the shoulder a bright white star that is in the shape of a shield. The jacket is made so that it is flexible, giving the wearer as much freedom as if nothing was there, the jacket not getting in the way of anything. 


  13. Prices


    Prices for general populace (All T1)



    Common/Good (Vanity):  Col 75 or 1 Mats.

    Uncommon (1 Slot): 225 Col or 2 mats.

    Rare (2 Slots): 725 Col or 3 mats.

    Perfect (3 Slots): 1000 Col or 5 mats (Custom Items pricing refer to this also)


    Prices are debatable and are subject to change with rank.


    Prices for Emerald Harbingers (All T1)



    Common/Good (Vanity): Free, a mat would be appriciated.

    Uncommon (1 Slot): 200 Col Or 2 Mats

    Rare (2 Slots): 660 Col Or 3 mats.

    Perfect (3 Slots) 900 Col Or 5 Mats



    Custom Order Form


    Name: <Whatever you want>

    Your Profession: <Leave blank>

    Your Rank: <Leave blank>

    Roll ID: <Leave blank>

    Roll: <Leave blank>

    Item Type:  <Shirt, pants, dress, etc>
    Tier: <1 or 2>

    Quality: <Whatever you want>

    Enhancements: <Chose from enhancement guide, must suit item type>

    Description: <Entirely up to you on what it looks like, as long as it's appropriate for the item>

    (If left blank il decide the description, and no promises can be if its exactly what you want)

    Shop Transaction History




  14. Watching as Kyoto went and got the quest. He felt good, he was about to help is first player get stronger. This was is actual job now, their guild was made to help weaker players, and he was going to help Kyoto. 

    "Theres nothing we really need to bring, iv got 'Guiding Light', so unless you need something" He replies, shaking his hand. He smiled, starting to walk off towards the dense forests, which was where he guessed was where he had to go. The Forest of Wavering Mist, they had to fight something. He was confident that he was able to beat him, it wouldn't be to hard considering he had a hundred HP. He could take a few hits, most likely. He looked over to Kyoto

    "Its not too strange, if you were on your own then yeah, but its not to weird" He responds, not wanting to let it get to awkward. He had just met this guy, and he didn't want there first interaction to fail and for it to be awkward.

  15. On the second floor, at the top of a mountain around two hours of from the safe zone, stands a modest looking building.

    On the door hung a sign saying 'Starview Tailor' A little tarp over the door to protect it from rain. Inside a small fireplace gave the place a warm, pleasant feel.

    The room was square, and had two lounges in front of the fireplace to relax while your order was being done, or while waiting for service.

    If you looked up, a seethrough glass roof let in starlight, and allowed people to see the stars, and during the day it was covered with a tarp that had stars embed in.

    Behind the Counter laid his basket of hand sewing, and his machine, the heart of his shop.


    Ranks & EXP


    Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP
    Good Item: 2 EXP
    Uncommon Item: 3 EXP
    Rare Item: 5 EXP
    Perfect Item: 8 EXP


    Rank 1: 0 EXP (2 Crafts per day)
    Rank 2: 20 EXP (3 Crafts per day)
    Rank 3: 40 EXP (4 Crafts per day)

    Rank 4: 80 EXP (5 Crafts per day)

    Rank 5: 160 EXP (6 Crafts per day)
    Rank 6: 320 EXP (7 Crafts per day)
    Rank 7: 640 EXP (8 Crafts per day)
    Rank 8: 1280 EXP (9 Crafts per day)
    Rank 9: 2560 EXP (10 Crafts per day)
    Rank 10: 5120 EXP (10 Crafts per day)

    Result Chart


    The CD Result Chart (Rank 4)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-3] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [4] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [5-8] = Good item  
    [9-10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    Gear used while crafting


    Name: Summer Stars

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81036

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Shirt
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare (2 Slots)

    Enhancements: +2 Loot Die

    Description: A shimmering white cloth jacket that has a mysterious aura. On the cloth, stars are embreded around the heart and on the collar, a small yellow line of thread around them, showing how they fit the summer stars.

    Name: Textile Shuttle
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 7 - Provisional Master Blacksmith
    ID: 83522
    Roll: 11+1=12
    Item Type: Tool
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancements: +1 Crafting Die
    Description: Designed to neatly and compactly store a holder that carries the thread of the weft yarn while weaving.


