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Posts posted by Vigilon

  1. When the sandstorm started getting worse, this was a moment when Vigilon actually didn't mind Koharu holding onto him. The Kimono the pink haired girl wore was likely to blow in the wind, so having something to hold onto probably made a difference. Vigilon was definitely willing to be a friend to Koharu, he just didn't think he was capable of loving more than one woman at a time, not to mention he wasn't the most comfortable with Koharu's...clingy tendencies...but he didn't want to break her heart too much by outright saying no. Hopefully Krysta knew some tricks as to how to kindly give rejections to women... "She's a great person, Ayaka. I think you two could be friends at the very least." He said to Koharu as he continued to move through the desert with her. He liked Koharu only as a friend, he knew that now, but hopefully the girl would be willing to accept that in the end.

    ID# 186294 CD: 6(Vigilon takes no Sandstorm Damage)

  2. Auranika and Ind0minus were unlikely to have the best of conversations with the white and pink haired girl with the dark armor, but Vigilon guessed it could have been worse, for to Vigilon's surprise, Auranika and Dazia had a history together, and not a good one. So yeah, there was unlikely to be very much positive talk in that conversation, but the worst of it was probably over. Dazia would then ask the question that Koharu would probably be waiting for the answer to...

    "So, Vigilon, do you think you can accept another lover?" Dazia asked.

    WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??? "I swear, by all that is holy you are going to pay for this." Vigilon thought. "I'll um, consider it. I might have to check with Krysta and see if she's okay with it." Was the answer Vigilon could come up with.

    The answer to that posed question that he knew, was definitely no.

    ID# 186173 CD: 11(Vigilon does not take Sandstorm Damage)

  3. "Oh, thank God." Vigilon thought when Ind0minus revealed that he was taken. 

    "So what? Is there a reason we can't both have him?" Koharu asked.

    Aaaaaand cue the intense internal screaming.

    No, nononononononono, he was not meant for that kind of love life, he didn't want to be a Harem Anime Protagonist, he didn't want more than one girl to be with him! How was he gonna deal with this now that he knew Koharu wasn't opposed to this kind of thing? Ind0minus failed to contain his expression, and was about to burst out in laughter.

    Auranika growled in response to Dazia's counter. She didn't have any clever follow up for this one. The girl with white and pink hair and dark armor would announce the parties after one more sentence from Dazia. Oh, how cruel this probably was.

    With Koharu still embracing him, Vigilon would send the party invites to Koharu and Dazia, and it was off into the desert they would go...just in time for the sandstorm.

    How long did the players spend chatting? Time was a wasting, and they had to find the cargo before it was too late! Vigilon trudged in the sands, slowed by the wind, sand, and heat. He wasn't damaged yet, but the desert was at it's full strength of danger...

    ID# 186171 CD: 12(Vigilon does not take Sandstorm Damage)

  4. Koharu was very pleased by Vigilon's response, and she proceeded to ask if she could tag along with Vigilon during the quest. "...I...don't see why not." Vigilon replied. "Dude think for a moment, look what you just got yourself into! Ayaka clearly likes you a little too much and you don't know how the best way to say no!" Vigilon thought. Koharu then caught him blushing. Yes, he was actually blushing. As a guy, it was easy for him to lose his train of thought, or even lose track of his heart rate, whenever a pretty girl would be really sweet with him...he just preferred that it be with Krysta, since he'd genuinely loved her, whereas this was probably just an unexpected yet natural reaction. "I am?" He ended up asking. Oops, was he supposed to say that?

    Ind0minus loved a good laugh, but it was time to let out a little truth that he knew. "While this is a rather sweet reunion, miss Koharu, I think you should know that Vigilon is currently with another woman." He let a few seconds pass, so it could sink in, or for her to give any responses. "Krysta was her username, I believe."

    Auranika's expression became a blend of shock and dismay as Dazia gave her answer while revealing herself. "F***, it's you." She blurted out. Dazia then gave her little remark on Auranika's self-centered behavior... "How dare you! Ugh, you clearly haven't changed at all, Violet Grace...you really are an absolute disgrace!" She reacted towards Dazia's words.

