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Posts posted by Vale

  1. Vale didn't really care too much for the door being held open for her, but she knew it was a normal thing most men do for women. She waltzed through the door and looked at the patrons, they seemed to smile in their direction and wave. Assuming she wasn't the target of the waving since she had never entered this place before, she could only come to the conclusion that the one they were waving at was Dominion. She shifted her head ever so slightly to put the man in her peripheral vision, she remembered him saying that he frequented here often so the immediate idea on service was coming into question. But, that was to be seen in the short future.

    He asked a deeply personal question that immediately made her think solely about Yukino. She wanted to put her face in her hand to grip her temple due to the question bringing up the memory of watching her to be betrothed drop over the edge. Vale pointed at the table in the middle of the restaurant, "How about we sit there and I answer all your questions then?" She answered with a question of her own, she waltzed forward toward the table. Due to her natural body build, her walk seemed more like an unintentional strut. Once she reached the table she pulled out the chair that would be hers to sit in and promptly sat herself down before he could do the honors for her.

    There was something about having others do actions for her that always seemed to itch under her skin. Vale was trying her hardest to not show her irritation of having the door held open for her, the man was just simply trying to be nice to her as was customary of most men. She started to pull at the straps on her armbands to slowly take them off, Vale was rather particular when it came to sitting at the table. She felt the need to be somewhat proper when sitting at the table, "I think it is appropriate that you button up your shirt while in a restaurant" She informed him, she grinned as she said it with the added sass in her voice.

  2. Vale watched as Mr Tealeaf began working on the materials giving, encasing the boar teeth in molten metal. He began smacking at the metal formation thus far. After a few smacks he moved the heated metal into the heat treatment again and took a look at Vale, "Lass. Would you like to tell me what sort of item you would like me to craft for you Milady?" The gruff voiced man asked, "If I am to reward you with your item, I'll need to know what exactly it is that I am making for you." He followed up.

    Vale sat and thought for a moment, then she took a look at her armwraps, "If it's not too much of a bother, could you please craft me gauntlets?" She asked as she continued to look at her armwraps.

    "Gauntlets? You sure you don't want a sword, a shield, some armor to protect you?" His tone shifted from relaxed and confident, to a more concerned nature.

    Vale nodded as she shifted her eyes from looking at her armwraps to looking at Mr. Tealeaf himself, "I don't like fighting with this sword. I honestly perfer to punch and kick things instead. I am very talented at that." A smile grew on her face, one of innocence and sincerity.

  3. When Vale brought up the materials to hand to him, Mr. Tealeaf looked at it and smiled, "Well aren't you the over achiever." He stated as he grabbed exactly three of the tusks with one hand and closing her hand on the final tusk with his other, "But you see Milady, I only needed three of them. Hold onto that last one, you might need it in the near future." Mr. Tealeaf's smile never fading as he spoke, he placed all three boar tusks on his anvil to be prepared to be merged into a weapon.

    "B-But, I acquried all them for you Mr. Tealeaf-" Vale started to exclaim before Mr. Tealeaf place his hand infront of her to try and stop her from shouting. Her blood began to boil just a little bit because she felt rather disrepected by the action.

    Mr. Tealeaf chuckled, "I appreciate you doing it for me. But I can't accept it in good graces since I asked only of little and you brought me more than I needed. So please keep it, and let me give you your reward for working so hard." His voice and attitude was enough to calm Vale, to which she nodded and sat down in the chair she initially did when first talking to him. She wanted to watch the process and didn't wish to cause Mr. Tealeaf any unnecessary grief.

  4. Vale took a deep breath then exhaled as she prepared to witness the entire process of metalcrafting. She pushed the door open slowly, the familiar clang of a hammer to steel was becoming louder as the door opened wider. Once open far enough she stepped in, "Excuse me, Mr. Tealeaf I have acquired the necessary materials you have requested of me." She spoke out, The large gruff man turned his body as he had done before ceasing to bang his hammer at that moment. The door finally closed and the ring could be heard once again.

