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Posts posted by Hei

  1. When Domarus came into the room Hei thought - This guy perfectly fits into his Shop, everything matches his style. I hope I'll 'blend in' like he does - The other player didn't hesitate to hand him the painting he just finished and asked Hei to have a look. So Hei choose the picture in his inventory and a big painting appeared in front of him. "That is pretty nice, you sure are quite an artist. The dresses design is very unique, not what I'll craft, but it perfectly fits with the surroundings. Thank you very much. Should you ever need some new and unique cloths, coma and visit my shop in Town."

    After praising Domarus work Hei put the painting back into his inventory and went through the social tab of the menu to open a col transfer. "It was 1100 col, is that right?" he asked, while already typing the amount in the field and getting ready to transfer the money.

    - 1100 col

    +  A Tailors Dream


    Name: A Tailors Dream
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 4
    ID:  80859
    Roll: 12  -11+1=12-
    Item Type: project
    Tier: Tier 1
    Enhancements: Craft Die
    Description: A big painting, showing a tailor with black hair, dancing with beautiful dresses (without people in them). The dresses are shades of dark colours like night blue, dark red and dark violet


  2. Hei had heard of an artisans shop on the first floor and that the man working here was pretty good in what he was doing. As he had just opened his own shop and it was a little sparse around his workshop, he was going to ask the artisan if he could create some decoration for him. When he entered the house he was overwhelmed by the decoration and style he could see. - Is this a dragon? I think it is, I should get one myself, it looks really cool. A man whose shop looks so good must be the right one helping me to decorate mine - Hei thought.

    Then he saw the pricelist and some form one should fill in if one wanted something special, so he took one, but before filling it in he asked the maid that was in the room "Hello, do you know if your master can create bigger projects, or is it just small things one can get?"


    In case you do projects:

    Name: A Tailors Dream
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 4
    ID:  (leave blank)
    Roll: (leave blank)
    Item Type: project
    Tier: Tier 1
    Enhancements: Craft Die
    Description: A big painting, showing a tailor with black hair, dancing with beautiful dresses (without people in them). The dresses are shades of dark colours like night blue, dark red and dark violet


    in case you don't

    Name: Stingguard
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 4
    ID:  (leave blank)
    Roll: (leave blank)
    Item Type: lucky charm
    Tier: Tier 1
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: Crafting Die
    Description: A silver brooch that looks like a thimble, with two needles crossed behind it. On the thimble there is an inlay of dark green stone, showing a yarn ball.


  3. After yesterdays success with the 'Cloak of Eyes' and the more or less useful 'Raven Wings' Hei was in a good mood when he entered his workshop early in the morning. There was not much light at the moment, so he lit up a candle, that illuminated the room with warm light. "Look at that, my store looks great in that light" he said to no one but himself. Then he sat down on his working table, but before he would start working he had to have breakfast. - One should think I could eat something better than bread, but I need to save my col for now -

    After finishing his bread and drinking a little Hei was ready to begin the days work and so he rummaged through his left over materials, looking for what he would use today. He found out, that there was not much left he could work with, and so he decided to craft some everyday cloth, one could wear to all occasions. The first cloth he wanted to do were dark blue trousers with a lot of room to move, but the seams where bad again and Hei feared, that the trousers would rip open when moving in them, so he tried to disassemble them to not move the material, but while cutting a seam the item exploded into pixels. "Damn, lost this one, the next will be better" he cursed, but he was wrong, as the next item he wanted to craft broke before it was finished


    ID# 80883
    Craft: 5 (bad item)
    Loot: 7+ 2 = 9 (not salvaged)
    +1 EXP | -1 mats



    ID# 80884
    Craft: 4 (fail)
    +1 EXP | -1 mats


  4. "Ok, then you tell me on our way. Do you have a problem with me searching for some mats while on the way?" Hei asked, while the two of them made their way towards the towns borders. When they reached the outskirts of the safezone and the beginning of the wilderness Hei was in high mood, whistling a song he just remembered. - Where do I know this song from? - he was asking himself. There was no answer to that and so his thoughts drifted on, something about a picture he had seen that had quite some resemblance with the landscape he was looking at right now.

