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Posts posted by Vale

  1. ID: 88677 | LD: 1+5=6 (No Material Found)

    Vale attempted to funnel more of the sand into another vial, but something in the system prevented her from gathering more, "I guess there is a limit on the amount of red sand you can collect." She shrugged and stood back up, it was time to start making her way back to town. She was oddly excited to see Hikoru once again, smiling happily the Martial Artist made her way quickly through the sand pit. Hopping up to get out and back onto the path towards town, she returned to the usual strut/stride so the heat would overwhelm her. Vale pulled up the rewards she had gathered since leaving town, she made it a habit of figuring out what her collections were each and every adventure to help track her progress in this world. A different way of training since she didn't have a true teacher unlike the real world.

    Materials Gathered: 5

    Vale: 700/700 HP | EN 24/70 

  2. ID: 88676 | LD: 20+5=25 (Material Found)

    Vale looked around after having defeated the quest enemy, somewhat shocked that it was such an easy fight. Albeit the Minotaurs didn't feel a lick harder than the Shark, the isolation of her being while being trapped inside the bandit dungeon shrouded her belief in her own strength. This was exactly what she needed in order to prove to herself that she did have the power in order to beat the enemies that exist in this world. As she sifted through the bloody sand she was able to find that the sand was of a different consistency, possibly useful for alchemical purposes. She funneled some of the sand into a vial and closed then sealed the top of it before shoving the vial into her inventory for later use.

    Materials Gathered: 5

    Vale: 700/700 HP | EN 23/70 

  3. ID: 88673 | BD: 3+3=6 | MD: 3-3=0 | LD: 4+5=9
    ID: 88675 | CD : 4 (350*5 = 1750 Col)

    The Bloodseeker seemed to be disorientated, the beast was getting outmaneuvered in it's own field of play. The beast looked around and located Vale once more, charging forth as fast as it can. Vale grinned from ear to ear, this match was over before it even began. She had everything necessary to stand leagues taller than the beast that rushed at her. Bloodseeker dove under the sand, but it's motives had been predicted. The creature flew from under the sand, into the air lunging at the girl as a last ditch effort to attempt to gnaw on her flesh, "I'm sorry Bloodseeker." She said kindly. Once she finished her statement, she completely vanished from her position causing the beast to freak out looking around. After a moment the creature could feel the fish of Vale plunge into it's stomach, with that it exploded into thousands and data particles.

    Materials Gathered: 4

    Vale: 700/700 HP | EN 22/70 (-16 EN)
    Sand Shark, Bloodseeker: -85/350 HP | 105 DMG (-120 HP)

  4. "I'm sure someone of your determination and skill are aware of the field bosses scattered across all the floors here in Aincrad. A couple more have been discovered recently, ones that I have not had a chance to slay and reap the benefits. So, we are going to go hunt one down."

    Vale was intrigued by Jomei, and he certainly knew how to get the inner fighter in her to come to the forefront. Vale nodded, "I have a long list of papers from all the different quest boards from all the main and minor towns. I have been needing to get stronger in order to beat that Ge-" She paused herself before finishing the word, "Get a leg up against an enemy." She smiled and giggled trying to take attention away from the fact she was trying to say Gemini. She didn't know if Jomei knew that those beasts could recall information from places they had been victorious or defeated at. It wasn't something she was ready to share just yet. She watched him fling his finger through his system, how graceful he was going through it actually surprised Vale. Finally he brought up one and spoke to her.

    "There, the Monkey King. Floor Eight. Lets head to the warp gate and then to the eighth floor. You up for a little challenge?" 

    Vale nodded happily, "Lets take out the Monkey King, Jomei-sama." She said as she pulled the paper from her inventory that had the details of the quest, "One can only accomplish so much when they're prepared." She responded to him. Flicking her finger through her inventory to set-up exactly which items were giving her benefits, and which would sit on the back burner, "I think this would be a good time to fidget with our equipment before we begin combat though." Spoken as though she were a veteran of gaming and fighting in general. Little would Jomei know of her lack of video game history.