  5. Dazia would reveal Ayaka's username, probably for certain reasons. However, she seemed unwilling to help Vigilon out of this crisis. "I just knew you'd be happy to see me too, Alex~" Koharu mused. "How have you been? You look so handsome since I last saw you!" Koharu didn't exactly release Vigilon, but at least she loosened her grip. Ok, what was he gonna say, how was he gonna respond...but most importantly, who was going to tell Koharu that Vigilon was taken now? She'd kinda missed her chance to ask him out a few years ago...or, maybe, she didn't, but Vigilon didn't know how to properly handle the situation and completely forgot about it. "I- I've been doing well, how about you?"

    Smooth, Vigilon. Very smooth.

    After Auranika and Ind0minus managed to contain their laughter on Vigilon's situation, they would be willing to speak with the others. Ind0minus would begin speaking with Arnemis, while Auranika would decide to speak to Dazia, leaving Vigilon with Koharu.

    "So you're an associate of Vigilon? Might as well know more about you since we're going to be working together, it seems." Auranika began. "I am known by many names. The Angelic Warrior, The Golden Dragon, Lady April, Auranika...feel free to call me what you'd prefer." She said in introduction, not recognizing Dazia due to the cowl.

  6. Before he had a chance to properly introduce Dazia to his rivals, and vice versa, Vigilon would turn around upon hearing a voice he hadn't heard in years. He was a second too late to avoid the girl who had a huge crush on him back in middle school, the girl who was either an immigrant, or someone who was studying abroad. Did Vigilon know? Not really. "Oh shi-"

    And just like that, she was hugging him tightly again. Was he comfortable with this? Nope.

    "A-Ayaka...I, um... I-it's nice to...see you again too?" He responded, trying to be nice. He looked over to Dazia, and mouthed the words, "Help me." Hopefully she was willing to pull Ayaka off of him like she did with the redhead and Benjamin back at the Gala. He wouldn't possibly know what to do otherwise...and frankly, it was kind of embarrassing, not knowing a way out of this issue.

  7. Vigilon looked out to the horizon, seeing the seas of sand all over the floor's expanse, save for a few mountains and rocky formations here and there. He almost drifted off into thought as he stared off into the distance...then Dazia came along.

    "You. We need to talk about your damn girlfriend."

    Vigilon sighed. "She try to kill you again? I know, I know, 'something's gotta be done about it', but I love her too much...besides, if I don't love her at her worst, how do I even deserve her at her best? Have you ever known the feeling, or even the saying?" He responded. He was aware that Dazia was kind of in a relationship, but...

    Before Vigilon could continue, he was approached by a woman wearing cloth all over her. "Excuse me young sir, I have need for some assistance... I have grown weak with illness, and I have lost my cargo in the desert...could you help retrieve it for me? The goods are needed in two days, time is of the essence..." Two familiar players showed up while the NPC was talking. "Sure, I guess we'll help." Vigilon decided. He then turned around and saw the two familiar players. "Oh...Victor. April. I know we're rivals and all, but maybe we could do a quest as a full party?" He offered as he placed his hand on Dazia's shoulder.


    The NPC Players:










    Note: The armor is golden, and the wings are metallic and cannot fly, for they are for cosmetic purposes.Angelic_Armor.thumb.jpg.843728e3131328f689f2e5f0cea5a137.jpg








  8. Vigilon had been needing to deal with some things, but before that, he'd been told he needed a skill...honestly, why had he not thought about it earlier? Maybe it was the fact that he really wasn't one for this floor. Nevertheless, he walked over to the safe zone's edge. He didn't know if or when the NPC who gave the quest he needed to do would show up, but, well, who knows, someone else might show up, with the same idea. There might be a reason why this skill was so important...well, it probably was, it was literally called Survival. Hopefully someone would be willing to tag along, he didn't know if he could solo such an important quest. "I've really got so much to do...I just hope this can be done smoothly, without any problems... I know I gotta train and all, but I'm already going to be carried as it is..."

    Bahahahaha, he thinks he can avoid what's inevitable.



