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Posts posted by Vale

  1. Vale watched as Jomei showed the excellence of front liners finishing capabilities. Originally with Vale pushing off Jomei was to open up the extended neck, she watched as her off trajectory push set Jomei up for a more sinister finish. He repositioned his body fluidly and launched becoming a blur with his sheer speed. Her eyes able to track him with all the training she had put into her eye's ability to track. He was nearly as fast as she was if not for the fact that his charge skill wasn't ready. The man would have easily teleported to the exact spot he wanted instantly. The Flash step that she had been adapting and trying to learn with her feline grace.

    The essence roared and detached itself from the body of the twin-headed serpent. The essence leaving only the bones behind after the final strike was delivered through its neck by Jomei's execution. The bones were severed at the impact point of Jomei's blade, what was explained in that one moment was the hunger the essence possessed if it could consume a quest boss. She gracefully landed looking horrified at the essence that hovered in the sky. Powerful red eyes showing itself as though it were looking at both of the players at the same time, "Not worthy. Not yet..." The voice said as it faded into nothingness. Vale turned to look at Jomei, "T-The corpse... It isn't blowing up into d-data particles is it." She said shivering. The spine-chilling feeling of being watched faded along with the essence, but Vale still felt the chill down her spine when she thought about the creature and how it might be suffering.

  2. The voice in her head stopped being so loud when Jomei landed a crucial attack on the massive beast directly in it's throat. Vale took the opportunity to launch herself at the Snake. The creature had been waiting for Vale to strike again she was it's primary target with her holding the highest amount of threat. It dove into the ground with a gash in one of it's throats and dodged the Martial Artists savage punches. After a moment the creature burst from the ground shooting directly at Vale. But, with her and Jomei being close to one another, the neko reached out and shot Jomei down with pushing her up to leave the creature completely vulnerable to Jomei's attack, "This is your chance, it's got too much attention on me!" She screamed out, "Yall will be overcome by RAGE!" The creature screamed into the heads of both of them once again to try and thwart their teamwork, but the stage already set.

    ID: 88876 | BD: 2+3=5  | MD: 8-3=5

    Vale: 780/780 | 44/78 EN
    Jomei: 980/980 | 98 EN

    Incarnate of Rage, Amphis Serpens: 30/500 HP | 150 DMG (On a 9/10 will hit both players) 

  3. Vale felt for the young girl, it seemed as though consolement was not what she was after. The girl had a twinge of vengeance in her heart as she declared wanting justice done to the girl whom the still unnamed man had mentioned her being a girl, Vale turned her attention to the other two men whom she had never met before, "We should all probably give the girl a slight amount of space." She said as she backed up to try and give the girl breathing room. Vale sat on knee's with her panther-like tail swaying about, Her ears would teach anytime someone was approaching, and the recently met Paglikha or Kaluluwa as he liked to be called approached, "It's been a hot minute Kalu-kun." Listening to the words he had to say, "It's true we all have lost someone, it is a terrible thing to have to deal with. But the pain is real in ones heart." She admitted looking down on the ground, she brought her head up to look at the girl once more, "I don't know where or how I can help still. But, if you ever require the need for assistance. Never hesitate to reach out to me." Bringing her hand out with a gorgeous smile she reached to exchange names with the woman, "The name is Vale. Tis a pleasure." She then looked at each and every person, "The same goes to all of you."

  4. Vale looked over at Jomei who seemed to be hesitant, something that she didn't see when they were facing the Monkey King together. She had definitive proof that Jomei was leagues still ahead of her, but he wasn't even seeming like himself anymore. He rushed forward blindly not paying attention to the ground like she was. As she was about to scream out to tell him to dodge the tail, it was too late. She watched the clumsy oaf take an unnecessary knockback, with her distracted mind she almost got chomped down on. Using the passive portion of her Charge skill she managed to evade the powerful bite and appear next to its face.

