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Posts posted by Atzo

  1. “That won’t be necessary, Stryder know’s of my return.” Atzo said with a confident smirk. “I do want to duel him though, I am curious if he has become powerful enough to actually properly challenge me.” He wasn’t fully in the conversation as it may have seemed. He recalled his dream of being a true king. How his brother had already pledged to be his loyal bodyguard. When all the pawns fall into place I will rise to the top of this world by sheer force of will. Who needs strength when you have achieved mental domination? “In terms of ranking, I am King.” Atzo said, before saying under his breath “And rightfully so.” He then proceeded “Next is the Crown-Prince, my second in command. Then the Dukes, they are the heads of their respective divisions. Next are Earls, the second in command of the Dukes, Then knights who are members who have chosen a specific group. Finally are the Barons, they are members who have not yet chosen a group. Of course each group has its own benefits and so on and so forth.” Atzo thought for a second “Oh, that reminds me we also have another sect of the guild, The Archbishop is the head of our advisers and the Bishops are her council”


  2. Carambit seemed to still be standing in the foyer, that at least made it easier for Atzo to find him. While he knew the Mansion very well, there were still places he didn’t know about. “No there aren’t any requirements to join so long as you are breathing and have the intention of becoming the best player that has roamed this game. Alright, now that I have what I needed… I want to race you to the town.” Atzo had a playful smirk on his face “Try and keep up kid, we got monsters to kill.” Walking Carambit out of the house and locking the door, Atzo patted the kid on the back. He then proceeded to run at fifteen miles per hour to the main city. If it were real life he would not have the stamina to make it in one go. But this was a game, where samina didn’t matter so he could actually sprint indefinitely. Upon reaching the city he teleported to floor four and waited for Carambit to arrive


  3. Atzo was startled by what happened next. The woman sitting next to him jumped to her feet. And curtsied to him. Wait… I don’t recall having a name for myself like this… just how much happened when I was gone? Then the woman mentioned Stryder That makes more sense, but… does she actually think I am royalty? She wouldn’t be wrong but still. “Indeed I truly am Atzo, I am happy to have you as part of my court.” Atzo was trying to repress his spike in ego, but then again, it wasn’t every day you had people taking their rightful place. “What section were you thinking about joining? I am happy to assist you in getting to wherever seems fit for you. Speaking of which, did Stry explain to you the ranking system?” It would probably be new to her seeing as Atzo had recently changed the structure, he knew this but at the same time he didn’t feel like re-explaining it to her if Stryder had explained it already.


  4. <<Time jump to getting to the mansion>>

    They approached the Emerald Mansion, the large three story log mansion that sat halfway up the mountainside. “Welcome to the Emerald Mansion. This is my personal house and we are currently using it as a guild hall. Feel free to make yourself at home, I need to run up to my bedroom a grab something.” Atzo walked into the large double doors, up the grand staircase and into his room. He had a feeling that the shear size of the house may overwhelm Carambit if he hadn’t explored much of Aincrad yet. Because of this he moved quickly, grabbing his Amulet of the Damned off the armour rack at his bedside and then coming back down the stairs. “So is there anything else I can answer for you before we head out to floor four? Questions about me, the guild, life in general?” Atzo gave his warm smirk that he so often wore on his face around friends, his eyes seemed cheerful. I miss Raina He thought to himself as he waited for the response It was so nice to have someone else here to occupy the house. She was someone I could talk to when I got lonely and she always found something to say

    (OOC: Reference this Link for information on the Mansion)


    ID# 85904

    LD: 13+1(S&D)=14 (No mat)

  5. This was the question Atzo was waiting for, or at least a version of it. “We are currently quite small with only eight people. We hope to get bigger over time but with the recent guild remodeling it makes sense that we lost people. We are a participation based guild so the more you participate in guild activities the higher your rank. The less you participate, the lower your rank. A lot of people stopped contacting the Dukes so we cut them from the guild. We are all very nice in my opinion, and all of the Dukes have the same intentions as I do. We want to get low level players to the top by power leveling and pushing through hard times as a team. We are currently divided into a few section. The Duke of Steel is responsible for leading our DPS players,The Duke of the Earth is responsible for leading our Tank players, The Duke of the Night is responsible for leading our Scout players, The Duke of the Pen is responsible for leading events and dungeons, and the Archbishop is responsible for leading our advisors. We are in need of someone to fill the position of Duke of the Earth still. Looking for a person for that” They were continuing to approach the Mansion, apparently more time had passed then Atzo though because they were already at the halfway point, a small clearing where you could see the mansion from. The Large log cabin style structure looked like a normal house from this distance, but perspective will do that. “Don’t worry, every little bit of damage helps”


