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Posts posted by Dazia

  1. (OOC: I've invited another player to this thread, hope you don't mind)

    Dazia was somehow feeling a little uneasy. Was this feeling part of daily life when one unintentionally became a fugitive to a select few? No matter, Dazia had to get on with the day's plans. The sun had now risen, and she felt a little...vulnerable. Right now, the other player had introduced himself as Shi. Under normal circumstances, she would respond with mentioning her username. But the uncertainty got to her. However, she had a bit of an idea. She didn't know if this player was among the few, so she couldn't risk it for the time being. Thus, she decided to use her real name. "And I'm Violet." She usually didn't feel this uneasy, nor did she feel this...distant. Was this feeling out of guilt? It couldn't have been, she was only defending herself, and the fool brought it upon himself that day. "My only goal in this game is to survive, by any means necessary."

    @Shi @Crozeph

  2. Dazia watched as Vigilon brought the Dark Elf's HP to almost nothing. Raze faked an attack, then pretty much handed the enemy over to Dazia so she could finish her off. The Dark Elf looked between Vigilon and Dazia, and then with a cruel smile, threw her dagger at Dazia, inflicting what was plenty of, but not lethal, damage to Dazia, bringing her HP to yellow. The Dark Elf wasn't going to get away with that one. Not at all. She rushed forward and stabbed the Dark Elf in the heart, finishing the fight at last. "This...isn't...over...Mark my words, this...isn't...over..." The Dark Elf shattered, leaving Dazia to hope there weren't any more of those Dark Elves in the current area. "I'll be heading back to the smithy, if you ask me. I'm through with combat for at least a day or two." She gestured for the others to follow if they wanted to, then began making her way out of the forest, hoping someone would follow.

    @Vigilon @Raze @Aster

    ID# 89147 Mob: 10(Critical, +2 DMG)

    ID# 89148 BD: 6+1=7(Hit)

    [4] Vigilon: HP 179/180, EP 6/20
    [3] Raze: HP 178/180EP 0/18
    [2] Aster: HP 340/340, EP 32/34
    [5] Dazia: HP 9/20EP 0/2
    Dark Elf: HP 0/90

  3. Dazia had been thinking of which skills to utilize again. She didn't know whether to have the battle healing skill or the light armor skill. Either way, she believed her next skill would be defensive. She noticed a player approaching her. He didn't ask for her name, which was a good sign to her at the moment. In fact, he asked if he could go with her outside the safe zone. The original plan for the day was to just gather materials, so why not? "I don't see why not. Right now, I'm only hoping to gather some materials. Unless a stronger player were to arrive, I'd avoid combat entirely." She looked in several directions. "I guess nobody stronger than me is here just yet. But minor company for material gathering will have to suffice for now." She was ready to set out now, and hopefully she wouldn't run into anyone who Vigilon's message had been talking about...


  4. Dazia was walking through the lower floors, and she soon found a message pop up on her menu. She pulled it up and read it.


    A Warning

    Dazia, I have learned that you've killed Wardege.

    At the very least, we need to talk. As soon as possible. Other players are also aggravated at the kill you have committed. Take this as what it is. A serious Warning involving more than just myself.


    She didn't exactly know if she should message back asking who the others might possibly be. It was too much of a risky move. She put the thought aside, and decided never to stay in the same place twice. She hastily ran over to the place where players warp to the other floors, and she was in floor 2. Dawn was arriving, and she stopped at the gate from Urbus that leads outside the safe zone. She didn't think she would have to tangle with any monsters if she remained close to the safe zone, but now she decided to wait for now. If a possible ally or two was to show up, she might be able to get on with the day's plans with gathering materials at the very least.


  5. Dazia saw how Vigilon managed to bring his hammer down on the Dark Elf at last, so to speak. Raze pitched in, and Aster failed to strike the Dark Elf. Now the Dark Elf was coming for her. Dazia stepped back, and took a cautious stance. She and the Dark Elf wound up with their weapons in lock. "Don't think this will be so easy. I will persist until one of you dies! At the very least, that is..." Dazia was upset over the fact that she would have to rely on her allies to avoid suffering damage right now, and sure, damage might not be at this exact moment, but she hoped it wouldn't come at all, and that the others would be able to finish off the Dark Elf. "I'm not alone, but you are. There are some reasons why teamwork prevails. Ever wonder why people came up with the term 'Strength in Numbers'?"

