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Posts posted by Vale

  1. The Panther-like woman sat on top of a pillar that resided in the main plaza on the ninth floor, making it incredibly easy to pinpoint the neko womans location. Making the pillar itself the rendezvous point was her best possible decision in order to get her eyes on all parties necessary. Not too after making it ontop of the pillar did she see Macradon in the distance talking to various people. Vale flicked her finger down in order to summon her quest book. The girl sifted through the pages until she found the one that spoke about the iron guardian. She held up the page as it wasn't bound into the book, the hud system analyzed the paper and it gave quest parameters to keep track of for the remainder of her venture with the Scarlet Templar. Now it was time to begin searching around for the quest giver which was a player look-alike. A mirage in a quest to try and throw the actual players off. There was far too much information for the girl to find for this quest, she didn't want to be caught off-guard.

    Stats for this thread:
    Health: 720/720
    EN: 72/72
    ACC: 3
    EVA: 3
    LD: 6
    DMG: 8(13)

  2. ID: 88786 | LD: 1+6=7 (No Material Found)

    It was finally time for Vale to get a move on, she had been lingering around for too long. She had set an alarm on her HUD and sat up, forgetting that during the night she became overheated and dressed down into her undergarments. Yawning with tears at her eyes from waking up abruptly, she turned off the alarm and re-equipped herself. Vale exited the building she locked herself in, utilizing her charge she lunged great distances in order to speed up her run through the bridge city. Only a few hours were spent on the move when she finally made it to the other side of the bridge. Upon exiting the zone, she felt that terrifying presence watching over her again. Like it was preparing her second trial of the journey. She looked around and didn't see anything worth mentioning or taking her attention. There wasn't even a single material of worth over the ones she scanned with her eyes.

    Materials Gathered: 3

    Vale: 720/720 | 72/72

  3. ID: 88785 | LD: 8+6=14 (No Material Found)

    With the feeling of being watched finally evaporated, Vale took this time to find a quiet little building with a lockable door. It didn't take too long as most of the buildings were here for mining npcs. All cleared out due to some scripted event long before she had ever come to the areas. Now an entire city on the bridge that stretched over a lake of fire, had endless amounts of potential treasures waiting to be found. Vale had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time she saw an empowered beast. And to take advantage of her time to get some sleep. With a hay pile the back of the building, she pushed it around until it made a comfortable sleeping surface. Looking at the hay pile, all she could think about was laying on another bed-like surface without someone or something to hold while she slept. Something she longed for when she lost Yukino to the endless abyss that Aincrad floats over.

    Materials Gathered: 3

    Vale: 720/720 | 25/72

  4. ID: 88784 | LD: 1+6=7 (No Material Found)

    Vale huffed and puffed, she was till expunging all her energy in order to fight these beasts. But something got answered for her, these quests were not having empowered beasts by chance. There was something truly sinister following her, something that possessed the power to make these usually weak and easily crushable beasts, into fearsome creatures with a decent amount of power. But the feeling of death was never felt, she never had the feeling her life would come to an end unlike when she faced the Gemini. More questions were getting inside the girls head, but answers were not to be found anywhere near her. Gritting her teeth she moaned in frustration, "What in heaven's name are you? And why are you following me." Her voice quickly turned to screaming out in frustration.

    Materials Gathered: 3

    Vale: 720/720 | 24/72

  5. ID: 88781 | BD: 7+3=10  | MD: Negated by Death | LD: 8+6=14
    ID: 88782 | CD: 2: (Unidentified Rare Weapon + 1,110 Col)

    Vale honed her eyes on the wolf, tracing its trajectory toward where the beast would eventually descend and plant into the ground. Vale wanted to give the beast no chance for saving itself and turning the tide of battle. Her Charge skill's active power boost was no longer available, but the passive effect on charge that Vale developed gave her enough distance to reach the beast. One final mighty attack into the stomach of the beast caused the area around her to become warped by the wind pressure behind her attack, the essence dissipated from the beast, "Good, you're finally improving." a faint voice echoed around her. After the beast was slain and slowly decayed into particles, she no longer felt the eyes of something watching over her intently.