    With one powerful fist thrown forward, The beast got sent back once again this time toward Jomei. She was mollywhopping the essence showing her capabilities above and beyond the essence for a number of times now, "Get your head in the game Jomei!" She shouted, but her words were silenced with the dual voice coming from the snake, "Once in my clutches, you shall be reaped in Despair" The voice was practically screaming in the mind of both players causing her to drop to one knee and cover her ears.

    ID: 88874 | BD: 5+3=8 | MD: 6-3=3

    Vale: 780/780 | 45/78 EN
    Jomei: 980/980 | 98 EN

    Incarnate of Rage, Amphis Serpens: 240/500 HP | 150 DMG (On a 9/10 will hit both players) [9 * 15 = -135 HP]

  5. Vale's eyes widened when she said that a player was murdered. Quickly the she scanned over the names that had the explanation of a total loss duel with Daiza. It was near the end but she eventually found the name Wardege, "I am so sorry for your loss." Vale held her arms out for the girl trying to show compassion to the best of her ability, "I personally don't know who would ever want to kill somebody else. It is a deplorable act to say the least, but if you need a shoulder to cry on. I can lend you mine." She offered, it was strange to hug people one never knew before, but Vale felt like the girl needed someone to confide in. Losing ones friend was already devastating enough, but to her the person she lost was just as personally close to her as Yukino was to Vale.

    Looking at the new player, "This is why." Vale stated as she pointed to Wardege's name. Her paw couldn't quite reach, thus she extended her claw to point more accurately at the name. Afterwards retracting her claw so she could use her soft paws to try and help the girl as best as possible. Vale knew precisely what it was like to lose someone who was so close to her, she always thought fondly of Yukino despite that she felt so alone deep down at heart when the woman abandoned her in this death world.

  6. ID: 88865 | BD: 6+3=9 | MD: 4+2-3=3

    Vale pulled away from Hikoru, after one last kiss to her forehead. Something he did with moving the hood off her head in order to perform said action. She was content now that she had been comforted by the person she was obviously growing feelings for. When he asked if they should get going, it was the sweetest smile she could possibly give the man. The glimmer of the sun through the snowfall, this was, in fact, the most genuine smile she had ever given to someone, "Yes HIkki-kun" Were the words that had just as much meaning as the smile.

    Hikoru then disappeared into the shadows. Since Vale knew what she was looking for she focused her tracker on the small hatchling. Vale ran about, thinking that Hikoru could easily see her and follow wherever she went. It didn't take too long to see the small dragon hatchling torturing some penguins. Seeing this enraged Vale into a full charge All Might strike to the back of the beast. Launching it against the free and bouncing a decent distance away. With the surprise and force of the attack, the Dragon didn't have an inkling of a second to counter-attack.

    Vale: 700/700 | 53/70
    Hikoru: ????/???? | ??/??

    Icefyre: 105/250 | 50 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 75 DMG [-195+50= -145 HP]

  7. “I’ve had this mentality for a while, and even though how mad I get at these beginners who are just now starting, I just have a soft spot for helping those in need, it’s something I swore as an Oath once, so I just have to keep it up, I need to”

    Vale could respect the knightly soul that existed within Macradon's soul, he reminded her of a regal knight from the history books of the European crusades. It was actually rather impressive to the frisky feline, "I'm glad that you have something that you can put your heart into without regret." She informed him and smiled, "I wouldn't say I had an oath, but I have a creed to follow. To protect all those around me, and take everything necessary to come out victorious in the end." She exclaimed to the Scarlet Templar.