    "Barryt, I'll take a little detour and have a look for some usable plants. This small forest looks like it could have some interesting flora" And with these words Hei left Barryt, strolling towards the group of trees, looking for some materials he could use later on. But the place fell short of his expectations, as there was nothing more interesting than a small fern and some berry bushes.


    ID# 80882
    Loot: 7 + 2 = 9 -> nothing found


  5. Hei was running errands for his freshly opened tailor shop, looking for some better tools and maybe something to decorate the workshop room with, when he came across the main square. He had been here many times, as he hadn't had much to do, since he never left the first floor by now. There always were people around, but this time Hei's attention got caught by a group of players, standing together and talking. - This is quite interesting, looks as if there is a meeting of some kind. Maybe some group of animal lovers? - and so Hei came closer to the group, having a look. - Maybe I can write about them, they look like an interesting society inside this game. And it is also strange to see people with that much equipment around - Having a closer look Hei registered that two of them had some kind of emblem on their armour. - They may be part of a guild, I should ask them how it goes, and if I can join, that would give me the chance to see how it is to fight as group and there might be a way to get stronger quickly, so I can have a look at the higher floors -

    With this on his mind Hei closed in on the group, having a look at the players, then bowing lightly and introducing himself. "Hello, may I introduce myself. I am Hei, a known author for gaming magazines, and it is nice to meet all of you. Is there any chance for you to be part of a guild?"

  6. "Yeah, it's always useful to have a way of writing down what is important and new, even if one never has a look at it again." Hei said, after she told him that she had gotten a notebook for herself. - What now, should I ask her to stay with me some more? No, that would not be polite, as I don't know her long enough. But maybe meeting up later would be good. But first I need some time for myself, writing a little about the game. I can never forget, that the game is the most important - and so Hei stood in front of Airi, looking at her, lost in his own thoughts.

    After a moment he realized he was looking at her and shook is head lightly "Sorry, I hope I did not make you feel strange with my behaviour. I should go now, but we will meet again." With this rather strange goodbye Hei turns around and leaves Airi where she is, vanishing into some street.



    Hei: 1 SP | 100 col
    @Airi: 1 SP | 100 col
    @Solomon : 1 SP | 100 col
    @Beatbox: 1 SP | 100 col

  7. Hei opened the message Barryt had sent him short after he had answered him, telling him to wait at his shop and then they would go towards the northern mountains. - I have never been to the mountains, so this will be interesting. Also I can use my new cloak and check if it works as it should- And so Hei waited at his shop, drinking a cup of tea and eating a little. He also unequipped his shield, as it was heavy to carry around all the time and he wanted to try his new cloak.

    After half an hour Barryt arrived at "The Hanger" "Hey Barryt, have you gotten the quest? And how are we going to find the wolfs, or better how long will it take us to get there?" Hei greeted his friend while opening the menu to send him a party invite. Then he left the shop and closed the door, checking that it was locked so no one could enter his shop while he was away.

  8. It was not long after meeting Barryt at his shop that Hei got a pm from him once again. He skimmed the message and found out, that Barryt was out of mats for his forge, so he decided to retake the <<earning a living>> quest, as one gets free mats with its completion. He asked Hei if he was going to join, as both of them had a shop now and mats were always good to have. - I just finished the quest, but I already have little material. And I want to order some fitments for my store, so it sounds like a good Idea - With coming to this conclusion he wrote a pm to @TurirBarym


    Hi Barryt, how is it going? I'll join you in your search for materials. Do you have a good idea where we could start?

    After sending this Hei waited for an answer, and took the just finished "Cloak of Eyes" and equipped it. - It has no effect while I wear the shield, but for searching the area I can always switch my equipment -

  9. Here I'll post all that is to evaluate


    Name: Cloak of Eyes

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 80797

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Cloths
    Tier 1

    Quality: rare

    Enhancements: Loot Die (2)

    Description: A black hooded cloak that goes to the mid of the back, the hood is so big, one can nearly hide his face behind it. In the middle of the part that hides the face there is a single red eye.

    Post Link:  Link

  10. After yesterdays failures Hei had a new Idea. He lacked of inspiration, so he went into the grove that was right across his door. Hannah was not there this early in the morning, so he had the place for him alone. - What should I craft? What do I need and what will others need? - where his thought while sitting in the moist grass. Then a dark bird, a raven landed in a tree a little away and Hei had an Idea of what he could craft.