    Stats for this Thread:


    Level - 35
    HP - 700/700
    EN - 70/70
    ACC - 3
    EVA - 3
    Lifesteal (Defensive) - 5% health healed on NAT 9/10
    Light Momentum - +1 ACC when missing an attack, until the next successful attack.
    Mitigation - 3
    LD - 2

    Furry Kitty Spandex
        3 EVA
    Kitten's Twilight Embrace
       3 ACC
    Duskveil Cloak of the Shadowpride
       T1 Mit, Light Momentum, Lifesteal (Defensive)

    R5 Martial Arts
    R5 Charge
    R2 SnD

    Irrelevant Skills:
    R1 Curved Sword


  5. ID: 88671 | BD: 4+3=7  | MD: 4-3=1 

    Vale kept up her high speed movement from Charge, all though the highest part of her speed burst was used up. The skill still had a secondary passive when it was activated, her speed was damn near impossible to keep up with. Vale spent the better part of the money months she was isolated improving on not just her physical strength with the martial arts skill, but improved on her speed by constantly adapting to the changes of the Charge Skill. Now having it completely mastered, utilizing the skill in new a innovative ways gave the martial artists a massive advantage over the shark. The beast couldn't even swing it's tail to attempt to hit her before he unleashed another mighty attack upon the cranium of the beast whittling it's health down to fragments left.

    Materials Gathered: 4

    Vale: 700/700 HP | EN 37/70 (-17 EN: All Might / +1 EN: Regeneration)
    Sand Shark, Bloodseeker: 35/350 HP | 105 DMG (-120 HP)

  6. ID: 88670 | BD: 5+3=8 | MD: 3-3=0

    There was a small cliff drop, short enough that there would be no damage caused to the woman by hopping into the blood smeared pit. Vale nodded to herself, and jumped down into the pit, immediately she could feel as though there were eyes on her. Looking toward the middle of sand pit, a large fin peaked out from the sand and was rushing at her at fast speeds. Vale activated her charge skill and began to run in a large semi-circle baiting the Shark to attack her. As it launched out of the ground toward her, she saw the name of the beast, "Bloodseeker. You'll be my pray today!" Vale shouted as her charge skill allowed her to easily dodge the attack and reverse for a powerful punch into the beasts stomach, launching it against the rocky wall.

    Materials Gathered: 4

    Vale: 700/700 HP | EN 53/70 (-17 EN: All Might) / Charge Activated
    Sand Shark, Bloodseeker: 155/350 HP | 105 DMG (-195 hp)

  7. ID: 88669 | LD: 20+5=25 (Material Found)

    And with just that, Vale was able to find another material hidden slightly deeper from the surface than the other three. But it looked as though the notion stayed true, these sand-covered rocks were usually found in pairs not far from each other. Happy the woman smiled, standing back up looking off into the distance in the direction of the quest. The quest zone was in sight, it was indicated with sand pools drenched in the color of blood. This was a quest known for taking many lives during it's time being around. Vale wasn't going to be apart of the bodies that littered the area, despite players not actually leaving behind blood splats due to the mechanics of the game. The only thing Vale could surmise is that those bloodstains were just coded in that way. Regardless, the woman continued forward affixing the cat-like claw gauntlets tighter on her arms.

    Materials Gathered: 4

  8. "Its just filled with more death.. you see comrades change.. you see best friends die. Its not a place you want to be."

    This line would resonate within Vale, this man spoke of possibilities as though they were heavy facts that weighed on his conscious. Vale stood there standing at him before he spoke again, with a different sort of light on the man. She was no longer looking at someone who could help her on her way, she was looking at another tortured soul. Who was the exact kind of person she wanted to protect from this world. The front line spilled this feeling of death and agony, as somewhere that she needed to be. Vale wanted to be the one to change the damage of the past, and look to write a brighter tomorrow.

    "Come with me. I want to test you. Come on a quest with me... If I feel you deserve to know.. then I'll tell you more."

    Vale smiled greatly when Jomei responded the way she had hoped when she plead to him, nodding she replied, "I'll do whatever it takes Jomei-sama." Pride filled her lungs, for this brief moment in time. The feeling of pain of loneliness was not striking her heart, the feeling that she was just helping in general was enough to raise the moral that weighed in within the girl. She took a deep breath, during so her ears twitched as Jomei spoke under his breath. He was quiet enough for Vale not to catch what he said, but this would not put her down. Albeit she was worried about what it was that he said, all she could do was attempt to trust in him like he was doing for her. Vale cleared her throat, "So where exactly are we going?" she asked, unable to keep the curious cat in her hidden.

  9. Vale stood in the middle of the road on the first floor, there strode a plethora of people. Non player characters, and adventurers like herself interweaving through one another. Each with their own reasoning, decision, and purpose for where their feet lead them. People watching wasn't something that Vale did often, she was normally running through the wilds in constant combat in her panther-like attire. Her feminine and feline appeal attracted the attention of many men, but none of them had the audacity to try and talk to her. Vale's own purpose for standing there, was so she could find a delicious store to have food made. But all the taverns were stock full of adventurers leaving no tables open. The only thing that could achieve what she wanted was a personal cook, but that was even more difficult to find.