    Mr. Tealeaf smiled wide, "Zakariah had informed me that you happen to get things done quickly. Not only are you good at making potions, but you're a good huntress as well. I only sent you out of here just an hour or so ago, you work fast Milady." He praised her causing the Vale to chuckle and smile brightly, "Now bring the tusks over to me." He requested, to which Vale promptly opened her inventory to withdraw all four of the tusks to be handed over to the large blacksmith.

  5. With everything and secure while walking back to the town she realized just how many people were trying to exit the main gate. It seemed like everyone woke up around the same time and were making their way out. She would have to be patient in order to enter through the gates. So she stood patiently next to a couple other strangers whilest waiting. The various types of armor, equipment, weapons, everything was rather astonishing. She couldn't even count the number of players that were trying to exit at the same time. She tried to take in the sight as best she could, attempting to make note of everyone she saw.

    After a few minutes, the conglomeration of players was beginning to break up and the small group that had formed to enter the town began moving forward, including Vale herself. Once she was finally in, she didn't hesitate in the slight. She started making way toward Mr. Tealeaf's smithery. She ran down the winding paths at rather impressive speeds for someone who was still considerably low level. After a little bit of running she found herself standing infront of the door where she was tasked to go and collect the materials. It was her first time seeing a smith work on their craft, she was completely excited.

  6. The boar's side was exposed to Vale, the opportunity was too good to pass up. Vale lifted her blade and dropped it down on the head of the boar as hard as she could, immediately what was left of the health bar of the boar depleted completely making the health bar border vanish. Afterwhich the boar glowed a blue light and shattered into data fragments fluttering in the air, Just as before the dialogue box appeared just before her. Again it had two materials showing and more col that she obtained for defeating the monster.

    Vale smiled happily, "Hot damn, that's all the materials needed, and I can finally buy some food with the money earned from defeating these monsters!" She exclaimed to herself. She looked up toward the town which wasn't so far away due to the large amount of monsters in the area. She saw a group of people exiting the town getting ready to do some farming of their own. She turned to look at the horizon and the sky was beginning to shine a lot brighter. The sun was no longer hidden over the edge, it was already past the edge point, "Time sure does fly when you're focused and having fun." She exclaimed, then turned back to the town and began walking toward it.

    ID: 77594 | BD: 6 (Reaver) / MD 9 (Negated by Death) | LD: 20 | Boar Tusks Obatined: 4/3 | 50 Col

    Vale: 54/60 HP -3 HP | 5/6 Energy -1 (Reaver) +1 (Regen)

    Boar: -1/5 HP (1 base + 1 skill) x 1 Reaver = 2 Damage.

  7. Vale stood still, she slowed her breathing trying to keep her moments of actions in between her heartbeats as she was trained to do from such a young age. Her patience was notable, she didn't need to rush the fight, it wasn't worth the effort. She needed to get a feel for how the system worked through and through. Rushing her fights to a quick and decisive victory wouldn't help her learn too much, the one downside of this world. One cannot learn from defeat, because defeat in this world meant the ultimate demise.

    Vale bit the side of her lip with that thought running through her mind. She remembered the countless number of times she lost her fights and what she would take as a lesson from them. The boar crept closer, every three steps forward it took, one step would Vale take backwards. The boar was close enough to practically bite her after a moment, and it took the opportunity to jerk it's head to try and claw her with it's tusk. Vale was prepared for any action the boar was going to try to use to harm her, with a quick flick of her hips she easily avoided it. Swiftly she repositioned her body to be aimed at the boar to continue being ready for it's attack.

    ID: 77593 | BD: 3 (Energy Conservation) / MD 2 (Miss) | Boar Tusks Obatined: 2/3 | 25 Col

    Vale: 54/60 HP -3 HP | 5/6 Energy +1 (Regen)

    Boar: 1/5 HP

  8. Before Vale was ready to do another dodge, the boar happened to flip a full 180 and recontinue it's previous charge. She tried to side step out of the way but the beast managed to clip her leg. She decided that this was not another opportunity she was going to miss and struck her blade into the beast again with the same slight glowing attack Vale had done before. The beasts health bar quickly changed from green to yellow to red, she took this as an indicator with the small sliver of health it had left as it being on it's last legs.