    He ran into the store, looked for the bats leather he had found when he was in the cave where he found the gemstone for Hannah. With the leather he sat down at his worktable and began crafting a cloak, dark as the raven with one eye in the middle of the hood for a more creepy look. As he finished a system message popped up * Congratulations, you have created a rare Item, which Enhancements do you want to add? *  So Hei had a look in the crafting menu just to find out there was not much he could put into it. As it already had an eye he decided to go with an increase in finding things with it.

    After that he wanted to craft another cloak, this time for selling. The second one looked fabulous, just like raven wings, at least when he waved it through the air. But it was not rare, so he could not put enhancements into it. - I wonder if someone will buy it, if not I know a person loving wings. -


    ID# 80797
    Craft: 11 -> Rare Item

    Name: Cloak of Eyes

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 80797

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Cloths
    Tier 1

    Quality: rare

    Enhancements: Loot Die (2)

    Description: A black hooded cloak that goes to the mid of the back, the hood is so big, one can nearly hide his face behind it. In the middle of the part that hides the face there is a single red eye.

    Post Link:  Link


    V: already given away


    ID# 80798
    Craft: 9 -> Good Item

    Name: Raven Wings

    Item Type: Clothing
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: good

    Enhancements: none

    Description: A wing made from black fabric, that imitates the look of black feathers. If one runs with it the cloak flies behind one, looking like wings.


  11. Shortly after sending the message Airi appeared and came over to Hei, who thought - she is quick, how come she wasn't here when I arrived - but it was not something he was worrying go much about. So he just said "Hello, too" when she greeted him, raising his head from his new notebook he had already begun filling with notes of what had happened today. Then Airi asked where Solomon was and how the talk had been, so he fully turned towards her, beginning to tell her how it was.

    "I think Solomon still has some problems understanding what happened and how he landed here, but I think he understood the most important rules inside this game. But he looked a little overwhelmed after I told him all this and so I showed him a place where he could sit down for a while and let it sink. I also sent him a friendrequest, but he hasn't accepted it yet. " With this Hei would say the topic was closed, so he made a short pause, before showing her the notebook. "Look at this, doesn't it look nice, with this notebook I'll be able to write my article even if we take some time before getting out of this game. Thank you very much for finding out where I the vendor was" And Hei bows to @Airi

    (OOC: I will close the thread after your post when you are ok with it)

  12. It was not long after Hei had finished the earning a living quest Aereth had told him to do, that he opened his own Shop. The Hanger would be his home and where he would work for some time. It was afternoon and the reddish sunlight shone into his workshop when Hei decided that it was time to craft something from what he had gathered earlier. - OK, Aereth said it was quite simple to craft, just remember what enhancements go onto which type of item. I should have a look at the crafting menu and learn what I can craft with my beginner rank. - So Hei opened the menu and had a look, finding out that he had just unlocked the patterns for some clothing, so he took out one of the cotton flours he had gathered with Aereth and began using the craftingskill to form it into a cotton tunic, but the quality of his first ever crafting attempt was not what he wanted, so he dissembled it again.

    "Ha, it is not so easy to craft something good, maybe when I have a better picture of what I want in my head" and so he began creating a headband from the material he had dissembled earlier, that he could use so his hair would not fall into his eyes while working. What he created did not look very good and the seams where bad, nearly falling apart. - I can't sell this, but for now I'll just put it on this dummy head, ... wait, its a James, I remember hearing that somewhere -


    ID# 80750
    Craft: 5 -> bad item
    Loot: 16 -> Salvaged
    +1 EXP


    ID# 80751
    Craft: 7 -> bad item
    Loot: 3 -> not salvaged
    +1 EXP
    -1 T1 material


  13. At the outskirts of the <town of beginning> near the grove where Hannah, the artisan from the <<the third lesson>> quest likes to draw her pictures there is a nice two storey wooden building. Over its door there is a oversized wooden hanger, holding the words "The Hanger" on thin strings. If one enters the building there is a room with stairs leading to the attic. Up there Hei has his little bedroom, but what is way more important is the sparely arranged room which holds his Tailor workshop. There are a few Judys and James, dressed with what he has to sell at the moment. On a board to the left there are rolls of fabric, waiting to become clothing for whom ever buys it.