    Materials Gathered: 3

    Vale: 720/720 | 23/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 0/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  6. ID: 88778 | BD: 3+3-6 | MD: 2-3+1=0

    Vale looked at the creature closely. The beast hadn't moved in a moment but the essence that resided on the beast shifted it's eyes from the face to the stomach so it could at Vale. She stared back at the essence, unsure of what it was she was truly looking at. Fear was all that could be felt when looking at the essence that took over the creature. The eyes flared what felt like hateful eyes, And quickly the Beast flipped and charged at the girl. Vale jumped up to the top of the building that was being destroyed by the Hellhound. This time with a kick she knocked the giant creature away with a single powerful swing of her foot. The Hellhound smashing against multiple buildings and rocks until it landed up on the ground. Struggling trying to stand again the beast continued to show it had fight left in it.

    Materials Gathered: 3

    Vale: 720/720 | 39/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 55/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  7. ID: 88777 | BD: 6+3=9 | MD: 4-3+1=2

    Vale felt alarmed, utilizing her charge skill to dash to the other side of the room. Turning around and flipping her body to land safely next to the opposite wall. The Hellhound beast chomped through the wall with lava spewing out of it's mouth. The body of the beast covered in the essence of something that is eternally in motion, "You're digging too deep."  A voice escaped the beast without it's mouth having moved a single time, "W-What was that?" Vale responded. The beast began breaking the room completely to try and reach the tiny panther woman. Using the full extent of her charge power with her All Might sword art, she slammed her right fist into the beasts mouth throwing it into the plaza down on the second floor. Vale standing on the railing of the third far to see the beast thud into the ground.

    Materials Gathered: 3

    Vale: 720/720 | 55/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 175/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  8. ID: 88776 | LD 8+6=14 (No Material Found)

    There she heard the snarl of a beast. Slowly but surely there was something that was approaching. Her ears twitched, immediately switching her active defensive positioning to against a wall. With each step her ears twitched, last she remembered reading was the creatures of this floor were relatively painless. Especially for this quest, it was the introduction to the ninth floor for a reason. But something just felt incredibly different, everything known about the hellhounds was that the creatures strictly stayed to the Infernal Caverns. Then why, was there a Hellhound growling on the other side of the wall she had her back against. Immediately the heat could be felt against the wall she was defending herself with.

    Materials Gathered: 3

  9. ID: 88775 | LD 6+6=12 (No Material Found)

    The presence that lingered giving her this strange chill, was causing her to start to worry. She looked around hurriedly there was nothing in the nearby area. All the vantage points that could see into her position was covered and checked. This worry slowly began to delve into a panic, the panther girl paced in the room she stood in. It had a hay bed in the corner, but she couldn't even consider sleeping at a time like this. This presence that was paying attention to her was the only thing she could think about. The overpowering presence had been felt a few times in the recent past. During her fight with the Gemini she felt it for the first time, this demonic like presence that has watched her every movement. During her time within the confines of the bandit hideout, the presence felt like it tried to break her heart. Now she felt as though the presence was trying to test her mind.

    Materials Gathered: 3

  10. ID: 88774 | LD 15+6=21 (Material Found)

    Vale strode through the pathways that within the buildings which rested upon the bridge. Normally a one-day travel to just make it through, her many studies of the beginning areas in each zone came in handy. She knew precisely when to turn, when to ascend and descend stairs. The panther was on the prowl at full speed. The many rooms she made her way through had things that peeked her interest, but the only thing she would make a room stop was for a vial of altered lava. She saw something useful in the material and deposited it into her inventory. This little detour didn't change anything. Her movements may have been precise but the overall feeling that she was being watch was transcending a human presence after this amount of time.

    Materials Gathered: 3

  11. ID: 88773 | LD 12+6=18 (Material Found)

    Quickly she dashed and darted across the bridge, being on top of it despite it being made of stone designed to have the heat be so close did not make Vale feel any more comfortable. As she strode using all four paws to increase her movement speed without activating her charge skill, she flicked her eyes along the path. She noticed a small rocked that had a chemical property she needed. Front flipping over random broken degree, she drifted in air and into her ground slide to swoop the material in her hand. One cartwheel and inventorying the material in a mid-air summersault, she quickly returned to full stride she was originally in. Her movements so precise and elegant it seemed she almost did not lose her momentum in that slight detour.

