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Posts posted by Hei

  1. As Hei was able to find some material it mad him looking for some more, so he would have a good chunk when he finally started making his own stuff. And besides this the health regeneration wasn't really high, so it would still take so time before he was ready to battle again. Hei wasn't a gamer like many others, as a games journalist he wanted to find some more than most others, so he noted down where he found the plant, hoping there would be recourse respawn in sao and he would be able to find stuff on the same place again and again. - I belief it would be a good thing to find out if there are farming routes one could use. and maybe I could give them to the guides writers, as it would be helpfull for everyone -

    So he began walking circles at the field he was at, to capture every last meter and have a look if there were more places these plants would spawn. and it didn't took long for him to find another plant he gathered and marked at his map.

    +1 T1 Mats -> 2T1 Mats
    +3 HP -> 51/60
    +1 EP -> 3/6 EP


    ID# 79236
    Loot: 15 (found material)


  2. Hei breathed deeply for a minute, before he took a look at what the boars did to him. The wounds did not hurt, but they where red glowing and looked bad. Looking at his HP bar he realized that these boar pups had damaged him for 1/4 of his health and they were so weak, he could destroy them with just one attack each. - I have to do some more training, or I'll die when being engaged by something more dangerous then these pups. Also I should heal myself up before entering another fight! What kind of healing was there in this game ? - while thinking about this he regained one HP, so slow regeneration was a thing, and health potions, but they were to valuable, as one could use them within a fight.

    -If I have to wait till my HP regenerated back up, I could do some material gathering around here, so I won't sit around and waist time- With his mind made up Hei left the battlefield and began searching for something he could use later. Maybe some plant fibres, as he was at this big meadow at the moment it didn't take long for him to find some vine like plants he gathered, earning some strong plant fibres

    +1 T1 Mats
    +3 HP -> 48/60
    +1 EP -> 2/6 EP


    ID# 79235
    Loot: 20 (found material)


  3. Hei was wandering around town, as he did nearly every evening. He still hadn't found a really nice place to stay so wandering around till he was tired enough that it didn't matter any more where he was going to sleep was what he was doing. While walking around he often looked for other players and what they were doing, not because he was interested in them, but because he was interested in what the game made them do, as this would be another article he was going to write once they got out of the game.

    It was already getting dark and he still wasn't tired as he saw a strange looking woman enter a building next where he was walking at the moment. She somewhat looked like a feline, with how she walked and how she looked like. - was she wearing fur? or was it her fur? no that wouldn't be possible, as the characters in this game were all human - he thought while following her with his eyes. The building was one he had seen before, not like most of the others in this town, so he recalled it was called the black iron palace and there was the monument of life in it. This monument was another one of the developers tricks they used to increase the immersion with the game, as it showed the player names of all that were logged into sao and also the one which had died. - If there was something that made players belief in the game as their reality it was going to be this monument as it always remembered them of there dead friends and others, but I won't ever belief them. All of this is just some strange form of thrill increasing programming - he thought while walking behind the cat woman into the palace.

    In there was a small group of players standing next to the monument, talking about something, but the only thing Hei understood was I thought the combat skills were all about weapons which a red haired girl said. - I remember her, mat her at the first day I think. What was her name? - and he opened his friendlist, looking her up. - Alright, Airi it is -

    more or less prepared Hei walked to the group, clearing his throat to get their attention so he wouldn't have to introduce himself more than once. "Good evening, I am Hei, nice to meet you all" he said in a polite manner, bowing lightly and giving Airi a quick smile, knowing that she probably wouldn't remember him.

  4. As the man sitting on the ground looked up at Hei he opened his menu, the invitation opened up an there was a sudden movement with this guy. - is he afraid of an invitation? Wait, now he probably isn't afraid of the invitation, but of a thing appearing in front of him- he thought, while seeing Airi accepting the invite. Her name appeared beneath his and he would now be able to track her on the map. That was a nice feature to use within the town.

    Solomon wasn't staring at his invitation any more, instead he looked to Hei, and it looked as if he wanted him to help. But before Hei could react Airi already told him to press the accept button. To assure the strange guy that it was what he should do Hei repeated it for him. " She is right, just press the right button, the one with the check mark. Then I'll be able to tell you your name"  while saying this he was thinking - he is really strange, I hope it will become better with the time. But it is good that he happened to appear here, not sure if he would be able to survive in this game all by himself -

    To Airi he added "I will stay a moment and try to talk him to the basics, maybe it'll help. could you have a look at some of the merchants, I really meed a notebook?" and smiles lightly.