    At the door one can see a sign,reading: Special offer! 50% off for members of the Guardians of the New Dawn. 100% off on uncommon to rare Items for new players! With a second sign underneath reading: Just one free piece per person, for players below Level 15.


    Stats (Tailor Rank 8 [2134/2560 EXP])
    Available Crafts: Cloths, Light Armour, Plushies
    Available Mats:


      Rank 8
        [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
        [2-4] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
        [5-8] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
        [9-11] = Rare item (2 slots)
        [12] = Perfect item (3 slots)


    Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP
    Good Item: 2 EXP
    Uncommon Item: 3 EXP
    Rare Item: 5 EXP
    Perfect Item: 8 EXP


    Rank 1: 0 EXP (2 Crafts per day)
    Rank 2: 20 EXP (3 Crafts per day)
    Rank 3: 40 EXP (4 Crafts per day)

    Rank 4: 80 EXP (5 Crafts per day)

    Rank 5: 160 EXP (6 Crafts per day)
    Rank 6: 320 EXP (7 Crafts per day)
    Rank 7: 640 EXP (8 Crafts per day)
    Rank 8: 1280 EXP (9 Crafts per day) <--
    Rank 9: 2560 EXP (10 Crafts per day)
    Rank 10: 5120 EXP (10 Crafts per day)


    For sale:


    Perfect Items: 1100 col or 9 mats of same tier
    Rare Items: 700 col or 6 mats of same tier
    Uncommon Items: 400 col or 3 mats of same tier
    Good Items: for free

    For guildmembers the prices are halved, mat costs are rounded up

    For custom orders, use following template:

    Name: (give it a name. What's the item called? What is it?)

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 8

    ID: leave blank

    Roll: leave blank

    Item Type: (using cook as example, pick something from the bolded list in the profession guides... such as snacks, desserts, meals, or feast.)
    Tier: (Self-explanatory)

    Quality: (Uncommon, rare, perfect. Anything below does not need to be approved)

    Enhancements: Have a look here

    Description: (Just a fluffy description.)

    Post Link: leave blank



    Name: The better Eye (not available at the moment)

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 3

    ID: 82169

    Roll: 12+1

    Item Type: cloak
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: perfect

    Enhancements: Loot Die (3)

    Description: A better version of Hei's Cloak of Eyes. A black cloak with a deep hood, with a bright red Eye on the hood, so the wearer looks like he has just a single Eye.

    Post Link: Post


    Name: Natures Will (Not available at the moment)

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 4

    ID: 82237

    Roll: 11+1

    Item Type: cloth, hand wraps
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: perfect

    Enhancements: Unarmed Damage (3)

    Description: These hand wraps are made of roots and twines, once the wearer put them on, the living wood grows in to place, covering most of the wearers hand and forearm in hard and spiky wood.

    Post Link: Post




    57x Custom Rare T1 Light armour
    3x Custom Rare T2 Light armour
    10x Custom rare T3 light armour
    8x custom rare T1 weapon
    11x Custom rare T1 clothing


    Name: Dragons Claws

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    ID: 91847

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: weapon
    Tier: T1

    Quality: rare

    Enhancements: ACC (1), DMG (1)

    Description: Heavy gauntlets made of dragon leather. The scales glow if one lands a critical hit.

    Post Link: leave blank


    Name: Reinforced Cuisse

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 3

    ID:  55840

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Leather Armor (cuisse)
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Evasion 2 (-2 to the MobD)

    Description: Light cuisse, which stabilize the right muscles to escape an enemy attack earlier.




    8x Custom uncommon T3 light armour
    3x Custom uncommon T2 light armour
    47x Custom Uncommon T1 Light armour
    18x Custom uncommon T1 clothing
    17x custom uncommon T1 weapon

    Name: Apocalyptic wraps

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    ID: 91849

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: weapon
    Tier: T1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Damage (1)

    Description: Handwraps made from ragged cloth, looks like it's from a post apocalyptic game.

    Post Link: leave blank



    Name: Apocalyptic wraps

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    ID: 91851

    Roll: 6

    Item Type: weapon
    Tier: T1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Damage (1)

    Description: Handwraps made from ragged cloth, looks like it's from a post apocalyptic game.

