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Posts posted by Vigilon

  1. The scene shifted, and Vigilon watched as the three boys tossed young Vigilon into a dumpster. The battle was both won and lost. Time passed, and young Allen came over, a staff member of the school following close by. They got young Vigilon out, and there would be trouble on both ends. At least he did what he fought to do, protect his friend... When asked why he fought, young Vigilon had two reasons, but he spoke only one. "They hit first."

    Vigilon now knew a more detailed reasoning. "They couldn't understand her, so they shunned her...because she wasn't like them, because she wasn't raised by people like their parents..." He shook his head as he reminisced. "Her parents were direct immigrants, and those kids...they couldn't handle the clash of culture very well, and she was only a toddler when she came to my country, with her parents...they wanted to feel like their way was better, so they tried to press it on her..." 

  2. "So, you thought you could beat us?" Roy asked, before kicking young Vigilon. "Did you?" He demanded, before delivering another kick. Young Vigilon gave no answer. "Dumb kid." Roy remarked before punching young Vigilon's face. Roy stepped a little closer before punching again. Young Vigilon retaliated by kicking the boy in the groin, and the two who were holding him loosened their grip as they hoped to see that Roy was ok. Young Vigilon then took this chance to try and flee.

    Vigilon found it a bit hard to watch this scene of the past. His younger self had only begun to flee because he couldn't keep going, and because he already helped out his friend, who escaped once all attention was off of her. This would lead to a short chase that ended with young Vigilon tripping, and getting grabbed by his foes. "You're not getting away after what you did." Leonard said. "Come on, guys, let's take out the trash."

    Vigilon sighed, he knew what they were doing.

  3. Vigilon could only watch the inevitable as it played out.

    As soon as the first fist landed, it became a maelstrom of non-lethal violence. Young Vigilon immediately retaliated, tackling and surprising his opponent. This was followed by Otto and Vincent attempting to grapple young Vigilon, who rolled to the side, got up, and shoved Vincent with his elbow. He then grabbed Otto and Roy by the shoulders, one hand for each, and knocked the two kids' heads together. Leonard shifted his attention to young Vigilon, shaking his head, while Vincent, surprised by this burst of courage, decided to flee. Otto, despite being dizzy, rammed himself into young Vigilon, who fell on his back. Young Vigilon would then get back up rather aggressively, using his arms to help him launch himself at Roy, striking him with his legs. Both crashed onto the ground, and young Vigilon would find his arms being grabbed by Otto and Leonard. They lifted him up, and Roy would glare at him.

  4. Vigilon watched his younger self rush off in his friend's hour of need, and he arrived at a scene where the tension was thick.

    Four kids, Leonard, Vincent, Roy, and Otto, had young Ayaka surrounded. Vigilon remembered when he confronted Nell, how she said that she actually didn't agree with the motive for targeting Ayaka...and proceeding to tell him that a "crybaby" like him couldn't stand up to her friends...he decided to change that. Vigilon watched as his younger self quite literally jumped in the scene and told the four to stop. "What's a kid who wallows in sorrow gonna do about it?" Otto remarked. Leonard kept his gaze on Ayaka, and the other three shifted their attention to young Vigilon. They began to try to scare him and taunt him, but young Vigilon wasn't willing to run this time.

    It was only when Roy punched him that the scene quickly escalated, like a lighter falling onto a pool of highly flammable liquid.

  5. The arena's environment began to shift, and Koharu seemed to disappear. He then looked and saw a familiar door. He knew this door, it was one of the doors that led inside or outside of the halls of the middle school he attended...

    A boy with brown hair and red eyes burst through the doors, his red colored cap had been turned around. The jacket was unmistakable, the cap was familiar, and Vigilon knew exactly who this young boy was...it was him, when he was younger, when he attended this school. He was about...twelve and a half, maybe thirteen, during this fateful day. A younger Allen came out the doors too, but he looked genuinely concerned for his friend. "Red Eyes, you can't take them on like some kind of hero! You'll be killed!" He called out fruitlessly. If there was anything that Vigilon knew about his younger self, it was that he cared about every friend he had immensely, due to his lack of friends...and when he felt like he could do something, and a friend was in danger, snap.

    He would shift all focus to the issue on his mind, ignoring all else.