  5. With Airi telling him that she wasn't going to fight while in this game Hei was getting a little confused, as it was the whole sense of this game to fight, but on the other hand the girl in front of him shyly avoided eye contact, which wasn't a sign of big bravery either. So if she believed in this programmers words it would be natural that she was afraid. - she looks young, maybe younger than I first thought. ... should I ask her about her age? ... no, not now, this would be prude. - he said while he noticed the young man on the ground moving.

    The man was drawing something on the ground, but at first Hei wasn't able to recognise the drawings, after a short while the first one was finished and it more or less looked like  a tree. - OK, so here's the woodcutting thing again, or at least a tree, what does he want to tell us? - The man continued drawing a complex sign on the ground, so Hei looked at Airi again, letting the man finish his "art". " I'll invite you to be part of my party then, and we will see what to do with the guy, as it seems he got some problems, too" with a quick swipe with his right hand Hei opened his menu, choose the party tab and invited Airi to his party. * party message: Invitation sent *

    The man finished his drawings and Hei had another look at them. It was a tree, some strange circle with runes in it and a scroll. - this must be a joke, now he does not only speak strange things, he also draws them. maybe I can find out what it should mean. - he thought as the man looked at him and Airi, asking them who he was. - Ok, so he also has amnesia? Could this be some by effect from being transferred from one server to another? maybe simulated amnesia so the thrill of being in a death game wouldn't get killed. - "I can't answer this question, but if you accept my party invite I can tell you how your name is in this game" he said, while also inviting Solomon into his party. * party message: Invitation sent *



  6. Hei used the short moment while Airi looked down to the strange blue haired guy to shake his head, trying to get rid of the the feelings. It was not that it really worked, as he again felt how happy it mad him just to look at Airi, but he regained control over his face, at least he hoped so. As Airi turned her head to him again, telling him that her name was Airi he just thought of how nice the name sounded, fitting for a beautiful girl as her. "Nice to meet you Airi." said, but it sounded a little cold, as he was concentrating on not stuttering again, and on correctly pronouncing her name. " You seem to be very kind, offering help, so I at least want to introduce myself as it should be. I am Hei and I am a journalist for a games magazine. I'm here to write an article and I haven't found a notebook to write down dome things. Within the game I use a spear, but it's no fun walking through the narrow streets with a long spear on my back. "  he bowed again, to show that his introduction was done.

    After a short pause he asks: "What is someone as beautiful as you doing inside a game like this one? aren't there better things to do?" realizing that this could be seen as a really personal question he blushes again and adds "... you don't have to answer if you don't want to. And I have another question. Would you join my party, so we can't lose each other while in town?"

  7. The boar was close, just turning around after it's last attack and again it was gazing at Hei. It's eyes glowing red and small steam clouds coming from it's nose it lowered it's head and moved towards him, eyeing Hei's every move.
    Hei watched the boar pup, as it began moving forwards, he took a few steps back to have enough time to charge his Heft swordskill. While the spear began glowing dark red the boar accelerated it's movement and lifted it's head again, releasing a loud grunting noise.

    The boars tusks buried into Hei's right thigh as the spears heft send it flying backwards, reducing it's HP to zero and making it disappear. "god dammit, why had t to hit me. That does not feel good" The fight was over, but Hei didn't get another tusk from this one. The moment the fight was done, a message appeared. * Quest message: one out of three tusks found*


    ID# 79113
    Battle: 10 ( crit ) 2+2 base damage * (1x2) = 8 DMG -> -3 / 5 HP -> dead
    MOB: 8 (hit) 3 DMG -> 45/60 HP

    ID# 79114
    Loot: 9 (no tusk)

    Battle stats:

    Hei: 45/60 HP | 1/6 Energy | DMG 2

    Boar pup 1: 0/5 HP | DMG 3 Dead

    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 HP | DMG 3 Dead

  8. Hei crawls away from the two boars, feeling a light tingle where pain should be from the wounds. His health bar still in the high green part he wasn't really worried about loosing the fight, even he hadn't hit anything the whole fight. As the first boar, which had bin tackled away a little stood up again and hefted it's red gaze onto Hei he used his spear to get up and take an battle ready stance. The boar pawed the ground, panting wildly and Hei readied his Heft by raising the spear's lower end a little. A dark red glow appeared around it as the boar charged towards him, moments before the beast could sink its tusks into him he released the attack, hitting it's head at the left bottom, cutting across it's face and finally unloading the blows full power onto it's shoulder, sending it flying backwards. While still in the air the boar dissolved into pixels.