    Just as Vale was getting the feeling for wanting to leave and search on a different floor, she was approached by a rather handsome fellow. With grace and etiquette, the man bowed and introduced himself. Without hesitating, he was already requesting her assistance out in the wilderness. Vale had no reason to turn down the request, but there was something she could gain from it. The purranther smiled, "Well Ryo, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Vale." She bowed respectively. Flicking her deep amethyst eyes back looking into his her intrigue got the best of her, "Well you have my attention, what is it that you're in need of precisely?" She asked, watching his body language carefully.


    Stats for this Thread:


    Level 35
    700 HP
    70 Energy
    8(13) DMG
    3 ACC
    3 EVA
    5 LD

    Equipment and Skills:


    Furry Kitty Spandex
        3 EVA
    Kitten's Twilight Embrace
       3 ACC
    Purrkitty Bell
       3 LD

    Martial Arts - R5
    Charge - R5
    Search and Detect - R2


  10. ID: 88664 | LD: 17+5=22 (Material Found)

    Vale wasn't going to give up, despite the sand was not showing anything that she could use for materials. She wasn't going to just walk to the boss without having more in her bags to show for it. With the conviction to continue finding materials upheld within her heart, she tripped over a rock while not paying attention to where she was going. Looking back at the rock, she noticed it was the same kind as she found earlier. She pulled the rock out of the sand and put it into her inventory. Remembering the last time she found this rock, she dug her claws around in the ground trying to unveil any more materials. It made the most sense to her, to follow up on patterns when they arose, she just hoped they would prove true like they did in her head.

    Materials Gathered: 3

  11. ID: 88663 | LD: 4+5=9 (No Material Found)

    The beat down of the sun onto her body was problematic to say the least, the more she thought about the heat the more her eyes glazed over. There was only so much she could do to keep herself cooled off in the sandy wastes. Every direction seemed to look the same, the only difference was the footprints left in the sand that indicated from what direction she walked from. And knowing she in nearly a straight line, it made back tracking to town a breeze. Now all she had to do was keep searching to materials, which at the moment was proving to be more difficult then she first originally thought. And to fight the special shark that was summoned for the blood in the sand quest when the sun was at it's highest. Which that time was coming near.

    Materials Gathered: 2

  12. "I couldn't tell you.. He was just some player."

    Something definitely didn't feel right with the way he was acting. The words just didn't seem to match the person, Vale could only speculate the reasoning of why, but there was a big reason to keep his information hidden. Vale wasn't about to give up here, she finally found the first semblance of a clue. And based on the shaky breath he took through his nostrils instilled the thought that maybe he was hiding more information. Whether it was for her safety, was to be determined.

    "Opal and him had some sort of disagreement, and she stabbed him in the back.", "Look, I need to run some errands if you don't mind.."

    Vale realized that maybe she stepped too far into his comfort zone, she reached out grabbing his arm sleeve slightly as he stepped past her, "Please. I know you don't know me. But please let me earn your trust. I want to make it to the front lines and help save the people of this world." She spoke out with a twinge of confidence and sorrow, "I can only guess at what happened, and from what I am getting the idea of. Is something happened that was much larger than just a disagreement." She looked up at the back of his head, if he were to turn his head and look at her, they'd have complete eye contact, "Atleast let me prove to you I am someone who can be trusted! I wouldn't have gotten that message from the monster without there being a deeper purpose." She exclaimed while gripping the fur just above her heart, hoping that her conviction would reach the rapier master.

  13. ID: 88661 | LD: 5+5=10 (No Material Found)

    The sweat often slid it's way into her eyes, making it difficult to see around her. The heat waves in the distance began to populate in her vision, the temperature in the area when the sun sat the highest overhead, was a struggle to deal with. The damage the sun would have normally provided was no longer a problem, but the heat itself was enough to bother the martial artist. She was more used to cooler environments, she loved being wrapped up in her cozy oversized clothing. And being in this environment on the fifth floor was the exact opposite of what she wanted. The panther-woman wanted to remove her attire and just walk in her sweating body, but she was out in public for one. And she needed the statistical bonuses the armor provided in order to combat the beast.

    Materials Gathered: 2

  14. ID: 88660 | LD: 3+5=8 (No Material Found)

    Vale continued to scavenge around the sand, pushing it aside looking for more rocks, herbs, anything really that would assist in alchemy. After a few minutes of searching around the area she found the first two rocks, there was nothing more than sand. Sighing, "Looks like this spot is tapped out. Lets keep going." She reassured herself. Standing back up and then continued the path that lead to the shark quest. The sun beat down on the dark-skinned gal covered in dark colored fur as well, it was impossible to not perspire on this walk. Every now and again the soft part of the fur that lead up to her claws was used in order to wipe the sweat that appeared on her brow. This was going to be an exhausting quest to say the least, she could just feel it.