    She repositioned her feet to ready herself for the creature. She flicked her eyes over to her health bar and was able to note that her health was not naturally regenerating like her energy did, "Well that's an inconvience. I'm really going to need to manage my health as well as my energy. I'll need to figure out how to fix that." She spoke to herself reaffixing her eyes onto the boar at this point in her self speech. She gripped on her blade tighter, then shifted her body for a lower stance, trying her best to find some way to make fighting with this weapon comfortable to her.

    ID: 77591 | BD: 6 (Reaver) / MD 6 (Hit) | Boar Tusks Obatined: 2/3 | 25 Col

    Vale: 54/60 HP -3 HP | 4/6 Energy -1 (Reaver) +1 (Regen)

    Boar: 1/5 HP (1 base + 1 skill) x 1 Reaver = 2 Damage.

  9. Her eyes watching the movement patterns of the Boar to the smallest muscle movement. She had committed to reserving her energy at this point, it wasn't worth expunging everything and being unable to fight back. She needed to be patient, and patience was a virtue when it came to fighting. Every now and again she would find a moment to admire the fact that every single individual blade of grass would be affected by the feet of the little piglit. Though she would only admire the moment for specifically a moment, distractions were terrible to deal with when in the middle of a fight. Albeit these creatures were rather easy to defeat, it was best to never underestimate her enemy.

    Once the boar turned it's body to face her she saw the movement she was anticipating. The Boar immediately charged headlong at her, she stepped forward and did a quick spin flip over the beast to easily dodge the creature yet also reposition her body angle to keep her attention on the boar at all times. She was impressed at how real the feeling of being in a fight was, but was also disappointed that pain was not something people would feel while in this world. She rubbed her stomach where the impact point was, she couldn't even feel the touch of her own fingers to her body. Something she knew she would need to get used to.

    ID: 77591 | BD: 1 (Negated for Energy regen) / MD 2 (Miss) | Boar Tusks Obatined: 2/3 | 25 Col

    Vale: 57/60 HP | 4/6 Energy +1 (Regen)

    Boar: 3/5 HP

  10. Vale awaited the boar to start wanting to charge at her, once it got close enough the crystal above it's head flashed just like the first one had. As it was just about to reach her she brought her blade down this time it was glowing slightly less than before. She saw a portion of it's health bar decrease, what she forgot to do trying to focus so much on the blade connecting with the boar, was dodge. The boar rammed into her mid section knocking her back and on the ground. She looked at the sky, "Why didn't that hurt at all? There was no feeling in it." She spoke out to herself.

    She then performed a ukemi and returned to her feet after moment of laying on the ground. She quickly got her eyes locked back onto the boar, she didn't appreciate having the boar landing a solid hit on her, "I got the first hit. And I know I'll win... But I can't get lazy like that. I really do not like fighting with this blade." She spoke out, but she was kinda stuck with the weapon. She remembered hearing people having the Martial Arts skill, but it was a matter of when she obtained the skill, not if she would obtain the skill.

    ID: 77589 | BD: 7 (Hit) / MD 7 (Hit) | Boar Tusks Obatined: 2/3 | 25 Col

    Vale: 57/60 HP -3 HP | 3/6 Energy -1 (Reaver) +1 (Regen)

    Boar: 3/5 HP (1 base + 1 skill) x 1 Reaver = 2 Damage.

  11. Vale gripped her blade tight and felt an energy flow into her blade, she looked at it quickly and noticed it starting glowing a bright purple. She flicked her eyes back up at the boar and grinning, "I think this means something." Vale then dashed after she finished speaking, the boar was unsuspecting of just how fast Vale was approaching. With one powerful sweep of her blade in a horizontal pattern she watched as the boars green bar of health depleted completely and the bar border vanished.

