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Posts posted by Vale

  1. Vale didn't take long to rush over to the shop that was in the description, by this point the sun was cascading over the horizon. The lights on the street were beginning to activate to keep the illumination up so people were able to traverse through the town regardless of what time of day it was. After following the winding path she took to reach the front gate of town she made it back to Zakariah's shop. She pushed on the door and it slowly opened, "H-Hello! It's me again, I've collected the materials you asked for!" She shouted out hoping not to be a bother to the man.

    "Well, you accomplished that faster than almost everyone else who has waltzed into my shop." Zakariah stated as he came out from behind the same wall as before when she first entered.

    Vale smiled widely and completely entered the building letting the door shut behind her, "Thank you! I was determined, the idea of making potions was always a fascinating one to me. So I was pretty eager to learn from you Sir." She complimented him and displayed her excitement for achieving the first portion of the quest.

  2. it quickly became apparent that Dominion was not the most keen on being able to figure out what is sarcasm and what is not, She move her hands forward trying to calm him down for the moment, "Relax Dominion... I was joking. That's just a stack of quests from the Job Board here in town. I was trying to figure out what is a good path of quests to take and learn. I have nothing serious that I am dealing with right now." She expressed with the absolute intent to get the actual meaning across, Vale was about to continue expressing how he misinterpretted her words and actions but he followed up with something incredibly intriguing.

    "You want to know, about the fights I have been in... In the real world? I thought you honestly didn't know anything about Martial Arts?" She asked with a strange curiosity. Dominion was beginning to confuse Vale at this point, she didn't know what was his angle or desire. She had become pretty good at reading body language due to having to react to the slightest body movement from the number of fights she had been in, "I mean. If you're honestly interested I could tell you about some of the fights I have been in. Trying to fight in National Tournaments is pretty daunting." She expressed to him. Returning to her relaxed pose, "I mean personally I'd rather not talk about my fights in the middle of the town plaza." She informed him, hoping it would get her out of the sitting heat of the sun.

  3. Vale was paying pretty close attention to Itzal, she mentally noted every single muscle movement which was rather customary from her Martial Arts history. She was rather certain there was something she said that was causing him to squirm ever so slightly. When she made mention of knowing very little of the idea of video gaming, the young man didn't hesitate to being his spiel trying to explain it. Somehow it seemed as though it was an escape from whatever it may be that was gnawing at him, she decided to comply and pay more attention to what she would say to figure out exactly what it was that bothered him. But those thoughts were for another time. She was interested in what he had to say since it was a matter of life or death in this world.

    She awaited for him to finish his spiel about Mitigation, Sword Arts, and a variety of other things. Once he explained what he was after in the Martial Arts skill, it felt like an appropriate time to chime in, "So you, I am assuming you have a lot more experience in this world. Want me to teach you the true basics of Martial Arts?" She asked inquisitively. Vale looked forward down the path, "I doubt there is much I can teach you that this world can't already teach you. From what I can gather is that this world... or whatever it is video gamers call it... assist you in doing what you need anyways." She followed up. Shifting her eyes back over to Itzal, "But it also depends on what style of Martial Arts is more akin to you... Anyone can learn anything. But ultimately Martial Arts is about what feels natural. If it doesn't feel natural, then it is probably the wrong style for you." She explained further in detail, thinking that might help appease his curiosity for learning Martial Arts in general.

    It was rather impressive in her mind that he was able to keep up with two separate conversations at the same time with the same person. Vale wasn't the most keen on males in general, something about his height really dissipated her perception of guys towards him. He changed the topic from the environmental beauty to his goals and achievements. And what she feared having to answer was shifted toward her, unfortunately Vale wasn't much one for trying to hide by deceit. She took a deep breath, then sighed slowly probably nabbing the attention of the dragon. She shifted her gaze back to Velnia, and began scratching the underside of the chin of the Dragon once again, "My aspirations? My goals for achieveing?" She smiled sullenly, "Originally they were for making my marriage with my best friend work. Trying to learn what she liked since she spent all our school life trying to interest herself in what I loved." Her chipper demeanor quickly vanished at this point in her words, she took a slight gasp which would seem unusual for someone with her ego and natural personality. Quickly she bit the side of her lip, "When she learned we would be trapped. She couldn't handle the pressure... I mean she never could... And instead of trying to work on it with me." Her smile was disappearing at this point, "She hopped off the edge." She finished, turning to look at Itzal tears beginning to bead at the corners of her eyes, "I can't honestly answer that question."