    Post Link: leave blank



    Name: Glyph wraps

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    ID: 91853

    Roll: 7

    Item Type: weapon
    Tier: T1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Accuracy (1)

    Description: Handwraps made from soft leather, enhanced with magical runes to guide the wearers hands

    Post Link: leave blank



    Name: Night Blades Clothing

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 4

    ID: 86017

    Roll: 7+1

    Item Type: clothing (female)
    Tier: 1

    Quality: uncommon

    Enhancements: Loot Die (1)

    Description: Dark Purple and brown tones, combined into an outfit, that would be perfect for some rouge like player, The dark cloak with hood not only hides the players face, but also is good for protection against rain, cold and the hot sun.

    Post Link: (Self-Explanatory)

    Name: Squire's Clothing

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 4

    ID: 86018

    Roll: 7+1

    Item Type: cloak (clothing)
    Tier: 1

    Quality: uncommon

    Enhancements: Loot Die (1)

    Description: The perfect clothing for the new Adventurer, including leather boots, trousers and top. Look at picture.
    Coloured in dark green and brown tones.

    Post Link: (Self-Explanatory)



    Name: Charging Ribbons

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 3

    ID: 82236

    Roll: 9+1

    Item Type: light armour, helmet
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: uncommon

    Enhancements: Recovery (+1 NRG on CD 6+)

    Description: A light leather helmet in the colours of the rainbow, rainbow coloured ribbons are attached, so the wearer looks as if he had colourful hair.

    Post Link: Post



    Name: Adventurers Armour

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 4

    ID: 86531

    Roll: 4+1

    Item Type: light armour (female)
    Tier: 1

    Quality: good

    Enhancements: none

    Description: Simple brown-grey leather armour, that does not protect well, but you can look like a real adventurer.
    Post Link: (Self-Explanatory)

    Name: The Harbingers Hat

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: 4

    ID: 85957

    Roll: 6+1

    Item Type: Hat (clothing)
    Tier: 1

    Quality: good

    Enhancements: none

    Description: A emerald green and black patterned Top Hat, looks like in the picture, but without the clock.

    Post Link: (Self-Explanatory)

    Name: Dream in Violet

    Item Type: Clothing
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: good

    Enhancements: none

    Description: A dark violet dress, creating an aura of light, to enhance the natural beauty of the wearer.

    Name: Fading Heat

    Item Type: cloth
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: good

    Enhancements: nope

    Description: Layers of light cloth, crafted in an  manor as people from the desert do, to protect the wearer from the sun.


    Name: Setting Sun

    Item Type: Clothing
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: good

    Enhancements: none

    Description: Trousers which look like woven sunset, in all shades of red and orange


    Name: Dream in green

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 2

    Item Type: Cloths
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: good

    Enhancements: none

    Description: A short knee long green dress made for people loving the wilderness



    Name: Plush Goblin

    Item Type: Plushie
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: good

    Enhancements: nope

    Description: A woollen plushie, looking like a goblin from old role play games.


    Name: Gerd Nerd

    Item Type: Plushie
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: good

    Enhancements: nope

    Description: A woollen plushie, looking like a cute brown monster with big eyes and a wide mouth. He wears nerd glasses



    Shops Equipment / Decorations:


    Name: A Tailors Dream
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 4
    ID:  80859
    Roll: 12  -11+1=12-
    Item Type: sculpture
    Tier: Tier 1
    Enhancements: Ambition (+1 EXP per craft)
    Description: A big painting, showing a tailor with black hair, dancing with beautiful dresses (without people in them). The dresses are shades of dark colours like night blue, dark red and dark violet

    Large Goldfish Bowl
    -A large Goldfish bowl, containing a plant and a single goldfish -

    Name: Occupational Pinafore (just inside the shop)

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 2

    ID:  55557

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Clothing (pinafore)
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: perfekt

    Enhancements:  Ambition +1 EXP for every craft

    Description: A pinafore to cover the chest and pelvic. Brown and hard leather has been used.

    Name: Mister Snuggels

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 3

    ID: 82164

    Roll: 12+1

    Item Type: plushie
    Tier: Tier 1

    Quality: perfect

    Enhancements: Craft Attempt

    Description: The plushie version of slug, in bright orange with green stripes

    Post Link: Post


    (+1) CD Tool, Aphrodite's Loom


    Extended Sewing Room: +2 EXP per craft, +1 Craft Attempt

    Ready for Pick up:


    ( @Gryas )
    Emerald Harbinger Cape of the

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 4

    ID: 85953

    Roll: 11 + 1

    Item Type: Clothing
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Loot Die +3

    Description: A intricately designed emerald green cloak with the Emerald Harbingers symbol on the back. A large bear claw mounted on each shoulder clasping the cloak to the heavy armour.

