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Posts posted by Dazia

  1. "That Guild is the Guild responsible for several, if not plenty, of killings across Aincrad, including my only brother! I may be a lone wolf, but I still care about others! I don't exactly know what it is that they have in mind for a goal, but I can't say it's anything good!" Dazia facepalmed over the fact that this was just like that time at the Halloween party, except killing and fighting were permitted. "There is no need to have a heart as vengeful as princess, but if she's rash enough to be irrational..." "All I know about them is an encounter. Two players from that Guild came up to me after I finished off a small group of monsters, saying I had potential to surpass all around me, potential to be strong. They invited me to their Guild, telling me it was the 'Strongest Guild in all of Aincrad'. I assumed that was the whole 'every man for his trade' thing, and I merely told them that I would think about it. that's all I know! So can you get this girl to get off my back?"

  2. Both players began speaking at once, at the same time, which was also loud enough to give Dazia a headache. She facepalmed, then said, "One at a time, please!" Lupix spoke up first. "This girl here is dangerous! She might not look like much here, but terrible things will happen if she joins that Guild! I cannot allow her to live if she joins such an evil outfit like them!" Then the next girl spoke up, and it sounded more like she was defending herself. "I am not dangerous! This girl accuses me of being a terrible murderer as soon as she hears me thinking out loud over whether or not I should join this Guild that invited me to it! The whole idea of it is ridiculous! I just want her to leave me be!" Dazia had heard both sides of the story, but there was one thing left to clarify. "Tell me, what is this Guild you speak of?"

  3. The first voice was familiar, and the second sounded like it belonged to a girl of a younger age, at the early teens at the very most, about eight at the very least. "What could Lupix possibly have against another? It seems like she's jumping to conclusions here... Last time I saw her, she was my level. Thus, I must be strong enough to intervene today." She emerged from the overgrowth, and saw the two players. The first player was definitely Lupix. She may have grown in level, but it didn't look like her gear had changed a bit. The second player appeared to be about 13, possibly older or younger. The second player also had white hair, blue eyes, and was about 4'9" in height. "Excuse me, could one of you tell me exactly what's going on here?" Was there any proof that Lupix was correct? Or was this an irrational decision, like that time with Wardege?

    Second NPC Player(A.K.A. Yinangi):




  4. Dazia looked to her left, she looked to her right. There weren't any enemies, but she decided not to take a chance. She pulled out the item, a carrot cake cupcake, and ate it as she walked. "It kind of makes sense, actually. Carrots being good for the eyesight, accuracy enhancement, it just lines up." She continued walking, but she began to hear noise. Two voices. She began sticking to the nearby trees and overgrowth as she began heading towards the sound. She didn't want to risk anything going wrong, but if the situation was serious, yet weak enough, she might be able to intervene. As she got closer, she could discern words. "I won't allow you to live if you think that Guild is what's going to help you! For all I know, you've already done something for them, and you've barely escaped and are trying to make a fast getaway!" "Why don't you shut up and be willing to listen? It was merely a thought, I haven't joined them yet, and for the record, my low HP level is due to a monster fight, not a player! Do you see this cursor? Is it orange? I don't think so!"

    - Carrot cake cupcake

    Dazia's Accuracy has increased to 2 for the remainder of the thread

  5. Dazia was prepared to leave the safe zone again. This time, knowing that there may be evasive foes, she thinks about whether or not she should use one of the items she has within her inventory. "Well, if I indeed end up facing an evasive foe, I will need the accuracy to be able to land a hit. However, I'm not sure about when just yet..." It wouldn't be easy to deal with such an enemy without this item she was now holding in her hand. She brushed the idea aside for now, and placed the item back in the inventory. She walked ahead, not knowing what would transpire when she was outside the safe zone, known as Urbus.

    Meanwhile, about half a mile away, something was happening, outside the safe zone. "What makes you think that I'll leave you be if you intend on joining that outfit?" "All you need to do right now is leave me be! I'll leave you alone, as long as you leave me be!"

  6. Dazia wondered, why ever would one have difficulty on a katana's length in a specific area? A dagger she could understand, but a katana? That is, unless he was always acting too early...like Vigilon wound up doing after he said not to give him all the credit. "I don't see how I can anymore now that your streak of flawless hits have ended..." She said with a smirk on her face. She decided not to take any action, seeing as that might cause her to have the attention of the nepents, which will have her targeted as a result. She waited for the nepents to make their move, and after that she would make hers, after the others made their moves first, so that her next move wouldn't be a problem causing the nepents to attack her. The two nepents rushed for Vigilon, one succeeding, the other not.