  4. ID: 77537 | LD: 19 (Material Found) | 5/5 Materials Found.

    Vale stood up brushing off her knee's to get the grass off of the black latex skin tight leggings. She peered out over the hill, and she saw exactly what she wanted. There was a Material where she had found her first one, Vale distinctly remembered checking the tree that was within a few moments walk away from the town being the first she found. Quickly she darted forward happy and excited all at the same time. It was a small run but she skid to a halt standing infront of the last herb she would require for the quest details.

    She knelt down and carefully picked the herb up, watching it dematerialize and the particles flowing their way into her inventory. A wide smile was concocted on her face as the quest tracker on the right of the HUD flashed green and the message changed to "Return to Zakariah". The dark skinned girl hopped up, "Huzzah! I can finally start the next part of the quest!" She exclaimed in sheer excitement. Vale was extremely exstatic over the fact she had only completed a portion of the first quest she had ever taken, "Man I never would have thought small achievements like this would be so exhiliarting." Vale realized as she turned back toward the Town and made her way forward.

  5. ID: 77537 | LD: 6 (No Material Found) | 4/5 Materials Found.

    The dark skinned girl never gave way in her determination to find that final material she needed to appease portions of the quest. She continuously and relentlessly looking through every single bush, tree, nook, cranny she came across. But still, Vale was finding that the last thing needed always seemed like it was the hardest to obtain. Slightly frazzled over the lack of materials found over the past hour, she huffed. Vale dropped her right hand to summon the system menu, quickly she withdrew a water from her inventory. Appearing in a cup in her hand ready to be drank from.

    Vale chose a nice hill to sit down upon her knees and sip on the water. The bright blue sky was beginning to take on the orangish hue signifying that the day was slowly coming to a close, "I don't care if it gets dark. I'm going to find this last material. I can worry about sleep at a later time." She didn't want to admit outloud that the chemistry was one of her favorite classes in school, and the idea of mixing herbal ingredients to create potions was honestly an exciting idea to her. Once she finished her water, she placed the cup forward and watched as it dematerialized and entered her inventory as the materials had done before.

  6. When he put his hand in for the handshake, she noticed there was no feeling to be had at all. She looked at his muscles and saw him putting no strain or effort into it, to this her mouth noticably shifted. She flicked her eyes back up to look at him, listening to him ask about the Martial Artist code put a little bit of disappointment deep down. Vale thought she had met another person from the real world who had a history of Martial Arts, but it was not the case. He even proved it with his statement on the Martial Arts Skill, as though it were something within this world. She placed her fist in front of her mouth and lightly cleared her throat, "It's okay Dominion, we're all human. We're prone to make mistakes." She commented.

    When he asked about her living quarters she pulled her arms up a little bit as if to jokingly cover over herself, "Why do you ask? Are you having thoughts pop into your head?" Vale teased. Before he could apologize or anything, she reassumed a relaxed stance, with one hand on her hip and the over laying limp to her side, "I'm joking. But no, I have no living quarters and there is a reason why I haven't exactly interacted with anyone in this world just yet. I finally got tired of doing what I was before this." She stated honestly.

    Dominion would change his attention to focus on the papers, all she could think was that this man was much akin to a squirrel. The smallest thing could take his attention away and it would be rather difficult to get back on topic so she decided to follow suite. She shifted her body backwards resting her weight on her left leg as it stood behind her right, "Well aren't you an inquisitive one. Getting nosey in my business I see." She chuckled, making this attempt at teasing him a bit more obvious, "And what if it is private information that I don't want shared?" She faked wiping a tear from her eye to emphasize how she felt about the situation.

