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Posts posted by Fae

  1. Fae wasn't too far from the shop when she got the message that her cloak was done. That was fast. It had only felt like seconds ago ever since she left the shop and ordered the cloak. Hei was just a really skilled tailor is what Fae had figured as she started to skip to the shop.

    Fae skipped up to the door and opened it, waving at Hei and seeing her cloak, ready to go. "Thanks mister Hei! You're really quick. Fae will pay you now." Fae said as she opened her menu and went to her col savings. She sent 1100 col to Hei and then grabbed the cloak. She put it on as she started to walk back to the door. "Thank you again mister Hei, see you next time!" Fae said as she walked out the door and closed it behind her.

    •Received Divine Dragon's Cloak

    •Transferred 1100 col

  2. Fae felt someone's hand on her shoulder and she stopped crying as soon as she felt it. Fae turned around to see a red haired player asking her if she was okay. Fae nodded and wiped away her tears, but more just kept coming out. She couldn't control herself here at all. It was embarassing for her to cry in front of a stranger like this.

    He had asked if Fae had lost someone, and slowly nodded. She wasn't sure how to word it, so she decided to just leave it at a simple yes. "Yes mister, Fae lost someone, that's why Fae is here obviously. Fae still feels a bit guilty after all that happened. Even though it doesn't make a difference, visiting here just makes Fae feel a little bit better." Fae answered, standing back up and looking up at the red haired player. She didn't quite get why he was here either, so Fae decided to ask. "Did you lose someone too mister?"

  3. Fae followed Hei to the pub looking place called the Spicy Bunny and licked her lips upon entering. Just hearing Hei say the word cake got Fae worked up. She hadn't eaten much recently, so cake sounded like a great thing to eat right now, since she had plenty of room in her stomach.

    The pop up menu appeared in front of Fae and she began to go through, trying to decide on what to get. After around 10 seconds, Fae decided on a big slice of vanilla cake and some milk. She pressed the order button and the pop up menu promptly disappeared.
    Fae sat down and her order came almost immediately, just like Hei's order. Fae watched Hei take his first bit of one of the cupcakes, and he seemed to enjoy it. Fae grabbed a fork and put a piece of the cake in her mouth. Fae also moaned from joy as the cake was so good. "Wow! This is really good! Thanks for paying mister Hei!" Fae exclaimed as she took another bite.

  4. Fae nodded in understanding, she knew full well what danger could come, but that's exactly what she wanted. "Yep, Fae is ready for the danger! Fae wants to go to the frontlines someday, so sign Fae up! You bet Fae will stick around mister!" Fae exclaimed in response, giving a quick salute right after.

    Fae looked around at the other players in the guild and sighed. Still no one her age was around, but Fae still decided to make the best of it. She didn't recognize anyone except Hei and Eatos, but that was better than knowing nobody, so Fae put on her usual cheery smile and tightly covered herself with her cloak. It was super chilly, and Fae was used to it, but she still didn't like it too much. Fae looked back up at Stryder and gave him a small hug before backing away almost right after. "So, are there any expectations Fae needs to meet?" Fae asked.


  5. Fae got a little bit excited that they might be gone the whole day. "So if it takes a whole day, do we get to go camping out there then? Or is it gonna just be night time by the time we get back?" Fae asked. Either worked really well, but Fae kind of wanted to go camping in the desert. Maybe it wouldn't be as hot in the night, that's what Fae thought at least would be the case.

    Eatos then stated that the quest reward was a skill that helped regen health out of combat, and Fae nodded. "That sounds like it would be helpful on this quest. But more regen would be nice. Fae brought some towels for us, just in case it gets a bit too hot." Fae said as she opened her menu and got out two small towels, and put one of them on her shoulder, while handing the other to Eatos. "There you go. Fae doesn't have any questions, so lead the way!" Fae exclaimed, raising one hand up.


  6. Fae knelt down a little bit and continued to pet Angel on the head as the puppy had walked up to her feet, clearly wanting more attention. Fae listened to Eatos describe when she had gotten Angel, to which Fae nodded understandingly. Fae wanted her own familiar as well, but never could really find the time to do the quest.

