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Posts posted by Vale

  1. The more that Hikoru consoled the broken woman eased the pain on her soul, for once in a very long time. She felt as though it was okay to be weak and rely on someone else to help, the cold breeze caused goosebumps to start creeping up on her arms and legs. An immediate shiver could be felt from the girl as she was being caressed by Hikoru. Her head placed firmly on his chest, with a good handful of his shirt gripping within her hand. Only a few moments passed before she was finally taking back control over her emotions. Wiping away a tear to finally get ready for assisting Hikoru in defeating yet another dragon hatching. Just before she was about to start pushing off the man, he began stroking the back of her head, the cat in her couldn't resist but to sit still and let him pet her.

    His words whispered into her ears, but quickly the escaped the other side of her ears, being far too happy with being petted. Vale nuzzled her head into his chest as he pet her, this was the exact thing she wanted. She began to purr, a small capability gained from the potion that gave her neko-like qualities. Her purrs reverberating through her body, possibly resonating within Hikoru as well. She wanted just a few more minutes of being cared for by Hikoru, everything else was irrelevant. The cold winds were no longer coming across her thoughts, just a sweet genuine adorable smile stretched across her face.

  2. [Yui's Grace used 1 Remaining]

    "Nonetheless. I'm pretty sure you've proven yourself to me... I'll tell you what you want to know." 

    After the defeat of the Monkey King, and it's corpse finally shedding the final data particles into the air. The handsome Jomei said this to Vale, but the girl had no exact question to start with. There was a plethora of things she wanted to know about, and the man in front of the panther-girl knew how much she wanted to know about Dom. And the fact he hadn't began to speak of the man shrouded in mystery, meant there was a lot to the story that she would have to uncover, "I want to know everything you know about the front lines, and as much history that can be provided about them." She started by requested, and before Jomei could speak up she followed up saying, "We'll get our way to understanding whomever this man Dom is. Which is the goal for now, I leave what you tell me up to you." Her final words were a point to try and give trust into the man who was trusting to journey with her.

    "Come on, lets get out of here so we can talk."

    Vale followed Jomei when he responded. Vale returned to the Wooden Box to be lifted back up to the town above so they could use the time in isolation from others to begin the conversation, "Just before we go back and talk. I think we should continue hunting while we discuss everything." She said, the girl was trying to plan to utilize every moment of her time to improve herself to the nth degree, reminiscent of Berserk like man who never rested longer than a few hours. Vale and the man she would learn about had far more common qualities than met the eye.


  3. Name: Star Cat Milk
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88707
    Roll: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)
    Item Type: Crafting Respite
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Refresh Crafts for a Day
    Description: Creamy White Milk with moving starlike particles on the inside of the bottle. When one drinks it they would feel a feeling of refreshness thorough their entire body.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14431-f6-shop-spring-of-youth-rank-3-alchemist-closed-for-nyow/?do=findComment&comment=525154

  4. After one good day of crafting, Vale took the nights rest to unwind from her long adventure out in the wilds over the past few months. The best part of her alchemist skill was figuring out how to create soaps and special smells that had neat little effects. A dabbler at heart. Upon waking in the morning, she stretched her arms and legs yawning, "Despite not being a traveler anymore, you don't forget your sleep schedule when you go back to a relaxing life." She told herself. Lazily the woman sat in her chair at the alchemy table, wearing nothing but the bell on her neck and an oversized black sweater. Often having to pull the arm sleeves back to prevent them from catching fire on the bunson burner she had received from Mack a long time ago, she worked. Vale was feeling the effect of having a better hang on things in her mind. She easily created a small grouping of potions she had a decent use for. Quickly she moved them into her bag, then made her way out into the wilderness.