    "Hell yeah, that's how you do it" Hei crowed while looking at the dissolving boar, not paying attention to the second one, which used it's chance by biting into Hei's left leg. "[censored], hadn't seen this!" he said as his hp bar dropped a little more. with a ringing sound a message appeared which he quickly accepted. It was the dropped tusk from the first boar.


    ID# 79108
    Battle: 9 (critical hit) 2DMG + 1 = 3 base damage * (1x2 for heft) = 6 dmg -> boar 1 -1/5 HP -> dead | -2 EP +1 -> 2/6 next turn
    MOB: 2 (miss)

    ID# 79109
    MOB: 6 (boar 2 hit) -> 48/60 HP

    ID# 79110
    Loot: 16 (boar tusk drop)

    Battle stats:

    Hei: 48/60 HP | 3/6 Energy | DMG 2

    Boar pup 1: 0/5 HP | DMG 3 Dead

    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | DMG 3

  9. Hei looked down at the man sitting right to his feet, wondering what he is thinking, as the man lowered his head, just to reply with some kind of strange introduction. - What was that with a woodcutter? was I mumbling, so he didn't understand my question? - were the first things going through his mind, as he looked at the man, his face showing his confusion just as much as the man's one. Hei just was about to check, if he understood what the man said, and if the man had understood Hei's question, as a stunningly beautiful girl walked towards the two men, stopping besides them to offer her help.

    - this must be my lucky day, at first I get into a game of such great programming, that I have so much to write about and then a girl as beautiful as her appears out of nowhere. I must have done something right - he thought while he gazed at her, trying to remember as much of her beauty as possible. As he looked into her face he blushed a little, and tried to cover his feelings and his nervousness with a smile, but it didn't worked as well as he hoped. Showing a half smile and a light red face he bowed to the girl, and introduced himself. "Uhm, My name is Hei and ... ah, it's  good morning indeed. A well, good morning to you, too. " him not finding words mad him blush even more, but he hoped his hair and his head being faced to the ground while bowing would hide it. "You heard right, I am looking for a notebook, as I am an journalist and I want to take some notes for an article I've planned to do" he straightens up again, hoping that his face would not be red any more.

    "If you'd really help me searching I would be thankful. um, so thanks already." with these words he looks to the ground, where Solomon was sitting. "Hey, did you understand my question? and what was that about a woodcutter? he asked while confusion again showed on his face.


    (OOC: I don't mind, it's nice to have some more people here :) )

  10. "Darn you little beasts" Hei shouts as he jumps back, swinging his spear around to bring it up in front of him, pointing towards the boars. A dim light blue light begins curling around the spears blade, as it intensifies Hei releases his control and the game kicks in, making him sprint the two steps towards the boars, thrusting the spear at the nearest one with unbelievable speed. - this will do the trick - Hei thought, but just that second the boar turned his head, and also jumped towards him. The spears point hits nothing but thin air while the boar crashes into Hei, throwing him to the ground and further reducing his health bar.

    The second boar also started an attack, but instead of hitting Hei it hit the flying boar, not damaging it, but throwing it away a little. Short after that it turns it's head towards Hei and red glowing eyes stared at him, showing the beasts hate.


    ID# 79048 results:

    Battle: 5 (miss) -> 3/6 EP next turn

    MOB: 7 (boar 1 hits) -> 51/60 HP

    ID# 79049

    MOB: 2 (boar 2 miss)


    Battle stats:

    Hei: 51/60 HP | 3/6 Energy | DMG 2

    Boar pup 1: 5/5 HP | DMG 3

    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | DMG 3

  11. Now, right between two aggressive boar pups, Hei hadn't much time to think about what he was doing, so he merely straightened up, firming his grip onto the spear and swinging the large weapon around him, trying to hit the boar that hit him just a few seconds ago. But standing so close to the boar pup the spear swung over it, not even hitting its bristles. - oh, I should aim a little better next time - he thought, moving few steps backwards.