    Vigilon: HP 700/700 EN 78/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |

  6. Each fractal of Elverond's remains became burning green embers that faded away, and Vigilon was left alone in this strange arena...alone, with Koharu. Vigilon would then rush over to Koharu. "Ayaka, are you alright? Please tell me you're ok..." 

    Koharu lifted her head, looked into Vigilon's eyes, and smiled weakly. "This is not...your fault..." Her eyes closed, and she fell limp again. "Ayaka...Ayaka, open your eyes, open your eyes..." Vigilon didn't know what was going on. She was limp, yet she wasn't shattering. this feeling, it was very haunting for Vigilon and there was the uncertainty that she might shatter at any moment...

    "Nothing is without a price..." A voice sounded. "You won, but at what cost?" The voice asked.

    "...This was all a trick from the beginning...Elverond knew they couldn't kill me...so they targeted someone else instead...did it really have to be someone I knew?" He said, with anguish towards what he saw as a failure.


    Vigilon: HP 700/700 EN 77/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |

  7. "Oh, so you're fine with repeating history?" Elverond asked. "How about we rewrite it."

    Suddenly, a familiar voice could be heard. "Alex!! Help!!" 

    Vigilon's eyes widened. "Ayaka?? Hold on, I'm on my way!" He called out. He shoved past Elverond and ran towards where the sound was coming from. He saw Koharu there, on the ground, weakened. Suddenly, Elverond was right beside her, the blade of his speat at the girl's neck. "Surrender, Alex. Surrender, and we free her..."

    This was an obvious trap. Vigilon would need to be clever. He sheathed his blade. "Fine. You want to rewrite history? So be it. There, my hands are empty." Vigilon said to the collective being. "Alex...don't do it...don't listen to-" Koharu's words were interrupted by Elverond. "Shut up, you outlander!" Vigilon wasn't liking this. "I'm over here, it's me you want." He stated as he came closer, trying to divert the enemy's attention. 

    Elverond stabbed Koharu, who fell limp to the ground. Vigilon immediately pulled out his sword and let loose several strikes. He grabbed his opponent by the armor, and lifted him up to the best of his ability. "I should have known...you played me like a fool, and I thought I'd escaped it by trying to stall you...I don't even understand why you would try to kill her, over nothing...you're merely a representation of what could have been, aren't you? Well? Aren't you?"

    Elverond smiled. "You can't squeeze blood from a stone, nor words from a corpse..."

    Elverond then shattered.


    ID# 188010 BD: 4+4=8(hit), MD: 1(Crit. Miss)

    Basic Attack: 21-6=15 Damage to Elverond


    Cooldown Tracker:


    Back Rush: 1 Turn


    Vigilon: HP 700/700 EN 76/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    Elverond: HP 0/175, 70 DMG, 6 MIT

  8. The area where Vigilon and his opponent were, it was so familiar...had he been here before? Was this arena a memory? "Who or what would you call yourself?" Vigilon asked. The figure chuckled. "I am many. Evan, Leonard, Vincent, Emmet, Roy, Otto, Nell, Damien."

    Vigilon had an unamused expression on his face. "You're Elverond, except you're all one person. How does that even work? How did you guys even get that armor? Isn't one of you female?" He questioned. "Shut up!" Came the sound of a female voice, despite that the combined being wasn't actually speaking. "So, I only caused actual trouble for four of you, if I recall correctly..." Vigilon thought aloud. "Your sudden burst of courage was unexpected." Elverond admitted. "What else did you expect I was gonna do? You were about to hurt a friend of mine, so I took the hit and retaliated lightly." Vigilon explained in response.

    Elverond laughed, and poked Vigilon with a spear, though it was not forceful enough to deal damage. Vigilon pulled out his sword, and struck with Back Rush. "You want to repeat history?" Vigilon warned.

    ID# 188005 BD: 7+4=11(hit), MD: 2-2=1(miss)

    Back Rush: 21x8-6=162 Damage to Elverond


    Cooldown Tracker:


    Back Rush: 2 Turns



    Vigilon: HP 700/700 EN 76/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    Elverond: HP 13/175, 70 DMG, 6 MIT

  9. Vigilon opened the door. He believed he was ready. He might not have fists this time, but he had a sword, and a darn good one, too.