    Attempts [9/25/17] [Mats started with 18/ Mats after Craft 14] (14 EXP)

    Name: Intimate Addiction
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88705
    Roll: 6+1=7 (Good Item)
    Item Type: Allure Spray
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: RP Effect: Player Vale and any other female players accepting of the debuff, gain [Arosal] With this aphrodisiac spray.
    Post Link:

    Name: Smell Fresh
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88706
    Roll: 5+1=6 (Good Item)
    Item Type: RP Effect Remover
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: Removes all RP debuffs caused by crafts created at the shop <Spring of Youth>
    Post Link:

    Name: Star Cat Milk
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88707
    Roll: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)
    Item Type: Crafting Respite
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Refresh Crafts for a Day
    Description: Creamy White Milk with moving starlike particles on the inside of the bottle. When one drinks it they would feel a feeling of refreshness thorough their entire body.
    Post Link:

    Name: Intimate Addiction
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88708
    Roll: 6+1=7
    Item Type: Allure Spray
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None
    Description: RP Effect: Player Vale and any other female players accepting of the debuff, gain [Arosal] With this aphrodisiac spray.
    Post Link:

  5. ID: 88704 | LD: 10+5=15 (Material Found)

    Vale spent more time paying attention to Ryo and what he was saying, than rather her focusing on searching the bushes over one hundred percent. She had already studied all the plants and patterns that were found on the first ten floors, with that she would look for specific parts of the bush to locate each and every material. As she pulled yet another small flower cluster out of a bush immediately inserting it into her inventory afterwards, "Heh, food is a wonderful thing. And the fact that food doesn't affect your diet in this world, I can eat whatever I please and just focus on the taste factor rather than micromanaging my proteins intake and all that hooplah." She responded laughing when she got to the word hooplah. When Ryo promised to keep her mansion a secret between the two of them, Vale smiled at him, "You're a wonderful soul, Ryo." She stood back up and moved onto the next bush to locate more materials.

    Materials Gathered: 2

  6. Vale was breaking down in front of Hikoru, unable to get a hold of her emotions leaving her feeling helpless and useless. She wanted to be stronger inside, but it as all just building ontop of her, the stress, the pain, the agony, the regret. They all weighed down as if she were atlas holding up the world upon her shoulders. He must of thought so little of her, she practically threw herself at him and he rejected. Maybe she was repulsive to him, maybe she was just a disgusting human, her mind was swirling of these negative thoughts. It was like the train had a colossal wreck in her mind. But then from infront of her, he held her close and tight. The tears too much to bear when he spoke.

    "You are not a burden to me..."

    Hikoru even fit in a joke to try and bring up the mood, but it was already too late. Vale broke and cried into her shoulder, a girl broken by her past and unable to hold it together anymore. She gripped his cloak tight to make sure he couldn't pull away, it was her indicator to him that she needed him to just be there for the moment. Her eyes opened and widened when Hikoru kissed her forehead, she looked at him in the eyes, "I'm sorry. I won't be like this for long, but please can I just have this minute?" She asked Hikoru with innocent eyes, before burying her face into Hikoru's chest, "You're the only person aside from Yukino to know, what I am like when I feel vulnerable." She admitted to the shadow stalker.

  7. Vale stood up straight and looked at the broken Monkey King, flat on his back unable to show what made it fearsome to the people above. it didn't matter though, she made a colossal point of this Monkey and her technique. Vale was feeling the rush of fulfillment when she knew someone else was there to take note of what she was capable of. Vale watched as Jomei descended down upon the beast preventing any further chance at a comeback, with precision and deadly force the Rapier was slicing, stabbing, and massacring the Monkey King. Jomei was proving he wasn't going to be left behind to Vale.

    The Panther woman smiled, "I knew you couldn't hold back. You had the ability to make your way down the entire time Jomei-sama. Why'd you insist on waiting in the wooden box." Vale questioned Jomei. She wasn't sure if Jomei truly did have the capability of getting down to the ground floor with the same deftness. But what she saw out of the man, was the fact that Jomei had the ability to keep up with her. The calm casualness of his attacks, proved that he had been on the frontlines before. As if these sorts of skirmishes had no bearing on his mind, at least this is the perception she had of him.

  8. ID 88697
    BD: 4 + 3 = 7 (Charge Activated: Sword Art used: All Might)

    Vale couldn't hear Jomei talk from the distance she had already elapsed, her ears definitely twitched when the man started talking. A small indicator that her search and detect skill was in fact improving. Her ears only triggered when she could faintly hear sound. Regardless she continued looking towards where she was going, in no time she landed as softly like the fur on her armor felt. She scanned around, but due to the darkness that lingered sight was reduced, not so much so that one would have difficulties seeing within a yard range.