    "It must be cool to have a dog like this. Fae never really got to have one or be around them since Fae was highly allergic back in the real world. The game must have taken out allergies and things like that, 'cause Fae' nose isn't even tingly at all." Fae said as she continued to pet Angel. Eatos then explained that the sand could damage them if they were unlucky, but she could easily heal both of them, and Fae nodded in response. "Okay then, how long do you think it'll be before we get back?" Fae asked standing back up and looking up at Eatos. Fae was still significantally shorter than Eatos, just like everyone else.


  7. Fae had thought she had covered the fact she was only wearing her underwear by covering herself with her cloak, but Eatos somehow had noticed it. Fae didn't really care too much, and just kept her big smile. Even if this weather was terrible, Fae would still try her best to make the quest at least somewhat enjoyable.

    Eatos had thanked Fae for coming and told her that there would be plenty of hiking, to which Fae excitedly nodded. "Okey dokey! Fae loves hiking anyway, so this could be fun! Good to hear there is no monsters on our hike, Fae doesn't like 'em at all!" Fae said as she tied a knot on her cloak to make sure it stayed on tight. Fae then looked at Angel in Eatos's arms and patted the puppy on it's head. "What a cute little doggy! How long have you had it?" Fae asked, looking back up at Eatos.


  8. Fae had been doing her usual stroll through the Town of Beginnings and was just as joyful as usual when she received a message from one of the founders of the guild she had just joined recently, The Guardians of the New Dawn. It was from Eatos, and she had asked if Fae wanted to do a quick quest on Floor 5. Oh boy, floor 5. Fae hated that floor too, as much as she liked having fun in the sun, floor 5 was just a bit TOO hot for her. Fae still wanted to meet Eatos, so she decided to go and this quest with her.

    As soon as Fae stepped out of the teleporter of floor 5, the heat kicked in right away and Fae already started to feel uncomfortable. She opened her menu and unequipped all of her clothes, save for her underwear and her cloak for the sake of dignity. Fae cooled down a lot more after that and tightly covered herself with her cloak. Fae looked around and immediately spotted Eatos standing a bit away from the teleporter. "Hi! Eatos! Fae is here!" Fae called out as she ran up to the blue haired player and looked up at her. "Fae is here reporting for duty!" Fae said, giving a quick salute as she did so.


  9. Fae was looking for ways to help herself take less damage, and she had been looking around the Town of Beginnings for a good tailor or blacksmith. Hardly any  blacksmith carried a dagger, so Fae was on the search for a tailor. Fae was on the outskirts of town heading for a shop called The Hanger, which she had heard was pretty good.

    Fae stepped through the door and looked around the shop. All the different items reminded her of department stores with their clothing sections. She spotted Hei and ran up to him with a big smile. "Hi mister Hei! Fae has got an order for ya! Do you think you can make this?" Fae asked as she handed him an order form.


    Name: Divine Dragon's Cloak

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 5

    ID: leave blank

    Roll: leave blank

    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +1 ACC, +2 MIT

    Description: A soft, light brown baggy cloak designed to keep in heat and support the wearer.

    Post Link: leave blank


  10. Fae was still a little bit upset about what happened recently, so she decided to visit the monument of life to pay her respects, even if it wasn't much her fault. Fae had wandered around the Town of Beginnings for a while until she had finally found the giant monument. She walked into the large room where the big stone was and looked for a certain name. Sure enough, even though it had just happened recently, the name had already been crossed out.

    The monument was a bit dusty where Trixe's now crossed out name was, so Fae wiped out off a bit of the dust. Fae sat down on the floor and stared at the monument, looking at all the other names as well. Just seeing Trixie's name crossed out had filled Fae with plenty of guilt. Fae still couldn't help but blame herself for it all, and a few tears came into Fae's eyes as usual. She wiped them away and took a long moment of silence over it all.


  11. Fae was still hopping in place when she noticed Hei's facial expression changed to a shocked look when she had mentioned that someone had tried to kill her. She didn't really see it as too big of a deal, since she made it out of there alive. "Don't worry mister, Fae handled herself pretty well. Fae is still here, and that's all that matters!" Fae said reassuringly, hoping that Hei wouldn't be too worried about her.