    @Crozeph @Vigilon

    ID# 91314 Mob: 2-1=1(Miss)

    ID# 91315 Mob: 8-1=7(Hit)

    [Dazia takes no Action]

    [2] Dazia: HP 80/80, EP 7/8

    [2] Crozeph: HP 324/320, EP 22/32

    [3] Vigilon: HP 238/240, EP 18/29


    Nepent 1: HP 12/20

    Nepent 2: HP 20/20

  7. Crozeph asked if the attack on him was going to leave a mark. Frankly, the answer was obvious. "It'll probably be a temporary red mark placed where you took damage. I'm sure it will be gone once you heal or something." He missed. Again. He seemed to be having problems trying to get a hit at multiple enemies, but with little to no success. Meanwhile, Vigilon attacked with Vertical Square, a sword art that blasted four of the nepents to nothing with a burst of energy. "Perhaps you might want to up your game a little, it seems that Vigilon's doing all the work here!" He definitely had the remaining two nepents' attention, that was also clear. The nepents turned their attention away from Crozeph and headed over towards Vigilon. One successfully attacked him, while the other tripped on it's roots and fell over. Dazia rushed over to attack the one that successfully struck Vigilon.

    @Crozeph @Vigilon

    ID# 91181 Mob: 8-1=7(Hit)

    ID# 91182 Mob: 1(Critical Fail)

    ID# 91183 BD: 8+1=9(Hit)

    [2] Dazia: HP 80/80, EP 7/8

    [2] Crozeph: HP 324/320, EP 24/32

    [3] Vigilon: HP 238/240, EP 19/29


    Nepent 1: HP 12/20

    Nepent 2: HP 20/20

  8. Crozeph finished off the last two nepents, but something wasn't right...wasn't there supposed to be something dropped by a single nepent at the very least? Then a nepent with a red floral bulb on it's head emerged from the overgrowth behind the players, and Vigilon saw fit to take it out with a sword art. Upon doing so, however, there was nothing dropped by that either. "What I'm guessing, is that those slightly different nepents carry the target item, but the item is not often dropped. We may be facing more than we originally thought..." Well, the nepents came sooner than expected, and Dazia began to think that this may wind up as an ambush combined with an onslaught, until the item was dropped...maybe, that was only Dazia just guessing. The nepents advanced toward the players. The nepents split into two trios, and each trio ganged up on Crozeph and Vigilon. Not a single nepent saw Dazia as a threat just yet, so now was the opportunity to strike. Dazia swung her blade at one of the nepents attacking Crozeph, dealing damage. The damage was almost a quarter of it's HP. "Please tell me this won't escalate to an onslaught or anything."

    @Crozeph @Vigilon

    ID# 90898 Mob: 1(Critical Fail)

    ID# 90899 Mob: 6(Hit)

    ID# 90900 Mob: 3(Miss)

    ID# 90901 Mob: 10(Critical, +2 DMG)

    ID# 90902 Mob: 7-1=6(Hit)

    ID# 90903 Mob: 2-1=1(Miss)

    ID# 90905 BD: 8+1=9(Hit)

    [1] Dazia: HP 80/80, EP 7/8 | 4 DMG | 9 Mit.

    [2] Crozeph: HP 318/320, EP 28/32 | 9 DMG | 16 Mit.

    [2] Vigilon: HP 238/240, EP 24/29 | 6 DMG | 9 Mit. | 1 EVA | 1 ACC | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed


    Nepent 1: HP 16/20, 6 DMG

    Nepent 2: HP 20/20, 6 DMG

    Nepent 3: HP 20/20, 6 DMG

    Nepent 4: HP 20/20, 6 DMG

    Nepent 5: HP 20/20, 6 DMG

    Nepent 6: HP 20/20, 6 DMG

  9. The player beside her questioned Dazia's words in a cynical manner. Then she said that she didn't care for the frontliners very much either, despite that she considered that it would be nice to help them, and wanted to see how far she could go in terms of level. "So she just wants to become stronger? Well, at the moment, so do I. It seems that our current goals line up here, although I'm uncertain as to how long." The girl soon got up, said that she planned on leaving the safe zone to train, hopefully level up, and asked Dazia if she would be doing the same. "Right now, our current goals line up, as it seems that we both wish to grow stronger. There are several ways to survive, but from how I see things, there is only one method that will work best for me. Until then, my main focus is becoming stronger until I can set a goal for myself. In other words, yes, I intend to do the same."