    Materials Gathered: 2

  12. ID: 88772 | LD 15+6=21 (Material Found)

    As the Panther woman reached the first bridge that stretched over a large valley of churning lava. Vale was curious what this presence she was constantly feeling was wanting. Whether it was a player who was trying to learn about her, keep their tabs on her, contemplate killing her, or something else. Vale couldn't let the idea of fear get into her heart, she had broken once to the fear she gained from the Gemini. This was not going to be another trial on her being. Vale slowly took in a deep breath, exhaling very patiently. During this breath Vale peered around the area around her, and noticed a flametalon feather sitting in the grass. She walked over to the feather picking it up, and setting it into her inventory as though it were completely routine, "I need to improve my search and detect skill more. I haven't shown Hikoru how powerful my eyes are yet. I'll wait to show him." She told herself with the strive to improve rising.

    Materials Gathered: 1

  13. ID: 88771 | LD 6+6=12 (No Material Found)

    The area lying a good distance away from the town, leading to the first major bridge on the level. Still had anything to yield as useful to the neko woman. There were definitely materials about, but none that suited the qualities she was after for a potion idea she was dabbling with. Flicking her eyes around, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. Her normal instincts would usually warn her as to where, but to her the feeling was beaming down on her from all angles. As though a much greater and vastly more powerful being was watching the Martial Artist. Everything seemed to be changing drastically around her back when she faced the Gemini. She doesn't remember the time when she heard about monsters being stronger during quest times, in no bingo book was this ever confirmed.

  14. ID: 88770 | LD 5+6=11 (No Material Found)

    Vale had her eyes peeled for her surroundings, the long road to the Infernal Caverns would surely be ripe with materials to gain in the masses. But with her search and detect skill activated, looking for quality plant-life or compatible rock mineral from the outlying area from the town. But, it looked like it had been picked ripe and clean. Vale shrugged being unable to find anything of value to her. Continuing forward, she felt the cold chill run down her spine despite it being in such a highly temperate zone. It was as though she were being watched from somewhere, the paranoia sank into her mind for a minute, the possibility of player killers could be upon her struck her mind. She remembered a faint rumor from way back when that there was a town on the ninth floor which would actually shelter those who took another players life. The thought of it chill Vale to her bones, "Who would want to live there?" She asked herself.

  15. The tired lass brought in a nice haul of materials to do some creative work with, she had spent as much time as her profession allowed her inside the building trying to maximize her inventory of items to sell. She needed some more items in order to be front line ready. But all of these creations she made at this current time were solely to improve upon her skill. With a quick amount of dabbling around and a few trials are horrifying errors on the route. She continued to venture into idea's no other player had ever thought of. With one of her first original creations or so she would believe it to be, were eye drops. She tested in the mirror she had in the corner of her room to see if her experiment was a success, with a resounding result being yes.

    Attempts [9/27/17] [Mats started with 23/ Mats after Craft 13] (38 EXP) [Crafting Respite Used]


    Name: Disgusting Goop
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88760
    Roll: 2+1=3 (Failed Item)
    tem Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Failed
    Enhancements: A weird goop made during merging, destroyed it's potion.
    Post Link:

    Name: Eye-Altering Drops (Red Iris)
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88761
    Roll: 5+1=6 (Good Item)
    Item Type: Eye Drops
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: Changes the color of your eye!
    RP Effect: Changes the iris of your player to Red for 1 Thread.
    Post Link:

    Name: Star Cat Milk
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88762
    Roll: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)
    tem Type: Crafting Respite
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Refresh Crafts for a Day
    Description: Creamy White Milk with moving starlike particles on the inside of the bottle. When one drinks it they would feel a feeling of refreshness thorough their entire body.
    Post Link:

    Name: Disgusting Goop
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88763
    Roll: 1+1=2 (Failed Item)
    tem Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Failed
    Enhancements: A weird goop made during merging, destroyed it's potion.
    Post Link:

