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Posts posted by Atzo

  1. “King of the Emerald Harbingers more so than Leader.” Atzo said with a chuckle knowing that The Shadowed man that stood behind him would probably not understand what he meant. “Come, Master of Shadows, Sit next to me and watch the glorious sunset. I wish to have a word with you.” Atzo hadn’t moved his eyes from the landscape. Nor was he startled that Hikoru had appeared behind him  It was likely that a higher level player as Hikoru would  be monitoring these higher floors. This man had intrigued Atzo when they first met. What made him be the way he was? What pushed him to stick to the shadows? The man had been mysterious and made Atzo want to pick at his mind more than ever. Not to control but to understand. “Why is this so? I have never wanted to understand someone before” Atzo thought to himself as he placed his chin on his knees. “Perhaps this is what it means to be changed”


  2. “What is he hiding?” Atzo thought to himself, he pulled Vigilon aside for a moment “He Itzal, we will catch up in a second, I feel the need to speak to Vigilon.” Atzo turned to Vigilon “Look, I don’t like to do this, seeing as you are already seeming very weary of me, but I want you to know something. I don’t care if you don’t trust me. I realize that the reason you brought Itzal was fear of a trap. I get that, this game is a dangerous one and trying to make it on your own just is that much worse. I just hope that you don’t hold who you see me as against me. I am The Man with Many Faces, very few people see the true me. I wish this wasn’t the case, but when you have lived the life I have live you must face the truth about who you will be and how hard it will be to change. I am sorry if I caused you any mental stress, I truly am.”


    ID# 81458


    Loot 9+2+1=12


  3. “Alright, Now that we have that out of the way, let's go and take care of this quest, before we do, however, I need to talk to you, Spidey about something that is weighing on my mind. You see to be upstanding and very intuitive of your surroundings.” Atzo’s tone had completely shifted from casual to very formal. It was clear that he was reading into everything and observing what was going on in detail. He stood and walked to the wall of windows which showed a darkening sky, Atzo had timed this just right, he always did. He closed the single open window and the curtain. “I would like to offer you a position in my guild that most people, Including Eatos and the others in the guild do not know exist. It is a small group of specialized individuals that partner with my information department. For me to tell you any more I need both of you here to swear to me on your life that you will not mention it to anyone else. IF I find that either one of you mention what happens from here on out to anyone, I WILL Kill you, that is a promise.” 

  4. Signal came in from Hikoru that the snake was found. “Well, looks like we should get there quick. Shield, how fast can you run?” It was probably a worthless question, a tank with a turtle on his back would be very ineffective when it came to sprinting. Still Atzo had an urge to take off. “Aoda, If you really want me to answer that I will but I don’t think you will happy with my response. That said I have another question for you. Are you part of a guild? And If not would you like to join one? I need people to fill some of my higher ranks and I want to start with some lower level players if at all possible.” Atzo was too anxious to avoid being forward with his chatter. It would be a challenge for him to call himself until he was able to analyze this fight, if there was anything at all to analyze. 


  5. Atzo didn’t understand how those two were keeping up with him. Maybe he was slowing down. “No I never did track, My parents never let me do anything that was not school related. Though I would rather not discuss how I got my abilities. Just know that I have them.”  There was something in the distance. It was a large beast that was getting closer. Activating charge and leaving the other two behind him as he doubled his speed to thirty miles an hour, He slammed into the beast activating Blade Fight. “This will be a challenge” He thought to himself I swear to God if they attack… “Give me at least one more hit or else you may die. I can take it on easily, you two need to be very careful” I pray they head my warning, I don't want to inform Hydra and Aoda of their deaths.