    Materials Gathered: 2

  15. ID: 88659 | LD: 10+5=15 (Material Found)

    As Vale pulled out the rock, moving the sand around it caused another rock to be unearthed that was nearly identical to the first one. Seeing it as her lucky day she collected both of the rocks, following the first one she inserted the second one into her inventory without another thought to cross her mind. With already a small amount stored up, Vale had good vibes for her material searching for this day. The thought of only fighting wasn't the only thing Vale needed to look forward too, the small victories hidden within the materials that she would use in order to improve her alchemy wasn't thought of enough. Deciding to take the thoughts to heart, the panther woman felt a small amount better within the glaring sun of the sandy wastes.

    Materials Gathered: 2

  16. ID: 88657 | LD: 10+5=15 (Material Found)

    Trying to calm the storm that raged in her heart, she continued with her sight exercises to help improve the skill of her search and detected. She had just finished paying half the materials she possessed to Jomei for a few songs. She was almost ready to start chasing her familiar. There was still one thing she was after but was waiting to meet the right person to help her accomplish that material need. Despite not having met someone with the ability to forge food with benefits in this world just yet, she would increase her collection of materials for the day that she did come across that person. In the sand sat a small rock glinting in the sunlight while she walked, casually Vale picked it up with her claws and quickly inserted it into her inventory.

    Materials Gathered: 1

  17. "Trust me.. with the way my life has been lately, I appreciate being ambushed out of the blue. I don't get many visitors usually. So its nice to see a new face, Vale." 

    Vale had a smile stretch across her face when the man responded like this in kind. Albeit she had a specific purpose to be here outside of trying to get songs recorded onto devices so that she could enjoy with others. She wanted to make a good impression on the man as he was one of her only hopes to uncover mysteries that the frontlineres of SAO intended to keep under the down low. After giving Jomei the page, there became an immediate cold feeling inside the room. Slowly but surely the mood of the building was changing with each word that Jomei read.

    "Where.. Where did you get this?"

    The indicator that Vale was looking for, was presented to her with these words Jomei shared. The panther-like woman knew she couldn't reveal any secrets she had collected just yet until she got more information from him, "I heard these words explicitly shared to me from a monster I fought." She recanted, making sure to leave enough detail to keep intrigue, but withholding enough information to warrant further investigation, "Who is this Dom person... And why is there so little information about him aside from him being slain by a person named Opal?" She asked having only that bit of information to go on from the memorial shrine on the first floor.

  18. Vale readied herself mentally as best she could. Once again she would be venturing out into the wilds alone without anyone there to look over her back. What felt like a troubling thought had something else shrouded behind it, specifically a man who walked through the shadows as though it were apart of his essence. And the exact way she was using the memories of him to protect her in the same way. She stood up tall and gripped her claws tight, "I promise you Hikoru... I'll return to you shortly. I just have to quell this shark-like menace." She assured herself, finally opening her eyes the sandy barren of the fifth floor. She began her stride toward the mob spawning location for the quest, each step from the town had a stabbing like feeling to her heart, the exact feeling she was focused on trying to overcome.

  19. Vale watched the musician at work, on how he would accomplish creating her requests as the first vanity song she asked for was already sung on by Vale herself. All it needed was the musical touch of Jomei which he managed to capture perfectly. He messed up a couple times on the second song but he managed to remember a beat that would fit perfectly for the second song she had created by voice. With that he handed back all three songs that she requested, it was actually incredibly impressive to see him able to churn out work with little effort.

    Now that the work formalities were out of the way it was time that business got started, Vale took a deep breath, "I apologize for ambushing you like this out of the blue. But let me start off by saying that my name, is Vale." She introduced herself, after that she cleared her voice, "Now the real reason why I came here." She stated as she pulled out a piece of paper, she reached out to Jomei with the paper of what the Gemini said. A phrase specifically would jump out to anyone who knew the truth, the line read 'You feel the might of Dom, and the ferocity of the man who owned true rage!' 

  20. [Yui's Grace used, 2 Remaining]

    Standing in front of the man she had finished giving the materials to, she looked at the front door and then back at him, "I am sorry to bother you, but I came looking for you specifically Jomei. You are the most likely person to approach to figure out certain things I need to know." She admitted to him, determination struck across her face. The feeling of defeat was still anchored onto her heart in a nasty way. But this transcended her own needs, this was for a cause much larger than the Martial-Artist herself. She gripped her paw-like hand, with her panther-fur cloak draped over her shoulders. Vale looked at Jomei to see how the man would react to her forward advances, there were still a lot of questions that obviously lingered in the air. Yet Vale wasn't exactly concerned, she felt as though this man was the person that she needed the most outside of Hikoru. The Man was already somewhat well known for his skills with a rapier, even so that Vale knew about him long before actually coming to meet him like she has.