    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  44
    HP:  880
    EN:  98(Base[88], Energist[10])

    Damage: 15(Martial Arts Rank 5[+7], Veriost[+6], MA Ferocity[1])

    MIT: 48(Silver Night[36], LA Rank 3[12])

    ACC: 2(Leather Strikers, Dragon's Eye)

    EVA: 2(Silver Night, Dragon's Eye)




    [T2]Leather Strikers(Accuracy, Bleed, Paralyze)[Equipped]

    [T2]Silver Night(Mitigation[2], Evasion)[Equipped]

    [T1]Dragon's Eye(Accuracy, Evasion, Loot Die)[Equipped]



    Teleport Crystal x1






    Searching Rank 2

    Light Armor Rank 3(+12 MIT)


    Extra Skills:

    Martial Arts Rank 5

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter Rank 3




    MA Ferocity(+1 base DMG when using Martial Arts)

    MA Finesse Rank 3(-3 EN cost when using MA Sword Arts)


  9. The two players would wave goodbye to Kiitei as they began to continue on past the barricade. It would probably be some time before the floor was cleaned up, but hey, loose ends gotta be tied up somehow.


    When The two players finally returned to the safe zone, Vigilon would see Kanari and Taika looking at some screenshots, and having a laugh over something. He walked right up to Kanari. "You set me up, didn't you?" He remarked, knowing that all that happened had to be some players' doing...aside from the barricade, and maybe all the materials...maybe"Yeah, your point?" Kanari asked. "Like we would ever pass up such an opportunity like that, Vigi Kong." The two girls burst into laughter upon Kanari saying this. 


    "Not cool."

    These two may have been his friends, but Vigilon really didn't appreciate this setup he was pulled into. "Hey, don't sweat it, it's not like this is gonna happen twice." Taika noted. "By the way, Vurin, I hope you're fine with what just went down, we weren't expecting Vigilon to call for backup." She added. "Not one, but two Martial Artists, the little one's preferred current style is monkey style! Ah, bless you for being Vuri Kong, little friend!" Kanari remarked.

    "I don't mind at all. It was great, helping out Master Vigilon." Vurin said with a smile. 

    "By the way, Alex, what took you so long in getting back? Sure, we got the screenshots we wanted, but did you try to scour the whole floor for the junk that was reported? Before and after the fight with all those Kobolds?" Taika asked. "We had a run-in with the Angelic brigade. Or, to be exact, a particular division of them, the 'Dark Angels'. They barricaded the way, blocking the route, and they did what they could to not let me pass. They seemed to think highly of April." Vigilon explained. The two girls looked at each other, then back to Vigilon. "I'm gonna be honest, I knew April would be getting some Stans, but I didn't expect her to get some in this game." Kanari remarked. "One thing's for sure, you owe us both, big time." Vigilon decided. 



    Vigilon Receives: 6 SP(2 Pages completed[2], Quest Completed[3], Quarantine Bonus[1]), 800 Col(2 Pages completed), 2 T1 Materials, and<<Monkey Agility>> 

  10. Vigilon looked to the other battle, which had just ended. Vurin and Kiitei were engaging in a handshake. "That was a good battle. I clearly have more training ahead of me, but I can be content with this result." Vurin remarked. "You weren't half-bad, though, just another rank or mod and you should be good to go in terms of damage." Kiitei added.

    The Paralysis wore off, and Rendiel got up slowly. "You...you may have beaten me...but...you still..can't cross." He decided.

    Kiitei looked over to her ally, then to Vurin, then to Vigilon, and back to her ally. "Let 'em go." She decided.

    "Wh-whaaaa???? You can't be serious!" Rendiel responded.

    "I am." Kiitei stated. "You were beaten fair and square, the kid with Vigilon is a really nice guy, and we were a bit...well...whatever, they earned this one." She told her ally. She then looked over to Vigilon and Vurin. "Sorry for the trouble we caused you, go right on ahead. We'll clean up this barricade...these things don't even look like they belong, anyway." She said to them.

    Vigilon smiled. "Thanks, and I forgive you."