    The boar he just missed also took some steps back, but not to retreat, but to charge at Hei the moment he moved his eyes away from it. This time the beast run past Hei and while near him flicking it's head to the left to cut into Hei's leg. Red pixels spraying into the air and the HP bar once again dropping a little bit.

    The second Boar still was extremely angry to be interrupted while eating and so it jumped the short distance between itself and Hei to bite into his extended left arm, but Hei's arm twitches back a little as he gets hit at the leg, so the second boar misses him.


    ID# 79044 results:

    Battle: 3 (miss) -> 5/6 EP - 2 EP = 3/6 EP +1 regen -> 4/6 for next round

    MOB: 8 (boar 1 hits) -> 3DMG -> 54/60 HP

    ID# 79045 MOB: 5 (boar 2 miss)

    Battle stats:

    Hei: 54/60 HP | 4/6 Energy | DMG 2

    Boar pup 1: 5/5 HP | DMG 3

    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | DMG 3

  12. There was a voice, coming from the side Hei turned his head and saw another player slowly walking towards him. The players cursor was red, unlike the one of the other players he had met so far, but this wasn't something Hei really paid attention to, as it seemed that the player was friendly. -Hey, I found someone, maybe I am not lost at all, or he is too and we could find the way back together - he thought while turning to the new arrival and having a better look at him.

    The other player looked strong and after asking Hei if the was looking for something and introducing himself Hei was sure this player could become a good friend. "Good morning Aereth, my name is Hei and I was looking for some materials. At the moment I am looking for a way out of the forest, as I got a little lost ." as he sees the extended hand he gives Aereth a firm handshake and a small smile.


  13. Hei exits the town through the western gate, entering the green hills of the first floor. Here where many boars, as he had seen earlier, but this time he was not just here to see them, but to fight. - First thing I should do is rereading the skill section of the menu. Or better first equip my weapon. - so he equipped the winged spear, holding him with one hand he reopens the skill menu and has a look.

    There where three skills he could use right now. The first one was called Sonic Charge and would release a blast, as the spear would penetrate the sound barrier, and would be able to hit multiple enemies at once. it's "pre-motion" was a charging hold with the tip aimed at the opponent. The second skill was Twin Thrust which would be two quick thrusts used to immobilize an enemy, it's "pre-motion" was close to sonic charge's, but the spear would be pointed downwards, as the enemies knees where the thrusts goal. The last one was a heavy attack with the spear's heft called Heft which could do some serious damage and would be prepared when lifting the hefts end to a high position on the fighters right side.

    Knowing this Hei choose the next Boar pup to charge it and prepare a sonic charge to also hit the one just behind it. He ran up to the first one, his spar glowing in the bright blue of a charged Sonic Blast just for him to stumble over something on the ground. The spear trusted into the ground mad the earth explode pieces around, which hit the boars, getting their attention. Both boars turning around and charging Hei he barely evades one, as the other boar hits him at the side, burying his tusk into Hei. Red pixel dropping to the ground where they disappeared and the health bar in the top left dropped a little.

    Battle stats:

    Hei: 57/60 HP | 4/6 Energy | DMG 2

    Boar pup 1: 5/5 HP | DMG 3

    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | DMG 3


    ID# 79010 results:

    Battle: 1 (critical fail) -> -2 Energy -> 5/6 to use next round

    MOB: 6 (Boar 1 hits) -> 3 DMG -> 57/60 HP

    ID# 79011
    MOB: 5 (Boar 2 misses)

  14. Right after delivering the package and getting the potions:  " It is not much of work, but I can't leave the workshop at the moment. If you'll do it I can craft a weapon as reward, what'd you say about that? " the old blacksmith says. "Thank you once again for handing me the potions. Before answering your question I'd like to know what exactly I have to do. If it is a gathering task like look for these ore deposits and bring me ore I have to reject your request." Hei answers, still remembering how boring it was to search for materials.