    @Vigilon @Raze @Aster

    ID# 88868 Mob: 5(Miss)

    ID# 88869 BD: 3+1=4(Miss)

    [3] Vigilon: HP 179/180, EP 6/20
    [3] Raze: HP 178/180EP 0/18
    [2] Aster: HP 340/340, EP 31/34
    [4] Dazia: HP 20/20EP 0/2
    Dark Elf: HP 17/90

  6. (OOC: Ryo has dropped out of the thread.)

    Dazia noticed that the players around her were eager to help. However, she didn't need as much help as what came to her, thus she would have to decline assistance from one of them. "Sorry, Ryo, I don't think I will be needing your help today. Maybe some other time." She turned to the other two. "Yes, I'm talking about <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>>. I'm only one level under five, and I've heard that the quest can be a little difficult at times, so that's why I decided to wait for an ally or two. You'll do just fine." She was a level four player, and she wasn't in the mood to take any risks. The newest problem, however, was which building was the quest's starting point located. "Sure, I usually plan my strategies, but which building is the one where the quest is located?" She waited for the players' responses.

    @Crozeph @Vigilon

  7. Dazia was ready. The deed had to be done now. She jumped back, waited a few seconds, and dashed for the kill. She thrust her blade into Wardege, and it was over. She just stood there, her hands shaking, for she had never killed someone in her life. "Oh my- I just...killed someone!" After a moment or two of silence, she began returning to town. It was getting dark, and she tried as hard as she could to hide her expression, for it expressed both shock and guilt. "I never thought I would ever have to do that in my life... I told myself that if this is what I would do to survive, then so be it. But I never expected it to feel so...awful..." Dazia's cursor was still green, since the kill was in a duel, and she was relieved to not be physically marked as someone who killed another. True, she felt guilt for a while, but in the end, the fool had only brought this upon himself...

    75 Dark Points have been added to Dazia's Journal

    Dazia's alignment has been affected!


    ID# 88759 BD: 7+1=8(Hit)

    Dazia: HP 49/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 0/100, EP 0/10 DEAD

  8. Sure, Dazia had plenty of things on her mind, but actually missing wasn't in the plan. Wardege really wasn't going to give up after all. "I'm really sick of this. Just stand still please, one more, just one more! Even if you're going to run away from me to the end of time or this game, I will finish this fight! Don't think for a second that I will just let you go, especially since we're in a duel right now, for crying out loud! Face it! You're doomed, this is the end, you goose is cooked, you're down the creek, blah, blah, blah. Whatever, point is, there is no point in fighting on!" Those last few words didn't exactly roll off the tongue easily, but she was running out of possible words to say that wasn't repeating the same exact message. Oh wait, she was literally doing just that.


    ID# 88757 BD: 2+1=3(Miss)

    Dazia: HP 50/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 4/100, EP 0/10

  9. So it seems that Wardege wouldn't see the truth until he was about to die. That is both cruel and sad. Nevertheless, she had a fight to finish. She thrust her blade in him, then proceeded to say, "It's rather disappointing that it took you this long to figure out the truth. But at least your eyes are finally open. It will be your choice. Accept your imminent fate, or try and attempt to hold out a bit longer. Either way, this fight is just about over. It isn't even worth it anymore to speak further of this, since nothing can be further than the truth. You are dying today from a reckless, rash action, and some of us know that there are hard consequences with reckless acts, but this one has one of the worst possible consequences. Your fate became sealed, and your death was imminent. My apologies, but I'm afraid there is no escape."


    ID# 88745 BD: 9(Critical, +1 DMG)

    Dazia: HP 50/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 4/100, EP 0/10

  10. Wardege's response was, obviously, completely hostile. She had to think of a tactic to use that he wouldn't guess. Fast. "It doesn't matter how many times I ask you to listen to reason, or how many times you refuse. This fight will end the same way anyway, so tell me, why do you persist on a futile goal? TELL ME!" Silence would bring her blade to him. She thought carefully, and knew what he wouldn't expect. She stepped closer and swung her blade. "I said tell me! What are your reasons for irrational actions?" She wasn't just going to swing her blade at him this time. She wanted answers for now, then she would finish him. "Well? Anything to say? Or did I catch you off guard? Why is it that whenever I told you to listen to reason, you did the exact opposite? Did you have any goals once, or were you always aimless?"