    “I’m sorry, I care for this guild a bit too much for me to go away from it, I feel a responsibility to keep it going”
    “I even think we could use some good assets like you in it, but at the moment, the Guild isn’t that popular, so it wouldn’t be weird for you to decline the most hated Guild of the frontlines”

    The girl suddenly turned her head to Macradon astonished, no one had ever spoke ill of the guild, Knights of the Blood Oath. But for some reason, it was known as a hated guild. Maybe this man knew a lot more about the front lines and would be able to give her information, "I wouldn't dream of trying to convince you from leaving your guild. But, I am actually curious about the front lines. I've heard rumor of a man who possessed True Rage, from a monster during a quest." She started before affixing her attention back toward the direction that they were walking, "It mentioned that the man's name was Dom. But every single bit of information I try to claim on the Front Liner known for a few titles, I learn that all the information has pretty much been redacted and no one is speaking up." Thinking Macradon might be able to shed some light by the personability of the man himself, "Are you able to shed some light on anything Macradon-dono?" She asked while sweeping her hand through a bush managing to pull out a flower from underneath the sharp prickly top layer.

    ID: 88872 | LD: 13+6=19
    Material's Gathered: 4

  8. Vale looked at the distracted Jomei who had just returned to her side, "This essence that has enveloped the usual easy to slay boss. Has been following me for quite some time now." She looked closer at his eyes, "Are you okay Jomei-san?" She asked politely. The snake began to slither forward, "All that matters, is Rage." the two voices echoed once again. The beast began to slither at the two of them quickly, and Vale seemed to respond at an even faster reaction time than that. She practically disappeared using her charge skill to near the full output of it's limits. With a charged right hand she clobbered one of the two heads of the beast, sending it careening back into a sand hill.

    Vale landed on the ground just to watch as the snake dug itself underground. She could loosely feel where the snake was due to her Search and Detect skill. Rapidly a head would shoot out of the ground sending sand everywhere in an attempt to eat Vale in a single shot. The two heads worked in unison to attempt to grab her, but the girl looked as though she was predicting the movements of the beast, "Don't just sit there Jomei!" She laughed as she continued to easily dodge the snake's sad attempt at trying to slay her.

    ID: 88862 | BD: 9 (Crit) | MD: 1

    Vale: 780/780 | 61/78 EN
    Jomei: 980/980 | 98 EN

    Incarnate of Rage, Amphis Serpens: 375/500 HP | 150 DMG (On a 9/10 will hit both players) [(9+1+5)*15=225 DMG dealt)

  9. Vale sat in the room of resurrection, paying homage to her wife she lost back on the first day of the game. Her praying meditation was interrupted when she heard the flurry of footsteps coming from behind her. The Neko turned her head to look at the girl who had entered the room, this adorable looking lass was running in obvious panic. She scanned over the names until her eyes fell on one specific name. The girl dropped to her knee's, bawling her eyes out into her hands. A frown came on Vale's face, it was hard to see someone feeling the same pain as she had felt that first day. The panther-like woman stood up and approached the girl, "If you're here crying your eyes out, then that must mean you lost someone close to you." Vale said with a kindred voice to the sad girl.

    Kneeling just next to the girl, the cat designed outfit woman looked at the girl hoping to see her eye to eye at this point. Vale thought it only right to help console the girl by trying to show her that she shares in the pain, "I understand how you feel, to the same degree I am unsure. But I watched my wife jump over the edge of Aincrad. Albeit she was a video gamer and I wasn't, that was the best decision she could come up with." Vale pointed at the name "Yukino" Which read just under her, "Jumped over the edge of Aincrad" Vale turned her attention back to the girl hoping she was helping even slightly, "I can't being to fathom what kind of pain you are in at the moment. But I'm willing to sit here and listen if you'll allow me." She smiled sweetly and genuinely at the distraught heroine.

  10. The Neko girl hadn't even realized just how far they had traveled while conversing. And although there was so much to think about, it needed to be shelved to the side in order for the Martial Artist to prepare herself for combat and soon. Down the hillside they stood at the peak of lead straight down into dirt and sand, as if there was a something causing the change in the layout of the land. This was something that was relatively new to Aincrad as if things were beginning to change around the lower floors. Vale flicked her eyes around the area seeing no signs of anything, thus she followed Jomei honing her Mind for battle. She withdrew 2 potions, both a small little spark sharp, not a lot but a bit extra damage for the two fighters, "Here take this." She tossed the explosive potion to him, "Small little thing I was working on, something planned for tier three weapons." She explained as she crushed the other potion between her claws, the sparks sharpening her claws slightly.

