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Posts posted by Vale

  1. ID: Not Used | LD: Negated by Potion Used

    Vale had already done a number of stat differences with the small changes in equipment and potions used to help boost her skill up to the maximum so she would have the best chance of surviving. Vale nodded at herself at took one last potion from her inventory, this was one that she had to drink rather than the others which needed to douse and shimmer on items. Vale took a deep breath before downing the disgusting tasting drink, the Bandit's guile potion slid down her throat nastily and left the girl feeling like she was going to puke. But she managed to down the entire drink without upchucking any of it, "Note to self, find something that'll make drinks taste better. That was an experience I hope I never have again." She mentioned to herself while trying to get the chill in the back of her spine to dissipate.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 4,230
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 550/720 | 72/72
    New EVA: 4

  2. ID: Not Used | LD: Negated by Potion Used

    Vale found another thing she had recently obtained from the Blood in the Sand quest, when she killed the named shark Bloodseeker. She took the potion and doused her armor in the sandy concoction. The particles moved in a strange way until they wrapped around her body, she could feel the squeeze the potion activated in order to hone her defenses even higher. She couldn't remember if the Boss was able to ignore Mitigation, or if the boss just had hard hitting attacks. Regardless the Neko girl wanted to make sure that she was definitely able to take a hit. Afterwards she would sift through the currently equipped screen and moved the active stats from the bell that resided on her neck, to the cloak that she had sitting in her inventory. The beauty was inspected by Shield and came out to have a rare enhancement not many in this world had gotten ahold of yet.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 4,230
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 530/720 | 26/72
    New MIT: 36
    New Buff: Lifesteal (Defensive)
    New Buff: Light Momentum
    New LD: 3 (Lost 3 from turning the stats of Purrkitty Bell off.)

  3. ID: 88831 | LD: 3+5=8 (No Material Found)

    Vale thought on the words that Ryo said, it definitely would be the easier route to join a guild as strong as Knights of the Blood Oath and Celestial Ascendents, but there was also something definitive that stood in her way from doing that, "I think the reason I cannot join one of the other guilds, is I don't think they have what it takes to make the calls that need to happen." Vale bit her lip slightly, since her attention was distracted by the conversation she didn't look too hard at the bushes she was rummaging through, "Ultimately, I feel like the front lines needs a new identity to take hold. A group that stands for the real reason they walk and fight amongst the front lines. People that this world needs, not just people looking for greed." She looked back at Ryo, "This world needs a real leader, and I feel like I can fit that purpose." She said with determination in her heart.

    Materials Gathered: 3

  4. ID: 88830 | LD: 10+5=15 (Material Found)

    The proud neko never stopped flicking her eyes about, as if she were constantly dissecting the environment that laid about her. Her fingers deftly weaved through the bushes until she found something she found as useful. With another addition caught by her razor sharp claws, she moved the material into her inventory which looked so smooth as though she had done this several hundred times or even more. The girl looked at Ryo who had been speaking quite a lot, Vale enjoyed this since her usual days were filled with only the words that resonated in her own head. When he made mention that his own aspirations were to lead him to the frontlines, Vale smirked, "So we have a common goal. I think we'll be a far more useful duo than we will as individuals." She moved her eyes back to the bushes with a smile, "What do you think about that, Ryo?" She asked changing her tone to a more sensual one.

    Materials Gathered: 3

  5. ID: Not Used | LD: Negated by Potion Used

    Vale pulled open her inventory, if she were going to combat the Cerberus. And if things were going to be the way she was just dealing with when facing the Hellhounds, she needed to be at her most optimal in order to defeat the enemy. Vale hunted through her inventory of consumables a fair amount she had recently obtained. She grabbed the Honing Fog potion and immediately crushed it in between her violently sharp claws. The fog that dispersed from the potion that shattered began to sharpen the blades on the claws improving her damage output a slight amount. When the fog dissipated, the martial artist began sifting through her inventory again so she could find another item that would be of benefit to her.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 4,230
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 510/720 | 25/72
    New DMG: 10(15)