    She flipped her hips to face her body in the direction of the boar just watch it explode into data particles. A small dialogue box appeared just infront of her body. It had details on what she gained from the loot, "I got two boar tusks! I only need one more to appease the requirements for this quest. Mr. Tealeaf will be so impressed with how fast I was able to get ahold of them!" She exclaimed, she peered around to see if there was another boar close and there happened to be one walking in her direction.

    ID: 77588 | BD: 9 (Crit) / MD 10 (Negated by Death) | LD: 20 | Boar Tusks Obatined: 2/3 | 25 Col

    Vale: 60/60 HP | 3/6 Energy -2 (Rage Blow) +1 (Regen)

    Boar: -1/5 HP ((1 Base + 1 Skill + 1 Crit) x 2 (Rage Blow) = 6 DMG)

  12. Vale first exiting the town paid attention to others who might or might not be doing the quest. The break of dawn was just beginning to occur over the horizon. There were only a seldom few amount of adventurers out in the fields so the number of boars were surprisingly high compared to yesterday during mid day. With the limited number of players, she watched how each of them got into combat with the boars. Every single adventurer had a different weapon so it was hard to guage how she should fight against the boars since she had a curved sword.

    She looked up at her health bar in the top right, seeing her level was no longer the paultry one. That quest had managed to level her up not once but twice. She felt a little more comfortable with the increased health bar. It was a little disappointing that everything was measured in numbres instead of physical prowess, but she wasn't the creator of this world. She could only abide by how it worked. Withdrawing her curved blade she approached the first boar she could. Once she entered a certain distance even though the boar was not looking at her cause the red crystal above it's head to flash.

    Quickly the boar turned and charged at Vale. Her natural insticts were to dodge, effortlessly she did but quick did she forget that she wasn't fighting with her knee's, elbows, feet and fists. It was with a sword. She swung her blade with a seeming difficult, and completely missed the boar without putting a single scratch on it. She looked to the upper right to see that just swinging her blade cost her energy. She flicked her eyes back to the boar to prepare for the fight.

    ID: 77587 | BD: 4 (Miss) / MD 1 (Critical miss) | Boar Tusks Obatined: 0/3

    Vale: 60/60 HP | 4/6 Energy -2 (Miss)

    Boar: 5/5 HP

  13. Vale quickly made her way through the town, she was far more accustomed to the layout at this point from all the walking around she did. She didn't like being lost in a new world, but for awhile she didn't feel emotionally stable enough to venture out of the first time while she attempted to cope with what she had witnessed personally. Now though, Vale was ready to forge forward, and not let the past hold her back any longer. She was going to enjoy this world to the fullest that she possibly could, and the next thing that would accomplish that was fighting these boars.

    Once Vale made it to the exit of town she took a deep breath, tightened the straps on both of her arm wraps. As she was about to step out she remembered that she didn't have her blade affixed to where it should be. She dropped her hand, something she still wasn't exactly accustomed to doing just yet to withdraw her weapon from her inventory. Once the sheathed blade appeared in her hand she affixed it on her backside with the strap wrapping around her waist. She adjusted the sitting of the blade, it felt a little awkward at first since it was practically resting on her rump. But before exiting town she attempted a withdraw, sheathing it to withdraw it again and again until it felt just right.

  14. Vale stood up ready to go and achieve what she was asked to do to meet the requirements of the request she was just given, "I shall collect the boar tusks for you in order to finish whatever it is you're making." She roared with determination. He fist gripped as if to show a sign of absolute confidence, she was practically ready to bolt out of the door when Mr. Tealeaf patted his hand on the arm of the chair.

    "Now before you go out there recklessly, don't get yourself in too bad of a pickle now. Don't fight multiple at the same time, and I only need three of them. Sometimes the boars don't always give off their tusks either when they die." He informed Vale. She took as many mental notes as she could, she wasn't scared of getting into a fight in this world. It would be just like her tournaments, the victor is the one left standing, and she always was the one last standing.