  6. “Don’t mention it, I am paying off a debt to a friend in a way. When I was low level I had a man named Shield who took me under his wing and helped me get to where I am today. He told me that to pay him back I need to do that for others. That is why I made the Emerald Harbingers. It allows me to help as many low level players as will let me.” Atzo said as he watched Carambit attack, his footing was a little off but then again, Atzo was not the one to teach one handed straight sword. ‘Maybe I should have Stryder or Kyoto take a look at this kids form and give him some instructions’ Atzo patted Carambit on the back. “Don’t fret about it kid, I have missed my hits against stunned or paralyzed creatures much more than I have against moving ones. And as far as the higher floors, as long as you listen to my directives I will make sure you can’t get hurt. Just don’t do what my brother did and jump in before I tell you too.” Atzo continued walking in the way of his Mansion


    Carambit 80/80 HP | 8/8 EN | 1 EVA | 1 Acc | 2 Dmg [Hate: 1]

    Atzo 340/340 Hp | 28/34 EN | 3 EVA | 1 LM | 1 Savvy | 6 Dmg [Hate: 2]


    Corrupt Mountain Lion 0/60 | 30 Dmg (+Bleed) (+Stun) Ded

  7. They crossed into the forest, Atzo was keeping vigilant, he hoped that Carambit’s excitement wouldn’t distract him from the task at hand but he didn't have high hopes for anything at this point. “Well, I am looking specifically for equipment, but I will let you get first pick. You will need it more than I will. Also you can have any Col or materials we find along the way. I just appreciate your company.” Atzo said, he had a laid back expression, Misguidance hung loosely at his hip, the ‘sheath’ it sat in was no more than a few pieces of leather that kept the sword on his belt. It covered none of the blade, allowing the Cracked, Mirrored surface to be seen by all even when Atzo wasn’t carrying it, however it was mostly covered by his cloak. “As for strong monsters, I am too high level to get loot on this floor so we will need to jump up to floor four if we want to get anything substantial. You are okay with that right?” Out of nowhere a large purple cat seemed to come out of the bushes, apparently it had heard them talking about fighting monsters and wanted a piece of us itself. Atzo didn't give it a chance to do anything, swiftly activating Fight Blade and Charge he sped into action, slamming into the beast with immense force. It collapsed to the ground stunned. “Well It should die next turn, go ahead and give it a swing, I want to see your fighting style”

    ID# 85893

    Battle 9+2=9 (Crit+1) [(6Base+1Crit+1Charge)*6=48 DMG] (+stun) (+Bleed)

    Mob 2-3=1 (Miss)


    @Carambit 80/80 HP | 8/8 EN | 1 EVA | 1 Acc | 2 Dmg [Hate: 1]

    Atzo 340/340 Hp | 27/34 EN | 3 EVA | 1 LM | 1 Savvy | 6 Dmg [Hate: 2]


    Corrupt Mountain Lion 12/60 | 30 Dmg (+Bleed) (+Stun)

  8. Atzo was laying in a tree, as you do, watching the clouds drift by. He had heard someone below him, a weapon was sheathed and the person hit the ground, presumably he had taken a seat. Atzo shrugged and with an imaginable amount of grace he swung himself off the tree branch, did a flip and landed in front of the person, sticking the landing. Atzo looked at the man, he was clearly a low level player. “Hey, bud, what are you doing alone out here?” Atzo said, his normal smirk on his face, a warm, friendly expression in his eyes perfectly masking the pain he was actually feeling. “You should be more careful, don’t want you getting killed by a monster before you can get to the front lines, do we?” Atzo chuckled slightly and held out his hand “My name is Atzo, The Forgotten King. It is nice to meet you”