  7. ID: 77537 | LD: 10 (No Material Found) | 4/5 Materials Found.

    The harder Vale seemed to search for materials since she only needed one more, the more difficult it seemed to be coming across them. She wasn't even sure just how long she was out in the wilderness. She dropped her hand to see what time it was, her eyes stared blankly as the realization of a few hours having elapsed for her to find five pesky materials. She sighed as she planted her fists on her hips, "Well this is certainly a buzz kill if I do say so myself." She commented, with her obvious distaste of how the system was treating this.

    Vale continued to look through the small amount of bushes, atop the tree's and various other places. She could feel the sweat run down her body from the amount of moving she had been doing on a consistent basis, but she didn't feel the fatigue she was used to when doing extrenuous work like that. She was slightly adapting to this world without exactly realizing it, but she was aware of just how different the flow and feel this game had on her body than the real world did.

  8. (Could you please stop doing the @vale at the end of each of the posts. It notifies me anyways. The @ just does it twice. Thank you.)

    Velnia seemed completely content in her arms, it almost made Vale want a little pet of her own. She couldn't help that cute things were one of her weakest points even though she had pretty hard nature towards others. She walked in stride next to the shorter man, she couldn't exact guage how old he was, mostly due to the fact that Vale didn't surround herself with many short men. He started going on a spiel about specifics about the game that managed to fly right over her head. She turned to look at him blankly, unsure of how to comment.

    Once Itzal had finished speaking she commented, "I've never been big into games... I mostly attended Martial Arts tournaments in the real world. I originally joined this game because my finacee got big into games and this was her proposal gift to me." She explained to him, she slyly bit her lip, but it would have been easily noticable had the young man been paying attention to her facial actions. After a brief second she continued, "So I don't exactly know what you mean about Mitigation or Monsters or anything of that nature. But I understand what you mean about getting accustomed to the fluidity of this game. I feel like I glide so much easier in here than I do in the real world. And I was a multi Nationals Martial Arts Tournament winner." Her execution of the words she said and the confidence and relaxed nature behind it made it very apparent that she wasn't lying about anything she spoke of.

    She flicked her eyes up looking down the path they were walking, the way the sun glistened through the tree's made the area around them seem practically natural. She smiled again, thinking about how beautiful of a scenery she got to encounter instead of following her fiancee over the edge, "It's still remarkable just how amazing this world looks. I've never been in the wilderness so this is a completely new feeling. I'm very happy I chose to stay, and meet this precious little one." She exclaimed while she nuzzled her head up against the dragon, a small "Nyaaan" could be heard coming from her as she was just infatuated with the dragon.

  9. Vale watched as he stepped back after her retort and promptly did a bow, this was no ordinary bow normally accustomed in japanese culture. The way he held his hands, it was a clear indication of his Martial Arts background, it was a habit that one cannot break free from without constant awareness to it. She grinned as he placed his hands back in his pocket and slouched his body, 'So, he is well aware of Martial Arts. And the fact he introduces himself as a Monk is another factor.' She thought to herself just before he continued.

    Vale would patiently wait for him to ask everything he had to say. She would then and stand up promptly, formally bowing him in much the same way in a courteous manner. After she finished her bow she rested her arms just under her chest as what felt most comfortable to do, "You take my words far too seriously Dominion. But some could take the gesture as a meaning of ulterior motives, which I am fairly certain you didn't know could happen." She commented, chuckling once again, "And furthermore, I never said you're undeserving of getting my name. But the correct course of action is to always give ones own name first before asking for another. Isn't that standard of a Martial Artist code?" She followed up ask.

    Before he could say another word she would interrupt, "And the name is Vale. Tis a pleasure to meet you." She smiled sweetly as she extended a hand to shake his. She wanted to know just how extensive his background was, and most could be learned through the simple act of shaking one anothers hand. If Dominion were to grab hold of hers, he would immediately feel the tight squeeze as was customary of her. If he were to not accept her handshake, she would simply return it to under her bosom as she would regardless after said handshake.

  10. ID: 77531 | LD: 13 (Material Found) [Quest LD] | 4/5 Materials Found.

    Vale continued forward, being mindful of her surroundings at all times. Everytime she came up near wolves and boars she slowed her pace to a halt a decent distance back. Paying attention to their moving patterns. She watched as other players who ventured too close regardless of the creatures looking in their direction would have the creatures turn directly toward them and attack as if commanded to, 'Hm, so it seems the creatures attack based on zoning and not actual line of sight. I should probably pay attention to their moving patterns.'  She would think as she continued to move.