  6. ID: 88828 | BD: 8+3=11  | MD: Negated by Death | LD: 8+6=14
    ID: 88829 | CD: 1 (Unidentified Rare Weapon + 1,110 Col)

    The beast still didn't stand a chance despite it giving it's all. The Hellhound wheezed as it tried to erupt more lava from its mouth, but the beast was done. The essence faded off the creature just as Vale drove the final punch into the face of the beast causing it to explode into data particles. She looked at the entrance of the next area. The Infernal Caverns themselves. It was at that moment she heard the bone-chilling scream of Cerberus himself. And based on the fact that this essence had been following her, and she had yet to feel the gaze of the essence come off her. She knew that the Cerberus fight, would be just as problematic, if not more of a situation than it already is. She calmed her nerves for a moment, she handled the empowered Hellhounds, now all she needed to do was finish off the Cerberus and head home for the night.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 4,230
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 490/720 | 24/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: -65/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  7. ID: 88827 | BD: Negated by Dodging  | MD: 6-3+1=4

    The beast was outraged that it was being made a fool of by a tiny cat-like girl. It churned all the possible lava it had in its stomach, unleashing a torrent of lava being sprayed from its mouth. The Catgirl couldn't even think about dodging due to the distance this spell was getting. She was having to dodge further and further away in order to stay out of the singing damage it would cause. After a few moments of constantly regurgitating lava at harming projectile speeds. The beast began to cough and stopped its attack. Finally allowing Vale a moment to breath and assess the situation as it was currently at. The beast had its limits which she learned from the prior two beasts, but the power boost this essence was giving the beasts was enough to cause Vale to have to give her best foot forward. She quickly decided on what her next course of action would be.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 3,120
    2x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 490/720 | 40/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 55/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  8. ID: 88825 | BD: 8+3=11  | MD: 7-3+1=5

    The Neko looked back at the beast seeing as its momentum had finally stopped, she sighed, "Why can't these beasts ever give it a rest with the lava, they're going to burn all my armor off!" She yelled in irritation. Returning to the passive portion part of the speed gained by charge, she narrowly dodged another lava globe thrown at her. Bouncing, dashing, darting, moving around like a panther would when playing with its prey. The beast attempted every possible way to hit the girl, spraying vats of lava and hurling large globes of it in her direction. Nothing seemed to be even getting close to touching her, with the constant movement she got herself into the blind spot of the beast. Dashing forward she unleashed another powerful punch into the hiney of the hellhound. She laughed as she landed while the dog buckled away a small amount before careening into a wall.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 3,120
    2x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 490/720 | 39/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 55/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  9. ID: 88824 | BD: 7+3=10  | MD: 8-3+1=6

    Vale got closer and closer until she was finally in range. The feeling of difference between the passive ability of the charge and when activatable, felt like two completely different power surges. Vale moved so fast she was practically teleporting with her sheer speed, More and more globes thrown in an attempt to hit her all still fruitless as the first. Vale managed to maneuver herself just to the side of the dog, planting her fist with as much force as she could provide. The beast yelped and sprayed the woman with lava spit. It knocked the feline down to the ground while the beast continued to slide from the impact of the attack. Some distance created between the two, but her charge skill now used up. Vale would have to play safe when fighting this beast as her health was starting to hit the half way point.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 3,120
    2x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 490/720 | 59/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 175/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  10. ID: 88823 | BD: Negated due to distance | MD: 2-3+1=0

    Vale looked down the winding path, It had reached a straight point so she could see the exit despite it being a long distance away. Just as Vale was making her way down the slight slope, she felt that immense pressure again. Far in the distance, a Hellhound began to walk out of the lava. Vale's eyes widened as the beast looked at Vale with rage in it's mind. The beast began to fire blast after blast of lava globes at her. Deftly the feline woman dashed and danced around every single attack. Her passive portion of the charge skill giving her enough speed to move around the beasts long distance attacks. She didn't care that she was technically at a disadvantage. All she needed to do was close the gap in order to launch herself for a devastating attack.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 3,120
    2x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 620/720 | 72/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 370/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  11. ID: 88821 | LD: 11+6=17 (Chest Found)
    ID: 88822 | LD: 14 (900 Col, 5 Mats, Unidentified Rare Weapon, 2x Unidentified Rare Food)