    "Ok...let's do this...again." He said as he entered the space the door led to.


    How exactly did Vigilon find himself in a place unlike any other...or, at least, a place he'd never thought he'd find within his Mindscape. He looked in front of him, and saw a person wearing your average, designed-to-intimidate-yet-not-exactly-evil iron armor. This person was male, and green flames were lit in his eyes. Such green flames were quite familiar. "So...after all this time, you come back?" The figure spoke. "I feel like I'm supposed to know you, but I don't recognize you. Did you change along with everything else?" Vigilon responded. The figure laughed. "The world around us changes, but people don't change, they grow. You may have grown, but I'll be the one to kick your ass this time."

    [Spawned Inner Demon 1]


    Vigilon: HP 700/700EN 84/84 | 21 DMG | 78 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 6 LD | PAR 9-10 |


    Elverond: HP 175/175, 70 DMG, 6 MIT

  10. A door appeared, like, out of nowhere.

    "A Door? Here? What in all of...oh, no..." 

    A dragon in trouble, a strange door...all that needed to show up now was...ah, yes, there it was. The figure...it looked different, and had that same smile on its expression. Yup, looks like Vigilon would be doing this again. "Don't tell me, let me guess, 'Go. Fight. Win. Save the Dragon.' ...Right?" Vigilon remarked. The figure's expression didn't change, but the figure's head shifted enough to be seen as a nod. So, yes. Vigilon sighed, and looked to the door. The door had something on it...an image, depicting a dragon under attack by common warriors, the burly, heavily armored kind who seemed awfully boastful.

    He wondered if getting through this door would help him reach the Keep at a faster rate. Sure, he was likely to encounter a fight if he entered the door...but he'd fought in his Mindscape before and won, how bad could it be?

  11. Red plains, had he once thought of such things before? When he looked around, it looked like he was in some kind of Fantasy setting, but out in the wilds...and the grass was red. Ok, so he had a new starting point, but he needed to get to the central area, or whatever Keep he was in the previous times he was in his mindscape. He began to make his way through the strange lands, and at one point, he managed to find the Keep on the horizon, but it was kind of far. Could there have been a faster way to reach the Keep?

    Vigilon began to ponder this question, and then he saw a dragon flying towards the Keep, as if retreating from something. This dragon was silver in color, and Vigilon could have sworn he'd seen it before in the mindscape...the last time this dragon was in trouble, he needed to fight weird things. What would he be up against this time?

  12. Everything was dark. Then everything began to show.

    Vigilon saw land appear in the void, around the stone he was on. He was definitely in the Mindscape, this change in land couldn't possibly be the waterfall's serene stone grounds. The world he saw began to unravel around him, and it all seemed to have changed since his last visit, as the floors did. "It was like a nightmare, falling, falling, falling...into darkness, into void." His past thoughts echoed. Those thoughts, he had them when he woke up earlier this day...why did it all feel so significant? "Into Nothing..." So many changes, it's like he'd gone from one world to another, or maybe a different timeline, or even an alternative universe...man, it was all so confusing!

    He couldn't dwell on that for too long, he knew there was a brave new world to explore. And it was unusual, though not entirely alien...probably because Vigilon was aware that this was his mindscape. It wasn't like red grass was strange...right?

  13. This natural labyrinth of flora proved difficult to traverse, as expected, so he kept his eye out for anything suspicious or dangerous as he continued on his way eastward, to who knows where. After a fair amount of time, he would find a place that he found to be very familiar...

    "Well, at least I know this is still here..." Vigilon thought aloud as he saw the waterfall. He walked over to the familiar spot, and he would once again feel a sense of peace, of serenity. Maybe it was time for Vigilon to return to his Mindscape. He slowly walked to the stone that he'd sat on so long ago, when he first discovered his mindscape, and he would settle down and sit upon it. He took one deep breath, then another. He felt himself slipping away, and all he could hear was the sound of the calming, soothing waterfall.

  14. What even happened the other day? It was all a blur. He knew that he woke up in his bed, unsure of what just happened...aside from the fact that he felt sick to his stomach. This nauseous feeling that chilled him from inside hadn't receded, even when he tried to get along with the day by heading over to another floor, the one below his current home.