    Name: Starview

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 1

    Roll ID: 81489

    Roll: 12

    Item Type:  Cloak
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +1 CD

    Description: A handstiched cloak that is made out of a vibrant black material. It was made while looking at the stars, and as a result is a almost perfect replica of the night sky appearances. It brings good luck to whoever has the fortune of wearing it. 

    Invalid, wrong rank. Keeping here for reference as i want to craft it in future.

    EXP: 118/160 (Rank 4)

    Crafts a day / 5

    CURRENT MAT: - <TIER 1: 3> - <TIER 2: 0> - <TIER 3: 0>

    Crafts Reset : 11:45 Am 


    Shop Col/Col Earned : 0



    + 400 - Sold gloves to Eatos

    - 400 - Took money out of store funds




    The CD Result Chart (Rank 5)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-3] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [4] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [5-7] = Good item  
    [8-9] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [10-11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    The CD Result Chart (Rank 6)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [3] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [4-7] = Good item  
    [8-9] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [10-11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    The CD Result Chart (Rank 7)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-3] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)

    [4-7] = Good item  
    [8-9] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [10-11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    The CD Result Chart (Rank 8)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)

    [3-6] = Good item  
    [7-9] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [10-11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    The CD Result Chart (Rank 8)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)

    [3-6] = Good item  
    [7-9] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [10-11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    The CD Result Chart (Rank 9)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)

    [3-6] = Good item  
    [7-8] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [9-10] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [11-12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    The CD Result Chart (Rank 10)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-5] = Good item 
    [6-7] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [8-10] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [11-12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)


  16. Where were they?

    Sky was pacing, waiting for the two people he had called down to him. He knew he was over reacting, it was only an NPC, but he still knew he NEEDED to help her. He groaned, looking around frantically before spotting his guildmates, though something seemed up with of one of them, Atzo. He seemed a little... pissed. He tried to think about why, but he had no idea about what might be causing him issues.

    Running up to them, he puts on a brave face to not show how anxious he was, and how much he was over reacting about the fact that an NPC was in trouble. He really wanted to help, and it was jsut an NPC.... if this had been a real person, Sky wondered just how much more worried he would have been.

    "Hey guys, thanks for coming to help" He thanked them.

  17. Sky was surprised with how quick Kyoto got up to him. He had expected to have to wait for a while, but instead, he had come pretty much immediately. He watched as he approached, and with a surprisingly casual hello. He smiled back to him, looking at him, before hearing his question. 

    He found it slightly random, but true. The game felt alive, it felt... well, as close to the real world as it was possible to get. Grinning, he responded back to him.

    "Its the new world of VR, its as close as we will get to the real world without being there" He says back, then opens the door, walking in and holding it for his guildmate as he walked in. He then looked at the blacksmith and his wife, looking at Kyoto.

    "Im Stryder, nice to met you Kyoto, i dragged you up here for a quest. Talk to these guy and get the armor quest, after we finish it you will get a uncommon piece of armor of your choosing and design" He says, answering his initial question. 

  18. Sky stood up, now having a goal. To open his tailor. He was fully ready, he had made two failed items, he had his materials. He had his location, he had his name. He had his goal, to help others. All he had to do now was set it up. He smiled, walking towards the teleport gate. For Stryder, or Sky, his world's view had changed since he had met Atzo. Despite the horror he had seen from him when he had changed, meeting him had really changed his life for the better. He had a goal, to help lower level players. He was goign to have a shop tailored to helping the lower levels, and to help his guild survive. He was going to save who he could, he was going to do his best, and it started with his shop, the guild, himself. Everything was connected, and now.... He was at least ready to try to save people.




    2 SP (1 Page, 1 Quest)

    Profession (Tailor) 

    Ability to open a shop in merchants section

    400 Col

    Extra MATS based on roll from staff = 11

  19. Location was a hard one. He needed a location that fit the name, Starview. He needed to be able to see the stars in his tailor. As he thought which floor, he remembered where his guild leader lived, on floor 2. It was a mountainy floor, and if he was high enough up, he might be able to get a great view of the stars!!! He wondered if Atzo would be willing to let his tailor be near his house, but in honesty, he didn't care what he thought. He had found his location, top of a hill in the Second floor of Aincrad. A perfect spot to stare at the stars and get inspiration for his clothing, and a beautiful spot to relax and live. He loved the idea of it, and planned to make it a reality as soon as he was out of here, and it was going to be a beautiful reality.

