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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. Silver smiled and patted Eatos. Accepting the request before him. “It pleases me to once again be at your service. Both of you. I look constantly forward to serving you to the best of my ability as an adviser and a friend” Thorsten bows at the two standing before him. “I wonder what vast experiences lay before us, what things that are yet undone there are for us to do.” He smiles and looks at the others. “Though, as the day begins to slip from our grasp, I believe we are to find our way back to the quarters in which we reside.” He waited for a response.
    Silver had finally found the things he had been most insistent on searching for. His friends now with him and the ability to keep his promise now firmly within his reach. It would prove to be a vital companionship, which he was sure of. Perhaps the guild would one day pierce the frontlines and lead the charge against the creator of this strange world. 

  2. Silver was caught slightly off guard by the focus on his nephew, he frowned but a promise was a promise. “Alexander, or Atzo as I shall refer to him from here on out, is to myself and the family a lost cause. After his killing of my brother and my brother’s wife, he fled. He decided that the best course of action for himself was to leave the family behind. Now, don’t take me the wrong way, I have no reason to quarrel with Atzo over any such thing. Nor do I hold distaste for his murder of my brother. Do I believe that he poorly executed the occurrence? Yes. Am I upset with his sudden disconnect from the family? Yes, but he wouldn’t be the first. Am I mad that he killed my brother? No, not only was the man far inferior to the abilities of the family but he acted as a pawn more than a king. Thus he was only kept around to do the work of a pawn. Not to mention that in the line of work the family deals in… let’s just say that death is an accepted occupational hazard.” He paused to think. “If, of course, you are asking me of his personality it is a follows. He is a stubborn man who believes that his emotions can be locked away and forgotten about without any consequences to his mental state. He constantly breaks his ability to be impartial and unemotional as he goes about his daily life, giving into his anger and his rage. Based on his past, I would not be surprised to hear that he had a group of close companions that he could call friends. Possibly even ran a guild. But something got to him and interrupted his born abilities as a Zevulum to hide things away. If this were the case then it would be logical for him to go on long, unexpected, absences from those he found close to him. As he was to scared of what his mind held to properly deal with the things around him.”


  3. Silver chuckled at the notion of Lee having fun being a shield. “I must say, that is quite an accord taste. That of taking a solid it, though I cant say I don’t enjoy it myself. Whilst in the realm we originated from, I wore the status of black belt in a variety different martial arts fields. I was both a teacher and a participant. You learn how to win, how to lose, and how to be okay with both on the battle field. I am sure you have experienced things of the good and bad varieties in the curious world which we now reside.” 
    The waiter came back with the order, placing a plate of waffles and whipped cream in front of Fae, Lee, and Silver. The placing the Tea and coffee on the table. Silver then poured himself a mug of the raspberry green tea and looked to the others. “Go on and help yourselves. Today will be a day of adventure. I appreciate your willingness to allow us to accompany you, Lee.” Silver gave Lee a warm smile before taking a sip of his tea. Silver thought back to the time he spent ‘bouncing’ from location to location with his father. He had picked up a lot and was happy with everything he had learned. Every teacher taught differently as well. He learned how to teach by how others taught him and the things he saw them do. Perhaps when this was all said and done, he would become a teacher himself. Though he doubted this would be the case. The family always had a job for a member if they were available to take it.

  4. Silver nodded at her statement. “Follow your heart, Katherine. If your goal is to become someone to take on the frontlines head first, then by all means do so! I will be staying back, you know how I am. I plan to improve my skills at observation, gain the power of sneak, and perhaps I will achieve whatever is equivalent to my martial arts training. Do not hold yourself back.” They continued walking, the road lead them through what seemed to be a suburb. It was a pleasant little town. “I believe the curved blade you chose suits you well. I am not sure as to the reason you chose it but if I know you, and what I taught you, you have put a lot more thought into the choice then most would.” 
    The duo came to a spot where the road turned away from the river, though Silver proceeded to forgo the road and follow the riverside. They were close. He looked around at the beauty of everything there was to see. “How interesting it is that we, as no more than man, have the power to create such magnificent worlds and psudopeople in them. Very few of those that some call NPC’s that I have run into have had what seemed to be a manufactured personality. It imposes the question of what is real and what is fake even more.” 
    A short trip longer and the duo came to a small waterfall. Silver lead Eatos behind it and into the cave. It was small; however the sound of the waterfall did not overpower the silence of the cave. Silver sighed and sat against the wall. “Here we are, ask away and I shall answer.”

  5. Silver saw the remembrance of the name Atzo as he spoke. It was clear she didn’t want to speak of it but, he knew that his nephew was here. That was a good start.
    Silver's face lit up as he saw her pull out the curved blade. As he saw the fire ignite in her eyes. He reached out and ruffled her hair. “I’m so proud of you.” Silver said, a tear rolling down his face “When I found you, you were too scared to even talk to me, afraid of what I might think. But now…” Silver took a deep breath great trying to regain composure, “now you are so much more! You have made friends on your own that you trust, you have obtained a passion and a pet all on your own. You have secured yourself a co-leader position in a guild and you have come to the point that you are vowing to protect me, of all people. To protect your bloody advisor. I am constantly impressed by how far you have come and how marvelous a woman you are. You have become wide the stunning and intellectual woman, my mistress Katherine. How I wish I could have seen it, the ups and downs. How I wish I could have shared in your successes and failures. But now, seeing this… I am filled with such joy to see how far you have come. Perhaps, all you needed was for me to step back and let you flap your wings on your own.” Tears of joy streamed down Silvers face. Slowly he regained composure, “Shall we go to the cave?”