  11. Rendiel came charging at Vigilon. His face wasn't wide open, but he looked like a good low sweep could trip him. Vigilon smiled. "Come on, hit me, I dare you..." 

    Rendiel wasn't liking this one bit. "RrrrrrrRRRAAAAARRGHH!!" He took the bait. Vigilon sidestepped and tripped up his opponent, and proceeding to punching him in the back of his head towards the ground. The critical hit inflicted Paralysis and Bleed, not that it mattered. The opponent's HP fell into the yellow, and Vigilon had won. "Sorry, but it looks like I won this one." Vigilon remarked. "You did pretty good, though, kept me on my toes, and it was a close call." He finished with a smile.

    Rendiel let out a strained groan as his face was still on the ground, unable to move from paralysis. "Whyyyy....." Vigilon raised an eyebrow, shrugged, and shook his head. "There was literally nothing at stake here, you had nothing to worry about."


    (Rendiel)ID# 184567 BD: 1(Crit. Miss)

    (Vigilon)ID# 184569 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG, Inflicted Paralysis and Bleed)

    All Might: 16x15-89=151 Damage to Rendiel


    [Duel Ended!]

    Vigilon: HP 441/860, EN 50/96 | 15 DMG | 48 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | PAR | T2 BLD (419/430 HP Depleted) VICTORY


    Rendiel: HP 237/660EN 37/66 | 14 DMG | 89 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 Taunt Bleed: 2 Turns, 24 DMG{Paralyzed} (423/330 HP Depleted) DEFEAT

  12. In response to what Vigilon said, Rendiel would head straight for him. Vigilon jumped out of the way three times before his opponent even executed the Sword Art, but by then, it was too late to dodge that one. Vigilon's HP was looking dangerously close to the yellow now, one more hit and it was over, but if he could get one more hit on his opponent, he might be able to win this. Fate truly is as fickle as dice, you could be a force to be reckoned with, or just the poor fellow who can't manage a thing without getting his butt kicked. Whatever the case, Vigilon charged up his Sword Art, ready to strike.

    He missed.

    So much for that attempt. Well, now it was time to dodge like crazy if he even wanted to get past the two players' barricade. "Think fast, Alex, it all rides on this!" He thought.


    (Rendiel)ID# 184562 BD: 6+2-2=6(hit)

    (Vigilon)ID# 184563 BD: 3+2=5(miss)

    Galaxy Destroyer: 14x13-48=134 Damage Taken


    Turns Left: 10

    Vigilon: HP 441/860, EN 64/96 | 15 DMG | 48 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | PAR | T2 BLD (419/430 HP Depleted)


    Rendiel: HP 388/660EN 38/66 | 14 DMG | 89 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 Taunt (272/330 HP Depleted)

  13. Rendiel prepared his Sword Art once again. Vigilon began to wonder if lower damage Sword Arts were ever used for anything other than for their utility, or if the user's energy was too low, wait, that's sword's looking real close-

    So Vigilon was caught off guard, big deal. "Pah, I've endured worse..." Vigilon claimed as he got back up. He readied his own Sword Art, and proceeded to use All Might against Rendiel. "Well, guess it's back to the classic 'you only gotta hit first and hard to win' thing that happens in many games... Guess it's because damage is mostly the same by tier, and everyone's a glass cannon when pursuing damage from a two-hander, I suppose..." Vigilon remarked. "Seriously, I only hit you like, twice, and vice versa. I don't know what your level is, but I guess we're pretty close to being on par with each other...but let's see who comes out on top, shall we?"


    (Rendiel)ID# 184560 BD: 9(Critical! +1 Base DMG)

    (Vigilon)ID# 184561 BD: 6+2=8(hit)

    Galaxy Destroyer: 15x13-48=147 Damage taken

    All Might: 15x15-89=136 Damage to Rendiel


    Turns Left: 11

    Vigilon: HP 575/860, EN 66/96 | 15 DMG | 48 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | PAR | T2 BLD (285/430 HP Depleted)


    Rendiel: HP 388/660EN 38/66 | 14 DMG | 89 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 Taunt (272/330 HP Depleted)

  14. Vigilon gestured towards himself. "Come at me, bro!" He called out to his opponent. Rendiel was agitated by this display, and he rushed in to attack. Vigilon wasn't as prepared as he could have been for this attack, but at least his opponent's face was wide open, ready to get decked. "You'll never win against me as long as I-"

    Vigilon used the Sword Art known as All Might, right to Rendiel's face.