    Post Link: post


    ( @Gryas )
    Name: Casual Suit of the Björn

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 4

    ID: 85955

    Roll: 6+1

    Item Type: Clothing
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Good

    Description: A casual black suit with light grey shirt and black tie.

    Post Link: post



  14. (OOC: as @Solomon hasn't answered for over a week and did not answer my pms, I'll go on, as if I finished telling him the basics)

    Hei took some time to give Solomon a quick startup guide to the games mechanics, as Energy points one could use in fights to activate mighty swordskills and the like. After a while he thought that he had taught him everything he could make him understand as the man still seemed to be kind of lost. - It's strange how I feel towards a total strange person. But now I have to get back to my own agenda. I still haven't found a notebook, even with Airi telling me where I might find one - So Hei left Solomon with sending him a friend request and saying "I'll have to go, but it was nice meeting you. If you accept this request you can always find me on your friendlist, so if you need some help just send me a message"

    With these words Hei left the strange one where he was and made his way to the vendor who should sell notebooks. On the way over to there he saw some food vendors, giving out free samples, but he was not in the mood to eat right now. So he walked past them, and finally found a Guy, who was selling the beginner guide books. This was the one Airi had mentioned in her message, so Hei walked right at him and asked "Dear Sir, I see you sell guide books, may it be possible that you also have some kind of notebook for sale?"
    The NPC answered promptly "Yes, I have some notebook in my store, and as it is the first day you are lucky. We have an special offer for all who come and ask. You can have this one for free, as a sample and when it is full you know where you can find me" And he hands a notebook over to Hei.

    Hei quickly pack it into his inventory and writes an PM to @Airi


    Dear Airi, thanks for the information. I just found the NPC you mentioned and he does not only sell notebooks, he even gives one out for free as it is the first day of game.
    Will you come over here, or will we just meet some time later?

    Together with the message Hei sends a Friendrequest to Airi

  15. "Ok, so I have to take the quest, and when I  finished it I'll unlock the crafting skill, that's quite simple. " He said after hearing that. As he had not seen the quest by now he was about to ask where to find it when Aereth sent him his map data with the Quest NPC marked on it, telling him, that he would guide him back to town, but would not be able to enter it. "That's really nice of you, how can I thank you for all the help?" with these words he accepted the map data and had a look on it. As Aereth had told him the two of them went towards the town, and the way was not very long. - strange that I got lost so quick, we were just a few hundred meters in the woods -

    When the two of them reached the outskirts of the safe zone Hei stopped to say goodbye. "Aereth, it was really nice meeting you, but our path will go apart now. Would you accept a friendrequest, so we can stay in contact?" And Hei lightly bowed to @Aereth

  16. It was another gorgeous day at the first floor of Aincrad, the sun shone warm onto Hei 's naked torso. The black haired spearman was taking a swim as he used to do the last three month, since he had found this nice little lake when questing. The cold water played around his waist when he walked out of the lake, shaking his head to get rid of the water in it. "hnnn ah, that was refreshing" he said as he made his way towards the big stone he was going to lie down and have a short nap.

    But there was something preventing him from following his routines, there was a person walking around, looking for something. The person was a girl, maybe 16 or 17 with work cloths on. Her long brown hair flew in the soft breeze and Hei saw that there was a Name shown above her. - She must be a NPC, but why is she out here, I have been here for month and never seen her before - he thought while coming closer, opening a conversation "Excuse me lady, would you tell me what you are looking for so far from town?" The NPC girl answered shortly after she heard the question "Oh, I didn't think I would meet someone out here. I am looking for some rare ore which should be found in the area around here. Could you help me finding some of it?"