    With a simple laughing sound the blacksmith answered: "I really do need some material, and it even is more rare than the ingredients you had to gather for my fried. But I can assure you it won't be as boring as gathering plants. You'd need to kill some Boar Pubs to collect their tusks, do you think you could do that for me?" With a nod he accepts the quest and leaves the workshop. *Quest message: Quest accepted -> fight boar pups and collect three tusks*


  15. Hei batted around the forest, hoping to find something that looked like cloth, or at least as if one could make cloth out of it. As for the cotton it should be white, or was it brown? Well at least it had to be plushy, as it was an alternative for wool, which was plushy.
    While he was looking for materials he totally lost the way and so he just wandered around some more. The forest around him got darker and the trees higher and older. Just single sunbeams got to the ground and the general mood of the scenery was dark and a little spooky. -oh, how could I get lost so quick? I don't think there will be anything here, and it's difficult to see very far, I should search for a way back - and so he opened the map, looking for a way out of the forest.

    A few moments later he had found a big path on the map and decided to head that direction. It didn't take long to find the path and Hei began following it back towards town, as he wasn't especially happy with being alone in the forest and maybe getting lost once again.



    ID# 79009
    Loot: 14 (nothing found)


  16. Hei was roaming through the streets, bored as he hadn't have much to do. He checked his equipment once again, just to see that there wasn't any change since he started. Earlier this day he had tried to use the spear on some bushes, but he wasn't a good fighter at all, so the best use of the spear was as a wandering-staff. - Let's see if there is anything interesting on this square over there - he thought while checking the map and finding an open place he hadn't visited before.

    Hei came from the western street entering the square, looking at the buildings and searching for something new he could analyse, but besides a woman there was nothing of interest here. -well, I've come here, so I can at least try to meet someone new if there isn't anything else here-  So he walked towards the woman who stared at the sky, and stopped about 2 metres away from her. "Good afternoon my lady, my name is Hei. Nice to meet you" he says and bows to her.

  17. - If I want to become a tailor I'll need some materials, at least I had to search some to brew the potions with the old man - he thought and started looking for a tailor shop to ask what kind of stuff he would need to craft some tailor goods. Being inside the town it wasn't that difficult to find a shop selling cloths and so he went to the cashier and asked her: "Dear madame, would you be so kind to tell me something about tailoring? It seems you have some experience with it and i hope you can tell me what kind of materials I need to craft my own things." While asking this he mad a little bow towards the NPC lady. "Well my boy, for crafting cloth products you would need to get raw cloth, like cotton or flax. You can find these in the forests around the town." Hei thanked the lady for the information and left the store.

    Outside the shop he opened the menu to have a look at the map, searching for a near forest. The one closest to town was just outside the northern gate, so this one should be what he was heading for.
    While walking to the forest Hei remembered how long it had taken him to find some berries and hoped that finding cotton would be an easier task.

    Arriving at the forest he began looking for cotton, without even knowing how the plant he was looking for looked like. As expected he found no cotton here.



    ID# 78967
    Loot: 6 (nothing found)

  18. A few days after first logging into the game Hei is bored by not doing much but staying in the town of beginning. Like the last days he strolls through the town, looking out for something interesting and not finding much of interest, so he continues wandering around until he arrives at the craftsman's quarter and realises - if I had a shop of my own I could craft and there wouldn't be so much free time to get bored. - So he decides that learning a craft is what he wants to do next.

    -What kind of craftsmanship would fit for me? ... Maybe I could be a smith, creating weapons and heavy armour for everyone, that would probably be a good Idea. - he was thinking while watching the industrious players who already had their own shops. So he tailed of towards a NPC driven blacksmith workshop to ask for a place as assistant to learn how to do it himself.

    A heavy looking man with a white leather apron stood before him, looking up from his work. "Good morning dear Sir, my I ask if there is a way for me to become a blacksmith?" Hei asked while bowing a little. "Well, there of course is a way for you to become a blacksmith, but you don't really look like your the right one for this job. You wear light armour and it seems that you lack muscles at your arms. Maybe something with less heavy tools would be better for you. hahaha . .. " the smith says with a friendly smile on his face. "thank you sir, if this is what you think I might try something else"

    Hei leaves the blacksmith's workshop to look for something fitting better to his style of gaming, as the smith was right, he never wore heavy armour, so why not becoming tailor and creating his own flexible armour and nice looking cloths?

  19. From an alleyway Hei walks towards the group meeting happening at that moment. He wasn't paying attention at this moment as he was philosophizing about a theory he had about how the game developers had managed to create these fake news which they were using to frighten the players and increasing their will to play with full heart. His face was thoughtful and the black hair fall over his left eye as he came closer to the group.