    Not too shortly after crushing the potion, the familiar feeling of being watched returned to Vale. The same one she felt when she was traversing in the darkest depths of the Infernal Caverns with Cerberus. This feeling would have reminded Jomei of Ssendom when he showed his virulent strength back in the days of old. She looked around frantically for where the harboring essence would show it's ugly head. Vale's eyes widened as she looked at the sand beginning to be shifted around, jumping back just in the nick of time to see a red essence covered over the field boss. Immediately it looked at the two of them, two voices heard, "Ahhhh, two well remembered." The voice echoed as though it were in the heads of the two players.

    Vale: 780/780 | 78 EN
    Jomei: 980/980 | 98 EN

    Incarnate of Rage, Amphis Serpens: 500/500 HP | 150 DMG (On a 9/10 will hit both players)

    [New Damage: 9(14)

  11. The small trio turned into a crowd of five. Vale smiled happily at the two new attendee's to the small get together, "It's a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances." The Neko girl said happily, her tail swashing around with her ears twitching slightly due to the cold. She dropped her finger and summoned her panther fur cloak to go on top of her, The hood which looked like a literal panther's face covered her face down to her nose. Her paws fit neatly into the arms, she held the free-flowing center of it together by hugging herself she was able to cover all her exposed skin with the cloak happily. The girl flashed a cheeky little smile to the group.

    Vale accepted the hand of Paglikha, "It's nice to meet you as well." The soft fur rubbing up on both sides of his hand as she used both hands to grab his, "Do you mind if I can you Kalu-san instead? Kaluluwa is a handful to say every time." She smiled happily at him. Turning to Thorsten and the man introduced himself as wishing to be named he showed little knowledge of the world. Which in essence was fine, not everyone was a worry wart like Vale and studied everything under the sun to understand as much as she does, "You've never heard of a sub dungeon? I have a map to one on the eleventh floor, I am supposed to meet Macradon there tomorrow. But we can see about making it later today instead? I think we can account for everyone if others are interested." She asked the group, there were a few stops she needed to visit before making it to the eleventh floor. She had enough time till they had to meet up to do some dungeon delving.  The newest person to join them had an umbrella, that and the man looked absolutely adorable, Vale just wanted to snuggle right up to him immediately.

  12. "It's what comes with being on the frontlines."

    The martial artist had not yet known just how true this statement would be, there was nothing good that came from the front lines as her partner already knew. Vale had great aspirations, a lot of those feelings could be quelled if the woman wasn't properly prepared for it.

    "They weren't all frontliners. He continued, some ran away from the horrors of it all... trying to escape and find a life as regular as it could be as far away from the boss fights. But we cant escape the danger Sword Art Online throws at us, no matter how far we run."

    Vale was far too embroiled in this situation, knowing first hand what came with the loss of a loved one. When she watched her wife plummet off the edge of the woman's own volition. Vale needed to get a grip over herself here, her body was turned away but tears began to well up in her eyes. Vale chanted in her head to not think about it, Jomei didn't need to know the deeper details yet. Despite the fact that he was apologizing for exactly what he thought was correct. The Panther-woman chose not to bring the story up. When he said it was time to get back on track. She nodded, and looked forward the only place she needed to focus was forward, "Hai, Jomei-sama."