    Then the piercing cold stare hit her. The panthers eyes flicked around until they located the red eyes that gleamed at her. She gripped her fist and changed her stance to a boxers stance. The beast lunged at her, with fury seeping from it's very pores, swing it's arms with precision and destruction. Vale honed her sights in on the arms, using her training days as a boxer, she could narrowly predict the location and speed of the attacks. Activating her charge skill she side stepped twice against the monkey causing his fists to miss completely. With her charge skill getting her a decent distance away, she barreled forth with a devastating right punch square into the jaw of the Monkey, flinging him back and causing him to thud on the ground writhing in pain.

    Jomei: 986/986 (98/98)
    Vale: 700/700 (53/70) (-17 EN)

    Monkey King: 60/250 (-240 + 50 = -190 HP)
    Dmg: 240

  9. Vale walked beside her, due to the way her armor was made. Her footprints were actually in the design of a large cats foot. Made it look as though someone were walking with their familiar rather than with another player. Vale wasn't sure how to react at all, they were walking in stride together, but there was this feeling of distance made by Hikoru that was painful to say the least. Hikoru finally spoke up after a short distance into their walk toward the dragon's location, he was trying his hardest to appeal to Vale and to help her understand him a bit. She couldn't in all honesty blame him for his actions, it made sense based on the way he acted with her from the times they first met. Yet still it was like a blade had been jammed into her heart.

    She sighed, the bottom half of her face namely just the nose and mouth still visible from where the panther's head reached, "Hikoru... There is a lot I need to tell you. I'm not good with these emotion-filled moments either. The last person I truly loved brought me into this world despite my lack of knowledge for video games." She started with saying, if she was going to get him to understand her a bit, it was time to come forth with everything. Her gaze did not move from the ground she was about to step on, her eyes were glued to just barely in front of her, cause she couldn't bare the pain of looking at him at the current moment. She took a deep breath, biting her lip for a second before she continued to speak, "This same woman... Committed suicide, just hours after learning we could not escape this world-" A brief pause in her words and the slight glint of light reflecting off a tear streaming down her face, noticeable from when the tear reached past the hoods cover point, "We were married outside this world... We had been together since we were extremely young.... But she left... me alone..." She managed to say after bringing her paw up to her face, "I'm sorry... I'm not your burden. I won't force you to stay around me Hikki..." Turning her head to face away from him, managing to say the nickname she had in her head for him.

  10. Hikoru quickly ripped the cloak off Vale, her eyes widened in surprise and shock of this occurring. With that Hikoru quickly hid himself within his cloak and said something about continue and quest. The rest was jumbled together being spoken so fast that it caught Vale off guard completely. As she reached out for him to try and speak, he darted out at high speeds. Her arm slowly dropped and rested softly on the table. It was taking a lot of inner strength not to lose it right then and there. She was certain that Hikoru had rejected her with that, it was a stinging pain to see that happen. Vale dropped her inventory and selected to have her recently identified cloak drape over her, the panther head hood allowed her to hide her face, but still see through the eye sockets. Placing her arms within the sleeves she all but masked her chest and torso, the cloak would only rest ontop of her legs and be free-flowing from there.

    Hikoru made it apparent he only wanted to quest and didn't want much more, or atleast that was all she could surmise from the conversation they just had. Vale stood up quiet and walked out, with a noticeable lack of pep in her step. All eyes were on her in the tavern, and she was aware of it. Sullenly she made her way to the teleportation gate, Hikoru standing there awaiting her. She couldn't tell what was going on with his face due to it being hidden by the cloak. But now, her entire face was covered by the panther head hood. She fought every instinct within her to not bust out into tears. She had nothing to say at this point, just the words "Warp, Snowfrost." Hey body motions made it evident she didn't once try to turn any part her body to look at Hikoru. 

    Stats for this Thread:
    700 HP
    70 EN
    8(13) DMG
    3 ACC

    3 EVA
    2 LD
    1 Light Momentum
    1 Life Steal (Defensive)
    9 MIT

  11. "Alright. We should find the way to get down."