    Back in floor 6, he was pretty sure he was having some sort of nausea based hallucination, even though it clearly wasn't. He would find some difficulty navigating the settlement this time, though he blamed it on this chilling sensation within. When he finally left the safe zone, he felt the chill rising up. Vigilon tried the best he could to hold in any unusual actions, but he retched and coughed, despite his attempts. The chilling feeling left Vigilon, as a dark fluid came out, and bubbled into into some kind of wispy fog that slowly disappeared. What even just happened?

    Vigilon was starting to recover from the nausea, and he was starting to trust his senses...but the sights that he saw, oh, everything he knew about this floor...it was like a maze had swapped out all its parts and made it into a new labyrinth. "I have no memory of this place..." He muttered.


    Retaking quest, only standard thread rewards may be received in the end.


    Stats and Equipment:


    Main Stats:


    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 13(paragon stat bonus totals: +40 HP, +4 EN, 10 SP)

    Paragon Rewards:

    Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 10% of EXP earned in that thread.
    Lv. 10 | +3% EXP Gain.



    Battle Stats:

    HP: 700(Base[660], Resolve[40])
    Energy: 84
    Base Damage: 21(THSS R5[7], Combat Mastery: DMG[12], Meticulous[1])
    Mitigation: 78(Silver Night[+48], Light Armor R5[+30])
    Accuracy: 4(Draco Fury[2], Dragon's Eye[1], Resolve[1])
    Evasion: 2(Silver Night, Dragon's Eye)
    Loot Die: 6(Searching R5[+5], Dragon's Eye[+1])

    Additional conditions:
    -2 on all stealth rolls(Light Armor Rank 5)



    [T4]Draco Fury(2 ACC, PAR)

    [T4]Silver Night(2 MIT, 1 EVA)

    [T1]Dragon's Eye(1 ACC, 1 EVA, 1 LD)



    Teleport Crystal x1





    Two-Handed Straight Sword Rank 5(30 SP)

    Light Armor Rank 5(30 SP)

    Searching Rank 5(30 SP)

    Extended Mod Limit(10 SP)

    Charge(10 SP)



    Extra Skills:

    Combat Mastery: Damage Rank 3(13 SP)[Active]

    Familiar Mastery: Rending(10 SP)[Active]





    THSS Ferocity(6 SP)[Active]

    Meticulous(4 SP)[Active]

    Night Vision(3 SP)[Active]

    Detect(4 SP)[Active]




    Resolve(6 SP)


  15. 995596-bigthumbnail.jpg.6dd67751dfd5a0c4a0c5e1d1a1483d2e.jpg     

    • Character Name: Vigilon
    • Character Description: [FC: Shu Ouma] The Silver Dragon. A brown haired, red eyed young man who seeks to survive, protect others, and find his place in the world he's in. As clever as he is, he still has a tendency to be a victim of various blunders. Deep in his heart, a dragon sleeps within...
    • Character Journal: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14523-vigilons-journal/





    • Character Name: Krysta
    • Character Description: [FC: Leanna Dawn] The Princess of Light. As cliche as she may first seem to some, there is actually a lot going on under the surface. This blonde haired, blue eyed young woman is a justified, regal individual who seeks to protect the innocent, and battle the many forces of evil. There may be Darkness in every heart, but deep down inside, there's a light in her that will never go out.
    • Character Journal: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15291-krystas-tale/





    • Character Name: Dazia
    • Character Description: [FC: Sin] The Raven of Wrath. A short woman with long, straight black hair and blue eyes, who's only goal is to survive, by any means necessary. While her expressions are mild, slight, or cold when she is calm, a monstrous amount of wrath and hatred has been within her since she was young, and when her fury is unleashed, one can easily see the infernal Wrath that dwells within her. Best not to bring out her hatred, lest her wrath be the last thing you witness...
    • Character Journal: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14985-dazias-journal/






    • Character Name: Astralin
    • Character Description: [FC: Sena Kashiwazaki] The Celestial Seeker. A blonde haired, blue eyed young woman who has been fascinated by Magic and Stars ever since she was a little girl. Despite coming into a world without magic, from a personal style in which magic was everything, she seeks to carve her own path, and come as close to who she is as she possibly can. 
    • Character Journal: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18053-astralins-stellar-journal/