  10. Crozeph said that the nepents seem to be hot-blooded, and quite eager to meet them(obviously for worse). He also added "No flower necklace while we're at it", at which Dazia reacted to with, "Flower necklace!? Pah! Like I would be one of those girls!" Vigilon then asked whether this moment was a convenience, or if it was the reason for someone named Stryder to call him "Boar Bait". At first, she tried suppressing a smile, but that broke down quickly. "Pffft....'Boar Bait'?" It was absurd, ridiculous, and hilarious, actually. Crozeph attempted an attack, but the attack failed to reach the enemy. Vigilon attacked the nepents with the Rage Spike sword art, taking out four nepents. Now there were two left. Dazia decided to refrain from combat just a bit further. Should they be in for a longer fight soon, Dazia would not like to end up as a popular target. However, now it was the nepents' turn to strike. The two nepents both tried to attack Vigilon, but both ended up tripping on each others' tentacle-like roots.

    @Crozeph @Vigilon

    [Dazia takes no action]

    ID# 90868 Mob: 1(Critical fail)

    ID# 90869 Mob: 2-1=1(Miss)

    Dazia: HP 80/80, EP 8/8 | 4 DMG | 9 Mit.

    Crozeph: HP 320/320, EP 30/32 | 9 DMG | 16 Mit.

    [1] Vigilon: HP 240/240, EP 25/29 | 6 DMG | 9 Mit. | 1 EVA | 1 ACC | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed


    Nepent 5: HP 10/10

    Nepent 6: HP 10/10

  11. Dazia saw the two players accept the quest as well, and they all agreed that it was time to get this show on the road. Vigilon saw fit to start a party, and Dazia decided, "Oh, why not? We are doing this quest together, after all..." Before long, they were in the forest. She looked to her left, and to her right. There didn't seem to be anything just yet. She figured that she would make her search thorough. So far, no luck. There didn't seem to be any strange activity...yet. She heard some rustling over to the side, and something strange emerged from the overgrowth. No, not just one, six of the things. They slowly got closer to the three. They were almost as tall as Dazia, approximately two inches shorter. They seemed like nasty creatures. "Right...so we didn't find them... they found us..." Dazia decided not to strike first, just in case.

    @Crozeph @Vigilon

    (OOC: This is only wave 1, so it will be fairly simple, until the waves get harder.)

    Dazia: HP 80/80, EP 8/8 | 4 DMG | 9 Mit.


    Nepent 1: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Nepent 2: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Nepent 3: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Nepent 4: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Nepent 5: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Nepent 6: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

  12. The player beside her let out a long sigh. She said that she agreed that it would be difficult to think straight at the moment, in a not so irritated tone. Dazia looked to the side again. It was impossible to even get on with how the day would usually start with this many noisy, idiotic, careless people in the same small inn. What a rotten morning this turned out to be... The player beside her then said that she would be heading out soon, and that Dazia should as well, in order to avoid turning into one of them. Like that would ever happen. Such boisterous, obnoxious behavior wouldn't taint Dazia's behavior in a long shot, and if the behavior was contagious? She had a resistance to this behavioral disease. The latest thing the player had said was that she seemed different from those who keep themselves huddled in the safe zones permanently, then asked if she was aiming to reach the frontlines. Dazia scoffed. "The frontlines? At the moment, they don't matter to me. I just want to survive, by any means necessary."


  13. Dazia sat down to be told that it was common etiquette to ask before sitting at someone's table. "Had a bit of a hard night, besides, it's a little, if not a lot, difficult trying to process all of my thoughts, including the ones before my actions, with all this going on around." She said, gesturing those around, loud, oblivious and at least a bit obnoxious. Some were boisterously laughing, others were talking as if they didn't have a care in the world, and there were few that you could obviously see every once in a while at least when it came to inns like this. It was impossible to get drunk in SAO, but were those random idiots over there at the inn's bar trying to? "Normally, I would have just settled for the corners as usual, but they were as busy as any other table in this room. I felt that it would be awkward just standing around however, though I could be wrong..." This was already going south. Right now, she could easily just leave, and go back to gathering and/or training.