  9. Atzo grew bored of the novel quickly. It was a book he had read quite often and he knew exactly what it said. Standing up and setting the book on the desk he walked back into his bedroom, staring at the armour and sword that were going to start growing dust. “I can’t get stronger and better gear if I let these sit.” He put the armour on, equipped his leather coat from his inventory, and deposited the amulet into his inventory. He then grabbed Misguidance off its rack, the cracked mirrored blade. He looked into it, ignoring the depictions of his inner demons and observed the crack. The once prestigious sword now broken, the power it held still stood but there was something that felt wrong about it. It was a mental barrier, one that came from looking at what was one his prized pristine blade and was now no more than a broken tool. How could he hope to hold this blade with the same confidence he once did? It was only a matter of time before the thoughts that came to his mind from holding the blade got to him, so he put it in the open sheath on his belt and proceeded down the grand staircase. Walking outside he decided to head toward the city. I wonder if I can still hit my old speed


  10. Atzo chuckled “Yeah, it is hard to find someone who can keep up with me at fifteen miles an hour.” it was not normal for him to brag but he found that he had some pride in his running speed. “I probably haven’t gone as high as you think. Mostly just floor thirteen, and while I have met some of the front line players, they aren’t much different than anyone else. To be honest that is why I started my guild, to help lower level players get to the point where they can rival the frontliners. If you are interested in joining us, just let me know.” They were headed down an unkept pathway, it was rarely used by anyone other than Atzo and the few people he brought to the Emerald Mansion at a time. Even then, most people didn't take the path. Those who came to visit him didn't normally know of the pathway. 


  11. Atzo noticed that Carambit got absorbed by Misguidance. This was probably the most common reaction though the fear and loneliness that Atzo observed was all too familiar. Perhaps this kid is more like me than I thought The wind blew quietly, cooling the mountain air slightly “It is about a three hour trip if we walk. Though when I run it I can shave off a quite a bit of time. How fast is your running speed? Or would you prefer to walk it? I really don't mind either way” The full moon light the field around them though was fast to dwindle as they entered the dark forest. Atzo always had an affinity for the night. He felt comfortable, as if he was at home when the moon rose. Operating on little to no sleep anyways he had no problem navigating through the night like a wolf. He just hoped he wouldn’t end up losing Carambit as they walked.


  12. Atzo stopped for a second as he watched the man across from him get more excited then a caged puppy meeting its new family for the first time. Atzo chuckled to himself, this kid reminded him of Stryder, so full of energy and want to get out there. “Alright, but calm down, if you drink it too fast you may be too drunk for us to even fight.” Taking one more sip of his wine Atzo stood up, equipping the Faces of the Damned, his leather coat and Misguidance, the now cracked mirrored blade that showed the inner demons of all those who looked into it. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to see what Carambit’s inner demons were he took a brief look into the mirrored blade himself. Strangely he only saw himself, sat atop the profane peek where he had been brought back to reality by Stryder, Eatos, and Kyoto.
    Atzo waited for Carambit to finish his drink and began to walk into the windy night. “We may stop by my house as we go, if that is alright with you.”
    (OOC: Note you can only see your own inner demons through Misguidance. If someone else is looking into the blade as well you will still only see yours, they will only see theres)


  13. Atzo nodded at the man who addressed himself as Carambit. “So, what brings you here? Looking to drink away your troubles as well? Or did you have other intentions?” Atzo took the third shot before ordering another glass of wine. This man before him seemed to have something on his mind, perhaps he was just shy, or maybe there was more to it then that. It was a curious question that would not be easily settled over a round of drinks. “Oh, that reminds me. You seem to be in need of some better gear, I am as well. If you would like to join me after this drink, I plan to enjoy the night sky as I take on some monsters. It is always nice to have some company when you do such things, though if you would rather stay I won't blame you” Atzo sipped his wine, not yet feeling a buzz. He would have liked to stay there and drink until the room spun but that would have taken him far too long, and he had a new prospect now. Something to take his mind off everything.


