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Posts posted by Vale

  1. As she was ready to retract her left arm from the punch she delivered, Vale took her knee and slammed it into the rock. It was like it could be felt in the wind, as it was the first time the Master of the Rock opened his eyes to witness the devastating force of her knee. He grinned slightly even though she couldn't see, he was rather impressed that she was so focused and was able to inflict damage to the rock three straight times. Her determination could be felt from where he was sitting. He slowly closed his eyes again, and feel the actions of her against the rock through the wind as he had done before.

    ID: 77800 | BD: 7 (Hit)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 40/50 (Base 1 + 1 Unarmed damage + 1 Potion)

  2. After the right straight connected, she decided to tone down the force of her next strike. Quickly she launched a left hook at the rock, pulling her right fist back to allow natural flow of motion to take over. Upon the left hook landing, she noticed the health bar of the rock diminish even more. She was feeling the groove already, the journey of a thousands steps or a thousand punches in this case. Had only just begun. Her eyes focused on the rock, she needed to be clear and concise with every single body movement, or so her Sensei had taught her in the real world. But, he was not here in Aincrad, she could only remember the words he said.

    ID: 77795 | BD: 7 (Hit)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 43/50 (Base 1 + 1 Unarmed damage + 1 Potion)

  3. A deep breath as she prepped for a right straight punch, she shifted her body to fit the stance of of right straight punch. Her left fist still up against the rocks surface, as her body fit completely in position to strike the rock another breath was taken. Her eyes opened and with that the full focused force of her right fist collided with the rock, immediately a health bar appeared just above where her fist struck and she could see the bar deplete ever so slightly. She grinned, learning that this was not a matter of how hard you could attack, but about how patient and determined she was.

    ID: 77794 | BD: 9 (Crit)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 46/50 (Base 1 + 1 Unarmed damage + 1 Potion + 1 Crit)

  4. Vale walked up and punched the rock, immediately her thought was regret as she didn't put her whole heart into the punch. She was more so testing the waters with her lightly used fist. She needed to know just how hard she could punch the rock to conserve energy but at the same time deliver as many punches to the rocks surface as possible. It was a careful balancing act that Vale had to undergo, and she knew that the master would be paying attention for every single muscle movement and action that she would possibly do. She knew this was a test from the beginning and needed to take the negative thoughts out of her mind.

    ID: 77793 | BD: 2 (Miss)

    Breaking the Unbreakable Rock: 50/50 HP

  5. Vale entered to see an old man meditating. The creaking door allowed the man to be aware of the presence of the dark skinned girl, without opening his eyes he spoke to her, "Ah young lass. You're here to learn the ways of the fist." It sounded as though it was a statement that should be a question, but both Vale and the man knew this wasn't the case, "You already know how to use your fists... Without opening an eye, I know you can use your knee's and elbows efficiently aswell." His clairvoyance was simply astounding to Vale. Not a word was spoken by her, not a motion made, and even with his eyes closed he knew she was already a Martial Artist at heart.

    Vale wanted to speak but the man interrupted her as she opened her mouth, "You need not share a word. Follow me and I'll show you what you must do to achieve what your heart desires most." He stood up without opening his eyes yet still, and promptly exited the back door. Without a word shared, she followed him through the back door. After a few minutes walk they arrived at a rock that stood in the pathway of going deeper into the mountain, "Destroy this you must. But you can only harm it with this." He swiftly darted past her at nearly blinding speed and with a paint brush drew whiskers on her face, "Now you may begin." He turned around to a meditating position once again. Vale took a potion out of her invetory and thought about Mr. Zakariah as she drank it.

  6. After another hour of pushing herself to the limit she could see the house in view up the very tall mountain path. She was too excited now, her breathing was starting to reach the point in the real world where she would slow her tempo to a jog. But since she was so close she decided to push herself to the limit for just a little while longer. As she reached the top of the mountain with the house but mere steps away, she dropped her hands to her knees and breathed heavily, "Time for a water break before I get started."

    Vale dropped her right hand to withdraw the inventory, and thusly pulled out another cup of water. She sat down upon her knees and took her time breathing and drinking inbetween breaths to maximize the recovery time of her physical stamina. She sat for roughly ten minutes to calming her mind and preparing herself for the task at hand to come. Once she felt comfortable enough, she get up off of her knee's dusted them off, then proceeded to enter the building.