    Vale would approach another ground of monsters that were standing around an herb, a group of players decided to charge at the creatures collecting all their attentions. Vale nodded using this as ample time to rush for the material. After reaching it, she noticed that none of the players seemed to care about the material sitting there. They were more interested in fighting the boars and wolves than collecting flowers, "Well that's pretty helpful." She said under her breath and continued forward in pursuit of the next material.

  11. Vale looked down at Velnia and showed a sweet and sullen smile, letting the dragon play with her hair as the little creature pleased. The tall dark skinned girl seemed as though new people and things weren't exactly an odd occurance. As the little creature laid in her bucketed arms she saw the man who identified himself as Itzal extend a hand for a handshake, "Sometimes two people going the same direciton isn't exactly traveling the same path." She commented, quickly afterwards though she lifted her head and kept the sweet smile, "But Velnia here is far too adorable for me to refuse having the added company. I would shake your hand, but this little one is just too precious." She followed up saying, moving her hand that rest underneath the front side of Velnia to scratch the underside of the dragon's chin.

    Even though her physical attention turned to the dragon while trying her best to keep her little nuansces to herself, "It is a pleasure to meet the two of you, my name is Um..... Vale." She almost let her real name slip, but she remembered how much Yukino expressed the need to keep your true name hidden in virutal games and video games. There were strange people in the world, and Vale hadn't exactly gotten the hang of withholding information. She turned around and began to walk, albeit there was an obvious and very natural strut to her walk due to how she took care of her physical health.

    While walking away from Itzal, assuming the man would follow due to her holding the little whelpling, letting the dragon continuously bat at her luscious and long hair. She turned to look at the man, "So what brings you to the second floor? Based on how you hold yourself and the style of movement I heard, you've become pretty accustomed to this world." She stated her observation, paying attention for the slight body movements that would indicate natural attitude toward her. Vale had utilized the same skill set to recognize that the little dragon that now laid in her arms had no hostile nature towards her.

  12. ID; 77530 | LD: 11 (Material Found) [Quest LD] | 3/5 Materials Found.

    Just as she was about to leave the area she was in, she noticed a blue glow not too far infront of her. There another herb almost instantly grew in front of her eyes. The entire herb glowed a mere second later, blooming as to show it was ready to be harvested. squating down to the point her knees were practically level with her chest, she plucked the herb from the ground without any effort really put forth into it. Almost instantly the material dissipated and the fragments flew into her left hand. 

    Satisfied with the fact the material practically fell into her lap in a figurative manner, she turned and left the area. She had come to realize each area down here near the first town had one material per some odd number of square feet that she hadn't exactly pinpointed. She just went far enough that felt like was an acceptable distance to being searching around the limited foliage of the plains. She had a slight hop in her step as she became more content with the idea of how this world happened to work.

  13. ID: 77529 | LD 8 (No Material Found) | 2/5 Materials Found.

    Vale allowed the material to materialize itself into her inventory. The guy immediately began to shout and yell at her in anger. She simply put her pinky in her ear acting as though she was trying to clean it out with the eye on the same side closed, "All I hear was I wasn't fast enough and that I want to complain." She retorted to his words. Then turned around and walked away without giving a single care as to what else he was saying.

    Vale had her guard up just incase the man attempted to start anything with her, but she could hear him storm off screaming obscenities in frustration. She tried her best to contain her laughter until she got far enough away. While trying to look for more herbs she had a hard time focusing while she let out the laugh she was withholding, "What a coward. He wouldn't even fight for what he wants. He probably didn't need the material that bad then." She convinced herself. After finding no materials near by, she sauntered forward trying to keep her mind mostly on target.

  14. ID: 77526 | LD 15 (Material Found) | 2/5 Materials Found.

    After awhile of looking through her skills menu, she felt she had a sufficient enough of an idea to know what she wanted to do with her places. She looked around and realized she was beginning to procrastinate due to lack of finding materials. She took a deep breath and stretched as much as she could to the point she was standing on her tippy toes. Finishing her stretch, Vale looks off in the distance to see an herb growing out of the ground at rapid rates.