  14. Atzo had heard the player approaching. “I am impressed, it is not everyday that I meet a player that is as graceful as I am” Atzo said repressing his emotions though he wasn’t doing it as well as he used to, an underlying sadness still able to be shown on his face “I doubt that would happen, in this world of pain and death the likelihood of that floor would be slim to none. And apparently it is now as you have asserted yourself right down next to me” Atzo’s tone was emotionless, his eyes were almost dead and the emerald green cloak that he adorned was full of yellow dancing strands of colour. Turning to look at the player, it was interesting to see a woman beside him. They were increasingly rare as it seemed these days. He then reached a hand towards her, offering what would be a firm handshake “I am Atzo, The Forgotten King. Leader of the Emerald Harbingers. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance” He gave his normal smirk as he looked the woman in the eyes, they reminded him of someone he had met a long time ago, strikingly blue eyes like that were unforgettable

  15. Slightly surprised by the voice Atzo shook his head at the brown haired man who sat next to him. Perhaps I am loosing my touch, it is not normal for someone to be able to sneak up on me like that. “Bravery has nothing to do with it.” Atzo said, his tone of voice seeming to be emotionless. The blue and red strands of colour that moved through his cloak seeming to intertwine slightly before separating once more “I am Atzo, The Forgotten King. Leader of the Emerald Harbingers. I am not hear to be brave but to drown my sadness in something that, in the end will leave me worse off than when I started. Hopefully the few hours of bliss it gives me will be worth it.” Atzo downs two of his shots immediately after, feeling the warm tingle of the alcohol swim down his throat and into his stomach. He turned to the man sitting next to him, observing what he was wearing. “Who might you be?”


  16. The nightwind blew strong through the streets of Urbus. Atzo sat in the tavern, The Cloak of the Changing Tide shown tremendous patterns of colour moving across the emerald green fabric. Atzo sat at the quiet bar, the only other person there being the bartender. Atzo let his hand down to his side, making a quick and precise hand signal before remembering that Kikas was no longer with him. He sighed with remorse as he took a sip of his wine. “I really should get some jager” He said aloud to himself as he recalled what he could of the last month. More accurately recalling what Stryder had told him of when he was found by his guildmates. “I really am The Forgotten King aren’t I? Seems to be how my harp is played, while beautiful, everything that is heard is somber and depressing” He took a final sip of the Pink Fox wine he had in hand before ordering three shots of jager. “Gotta drown out the pain somehow don’t I?”


  17. Perhaps he had answered Hei’s questions too quickly. As the man was quiet for a while. As he was waiting for a response from Hei, Atzo saw a small poppie flower, it was blue and had yellow specks on it. Swiftly Atzo collected the flower. As he returned to Hei, it seemed the man had his response. Oh that’s right, Hei is in Hydra’s department…. I really need to Iron out the details of that department with Hydra…. “As it stands you will be finding information on dungeons, finding dungeon maps and taking care of informing the guild about events. You say you are a journalist, If you are up for the task, I would appreciate it if you could be a scribe for us whenever a meeting is held you would be in charge of recording what is said for safe keeping. You would also be allowed to put in your two cents during a meeting as a pseudo-member of the High council. Would you be willing to do that?” 


    ID# 85858 

    LD:16+1(s&D)+2(Amulet)=19 (+1 T1 Mat)

    Total: 2 T1 Mats

  18. The day loomed bright overhead, the sun shone down with insane amounts of heat. The Forgotten King sat in the square as everything around him seemed to pass him by. “This is my life, the life I have chosen for myself. A life of solemnity, a life of torture and pain. Why do I keep this up? Keep playing this act? Is it even worth it any more? I fight for my life, day in and day out. Is there nothing I can do to fix myself, is there nothing left for me to be able to control? How can I hope to live this life if I cannot even learn how to save myself?“ He says quietly to himself as he laments. He is making no effort to hide his depression. He couldn't seem to figure out a reason to anymore, everything just seemed to be pointless as it was now. Remembering a quote from H.P. Lovecraft's poem “Despair” he said it aloud "Once, I think I half remember, Ere the grey skies of November, Quench’d my youth’s aspiring ember, Liv’d there such a thing as bliss; Skies that now are dark were beaming, Gold and azure, splendid seeming, Till I learn’d it all was dreaming— Deadly drowsiness of Dis.” There was no real flow or enfaces that he attributed to any one line. He did not attempt to put any poetic flux on it at all. Instead he said it aloud as if it weren’t even a poem, just a quote. A long forgotten piece of him, damned to time as he soon would be as well.

  19. The cool night air brushed past The Forgotten King as he sat on the porch outside the second story bedroom of the Emerald Mansion. It was hard to believe a month had passed, a month he couldn't remember, a month he couldn’t recall. It was a struggle to deal with how dirty the place had gotten, it seemed that Raina had decided to move on in his absence, it was not surprising. To hope that someone like him would ever come back would be idiotic anyways. “I miss Kikas” He said to himself aloud, lamenting his now dead familiar. “I wish I could have known that something would have happened that day, but how was I to know of the future?”