    Vale would walk to the door then turn to look at Mr. Tealeaf, "I shall be careful sir." She bowed politely, "I will take my leave and get you those necessary boar tusks. No matter the length of time it takes." She assured him, then turned to take her leave. Making sure to shut the door behind herself and immediately begin her brisk paced walk toward the front gates of town.

  15. The door was slow to shut, but nonetheless it did so by itself. It made a familiar ring of a bell which immediately caused Mr Tealeaf to stop hammering away. Due to his age he was unable to move just his head, thus he turned his whole body to see a young and very fit dark skinned woman holding an envelope, "Ah you must be the woman Zakariah sent to me. He spoke highly of your alchemic prowess." The man's voice was much more gruff than Mr. Zakariah's. It was hard to notice but through the massive beard there sat a genuine and caring smile, "Why don't you come in here and talk to me." He stated as he slowly shuffled to sit in a chair.

    Vale followed suite and sat in a chair near him, "Mr. Zakariah wanted me to deliver this to you." She held out the envelope. It took Mr. Tealeaf a moment to shift forward to reach for the Envelope, "He informed he that you might need assistance in your work, and wanted me to learn alongside as well." She promptly informed him.

    Mr. Tealeaf chuckled, "Ah, so you're going to go out in the fields and collect some Boar tusks for me?" He questioned her, "I'd do it meself, but my back aint what it used to be. It has shown in my crafting quality, but I can give you some tips on how to use the forge. it would be a good learning experience for you." He followed up say, Vale nodding in agreeance. She was having a hard time paying attention to much of any what he was saying, she was about to start fighting for the first time in this world.

  16. Running and running Vale was doing, chasing the blonde who was standing on the ledge. No closer was she getting to whom she was chasing, then it happened. The dark skinned girl watched as the blonde haired girl in her view slowly disappeared over the edge. Vale opened her eyes and shot forward ready to scream no, sweat running down her entire body at this point. She looked up at the sky to see that it was still mostly dark but the sky was starting to brighten up, she could hear in the near distance the clanging of a hammer to metal. Vale rubbed her eyes, feeling the moisture at the corner of her eyes, "It seems like he is ready." Vale stated, turning her head to see the same few people sleeping peacefully in their spots.

    Standing up completely, she placed the blanket back where she got it from and turned away to walk toward Mr. Tealeaf's Blacksmith. It wasn't a far walk, but a few moments by the time she reached the front door of the blacksmiths. The sound was louder than before, thus confirming her thought that it was Mr. Tealeaf hard at work. Vale pushed the door open slightly to see another old man, but this one was in far better muscular shape than the previous, probably from all the work he had done working on and shaping metal with nothing but the might in his arms and forearms. She opened up her inventory to withdraw the envelope she was asked to deliver to the blacksmith that was in her sights.

  17. Exiting Zakariah's home, Vale looked at the night sky and the way the lights in the Town of Beginnings shined in a flourescent way. The illumination of the town was simply remarkable, there-in lied one of the few problems that she found herself in. The area's she could sleep in due to her severe lack of funds this game has provided her. Instead of going to sleep, Vale decided she would travel around the Town of Beginnings to get more of a feel for the place plus she wanted to know where Mr. Tealeaf's shop was at. Immediately she pulled out her map and just followed the winding paths doing her best to take note of all the sights to behold and the extra what nots.

    After a few hours of walking around, Vale managed to stumble upon Mr. Tealeaf's shop, ironically had she just walked in the other direction when leaving Mr. Zakariah's shop she would have found it easily. The dark skinned girl chuckled, "Man... i can be pretty silly at times." Vale tried her best to keep her mind pre-occupied at all times so the thoughts of the unfortunate event would not play again in her head. She turned her head and noticed that there was a small little alley way that brushed up against the side of the wall that led to the outskirts of town. There wasn't much more she could do today since Mr. Tealeaf's shop was closed until bright and early in the morning as Mr. Zakariah had mentioned. Strolling into the nook, she immediately recognized that the darkness in here was meant to be a small sleeping spot for some as she came across some players.already using this spot to sleep to get away from the bright lights. There was a convienent psuedo-blanket sitting there that she quickly grabbed the blanket, resting her body up against a large box and wall and swiftly finding herself falling asleep.