    The opposing player was sent flying a few feet, and he tumbled backward upon landing on the ground. "Maybe next time you'll check yourself before you wreck yourself, you were wide open!" Vigilon remarked. Rendiel growled as he got up and grabbed his weapon. Looks like he was pissed off now, but that probably wouldn't help him, now would it? Vigilon sighed and shook his head. "I can get emotional too, but if you let that do the thinking for you, I doubt you'll be able to aim."


    (Rendiel)ID# 184504 BD: 8+2-2=8(hit)

    (Vigilon)ID# 184505 BD: 4+2=6(hit)

    Galaxy Destroyer: 14x13-48=134 Damage Taken

    All Might: 15x15-89=136 Damage to Rendiel


    Turns Left: 12

    Vigilon: HP 722/860, EN 79/96 | 15 DMG | 48 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | PAR | T2 BLD (138/430 HP Depleted)


    Rendiel: HP 524/660EN 50/66 | 14 DMG | 89 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 Taunt (136/330 HP Depleted)

  15. And to think that things would have gone differently.

    All Vigilon wanted to do was get a quest done and over with, and clean up the floor from the clutter that didn't belong. And yet, here he was, dueling an idiot who was probably some kind of Stan. He dodged another attempted Galaxy Destroyer attack, then he readied his own sword art and rushed in to attack. Rendiel used his sword to knock Vigilon off balance by hitting his legs with the blunt end of the blade. Vigilon tumbled onto the ground. "Should've seen that coming." He muttered. Rendiel laughed at Vigilon's misfortune. "How are you even a rival? You can't even hit me once! Did you even think to block my attack?" He called out. "Speak for yourself, you haven't hit me a single time either. Not to mention, what do you think the result would be if I tried using my hands to block a freaking sword?" Vigilon responded.


    (Rendiel)ID# 184502 BD: 2+2-2=2(miss)

    (Vigilon)ID# 184503 BD: 1(Crit. Miss!!)


    Turns Left: 13

    Vigilon: HP 856/860, EN 92/96 | 15 DMG | 48 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | PAR | T2 BLD (4/430 HP Depleted)


    Rendiel: HP 660/660EN 62/66 | 14 DMG | 89 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 Taunt (0/330 HP Depleted)

  16. The four players would make sure there was ample space between their fights, and then they would ready themselves. The word <<Fight!>> appeared between each set of combatants, and the chaos would begin.

    Rendiel Charged up his sword art, Galaxy Destroyer, and rushed over to Vigilon before letting loose an angular slash. Vigilon managed to dodge the attack just before it could strike him. Vigilon would then prepare his own Sword Art, All Might, and he would proceed to attack his opponent. Despite the heavy looking equipment he was carrying, Rendiel managed to avoid Vigilon's attack. "I won't get anywhere like this," Vigilon muttered. "I gotta figure out where he's gonna go, and strike there..." All the while, his opponent simply yelled out, "Hold still, you!"

    Vigilon shook his head. This was gonna get annoying pretty fast. Hopefully Vurin was doing pretty well. He didn't know how strong that Kiitei woman was, but Vurin had only recently reached the second tier.


    (Rendiel)ID# 184498 BD: 5+2-2=5(miss)

    (Vigilon)ID# 184499 BD: 3+2=5(miss)


    Turns Left: 14

    Vigilon: HP 856/860, EN 94/96 | 15 DMG | 48 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | PAR | T2 BLD (4/430 HP Depleted)


    Rendiel: HP 660/660EN 64/66 | 14 DMG | 89 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 Taunt (0/330 HP Depleted)

  17. Ok, so we're doing this.

    Vigilon looked over to Vurin, who accepted the challenge he received and set it to half-loss. Vigilon looked to the challenge that lay before him, it was a duel request from the male player, apparently named Rendiel. Whatever the case, this punk was going down. He accepted the challenge and set the victory conditions to half-loss. "Fine, I'll teach you a lesson, since you want me to so badly." He said as he did this. Rendiel scoffed. "It's you who's gonna get schooled, Vigilon. You won't get past this defense! I'll cut you down before you can get on my level!" He claimed.