    ID# 81229


    Battle 6+2=8 (Hit) [Dmg=7*6=42]

    Mob 7-3=4 (Miss)



    Stryder - HP 100/100 Energy 10/10 (H0)

    Kyoto - HP 20/20 Energy 2/2 (H0)

    Atzo 300/300 HP | 23/30 En | 6 DMG | 3 EVA | 2 ACC | 1 LM | 1 Savvy [H:1]


    Chimera 108/150 HP | 45 DMG





  6. Eatos seemed to know quite a bit about the creature “Indeed and her name is Kikas. You seem almost too excited.” Atzo said with a chuckle as he began to walk back to the mansion. The sun was beginning to set, odd for how little time they spent out here. It seemed like only ten minutes but time was warped by the spirit world so Atzo was not too surprised. Kikas was standing firm, walking very close to Atzo, not leaving more than five feet between them. “So, Eatos, what is your plan for the rest of the night? Want a drink? I am sure I can find some wine somewhere in the lounge, though It has been a while since I checked and I am not sure how much Raina has been drinking as of late.” Speaking of, Atzo hadn’t seen Raina in a while. It was concerning though he figure she was just on a long quest. 


  7. “I understand that part, The Emerald Harbingers are divided into a High Council of division leaders. Unfortunately we are too small to be able to quest without me leading it. I have found myself in many a situation in which I was obligated to save them.” Atzo looked around as Itzal talked to Vigilon. “Indeed, There are quite the number of blacksmiths, though they are easily undermine-able if you use the prices.” Atzo looked around, a voice from his amulet telling him to pick up a nearby mineral from the ground. “Mats can be easy to find, They take some skill in learning what to search for… or you could just have an item to assist you as well.” There was something to be said about Vigilon. He seemed uncomfortable with Atzo’s presence. “You okay Vigilon? You seem as though something is bugging you.” Atzo was a master of reading people and thus far had only found one person that he couldn’t read. Domarus. Though the parallels between the would more than likely be the culprit. 


    ID# 81220


    Loot 16+1+2=19 (+1 T1 map)


  8. “Depends, how well can you see in the dark?” Atzo knew the answer was ‘I can't’ but that was what the potion was for. Atzo gave the two the hand signal he had taught the guild member for follow and continued walking. “So, how have you two been? Keeping busy?” Atzo was never good at small talk and honestly despite making it but he didn't know what else to say right now, there was nothing really for him to discuss with them. Perhaps they would have questions for him, he would be happy to answer anything they asked. But they already knew this. The world around them was bustling with wildlife. Birds chirping, deer running past them. It was a perfect day to be walking in the woods. Atzo muttered a prayer under his breath “Great Spirit, I thank thee for this opportunity to see the natural world as you had made in many moons ago.”


  9. “Low-tempered  is not the word you should use for it, though I understand why you would think that. Let me put it to you this way. Something most people don’t know is that the High Council are not founders of the guild. They did not make the guild, they are not responsible for the Guild's existence or its structure. I did it by myself, I build and organized the guild myself. So tell me, Kyoto, Do you think that my sudden ‘Change in Temper’ is due to me being easily angered? Or would it make more sense that I is me using strategic leadership? I rarely get angry, I have Ren to get angry for me. The only exception is when I am in pain. I was not angry with you earlier, was I stern? Yes. Was I angry? No.” Atzo gave the two a slight smile as a thought entered his mind. “I am going to start our search. Try to keep up” with that Atzo spirited at fifteen miles an hour, seeing if they could keep up.


  10. “Eatos you are perfectly fine. You did nothing wrong, in fact, I am quite happy you came in with that. I hadn’t realized I made so much headway. So thank you very much.” Atzo stood “Come Eatos, You should join us today, we shall try to settle all differences between each other.” He motioned for Eatos to come over to him and away from the door. That was the nice part of having such loyal people underneath him. They all knew the different hand motions he made to show them what they wanted and while some didn't always follow as obediently as Ren did most of them saw it as something that made it easier to understand the request. "As for the Quest, I feel the best option will be Earning a Living." Next he cupped his hands, one over another, making a native american style whistle. Kikas, the german shepherd size three headed black wolf that Eatos helped him acquire the day before, came into the study and stood beside Atzo. Kikas was standing as though she was at attention. 


  11. “I apologize for the disrespect, I must have misheard you when you gave your role. I heard paladin and thought tank.” He listened to the rest of what Itzal had to say “Indeed, It shall be very good. Come Kikas” His three headed black wolf came from inside the house, it stood next to Atzo looking stoic and proud. “Lead the way. I have no problem following. In fact it will be nice to hang up my crown and let someone else take lead for once.” Atzo smiled and placed a hand on one of the large heads of the German shepherd size wolf. He was glad that he could fall back. Even when he would quest with Shield he felt like he shared the role of leader. This would be a nice change in pace. He just hoped he could keep his urge to lead in check and actually enjoy the day instead of forcing himself to take lead. “I must ask, Vigilion, What do you want to be?”