    As Vale searched around for materials, she noticed that the wall in the cave had a spot that was unusually outlined. Walking up to the wall and placing her hand on the rock that jutted out the most, the wall began to sink into the ground as it was a hidden door. Behind the false-wall was a Chest nudged neatly into the small space. Vale reached down and opened the chest and found a decent little set of items, including materials and col. This martial artists luck was starting to shine. She quickly put all the items she gained into her inventory and stood back up. Pulling her arm off the wall the door slowly rose again and fit back in meld with the wall. Afterwards Vale watched as the outline slowly dissipated, "Huh, so each chest randomizes where the secret door is. That's pretty nifty." She told herself as she continued forward, making sure to step over the cracks that seeped out of a small amount of lava.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 3,120
    2x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 620/720 | 72/72

  12. ID: 88820 | LD: 19+6=25 (Material Found)

    As she dug her hands through it some rocks broke off from the wall and rolled down onto her, looking them over she knew these rocks could be ground down for their finite metal shavings. An ingredient she had been planning to use for some mitigation increasing potions. This would let her test out the idea before she used larger and higher quantity materials to create the same thing in higher tier levels. With a good amount of materials, maybe even enough for one whole days work. She was pretty satisfied, not that Vale would cease looking for more materials as she continued down the winding paths that lead to the beast known as Cerberus. But, she knew she would have a full day's crafting with the materials she just earned in this venture in the deep. It was a small thing, but it brought a lot of happiness to the Neko Martial Artist.

    Materials Gathered: 10
    Col Gained: 2,220

    Vale 600/720 | 26/72

  13. ID: 88819 | LD: 11+6=17 (Material Found)

    With another Hellhound down, there was only one more required to defeat in order for Cerberus to spawn in the Infernal Caves. Being but a half day distance from the target location, Vale thought it was appropriate to continue moving and keep her eyes peeled for any materials that may lay around. She scanned the little amount of foliage that existed between the lakes of fire that riddled the paths leading down to the Infernal Caves. It was daunting to think for sure, but she wasn't one to let fear hold her back. She would have ran at the site of the first two Hellhounds. But after successfully defeating the mongrels, Vale had gathered quite a bit of materials and col from them. Seeing a small patch of foliage, Vale sifted her hands through it pulling out a few small flowers that had certain properties she was interested in. Inserting the material into her inventory, she pursued forward.

    Materials Gathered: 9
    Col Gained: 2,220

    Vale 580/720 | 25/72

  14. ID: 88817 | BD: 3+3=6  | MD: Negated By Death | LD: 16+6=22
    ID: 88818 | CD: 4 (5 Materials + 1,110 Col)

    The beast had an opening available, instantly Vale launched at the top of the cranium to the beast. With her arm still partially charged with her sword art, she finished the energy required to be pumped into her arm to activate her All Might sword art. With one straight shot into the skull of the beast, the Hellhound exploded into data fragments. The loot box popped up showed her what she had earned for the kill, after a moment of understanding what she got she looked back at the essence which was floating in the air. The two sets of eyes glared at one another before the crimson essence slowly dissipated into air, "Keep that drive.... I'll see you soon." The voice spoke, again just barely faint enough to be heard by Vale but not quite understood. It stressed her out, but again the feeling of being watched was gone now.

    Materials Gathered: 8
    Col Gained: 2,220

    Vale 560/720 | 24/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: -95/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  15. ID: 88816 | BD: Negated for Dodge  | MD: 4-3+1=2

    Vale readied her second fist with a combo chain of her All Might skill, but just as she began to charge her Fist. Her eyes flicked and she noticed the attack path showing its way toward the entire zone she was at. The girl flash stepped outside of the zone, to watch the Hellhound slam its feet into the ground and causing a massive aoe of dark energy to explode around her. The neko's eyes narrowed as the zone slowly returned to its normal natural state. The beast was showing very different attack patterns as was generally explained about in the monster manual. The fact the beast stood two times taller than the normal Hellhound was already intimidating enough. But now, the beast was attacking very different attacks. Beams, Balls, Stomps, and Bites, there was no limit to the number of different attack patterns this unique variant possessed.