  14. Morning had arrived after what seemed like a long night. How long exactly had she been on the run? Days? A week? No matter. As long as she was doing what she needed to survive, she couldn't care less about other minor details. She had, however, kept track of the floors she had been to during the time she was on the run. "Floor 1, Floor 3, Floor 2, Floor 4, Floor 5, Floor 3, Floor 1, and now Floor 2 again..." The purpose of keeping track of the times she had gone to different floors was to make sure her movements throughout the floors couldn't become predictable, as that would allow her enemy to eventually find her. "Well, today seems pretty empty at the moment. Nonetheless..." She had decided for herself that she wold go throughout her day as usual. However, she was in for a monkey wrench. Upon coming down to the first story of the Inn, she noticed that it was...busy. There were more people in the room than she would usually end up counting. Usually, she would easily be found in a corner or the like, but even those were busy. It took some time, but eventually she found an empty seat. Beside someone else. "Well, it's a step up from just standing around, I suppose..."


  15. The minuscule player remarked on Dazia's choice of words, then shoved a dagger into her left arm, paralyzing her. Sure, she was alive, but what did this player have to gain from Dazia being paralyzed? She was already helpless as it is, despite that she hated being helpless. "Curses..." The player then sent Dazia a party invite, then guided her arm to accept the invite. "Can't...move...Its no use, but why the heck is he sending me an invite??" He repeated his question to Dazia. "Why don't you just cut the riddles, will you? What the he** do you want with me? What Dazia couldn't understand, is why the two she had met earlier weren't around at the moment. Was all this a trap? A trap to let her get captured and made helpless by a minuscule player half her height? The player then removed his hood, revealing himself to be a young boy. "Hmph. Aren't you a little young to be doing the things you do?"

    15 Dark Points have been added to Dazia's Journal

    @Aereth @Domarus

  16. Dazia had only wished to make a point and then move on. Unfortunately, more players got involved and the situation escalated into a scene. "Great, like things couldn't get any worse. We are here, in the middle of a public, social event, and here we are arguing like idiots. No doubt this will draw more unwanted attention..." Stryder demanded for Dazia to let go of the girl, who was riled up, calling Dazia a murdering fiend. Geez, what exactly would get her to just shut up? Obviously not reason explained by the one she treats like a wanted fugitive. The player dressed as slenderman came to intervene, scolding the four of them, including Dazia. "I assumed that a false threat might get the girl to quiet down and listen. That obviously wasn't the way to proceed, except it's now that I realize that. Its ridiculous that I sometimes frustrate myself over making the wrong decision." The girl then called Dazia, and the player dressed as slenderman liars. Then she received a message from Vigilon, calling for a truce, and apologizing for the overreaction. She simply sent a message to him, then focused on the present upon sending it.



    Thank you for apologizing, consider yourself forgiven.

    Now, it seemed that things were starting to finally cool off(excluding the girl, apparently named Krysta), when Jack himself came to intervene, carrying a scythe. This was nothing good. He basically gave the players a warning, drawing a line that the heat of the issue was already close to crossing. She turned to Krysta. "I would listen to Vigilon and slenderman if I were you, and I would especially listen to Jack's warning. We wouldn't want to disrespect our generous host, now would we? So someone you knew is now dead. Welcome to life itself, including life here in Aincrad. Get used to it and calm down."

    @Krysta @Stryder @Vigilon @Hidden @Domarus @Embers

  17. The other end of the room was closer now, if she could at least temporarily retreat to the shadows... She turned her head to look behind her, spotting two players headed towards her. "I knew it! They're here!" The girl let out harsh, stern words that were obviously of a vendetta towards her. "Oh, for crying out loud..." The girl rushed toward Dazia, and she had an idea on how to at least discourage, if not stall her. She let the enraged girl come forward. With a swift move, Dazia had gotten behind the girl, her left arm holding the arms and torso, the right hand holding a false metal knife to the girl's neck, a false threat. "Listen here, you vengeful little princess, sometimes the game brings us to do things we don't want to do. I knew that there would be fingers pointed at me should the death be known. However, believe it or not, should you ask me, the fool brought it upon himself. Ever heard of self-defense?" Dazia sheathed the false knife, pushed the girl down just enough to bring her to the ground, and gave Stryder a look. Then she fled into the crowd, giving a gentle push when necessary as she walked, eventually running into someone that she knew, just not in costume.

