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Posts posted by Vale

  1. Every now and again practicing her aim she would deliver a true punch to the rock, but no damage was inflicted upon it. After which she would return to the slow paced aiming, it was tedious at it's core but to Vale it was the most important part to practicing. In a true fight, you wouldn't get the time to take things slow and think out each and every movement. During practice she knew she could make certain muscle movements feel absolutely natural, so when it was translated into fighting, there would be no disconnect. Creating habits were core to her fighting style, even if she were in a completely different universe where fighting had a whole different meaning.

    ID: 77829 | 2 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 17/50

  2. The man showed what little heart he had deep down in side, the blade against his throat just made her grin. She felt no fear of the man, he didn't have a threatening demeanor. The man was essentially trying to use a heartless approach to keep people away, there was a reason and now Vale was far too curious to leave him alone now, "Miserable?" She asked as she was shoved away, "Hah, that's a laugh. It doesn't matter how big and mighty you might feel." She followed him as he walked up to the notice board, she felt the need to pester him as much as she could. He didn't seem like the man who had the ability to slice the throat of someone in seriousness regardless.

    As she reached him, "You need a client for a quest. And I have nothing to do, plus you've piqued my curiosity boy." She goaded him, trying to itch the fact that he wasn't getting away from a conversation he never intentionally wanted to get himself in. She stood just a hair taller than him, not something that she truly cared about. She didn't find the man physically attractive, or in any sense pleasing to the eye. But someone trying to keep everyone at arms length or longer away, that was something that always got her interested. She stood next to the man, her Amethyst eyes looking at him. Vale honestly had nothing better to do, and the guy looked determined to do this quest.

  3. More and more did Vale practice just placing her fist up against her strike zone, each time making sure that her fist notched the same spot. Everytime her scale metal brushed up against the rock it left a slight little crack making it easier and easier to continuously press her fists against the same spot. Vale kept her breathing slow and in sync with her fists movements. She was completely aware of how important keeping her breathing patterns mattered when it came to fighting. Even if she were punching the punching bag her sensei were scold her to focus on her breathing, at this point it was merely habit.

    ID: 77826 | 4 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 17/50

  4. Vale needed to think about where she should stand to get an appropriate stance for striking the Rock. She looked around the rock, processing the information as she thought about it. She tested several spots, slowly putting her fist in the natural muscle movement up against the rock to find a mostly comfortable position. It took a few spots, but after awhile she had found a spot where her stance were as close to normal but to strike the target spot that she had focused on. Then Vale went through her natural breathing progression before unleashing her fist forward for the first strike.

    ID: 77825 | 5 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 17/50

  5. Vale ran toward the Rock and ran up the side of it, avoiding the massive vertical crack she had made in it's exterior. After a few steps she was standing atop the rock. There was a breeze coming from a small hole behind the rock, "So it really is blocking the pathway to something." She stated then turned around to look at the dead center of the rock, "But there is no need to think about it. I need to focus." She told herself. Vale readjusted her gauntlets making sure they were as tight as they could be. Not that the guantlets were far off the mark, the creation and execution of them were simply exquisite.

    ID: 77823 | 4 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 17/50

  6. Vale's refocusing was enough to get her ready quick enough to strike. A quick double step forward into a powerful right straight into the dead center of the hole she made hitting square where the new crack she made. Vale could feel her fist pressing through the crack causing it to split open even more, with a quick hop back she kept the thoughts of success out of her head. She looked around the rock and was trying to process what the most effective manner is. As the goal was getting close to what she desired, she needed to figure out exactly where she must strike to destroy the rock. She looked above the Rock and grinned, "There."

    ID: 77822 | 8 (Hit)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 17/50

  7. Vale tried for another strike but the same occurance happened on the other side of the cracked exterior wall bouncing her fist away for the second straight time in a row. She sighed and stepped back to recompose herself, she felt as though she got herself too close to the rock and it was throwing off her accuracy a bit. Vale refocused her attention on the crack she wanted to exploit, Vale took a couple deep breaths as she repositioned some of stance to get ready for a launching strike against the rock, her determination was not to do be faultered for any reason. She was certain the reason more people did not have Martial Arts was due to the lack of tenacity most people had.

    ID: 77821 | 1 (Critical Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 20/50

  8. Vale attempted a second straight to hit the exact same spot, but her fist barely hit the edge of the crack she had made on the exterior of the Rock. Causing the trejectory of the punch to skid off and thusly the rock's health bar did not appear once again. She pulled her fist back and scoffed, "Not every strike against the punching bag was effect. Just gotta keep at it." Her determination to keep up through the mistakes brought a smile to the Master's face as he closed his eyes again returning to his meditation. Listening in for everything that she had done and will be doing.