    ID# 88743 BD: 8+1=9(Hit)

    Dazia: HP 51/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 10/100, EP 0/10

  11. Dazia was getting really close now. Just three more hits. Wardege seemed to have come up with something new as well. "Oh, sure, just try out a new tactic while I'm turning around. Now I just have to guess what he might be guessing, and try to use a different tactic than that one... I'll go with... This one!" Turns out, Wardege managed to guess correctly that she would go with a typical thrust. "Hm, lucky guess, but not for long. This will all be over soon. I will give you one last chance to just stay still, at least, about, maybe three times? I must also say, for one that uses heavy armor, you are more agile than I thought... Either way, you're still doomed, so why not just think about it for the time being?" Now she had to wait for Wardege's answer, and attempt to avoid his attack as well. But what would he go with?


    ID# 88741 BD: 3+1=4(Miss)

    Dazia: HP 52/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 15/100, EP 0/10

  12. Dazia's last trick didn't exactly work, but neither did Wardege's. Now, she had to think of something else. Fast. "So, if he can anticipate the same trick, I just need to constantly swap tactics of targeting, thus keeping him confused on where she would strike next, for a while, at least. For now, I just need to see another way to strike him that he hasn't seen yet..." She moved in a direction she knew he would move away from, then she made a sharp turn and thrust her blade at Wardege from behind. "How about this? Didn't see that one coming, did you? Honestly, if you want neither of us to hold back, I will do everything I could possibly do to finish this fight victorious!" She wasn't wrong there. Now, she had only three hits to go, and she had to think of which tactic to switch to.


    ID# 88739 BD: 8+1=9(Hit)

    Dazia: HP 53/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 15/100, EP 0/10

  13. So Wardege just said there would be no more holding back. That wasn't new at all. Dazia was getting sick of all the times that he said he wanted to go down fighting than go down as still as a statue, but, well, it would be his loss towards a more peaceful, accepting demise. Maybe he didn't want to welcome death with open arms unfairly? She was starting to see what he meant, when she thought hard about it. Her next thoughts, however, were interrupted by Wardege's attack. "I better not get too deep into my thoughts. Let's see, will my previous tactic still work? I only have to make four more hits, just four more hits...and this will all be over..." There were still four more hits to be made, because Wardege seemed to have anticipated Dazia repeating the tactic, and only stepped back. "This could be harder than I thought..."


    ID# 88737 BD: 2+1=3(Miss)

    Dazia: HP 53/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 20/100, EP 0/10

  14. It won't be long now. Hopefully. Dazia knew that at this point, Wardege wouldn't exactly hold back, so she had to strike quickly before he had a chance to dodge her blade. "Five more hits, just five more hits, and I might be able to forget that all this happened. Now, if I can see where he might go in order to dodge, I can strike him there instead, and succeed in getting him. I need to keep my focus on how to defeat him, since that would be the best thing to do right now. Time to put this theoretical strategy to the test." The plan worked. Her attack was successful, and what she had to think of next was to guess whether or not he would attempt to adapt to that trick. Only time could possibly tell here. "If you're not going to listen to reason, I won't hold back either. I just want to get this over with, but if you insist on a hard fight, it is a hard, difficult fight we both will get!"


    ID# 88735 BD: 8+1=9(Hit)

    Dazia: HP 54/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 20/100, EP 0/10

  15. Once again, it seemed to Dazia that he wouldn't listen to reason. However, he was right in the sense that both of them were kicking at a dead horse. Dazia had been asking him to surrender to the inevitable outcome nonstop, and Wardege kept rambling on over "doing his best" and "dying an honorable death". Needless to say, it would probably keep going like this until Dazia managed to kill him, like it or not. Dazia was getting tired of the fact that both of them were kicking at a dead horse. "Geez, all this so-called pain is starting to make me sick! Why can't we just get this over with? If you aren't going to let this fight end smoothly, I will have no hesitation to ruthlessly slaughter you!" She wasn't kidding, and with the critical hit she scored, she only had five hits to go, and Wardege's HP dropped into the red.


    ID# 88727 BD: 9(Critical, +1 DMG)

    Dazia: HP 55/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 25/100, EP 0/10

  16. 36 Hours have passed, and Wardege's turn has been skipped.

    Wardege said and did nothing at the moment. Dazia only hoped that he would just keep still for a second, and that he would be successfully hit all six times. She was getting close now, only about...wait, six hits. turns out that in the heat of battle she'd just miscalculated something, not that it had any effect on the inevitable outcome. Either way, this fight was past halfway, and Wardege's HP was just...approximately six percent above twenty-five percent, and assuming his maximum HP was one hundred, that would place the HP to be... thirty-one. "All you have to do now is just stay still about six or less more times, and this will be over. I'm going to end this miserable fight one way or another!" Dazia was now focused on finishing the fight, and if there are any more critical hits like the one she just made, she would only have to hit him five more times.