    Looking out in the direction of the main city, he sat in sadness watching the trees sway. He couldn’t see the city, it was at least three hours away from his house but there was a patch of open land that you could see the mountain mansion from halfway. “I wonder what actually happened” he walked inside and looked at the armour rack by his bed. His armour, The Faces of the Damned and his Amulet of the Damned were resting on the rack. Misguidance, the now cracked mirrored blade was in a display case above his bed. At the moment he was wearing his white collared shirt, a pair of slacks, and The Cloak of the Changing Tide. “I really need to invest in some new armour and weaponry. I have a feeling that the effects of them are what cause me to break like I did.” He walked to his second floor study and opened the windows. Grabbing a book off the immaculate bookshelf, specifically “Covert Persuasion: Psychological Tactics and Tricks to Win the Game” by James Speakman and Kevin Hogan. He sat down at his large desk and began to read.


  20. Atzo gives a slight sly smile, sits down against a tree and looks at Kyoto. “You are cute, kid. Thinking nerds can't be strong. Do you want to know my job in the Yakuzas? I was the information guy, I rose above my brother, Ren, quick enough that he didn't even know I was a part of it. My job grew from being the one eavesdropping on conversations, to gaining people’s trust so I could allow an assassin team to take the target out without any issues. Soon I left the Yakuzas becoming a freelance information broker. I still worked with the Yakuzas but I opened myself to work with other groups as well. Soon I found myself in a position to ask for an assassination to be done without payment, I found myself advising the leader of the largest gangs in town, and some that were out of the state by letter, I was on top of the world.” He ran his hand through his hair, “Do you know how old I was when I was on top of the world?” Atzo paused for a second “I was fourteen.” He looked at Kyoto, the streaks of tears shown on Kyoto’s face. “At Fifteen I decided that just orchestrating everything wasn’t enough, someone taught me how to use a sniper rifle, taught me how to use a knife. I am not good at martial arts but before I watched Ren kill our father I was getting some training from the man, though that was mostly him just abusing me. I was never allowed emotion growing up, I was indirectly crafted into a sociopathic killer by my parents.” He reached his hand out to Kyoto. “You say you want to be strong, I will teach you how to have control over your past and emotions. Only then can you be strong, you will never be able to strong if you don't learn to let go of the things you cannot change.”


    (This is what Atzo looks like currently, please note the clothing is different)


  21. Atzo was watching the other two and listening, interested by how all of them had the same idea, though they were also so different from each other. Thought something happened that stunned Atzo. Where did that stalagmite come from, the weren't in a cave… Itzal must have noticed it too. “Just in case you thought that only happened on your end, I saw him pick a stalagmite too.” Atzo whispered I'm Itzal’s ear. “why is he so nonchalant about it?” Atzo walked over to examine the thing. Saying aloud “ju… just how in the hell…? This makes no damned sense!” Atzo shook his head, the structure Vigilon had pulled from the tree baffled him had baffled him “unless there is some sort of strange place nearby that has a bunch of stalagmite growing from trees, this has to be a glitch. I refuse to believe that this could be anything else.” Atzo stood back up and continued to look around, throwing the ore he had found earlier to Vigilon as he passed by.


    ID# 85847

    LD: 1+2+1=4 (No mat)

  22. They hadn't been walking too long before Atzo was asked questions. He really didn't mind this, it was actually part of the job he very much enjoyed. “I like to think everyone's word found when we make plans regardless, I don't like to make any executive decision myself and I rely on my High Council to make a decision based on what their respective team says about that decision. The exception being when I call High Council meetings.” Atzo looked around for some materials as they walked though he focused most of his attention on Hei. “Our current plan is to take in New players and give them a place that they feel comfortable asking a more powerful player for help with a quest. We also want to be able to gather dungeon maps to sell to frontline guilds maybe one day even becoming a frontline guild ourselves. All of this will take time but as long as I have people willing to put the time in, I will match them as best I can. As for your last question, if you find a new player that you want to have join feel free to incite them or introduce them to me. I have no issue with either one, and the more people the merrier.” Atzo though he had answered everything, but had a feeling there were more questions to be asked. “anything else you have questions about, or would like to discuss me?”