  7. The forests that resided on the mountain's were absolutely marvelous to look at, she often caught her gaze coming off the path she was running to see the birds and bee's. She'd sometimes begin to stumble on her run and readjust her focus back on the path. It took a lot of concentration to prevent from taking her eyes away from the path, but whenever she'd see a cute little bunny or squirrel she'd immedaitely look. Sometimes she would even slow her pace during her run.

    Quickly though Vale would shake her head and focus on the winding path. After an hour straight of pure sprint running it was beginning to dawn on Vale that her stamina for running was vastly increased in this world, by this point she would have slowed to a jog. But in Aincrad she could keep going without even thinking about it. Grinning she upped her tempo trying her damnedest to reach the building where the NPC resided so she could start working on her Martial Arts skill.

  8. Vale could feel her entire body illuminate and shine blue, it was an insanely strange feeling for the first time. It started from her feet and built upward, enveloping every portion of her. It was intense to say the least. A moment later her vision completely became blue, then a moment after that she was in a completely different environment from before. It literally had transported her to a completely different place, Vale was absolutely astonished at how this worked. Teleportation gates were absolutely magnificent, and it was relatively quick and easy to boot.

    After a few seconds of getting her composure back, Vale dropped her right hand to bring up her map. She also brought back out the paper that had a sketched map of the land to draw out her path on the game's system map. After she drew the map she could see through the opaque screen that a small blue line appeared on the ground showing her the exact path that she would take. Without hesitation she put away both the map and the system map and started running the path.

  9. Vale stood infront of the Teleportation gate, in the Town of Beginnings. She had a paper in her hand that read about the Unbreakable stone that resided high in the mountain tops. There were a lot of notes put about on where exactly to go from the town of Urbus. So there wasn't much confusion to be had, now it was just about getting to the place in a single shot. Vale took the paper and returned it to her inventory, just as her guantlets came into her view she smiled sweetly, "These will help bridge the gap to break that rock Mr. Tealeaf. Thank you." She whispered to herself, clinched her fist and looked up at the Teleportation gate it was officially time to go forth with it.

    She had been desiring the Martial Arts skill, she coveted the idea of having it in this game since she was in love with Martial Arts in the real world too. She would need to practice fighting more mobs with these gauntlets once she was ready. But determination was sinking in deep within her, she wanted to get to it and unlock the skill. She noticed her skill points saved up specifically to be held for the Martial Arts skill. She wanted to get it as high level as she possibly could literally as fast as she could. Vale took a deep breath then continued forward to take the teleportation gate to the town of Urbus.

  10. (OOC: We've almost hit the minimum requirement for thread count. It is okay, let's finish this bad boy up.)

    Vale was rather pleased that Itzal decided to not only go alone with the topic change, but also to accept her want to have a fair trade. The Dark skinned girl had literally no idea just how powerful Itzal truly was, or how helpful Velnia would be in all of that. Itzal brought out a literal physical map to try and explain location wise, Vale was pretty impressed that the man took the game this seriously. Based on just how large the map is and comparing it to the size of the map in the system that they give. It really showed just how hard the young man had been working to improve himself in this world, there was no doubt about it he definitely had a lot of levels on her.

    Vale nodded, "You're right it is not that far at all, I'll let you lead the way. I'm pretty certain I can keep up with your movement speed." She mentioned, She looked down at the Dragon that had whistfully put itself to sleep on her arms, "Come here beautiful, wrap yourself around my neck. I know you're a fast one, but you look like you need a nap." She said in a sweet and gentle voice to the dragon, Vale gave it a light kiss on the head as she pulled her arms up to allow the dragon to find a comfortable way to attach itself to her. She knew she would need her arms to assist in her running and wanted to focus on the path they were to taking.

  11. Vale waltzed into a random tavern in the Town of Beginnings, her natural strut was easily apparent regardless of which direction someone were to view her. For once the tavern was rather busy, the only open table sat across from a red head sipping on something in a cup. Vale loosely shrugged as she decided to take the table without much of a second thought. Her purple scale gauntlets that were meticulously crafted by the Blacksmith Mr. Tealeaf for her were something of an honor to wear. After a moment of trying to get around some people and staff she managed to reach the small table for two, and promptly took the chance to sit.