    Name: Star Cat Milk
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88764
    Roll: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)
    tem Type: Crafting Respite
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Refresh Crafts for a Day
    Description: Creamy White Milk with moving starlike particles on the inside of the bottle. When one drinks it they would feel a feeling of refreshness thorough their entire body.
    Post Link:


    Name: Disgusting Goop
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88765
    Roll: 1+1=2 (Failed Item)
    tem Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Failed
    Enhancements: A weird goop made during merging, destroyed it's potion.
    Post Link:

    Name: Hydrogenous Chamber
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88766
    Roll: 5+1=6 (Good Item)
    Item Type: Beverage Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: An endless water bottle in the pocket, perfect for long periods of dungeon-delving and questing.
    RP Effect: Slowly replenishes a water bottle with the hydrogen chamber in the center core. Converting air into drinkable water.
    Post Link:

    Name: Spark Sharp
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88767
    Roll: 9+1=10 (Uncommon Item)
    tem Type: Explosion Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Damage
    Description: A constantly churning potion. When slapped on a weapon, it will instantly sharpen the blades and hone the blunt edges with the sparks it creates.
    Post Link:

    Name: Star Cat Milk
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88768
    Roll: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)
    tem Type: Crafting Respite
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Refresh Crafts for a Day
    Description: Creamy White Milk with moving starlike particles on the inside of the bottle. When one drinks it they would feel a feeling of refreshness thorough their entire body.
    Post Link:

    Name: Smell Fresh
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88769
    Roll: 7+1=8 (Good Item)
    tem Type: RP Effect Remover
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: Removes all RP debuffs caused by crafts created at the shop <Spring of Youth>
    Post Link:



  16. [Yui's Grace 0 Remaining]

    The long deep purple velvety haired neko martial-artist had arrived to the heat wastes of the ninth floor, immediately the girl became overtaken by the sheer heat of the ninth floor. A plethora of things to learn and do here on the ninth floor, her first time traversing it's overbearingly zone heat climate. Stretching her back and hand to pop a few bones, finishing it off with a neck pop in both directions the girl was ready to start embarking toward the Infernal Caverns. One of the least explored floors due to it's natural heat levels, and the number of different locations where ones faulty movement could lead to instant death by the heat of the lava. There could exist a number of different un-explored caves and even un-discovered bosses in the vast maze like cavern systems. She was here for a purpose though, it was time to eliminate the Guardian of Fire, the incarnate of Cerberus here upon the lower level floors. One of the first big challenges one would normally face when traversing their way up to Front Lines.

    Current Stats:
    720 HP
    72 EN
    8(13) DMG
    3 ACC
    3 EVA
    6 LD

  17. Name: Star Cat Milk
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88748
    Roll: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)

    Item Type: Crafting Respite
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Refresh Crafts for a Day
    Description: Creamy White Milk with moving starlike particles on the inside of the bottle. When one drinks it they would feel a feeling of refreshness thorough their entire body.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14431-f6-shop-spring-of-youth-rank-4-alchemist-closed-for-nyow/?do=findComment&comment=525224

    Name: Honing Fog
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88749
    Roll: 10+1=11 (Rare Item)
    Item Type: Damage Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: 2 DMG
    Description: A dark cloud in a bottle. When smashed upon a weapon, the fog clings to the blade, slowly dissipating while sharping the weapons edges.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14431-f6-shop-spring-of-youth-rank-4-alchemist-closed-for-nyow/?do=findComment&comment=525224

  18. Another training session out of the way for a day, Vale had made a lot of stride in the past week pushing her time frame to the limits. Filling in every moment of the sunlight and most of the moonlight defeating monster after monster, completing a number of quests. The fruits of he labor gave her enough materails after her recent collection spree to be able to get more work done in the dark room. Vale had recently spent time with Jomei working on music songs, playing the beats he connected with her voice began to resonate inside her as she got to work. Vale had her struggles with the potion making process now having music in the room, but it really changed the vibe that she was feeling to work through the night until she was ready for rest.