    ID# 85846

    LD: 9+1(S&D)+2(Amulet)=12 (No mats)

  23. The light was blinding as Atzo opened his eyes. Where was he? When did he get to floor nine? Wha… Why were Stryder and Eatos crying and hugging him?

    “Stryder, don’t give Kyoto that option…” he heard Eatos say but it was muffled, as his ears were still as blurry as his eyesight. Then he heard Eatos say something else that snapped him back to reality faster than a bug to a neon sign. “He doesn’t deserve to be alive anymore…” Atzo threw Eatos and Stryder off him with the grace that he had demonstrated so many times. Kicking himself to his feet and dashing in front of Kyoto he Atzo said with the familiar stern tone he would scold Stryder and Kyoto with when the got into trouble. There was confidence seeming to radiate out of him as he stood.

    “What the hell do you think you are saying, Eatos? Ordering Stryder to kill a fellow guild member is not the way to go about things.” He drew misguidance and glanced at it. “Wait…. Why is my sword broken?” he showed genuine confusion, and attempting to remember how that could have happened made his head hurt. The pain was unbearable almost causing him to stumble slightly. He regained his balance and looked at Kyoto who seemed to be struggling, his health bar showing that it was stunned. “Alright, someone tell me what is going on, the last thing I remember is sitting in my study laboring over my writings and next thing I know I am on the ground on floor nine dazed as all hell with infighting between guild mates. It looks like Kyoto has snapped, my sword is broken and my head hurts like none other.”

    He took a deep breath and dropped down to stare Kyoto in the eyes. “Fear not what is behind you, You said you wanted to be like me, be strong. You will never get to where I am unless you learn how to control the demons within you. Not your emotions but your demons. We all have them, you, me, Stryder, Ren, I'd be willing to bet even Eatos has some demons behind that innocent demeanor. There is no person in the world who does not struggle from something, so wake the [censored] up” Atzo grabs Kyoto’s shoulder harshly, shaking him. Giving him a hug he whispers in Kyoto’s ear. “And control what you cannot change. If you can't do that, if you can't let go of the things you can't change then you have no place in my guild”

    Atzo stands back up and turns to the other two motioning for them to join him. “let s get back to the mansion, if this one struggles, the we will restrain him and forcibly take him there” he said the last part to Stryder. Atzo then approaches Stryder to whisper something in his ear, Atzo’s tone was no longer harsh but caring and almost fatherly. “I'm proud of you bud, I don't know what happened, how long I've been gone or anything of the such. But I'm proud of you, you seem to have become strong. Thank you for not killing him, I am eager to hear all about your adventures once we get back the the house.” Atzo turned back to face the three guild-mates, he whistled for Kikas but nothing came, where is she? Normally she doesn't stray this far from me and always comes when I whistle. This is something I should figure out later, I need to focus on my guild right now.


  24. It took Atzo a little bit before the next bit of what Kyoto said hit him. “ I guess in the long run I want to be kind of like you.” This threw Atzo through a loop. “What do you mean you want to be like me?” His voice had gone from the sly grace of his nature to something of worry. You don't want to be like me He thought to himself No one wants to be like me. If you try you will find yourself a hollow husk of a man who knows not what he needs or who he is Atzo kept walking waiting for Kyoto to speak, he was not paying enough attention to the quest to even think of looking for materials. This was more important, no one should go down the path he did, no one should observe the pain that he forced upon others, perhaps Kyoto mean the Atzo the was commonly projected, not the monster that he hid away.


  25. Atzo stopped dead in his tracks as he heard Kyoto say something that bounced through Atzo’s head on a regular basis “Nothing I do is right anyways” Atzo turned the shy and meek kid that walked beside him. “Never say that” He said sternly “If you never did anything right, would you have gotten as far as you have? Do you think you would have the friends you do? No one is 100% wrong, no one can only do what is wrong. Trust me, I am a man who has done wrong all his life. I have ordered the murders of countless people while I worked for the Yakuzas. I ruined the lives of people who cared about me, I pushed anyone who dared to get close to me. I trapped my only friend in a death game against his will. Can you honestly look me in the eyes and say you have never done anything right? Even I have done right since I entered this game and I am one of the worst people you could ever meet” Atzo started walking again, turning his attention back to the path before them.


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