    @Stryder @Krysta @Vigilon

  18. Dazia was about to speak, when Jack came into the manor to announce the winners of the raffle. "Alrighty! Since I believe everyone is here... it is time to do our raffle..." First, he called Stryder, who won a powerful but cursed weapon. Up next was...Dazia. She didn't expect to win, but it seems that, in her own opinion, luck is both with and against her, seeing that yes, she did win something, but now everyone knew her name, and there were chances that those who could be against her for that one time could be around... Nevertheless, she walked over and accepted the prize, the strengthening SP candy. "Thank you, this will come in handy..." She looked to her left and right, then walked right into the crowd of costumed players. It was a risky move, but it was a risk she was willing to take. She continued walking among the crowd, headed for the other side of the spacious room.

    +SP Candy

  19. Dazia slowed down when Aereth fell behind. There would seem to be no safety in the vicinity from then on, she would guess. Upon sudden rustling, she tensed, and was taken down before she could react. She couldn't see her assailant's face, but she could see that he was unusually short. two and a half feet, and 1.27 centimeters tall? That you don't see every day. The minuscule player's words seemed smooth and elegant(OOC: or rather, that's how it came across to me), but they had no effect towards Dazia. When he took her weapon and tossed it, Dazia knew that either she was going to be killed by a tiny idiot, or she was being toyed with. She was already upset over the uncomfortable situation. The minuscule player spoke again, but the only thing he got from her with those words was the fact that Dazia was clearly disgusted. "Ugh. Go to He**, you creep!" Getting kissed on the forehead would have been the last straw, but her arms were fastened to the ground. Even if she flailed her legs, they wouldn't be able to reach the player's tiny body. She had no weapon to defend herself. He seemed to be as clever as he was disgusting. The small player seemed to act as if he believed the first floor was his turf. He introduced himself, then asked for Dazia's name. "My name isn't important, and I don't want any further words with the likes of you!" She would be undoubtedly done for if someone didn't at least loosen this creep's grip.

    @Aereth @Domarus

  20. Dazia was growing tired of just standing there in a dark corner while conversations bloomed and otherwise almost no activity. Couldn't have there been something she could do? From the looks of it, probably not, unless butting into one's conversation was an option. Tired of doing absolutely nothing, she looked around, and caught sight of some darts meant to be thrown at pumpkins. She walked over, went around the group having a conversation, and grabbed a dart. She caught sight of a pumpkin. She held her dart firmly, ready to throw. She stared at the pumpkin for a minute or more, and threw her dart. It whizzed softly in the air as it made it's way towards the target. Drat. Just two centimeters from the exact center. Then again, she now knew what angle would be required for the next shot. But before that, she would see if she could possibly join the conversation happening beside her, having heard a few words here an there while she aimed, despite that the gaps between words caught by her ear were too far apart for her to understand it. "Mind if I jump in?"

    @Domarus @Stryder @Hestia @Embers @Hidden

  21. Dazia was in floor 3, wondering what she would do for the day. Turns out, the day had planned itself and darn threw a monkey wrench at her. "Costumes? Halloween parties? This is about as sudden as that time with the beach party, and there's LESS time to prepare... What this world is coming to..." She began looking around the various safe zones until she found a costume she wouldn't mind wearing. A Dark Brotherhood Assassin's getup.

    When she reached floor 10, she wasted no time and followed the map towards her destination. "Possible time to relax, or even find a friend or two... Let's just hope that the perfectly good Col wasted on this costume turns out to be worth it." She approached the manor. "Oh, look, another cheesy and cliché 'Spooky' manor. It seems grotesquely large, but little else." There was a tall figure with a pumpkin on his head that seemed to be awaiting her. "What a nice costume! It is great to see you here at this event. Here's your item for showing and I hope you enjoy yourself." Was this how the NPC greeted those wearing a costume? If this response was truly for everyone that wore a costume, Dazia would consider it unimpressive. "Add a little more detail next time, Cardinal..." She walked in to notice that conversations were already blooming, not that she cared at the moment. Although, perhaps finding a new/old friend wouldn't be so bad, and she might just decide to relax for a change.

