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Posts posted by Vigilon

  1. Vigilon was ready to speak. "My first opponent was a common knight, but it fought for itself, to see its own strength be bolstered. It knew it couldn't win against me now, so it chose to torment me by what could have possibly happened. I then saw a memory from my past, and I saw everything that happened between me, Ayaka, and those four bullies from that little friendship circle many called 'Elverond'. After that, I battled against a fusion of two dragons, but surprisingly, they were no match for me, unlike the two who the dragons represented. It makes me wonder if I wanted it to be that easy, deep down inside. They always beat me so easily, so I guess I wanted to turn the tables for once...and it was disappointing...I then watched certain memories I had with Victor and April play out, and I can see how it all truly started." Vigilon explained, speaking of the two first battles he'd fought, as well as the arenas he'd investigated.

  2. The door appeared, and Vigilon left this empty space.

    Vigilon now found himself in the Keep, and he would make his way to the Mindscape's throne room. The place was, surprisingly empty. Something was off, his mindscape couldn't possibly be this empty. He eventually made his way up one of the corner towers, and he would look out the window to see the dragon he previously saw fleeing towards the Keep. It had just arrived, and would land on a flat surface that must have been constructed with the beast in mind. "Hey!" Vigilon called out to it. "You all right there?"

    The dragon looked to Vigilon. "I am fine now, thanks to your efforts. Come, tell me what you saw."

    Vigilon would then make his way down the tower, and over to where the Dragon had landed. He had seen some things during this trip into the Mindscape, so he might as well speak of it for the sake of clarity.

  3. "You've done it now...you got me...now, boy...was it worth it?" The killer asked. "Who knows what state I'm in now? I could have lived to regret the decision I made and the actions I took...but will you? Don't make the same mistake I did..."

    The killer shattered, and the fractals of his remnants caught a violet blaze, burning away into nothing. The Scene of the arena faded away into nothing.

    "...What good would it do, how could it be worth it? If there were lives to save and no other way to do so, only then would I consider it to be worth killing another...it must be absolutely necessary. Your actions may have traumatized me, and taken my father from my life, but the past is the past, and neither of us can change that...the only thing we can change is the future." Vigilon thought aloud, almost as if he was still speaking to the killer, and as if said killer was actually there.

    "I forgive you."

  4. Vigilon looked at his opponent, as well as said opponent's HP meter. Vigilon then looked to his own HP meter. "Yeah, I don't think you're doing so well. Is there anything you'd like to tell me before I finish this?" He asked. The Killer smirked. "Confident, are ya? Well then, since you asked so nicely, I'll oblige." He answered. "Yes, I killed your dad, but whoever said I had to like it? One thing you overheard, it was me messing up on the job, I just reacted. I was used to killin'. You still wanted me dead anyway, didn't you?" He began.

    Vigilon didn't put away his weapon, but he lowered it slightly.

    "Thus did the past become the past. You find yourself here, whereas I'm still at large...or am I? You never heard from or about me ever since that fateful evening. How often have you wondered if it would be worth it to kill me, after all I did to you, just by taking a life. Sure, you probably know how your girlfriend feels about the loss of her cousin because of me." He continued.

    "And to get to the future, we'd have to wrap this up..." Vigilon added.

    "Then what are you waiting for? Go ahead." 

    Vigilon attacked with Fight Blade, the killer wouldn't live for much longer...no, not at all.

    ID# 18062 BD: 6+4=10(hit), MD: 7-2=5(miss)

    Fight Blade: 21x11-16=215 Damage to End of Grace


    Cooldown Tracker:


    Galaxy Destroyer: 3 turns

    Fight Blade: 2 turns


    Vigilon: HP 510/700 EN 59/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    End of Grace: HP 0/525, 268 DMG, 16 MIT

  5. It was his father's killer.

    Vigilon was silent for am moment, then he drew his sword. "If that's what you're asking for...'cause I'm ready."

    The killer had his two knives ready. "You fought the past, deftly handled the present, and struggled with a potential future. Can you handle all of them at once?" He asked. Vigilon activated his sword art. "Well, let's see then." He Attacked using Galaxy Destroyer, tearing into his opponent with an angular slash. The killer would slash at Vigilon with both his two daggers, dealing considerable damage to him. Vigilon jumped back, and took a deep breath. "I guess we both gave a good impression..." Vigilon remarked. Sure, he didn't even use charge, or send an ally to assist, but maybe it was for the best during this test. The Killer chuckled. "You know what, you're right. I showed you what I can do, and you showed me what you became. Now the question is, who would win in a fight?" He responded.