    She stared in confusion at first, but after a moment it flashed a bright blue, "This world just recreated an herb in a matter of seconds." Her eyes flicked over to a man who noticed the material reform then begin strolling over to it. She realized that with the scarce amount of materials that exist in this floor, she couldn't hesitate. She had to beat this man to the punch, quickly she darted forward at intense speeds. She felt as though she was moving far swifter in this world than she did in the real world. By the time the man reached the herb, Vale slid and snatched it out away just before his hand could touch it.

  15. The dark skinned girl hadn't made it half way through her bread before she heard an unfamiliar voice. The concept wasn't uncommon, she only knew of a single person when entering this world. And said person had decided to jump over the ledge of Aincrad with the inability to cope with the idea of being in this world, regardless of whom she was with. Vale flicked her eyes to look at the tall blonde man, carefully tracing his body up until her eyes met his face, she wasn't sure what his purpose of confronting her was particularly, she just had an assumption.

    Vale began processing what he had asked, she moved her attention to her own handwraps that she was allowed to design onto herself just before entering the game. She moved her left hand to her right handwrap adjusting one of the bands to tighten it, "Don't you think it is rather rude to approach an unsuspecting woman completely out of the blue. Then begin commenting on her attire." Her voice was somewhat shrew as she grinned, "And ontop of that, have the audacity to ask for her name before even giving out your own." She followed up as she moved her deep velvet eyes attaching the gaze directly to his, "Personally I think it might be." She was attempting to hold back a chuckle.

    She moved her left arm on top of the bench's back to get a more relaxed position. The man obviously had a want to talk to her so she would entertain the idea of talking to a complete stranger. She wasn't exactly new to talking to complete strangers, Vale did so all throughout her life due to her exceeding confidence. While awaiting for him to respond she moved the bread that rest in her right hand moving it into her mouth in a rather adorable manner, taking a small bite and chewing on it. All the while never breaking the eye lock she had on his, attempting to add a layer of uncomfortability to the unsuspecting man of her nature.

  16. Vale took to jogging after she felt content with looking at the absolutely stunning view that resided on the top of that mountain. This world didn't seem to cause her any fear like most would, she seemed to be more excited about this world with each little nuance she came across. And so far the scenary was absolutely unmatched in it's entirety. A decent distance in her jog she heard a sound she honestly wasn't hoping to hear, the sound of something in the tree's. She knew she was fast enough to stay out of harms way for the most part, and she put the thought of something catching her completely out of her head.

    Her velvet eyes became surprised when the idea of something catching up to her actually came to fruition. She stared a small little purple dragon in the eyes, a natural instinct would be to run, but for whatever reason she wasn't getting a feeling of hostility from the little dragon. Instead of running, the dark skinned girl decided to stand her ground and investigate what this little thing wanted. The little dragon reached out it's neck and licked Vale in the face, the girl giggled, "Oh aren't you just a treasure."  Vale reached her hand out to gentally pet the creature should it allow it. Hoping to get on it's good side. It wasn't too long after that she heard a male voice.

    She turned expecting to see a taller man, much to her surprise she had to aim her gaze in a downward angle to get a good view of the man. It was at that moment that the Dragon began circling around her entire body at speeds she was even having a hard time keeping up with. This speed was shocking to say the least due to her fighting history, she normally could keep up with some muscle twitches and quick jerk movements, but she actually wasn't able to keep up with the little guy. After the man finished speaking, Vale retorted, "So a random stranger just wants to join a wayward girl in the middle of the wilderness?" Her sass could be easily evident as she placed her arms under her bosom to make a resting place for the dragon, "Ontop of that, he won't even start by sharing his name?" He followed up quickly to try and itch under the man's skin, her grin would be seen for miles. Her pearly whites easily noticable due to the contrast in the color of her skin.