    ID: 77820 | 1 (Critical Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 20/50

  9. Vale say the dismay that appeared in the voice of the man she just sat down next to, "Client?" She asked under her breath. It was the moment when he said kid that she felt an urge to punch his daylights in, she stood up and grabbed his shoulder with voracious strength, no doubt a culprit of her training in Martial Arts, "Boy... Where do you get the audacity to call a woman. A Kid." Her voice had the inkling of a mothers voice when scolding their kid after they did something they knew was wrong. She clenched her fist tightly and in peripheral vision of the man she had just met.

    Her teeth were clenched and her Amethyst eyes were glaring at him. If the man were to turn around her eyes would immediately connect to his and stare deep into them, as if she were percieving into his soul, "I would have thought someone dressed as dapper as yourself. Would hold themselves to a moral standard when in the presence of a woman." Vale would await what the boy had to say, and since she didn't understand how the system worked. If he were to make the wrong choice of action, his face would clearly meet the right straight of a Boxing and Muay Thai specialist.

  10. The familiarity of punching the dangling red bags brought a soothing aspect to Vale's mind, "It's just like training every day with Sensei." She told herself. The Master opened his eyes to watch her quickly change the focus of her striking zone from above the crack to inside the crack. Vale launched her fist forward breaking the rock more in the center. She treated the punch just like any other against the dangling bags, easily her fist slipped through the cracks edges and struck the core of the rock beginning a crack in the dead center of open hole.

    ID: 77819 | 8 (Hit)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 20/50 (1 Base + 1 Unarmed + 1 Potion)

  11. Vale zoned in on the spot more and more. And with one swift strike extended the rock crack above the original position. She could hear the breaking of the rock ringing in her ears, it was the sound of progress which would lead to the sound of success, she thought about the journey of a thousand steps. Each strike was a step whether it yielded the progress she needed or not, every step mattered throughout the entirety of this training session. She just imagined that the rock was one of the dangling red punching bags she was so used to striking.

    ID: 77818 | 7 (Hit)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 23/50 (1 Base + 1 Unarmed + 1 Potion)

  12. The constant practice of just making her her elbow strikes and knee strikes landing would pay off as she put more force on one of her knee strikes just underneath where the cracking had begun. Her knee cause the crack slightly break more down towards the base of it, she grinning and focused her attention above it. If she was going to break this efficiently, she would need to get the crack to go all the way across she she practiced aiming her straight punches towards above the crack. She kept her attention and focus squarely on where she wanted to strike.

    ID: 77816 | 7 (Hit)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 26/50 (1 Base + 1 Unarmed + 1 Potion)

  13. Vale struck the rock again, but ultimately her elbow slid causing her to barely lose balance. She needed to press off the rock to get back on her feet appropriately, she exhaled softly and got back into stance. She decided to go back to practice striking against the rock without effort or trying, she was more getting in the rythem of just making sure her attacks were just connecting with the spot that she wanted. For some reason it felt like it was helping her mentally get into the rythem of destroying the rock. She would often just sit and practice striking where she wanted on punching bags versus just actaully hitting it.

    ID: 77815 | BD: 1 (Critical Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 29/50

  14. Vale walked around the Town of Beginnings, keeping her wits about her. The lovely purple scale gauntlets shining in the bright light of the sun, her Dark skinn and long luxurious purple hair glistening at the same time. She had been doing a lot of running as it was something that she never wanted to lose the habit of doing from the real world, she enjoyed the physical excercise of it all. After some more time of jogging, Vale noticed a guy in rather dapper looking clothing, something about his look just kinda brought Vale into the thought of talking to the man. She approached the man leaning back casually, "You seem like you're patiently waiting for someone to arrive." She spoke in a very comfortable tone, "Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked him, "The other benches happen to be taken."

  15. Even though Vale was able to get her laughter under control, it still didn't change the fact that her concentration on the rock was completely broken and she needed to build it back from the ground up. She stood patiently staring at the rock, keeping it in her mind that the journey of a thousands steps was about patience and longevity. As much as she wanted the Martial Arts skill now over later, she needed to be completely and one hundred percent patient with the entire process. As her Sensei had often told her, it's not about the destination it was about the journey getting there.

    ID: 77814 | BD: 2 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 29/50

  16. Vale put so much effort into her elbow strike that her elbow had actually managed to get stuck inside the rock, she had split it enough that she could even wedge her arm in there. It took a couple of attempts, but she was able to pull her arm out to which she could hear a chuckle. The thought of her arm getting stuck inside the rock actually managed to break her concentration and she began to giggle as well, "I haven't done that before." She said out loud while laughing. It took a few moments before she was able to control her laughter again and take a deep breath, exhaling slowly to get mind recentered on the now gaping hole that sat in the rock.