  12. “Indeed the bird in these mountains are quite fruitful and easily show their colors." Suddenly Atzo stopped, it was abrupt and if Eatos had ran into him he didn't notice or budge. He was in the spirit realm. He could see only one spirit in front of him a hellhound. It stood before him both in the real world and the spirit realm. It was standing stoic and proud. Atzo approached it as it approached him. He pulled out three pieces of steak, one for each head. In a foreign tongue. One Atzo didn't know by heart and one he assumed Eatos wouldn't know. Translated he said “Spirit of the forest, creature of guidance. Come with me and follow. I wish to gain your help.” The Spirit responded to him “I will, You shall become my master.” To Eatos it would have sounded like a low growl from the creature. The hellhound bowed to Atzo and was registered to Atzo as a familiar. 

    ID# 81195


    Loot 15+2+1=18 (Familiar found)





  13. Atzo still said nothing on the three hour walk to the mansion. As the group left the safe zone and begin the walk Atzo saw a small plant. It appeared to be Devil's Trumpet, but he picked it regardless. There was no clear path and most people have trouble finding the mansion even with the map for the first time. But Atzo had made this journey with his eyes closed before just to prove he could do it. This was going to be a piece of cake though Atzo was a little annoyed with how slow he had to walk. He normally ran this to save time but didn't want to force the man in a full suit of heavy armour to try to keep up with him. Fifteen miles an hour was hard for the average person, he could only assume that it would be worse for someone wearing such. Still there was an urge to do it, and he would have if he didn't need to stay on okay terms with Domarus to even consider a deal.

    ID# 81193


    Loot 14+1=15 (+1 T1 Mat)


  14. Zero appeared to be deep in thought. Because of this Atzo was listening in to the conversations of those around him. “So, Airi is joining the advisors. Based on the others here I would assume that, if they were to join, Lee will join Vargas, he seems to be a tank build, Hei will be information because of his job, I don't know about Zero or Kyoto, but I am sure that will be seen in due time." Suddenly Ren was here, Atzo gave him a fist bump “S’up bro? And I know you fell asleep drunk again. I don't understand why you don't just stay in the Mansion with Raina and me but that is your choice in the end. And as to what I have been doing, Recruitment. I don’t mean to be a bother but I need to focus on Zero, right now. If you see someone else join the crowd then feel free to talk to them. Then again, You ARE my bodyguard so you will probably just stand there regardless as to what I say wont you?” Atzo chuckled. Turning back to Zero he heard him mention Hydra “Yes, Hydra head’s Information. Unfortunately he is a Red player. If you wish to talk to him about that section then I will give you coordinates to mark on your map to find him”

  15. “Why am I on floor four again? Atzo asked himself as he walked Snowfrost. He hateded the cold but it was nice for him to be able to explore this place. There was a strange trail in the snow, it seemed to be someone’s dragging feet. Though Atzo wasn’t completely certain he decided it would be best he investigate it. This was one of those days where you assume the worst in his opinion. And the worst in his mind was that someone was done with life. Checking his map he saw that he was heading toward Frostbite Lake. “Huh, I wonder how it got that name. Or, Moreso, I wonder if there was a reason other than ‘it is cold outside’. Surly such things are probably better left to occam's razor than to speculation.” Though he really didn't like the idea it was just because it is cold. This whole floor was cold, what made the lake any different?

  16. Spoiler

    <<Guardian of Fire>>

    This quest takes place on Floor 9
    This quest is repeatable

    This RP will not count in the benchmark





    Rumors about a three headed dog are floating around Vulcan Village, that spawns a rare potion that gives the user the ability to inflict burn damage. They say it is hard to get to. It takes two days and three nights due south to get to the cave in which the beast lurks.

    The Cerberus only appears after players make their way into Inferno Cavern a cave that is immensely hot. The heat is so strong that all players who enter loose 10 HP If their craft roll is below 6. There they must defeat an unknown number of  
    «Hell Hounds»  to awaken Cerberus.