    Attempts [9/26/17] [Mats started with 14/ Mats after Craft 4] (26 EXP) [Crafting Respite Used]


    Name: Disgusting Goop
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88746
    Roll: 2+1=3 (Failed Item)

    Item Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Failed
    Enhancements: None
    Description: A weird goop made during merging, this goop destroyed it's container.
    Post Link:

    Name: Intimate Addiction
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88747
    Roll: 6+1=7 (Good Item)

    Item Type: Allure Spray
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: RP Effect: Player Vale and any other female players accepting of the debuff, gain [Arosal] With this aphrodisiac spray.
    Post Link:

    Name: Star Cat Milk
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88748
    Roll: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)

    Item Type: Crafting Respite
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Refresh Crafts for a Day
    Description: Creamy White Milk with moving starlike particles on the inside of the bottle. When one drinks it they would feel a feeling of refreshness thorough their entire body.
    Post Link:

    Name: Honing Fog
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88749
    Roll: 10+1=11 (Rare Item)
    Item Type: Damage Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: 2 DMG
    Description: A dark cloud in a bottle. When smashed upon a weapon, the fog clings to the blade, slowly dissipating while sharping the weapons edges.
    Post Link:

    Name: Glistening Spray
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88750
    Roll: 5+1=6 (Good Item)

    Item Type: Mood Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None.
    Description: RP Effect: Player (Vale) and any other players accepting of the buff, gain "Sweaty Skin". Players with Sweaty Skin have the pores of the body look as though they are perspiring for perfect mood lighting look.
    Post Link:


    Name: Smell Fresh
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88751
    Roll: 6+1=7 (Good Item)
    tem Type: RP Effect Remover
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: Removes all RP debuffs caused by crafts created at the shop <Spring of Youth>
    Post Link:

    Name: Disgusting Goop
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88752
    Roll: 1+1=2 (Failed Item)

    Item Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Failed
    Enhancements: None
    Description: A weird goop made during merging, this goop destroyed it's container.
    Post Link:

    Name: Disgusting Goop
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88753
    Roll: 2+1=3 (Failed Item)

    Item Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Failed
    Enhancements: None
    Description: A weird goop made during merging, this goop destroyed it's container.
    Post Link:

    Name: Smell Fresh
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88754
    Roll: 4+1=5 (Good Item)
    tem Type: RP Effect Remover
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: Removes all RP debuffs caused by crafts created at the shop <Spring of Youth>
    Post Link:

    Name: Intimate Addiction
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 4

    ID: 88755
    Roll: 4+1=5 (Good Item)
    tem Type: Allure Spray
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: RP Effect: Player Vale and any other female players accepting of the debuff, gain [Arosal] With this aphrodisiac spray.
    Post Link:


  19. Vale chuckled to shields statement, "You can definitely say that again. I'm glad no one knows who I am here, being a multi national martial arts tournament winner between the ages of ten to nineteen. Ended up being the only ever conversation I had with my parents and practically everyone else." The usual perkiness in her voice went slightly monotone, as to indicate she wasn't too overly thrilled about that. Vale shook her head getting the thought out of her head and focusing on what Shield said next, "A Merchant, well. I'll be bringing any of the loot I come across to your shop my friend." She smiled happily. Turning her attention to the Rock when he said it had been softened up enough she agreed with blasting the rest of the rock into data particles, effectively completing the quest and unlocking the Martial Arts skill for Shield, "I think you're just about right." She laughed, "We should go hunting again in the near future!" The usual perkiness having returned to her voice.

    ID: 88728  | BD 3+3=6

    Boulder: -4/50 -6

  20. Vale ended up getting information for things she wasn't actually intending to get, nevertheless the man looked somewhat comfortable to share about his personal life outside of the game. Normally a topic regarded as taboo. Vale listened happily hearing about the man's life, once he was finished she couldn't help herself, "I am sorry. I know you just told me about your life outside of this world. And it wasn't originally my intention to pry into your personal life, although it is really good to know just how smart you really are Shield-dono. But, what I meant was, what is your profession in this world." She chuckled as she said embarassingly

    Flicking her eyes back at the rock, she did a quick roundhouse kick to it. Causing a massive chunk to go flying and explode into data particles in mid air, leaving the rock with just a sliver of health left, "But since you shared some personal information with me, I'm willing to tell you about my life outside this world too, that is if you're interested in hearing about it in the slightest." She informed him, giving him the chance to choose if he was curious enough.