    (OOC: Hey @Saphira hier ist unser erstes gemeinsames abenteuer. wir kennen uns vermutlich noch nicht, also denk dir was aus, was du hier draußen bei diesem See machst)

  17. Airi agreed with him walking her home and so they left <<The spicy Rabbit>> after taking leave of the bartender. Airi leaded the way, as Hei did not know where she had her room and so he had to walk a little slower than he did most time, but it was ok for he was walking with another player.  After walking a bit and taking a bite from her caramel apple Airi asked him if he had a favourite sweet. And indeed he had. "Well, yes I have a favourite, it's chocolate cake, but not the dry cake one gets around japan if he gets some at all. It's the creamy still hot chocolate cake, baked the way the French do it. I had some when I was in France and since then it's my absolute favourite food:" 
    After telling her this he got quiet again, lost in memories of France and his life.

    When he had the feeling that it couldn't be far till Airi would be home and he would have to leave he said "It was really nice meeting you again. Don't forget, that we will go questing together. I would suggest that we meet at <<The spicy Rabbit>> then and begin with some great food before entering the dangers of the wilderness. "

    (OOC: Send me a PM when you're ready for the quest thread)

  18. As he had ended in this fight after reaching a dead end he had to walk back the whole tunnel till there was a way that went left he hadn't found earlier. Following this way he came out of the cave in no time. Happy that there would be light Hei left the cave, just to find that it had gotten dark while he was in the cave and that there wasn't much light besides the moon and some tiny sparkly stars. - the sky looks a little dim. Strange I've never seen this before. Could this be a clue to the developers true intention of having a death game? -

    Hei thought a lot about this question as he went back to the town which he could already see from far, as there was light everywhere within town. Arriving at the town Hei searched his way towards the grove where he should be able to find Hannah. It was not difficult to find the way and so he arrived there short time later. Hannah was still there, drawing something in the light of four candles she had placed on some bigger branches of the big tree she had sit on.

    "Good evening Lady Hannah, I have returned to you and not just me, but also this nice jewel." with these words he opened the inventory, took the gemstone and handed it over to Hannah, whose eyes began to glow when she saw the sparkly gem. "Thank you very much. As I promised you there is something I have crafted the other day. I have two pieces and you can choose one of them to take." She points at a ring and an amulet sitting on pic knick basket. Hei asked her about there qualities and after hearing, that the ring could increase his accuracy he decided to take the ring.



    + 300 col (loot) + 400 col (page) = +700 col
    +3 T1 mats
    + 1 Tier one ring with +1 Accuracy
    + 1 SP +2 Quest SP

  19. After hissing at him the creature launched itself at Hei, who sidestepped the attack. As the creature was now behind him,a swell as he was in the creatures back Hei turned around and quickly stabbed at its back, stumbling over the creatures shot tail he hadn't seen since now. Hei was falling to the ground, dropping his spear a few feet away. " Got damit, this fcking thing has a tail!" he had no time to continue with more shouting, as the beast stood up, showed it's teeth again and dropped down on him, sinking the teeth into Hei's left shoulder. The creatures claws and body, which would have hurt him much more got blocked by the shield he was hiding under as the red light appeared once again - Does this mean it is dead- was his first thought and just three seconds later he knew the answer, as the impaled beast dissolved into pixels.

    *System Message: 150 col ready to loot* This was less than he had gotten from the last bat, but it was not nothing either, so Hei was satisfied with it.


    ID# 50255
    Battle: 1 (crit fail)
    Mob: 6 (hit) -> 15 DMG - 9 MIT = 6 DMG -> 88/100 HP | thorns activated -> 21 DMG -> 0/50 HP -> Dead

    ID# 80256
    Loot: 1 (nothing bit standard col) -> +150 col = 300 col

    Battle stats:

    Hei: 88/100 HP | 6/10 (+1-2) NRG | 2 DMG | MIT 9 | Thorns 21 | ACC 3-1 = 2
    Cavebat: 0/50 HP | 15 DMG Dead

  20. The beast was not prepared for Hei's last attack and it seemed as if it had problems processing what had happened, as it just flew on the spot, not aiming for another attack. Hei who had had a view fight by now could not let this chance go away and attacked the cavebat with another swordskill. The green light danced at the stones around them, as the spear flashed forward, dug into flesh, flashed back and forth again. A high pitched scream was heard and the bat fell to the ground. It's HP was still in the yellow part, but it seemed this beast had some problems with fighting.

    As Hei was about to unload another combination of thrustes at it, it rolled to its side, evading the attacks and grabbing at Hei's leg, who was quick enough to jump away. The beast was not done yet, and so it followed him, now crawling at the ground, hissing it's vampire like teeth.