    ID# 188060 BD: 3+4=7(hit), MD: 8-2=6(hit)

    Galaxy Destroyer: 21x17-16-341 Damage to End of Grace


    Cooldown Tracker:


    Galaxy Destroyer: 4 turns



    Vigilon: HP 510/700 EN 68/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    End of Grace: HP 184/525, 268 DMG, 16 MIT

  6. Vigilon decided to continue on towards the Keep.

    Almost half an hour, he reached the Keep Doors...but there was another door, one in front of it. This was another door with an image on it. "Okay..." Echoed Vigilon's thoughts in the Mindscape, as he thought them. "If there's anything I know about stuff like this, the big doors are probably locked, and I have to deal with this door, which probably leads to another fight...so if there were four...yeah, I can handle it...I think."

    The image upon the door seemed to be, well, once again, a dragon. This time, it was fighting the unmistakable shape of something, or someone, who Vigilon knew. He was definitely going to confront someone here, someone he'd known.

    He decided to open the door.

    He would find himself on the streets, and he would see that alleyway, where it all happened. A figure with two knives emerged. "Ready to confront me, boy?"

    [Spawned Inner Demon 4]



    Vigilon: HP 700/700 EN 84/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    End of Grace: HP 525/525, 268 DMG, 16 MIT

  7. He opened the door, and found himself on a range of mountains, one with a clear path. The Keep was definitely a lot closer now. He saw the figure and looked to it. Its dang smile still hadn't faded, and it pointed towards the Keep. Vigilon looked over to it, it was definitely a sweet building. Solid stone brick structure, the stones being silver in color, and polished, too, not to mention smooth, heck, the walls couldn't be scaled by hand because of these factors. The spires of the Keep were red in color, and...what was that floating isle near the top of the Keep? "I have a question, what is that?" Vigilon asked, seeing that it was out of place. Vigilon then heard a voice. "Beware the Meta..."

    Vigilon turned around, and even to the direction of the voice, but there was nothing in sight, and the smiling figure was gone.

  8. The fact that he felt like he was slowly slipping, clearly a nerve was struck, and Vigilon didn't know how to handle it. The stones began to float in the air, and levitate towards him. He backed up, all the way to the monument. The stones all surrounded Vigilon...

    "I can't change the past...I can only slightly alter the future...please...I am just one man..."

    Vigilon closed his eyes, and braced himself.

    "Then do what you can. Accept failure, and appreciate the victories that come." Came a spectral voice. Suddenly, the stones were all gone, and the bones scattered around the ground had disappeared. The monument crumbled, and a door appeared in its place. Vigilon breathed in, and breathed out...

    This battle came in two waves. One physical, the other, mental. Clearly he handled the physical battle with ease, but struggled in the mental battle.

    Thank the lord this was over.

  9. This room, it was the potential of his failures, what he set out to stop, but the battles ended poorly. All the lives he could have saved, but failed to. No, this room wasn't real, no one who's name was on a single stone of this room was dead.

    But he was wrong, for another stone rose from the ground. This stone had the name "Wardege". Then another stone rose from the ground, his failure to get out of a tight situation, there was the name of a would-be killer. "Garixon". One last stone would rise up from the ground...the name inscribed upon it was a wound that had been with Vigilon for a long time. "Xavier Grace"


    He began to seek out an escape from this room, and hastily, too. "No, Get me out!!! Let me out!!! I can change this! I can't fail! I need to protect them!" He called out. He felt his vision slipping, something was wrong...

  10. There they were, Krysta and Dazia. A battle was imminent. The two players drew blades, this wasn't going to end well if something wasn't done soon. Dazia vanished from sight, and Krysta would begin to seek her opponent. Vigilon ran after her, and tried to hold onto her as to protect her from an incoming attack. Vigilon's whole self simply passed through, as if he was never there. He turned around, only to watch in horror as Dazia's weapon is thrust through Krysta. Vigilon saw her fall to the ground, and Dazia walked away...

    The vision faded, and a name appeared on the gravestone. "Jewel".

    Vigilon placed his hand on another gravestone, and witnessed Allen's demise.

    He frantically placed his hand on another stone, and saw players who he had helped out fall before monsters and player killers.