    Instead of ordering food, she dropped her right hand in order to summon her inventory. She shifted the page to reach her consumables page and withdrew a water that was pre set inside of a cup. The waiters and waitresses noticed her do this, causing them a bit of grief as they knew she would be a pointless table to try to serve. Vale was honestly okay with the idea, she didn't feel like being in the sun any longer if she honestly didn't need to. She had just finished fighting boars to collect on the gauntlets she was so evidently proud of wearing.

    Even though there were easily thirty or more people taking up the tables in the tavern, it wasn't too overly loud in the building. Her ears visibly twitched as she heard a sentence that struck her as odd. Her eyes moved up to look at the man that sat the next table infront of her, it was the only direction she could tell the words came from. Her eyes never wavered, even if the man were to look at her since she had no reason to look away. She was positive that it was him that had said it, and she wanted to know if that was true. And if it was that man who said it, she wanted to know the underlying reasons of it.

  12. Vale could feel the legs of Mestophales losing their hold and grip, she slowly removed her mouth and head away from the beauty she had managed to get herself entertwined with. When the Catgirl made mention of the viewers they had managed to acquire, she turned to look at them and grinned, "Oh let them gawk, it's not like they've ever had the pleasure of being in a situation like this before." Her words were intent on sticking in the hearts of each men, some of them had a wide eyed expression which caused them to turn away and grumble. She had managed to make a few of them leave with just her words alone, but ultimately she pulled herself away from the pretty little kitty causing practically the rest of them to leave in a huff since they wanted to see far more.

    Her amethyst eyes flicked back to Miss Mestophales, she couldn't tell if the catgirl was able to notice the sweat build up on her body. The girl mentioned she did an eat and run yet awaited for the girl to finish everything she had to say, "Well if you manage to keep getting yourself in trouble like that, someone is going to need to punish you." She grinned retorting, "But I am feeling rather mischievious with you at the moment. I'll gladly join you, and cause a little bit of havoc about, who knows what we will get ourselves into." There was something about this girl that made Vale want to stick around her, and the Dark skinned girl knew exactly what the reason was.

    Vale turned to begin walking toward the main road away from where the onlookers were standing about, "So Miss Mestophales. What don't I know about you, which is a lot since we had a rather interesting meeting." Vale giggled, her cute laugh definitely didn't match the hard and sexy physique the Martial Artist had, "I'll share as well." She made sure to make mention, to try and entice the idea of getting more information out of the Neko by giving some of her own.

  13. Vale jumped ever so slightly in surprise, Dominion could have used enough force to launch out of his chair to even touch the ceiling. Why was the fact that she attended spectated events so crazy for him to understand, it was a rather common occurance in the real world, "I mean the highly spectated events usually happen between the ages of fourteen to twenty five. International Events are view worldwide... You could have Have multiple millions of people spectating a fight and they won't even be in the same country" She continued to elaborate. She was extremely curious how he would react to that statement.

    After the man had completely gained his composure back he started speaking on the styles of fighting he had been working on, including their appropriate naming which struck her as odd. It was becoming a little more believable that he had done much of what he said, since she didn't even know these styles of Martial Arts existed. Though some of his story still seemed farfetched, it was rather impressive that the blonde haired Monk truly did know what he was talking about. He even admitted that there was one style that he wasn't actively practicing for quite some time, "Well that's all pretty impressive to say the least." Vale commented.

    He turned around and asked another question, focusing specifically on her bodily physique, she brought her hands up to cover her chest, "Was that question just an excuse to gawk at me a bit." She chuckled, trying to poke fun at him. After a brief second of pretending to care about him staring at her she dropped her hands, "I honestly don't care, I'm well aware of how I look. Just don't make it a habit of staring blankly, it's rather uncouth." She chuckled again poking more fun at him. Once she stopped she finally responded, "I've been practicing Muai Thai since the age of six, and western boxing since the age of ten. My sensei was very particular about muscle conditioning and practice, I never regretted following his words to the exact detail. And it won me some National Tournaments, so that has to be something." She reached down for the cup of water once again just as she was about to bring it up, "So what was it like going from Country to country... What did each place look like?" She inquired, finally bringing said drink to her lips.