    • Character Name: Yona
    • Character Description: [FC: Katarina Claes] A young woman who seeks to make her own destiny. Fun-loving and individualistic, she seeks to do what she can for herself, and even others. Of course, she won't forget to stop and smell the roses, and enjoy her journey through Aincrad. She's definitely not gonna be on Aincrad for that much of a long time, so she might as well have a good time!
    • Character Journal: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20836-yonas-new-life/




    • Character Name: Sorun
    • Character Description: [FC: Otoya Ittoki] A young man who's had enough of the frequent tragedies in his life. Ready to take a stand and take the fight to not only his circumstances, but others' misfortunes as well, this reactive redhead will lead the charge if he has to, and he won't hesitate to make the first strike.
    • Character Journal: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21490-the-rise-of-sorun/





    • Character NameKylissia
    • Character Description: [FC: Irina Jelavic] A charming woman who not only fights for survival and for others' sakes, but lives her life in the pursuit of happiness and pleasure. Clever and determined, this blonde is a force to be reckoned with and not to be taken lightly. Best to keep your wits about you though, lest this bewitching beauty catch you off guard, whether it be in combat, a social scenario, or maybe even something else...
    • Character Journal: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21491-kylissia/






    • Character Name: Almina
    • Character Description: [FC: Saeatto Eclair] The Rosy Valkyrie. A pink haired young woman who's been seeking out a normal life until now. Kindhearted and determined, she intends to help out people, deal with this world's many troubles, and make the most of the time she has here.
    • Character Journal: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/34529-almina/






    • Character Name: Miryu
    • Character Description: [FC: Kokomi] A generational weeb with a love for a wide variety of fiction, mainly fantasy genres. A sweet and kindhearted soul, she hopes to have a wonderful, joyful future that she can share with the people in her life.
    • Character Journal: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39268-miryus-tale/
  16. ikko_127.thumb.jpg.4def8db5baf3ea4ca0c294fa38705ae6.jpg

    Friends and Foes:


    Categories other Than neutral will have more detailed entries on their info, instead of just the username.



    Class S: (This spot is reserved for one female player who Vigilon loves)

    Krysta: Girlfriend. I can't see myself not loving her, it's just not possible. She's incredible, she's sweet and kindhearted, she's determined to do what she believes is right, and she's got the best singing voice I've ever heard, it's absolutely enchanting... She's like a heroic princess from an epic fairytale- in a good way! What's not to love about her? I know she has her issues, and I accept that she does. It doesn't change the good I see in her. When we first met, she was a pretty girl whose heart shone brightly, but now I see her as the most beautiful woman who ever existed, with a heart like a perfect gemstone... I just hope I can be good enough for her, and as much as I'm eager to pop the question, I can't act too soon.


    Class A+: (This Spot is reserved for 1-2 players that Vigilon considers best friends)



    2: Shuliik(NPC): This guy has been a friend of mine since my middle school days. We've grown to count on each other, and I'll be there if he needs me.


    Class A: (Good Friends)

    Kanari_Kakaze(NPC): A friend of mine from the real world. She is a rebellious and mischievous kind of person, and she values freedom immensely. I should know, for she opposed April throughout all the time I'd known her.

    Taika(NPC): A friend of mine from the real world. Kind and clever, but also cunning and mischievous. I don't hesitate to flee when she and her best friend, Kanari, are plotting something. For all we know, I could be the target of their next grand scheme...


    Class B: (Friends)

    Koharu(NPC): A girl who I knew in the real world. I saw her as a friend, but she clearly had a crush on me, and it's been a total one-sided dumpster fire, and it will get worse if she can't get over me, because I don't want to break her heart, but in the end, the girl I love is Krysta...

    Stryder: One of the first players I befriended. He helped me out of a tight spot or two, and we know we can count on each other when things get tough...but if only he could stop calling me boar bait.