    ID# 80253
    Battle: 5 +3 -1 = 7 (hit) -> 2*2x1 = 4 DMG
    Mob: 2 (miss)

    Battle stats:

    Hei: 94/100 HP | 7/10 (+1-2) NRG | 2 DMG | MIT 9 | Thorns 21 | ACC 3-1 = 2
    Cavebat: 21/50 HP | 15 DMG

  21. As Hei had said this another cavebat fall from the ceiling, trying to attack him with this drop. Hei was quick enough to realize what was happening and with a clumsy jump went out of the beasts way. - So it really is another one of those bat monsters, I'll quickly kill it, shouldn't be any problem. If there was some more light it would be better still - And so he raised his spear, charging the Snake Bite to have a little more light and see what the creature was doing next.

    The bat like creature was lying on the ground after its impact, but it was already getting back up in the air. It's eyes began glowing read as it quickly flew towards Hei, trying to knock him prone and land some strikes with its claws, but Hei was hiding behind the shield, so the claws did not hit him, but the impact was enough to throw him against a wall, damaging him a little. While he was flying the bat was at the shield, which got activated, growing big spikes and impaling the beast. Red light flowed from the bat into the shield and when the bat finally got away from the spikes the red glowing eye had already opened. In the glow of the eye Hei had it way more easy to aim at the creature and so the green sparkling spear sunk into the beasts neck twice.


    ID# 80252
    Battle: 8 +3 -1 = 10 (hit) -> 2* 2x1 = 4 DMG
    Mob: 6 (hit) -> 15DMG - 9 MIT = 6 DMG -> 94/100 HP | thorns activated -> 21 DMG -> 25/50 HP

    Battle stats:

    Hei: 94/100 HP | 8/10 (-2) NRG | 2 DMG | MIT 9 | Thorns 21 | ACC 3-1 = 2
    Cavebat: 25/50 HP | 15 DMG

  22. The way from the big cavern towards the caves exit was not as easy as finding the way back to the cavern itself. Shortly after leaving the cavern there was no more light and Hei was not sure if he was walking the right way. The wall was cold under his hand and besides the sound of drops of water falling to the ground there was nothing to hear. That was at least the case till the tunnel Hei had chosen to follow ended in an dead end and something moved in the darkness. - What was that? - he thought as he heard the slight sound from above him.

    If it was something living it had already registered him, he thought, so there was no need to keep quiet. To reassure himself about his strength he said out loud "I've killed one of those cavebat things earlier, so what ever this is it won't be a problem for me"


    ID# 80251
    Loot: 1

    HP: 100/100 (+3)

  23. Airi was about to finish her caramel apple and Hei began feeling a bit nervous, what was he going to do when there food was finished. How should he show her that she was important to him without looking like a creep? These where things going through his head, together with an observation he had made. - Airi is not talking about herself all the time, as the girls I have known from school. Maybe I should ask her something, without being to personal, but what would be that I can ask. - but before he came to a conclusion he saw her becoming a little nervous, shifting in her seat. Just as he wanted to ask her what the matter was she told him that she had to leave now.

    - What was that supposed to mean? Had he done something wrong? - but before he had finished the thought Airi explained that she had some rule of going to bed at 9PM every day. This sounded like a silly excuse, but on the other hand she was young and maybe it helped her to live trough all this. "If it is like this, I'll look forward to meeting you again, and then we can do some more talking. Would you allow me to escort you back to your place?" he said with a smile, trying to show her that it was honest.

  24. After the big monster was killed there was no system message that told Hei there was look, so he was not expecting to get anything from it even tough the beast had been some kind of boss. - What a strange loot system, one should think that bosses always dropped something good - So Hei went on and put the gemstone into his inventory, getting ready to make his way back to Hannah. Just as he walked over where the beast had died he kicked something he hadn't seen before. taking a close look at what he had kicked just now his face got brighter. There was another gem at the floor, which looked just like it was a knob.

    This could be some great material so Hei took it and also out it into his inventory. "Ok, I found something nice, and it seemes that the thing had dropped it without an automatic loot massage" he said to himself while making his way back to the bigger cavern.


    ID# 80242
    Loot: 18 (found mats)

    HP: 98/100 (+3)
    +1 mat -> 3 * T1-Material

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