  21. Vale had done some extensive researching after listening to Macradon talk about him being apart of the thirteenth floor. After figuring out there was another man who had ceased from joining the front lines who still yet lived, the panther-like woman decided to pay this man a visit. Coming up to a building where sounds whimsically escaped the confines of the small building, Vale looked at it curiously, "So... Someone who has stories of the front lines resides in that building. I've got to meet him." As she entered the store, she was overtaken by the lovely view, the massive array of couches and lounge chairs made this place feel more homely than store-like. There sat the man who played music to hearts content, the one she had been look for, Jomei.

    She approached the man, "Are you... Jomei-san?" She asked out, then she opened her inventory to display a sack of payment that held materials in there. The fact that when he played music on an instrument, and actually producing music meant that he was able to create songs without needing to only use ones voice. She had some song thoughts in her head that she wanted to share with a particular someone, "I have questions for you. But first, I need these songs do you think you could help me?" She asked as she handed over a few sheets of paper and the bag of payment itself.

    -2000 Col
    -15 T1 Materials.

    1 Call of the Familiar Song (Perfect)
    1 "Sorry, but not Sorry" Vanity Song.
    1 "Promise me No Promises" Vanity Song

  22. [Yui's Grace Used 3 Remaining]

    Vale cracked her knuckles and readied herself, there was still that deep wellness in her heart that just would not be shaken away. She had become afraid of being unable to get strong enough, she crunched all the numbers in her head based on the math she was provided and knew she could handle this quest with ease. But still, there was something gripping at her heart making her think that she was just in for a loss. She couldn't handle coming that close to death, and there was something she had started, that she couldn't stop pursuing for. Vale needed to face her fears and put trust in herself. It was time to take out the sand shark that slithered around the fifth floor. Certain times of the day randomized it's location. But again, there was a certain time of day the difficulty became raised and a more powerful version of the quest monster that is named wished to do combat. It was what she needed to push herself forward once again, she had a belief that she would overcome.Stats for Thread:



    8(13) DMG
    3 ACC
    3 EVA
    700 HP
    70 EN
    5 LD

    R5 Martial Arts
    R5 Charge
    R2 SnD
    R1 Curved Sword



  23. Atzo didn't look quite so well, and he seemed rather wishful of getting his breath unsure of whether he would want to come back or so Vale thought. She turned around from Atzo to talk to Shield, "You can go on, time and again about stats and the small things that matter...But somewhere in there, you have to see what your efforts can contribute. Those stats should have some manner of meaning behind them." She said with some pride in her words, "Anything can give you that feeling, so if stats don't really matter. Then there has to be something in your heart that has to feel something right?" She asked him with intrigue, her deep amethyst eyes focused towards his face to try to get his attention. She stood and flicked her fist at the rock missing miserably. She looked at her hand and blushed slight, "Aha, what a perfect time to mess that up." She laughed.

    ID: 88650  | BD 1+3=LOL

    Boulder: 17/50

  24. She could see just how beat read this man was, even though she had dark skin and the hood covering herself. The only person who could see just how beat red her face was alike to Hikoru's was only Hikoru himself. When he nodded she flicked her face downward with her eyes closed, a feeling of genuine happiness began to overcome Vale completely. Hikoru let go her hand in order to chug the rest of his drink. During this time, Vale began to drink the rest of her sake at a relatively quick pace. Her fingers were pressing against the sides of the cup after letting go of her grip on the cloak, letting it lie limp on top of her. Her hands looked like they were delicately taken care of, just like the first day when she joined SAO with her wife.

    Vale was somewhat awestruck over the fact that Hikoru agreed to spend the night with her. She didn't even know where to go, when it suddenly came to her. After all her days of constantly training, she had amassed a massive amount of col and found a specially secluded place. Funding every bit she had gained during those month, she was able to afford one of the most sought after homes that was available. Though it's purchase was done in secret as to keep everyone from keeping it's owners discovery as it was not protected from safety zones like towns. Vale rose her head slightly so their eyes could meet once again, "D-Do you want.... t-to come to m-my place." She whispered to Hikoru trying to get the attention off them... Her embarrassment was at an all time high, and with having made this much progress talking to Hikoru. She'd much rather open up her heart to him in private.

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