  17. Vale sat on the first bench as she held a few papers in her hands, she was contemplating the next quest in the mass amount there were to take. The first time she looked over the quest board carefully trying to figure out what idea's to look into. This time she somewhat grabbed one of everything to keep with her incase she wanted to do a quest at a single whim. She had a stack on the side of her since there wasn't much of a breeze, she didn't really worry about what the papers might do. The dark skinned girl stretched her arms up after awhile of reading, her toned body easily defined by the skin tight black attire she was wearing, the scarf around her neck and arm wraps helped take some of the attention away from her body, or so she hoped.

    After she brought her hands down from stretching, she leaned back into the bench to stare at the beautiful blue sky, "I am still having a hard time truly believing that this world is my new reality. If only Yokino would have just been patient and stared at this afternoon sky. Maybe things would have been different." She spoke sullenly to herself. Unlike Yokino, Vale always tried to see the beauty in all things, she always had an appreciation for the little things in life. She was beginning to get ancy though from all the reading she had been doing she honestly just wanted something to eat. She didn't exactly want the bread that was in her inventory, but she didn't have any other options.

    Without a second thought after thinking it was time to eat, she pulled out her inventory and withdrew one of the starting bread items and water items that all beginners start with. Instantly they materialized in her hand. She set the cup the water spawned in down ontop of the papers incase any wind were to roll through, "Itadakimatsu." She said quietly to herself then took a bite of her bread. Somewhat disappointed in the lack of flavor it had, but that didn't matter. She had a solution to her hunger situation at the moment.

  18. Vale hadn't taken too long to stroll through the teleportation gate to find her way onto the second floor. She was already entrenched with the idea of seeing every aspect this game had to offer. And one of the more intriguing ones was getting to see the vast differences between all the floors. She already noticed immediately the theme of the second floor, "A forest, that could pose troublesome at times. I hope running stamina translates from the real world to here. I don't see many people being able to keep up with me step for step." She muttered to herself as she began to stroll out into the wilderness from the town entrance.

    Her scarf moved ever so slightly in the breeze, her black skin sleeveless tight attire made it pretty easy to walk and run without any hinderance. Vale often readjusted the arm wraps that she was wearing. Every now and again she would begin to feel them loosening, "It would be pretty beneficial to get legitamate arm wraps to fight with. This cloth would not hold up well if I were to get in a small scrap." She monologued. The dark skinned girl kept her attention up at all times, she was constantly looking up, behind, to her sides, and around while she sauntered down the winding pathway.

    She couldn't help but admire how the tree's grew around. It wasn't too long before Vale realized that this floor wasn't just forests as she came up to an edge of the mountainside the primary town resided on, "Oh... This is a mountainous region as well. I definitely wasn't expecting that." She placed her hand on her hip and the other upon her chin as she thought about how much different this world truly was to the town of Osaka where she originated from.

  19. ID: 77506 | LD 8 (No Material Found) | 1/5 Materials Found.

    Even though Vale found herself getting further away from town, the results weren't exactly changing much. She noticed many of the same type of flowers sitting about, none of which when she tried to pick earlier were of any use. Maybe she was lacking something in the system to increase her odds of finding certain material, or if those flowers required a particular skill level in order to increase her chances of getting a material from said flowers. Neither of the thoughts were helpful at this current moment.

    Instead of getting discouraged, she continued forth with her search for materials. She wasn't going to let some pesky system stop her from achieving her goal. She opened her menu and sifted over to the skills screen, immediately she began planning her skills so she would effectively make the most of every situation she would get herself in within the near future. She didn't like being surprised or being unprepared for any situation.

  20. ID: 77505 | LD: 4 (No Material Found) | 1/5 Materials Found.

    The task she was sent on to do wasn't too overly difficult, and in not much time spent she happened to already locate a material, "I swear this game doesn't have many materials lying around... That or it runs on some specific kind of system or something." She muttered after having gotten up from her very slight break to continue the search. It didn't really seem like it mattered where she looked, it was as if the floor had already been reaped of all the rewards it could have possibly offered. Nevertheless it didn't deter her in the slightest.

    Without thinking too much into it, she decided to change location. She wasn't sure if it was due to her distance from the entrance of the town or not, but was beginning to think that the closest area to the town was still being cleaned out. There were still a vast number of other players that could be seen trying to fight boars and the likes. She had a feeling of excitement when it came to the thought of fighting, but ultimately she was content with taking things slow for the moment and learning the ropes before diving neck deep into this world.