    Hei had then offered to get Fae something and talk a little bit more. This practically made Fae's eyes sparkle as she loved sweets. "Okay! Fae would love to talk some more over some sweets! Fae can defend herself a little bit too, but some training couldn't hurt. Fae is only level 3, so we can't really take on a bunch of baddies." Fae said as she stopped hopping and calmed herself down, but she still kept a big smile on her face.

  12. Fae had been on the fourth floor as she usually was around this time of year. She had been playing in the snow for about an hour now when she saw a group of group of people in the distance near Frostbite Lake. Fae didn't quite understand what they were doing there, and she was trying to think of what it could possibly be that would make people gather around the lake.

    Fae then remembered the flyers she saw in town, about some sort of guild meeting at Frostbite Lake. Those players were probably talking about the guild then. Fae stopped making her snow fort and started to run towards them. After about a minute of running, Fae arrived at the lake, but she was a bit out of breath. Fae hadn't really considered that this could be a PK trap, but something like that wouldn't happen to her twice so quickly, so Fae dismissed her worries and tried to find who she thought was Stryder.

    Fae straightened out her cloak a little bit, and kept her hood down so she would look a little bit nicer. She walked up to Stryder and tugged his arm a little bit so he would notice her, since she was significantly shorter than everyone else here. "Hey mister, you're Stryder right? Fae is interested in joining your guild, so can I?" Fae asked, looking up at Stryder.


  13. Fae shook Hei's hand enthusiastically, and then listened to him introduce himself. "Thanks mister, you've got a nice name too! It's great to meet ya Hei!" Fae said as she let go of Hei's hand and took a step back. She was practically bouncing in place the way she was standing. Meeting someone new almost always excited Fae.

    Hei had stood back up and then asked her if she was alone, to which Fae nodded her head, still keeping a smile on her face. "Yup! Fae is alone and still going strong! Fae only met two people so far actually. One of them tried to kill Fae, and the other isn't really around anymore. So yeah, Fae is alone." Fae answered. She didn't have the best of luck when it came to meeting people who would actually keep in touch with her, so hopefully this time would be different than the others.


  14. Fae's eyes started to fill up with tears as she watched Trixie give her final words, before shattering into a bunch of crystals. Despite what Trixie said, Fae couldn't help but blame herself for this. Trixie's sword was still on the ground, and Fae picked it up. "Fae will be the best dragon anyone has every seen, Fae promises that." Fae said, trying to wipe away her tears as she stood up.

    Before walking back to town, Fae got an idea. She started to roll up two big balls of snow and rolled them up on top of the spot where Trixie died. Fae placed the smaller of the two balls on the top and put some rocks on the smaller ball. She placed more rocks on the snowballs, making up a face and a tie. She put one twig on the left for an arm, and was almost done with her snowman. She grabbed Trixie's sword and placed it on the right side to as if the snowman was holding it. "Rest in peace miss Trixie, rest on peace." Fae said as she turned around and started to walk back to town.

    -Thread Rewards-

    Fae: 1 SP

  15. Fae started to build up with more anger as Trixie taunted her even more. "There's a little thingy called honor. It's what you are supposed to fight with. You are being even more of a bully by not fighting with it! I'm done with covering my eyes now! You taunted the wrong dragon! Rawr!" Fae growled as she stood up and took her arms off of her eyes.

    Fae turned around to see Trixie still running in circles around her, and clenched her dagger tightly. "Fae warned you! Now you're gonna get it!" Fae shouted as she aimed her dagger. She thrust it forward as soon as Trixie was in front of her. It was a critical a hit, and it finally dropped Trixie's HP bar to zero. "Fae is really sorry miss Trixie, but you attacked Fae first, so you did this to yourself." Fae apologized as she watched Trixie fall down after the hit.

    ID: 89231 BD: 9 (Critical)

    @Trixie: 0/20 HP

    Fae: 53/60 HP ; 1 Energy

  16. Fae started to lose her sense of where Trixie was as she started hearing the sound of snow being kicked all around her. "Stop doing that you meanie! You make it almost impossible for me to know where you are!" Fae said as she started to spin around, trying get a feel for where Trixie was without having to open her eyes.