    Class C: (Sort of Friends)

    Benjamin Bookworm(MIA)








    Potential Friend:

    Arabelle, Spencer, Hestia, H3LL0, Freyd, Froppy, Kimi, Telrenya, Elora, Astreya, Dazia, Yinangi(NPC), Petastora(NPC), Laida(NPC), Ind0minus(NPC), Auranika(NPC)


    True Neutral:

    Pinball, Renixx(NPC), Dazlea(NPC), Domarus, Atzo, Ichi, Arnemis(NPC), Stryker(NPC), Venorim(NPC), Azrea(NPC), XOXXie(NPC), Sharr


    Seen with Suspicion:

    Fae, Everus(NPC)






    Outlander-Enemy. I caught this guy trying to kidnap a girl, and I witnessed him attempting to form a criminal Guild. Ever since I first got onto him, we've hated each others' guts, and clearly each of us is waiting for the other to make a dumb move.

    {Scarlet}-Nuisance. This chick doesn't seem to be the friendliest of people, and she tried to beat me down just to get ahead several times. I've got the feeling there will be more unfriendly encounters with her...

    Mars-Nuisance. This guy is way too trigger happy with his fists. He can't seem to think of anything but fight and kill. Does he even have a reason?

    Maaldus-Potential Threat. He fought me for reasons I don't know, and he so claims to be my cousin. He almost tried to attack an innocent girl, so I'm gonna have to be careful with that guy...






    Garixon-Sudden Enemy. He attacked me one evening, and had apparently been plotting my demise for a while. I was without a teleport crystal or corridor crystal, so I felt I had no choice but to kill him. Not a month passes without me remembering his blood is on my hands.


    Wardege-Former Friend. I don't know the whole story on how he died, I just know that Dazia killed him in a duel. Until I see solid evidence, his killer is innocent until proven guilty.








    Vigilon's Notes(Story Thus Far):



    <<Fledgeling Arc>>

    Vigilon's story begins, with him making the decision to step outside the safe zone, and get going at long last...



    <<Rising Arc>>

    Vigilon begins to rise, struggling to reach greater heights as he continues his journey...



    <<Dragon Arc>>

    Vigilon searches for his style, his way, and what truly lies within his heart.




  17. log.thumb.jpg.4c435d678bc0eb4c00ce7f2810a8a793.jpg

    Roleplay Log:


    2.6 Roleplays:




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    Conversion Roleplays:




    3.0 Onwards:



  18. Current Level: 44
    Current SP: 172
    Link to SP Tracking: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14523-vigilons-journal/
    Item Upgrades:


    ITEM #1

    Item Name: Draco Fury
    Item ID: 187083
    Item Tier: 3
    Item Type: Two-handed Straight Sword
    Item Rarity: Perfect
    Item Enhancements: 2 Accuracy, Paralyze
    Description: A Bastard Sword forged from a dark metal, with draconian designs on its silver hilt. It is unsure what the inscriptions on the flat end of the blade read, but nevertheless the weapon strikes true.


    Item Name:Draco Fury
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Two-Handed Straight Sword
    Item Enhancements: 2 Accuracy, Paralyze
    Description: A Bastard Sword forged from a dark metal, with draconian designs on its silver hilt. It is unsure what the inscriptions on the flat end of the blade read, but nevertheless the weapon strikes true.

    ITEM #2

    Item Name: Silver Night
    Item ID: 157441
    Item Tier: 2
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Item Rarity: Perfect
    Item Enhancements: Mitigation(2), Evasion
    Description: A set of pliable leather armor, dyed silver in color with red accents. The armor itself consists of pliable leather “plates”, four on the front, four on the back, of the torso, along with pliable leather armguards, hardened leather pauldrons, leg guards made with both hard and soft leather, and attached to the torso is a hood made from cloth. In layman’s terms, it’s basically a hoodie and pants with leather armor stitched onto it.


    Item Name: Silver Night
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Item Enhancements: Mitigation(2), Evasion
    Description: A set of pliable leather armor, dyed silver in color with red accents. The armor itself consists of pliable leather “plates”, four on the front, four on the back, of the torso, along with pliable leather armguards, hardened leather pauldrons, leg guards made with both hard and soft leather, and attached to the torso is a hood made from cloth. In layman’s terms, it’s basically a hoodie and pants with leather armor stitched onto it.

    ITEM #3

    Item Name: Resplendent Immortal Hauberk
    Item ID: N/A(Event Raid Reward)
    Item Tier: 2
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Item Rarity: Perfect
    Item Enhancements: Holy Blessing | MIT | MIT
    Description: N/A(no description was given)


    Item Name: Resplendent Immortal Hauberk
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Item Enhancements: Holy Blessing | MIT | MIT
    Description: A full, shining hauberk that protects and restores its wearer  throughout many long and grueling battles.