    After the liquid was finished being poured on her body, she tossed the bottle, it exploded into data particles moments after leaving her hand. The Liquid seemed to sit perfectly still on her body, as she wiped her hand, it looked as though the liquid was untouched and never moving. She followed Jomei around until they reached a crank pulled elevator by a short and stocky NPC character.

    "Heading down to the lower levels? You must be crazy."

    The panther-like woman looked at the man after he uttered that, "Well, the evils that rest below won't be quelled if we just stand up here." She said to the man confidently as she joined Jomei onto the elevator. The wooden box the rode down had a lot of open air to it, and the slow speed of the wooden box was getting on Vale's nerves. She was all revved up and ready to go, but the pace it was taking to reach the bottom would take easily another half hour. As much as she enjoyed idle conversation, they were here on a mission and she was determined to see it through.

    "You ready for this?"

    Jomei smirked at her, Vale turned around to smirk back, "I don't think you understand how ready." She turned around and lunged out of the wooden box, utilizing her Charge skill mid air to propel her to a tree trunk, using the claws on her gauntlets she was able to hold her position. Constantly reactivating charge to dash downward from tree trunk to tree trunk descending into the darkness below. Vale wasn't too worried about the travel down due to how she had her equipment designed. Within minutes she reached the bottom where the elevator would land, promptly awaiting for Jomei to join her at the bottom.

  12. It was visibly noticeable the discomfort the man got when Vale took hold of his hands, with haste she released them to try and ease the tension on the fine fellow, "My apologies. I was in such a need of someone who could actually cook. Lost a little self control there." Vale apologized as she bowed politely, "I would love to simply assist you in your endeavor and find a mutual friendship/agreement from this." She followed up saying with a gleeful smile stretched across her face. After a moment she realized that she gave away the mansions secret owner, causing her to bring her paws over her mouth, "You're right though. It's not much of a secret if I am telling the whole world about it." She chuckled. Taking a hold of herself, she made way for the outdoors along side Ryo, since there was no actual way to find materials in the town. A sort of system put in to convince players to leave the safety of town. Activating her search and detect she honed her site onto some flowers that when broke down made essential herbs and spices for cooking. Something Vale had learned when she was training in isolation for the many months.

    ID: 88695 | LD: 14+5=19 (Material Found)

    Materials Gathered: 1

  13. "Warp, Floor Eight."

    The martial artist walked with Jomei all the way up until they reached the teleportation gate, with him uttering this phrase he vanished in a bright blue light. Vale closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Warp, Floor Eight." She exclaimed, becoming enveloped in a blue light. After a few moments later the blue light stopped enveloping Vale, and there she stood right beside Jomei in Friben Village. The settlement suspended by the tree's, where the duo's destination was located directly under the settlement itself at the cave known as the Maw of the King. They weren't far, so it was the last chance the two of them would have to prepare for the battle. Vale took this time to use one of the potions she had made quite some time ago, uncorking the top of a yellowy wispy bottle. Vale poured the drink onto her body, feeling the power boost it gave her immediately. She looked at Jomei, "Don't be getting any wise idea's just because I'm pour liquid on myself." She chuckled.

    -Fangs of the Beast used-
    New DMG: 11(16)

  14. Name: Spark Sharp
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88687
    Roll: 8+1=9 (Uncommon)
    Item Type: Explosion Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Damage
    Description: A constantly churning potion. When slapped on a weapon, it will instantly sharpen the blades and hone the blunt edges with the sparks it creates.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14431-f6-shop-spring-of-youth-rank-3-alchemist-closed-for-nyow/?do=findComment&comment=525118

    Name: Spark Sharp
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88693
    Roll: 9+1 (Uncommon)
    Item Type: Explosion Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Damage
    Description: A constantly churning potion. When slapped on a weapon, it will instantly sharpen the blades and hone the blunt edges with the sparks it creates.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14431-f6-shop-spring-of-youth-rank-3-alchemist-closed-for-nyow/?do=findComment&comment=525118

  15. [Posts in this thread will now a counter that reflects the Banker System.]