    After a few seconds, Fae thought she figured out where Trixie was, so she slashed in that direction, hoping to hit her. Of course, Trixie wasn't there, and Fae started to get dizzy. She continued to spin, and then fell over in the snow. Fae stood up, but lost her balance again and fell right back down. "Fine! Fae won't move until you stop moving like this! It isn't fair at all!" Fae pouted as she sat up and covered her eyes with both arms now, holding her dagger in her left hand now.

    ID: 89228 BD: 2

    @Trixie: 2/20 HP ; 1 Energy

    Fae: 53/60 HP ; 1 Energy

  17. Fae continued to cover her eyes with her left arm after standing up, and held up her dagger with her right hand. Her last attempt to even try to reason with Trixie had failed, with her saying that she didn't even care about how her parents felt about her if she died. There was no way she could feel like that. If she did, well, then Fae definitely needed to kill Trixie. "How can you feel like that!? Your family is the one group of people you know will always love you! If that's how you feel, then you're definitely gonna get the wrath of this dragon! Rawr!" Fae shouted as she raised up her dagger towards where she heard Trixie fall. Fae walked forward and swung down at Trixie, but missed entirely, as Trixie had already stood up. "I'll hit you on the next one! Just you wait!" Fae exclaimed as she turned, still keeping her arm over her eyes.

    ID: 89226 BD: 4

    @Trixie: 2/20 HP ; 1 Energy

    Fae: 53/60 HP ; 1 Energy

  18. Fae was tired of looking at Trixie, the way she had nothing on was just making her more and more uncomfortable. "Why won't you just put something on!?" Fae whined as she covered her eyes with her hand and held out her dagger in front of her, swinging it back and forth in front of her.

    Fae was walking in the direction that she thought Trixie was while swinging her dagger, but instead just walked right past Trixie and ended up tripping on the snow and fell flat on her face. This was just an unfair strategy that Trixie was trying to do here. Distracting Fae and causing her to mess up. Fae stood back up and started to walk backwards and away from Trixie, trying to put a little bit of distance between them. "You're almost dead! Fae doesn't want to kill you! If you hurt Fae again, then you leave Fae no choice!" Fae warned, holding out her dagger.

    ID: 89221 BD: 3

    @Trixie2/20 HP ; 1 Energy

    Fae: 53/60 HP ; 1 Energy

  19. Fae had barely dodged yet another swing from Trixie's blade, and she held her dagger close to herself. "Fae is just trying to teach you a lesson! You're doing the wrong thing! This isn't Fae's fault at all! You're just being reckless! How many times does Fae have to tell you that!?" Fae shouted as she got ready to jump at Trixie again.

    Fae this time tried to go for Trixie's legs, but she missed and landed in the snow. Fae stood up quickly and back away immediately before Trixie could hit her while she was on the ground. The fight was almost over, all Fae needed was just one more hit on Trixie. "Can't you see by now? Do you even know how many people are going to be affected by your death? What about your family? How do you think they would feel?" Fae asked, trying one last time to reason with Trixie.

    ID: 89219 BD: 4

    @Trixie: 2/20 HP ; 1 Energy

    Fae: 54/60 HP ; 1 Energy

  20. Fae shook her head when Trixie had yelled at her to never stab anyone in the breasts. "If you don't like it, then just put some clothes on! This is your fault for taking your clothes off, not mine! So just put them back on!" Fae shouted as she got a good grip on her dagger and prepared to strike again.

    Fae lunged forward and thrust her dagger into Trixie's other breast before hopping back away. It wasn't a critical hit, but any damage that brought Trixie close to death was good. "There! Now Fae has done both of them! Has Fae made her point clear yet? Just put your clothes on and you can die with dignity!" Fae said as she knelt down and started to bunch up some snow into a snowball. She picked the snowball up and threw it at Trixie's face, trying to emphasize her point.

    ID: 89217 BD: 8

    @Trixie: 2/20 HP ; 1 Energy

    Fae: 54/60 HP ; 1 Energy

  21. Fae covered her eyes upon seeing Trixie take her clothes off. "No! That's not what Fae meant! It was just an example of your logic!" Fae shouted as she lowered her hands from her face to see Trixie charging at her. Fae stumbled back a little as she got a grip on her dagger.