    ID: 77813 | BD: 5 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 29/50

  17. After a couple of test strikes she was finally feeling the groove again. Vale brought her elbow up once again, but unlike before, she brought her elbow down with extreme strength and precision. Hitting directly onto the cracked spot, she couldn't help but do a standard shout one would do while fighting. Upon her elbow connecting on the pinpoint spot causing the crack to spread even more so, she exhaled and closed her eyes just as the health bar appeared. She knew she had hit it hard enough to damage it, she just needed to keep this up as best as she could.

    ID: 77812 | BD: 10 (Critical)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 29/50 (Base 1 + 1 Unarmed damage + 1 Potion + 2 Crit)

  18. Vale tested the waters with her Elbow strike, she lifted and brought it down with mild strength. She was focusing more on making sure that the attacks connected with the rock. She needed to get back into the flow of attacking the rock with appropriate strength, she was also playing around with a theory in her head. She needed to test the waters with hitting the rock first before she went full throttle and unloaded everything she had in her on the inanimate object. Every action she did, she would take a deep breath inbetween exhaling when she would actually strike the rock.

    ID: 77811 | BD: 2 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 34/50

  19. Instead of striking immediately after assuming her Muay Thai stance, she held back and focused on getting into the mental zone of utilizing Muay Thai in general. She had figured out a fairly comfortable adaptation of utilizing her two mastered styles in tandem with each other. When using either stance, but whenever she did a true style change incorporating the different stance she needed to become one with herself first before she begun fighting. Vale stared deeply at that crack in the rock, it was the key to getting through this faster. Just randomly striking the rock would make this take far longer.

    ID: 77809 | BD: 2 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 34/50

  20. Vale followed up her right straight with a left straight afterwards, thinking that she struck it harder than her right fist. But still, the health bar didn't show up. It seemed as though the lower the health the rock had made it more fortuitous. Giving up on breaking this Rock was not on her agenda. It was a matter of when she would break this massive boulder in two, not if she would. She pulled both of her fists back, she decided it was time to change it up. Completely shifting her stance to the standard Muay Thai stance with her armored forearms bare toward the rock itself, lifting her right knee slightly to a comfortable position.

    ID: 77808 | BD: 4 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 34/50

  21. Vale walked up to it stance regained, but the rythem she initially had was all but gone. She struck against the rock with her right fist, but this time the rock's health bar did not appear. Again like her first strike she didn't punch it hard enough, she was almost certain that she did put as much effort in as the left hook she had done. She could only assume that the rock's threshhold was in constant fluxuation, but putting full effort into every single attack would just wear her down. She had to manage her breathing and striking in tandem with each other or she would end up taking herself out before the rock would even come close to splitting in half.

    ID: 77805 | BD: 5 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 34/50

  22. Vale seemed to miscalculate just how much pressure she put in her launch off on the initial strike, she attempted an arcing kick but the misplacement cause her foot to bounce off the rock and throw her off her balance. Stumbling to recollect her compsure quickly, she had almost fell all the down onto the ground but she managed to keep herself on her feet enough to get her balance back. She turned around to look at the rock, completely putting the thought that someone was there watching her every single movement. Vale was absolutely absorbed into the zone of trying to destroy the rock, and she wasn't going to let anything distract her

    ID: 77805 | BD: 1 (Critical Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 34/50

  23. With her stance readjusted appropriately to what felt comfortable, she flicked her eyes back onto the rock and honed her attention on a specific spot to strike. She could see the crack caused by the first combo she used against it. One deep breath, after the Vale exhaled she launched at the rock with full force drilling her left fist into the crack squarely where she put the focus on. She could feel the rock split some more, her face showed her perserverance. The girl didn't want to let the achievement of breaking the rock some more get to her just yet until the entire thing split in two.

    ID: 77804 | BD: 7 (Hit)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 34/50 (Base 1 + 1 Unarmed damage + 1 Potion)

  24. Vale looked square at the rock, she took a deep breath. She was about to step forward for another before she stopped, something didn't feel right with the stance she was in, she looked down at her left foot and noticed it was out of place. Her sensei had practically trained her to be aware of her stance at every moment before fighting. Normally she would have just readjusted mid fight, but since this was about patience and efficiency rather than speed and endurance. She took a moment to recompose herself and readjust her stance to feel correct.

    ID: 77803 | BD: 2 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 37/50

  25. She wouldn't stop there, Vale brought her elbow down ontop of the rock for a clinching strike between her knee and elbow. Again the health of the rock reduced. Vale's focus was in full bloom, it was something about fighting with her hands and feet that brought the best out of her. She didn't feel the same rushing feeling with the curved sword that she used against the boars. Punching this rock felt more real and saitsfying at the very essence of this entire worlds experience. She pulled away from the rock as one of her attacking combos in the real world had come to a close. She reassumed her western boxing stance to start her next combo.

    ID: 77801 | BD: 8 (Hit)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 37/50 (Base 1 + 1 Unarmed damage + 1 Potion)

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