    + Candy-Guard

    Dazia's Costume:




  22. It wasn't long before the party of four managed to return to Griswold's armor smithy with the materials retrieved from the agile enemy, the Dark Elf. "We've brought back the materials you need." Griswold turned to Dazia, saying, "Ah, good, you're back! Heh, I assume you killed a dark elf, did you not? If you did, I'm sure the vile one didn't stand a chance against the four of you." "Oh, funny you would say that..." After a short amount of time, Griswold returned with some newly finished Light Armor. It was about time she got this, and Griswold probably had no clue as to how hard it really was. "Here you go, one set of custom light armor just for you." "Thanks. If you have any more problems with Dark Elves in the future, just let us know. I think we just might be capable of taking them on again by then." Once the four had left the shop, Dazia turned to her fellow party members. "Well, this has been a crazy day so far, but otherwise, I kind of liked working together with you guys. I hope to see you again soon." With that, she left the party, and began looking for a place to stay for the night.

    10 Light points have been added to Dazia's Journal

    Dazia's alignment has been affected!



    Dazia: 4 SP(Thread complete, quest bonus), 400 Col, Shadow's embrace(T1 Light armor[Mitigation]), 1 T1 material, and Rapier of Wrath(2 DMG, 1 ACC)

    @Vigilon : 4 SP(Thread complete, quest bonus) and 400 Col

    @Raze: 3 SP(Thread complete) and 400 Col

    @Aster: 3 SP(Thread complete) and 400 Col

  23. Dazia noticed how Crozeph admitted that he was terrible with directions. However, Vigilon was ready to find the path. She didn't expect it to be just around the corner at all. "I don't think any further discussion is required for the time being. Let's head out." They reached the destination, and inside the building were some NPCs treating some ill NPC villagers, with hardly any success. She walked close to one of the healers, who was muttering, "It's no use, without the Little Nepent's Ovule, these people will surely die..." The NPC noticed Dazia, and turned to speak to her. "Oh! An adventurer, perhaps? Please! you have to help! The village is slowly dying of disease! The only known cure is the Little Nepent's Ovule! There are nepents out there in the forest. Some look different from the others, and occasionally leave behind the very medicine we need to save these people, and possibly stop a plague from starting!" The notification, as expected, came up on Dazia's menu.

    <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>>

    Accept                                  Decline

    She pressed the Accept button. She turned to the other two players. "Come on, we have nepents to slay."

    (OOC: I was thinking, when it comes to combat, the "Waves" of nepents will become increasingly harder the more we fail to loot the quest item from the wave's Variant[Which spawns after the normal nepents are killed, according to the quest]. What do you guys think?)

    @Crozeph @Vigilon

  24. Dazia wasn't ready to deal with the feelings of unease. She managed to keep it from showing in her expressions, but she could only hope that Shi was not among the few. Thus, she had the audacity to ask. "By any chance, you aren't... seeking out any player in particular for something they might have done, are you?" She immediately regretted the decision. Why would she risk blowing what little cover she had? She then noticed a familiar face. She only hoped he wasn't among the few either. "As a matter of fact, I am planning on going somewhere. Outside the safe zone, to gather some materials. Then I will need to go somewhere else... a different floor, specifically." She didn't know if Crozeph was done with combat for the time being, but she decided not to ask. Besides, the other player probably wasn't in the best condition to fight, but neither was Dazia when the encounter with the Dark Elf happened. At least she had help back then.

    @Shi @Crozeph

  25. Turns out Dazia wasn't the only one who was exhausted and relieved at the victory. The other three players began to follow close by. Raze seemed to believe that he didn't do much of the work. Dazia believed that those words weren't exactly true. He did manage to deal some damage, which eventually lead to the Dark Elf's demise. She looked at Raze thoughtfully. "Well, you at least did some damage. What is important is that you wanted to, and could- help." Aster placed her hand on Dazia's shoulder, and Dazia's health returned to green. The rest of the HP regenerated normally. "Might as well search for materials as I go..." She spotted a gemstone concealed by overgrowth, and placed it in her inventory. "Do any of you have something to say before we return to town and finish the quest?" Someone might have something to say, and Dazia was almost finished with the task that is this quest.

    ID# 89550 LD: 18(+1 T1 Mat)

    @Vigilon @Raze @Aster

    Vigilon: HP 180/180, EP 12/20-2 turns till complete HP/EP Regeneration
    Raze: HP 178/180EP 0/18
    Aster: HP 340/340, EP 32/34
    Dazia: HP 20/20EP 1/2

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