  13. ID: 88850 | LD: 14+6=20 (Chest Found)
    ID: 88851 | LD: 16 (1350 Col, 8 Materials, Perfect Boots, 2 Rare Food)

    Just like before when Vale was looking around the walls for any secrets, Vale decided to look in the loose darkness of the bridge city. To Vales surprise, she managed to walk just past a wall which had a strange airflow coming out of it. Pushing her hands against it, she was able to pull the wall to the side to open up a small little corridor that lead into a building with a small chest in the little room. She opened the chest lid and found another good gathering of loot, satisfied with another beneficial find she shoved the items into her inventory and relaxed. The girl had quite the haul looking at her items she gathered during and after the completion of her quest. She yawned, feeling the exhaustion that comes from long adventures it was time to turn and head home for the night.

    Materials Gathered: 27
    Col Gained: 7,200
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    4x Unidentified Rare Food
    1x Unidentified Perfect Boots

    Vale 710/720 | 72/72

  14. ID: 88849 | LD: 6+6=12 (No Material Gained)

    Her distracted mind over the events of the past week caused her to walk blindly in the exact direction that she was intending to go. Her body was on auto-pilot while she thought about the mobs that she had fought, the people she had met, and the relationships she had made be them personal or friendly. There was just so much change from the times of before, she was prone to having fits of isolationism, something she would probably need to work on as to not worry Hikoru. With what she had started with him, there was no running off to be alone anymore, she had responsibilities. Vale needed to be a leader from her very core, and with the time she had invested into making herself as strong as she could be as fast as she could be. It was time to get serious about everything she wanted.

    Materials Gathered: 19
    Col Gained: 5,850
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 690/720 | 72/72

  15. ID: 88848 | LD: 4+6=10 (No Material Found)

    When Vale approached the entrance of the Bridge City, she looked off at the gargantuan river of flowing lava. The only thing she could think about at this moment was the impossibility it must have been building such a vast and intricate city, on top of a bridge, hovering over a massive river of lava. Just the thought of having to do the physical labor necessary for building that town was exhausting and overheating enough. The girl was already having heat waves in her vision no matter where she looked at. Wiping some sweat away from her forehead with her slightly scorched forearm, she chuckled, "The fights have been a lot of fun, nothing like what I faced when she was training in the various floors alone. Everything was beginning to change for her since she lost to the Gemini back on the sixth floor.

    Materials Gathered: 19
    Col Gained: 5,850
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 670/720 | 72/72

  16. ID: 88847 | LD: 15+6=21 (Material Found)

    After Vale got her crystal out from the wall, she noticed that she had actually managed to pull two that were stuck together. She felt as though she were being rewarded for her generosity. Putting the two crystals in her inventory, she made her way toward the bridge entrance. It wasn't super dark inside due to the walls having holes to allow the light of the lava in. She stretched, the entire area and the feeling of the floor itself was far calmer than she would have expected. The intensity that was building up with her trip out to the Infernal Cavern, it was hard to picture the trip back being so leisurely. The mobs had been slain over and over, and not many respawned in this area. With the rest of her journey having no problems to worry about, she stretched and walked peacefully in a slow strut stride.

    Materials Gathered: 19
    Col Gained: 5,850
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 650/720 | 72/72

  17. ID: 88846 | LD: 9+6=15 (Material Found)

    The fact that she was coming across a lot of materials worth more to artisans and blacksmiths, Vale did not stop trying to search for materials that were useful to her. While searching about she saw a crack in the wall the was large enough she could fit her arm in. Inside the hole in the wall, was a small crystal cluster growing in that spot. Vale squeezed her chest up against the wall and fit her paw into the spot so she could reach the crystals. Her paw only managed to get wrapped around one, Vale thought that was good enough for this and decided to leave the rest for someone else, "Maybe someone else needs those crystals more than I do. I'll just take a single one with me for now." She smiled to herself happy with the choices she makes in life. She thought it was a small thing she could do to help others out.