    ID# 88720 BD: 9(Critical, +1 DMG)

    Dazia: HP 56/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 31/100, EP 0/10

  17. Well, at least he admitted it... Dazia prepared herself to strike Wardege. She almost hesitated, but she thrust her blade in Wardege again. "Alright, let's just get this over again, like I said before. It doesn't matter to me anymore on how many times you regret this decision, we both have to deal with it, and the sooner the deed is done, the sooner I can forget that this happened. As for you, though...I'm not sure, perhaps you have a chance at moving on to an afterlife. Point is, I just want to end this. Don't you?" Right now, getting this duel over with was the one thing on her mind. "Just six more hits ought to finish him. just six more, and this can end. I wish I'd never came here today. Otherwise, I wouldn't be stuck in this duel having to kill someone." It wouldn't be long, as long as, hopefully, Wardege was able to keep still and take all six hits.


    ID# 88640 BD: 5+1=6(Hit)

    Dazia: HP 56/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 37/100, EP 0/10

  18. Dazia was already sick of this, but not to worry, just ten hits to go. She suddenly rushed towards Wardege and thrust her blade in him, dealing seven damage. "Alright, now it's nine hits to go." She glared at him directly in the eyes. "How's this for an answer? Seriously, I'm getting sick of this, and now you're suddenly going all casual like that? As if you're just bending to this new reality instead of being shocked at the revelation and realization? You are by far the first, literally the first, person I have seen react like this in such a situation! It's ridiculous!" This foolish, reckless, idiotic tank wannabe was unusual, from the way Dazia currently saw things. He didn't seem like a wacko to her, but he was still making poor decisions and reacting in ways that contradicted the situation. Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. It wasn't over yet, but oh how Dazia wished it would be, at the very least soon.


    ID# 88638 BD: 10(Critical, +2 DMG)

    Dazia: HP 57/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 42/100, EP 0/10

  19. Dazia noticed how Wardege's HP had fallen to the yellow. "I'm only halfway there? If he could just stand still, this will only take ten more strikes at the very least..." She heard what Wardege said next. It was both sad and pitiful. He should have realized the mistake before he challenged her. Alas, there was no turning back for either of them... "You know, normally I'd say something like, 'you should have seen your mistake before you challenged me.' or something like that. Right now, I'm actually feeling some minor remorse, and I haven't even killed you yet. Fine, keep fighting if you like, but at least stand still or slow down, and this will end quicker. You can trust me on that one. Now, hold still..." However, the foolish tank wannabe didn't hold still at all. He moved out of the way, and Dazia, who rushed for Wardege, ended up landing on the ground.


    ID# 88636 BD: 1(Critical miss)

    Dazia: HP 57/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 49/100, EP 0/10


  20. 36 Hours have passed, and Wardege's turn has been skipped.

    Was Wardege becoming tired, or was he slowly giving up? Either way, he would be just as dead when this was over. "I don't know what goes on in that head of yours, but I know that whatever is happening in there won't change the future except for how you will die. You brought this upon yourself, and only you are to blame for your own demise. Just how sad do you think that is? To me, it's absolutely pitiful. at first, I had no intention to harm you whatsoever, and somehow, here I am, about to kill someone! What do you have to say about that? Whether you catch your breath or not, I would appreciate an answer!" Dazia struck Wardege again, and began to think, what really does go on in Wardege's head? what could have possibly caused him to do this duel besides whatever he claimed the reason was?


    ID# 88632 BD: 7+1=8(Hit)

    Dazia: HP 57/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 49/100, EP 0/10

  21. (OOC: Wow, already 4 pages... this thread will be worth plenty of SP...)

    Dazia watched as...her allies failed to hit the Dark Elf at all. Vigilon slipped and had fallen on his back, Raze seemed to be riled up, and Aster gave Dazia some words of reassurance. To avoid being the popular target, Dazia decided to just try and evade for now. The Dark Elf began rushing towards Dazia, blade in hand. Dazia waited until the opportune moment to sidestep safely away from the Dark Elf's knife. "Hmph, aren't you a clever one. But that won't stop me. Clever or not, my blade will taste of your blood!" Dazia knew that unless someone struck the Dark Elf enough times to divert her attention, she would be solely focused on killing Dazia. She had to just keep this enemy away for now, but either the enemy will be struck down, or the enemy's attention will be taken. Hopefully. "Perhaps it wouldn't hurt if someone could actually HIT her this time around..."