    He looked to the wall and placed his hand upon it, and saw an enormous room, with a large and dangerous-looking monster, roaring out in victory as the shattered remains of everything else in the room floated within it before disappearing... Vigilon reawakened from that vision, and on this wall- no, it was no wall... it was a monument. And the names of every player he knew was on it, crossed out like they were never to exist. He turned around, and saw one last grave...inscribed on it was a name.

    "Alex Silver"

    "Get me out...GET ME OUT!!!!" Vigilon cried out.

  11. When Vigilon tried to pull one of the boys off of young Koharu, his hands simply passed through. He was only a spectator. He could only witness this horror.

    When the three boys finished beating young Koharu, they all told her to leave and never return. Young Koharu would flee, but she would have a stumble at the stairs of the sidewalk, and she would fall limp there, and the boys would be oblivious to her fate. Then they dragged young Vigilon over to the dumpster, where they tossed him in.

    The scene faded away, and a name appeared on the stone Vigilon had originally touched. "Ayaka."

    Haunted by this failure that never occurred, but was very much feared, Vigilon moved on to another grave. He placed his hand upon it, and another vision would arrive.

    What he saw was not a moment of the past, or what could have happened. Instead, he saw what could happen.

  12. The fractals of the figure's remains caught fire, and burned away in dark grey embers. Whatever did this figure even mean by what it said? Vigilon looked, and while there were many scattered, nameless bones, he did see there were a few...gravestones. Vigilon walked over to one gravestone, and placed his hand on it. A chilling feeling struck his entire body, as he found himself seeing not what was, but what could have been.

    He saw his younger self again, but this was far different. He still rushed out the doors in hopes of saving young Koharu, he still confronted the four boys who were about to torment her...but something different happened. Instead of punching young Vigilon, Roy simply grappled and restrained him, then forced him to watch the other three beat up his friend for not conforming to their culture. Young Vigilon struggled, young Koharu yelped and shrieked in pain, and Vigilon himself found himself running over to intercept this memory that never was.

  13. Vigilon drew his blade. "You're talking some awfully creepy shit, dude, please stop." He said.

    "Do you not know? Do you not remember? ...or do you have yet to experience it?" The figure asked. There were bones everywhere, exactly what was it all supposed to mean? "You still haven't told me who or what you are." Vigilon countered. "My identity is of no importance. Your future, however..." The figure spoke, before gesturing to the bones scattered around this dreary environment. "Is right here. See all of those who you will fail. You know it deep down inside, don't you? You already know what its like..." The figure finished.

    Vigilon activated his sword art, now knowing what this guy was talking about. He cleaved into his opponent with an angular slash. "Don't you dare bring my Dad into this..." He growled. The figure dropped its axe. "Deny the inevitable all you wish, but you cannot undo what has already been written... Behold this plot of death, and glean from it as you gleaned from the others." It said before shattering.

    ID# 188049 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG, Paralyze applied), MD: 1(crit. Miss)

    Galaxy Destroyer: 23x17-11=380 Damage to Remors


    Cooldown Tracker:


    Galaxy Destroyer: 4 Turns


    Vigilon: HP 700/700 EN 68/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    Remors: HP 0/350, 179 DMG, 11 MIT

  14. Vigilon opened the door, and the area he would find himself in was dark, foreboding, and, well, littered with bones.

    He felt a chill down his spine, then he saw his opponent. A skeletal figure with a torn cloak, wielding an axe that was dripping with blood, was standing in the center. "Long have I been waiting..." Came a voice. This voice was kind of spectral, and Vigilon had no clue what was going on. "Uhhhhhh who are you?" Vigilon asked. The skeletal figure simply lifted its head, and stared at Vigilon. "How would it feel...to know everything had been for naught?" The figure asked. "Uh, what?" Vigilon asked, for he was definitely confused in this moment. The figure would gesture to the many bones around the area. "Do you remember them?" The figure asked. "Or would you have only recognized them if they were alive?"

    Ok, this was getting creepy now.

    [Spawned Inner Demon 3]



    Vigilon: HP 700/700 EN 84/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    Remors: HP 350/350, 179 DMG, 11 MIT

  15. Alright, so he probably needed to find another door. Problem was, he didn't know where or when the door was gonna show up. This would leave him to wander again, and it would be a bit of time before anything about this search changed. There was the figure again, sporting that smile as always. It pointed in a certain direction, no words were necessary to convince Vigilon of anything at this point, as long as it was about wherever the heck that door was.

    A door appeared, once again out of nowhere. This time, it wasn't right in front of him, it was a few meters away. Well, at least he didn't get too shocked by the door's appearance. Vigilon walked up to the door, and looked upon the image that was on it. There was a dragon, of course, but there was also a dark figure standing over what appeared to be a dead body. What did this image mean? What was its significance?