    Materials Gathered: 18
    Col Gained: 5,850
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 630/720 | 72/72

  18. ID: 88844 | LD: 8+6=14 (No Material Found)

    The girl still had some ways to go until her search and detect skill was mastered, she was hoping her recent encounter with the cook Ryo down on the first floor would be a strong boon for the two of them. She already had order idea's she wanted to get. Thus the need for a plethora of materials regardless of the tier was important for both her, and the things she could get from him. Although she had collected a large amount of the materials, there were still times she was finding complete bupkiss. Not a single things around her was worth enough to her for alchemical purposes. There were flowers and other things that could be collected, but they'd be a wasted effort and almost certainly turn into disgusting goo. Something that happens more times than she cares to admit.

    Materials Gathered: 17
    Col Gained: 5,850
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 610/720 | 72/72

  19. ID: 88843 | LD: 15+6=21 (Material Found)

    Now with the quest parameters out of the way, all Vale needed to do was relax and look through the bushes thoroughly. It would be efforts and times like this she would normally see her vision improving with her effort into raising the Search and Detect skill. The woman saw a small bush with a few flame wing butterflies fluttered around, she approached causing the butterflies to scatter off. There she saw a flower excreting combustible sap, the Neko took a vial from out of her inventory and began to collect the sap. After she got a sufficient enough of it since it came out of the flower slowly, she corked the bottle and put it into her inventory. She felt so at peace when she saw the fruits of her labor during herbalism, all this effort would pay off for her Alchemy profession.

    Materials Gathered: 17
    Col Gained: 5,850
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 590/720 | 37/72

  20. ID: 88842 | LD: 7+3=10 (No Material Found)

    Vale looked around the area where Cerberus was slain, there resided no materials in the ore deposits or various crystals. The lava caused the heat to be intense enough to bother the eyesight of Vale. Her search for materials always seemed rather difficult without her lucky bell stats activated. Vale opened up the equipment screen and re-allocated Vale's items that were granting bonuses to improve her material searching ability. The girl was smart to figure out how to micromanage her equipment to benefit the most out of any situation. With her stats confirmed, Vale closed her inventory and began walking toward town, another day and a half trek was in store for her. Since she was no longer in a rush, she could relax and stroll her way to town instead of constantly rushing out.

    Materials Gathered: 16
    Col Gained: 5,850
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 570/720 | 36/72
    New LD for next rolls: +6
    Lost: Lifesteal Defensive
    Lost: Light Momentum
    Lost: 36 MIT

  21. ID: 88839 | BD: 10 (Critical Strike) | LD: 5+3=8
    ID: 88840 | CD: 5 (1 Mat + 1,620 col)

    The beast took one last attempt at trying to obliterate the frisky feline, but she was prepared for it. Launching up towards the face of the giant puppy, she began twisting into her Crescent Moon technique. And just as the beast came down with its paws at full force, it's two remaining heads got slammed simultaneously with a sweeping foot. The damage enough to push the beast over the numbers and send the creature to its firey grave. The rewards weren't nearly as nice as the hellhound she had defeated earlier. But there was no sense in complaining, she managed to do everything necessary to complete her quest. Now all that was there to remain was the trek that leads back to town. She looked around for the presence but she could no longer tell whether or not she was being watched by that essence. Thinking that she could no longer tell, she assumed the essence was gone for now.

    Materials Gathered: 16
    Col Gained: 5,850
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 550/720 | 35/72

    Left Cerberus Head: -10/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(4x10=40) HP]
    Middle Cerberus Head: -6/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(3x12=36) HP]
    Right Cerberus Head: -6/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(3x12=36) HP]
    Cerberus Total HP: -6/540

    Cerberus ignores MIT on 9-10
    [Battle Rotation is Vale (BD), Left Cerberus Head (MD), Middle Cerberus Head (BD 2nd Roll), Right Cerberus Head (MD 2nd Roll)