  14. Mr. Tealeaf started to swoon a bit feeling the embrace of a well build woman in all facets, "Oh you don't need to thank me for anything Lass, I need to thank you for giving me the chance to make these for you." He responded in kind and reciprocated in the hug. As Vale took her seat back, she looked up at Mr. Tealeaf as he cleared his throat, "At some point you need to come visit me again to tell me all the adventures these guantlets get to see. I know they're not the best, my muscles are not what they used to be." He admitted, but his smile never fading, "I hope you mantle them to remember where you started and where you end up."

    Vale was about to cry at this point, the man was sharing such wonderful feelings with her, "Of course I will Mr. Tealeaf, you and Mr. Zakariah have been nothing but kind and gracious. After everything that has happened, I am so happy to have had the chance to meet you." She couldn't hold back the tears as one began to stretch it's way down her face.

    As she wiped the tear from her eye the sound of an alarm went off, "Me too Ms. Vale." He responded, then stood up and acquired the gauntlets from the chamber they were placed. The guantlets that went in a steel gray, came out a vibrant amethyst purple with a crystalline shine to them, "May they serve you proudly, now go and enjoy your adventures." He finished as he handed her the guantlets. She nodded and took her leave as the emotions they shared were enough for the both of them to handle.

  15. Mr. Tealeaf laughed, "I can't have you walking around in bare gray items... It'd look terrible with your attire and physique. We need to extrenuate the colors of the items to a color pallet that suites you Milady." He thought about it and looked at her long luxurious hair color, "I think I know just what to do." He said to her with a smile. He took the gauntlets over to a long metal tube with a door on the edge of it. Mr. Tealeaf opened it up, then took a brush that was next to it, dipped it in some liquid and proceeded to cover the gloves in the liquid. After the gauntlets were coated in the liquid, he placed them inside then closed the door.

    He brushed his hands together, then walked over to sit next to Vale, "They'll need about twenty minutes and they'll be the perfect shade of purple to compliment those eyes and hair." He said in a sweet, gentle tone that caused Vale to blush ever so slightly.

    "Thank you so much, you didn't have to do any of that for me Mr. Tealeaf." She stood up and bowed graciously, "I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart, Thank you." Afterwards she reached out and gave him a hug.

  16. She had been sitting for a good fourty or so minutes, watching the man systemmatically hammer away at the metal. Often moving the thick piece of metal to the heat treatment  Just to bring it back out and hammer away at it again. Slowly the entire piece was beginning to take shape. i took the gruff Blacksmith a few more sheets of metal folded together to make the guantlet bendable. She could feel the sheer heat resonating within the building, the moisture in the air from the sweat coming off him. That fact didn't bother her in the slightest since this was for her sake.

    An hour later it was all coming together. Two silver gauntlets that matched each other identically, the dark skinned girl just wanted to smile. Just as she was about to get up to try and accept the items Mr. Tealeaf turned to her, "Alright, the base is done. Now it needs it's design and color." He blurted out while holding them up.

    Vale leaned back down into the chair, "What do you mean? Are they not done?" She asked with a twinge of curiosity to her voice. Vale was unaware that her finger was touching against her chin as she was more focused on the question.

  17. Vale was rather puzzled when Dominion wondered about sanctions and rules, it seemed to stumble him more than she would have anticipated. She took another sip of her water, "I can't tell you how many times I've had someone get super mad and want to take the fight to a deeper level. It happens, often actually. But when you're in these tournaments you're being watched by... hundreds... nay thousands of people. Composure is almost more important that the fighting itself." She retorted. Afterwards Vale relaxed back in her chair and listened to Dominion chime in on his ventures and history.

    Immediately Vale wanted to call mularky at him fighting ten people at the age of six... Highly Trained professionsals no doubt. She kept her eyes still though deep down she wanted to roll them, but she wouldn't interrupt him as he didn't interrupt her. She decided to take the thought that everything the blonde haired man said was true. When he explained that he never was able to best his father she could in small sense understand that completely, her deceased fiancee was never once able to best Vale. Vale placed her hands gently in her lap as she crossed her legs, never once letting the eye contact break with the burlesque man. The part she wanted to know about most was left as simple as possible, Vale wanted to know what other countries were like. Even though she won Nationals, she never got an invite to an International Tournament, and the one time she did her parents refused it for her. One of the few disappointments she had of her parents.