    Vale opened the door, it was ever so slightly dusty. But nothing that the Panther couldn't clean up in moments with the right utensil. She closed the door behind her to take back the cool dark environment to help with her pursuit of alchemical potions. She was always trying to work on her sight skills, a feline would be able to see in the dark no problem. And she felt as though if she could improve her sights, she could get an advantage in trying to isolate hikoru, but in a room like this even he would be able to surprise her from behind. Something that crossed her mind. Shaking her head, she quickly finished her cleaning and rushed to make some potions to get the thoughts out of her head. Drinking the Cat Milk she had prepared a long time ago. Vale attempted to make it a few times, but each time it resulted in an exploded potion. There was something about the mix she was getting wrong.

    Attempts [9/24/17] [Mats started with 15/ Mats after Craft 8] (13 EXP)

    Name: Exploded Potion
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88686
    Roll: 4+1=5 (Bad Item) | LD: 9+5=14 (Exploded Potion)
    Item Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Bad
    Enhancements: None
    Description: The potion exploded during creation
    Post Link:

    Name: Spark Sharp
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88687
    Roll: 8+1=9 (Uncommon)
    Item Type: Explosion Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Damage
    Description: A constantly churning potion. When slapped on a weapon, it will instantly sharpen the blades and hone the blunt edges with the sparks it creates.
    Post Link:

    Name: Exploded Potion
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88688
    Roll: 3+1=4 (Bad Item) | LD: 12+5=17 (Salvaged Potion)
    Item Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Bad
    Enhancements: None
    Description: The potion exploded during creation
    Post Link:

    Name: Glistening spray
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88689
    Roll: 7+1=8 (Good Item)
    Item Type: Mood Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Vanity
    Enhancements: None.
    Description: RP Effect: Player (Vale) and any other players accepting of the buff, gain "Sweaty Skin". Players with Sweaty Skin have the pores of the body look as though they are perspiring for perfect mood lighting look.
    Post Link:

    Name: Exploded Potion
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88690
    Roll: 3+1=4 (Bad Item) | LD: 5+5=10 (Exploded Potion)
    Item Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Bad
    Enhancements: None
    Description: The potion exploded during creation
    Post Link:

    Name: Disgusting Goop
    Crafter's Profession:
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88691
    Roll: 2+1=3 (Failed Item)
    Item Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Failed
    Enhancements: A weird goop made during merging, destroyed it's potion.
    Post Link:

    Name: Exploded Potion
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88692
    Roll: 3+1=4 (Bad Item) | LD: 5+5=10 (Exploded Potion)
    Item Type: Failed Experiment
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Bad
    Enhancements: None
    Description: The potion exploded during creation
    Post Link:

    Name: Spark Sharp
    Crafter's Profession: Alchemist
    Crafter's Rank: 3

    ID: 88693
    Roll: 9+1 (Uncommon)
    Item Type: Explosion Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Damage
    Description: A constantly churning potion. When slapped on a weapon, it will instantly sharpen the blades and hone the blunt edges with the sparks it creates.
    Post Link:

  16. ID: 88683 | LD: 15+5=20

    The entrance to the town that lead to the Teleportation gate was within a few minutes walk from where she was, it was the last chance she would have to peer around for anything she could use for her crafting needs. Quickly seeing a flower that rested up against the side of the town's outer wall, caused her to smile. Walking up she picked the flower from the ground and watched it dissipate into her inventory, "Hikoru... I'm going to tell you everything, and apologize for why I need to do to you what I need to first." She looked up at the sky with the shade of the wall keeping the sunlight from hitting her eyes, "But I hope you will understand, and this can become something greater than either of us ever imagined. And, that you feel honestly the same way about me." She bit her lip after she finished say, praying the last part would ultimately be true.

    Materials Gathered: 9

  17. ID: 88682 | LD: 5+5=10 (No Material Found)

    Her heart was torn between Yukino and Hikoru. The first being the person she spent the many years of her life with, the one who helped her realize her potential. The one who let her cry her eyes out, the one who gave mutual feelings to her when she had the guts to reach out for. The Latter being the one who was honest to her from the beginning, the one who had showed her things that no one else would be able to. The one who could teach her what she really needed. With Yukino abandoning her in this world, she felt bad for Hikoru as though she was using him. But, somewhere deep down, she was starting to build honest feelings toward the man. He still hadn't shared his past with her, it was here that she knew and realized to move on with Hikoru is to tell him everything.