  21. .ID: 77504 | LD: 17 (Material Found) | 1/5 Materials Found.

    It didn't take too long before Vale noticed a pattern in what she could grab and what she couldn't. She plucked a couple taller stemmed flowers and they didn't dissipate into data fragments. Infact a message appeared infront of her indicating that she had collected a material, and a quest tracker immediately appeared on her visual HUD. she blinked and began looking around her view, it was the first time she noticed that she had a time tracker in the upper right, it was becoming a lot in a single moment.

    After a moment the dark skinned girl blinked and sat upon her rump on the ground, "Man this world is a bit intense. I thought fighting someone for tournaments was a thrilling experience. But learning the nuances of this world is almost as exhiliarting." She blinked as she watch the herb turn into data patricles, but instead of evaporating it followed a specific path disappearing into her hand. Confused she moved her hand in the specific direction to open the menu. She moved her hand around until she found the inventory and there she saw her material count was increased by one, "Intruiging. Well now I know where to look if I want to know how many materials I've collected." She chuckled to herself with a sullen smile.

  22. ID: 77503 | LD: 5 (No Material Found)

    Vale quickly found herself amazed by the hyper detail of the wilderness. It was almost as if she stepped into a completely different universe from the Town she was just in. The Town was completely conglomerated with tall buildings, shops, people, a multitude of things. The outskirts were completely hill and plain, a lush green, it was simply astounding to the dark skinned girl. She shook her head and patted her face, she was beginning to lose focus in what she was originally out here to do.

    After patting her face, she began looking around and realizing how little amount of flowers she saw in her surrounding area. Vale took some time peering into the limited amount of bushes in the area. Whenever she'd come across a flower, she would attempt to pick it but it would immediately dissipate into data fragments, "Well... I thought this would be easy. But this is a little more frustrating than originally anticipated." He then stood back up and dusted off her knee's then continued forward looking for the herbs she was after to appease the aspect of the quest.

  23. The slightly dark skinned girl quickly found herself having a different pep in her step. She was no longer feeling conscious over her choice of cloth appearance. Vale happened to be very proud of her bodily look, and her change in mentality had much in regard to the sudden changes in her life. Yet, she knew deep down her insecurities wouldn't hold her down. Vale didn't even realize the quickness she had, she wasn't exactly walking slow infact her stride was noticed by others attempting to try and stand out of her way.

    Not much time had elapsed before the long purple haired girl found the destination that she desired. The giant doors that lead her outside into the wildeness. She had admitted that she hadn't ventured out, but a small smile was residing on her face. She didn't want to be held back by the feeling of despair, Vale was determined to make the best of her situation. She wasn't sure how long she would be trapped in this world, or if she would ever happen to see Yukino again.

    Vale took this moment to look at her finger where her engagement ring would sit. The game couldn't process the ring she had put on just before placing the headset on her head. Staring at her hand she slowly grasped it and clenched it tight, "I'll succeed, no matter what." He turned her gaze back up and strolled out of the doors without a second thought.

  24. "Well, not too many adventurers come in here with a kind attitude like that. Well I can most certainly teach you the basic's of creating potions. But first I'm going to need some herbs from outside of town."  His gentle voice again etching into her ears. It was a rather endearing feeling for Vale, she wasn't sure how the idea of NPC's worked. All she knew was in the other world, this man did not exist, and the fact he has a personality and a specific voice. It practically dazzeled her, she had no idea this kind of thing was even possible.

    'I see why Yokino now had such an interest into video games. The fact that this man is completely unique itself is a marvel.' She thought to herself. Vale slowly pulled herself up and placed her hands on her hips, "I've never actually ventured out side of town." She admitted, but there happened to be no shred of guilt or second thought about it, "But at some point I feel like I will absolutely need to venture out. So I'll go ahead and collect these herbs you're asking of." Vale followed up quickly with an inkling of determination filling her.

    Zakariah smile, "Now that would be lovely. If you could fetch five different herbs we can get started." He informed the long haired purple girl, then turned around to get back to his work with his own material and items.

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