    He took the opportunity to ask another question which was basic down to it's core for Vale, "Precisely. I focused on solo tournaments. Since my two primary styles of fighting are very selfish styles in particular. Muay Thai and I took up Western Boxing as my second favorite. The generic styles most of my friends were interested in: Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Thai Qwon Do. Never really interested me, but I did study Kendo for a long period of time though I didn't test in tournaments for it. " She explained, "You said you are fluent in five different styles, I assume one of them is Chinese Kenpo for one. But I am intrguied what these other four styles of Martial Arts you were taught?" She asked in a very strange manner, but getting the point across at the end.

  18. The large gruff blacksmith simply nodded, "Then I shall make you some gauntlets. You can punch things to your hearts content. And then some." Mr. Tealeaf let out a huge belly laugh that caused Vale to put her hand infront of her mouth as she chuckled along. After a moment of laughing he turned back to the metal that was being heat treated to pull it back out. The man moved it onto the anvil as fast as his back would allow him, then he immediately went to hammering away. Vale sat staring inquisitively, watching the sparks of super heated metal fly in the air inbetween each strike of the hammer.

    At first it seemed like random striking, with no rhyme or rythem. She couldn't tell the fluxuation in strength either, he seemed to be able to strike it at the exact same strength with each smack. It took her a moment to realize that the hammer wasn't doing the primary of the shaping, her eyes affixed to the other hand that held the metal piece moving it in very specific patterns to achieve the shape he wanted. As much as she thought that blacksmithing would suite her physical strength, she wasn't feeling the same fire in her stomach like she was with the potions she made with Mr. Zakariah.

  19. It was but for a moment that Vale forgot to hold back when dealing with people who weren't skilled in Martial Arts, her ego also flared for a moment. As she was about to pull away and let go and apologize the pinned girl threw Vale a hard curveball. The girl seductively licked the nose of the dark skinned girl, immediately Vale grinned harder, she was feeling extra... playful... with this girl now. Vale giggled, "Or maybe I wanted you to catch me the whole time cutie. Honestly, I think cutie is an understatement" She winked. Vale felt the legs of the girl wrapped around her waist nice and tight, and she for some reason she wouldn't have wanted it any other way. The bodies pressing up against each other, Vales skin tight black spandex was beginning to have a hard time keeping it's fit around her ammenities, she could only assume the same for this girls cloth aswell.

    The somewhat erotic catlike grin was getting to Vale, she began to feel the heat rush to her face and body. The compliments and words the pinned cat girl were saying were getting in Vale's head, she was beginning to forget a lot of her problems that plagued her mind, "I would agree, I'm rather comfortable as well. I'm pretty used to keeping the control even when they think they've got me." She grinned. Vale couldn't tell if the girl was letting her do as she pleased, or if she was honestly that much stronger than her in the arms, but she held onto both wrists with one hand and moved her other under the girls rump to lift the both of them with relative ease. Her Martial Arts background was coming in handy when it came to frisky girls like this one.

    Quickly she pressed the Cat girls back against the wall and let go of her hands to let them do as they please, "I would have to disagree, and say that yours are far more intoxicating." She retorted quickly. Vale then got the name of her captive/captor followed by another lick on her nose, "Miss Mestophales... I like it. No need for a title when you got a name like that." Vale stated as she moved her face up next to the neck of the Miss Mestophales, "My name is Vale... And it is... Mmmm... A pleasure to meet you." Her light moan mid sentence got the sweat starting to build on her as she then began to lightly nibble on the neck of Miss Mestophales. Her other hand pressed against the wall just next to the woman's shoulder.

  20. Dominion seemed to be confused and slight hint of irritation was slipping through, Vale had found something that would bother him even if it were ever so slight. He seemed uncomfortable to be buttoning up his shirt, "It's not about a special occasion, to be fancy, or anything else of the sort." She dropped her hand to withdraw the cup of water she had outside the tavern, she was pretty committed to finishing what she started. Vale lifted the cup and took a sip from it, after placing it back down she flicked her eyes back to Dominion again, "It's solely about respecting the environment of others. Even if they don't wish to do so, I do not see why we can't." She explained to him, Vale also didn't realize how important proper attitudes and actions in public were to her.