    Vurin looked over to his opponent. "I am eager to see how I do in this spar, this could be fun. It's also a pleasure to meet you, Kiitei." He said with a smile, revealing the username of his opponent, which was visible on the challenge he recieved. Kiitei's face had a slight smile on it. "Nice kid." She remarked to her ally. "Well, this is a game, deadly or no, so I don't see anything wrong about having a little fun with this."


    -Vigilon has accepted the Duel challenge, and set the victory conditions to Half-loss

    ID# 184496 LD: 5

    ID# 184497 LD: 11

    Rendiel has won the Initiative roll, and will be going first.



    Rendiel's Stats and Equipment:


    Level: 33

    HP: 660

    EN: 66

    Damage: 14(THSS R5[7], Dark Iron Blade[6])

    MIT: 89(Heavy Armor R5[35], Dark Defender's Armor[54])

    ACC: 2(Garnet Eye)



    [T2]Dark Iron Blade(3 DMG)

    [T2]Dark Defender's Armor(3 MIT)

    Garnet Eye(2 ACC, 1 Taunt)



    Two-handed Straight Sword Rank 5

    Heavy Armor Rank 5



  18. "What the heck is wrong with you two?" Vigilon asked.

    "Wrong? With us? Pffff, what's wrong with you? Pah, I'll just beat you down and prove you'll never pass our barrier!" The male player of the two said, before sending Vigilon a duel challenge. "Ok what on earth is possessing you to do this? Isn't this kind of, you know, extreme?" Vigilon asked. Vurin looked over to the female of the two players. "Vigilon has done nothing wrong against you, why would you do this?" He asked her. "Simple, we're training ourselves in many ways, and we were given a goal-based command: Stop anyone who stands in the way of Lady Auranika! And that includes this blockade we set for Vigilon! I mean, we knew how his name was spelled, but we never heard it." She answered. "Then challenge me, too. I must test myself anyway. Send me the request." Vurin decided. "Wait, really? Hah, alright then, one challenge coming right up." The female player remarked as she pulled up her menu to send a duel challenge.

    -Rendiel has challenged Vigilon to a duel!

  19. Vigilon saw the out-of-place blockages, but they were arranged into a blockade...by two players. "Hey hey hey, hold up a sec, what's your username?" One of the two players asked. "...Well which of us are you asking?" Vigilon questioned. "Uhhhhh both? Yeah! Both!" Came the response. "Well, ya gonna spill, or what?" The other player asked. These two were either idiots, or suspicious idiots.

    "My name's Vurin. This is Vigilon, who has been kind enough to train me in Martial Arts. I consider myself his apprentice, even." Vurin explained. "Shouldn't have done that..." Vigilon thought.

    "Vigilon...Vigilon? Ah! Vigilon! Well, sorry, Vigilon, you can't cross." The female of the two claimed.


    "Yeah, you can't cross, because...We're blocking you!!!" The male of the two yelled out. "We're the Dark Angels, an important division of the Angelic Brigade, led by our determined High Guardian, Etsuka!"

    The female player nodded. "Yeah, we're not gonna let you pass. You're Auranika's rival, right? Well, if we keep you here, there's no way you can be her rival anymore, 'cause you'll be too weak to stand before her!" She declared.

  20. Vurin broke the silence with, "Don't we still have a group of Kobolds to hunt down?" Vigilon nodded. Yeah, let's get moving. Vigilon did what he could to keep his eyes open along the way for anything of use or suspicion. He saw nothing, aside from spots that look like there was something that was previously there. "Someone's been moving stuff." He muttered. As the two players continued to search around for anything that didn't belong, they continued their conversation. "Right, well, did you get the two girls' usernames? I might be able to ask them if they're alright." Vigilon asked. "Taika, and, Kanari I think." Vurin answered. "Never mind, I think I know who your captors are." Vigilon decided. "They're just fine, I know those two very well." He added. "Now let's get back on track and clean up this floor."