    @Vigilon @Raze @Aster

    ID# 88631 Mob: 3(Miss)

    [Dazia takes no action]

    [1] Vigilon: HP 179/180, EP 8/20

    [2] Raze: HP 178/180EP 2/18

    [2] Aster: HP 340/340, EP 32/34

    [4] Dazia: HP 20/20EP 2/2

    Dark Elf: HP 43/90


  22. Clearly, the foolish tank wannabe wasn't listening to reason, and was blinded by a false sense of "honor". He struck her pretty hard, but there was only one damage dealt. Dazia had an advantage here and Wardege was doomed, that was a definite fact, and it didn't matter whether or not Wardege "Died an honorable death" or not, he will die no matter what in this current situation. "If there's one thing I know, it's that what you're saying seems to me like a false sense of honor. If that really is what this so called "Honor" is, then I don't want anything to do with it. You brought this upon yourself, and for what?" Dazia readied her weapon, and rushed for Wardege. She missed, but she also did what she could to make her current point at the moment, and if honorable things lead to this, she would avoid it at all costs. Right now, she merely saw this as a foolish, rash bunch of suicidal idiocy rather than honor.

    15 Dark Points have been added to Dazia's Journal


    ID# 88530 BD: 4+1=5(Miss)

    Dazia: HP 57/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 54/100, EP 0/10

  23. Wardege has not posted in 36 hours, so his turn could be skipped.

    Wardege gave no answer, and Dazia believed that either he was standing still or possibly thinking about what she said. Of course, either way, she had an opportunity to strike again. She swung her blade at Wardege, dealing damage. "Contemplating, are we? Well, then, you should start thinking about happy thoughts. It will make your demise easier to deal with for the both of us. Seriously, we would both be better off if you ended up dying while thinking happy thoughts, and recalling good memories. Since you can't exactly feel physical pain, doing so would make your death the most peaceful death one has ever experienced while awake, it would be as though you were asleep or something." Dazia really wanted to get this over with, but she wasn't lying about the possibility of this player's death being peaceful. It was posible, but it depended on whether or not the player was willing, and the like.


    ID# 88470 BD: 8(Hit)

    Dazia: HP 58/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 54/100, EP 0/10

  24. Dazia watched as Vigilon missed yet again, and the others followed to successfully strike the Dark Elf. There were three who had the Dark Elf's attention, and she was going to make her move. The Dark Elf rushed for Raze, but Dazia dashed and struck her in the side, hard enough to knock her over to the side. When the Dark Elf got back up, she glared at Dazia. "Oh, no." "You'll pay dearly for that one." Well, Dazia had done it this time. She'd just put herself in harm's way for a player who could withstand the damage. Although, it felt good doing decent damage to a foe for a good cause. But where would that get her? She only hoped that the others would divert the Dark Elf's attention away, although it might take more time than just a single attack. Might. "Alright, a little help would be nice right now, considering the mess I've just gotten myself into..."

    10 Light Points have been added to Dazia's journal

    @Vigilon @Raze @Aster

    (OOC: HELP, I've unintentionally gotten 2 Hate...)

    ID# 88465 Mob: 2(Miss)

    ID# 88466 BD: 9(Critical, +1 DMG)

    [1] Vigilon: HP 179/180, EP 10/20
    [2] Raze: HP 178/180, EP 4/18
    [2] Aster: HP 340/340, EP 34/34
    [4] Dazia: HP 20/20, EP 1/2

    Dark Elf: HP 43/90

  25. Well, Dazia intended to make Wardege think as she finished him, but she ended up getting the wannabe tank riled up instead. Nevertheless, she had to put him out of this misery he'd put himself in. She struck Wardege with her weapon pretty hard, and it would be about twelve more hits to defeat him, excluding other possible critical hits like what she just managed to do. "There is a difference between a beautiful lie and a painful truth, Wardege. Not everybody likes the truth. This world, as well as the real world, is cold, cruel, and harsh. Survival doesn't always come easy, and it takes more than just a few typical, cliché attempts based on what seems like a daydream to most people, including myself." Sure, Wardege was going to die here, but it wouldn't hurt to have a say in this new argument/debate on beliefs. "Anything you have to say about that?"


    ID# 88451 BD: 10(Hyper Critical, +2 DMG)

    Dazia: HP 58/60, EP 0/6


    Wardege: HP 59/100, EP 0/10

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