  16. Through courage, he stepped outside the safe zone, and found necessity for wisdom.

    Through wisdom, he improved himself, and found the means to power.

    Through power, he made progress in his journey.

    Wait a minute...

    The three triangular objects turned golden in color, and with a bright light shining from all three, suddenly there was a door, and the three triangles flew off. Vigilon sighed at the realization of the reference. Then again, it was time to move on. He opened the door, and found himself in another location of his Mindscape.

    He found himself in a forest. The grass was red, and the leaves of the trees were purple. Well, this biome was similar to the first one, now he just needed to find his way to the Keep. He wandered about, looking for a clearing, if not high ground to get his bearings. He eventually decided to climb up one of the taller trees, and he would see that the Keep was closer...but still too far to walk there without taking hours, at least, from what he could guess.

  17. Maybe this had significance to the door as well. He picked up the blue triangular object, and would walk over to the golden pedestal. He let go of the blue triangular object, and like the green one, it would just float in midair near Vigilon. He would then pick up the red triangular object. The object was warm to the touch, and he could feel a fire burning within him. Upon contact with the object, he could feel the extent of his own might, his own strength. He was pretty sure this had significance to the door, so he took it. He walked over to the center of the room, and let go of the red triangular object. All three were floating in midair now, and they began to circle around him. If he wasn't brave enough to step outside the safe zone, he wouldn't be here today. If he didn't carefully think about how to optimize his own build, or handle certain situations, where would he be? If he gained nothing from this journey would it still have been worth it?

  18. The boundless sky was in view, but there was nothing else for Vigilon here. He looked and saw nothing had appeared. Maybe those triangular objects had something to do with it? He walked over to the silver pedestal, and picked up the green triangular object. The object was rather light in terms of weight, and he could feel the winds blowing. A sensation of courage seemed to be felt upon contact with the object. He decided that it had some significance towards the door, so he took it. He walked over to the platinum pedestal, and he would let go of the green triangular object, which would now just float in midair. Vigilon would pick up the blue triangular object. The object was cool to the touch, and his sense of touch could have easily fooled him into thinking he was underwater. He felt calm, serene, and he would dwell upon the object as he had his hands on it.

  19. Young Vigilon looked over to the girl. She hardly looked it at first, but there were some who young Vigilon trusted, who believed this girl was very arrogant. "Yeah, I'm Alex...so, may I ask why April wants to talk to me?" He asked. Young April smiled. "Sure. I noticed that you've been kind of down for the past week, so I wanted to know if there was anything you need help or tutoring with...even if you just need good company, I can help you there." She explained. Young Vigilon felt a little suspicious about this. "You mean I can't be content with my current company? I'm fine with what I got, but thanks for the offer." He responded before turning to walk away. "T-that's not what I meant." Young April claimed. Young Vigilon would stop and speak again. "I'll pick a side on my own time, my own choice. I'll rise above my current situation, but let me assure you...I won't be conquered." With that, he continued to walk away, leaving a surprised young April standing there. Her expression of shock became a mild scowl, likely due to some suspicions she was having. "This must be Amelia's doing..." She muttered. Young Vigilon stopped for a second, but continued on his way, despite the fact that he did hear what April just said.

    The scene faded away from Vigilon's vision, and he saw only the sky once again.

  20. Vigilon would then begin to investigate the other side. This room, it seemed to be among the clouds, and moving, too. Vigilon rested his arms on the balcony-like, golden wall, and the flow of the air was pleasant to feel, while another scene would play out in his vision, during this temporary serenity.

    Young Vigilon no longer had his cap, it was his sophomore year in high school, and everything had changed. He had new friends, but the social system was now under new management, which had a different way of thinking. "I know Victor was called 'King Falcon' by some of the others, but I still don't think April should have that self-given title of 'Lady April'..." Young Vigilon thought aloud. He knew well of the power struggles that were imminent, he had to think of who he would support. Among these sides were one friend leading each side, while the largest side was led by someone he didn't even know to be a friend of his...but she clearly hoped he did, for she approached him not too long after. "So, Alex, right?" Young April asked.

  21. Another enemy defeated, and another empty room...probably to analyze. If there was something to remember last time, what was he to know here? He started his investigation from the darker area of the room. He saw the hole that the platinum dragon came from, and he would begin to see shapes, no, a scene...