    Pretty soon, the two players would find where all the missing objects were, it turned out to be the stuff they needed to clean up and remove...but...there was a problem.


    ID# 184490 LD: 8+3=11(no chest found)

  21. The awkward silence would eventually pass, despite that it lasted longer than one would expect. "Man, you got told early, I think...assuming we are talking about the same talk. My own mother didn't give me that until I was like, fourteen. I don't know if mom ever told my older sister, but I'm pretty sure she knows by now..." Vigilon admitted. "...By the way, who do you think my informant was, again?" Vigilon asked. "I don't remember his name, do you?" Vurin counter-questioned. "He goes by the username Akudo." Vigilon Answered. Vurin looked a bit shocked. "My brother??" The young player exclaimed. "Wait, Akudo's your brother? Wait, but then who did you speak to?" Vigilon asked.

    More awkward silence, but this time it was over some potential trouble.

    "This can't be good...I know there's a fair number of informants around Aincrad, but not all of them can be trusted. You don't remember the guy's username, so I guess we better hope they mean well." Vigilon explained.

  22. Vigilon chuckled. "Aren't you a little young to be getting infatuated by them?" He asked. "Well, I-" "Yes, yes you are." "It's just a compliment to them, they are actually pretty, what's wrong with that?" Vigilon placed a hand on the kid's shoulder. "Then I sure hope it remains just a compliment until you're eighteen, wouldn't want the APD to get involved, now do we? Just be patient, even if it's been five years, you'd still be one year too early." He explained. "Half a year too early." Vurin noted hopefully with a smile. Vigilon shook his head. "Have you had the talk or something, boy?" Vigilon asked, somewhat jokingly. "Yes." Vurin answered.

    Vigilon stopped moving, and looked right over to Vurin. "Wait, what?" He asked. "Please tell me you're not being serious." "But I am serious. Or are you thinking of something else?" Vurin remarked. There would be a brief silence for a moment.

  23. Vurin had finished his own fight, and was grabbing the last of the material hoard. "Looks like you reached your own goal, and I've just reached mine...save for one thing. There's a group of Kobold Bandits that have gathered a bunch of gear that's out-of-place in this floor. What do you say we clean things up?" Vurin nodded his head. "I agree, Master Vigilon. Every floor has a balance, it would be strange if an informant scouting the floor was to come across them when they shouldn't have even had it to begin with. Do we destroy the gear, or is there an original owner?" 

    Vigilon thought for a short moment. "I'd say we destroy all vanity quality gear. If we come across any enhanced, we should probably bring it so some other players...speaking of which, was anyone near you when you got captured?" Vurin did what he could to recall the moment. "There were two pretty girls...around your age, maybe?" He guessed.

  24. Vigilon managed to get himself out of the tree. "If I had a nickel for every time a tree was thrown at me, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice." He said in the general direction of the monster he was facing. "And frankly, I'm already starting to get sick of it." The Monkey King snorted, then beat upon the ground in a display of frustration, and it let out an aggravated roar. Vigilon then prepared himself to attack the monster before it had a chance. It raised its fist as Vigilon activated his sword art, and he managed to finish off the quest target before it attacked. The monster roared out and stumbled as its HP depleted to zero, and it angrily reached out for Vigilon, before falling limp and shattering. Right, well that was one quest target down, now to clean up the floor and go back to the safe zone.

    ID# 184485 BD: 5+2=7(hit), MD: 2-2=1(miss)

    Five Swords: 15x5-50=25 Damage to Monkey King


    Vigilon: HP 716/860, EN 80/96 | 15 DMG | 48 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | PAR | T2 BLD 


    Monkey King: HP 0/250, 240 DMG, 50 MIT, Strikes and stuns entire opposing party while dealing half Damage on MD 9-10

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