    Cerberus appears from seemingly nowhere; a dark body covered in dancing flames; its three heads are ferocious; and each attack individually, players must destroy all three heads in order to defeat Cerberus.




    -At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)
    - Must RP that two days have passed from «Vulcan Town» to «Inferno Cavern»

    -Once in Inferno Cavern - players must use the Perma Roller to roll craft Dice. Any roll below 6 incurs 10 HP damage
    -Must Defeat X amount of Hell Hounds At 30 HP each.  (Where X is 3 hounds per player present)
    - Cerberus MUST be defeated

    Cerberus Information:


    «Cerberus» is a Field Boss and has the following statistics:
    Head 1: 75 HP
    Head 2: 75 HP
    Head 3: 75 HP

    Damage per Attack: 80 + 10 Burn Damage next turn
    Cerberus ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 9-10
    Each head attacks independently of one another. 
    Thus, every hit you inflict the Cerberus will attack you three times.


    1. Cerberus Soul: A Potion that when used on Weapon adds burn damage for the duration of the thread, burn damage at +2 for 2 turns on Natural Dice Roll of 8-10
    2. 3 Skill Points.

    Atzo was on floor nine, his Cloak of Changing Tides blowing slightly in the breeze, his wolf ears making his shadow seemed deformed. The sun was setting on the horizon, Atzo was sitting on top of a tall building, he was watching the sunset. “I wonder what it is like to feel. My guild seems to think I have figured it out but I don't know If they are correct.” He said to himself quietly as he took Misguidance off his waist and looked into the mirrored blade. He could see a group of people standing around him, apparently some new faces had been added to his inner demons as some had left him. “If this is true then I must be close to figuring out who I want to be.” He said as he observed the faces of his High Council and Rank One guild members. He was glad that so few of them knew how soft he really was becoming inside, he had retained his ability to use what he had learned as the man with many faces, but that said because he wanted to retain it he would never truly lose that title. Though it was what made him who he was. 

    As he sat there and through everything he said his face was completely blank and void of all emotions.

    (OOC: If you look into Misguidance, the mirrored blade, You only see your own inner demons not the demons of others. The exception being that the original observer is willingly putting effort into letting someone else see it)


  17. Atzo saw his opportunity and took it. Activating Straight he finally killed the boar. “Finally. Let's go turn in this quest and get a drink. I am beat.” He began to walk back to the safe zone. He assumed that the cat girl followed him. He didn't want to assume otherwise. “Oh, that reminds me. Were you planning to keep those left over potions? Or do you want to give them back? I honestly don't care either way.” He wasn’t worried about he knew that she would more than likely need them more in the long run. Though if she wanted to give them back he wouldn’t stop her. “So where do we need to go to turn in this quest? Or do we even need to?” They approached the safe zone, Atzo was resisting the urge to leave her there and go to the bar, though he knew he should wait.

    ID# 81099


    Battle 8 (Hit) [DMG=I DONT CARE ITS DEAD]


    M.Mestophales [H:1]
    HP: 14/20 
    EN: 1/2
    Dmg 4

    Atzo [H:1]
    Hp 106/120
    En 0/12 
    Dmg 5

    Dmg: 6

    6/6 Boars Slain

  18. “Come on” Atzo thought to himself as he missed once again “You only need one more hit to finish this off. And if you don't get another attack in it will take much longer than necessary.” He only had either one hit or one miss left in him. Still, the cat girl was full of energy, he didn't quite understand how though. Though it was a solid conclusion that she was just wired differently. Still he hoped she could hit it next round. Let them finally be done for the day. “I need a drink” He said aloud “I wonder if they have any Pink Fox at the tavern. A glass of wine to calm my mind would be very nice right now.” He thought back to how he used to drink because of his father. He hope that this game wouldn’t bring him back to that, it was a very dark place in his life.