  18. Dominion seemed very apt to having company at the tavern table, in fact the man even offered to buy her something, "I appreciate the sentiment, but I will politely refuse being bought food and drink." She reassured him, and immediately he descended into a list of places he had traveled to. Originally it was him who was fascinated with her and her Martial Arts Tournament history, this time he had her intrigued, "You've been to how many places? That's remarkable. Me and my family weren't very rich, so we often had to use my tournament winnings to pay some bills in the house. It helped that I liked participating in them." She explained loosely, "Well how about sharing stories then? I would love to hear about the places you have been." She asked and flashed the curiosity she possessed.

    The blonde haired Monk shared some extra information that she hadn't exactly attempted to inquire on, but nonetheless helped bring some understanding in the man whom had her confused for a good while up until now, "I've not exactly ventured out of the first floor just yet. So, I understand the want for some conversation with others." Vale was easily able to admit. She continously paid attention to what he was saying, trying to mentally note anything and everything she heard him say, "Yeah. I've never actually played a single video game until Sword Art Online. It was a proposal gift from my fiancee, we were only suppose to play an hour but in that hour we learned that we weren't able to escape." She looked forward at the tavern entrance the two of them had walked to, at this point she bit her lip, "Unfortunately, That didn't last much longer after learning that fact." Vale left a bit of information for Dominion to try and figure out on his own as she proceeded forward entering the Tavern.

  19. Quest Complete

    0 Materials (All 5 given to Zakariah)
    5 Uncommon Tier I Health Potions for Quest <<The First Few Lessons are Free>>
    1 Uncommon Tier I Overhealth Potion for Quest <<The First Few Lessons are Free>>
    1 Uncommon Tier I Damage Potion for Quest <<The First Few Lessons are Free>>

    1 SP for Thread (20 posts)
    2 SP for Quest <<The First Few Lessons are Free>>
    400 Col for Thread (20 posts)


  20. "One moment lass." He stated to her. He hobbled over to his front counter, getting behind it, "Now where did I put that bloody thing." He searched through the clutter that was his back table, "Ah here it is!" He exclaimed as he showed Vale an envelope, "If you could take this to Mr. Tealeaf, that would be much appreciated." He stated to her. She quickly nodded and grabbed the envelope, "And before you leave lass take those at the end of the counter." He ushered her.

    Vale looked at the end of the counter and there sat 7 potions, "I can't possibly take them from you sir!" She exclaimed.

    "Don't you worry, I made those specifically for you. I am sure Mr. Tealeaf is going to ask you to do some hard labor, and those will allow me to sleep better at night." Zakariah did his best to reassure the Dark Skinned woman, "Now please go, get some sleep tonight and see him bright and early in the morning." He smiled sweetly right back at her.

    Vale nodded and took the potions as requested moving everything into her inventory, "Thank you so much for everything Mr. Zakariah, I hope to see you sometime soon!" She exclaimed, waved, and promptly left the building excited for the day to come for her.

  21. Zakariah took the vial and brought it close to his eye for a thorough investigation of the vial. He took a couple sniffs of it then let a single drop of it plop upon his tongue. He turned to look at her with a wide and genuine smile, "This is exquisite! That is arguably the fastest I've ever gone through this process, and I've seen I can't even count the number people enter here trying to get a hang of Alchemy. You've got a natural talent for it lass, I suggest you look into it." He praised her, she couldn't help but close her eyes and smile wide a bright, "But before you go ahead and choose what you'd like to do, take the time to meet with my good friend Lyle Tealeaf, he is a blacksmith. Maybe your talents aren't just suited to Alchemy, give it a chance." He lightly pleaded with her.