    Then the blonde monk that she was sitting at a table with decided to dive deep into the questions about Martial Arts, "It depends on the circumstance. I often was told I would be fighting someone I had never even met, some I was really close friends with." She explained simply. Vale paused to take another sip of her drink, she wasn't overly rushing since she had an inkling that the questions were to be flowing through like a roaring river. After she placed the drink down, just as before she spoke again, "There are many aspects to it. If it was a sanctioned fight held with rules and conditions, then yes I would fight. I never got myself into fights that included more than just myself as one of the combatants." She cleared her throat to continue, "Mostly due to the fact that when you're heavily in the zone, one can forget who is friend, and whom is foe."

    She moved her finger around the rim of the cup during the time she was talking, "Often times some of the only ways my family could make certain payments were from my tournament winnings. It wasn't often, we weren't a poor family. But my father would try to gamble sometimes in hopes of getting a big payday. So the added pressure of winning came in at times." She explained without need, her eyes stared at the still water in her cup, "What about you? You said you do have a history of Martial Arts. I'm interested in hearing your stories as well. Or is this just a one way street?" She chuckled as her eyes flicked back at his after asking the question.

  21. Vale walked through the busy streets of the Town of Beginnings, there was so much to do and see in the town alone. That she ultimately ended up forgetting to explore outside of the Town of Beginnings itself. There always seemed to be something going on, people getting into arguments that ultimately ended up leading to fights that had the duel challenge put up. It was a lot to take in every single day, but it reminded her a lot of how it was in downtown Osaka when Vale would attend her Martial Arts tournaments. On that thought, there was a lot of sound being made from far behind her. Vale initially turned to look at it, vaguely hearing the words 'Get back... crook' unable to understand the middle portion of the sentence.

    Vale shrugged her shoulders, as she wasn't too keen on figuring out what it was that happened. This was a game after all, she was trying to adopt that mentality deep down within herself. She walked into a long alleyway that cut inbetween the main road and the massive plaza. She found that most people didn't take this route for whatever reason. After a few steps in she heard fast moving footsteps, she could hear someone excusing themselves. Just as she was turning her head to look, hair fluttering in the light amount of wind breezing through the town. Her eyes met an airborne girl dressed in a catgirl attire.

    Vale's instincts took over, she immediately reached out grabbing the girls forearm and flipping said catgirl over her shoulder and onto the ground. As quick as Vale possibly could, she would flip over the girl pinning her arms above her head and putting her face smack dead infront of the face of the girl who lunged at her. Their faces close enough that the girl could feel Vales breath on her face, their noses mere inches from touching, and her eyes locked on the eyes of this cat girl, "Well, well, looks like I caught myself a pretty little kitty now didn't I?" Vale asked as she subtly bit her lower lip.

    (If this is too much modding, let me know and I'll fix it.)

  22. Itzal not just backed off, but he seemed to be hurting from the words she had used. Vale wasn't too worried about his feelings, but if she were going to move past her debacle with her now deceased fiancee. Putting people down and keeping them at a distance was not the solution to the cause, changing the topic was definitely the best decision at the moment. Itzal seemed to be trying to focus on the topic change as well, "I mean, I have fought some boars. But reading into it, this is a legitmate boss of some sorts. And I highly doubt I could fight it at my present strength." She stated bluntly. Vale moved her hand to her hip and leaned her body into her hand, "I mean maybe not in the real world, but I don't think that exactly translates into this world. And you seem overly confident on it, so if you don't mind showing someone like me some of the ropes. I'll consider it a fair trade in your pursuit of training in Martial Arts." She explained trying to rationalize a reason to be accepting of help when it was extremely against what she usually would do.

    Vale brought the paper closer to her face as she inspected the details closer, "I honestly have no idea where the first place to look for this creature is. I'm honestly roaming around aimlessly trying to learn the layout of every single floor." She informed him, her crystal purple eyes glistening in the sunlight as she peered over the paper more and more to attempt to understand it to it's fullest extent, "I have a feeling that since you knew the name of the quest to the letter, that you already know the location of the creature, and have already slain it before. Am I right?" Vale asked bringing the paper down just enough so her eyes peered over it looking straight into Itzal's.

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