    Hei was hearing something, a nice and melodic hum, right next to him. As he raised his head from the ground it was already to late, he bumped into a girl standing there.
    With sudden realization he noticed that he bumped into a stranger and instantaneous throw himself onto the floor, bowing and apologizing. "Sorry my lady, I was in thoughts, I hope I didn't hurt you. * a short pause* my name is Hei, would you tell me yours, so I can apologize as it is right and proper." Hei's face is bright red, but not to seen as he still presses it to the ground.

  20. "Mister Zakariah, the potion is done. Is it as you want it to be? " Hei says while stepping back from the cauldron so the old man can have a look. "Ah yes, that's what we wanted to create. This is a healing potion, they are vital if you ever get hurt. " waiting a moment "Hei, could you help me a little more?" he asks and takes the cauldron to his table.

    While Zakariah fills the potion into small bottles Hei answers: " I don't see anything keeping me from helping you some more. What do I have to do this time?" "Well, this time you just have to transport a package from here to an old friend of mine. He is a blacksmith and his workshop is just across the main plaza." Hei thinks a short moment before accepting the new part of the quest. - So I'll meet a blacksmith, that could be helpful when I want to get a better weapon - 

    A short while later Hei is on his way over the crowded plaza to find the old man's friend Lyle Tealeaf whom he had to give the package he was carrying. The blacksmiths workshop was easy to find, as it was an half open building showing the smith at work.

    As Hei comes closer to the Smith he says: "Good afternoon dear Sir, you wouldn't be Mr. Tealeaf, would you?" The Smith raises an eyebrow and with a soft but clear voice answers: "I am indeed Lyle Tealeaf, blacksmith of the town and proud owner of the "clashing hammer". What is it that I can do for you, young pal?" Noticing that he had found the right guy Hei bowed and said: "nice to meet you Sir, I am Hei and an old friend of yours, the potion brewer Zakariah, sent me to give this package to you." Hei took the package and gives it to Lyle.

    Lyle opens the package and reads a small message packed into it. "Jo Hei, I got something for you, Zakariah left me a note telling me, that you helped him gathering some material and brewing some potions, so I should give to you these potions." he picks up a few bottles and gives them to Hei. "That is nice, I should go and thank him later." Hei responds, taking the potions. "by the way, so you helped my friend, would you be interested in helping me with something two?"

  21. "I see you got everything we need. Do you want to start brewing the potion? " he asks while standing up from the rocking chair.
    "Of course I want to start, but I have no experience with brewing potions or cooking at all. You have to tell me what I have to do." Hei lightly bows towards the old man.

    At the instruction of Zakariah Hei begins cutting the berries, which is quite easy as there is a quick tool use available in the game. He just points the small knife at the berries and a message appears in front of it. *quick cut? Y/N* After pressing the yes button the berry instantly transforms into small cut pieces. Doing the same with the mushrooms is not any different, so it just takes about three minutes to prepare all the ingredients.

    "So now we can start brewing. It is quite simple, just put the ingredients in the cooper cauldron and put it over the fire" the old man said while pointing towards his fireplace. "Yes Sir, I will do it right now" Hei replied and put everything into the cauldron hanging it over the fireplace. A few minutes later the cauldrons content changed from bits and pieces to a creamy potion.


    ID# 78939
    Craft: 5 (good quality success)


  22. The flour's scent made Hei feel a little fuzzy-headed so he staggered away from it towards some small bushes and a tree trunk. Sitting down onto the trunk the fuzzy feeling slowly declined and he took a deep breath. - that was an interesting experience, but I don't think I need to make it again. - were his thoughts while he was standing up and began searching for a second mushroom again.

    Not long after restart searching he found what he was looking for, one of these mushrooms was there just between two fancy red flours. Hei picked it up quickly and a quest notification appeared in front of him.

    *Quest message: two out of two found -> you can return to Zakariah*  As Hei sees the message he heads back towards the town to meet with the old man again.

    At the workshop he knocked on the door and entered, greeting the old man: "Once again a good afternoon Mister. I found what you asked me to. What will we do with these berries and the mushrooms I just gathered?"


    ID# 78937
    Loot: 20 (found the second one)

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