    ID# 81096


    Battle 2 (Miss)



    @Miss_Mestophales [H:1]
    HP: 14/20 
    EN: 0/2
    Dmg 4

    Atzo [H:1]
    Hp 106/120
    En 2/12 
    Dmg 5

    Boar: 1/15
    Dmg: 6


  19. Atzo opened the door, he saw his brothers room and a man stood before him. This was no ordinary man, this was Solomon. Solomon was facing the other way, Atzo had a hard time thinking straight, “S-solomon…” He said “I-I’m so sorry for everything.” Solomon didn’t move, not once facing him. “Don’t do this to me, you know that I can't handle silence.” He shook his head. “I have to do this” he thought to himself “If I don't I will never get out”  He ran at Solomon and activated Cyclone. The unmoving man keep his stare at the wall. “LOOK AT ME DAMMIT” Atzo yelled, tears falling from his eyes “DON'T LEAVE ME IN THE DARK… i-im always in the dark…” He wasn’t sure he could do this, there were so many emotions that ravaged his psyche “p-please” There was no response, Atzo wiped his soggy face and prepared to continue the battle

    ID# 86581


    BD:9+2=11 (Crit+1) [Dmg=(5+1)*4=24-2=22] {Proc Bleed}

    MD: 1 (Fail)



    Atzo 200/200 HP | 16/20 Energy | 1 Eva | 15 Mit | 1 light Momentum | 1 Savvy | 1 Bleed | 2 Acc | 5 DMG


    Third Inner Demon 78/100 Hp | 10 DMG | 2 Mit


  20. Atzo shrugged at the pain in his knees and at the cat girl’s statement. “Due to how the game works I don't think it would have been that bad. Plus on rare occasions I can ignore pain. My brother taught me how one, but I am rarely able to do it properly.” He said as he activated Straight and slammed into the boar. Its health went down by half. He just need to get one more hit and they would be golden. Problem was that he was very low on energy. Still he wasn’t in the mood to strategize, and this shouldn't take them too much longer. If it did then they might be in trouble. “I should find something to help me fix the large energy losses that I have” He thought to himself. Little did he know, it would be the biggest understatement he would make all game.

    ID# 81092 


    Battle 8 (Hit) [DMG=5*2=10]



     @Miss_Mestophales [H:0]
    HP: 14/20 
    EN: 0/2
    Dmg 4

    Atzo [H:1]
    Hp 106/120
    En 4/12 
    Dmg 5

    Boar: 5/15
    Dmg: 6



  21. As the boar ran past Atzo he attempted to hit it. Though he had no good way of doing so. “I wonder if there is any way to increase my to hit ratio” He thought to himself “I would benefit greatly from it. Seeing as this has gotten me nowhere. I would assume it is a weapon enhancement. Though I am not completely sure. Where would I even find one of those? A blacksmith? Maybe but I don't have any col” He was tired of fighting today. Between the constant missing and the emotional rollercoaster he went on, all he could think about doing was going to the Inn and sleeping. It was all he really wanted to do. Try to sleep today off and hope that he would wake up in a better and more stable state of mind tomorrow. Though he feared it would not be as he wanted.

    ID# 81086


    Battle 3 (Miss)




    HP: 14/20 [H:0]
    EN: 0/2
    Dmg 4

    Atzo [H:0]
    Hp 113/120
    En 6/12 
    Dmg 5

    Boar: 15/15
    Dmg: 6


  22. Quite the number of people had arrived at Atzo’s mansion. He let them all in as they came, motioning them to the lounge. “It is good to see you all” He said as he heard someone Run face first into the door. Atzo opened the two large doors seeing Ren on the ground and Extending a hand to help his brother up “You really gotta watch where you are going bud. If you don't then you may end up in worse positions than this.” Atzo lead him into the lounge. “I think we are only missing Aoda. Raina is probably still waking up, she somehow slept through me walking through the bedroom to grab the uniforms. That said I will be handing out the uniforms I have now… which is only one sense Aoda is not here yet.” He handed Ren the Cloak of the Ruby Dragon. “Welcome all of you to my mansion. I am pleased to see you all could make it. As you know we have had a large influx of new members. That being the case I wanted to talk to you all about what our short term goals are for the guild and how we plan to get the guild to those points.”