  20. As he reached the town square, he started to think about what to call his store. His first thoughts was stuff to go along with his name. The Stryding Shoe.... The Fountain of Cloth. All his names sounded bad, and none sounded like the kind of name he wanted a tailors shop to sound... he had seen some, they all had cool names, he wanted something unique and beautiful, unlike his creations. He thought hard and long about it, laying down on the ground as he pondered. He was pretty relaxed, about as relaxed as someone could be after being in the jungle all day. It was a good mindspace to be in to think. Eventually, he leapt up, coming up with a name that he loved, and hoped others would love to.

    "Il call it the Starview Tailor!" He yells out to the world, deciding the name and loving it. Now he needed a location. 

  21. Heading back to the machine, Sky tried again to sow. He went straight into it, once again trying the same idea, but this time, instead of actually creating anything, the machine jammed and broke, tearing apart the leather he had collected. He tried to salvage it, but the machine started smoking and coughing. He gulped, deciding that was enough for now, and bailed before he got held responsible. He had his first taste of it... and it was hard... He was not going to find this easy, he was not going to find this possible. But he knew with practice he would get there, eventually. He sighed, getting up and walking towards the town square, starting to think of a name for the ship he was going to open, and where, and once he knew, he was going straight to the spot to open his shop!!!

     ID# 81009 results:

     Craft: 4 (Fail)

    Mats used - 1

    Left - 1

  22. Sky went straight back to the Tailor, and decided to rush into his first crafting. He put the leather down, and started sewing, going fabric after fabric on the design, and with all his creativity he tried to create a dragons tail cloak!!! But it backfired horribely. After he finished, he had on his hand a bad item htat looked like it had been pulled from the sewage. He groaned, looking at his hard effort and work as it was used up in a horrible attempt at crafting something. It was only his first time, so... maybe it would get better? Sky put the horrid thing in the trash bin, not even wanting to keep that sewage rat. He decided to try again, thus the reason he had gathered three instead of just one material, maybe he would be luckier this time.

     ID# 81008 results:

     Craft: 6

    1 Mat gone, 2 left.

  23. As Sky suspected, as he was running a group of wolves followed him. three of them, pounced towards him. As they came, Sky was quick to jump high, as he wasn't wearing any armor, he wasn't weight down at all by anything but his blade, landing in the middle of the group of Wolves. They were pretty scary, he had just been ambushed by a group of hunting pack animals, but he wasn't about to die, not today, not after the hell he had just gone through!!! He jumped to the outside, and quickly activated his Rage Spike sword art, dealing a AoE and killing all three wolves in the single hit. Panting, he quickly bolted out of the forest, finding his way easily and leaving the area, heading back into the town of beginnings.

    ID: 81006

    Battle: 8 + 1 = Hit

    Mob: 2


    HP - 80/80 EG- 4/8

    DMG = Rage Spike = 6 DMG

    (Wolves DMG 5 each)

    Wolf 1HP 0/5 

    Wolf 2HP 0/5

    Wolf 3HP 0/5

  24. Standing up, Sky continued walking. He had to be nearing the end of this trail, the one he was guessing was where the wolves had been travelling on, he had found the two leather bits on this path. And now, he had found a third. On the ground, he saw a bit of leather. Walking up to it, he tapped it, and once again got the item he needed. He was now done, he had the three he wanted. He turned, and started quickly running in the opposite direction, wanting to get the hell out of here before a wolf or two came after him. He knew it was going to, but he didn't want the pack. If he had the pack... he knew he would die!!! He had seen wolves in real life, pack animals, brutal and effective, and he did not plan to become lunch.

     ID# 81005 results:

     Loot: 19

    Mat found - 1

    Mats found so far - 3

  25. Sky continued walking, taking a break under a tree. He listened out for any footsteps or anything else that could be a danger or threat to him. He wanted to find his last material and get out. After a few minutes he put the sword away, judging it safe enough to walk around without a blade drawn. He looked up, only to see a acon fall on his head. With a groan, he picked it up, and threw it as hard as he could against the tree, it bouncing off and going as far as it could. He sat down, sighing, just wanting to get out before the wolves came and ate him alive. He wanted to be back in town in around two hours... and at this rate he wouldn't make it.

    ID# 81003 results:

     Loot: 11


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