  22. ID: 88836 | BD: 4+3=7 | MD: Negated by Death
    ID: 88837 | BD: 2-4+1=-1 | MD: 8-4+1=5

    While Vale was drifting in the air near the Cerberus, the leftmost head looked at her and charged a full power Lava Beam. Unable to get an angle on the rest of the Cerberus heads, Vale had to resort to a single target attack. Using the force behind her Delayed sword technique, she axe kicked down with virulent strength and put the first Cerberus Head out of commission. Afterwards, she backflipped onto the ground and landed within paw swiping range of the beast. With one head laying limp the other two heads attempted to try to maul her with their massive claws. Each swipe at the ground proving as pointless as the last. Vale was far too fast, strong, and ready for this battle for the Cerberus to even have a chance. There was nothing for the Cerberus to do but sit here and get toyed with someone as adept at fighting as Vale was.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 4,230
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 550/720 | 46/72

    Left Cerberus Head: -10/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(4x10=40) HP]
    Middle Cerberus Head: 30/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn)
    Right Cerberus Head: 30/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn)
    Cerberus Total HP: 60/540
    Cerberus ignores MIT on 9-10
    [Battle Rotation is Vale (BD), Left Cerberus Head (MD), Middle Cerberus Head (BD 2nd Roll), Right Cerberus Head (MD 2nd Roll)

  23. ID: 88834 | BD: 6+3 | MD: 8-4+1
    ID: 88835 | BD: 8-4+1 | MD: 3-4+1

    Vale was toying with the vastly more powerful beast. Despite it being able to deal far more damage to her than the previous three hellhounds combined. The fact that the beast's full hp was split three ways and in a way she could abuse the mechanics of the game. She grinned, "You took hold of a beast that powerful, but still cannot manage to figure out how to defeat me." She taunted the essence that had attached itself to the beast, "You are unworthy still young cat. But there is potential." The voice echoed in the chamber, she being the only possible player on the entire ninth floor for the entire day meant she was sure. That this essence was indeed following her and testing her by making her trials when she was alone to be more difficult. Another flash a blasts from the Cerberus, and Vale darted through the attacks until she could clobber all three faces with the force behind a single punch. Knocking the beast back into the wall once more, but placing her far closer.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 4,230
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 550/720 | 49/72

    Left Cerberus Head: 30/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(6x10=30) HP]
    Middle Cerberus Head: 30/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(6x10=30) HP]
    Right Cerberus Head: 30/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(6x10=30) HP]
    Cerberus Total HP: 90/540
    Cerberus ignores MIT on 9-10
    [Battle Rotation is Vale (BD), Left Cerberus Head (MD), Middle Cerberus Head (BD 2nd Roll), Right Cerberus Head (MD 2nd Roll)

  24. ID: 88832 | BD: 5+3 | MD: 5-4+1=2
    ID: 88833 | BD: 3-4+1=0 | MD: 8-4+1=5

    Vale saw the three headed beast immediate as she entered the Infernal Cavern. The beast towered over her in a much more grand way than the previous Hell Hounds did. This boss looked like it had been empowered too as she could see the flowing red energy that had been following her up until this point. She changed the way her eyes viewed the beast, "You're nothing but meat, waiting to be hung." She said in a chilling voice. Immediately she disappeared flash stepping with her charge skill activated. With her left leg charged up with her strongest AOE attack. She spun upside in the air smacking all three faces simultaneously and knocking the massive beast into the wall with it unable to get a single bite off on her. Vale landed on the ground and readied to move as lava globes were getting spit at her at three times the interval.

    Materials Gathered: 15
    Col Gained: 4,230
    3x Unidentified Rare Weapon
    2x Unidentified Rare Food

    Vale 550/720 | 60/72

    Left Cerberus Head: 90/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(6x15=90) HP]
    Middle Cerberus Head: 90/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(6x15=90) HP]
    Right Cerberus Head: 90/180 | DMG: 80+(10 burn on next turn) [-(6x15=90) HP]
    Cerberus Total HP: 270/540
    Cerberus ignores MIT on 9-10
    [Battle Rotation is Vale (BD), Left Cerberus Head (MD), Middle Cerberus Head (BD 2nd Roll), Right Cerberus Head (MD 2nd Roll)

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