    Vale nodded happily, "I think I will go meet this Lyle Tealeaf that you speak of. I've never seen a blacksmith in person. So I am honestly kind of excited." She admitted to him, her happiness was eeking out of every pore in her body. The sheer genuine aspect that Vale exuded was bring the biggest smile to Zakariah's mouth and heart, "Is there anything else I can do for you Mr. Zakariah?" She asked inquisitively, she wanted to be of as much help as she could possibly be.

  22. ID: 77574 | CD: 7 (Quest Craft: Rare) | Potions Created 1/1

    Zakariah made a motion to her indicating that the old man wanted her to follow him. Without hesitation the pep in her step took over and she was next to him faster than he could literally turn around, "Whoa! You're a fast one. You young whippersnappers are able to move so quickly, reminds me of when I was young." He chuckled, she smiled at him sweetly. Once the two of them reached the alchemy table, he demonstrated loosely what she would be doing, "You see you mash it up here in this, once it reaches a pasty substance look, you move it into the boiling water." He took the paste he had already pre-made and dumped it in, "And this blue liquid that you will almost always have on hand is a reaction agent, you can make this by letting bluebloom flower petals and tree moss boil and dissolve in a vial. Then two drops and it should trigger a reaction in whatever it is you're working on." He explained thoroughly.

    She kept mental notes of the process entirely. When he moved away from the table showing his red potion, her focus and determination took the front seat. She carefully set up the vial to create the reaction agent while she used her superior physique to mash together the five herbs that he wanted her to get ahold of to the point that it was the same pasty looking substance that Zakariah had made. Once the reaction agent was at the perfect point, and the second vial was boiling. She moved the paste in, waited just a second to put her two drops of the reaction agent in. Poof, a cloud a smoke dissipated and the red liquid in the vial was shining beautifully, "D-did I do good?" She asked worried.

  23. Itzal apologized to Vale quickly and gave her the much needed space she required. She wasn't overly touchy feely with her Fiancee, so having some stranger touch her it slowly started to stress her out. Feelings came rushing back that she had for Yukino and it was beginning to itch under her skin, so much so that goosebumps were starting to form on her exposed define biceps and triceps. A very light shiver shot down her spine causing her to shift slightly due to the discomfort of it. The dragon seemed to recognize the situation pretty quickly, it then licked Vale's face and perched itself ontop of her head as if to be a standing guardian over her or something, "I appreciate the sentiment don't get me wrong. But I was never a touchy feely kind of person. Well... not in the romantic or feelings kind of sense." She tried to loosely explain to Itzal.

    He quickly tried to change the subject so that it was more of an uplifting mood to it, but the damage on the original mood had been done. It would take a small amount of time to get away from the awkward stirring feeling in the air. He explained that he would be able to help her more directly understand the ropes in how the system worked, but the words about coding flew right over her head, "I am unfortunate to say that I was never really big into computers. Honestly this is my first game ever played, I've never even owned a computer. The few things i remember from school, are Training, Chemistry, and... well you know who.. without knowing her name." She informed him, "I know coding is a computer term, I don't understand it though... It'd probably be pointless to try and explain the idea of advanced processing and I don't even know what noob means." She tried to follow along in changing the topic to the best of her ability.

    She dropped her hand to bring the system menu, but the only thing she knew how to do with it was summon the inventory which her fiancee had shown her how to do, "I happened to grab a quest in this area. Something called Long Live the Queen? Having to defeat a Wasp Queen or something of the sort, I am not honestly sure how, why, or what to do in order to meet the criteria. I'm just trying to adapt and learn on the fly as I go." Vale seemed focus into reading after she summoned the paper with the information regarding the quest she was explaining. Since Itzal seemed eager to help her understand everything, Vale hoped that he would immediately begin to chime in and help her understand.