    Young Vigilon still had his cap, but that was during the freshman year only. He didn't know whether or not it was cool to still have one. The well known guy from those days, Victor Falcon...this was his first time meeting the guy...

    "I don't recall seeing you, you're one of the new freshmen, aren't you?" Young Victor asked young Vigilon. "Yeah, so what if I am?" Young Vigilon responded. Young Victor wasn't expecting this. "Easy now, there's no need to be like that, what's got you agitated?" He asked. Young Vigilon hesitated to answer. "You wouldn't understand, you'd probably just think I'm a dumb kid." Young Victor had some words for this. "No. I don't think you're a 'dumb kid'. Everyone has a purpose they serve, if they choose to. No one is worthless...that's why you're here, aren't you? I may be in a much higher place than you, but if you put in the effort, you might be able to reach my level." He explained.

    Vigilon watched the scene fade away into the shadows. This was something to think about.

  22. The fused dragon smiled proudly. "Do you have the courage to challenge me?"

    Ok, well, if the previous opponent was weak as heck, this shouldn't be too bad. "I can handle this..." He thought. "You think that just 'cause you've fused, that you're a match for me?" He said, simply because he could. The fused dragon would attempt to swipe its claws at Vigilon, but he whacked them away using the flat end of his sword. He then attacked using a Sword art, Astral Hell. a flurry of seven strikes, along with a finishing blow that sent the opponent flying to the wall. The fused dragon split back into its two original forms, and each one shattered, with their fractals burning away in bronze flames.

    Normally stuff like this would go on for at least three more hours, but the opponents didn't have nearly enough HP for that, so they're gone.

    ID# 188032 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG, Paralyze applied), MD: 3-2=1(miss)

    Astral Hell: 23x12-7=269 Damage to Domitor


    Cooldown Tracker:


    Astral Hell: 2 turns



    Vigilon: HP 700/700 EN 74/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    Domitor: HP 0/234, 119 DMG, 7 MIT

  23. Vigilon looked behind him, and saw a silver pedestal with a green triangular object. The pedestal was on a circle between the two sides of this arena, the circle being made from silver as the pedestal was. Vigilon looked down and realized he was on the silver circle.

    When he looked back to the rest of the room, a dragon of platinum crawled out of a hole in the dark shadows, while a golden dragon flew down and landed from the sky. "My power is like no other." boasted the gold dragon. "My wisdom conquers all." claimed the platinum dragon. "I have a feeling I know who you two are, but I'm willing to ask anyway, regardless of what you think of me." Vigilon finished.

    "We may not be able to defeat you as individuals, if you were to surpass us..." The gold dragon remarked. "But if we combined your knowledge and my wisdom, we will be greater than any courageous soul." The platinum dragon finished.

    The two dragons then committed a fusion, becoming a dragon of gold and platinum.

    [Spawned inner demon 2]



    Vigilon: HP 700/700 EN 84/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    Domitor: HP 234/234, 119 DMG, 7 MIT

  24. Vigilon continued on, then he slid down a snowy slope, and there was that shadow figure again, with that signature smile. It pointed in a certain direction, and Vigilon would follow the given direction, until he stopped, surprised, for a door had appeared out of nowhere, right in front of him. "Jeez, what is it with weird doors just showing up like that?"

    This door had a different image than the last. This depicted a dragon of silver, battling against a dragon of gold and platinum. "Oh, how I wonder, what could this possibly be?" Vigilon asked sarcastically. He opened the door, ready to enter. He had a feeling what he would be facing.

    The space he would enter had two halves that looked different. One side had no roof, letting in light from a bright sky, and was formed from gold. The other side was dark, mysterious, and formed in platinum. Each side had a pedestal, the golden pedestal having a red, triangular object, while the platinum pedestal had a blue triangular object.

  25. The memory scene ended, and all became darkness. A door appeared in the void, offering a way back. Vigilon opened the door, and found himself back on the main land of his Mindscape.

    The Keep was closer in view, but still a fair ways away. Vigilon was no longer in the red grass plains, but he was now in a tundra...except the tundra's snow was ice blue in color. Why was it like that? He couldn't tell... Whatever the case, he needed to get moving. This blue snow wasn't what Vigilon expected to be traversing through, but here he was. If he was gonna get to the Keep faster, he was probably gonna need to find the next door. He looked above and saw...wait, was that a crystal dome above him? Was that what made the snow look ice blue? He looked at himself and he, too, was tinted by the color. "Huh...who knew." He thought aloud.

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