    Given to Ren


    Name: The Cloak of the Ruby Dragon
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: 5
    ID: 78945
    Roll: 4+1
    Item Type: Cloak
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good/Vanity
    Description: This ruby cloak has the apperance of scales, each scale seems to be a different ruby though they are all connected. In light it shimmers as if there is fire inside each individual scale though it is not blinding. The wearer gains the aspect of the dragon, giving the wearer ruby red dragon scales, a dragon's tail, dragon teath and dragon like claws. (Cannot be used for combat) The weared gains an inimidating aura that can be used to strike fear into those which the weared chooses to target.
    Payment Method: Col


  23. Spoiler
    <<Blood in the Sand>>
    This Repeatable quest takes place on Floor 5
    Word from the Information Brokers speaks of a hidden respawning Field Boss on Floor 5. A small party reported having encountered a dangerous unknown enemy in the sand dunes of Floor 5. 'Swimming' through the sand, the shark like creature would attack by bursting out of the sand and biting with powerful jaws. This monster <<Sand Shark>>, proved to be a dangerous opponent for the relatively low leveled party, and dropped a powerful alchemical concoction.
    This RP will not count in the benchmark
    <<Sand Shark>> must be defeated, Maximum Party Size of 3
    At least two [2] Pages  (21 or more posts)
    1. [sand Armor Potion] This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing damage mitigation/resistance by one point for one battle. (MIT +27)
    2. [3 Skill Points]
    <<Sand Shark>> is a respawning Field Boss and has the following statistics:
    HP: 125
    Damage per Attack: 50
    • Parties or Groups of low level players are encouraged.
    • You are free to control Sand Shark yourself, however he must be Rp'd responsibly.

    While you may repeat this Quest as many times as you like, the 3 Skill Point reward will only be obtained on the first completion of the Quest. Repeat completions will only yield <<The Sand Armor>>

    Good Luck Players!

    “I think it is time I attempted this ‘Blood in the Sand’ quest I have been hearing about. Now that I am at about the same level as Vargas we should be okay. I do think I should ask Shield to help me through.” Atzo pulled up his menu and sent a joint message to @Shield and @Vargas.

    Hello Friends,
    I think today is probably going to be a good day for me to finally take Blood in the Sand. I would greatly appreciate any help either of you can give me.I don't want to attempt to take it on my own. So, if you two are willing to assist me I would appreciate it if you would meet me in the floor five tavern. 

    Dum spiramus tuebimur

    Hopefully they would show up sooner rather than later. It was going to be a long day for him and he wanted to make sure he would be able to successfully defeat the monster there.

  24. “How are you lagging? I have literally never heard of someone lagging before. It's not like you are using wireless connection with the Nervegear, it connects directly to your ethernet.” Atzo said genuinely confused. But shrugged it off as Kyoto got his legs back. “Lets hunt. Here is the plan, You two WILL NOT attack until I get at least two hits in. Do you understand?” Atzo’s tone shifted to something more militaristic with the last sentence “The monsters I pull out will make what you have been fighting look like peanuts. Are you prepared to accept this? Because if you are then the loot that is to come from it should be worth the danger.” Atzo was no longer being facetious, Instead he was being very serious, possibly too serious. Based on how Stryder had been last time Atzo approached this tone he would probably be pushing himself to not quiver in fear, But, Still, he needed to know for sure that these two were going to be prepared to do as he said when he gave them instructions in battle. These sudden tone shifts were not abnormal for him, it was one of the reasons that he was called The Man with Many Faces. Every tone shift was him putting on another face, showing a different side of him.


  25. Atzo turned to Kyoto “First off, I would be more concerned if you could feel your legs. Because in all honesty when do you ever really feel your legs? Secondly you don't feel pain in sao and even if there was something wrong with your legs, the system would negate it. And Thirdly, I hugged him because are you dead? No, you aren’t. Were you in danger, and did I need to intervene? Yes, but That is expected from a high ranking guild member. And seeing as I am at an equal level of guild power as the rest of the High Council, save me being the leader and not consigned to any one department, I feel it is my duty to do the same thing I expect my High Council to do.” Atzo still helped Kyoto up, wearing a kind smile. He turned to Stryder "and hide that you were fighting large monsters and questing. Just remember, I see Everything.” His smile turned playful with this last part. “Now, the two of you didn't answer my question. Do you want to hunt some more? Maybe get some loot, or go relax at the mansion?”


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