  24. Vale was having a rather difficult time pinning down just the kind of personality Dominion had, the man flip flopped in mood faster than she could honestly comprehend. It was as if nothing seemed to stick to his personality. But, the gloomy attitude was dissipated in an instant, she really didn't want to be dealing with anyone in a sour puss mood, especially over her words which were obviously sarcastic at their core. Then him threw Vale yet another curveball, turns out the man actually did partake in martial arts yet he hadn't acquired the skill here in Aincrad. She was pretty much completely stumped at this point, she wasn't one to give up, but the man was making it difficult to figure out how to act around him.

    Dominion seemed pretty apt to the idea of going to the tavern, he specifically wanted a drink that they served. Based on his words and emphasis, it turned out their green tea was a really well known commodity. Vale hadn't the slightest of clues to what any store sells or anything else of that sort, all she had to get her through was the limited amount of bread and water she had at her disposal as she tried to mentally cope with everything attacking her mental psyche at the same time. She didn't have a single bit of currency to her name, so she wouldn't be able to order food or drink, but she could entertain the man for awhile before she went on her questing venture. She reached down and put the water back in her inventory and moved the papers into the inventory too, all of them dematerializing and disappearing, "Well. It really is all quest stuff. And if you don't mind my company, I could atleast sit at you with the table if you want to know about my fights I am willing to share a story or two." She iterated carefully to keep the point of the message thorough with him.

    Vale mentally facepalmed herself when the man asked what a National Tournament. It was becoming apparent to her, that this man trained outside organized systems. This would end up being a pretty long day with him, so she might as well get comfortable with his presence, "I'll explain that in a bit. And to answer your question, I haven't a clue I was looking through a few and decided to take a food and drink break. I honestly had just got started since I woke up about thirty minutes before you arrived." She answered him honestly. After everything was moved to her inventory she did a quick and precise one eighty spin to be ready to follow him, "If you do mind me joining you I can leave you be." She left the option to Dominion ultimately whether or not she stayed or went and did her own business.

  25. She completely understood his feeling on wanting to achieve the best that they could possibly achieve when it came to fighting. It was what she employed on herself in the real world, and something she strived to reach on the daily. And it made sense that Itzal wanted to stray away from letting the system work with the bare minimum, he wanted the full experience when it came to learning to do things the correct way. She could understand, she listened carefully when he was explaining about technique he and his friend had adapted, Vale also didn't care too much about the idea's of claws until she thought about how it would look as a Neko girl. She pinned the thought in the back of her head cause it made her a happy camper.

    Itzal asked a question that Vale would just simply be unable to answer in any sort of sense, but one specific thing came to mind. She cleared her throat, "Well you want to utilize martial arts to improve on your weapon, which is a one handed sword. The only martial arts I am versed enough in is Kendo which is more about the two-handed katana. But I can't teach you in that since the two Martial Arts I know is Muai Thai and Boxing. Four time National Champion in Muai Thai, and two time Regional Champion in Boxing, placed second in the Nationals for Boxing. The girl I was up against anticipated my fake left hook and got me with her left straight." Vale would slowly turn her explaination into a story from one of her own fights. She shook her head for a second, "That's a conversation for another time. I can help facilitate, but I'm trained enough to be a Master and able to teach others in both of my versed styles." She explained, "If you want tips in the future, I can do what I can."

    The long winded explanation of her fiancee's death seemed to trigger something in Itzal's mind. As the young man stopped dead in his tracks, Vale turned her attention to him to notice that tears were beginning to bead in his eyes. He opened his arms and walked over to give her a hug, immediately she felt extremely uncomfortable, "I told you because I'm just a truthful person. I wasn't trying to make you cry... I'm not good at this physical affection thing." Her hand was placed on his shoulder slightly pushing him away. The dragon happened to crawl onto her should and show some affection of it's own, "Honestly I'm okay. I've spent my time coping with it... It's time for me to move on and begin walking my own path. B-But thank you for the worry." She slightly stuttered as a blush was coming to her cheeks, she was used to throwing fists in this close quarters distance with another person. She wasn't used to physical affection at all.

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