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Status Updates posted by Blood

  1. Also, is it possible to have a side character who doesn't get engaged in a combat? (Ex. Partner in crime, Servant, etc.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Teion


      You can use NPC-players, which would be someone who is considered a player but is just written out by you. Like you said though, they would not be allowed to be factored into combat or any other game mechanics.

    3. Emerath


      Unless you are fighting said NPC player, in which they would be regarded in combat as a monster. However, unlike normal player killing, I don't believe this counts to turn you orange, but I'm not sure the exact rules on that.

    4. Teion


      It would, you can use killing NPC-players to turn orange :) The Arabian Nights quests even feature the option with an NPC.

  2. Any Tailors or Artisans willing to craft?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Aereth


      *High Mentor Tailor with a sh*tton of mats here*

    3. Blood


      @Aereth I'll take u up on that offer
      @Telrenya Same to you

    4. Itzal


      If people are in need of materials, just contact me ok?  I sell materials in bulk when I have them.  I believe I currently have 130 t1 MATs if you need those.  *Should probably collect tier 2 soon*

  3. Does critical hits add damage to base damage or damage to after sword art is calculated

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blood



      Ty for the help

    3. Morgenstern


      I understand that yes, but here, we also consider sending many Status Updates in one small setting spam. But thanks for understanding!

    4. Blood


      Oops my bad I guess I didn't read the rules well enough I'll make sure to re-read that. Won't happen again. :)

  4. Where are the villains at?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Seul


      Will you start a league of bad guys with me? @Blood

    3. Blood


      I will start a league of bad peoples with you. Needa get dat phat SP so I won't be a level 3 player going around killing people


    4. Seul


      Follow me kid, I'm already orange-

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