    Materials Gathered: 8

  18. ID: 88681 | LD: 16+5=21 (Material Found)

    After Vale laughed the smile and the laugh slowly dissipated, looking down at the ground she saw another material just sitting there waiting to be picked up by some random passerby. She knelt down and grabbed the material, slowly putting it into her inventory, thoughts of Yukino began to surge to the surface. This had occurred a fair number of times since the Gemini almost killed her, it was the creature that proved to her that she was not strong enough to protect Yukino, and give her a reason to stay. She remembered the abandoning feelings she got from her lover, and questioned if moving onto Hikoru was the right thing. Vale wanted the best for herself, she felt as though she deserved as such. Thus the man cloaked in shadow was the first person she was having such feelings for.

    Materials Gathered: 8

  19. ID: 88680 | LD: 11+5=16 (Material Found)

    While Vale spoke to herself about what she wanted to do after the quest, she felt her foot land on top of one of the many rocks she had found earlier. Smiling she pulled it out of the ground and placed it into her inventory as she had done every time up until now. After the inventory disappeared along with the material she thought about home once more, "It was nice having Hikki there." She said to herself with a smile. Her heart began thumping faster and faster the more she thought about Hikoru, "I've never been attracted to a man before... He is pretty effeminate for one. So I guess that helps." She giggled and began laughing, she realized what was going on in her heart. And her mind was in stride with her heart, there was more to everything.

    Materials Gathered: 7

  20. ID: 88679 | LD: 6+5=11 (No Material Found)

    Vale dug around trying to look around for a second rock, as it had held up so far that they sat in pairs. But the more sand she shoveled around the more fruitless it became. After having moved a fair amount in the core span of a few minutes, it wasn't worth digging more and more into the sand looking for a material. Vale stood up tall and continued walking to town, the path still visible as there was no wind in the air to cause the footprints in the sand to disappear. She strolled her way forward thinking about what she would do next, "To be honest... A night in would be wonderful, I need a shower after all this sweating. Only reason I don't stay at my home on the eighth floor is it is always humid there. Sweating is a constant." She spoke to herself thinking about what she would do.

    Materials Gathered: 6

  21. Vale giggled when Ryo complimented her further, a smooth talker was what first came to mind with the man. He continued on a huge spiel that slowly changed her thought of him being a smooth talker, to being an actor. She was mostly in tune with him all the way up until he asked for her assistance to be a cook. Immediately her eyes grew wide, the exact person she was looking for presented themselves to her instead of vice versa. She couldn't even keep the wide grin that appeared upon her face, her eyes closed happily showing a cheerful face to the man as he finished his pose. Utilizing her charge skill, she disappeared for a second to reappear in front of him holding his larger hand with her two adorable looking paws, having retracted the claw portions of the gauntlets so she could hold hands with others, "I happened to be looking for a cook. I'm in dire need of their help, I'll be willing to help you in whatever it is you need if you're willing to cook for me in my secluded mansion on the eighth floor there in the private sector of the Green River?" She asked, she couldn't stop giving out information that she originally needed to hold secret so people didn't know who owned that highly sought after Mansion due to it's location.

  22. ID: 88678 | LD: 11+5=16

    Vale's body became enveloped in a slightly blue light, that caused her to look up at her energy bar and noticed that it had it's full refresh that is initiated when out of a combat for a brief period of time. The blue light slowly fading caused another rock to glint in her peripheral, looking at the spot that was glinting she hurried over in a paced manner. Once she reached the stone she quickly used the razor sharp claws of her gauntlets to shovel the sand fast and withdraw the rock that resided there just covered under the sand. With another material located, she put the item in her inventory and did the required finger movements in order to update the information on her journey here in the fifth floor.

    Materials Gathered: 6

    Vale: 700/700 HP | EN 70/70 (3/3 turns out of combat regen)

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