    ID: 88728  | BD 6+3=11

    Boulder: 3/50 -6

  21. "My answer will not exactly be up to date... You see, I haven't exactly been a part of the front lines for quite some time. Had a little... er.. problem, I had to deal with."

    The panther-like woman was not expecting to hear this come from Jomei. He seemed like someone that had the strength to withstand the front lines, both physically and mentally. Something that was able to hinder this man from going to the front lines had to be a big deal. She was curious about what it was that could keep him from the scariest place that resides in all of Aincrad, but she felt it best to leave it be.

    "From what I know.. theres Hikoru, Teayre, Calrex, Baldur, Macradon, Ariel.. Zandra.. and Heathcliff... Those are the ones present at the last fight that are still alive that I know of." 

    Jomei gave a visual indicator that something was bothering him after he finished his sentence. Names that were obviously left out, again another visual indicator that Vale would not pursue the knowledge of. She knew the man would hold to his word, so it was best to let the man work at his own speed. Just before the two of them reached the Teleportation gate, Jomei caught Vale off-guard.

    "There may be more players up there now, or there may be less.. However, I plan on finding out that answer soon enough when I return for the next fight."
    "Do you know any of those players?"

    The panther girls cheeks flushed red immediately after being asked if she knew any of them, she nodded, "H-Hikki- errr, Hikoru, and Macradon." She managed to say, after accidentally saying the nickname she personally had for Hikoru. flustered she quickly shouted, "Warp, Floor Seven!"

  22. Vale listened to Shield intently, he made mention of some person named Beat. But the name sounded completely unfamiliar to her, thus she decided to quietly listen and wait for appropriate times to respond to the man. When he spoke about limitations, Vale nodded, "I can loosely understand what you're talking about. Me personally, this is the first ever video game I have actually played. Not that I wanted to be doing this alone. But I was left with a large amount of limitation myself." She smiled after a moment, "But I realized if I put my everything into it and follow my heart." She looked forward delivering another massive blow to the rock, nearly splitting the entire thing in half, "Well, I can surpass the limitations and reach new heights." She finished saying.

    She looked back at Shield who had just gave the rock a good strike with his fist while he continued to speak. There was something charming about the man, he seemed to have a good even head upon his shoulders, something Vale could respect. She looked back at the rock which was beginning to cave in on itself, "In life, everyone needs something that matters to them. Or we're objectless beings floating about pointlessly." She gripped her hand and smiled, "Which ironically makes me wonder, what do you do for your profession if you don't mind me asking Shield-san?"

    ID: 88725  | BD 8+3=11

    Boulder: 9/50 -6

  23. "Sounds like a good idea.. I've been itching to find another hunting partner."

    Vale couldn't help but smirk when Jomei complimented her indirectly on her hunting skills, she felt proud of her skills that she developed thanks in part to the teaching of Hikoru and her own conviction to get stronger. She opened up her inventory to see the damage buff she had previously used had faded already, her damage returned down to it's usual stats. Vale pondered over a way to improve her damage output even higher. But it was something she would have to put into careful consideration.

    "Hm.. any other ones you had in mind?"

    The panther-like martial artist having her menu already open, she quickly withdrew her stack of papers and sifted through the pages as though they were bound like a book. A few pages stuck out to her so she pulled them out, just as she was about to speak about one she was interested in, Jomei spoke up once again.

    "Floor Seven... Case of Wurms.. Alright, that one sounds interesting enough."

    "Heh, you just happened to read my mind." She said while pulling out the paper for the Case of Wurms quest which she was intending on showing to Jomei as one they might be able to take care of. With the decision made she put the papers back into her inventory, it dissipating into data particles. After closing her inventory and before the wooden box reached the top, it was time to get a few answers to some questions she had, "So, who currently is apart of the front lines?" She asked, wanting to know who she would be aligning herself with.

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