    Materials Gathered: 3

    Vale 560/720 | 40/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 25/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  16. ID: 88815 | BD: 3+3=6  | MD: 3-3+1=1

    She felt the burning sensation in her skin, she looked at her damaged arms from the blast. Normally attacks didn't hold at a lot, but every now again one would truly feel the might of a powerful attack. She looked up at the hellhound churning more lava in its mouth, "Oh F-" She couldn't even finish saying her sentence as a big bolt of lava was launched at her. Quickly barrel rolling to the side, she launched off the ground. Her charge skill used up and the cooldown only reset out of fight, she could only rely on the passive uptempo portion of the skill. She effortlessly dodge lava spitball after empowered lava blast. None of it could get close to touching her, just as she got within distance, she flash stepped under the creature to deliver a mighty blast with her All Might skill. The mouth of the beast closed and lava spewed out forcibly from being suddenly shut on.

    Materials Gathered: 3

    Vale 560/720 | 39/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 25/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  17. ID: 88814 | BD: 10 (Critical Strike)  | MD: 9 (Lesser Lava Beam)

    The chill that ran down Vale's spine spoke in her gut, looking directly forward, she felt the movement in the earth as the next massive Hell Hound encased in a weird crimson like energy. The same creepy all red eyes perpetually gazing, unblinking at her. Vale gritted her teeth and pounded her chest with one hand, "Alright whatever it is that is watching me. Let me tell you something right here. Vale, NEVER stands down!" She shouted at the top of her lungs at the beast. And with full ferocity, the two of them charged at one another. As the dog bit forward, she dove dashed to the side around the Hound giving her a charge enhanced flip turn burst opportunity. Taking the angle Vale pummeled the beast in its gut forcing the beast to collapse and fall back. But as the beast landed, it churned a bunch of lava into its esophagus, blasting a massive beam of Lava directly into Vale. The Martial Artist shielded her face with her arms as the speed of the attack was unavoidable.

    Materials Gathered: 3

    Vale 560/720 | 55/72

    Incarnate of Rage, Hellhound: 145/370 | 130 DMG (160/200 Lava Beam Blast on 9/10 crits)

  18. ID: 88813 | LD: 3+5=8 (No Material Found)

    The panther-like woman prowled around scanning her eyes more and more, her ears twitching as she listened to the man while they searched each bush for materials to improve on skills, "Yeah. I'm working on concocting the perfect drinks, nothing better to go with a good meal, than something refreshing that boosts your day." She giggled back. Vale could remember all the times she ate out with friends at fast food joints, even though she did her damnedest to order the healthiest foods. Ryo mentioning it brought back happy and sullen memories from her past. She smiled, distracted not realizing she passed over a potential material. She snapped back into focus when he made mention of his skills not being good enough, "It's all in good practice. A strong fighter is not without their own sense of vision." She quoted her sensei, the meaning behind it far deeper than one would solely perceive. Maybe Ryo would understand, maybe he wouldn't only time would tell. He asked her about her plans, "Currently my goal is to get my technique and profession up. Then start a guild to take over the front lines, I've heard how stagnant we have been-" She paused turning her attention solely on Ryo, "But I can't accept how slow we're going. The people of this world need to be saved, and I'm willing to give my one hundred percent and even more to make it happen." She sternly and proudly stated with conviction glinting in her eye, "What about you?" She asked but a moment later, returning to her soft and innocent gaze.

    Materials Gathered: 2

  19. "I am not going to embarrass you. I am smiling because it makes me happy to hear that."

    The neko looked at Jomei happily, "I appreciate it, Jomei. You're a wonderful person, I'm sorry for all the losses you have had in your days here." She said with a smile, while also wanting to console the man. The girl walked in stride with the rapier master, the panther woman wasn't expecting to find someone who was so easy to understand and powerful with the story she thought she found her way into it. The man bared his tooth with a cheeky little grin of his.