    "Fine, Fae guess that Fae will have to prove you wrong! Put some clothes back on, and maybe Fae will make this a lot less painful." Fae said as she lunged at Trixie. Fae drew her dagger back before stabbing Trixie in one of her breasts. It was a critical hit as well, causing Fae to briefly smirk before stepping away from the naked girl. "By taking your clothes off, you left yourself exposed! Just put them back on you meanie!" Fae argued as she kicked some more snow at Trixie. As if this wasn't tough enough, now Fae had an eyeful to deal with. 

    ID: 89215 BD: 10

    @Trixie: 4/20 HP ; 1 Energy

    Fae: 54/60 HP ; 1 Energy

  22. Fae dodged Trixie's attack yet again, and noticed just how tired the girl was. Trixie was trying to catch her breath, while Fae was still just fine. At this point, Fae didn't even feel remotely sorry for Trixie, she just wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, since Fae knew there was no way she would be able to talk Trixie out doing this whole thing. Trixie was just too  deep into her own thoughts and reasons that Fae couldn't even understand.

    Fae tried to stab Trixie in the back while she was still catching her breath, but she barely missed and ended up falling into the snow again. Trixie was shouting things that made even less and less sense to Fae. "Fae has to die because it's night time? Fae wanna go to bed too, but we don't have to kill each other for it! That's like saying if it's hot, you should take all your clothes off!" Fae pointed out.

    ID: 89213 BD: 5

    @Trixie: 8/20 HP ; 1 Energy

    Fae: 57/60 HP ; 1 Energy

  23. Fae kicked some snow and waved her dagger at Trixie's face. "You're wrong! You ARE the bully here! No reason is good enough to make killing okay! When you kill someone, they are gone forever! A whole big life just ended because a bully like you decided to kill them! The way you're trying to kill me, it gets me mad!" Fae yelled as she looked up at Trixie's cursor. It had turned orange since Trixie had attacked Fae.

    This brought Fae to her breaking point. "Have at you, you... orange bully!" Fae exclaimed as she slashed Trixie across her face with the dagger. It was another critical hit, and there was a big mark across Trixie's forehead, which didn't seem to go away right away. "Fae is not being mean here! Fae is just scared... scared of you!" Fae said as she stepped away from Trixie and held her dagger close to her side.

    ID: 89199 BD: 10

    @Trixie: 8/20 HP ; 1 Energy

    Fae: 57/60 HP ; 1 Energy

  24. Fae was just confused and angry at this point. She was confused about Trixie's reasons to continue, and angry that she was still continuing this fight with those reasons. "Grrr, you make no sense! You're just being a bully! That's all you are! Just a big bully!" Fae yelled at Trixie as she held one of her arms on her shoulder where Trixie had slashed her.

    Fae growled and darted at Trixie and forcefully stabbed her in the stomach in anger, landing a critical hit. "Take that you big meanie jerk face! Fae is not going to die to a bully like you!" Fae shouted as she took a few steps back after attacking. She had dealt 4 damage in that one hit, which knocked down Trixie's HP quite a bit from 16 to 12. Fae waved her dagger in front of her face, trying to keep a brave face while hiding her tears.

    ID: 89197 BD: 10 (Critical)

    @Trixie: 12/20 HP 1 Energy

    Fae: 57/60 HP 1 Energy

  25. Fae dodged the attack from Trixie and was panting heavily. She was scared and was getting very worked up over this. "Just stop trying to kill Fae! Can't we just talk this out!? Fae don't want to die, and Fae don't want you to die! Please stop!" Fae begged as she got ready to strike Trixie again.

    Fae tried to stab Trixie again, but she tripped and fell down in the snow. "Fae can't hit you either! So don't complain you big meanie! If you don't want me to be so nimble, than don't try to kill Fae! It's not very nice!" Fae shouted back.

    Fae was getting angrier and angrier as the fight went on. There was no reason that Fae could understand for Trixie to be doing this whole thing. She didn't get why any people killed each other in this game. Dying in the game is dying in real life, so there is virtually no reason to kill!

    ID: 89195 BD: 4

    @Trixie16/20 HP ; 1 Energy

    Fae: 58/60 HP ; 1 Energy

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