  19. Name: Draco Fury
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 187083
    Roll Result: 12
    Item Type: Two-handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 2 Accuracy, Paralyze
    Description: A Bastard Sword forged from a dark metal, with draconian designs on its silver hilt. It is unsure what the inscriptions on the flat end of the blade read, but nevertheless the weapon strikes true.
    Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15721-f7r5-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=637255



    Name: Rending Immobilizer
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 187086
    Roll Result: 10+1=11
    Item Type: Two-handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Paralyze, Bleed
    Description: A mighty Zweihander capable of rendering enemies helpless at times.
    Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15721-f7r5-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=637255



    Name: Starsilver Blade
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 187088
    Roll Result: 11+1=12
    Item Type: Two-handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 2 Accuracy, Bleed
    Description: A longsword made with an empowered metal of sorts, reminiscent of silver, and shining like starlight. It may look fairly standard otherwise, but its potential is nothing to joke about.
    Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15721-f7r5-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=637255


  20. Vigilon hadn't really gotten enough materials to do a mass craft in a long while. But ever since the event, he had six materials from a tier three floor, and it was time to change things up a little. He picked up Hephaestus's hammer, started up the forge, and went to work.

    He took an ingot from his stash, and it seemed like a mysterious metal he was kind of getting excited to use. He would begin working with the metal, and it would turn out to need a higher heat than he anticipated. The sword came out looking really epic, but...there was something about it. Maybe there were potential vanity effects within the metal he used to forge the weapon?

    Whatever the case, he continued forging, and the bellows burst as he was using them. Welp, time to bring in the spare.

    He salvaged one material, made a rare sword from another, salvaged yet another material, and then he forged an impressive weapon. As standard as it seemed, it had to be of some worth, especially due to its quality.


    Crafting Results:


    ID# 187083 CD: 12(Success, crafted Perfect T3 Two Handed Sword)

    ID# 187084 CD: 1 EPIC FAIL

    ID# 187085 CD: 2+1=3, LD: 14(Failed, material Salvaged)

    ID# 187086 CD: 10+1=11(Success, Crafted Rare T3 Two Handed Sword)

    ID# 187087 CD: 5+1=6, LD: 15(Failed, material Salvaged)

    ID# 187088 CD: 11+1=12(Success, Crafted Perfect T3 Two Handed Sword)

    Materials Consumed: 4 T3 Materials

    EXP. Earned: 26


    Items up in Evaluations: 3


  21. He had been needing to do this for a while.

    Vigilon had managed to hear that there was an item that could replace one enhancement with a unique one, but figures, it was a quest that was the frontlines' level, so he'd heard. The third tier...on the ninth floor. He never expected such a thing. Regardless, he really wanted that enhancement. He now had the skill he needed to have immunity to the environmental effects, but he needed allies.

    The ninth floor, in such a case, would need to have some Tier three players around, if he was gonna ask for a carry like this. He was close, but not quite, to level fifty. He still had six levels to go in order to reach the third tier...maybe he was just the right level for a carry like this. Whatever the case, he wandered the settlement, hoping to find some players willing to help him get that item. He didn't know if it was last hit or anything, but it was his chance, and he was gonna need some help.

    @Lessa @Crozeph @Alkor


    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  44
    HP:  880
    EN:  98(Base[88], Energist[10])

    Damage: 15(Martial Arts Rank 5[+7], Veriost[+6], MA Ferocity[1])

    MIT: 48(Silver Night[36], LA Rank 3[12])

    ACC: 2(Leather Strikers, Dragon's Eye)

    EVA: 2(Silver Night, Dragon's Eye)




    [T2]Leather Strikers(Accuracy, Bleed, Paralyze)[Equipped]

    [T2]Silver Night(Mitigation[2], Evasion)[Equipped]

    [T1]Dragon's Eye(Accuracy, Evasion, Loot Die)[Equipped]



    Teleport Crystal x1






    Searching Rank 2

    Light Armor Rank 3(+12 MIT)


    Extra Skills:

    Martial Arts Rank 5

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter Rank 3





    MA Ferocity(+1 base DMG when using Martial Arts)

    MA Finesse Rank 3(-3 EN cost when using MA Sword Arts)


  22. This would be the first time Vigilon had been kissed by a girl who wasn't his girlfriend. He had no clue how he should respond to this situation, and he couldn't think straight either, as his mind was going crazy trying to put out the fires that were spreading everywhere inside, as his train of thought had crashed pretty badly. When he was able to process everything he'd heard again, well... "Congratulations, Alex, you're in deep sh*t, and Jewel's probably not gonna be happy about THIS one...God help us..." He thought.

    He looked to Dazia, who was smirking as she gave her thoughts on all that happened. "You." Vigilon began, his expression showing a lot of pent-up frustration over what Dazia had pulled on him. "I swear by all that is pure, you're going to pay for this one day. It won't involve physical harm, but gosh darn it you're in for it now, since you put me in for it. Seriously, the one-sided relationship between Ayaka and I was already a dumpster fire to begin with, I didn't need you to try and worsen it!" He ranted.

  23. Vigilon was still nervous around Koharu, since he knew she really liked him, and he really didn't think he could feel the same. Ind0minus and Auranika would prove to be tied for second in terms of the most physically strong player in the area...the actual strongest apparently being the white haired girl with the dark armor. Surprising... Dazia seemed to be tied with Koharu for weakest strength. He felt sorry for them both in this case. He may have been super-nervous around her, but he was willing to help her out. At least he wasn't the most uncomfortable guy around her.

    With the cargo loaded up, it was time to make the return trip. The Sandstorm was slowly starting to subside, and it would be some time before the players would return to the safe zone. When the players did return though, The NPC would be waiting for them. Vigilon, Auranika and Ind0minus took the cargo they gathered out of their inventories, and placed it in front of her. After the NPC gathered cargo from all six, she would thank the players and leave. Auranika and Ind0minus would bid farewell to the player they called Arnemis, and leave, going their separate ways as they did.


    ID# 186356 CD: 8(Vigilon takes no Sandstorm Damage)

    Vigilon: HP 860/880

  24. Koharu responding sweetly to Vigilon admitting he actually did miss her was kind of expected. If she really liked him, it would be anticipated that she would also say she missed him too, while clearly loving the fact that he missed her in the first place.

    The way Koharu looked into Vigilon's eyes when he helped her, it clearly signaled to Vigilon something, and he had a feeling of what the pink haired girl would say. Well, that is, he expected the last thing she said, not the fact that she acknowledged he was being chivalrous in the process of doing the right thing, which wasn't bad, of course. Guy helps out girl, girl stares at guy, life goes on as if nothing happened...usually. What a cliche way to...find the cargo? Vigilon looked around him, and saw the cloth caught on his foot. It seemed that the players arrived just in time, for the sands were covering up some of the cargo. Vigilon waved over to the other party and called out, "Guys, we found the cargo!" 

    If the other party was to believe Vigilon, and arrive at the scene, Vigilon would then say "This sandstorm's covering the stuff up, let's get this all in our inventories and return to the safe zone."

    Then the attempts to get the cargo, despite the sandstorm, would begin.

    ID# 186305 CD: 2(Vigilon does not take Sandstorm Damage)

    Vigilon: HP 860/880

  25. Koharu seemed excited to meet Krysta. Maybe they could be friends, they both seemed like good people, after all. Dazia then asked a question that was difficult for Vigilon to handle....he was being taunted, tormented maybe. "You say that like I wouldn't miss a good friend, Dazia. Of course I missed her." Sure, he missed her as a friend, but even friends should still be missed when gone or separated. Hopefully that was enough for Dazia, he did not want to answer any more unnecessary questions from here on out. 

    The sands were treacherous, and the Sandstorm was really getting bad now. Vigilon began to feel some tingling, and that was followed by his foot getting stuck in the sand, causing him to fall over. "Aaugh!!" But instead of checking on himself, he wanted to make sure the friend who was holding onto him was unharmed. "Ayaka, are you alright?" He asked.

    ID# 186297 CD: 1(Vigilon is buffeted by the Sandstorm!)

    Vigilon: HP 860/880

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