    "I know Hikoru's been through a lot.. with Ariel and Lowe's death and all. But I can tell you, he is an incredible man. Very strong and caring."
    "I'm sure you'll make him very happy."

    She couldn't help but explode into an embarrassed face, her cheeks easily discernable with a blush. She wasn't expecting to get complimented in such a way, she twiddled her thumbs around each other, "T-Thank you..." Her embarrassment had overridden her body's normal actions, but it was clearly evident that she was smiling from ear to ear. It was truly heart-warming to hear that from that Jomei, "I h-hope you're right Jomei-san. He's the first ever man I have liked... SInce my wife... she...." Vale got a little choked up, a larger situation being hinted at with the words about her wife. Shaking her head, the neko looked at Jomei, "That's not all that important, all that matters is if Hikki-kun likes me too." She laughed, but not wholeheartedly.

  20. “Well, there really wasn’t much more I wanted my skill points invested in, as I’m a blacksmith, I need materials more than ever”
    “I do actually need them, I still get Tier 1 customers in my shop, to be honest, they’re the ones that buy the most stuff from me, the Tier 1 is where it’s at. The higher tiers are reserved for 
    frontliners, and for what I know, I’ve sold 7-9 pieces of Tier 3 equipment, while I’ve sold countless of Tier 1 and Tier 2 equipment”

    Macradon kept a smile on his face as he spoke to Vale about her question, she never truly thought about it. But there was a point to be made, despite the fact that Vale has her equipment pretty much set in stone to carry her a long way forward in this world. There were still thousands of people who were only recently getting over their fear and take their first steps towards saving their own life. And Macradon stood at the forefront to assure those players had the best chance of surviving and possibly helping out to earn their freedom from this death game. Vale nodded at Macradon in pride, "I understand, you walk a noble cause Macradon. If only you weren't in a guild, I would pursue having you apart of the core group of people I could fight with. You have my respect Macradon." She insisted on saying his whole name due to sheer admiration for the guy. Out of the corner of the girl's eye did she see a flower that was useful to her needs, quickly grabbing the material she inserted it into her inventory and continued walking alongside Macradon.

    ID: 88810 | LD: 9+6=15 (Material Found)
    Material's Gathered: 3

  21. Vale thought about Hikoru once again after his name came up in thought, she never used to be a little shy gal when it came to someone she liked. But this time, it was someone most people knew so she was bound to see some attention from it. After having materialized before Jomei showed up, she took a few power breaths to regain control over herself. The martial artist couldn't have flushed cheeks while trying to concentrate on combat, they still had a large freakin two-headed snake to eviscerate. Now was not the time to get love-struck over the shadow stalker.

    "Alright, lets head out and find the boss of this floor. Any idea where to start looking?"

    Jomei warped in with a smirk on his face, he already knew too much for Vale not to have the blush come back on her face, "Oh I get it, I like someone who fights on the front line." She huffed just before Jomei turned the topic back onto schedule, "Mm, I didn't study up on this boss far too well. But if my memory serves me right, I think people spoke about the beast residing in the northeastern quadrant of the Sand Fields. Just past the Temple of Three." Vale responded with a twinge of uncertainty, returning her eyes back onto Jomei to discuss the prior topic, "Look just don't say anything about it-" She interrupted herself and looked away embarrassed, "N-Nothing has happened yet..." She bit her lip and pushed her index fingers into one another.

  22. Vale nodded to Macradon, "Agreed, there is no doubt about the fact that I trust you to watch my back you iron titan. The dungeon won't stand a chance against our combined might." She laughed as she complimented the man on his towering strength. Looking over to the unnamed person who spoke in riddle and rhetoric, he made light comment about her choice in attire, "Alright then, Moody." Vale retorted with sass in her voice, "First of all, I was trying to be nice. And secondly, I don't appreciate the attitude toward my choice in design." She cocked her head to face away, "Despite the overall appearance, this is both my casual wear and my battle regalia." The martial artist stated with pride, she flared her paws out and out erupted razor sharp claws for blades, "Don't judge a book by its cover... It keeps me warm enough." A bit of cynicism took over the mood in the air.

    Chuckling the neko looked at the man who joined them, "I'm just messing with ya. The reason I don't change my garb regardless of the zone climate is for endurance training purposes, that and in the heat of battle. The last thing that is on your mind is whether you're hot or cold." She grinned her cheeky little laugh, "The name's Vale, and to what pleasure do I owe?" She asked, retracting the claws to return them to paw sized hands, then promptly placing it out to be accepted in kind by their mysterious companion.

  23. Climbing down from the tree, a hole of sap could be seen slowly drizzling down the side of a tree. Vale's eyes felt as though starts popped out of her eyes, grabbing a jug out of her inventory and with a sap extractor managed to collect the entire amount of it. Satisfied, she returned everything to her inventory and hopped forward toward Macradon. She saw him pick up the materials, considering the floor and from what she could reasonably understand. Macradon might have no need of the materials he was collecting on the ninth floor. Vale shrugged, "You have that coveted Gatherer skill, I'm impressed. You probably don't have much of a need for those materials if you have that skill as well as all that fine equipment." She spoke out to him, going with the decision to think that he didn't actually have a need for the entire amount of materials she asked, "If you don't have need of all those materials, I have a number of things I need to practice making. Anything you're willing to trade for a handful of the materials you find while we're out here?" She asked with her feline-like eyes looking at Macradon's.

    ID: 88808 | LD: 19+6=25 (Material Found)
    Material's Gathered: 2

  24. Vale didn't often come to the fourth floor due to the extreme cold that blanketed the entire zone, she wasn't too keen on zones that were too hot or too cold. Vale was more of a temperate temperature person. Never the less, it was a well-known fact that the sunrise was ten times more beautiful on the fourth floor near the floor boss zone spawn than anywhere else you could possibly view it from. It was actually quite peculiar seeing Macradon here on the fourth floor, knowing his strengths he would be on the lower floor. Vale's keen eyes with search and detect gave her the ability to see Macradon from a decent distance away. The girl's eyes scanned the horizon for a second before noticing another man nearish Macradon but standing by the lakeside. Vale began sprinting using all four legs to reach Macradon, "Hiya, it's been a hot minute since we last saw each other." She laughed as she had just come back from dealing with the Iron Guardian quest with the Scarlet Templar.

    Vale stood at full stand, the stunning neko like girl looked back at the man standing beside the lake, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Turning to Macradon she asked, "So whose this fellow?" Assuming they had a conversation shortly before she arrived. The girl would turn her attention back to the unnamed "Do you want to just stay over by the freezing lake? Or join this little group for some warmth and conversation?" She meowed at the man, trying to take the attention away from the fact that she felt extremely cold on the skin that is exposed due to her armors outfitting.

  25. Vale saw the light wave from her peripheral vision, she politely waved back and smiled at Macradon. The man had a lot of confidence in himself to do a full equip change in public, Vale always thought of it as getting naked in that sort of sense. She couldn't exactly complain as nothing could technically be seen, but the thought of only that for a second made her blush too much. Covering her face she coughed in her palm.

    “Hey there. You ready to go?”

    The panther girl smiled when she saw the man was fully covered head to toe in his battle regalia. An impressive set of armor that fit a man with such prestige. During Vale's travels around the various floors, the savvy martial artist kept up with the information on the front lines and their accomplishments. She knew when she saw that man clad and ready to fight, this quest wouldn't have a drawback. The neko girl brought her hand back and smiled with confidence, "Yeah! Let's smash this!" Her ear twitched when her search and detect skill heard the Mysterious quest giver had approached. Vale grinned as the quest parameters box popped up, clicking accept she triggered her charge skill and launched off over the walls of town, due to the pillar's location near the edge of the settle. Landing into a tree just near the gate she peered around the branches to find anything she could look for alchemical material. In a small charred bush dangled Lavatear flowers blooming, she quickly nabbed one and placed it into her inventory. Then readied herself to follow Macradon the second she saw him.

    ID: 88791 | LD: 14+6=20 (Material Found)
    Material's Gathered: 1

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