  6. Silver listened to the names given and shook his head. “No, it is a man. Domaru wouldn’t be like him. The reason I ask is because the man I am looking for is of my bloodline.” Silver thought for a moment. “I have heard rumors of his being here, his birth name is Alexander Zevulum The Third, he is my nephew. His family name is Atzo, though I doubt that would be his screen name. The probability that a member of the family he has forsaken being here, would be too high. One like me, one that is unhappy with his treatment of other family members and his distain for the family law. While all I need to do is talk to him about his official abandonment of the bloodline. That way there are no loose ends. ” Silver shrugged seeing it as something to figure out at a later date. 
    He looked at Eatos, smiling once again as he admired how far his friend had come. He then noticed her outstretched hand. She had been trying to stop him, it was never something Silver was used to though he wouldn’t go around it. “What is on your mind, mistress?” Silver knew that she had something she wished to express. It was only natural, he assumed, that she would have something she wished to say. Thus he would stand there and hear her out on whatever it was that troubled her.

  7. Silver smiled as Eatos ruffled his hair. It was a nice feeling that took him back to when they would sit on the shore and talk. He then listened to Eatos, Fae, and then Crozeph speak. He decided to first respond to Fae “Indeed, we can be partners should Eatos allow it.” He chuckled at the statement. He then responded to the current topic. “I believe that.. “ Silver quickly opened his HUD and scrolled through the guild list so he would know this man's name. “Crozeph? Makes a valid point. The need for us to go in pairs would only be necessary if we were to split up. That would limit the ability for those of us who are unfamiliar to the guild members to be unable to become familiar with them. As Guarding Aroura, I advise we set a limit to the distance any one person can be from any two others. This way we can ensure that no one wonders off or gets lost and we are not limited to pods of people. I also believe that if we are not worried about combat we what be worried about formation, if combat is a concern then we must use a format that would best suit the strengths of those in this group. Along with this, I have scouted the land, while there don’t seem to be many hills, the sandstorms seem quite intense and should be avoided if at all possible.”

    (OOC: FROM HERE ON OUT PLEASE OBSERVE POST ORDER. THE ORDER IS AS FOLLOWS Stryder, Fae, Eatos, Saphira, Thorsten, Pinball, Paglikha, Crozeph, Jade Eye. Because Crozeph posted before me he will be skipped after Paglikha's next post. If you have any questions please message, Stryder, Eatos, or myself.)


  8. The man showen a gesture of greetings and thus also spoke his greeting, introducing himself as ‘Lee’. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lee. We currently stay at the inn on this floor, we came to get breakfast. There is no rhyme or reason to our doings but I am sure that today will prove itself to be quite interesting. Perhaps we can accompany you, on your pursuit of the town.” Silver smiled at the man whilst the waiter came to ask for the requests of the table. Silver ordered the trio pancakes, a pot of coffee and a pot of raspberry green tea. He turned back to the group. “You are quite the energetic little monster, aren’t you?” He asked Fae as he pat her head. This was something he could adapt to, it would prove easier than Silver had originally expected as well which was a wonderful occurrence. He looked over Lee’s adornments. “Would I be correct in fancying you a warrior? You have the gear to show that you would fit the part well. Have you any stories of your time on the battlefield?” 


  9. Silver shrugged, “Perhaps, however, what is the difference between that and death? It comes for us all, ending existence abruptly. I see not a world that is different from our world, it is instead a world that coexists. I know I cannot change your mind on such thing, thus it is impractical for me to try.” He looked over the lake and into the shore behind it. “I wonder what life would be like should we not have purchased this game. I enjoy every aspect of it, that is not the reason I am curious, Instead I am curious as to the course of history that would have without a doubt taken place without us in the game. I wish I had the ability to access my journal so I could continue to write my stories and of the people I see. I wish to be able to calculate the scenarios I walk through from day to day using data and statistics I am familiar with. It is unfortunate that I no longer have that option. Though I am eager to relearn these things in this world.” 
    Silver stood up and offered a hand to Eatos. “Come, I found an interesting cave nearby. Perhaps we can go explore it. I no doubt that you are filled with questions as to who I am, and who I was, after our encounter with the guild leader. I regret that situation completely, and now I must live with the consequences of my actions, and my words. I will tell you answers to your questions, I will be completely honest with you, though I will not be happy about it. I will tell you why I kept my life as secrete from you as I had. My only wish is that you do not see me in a different light as to how you had before you knew such things. My life is one that treads in things I regret, things I enjoy. The wisdom I pass on to others does not simply come from books and teachings, instead it comes from the things I have experienced, and the things that I have done. Though I have a question for you; have you happened to meet a Red Haired fellow with crimson eyes, the man a strong leader and a powerful manipulator?”

  10. Silver grabbed Stryder’s outstretched hand, returning the smile given by his friend. Regaining his balance, he nodded. “Indeed, I failed to add that to the description of you, however you must give me the benefit of the doubt. From my perspective, undenounced to who you are in the heat of the moment. You came, attempted to spy on myself and… Eatos? I guess is what I am to call her here?” He looked to Kathrine for confirmation. “When I spotted you, you approached and expected me not to go on the defensive. I told you a long time ago that I had made a promise to protect a friend, how I never went back on my word, and the troubles that came with being so unwilling to allow myself to go back on my word in that way. Whilst I never told you the exact details as to the occurrences, I you know that my promise was to protect her. This,” Silver points to Kathrine, “is the woman who I made that promise too. This is the girl I swore I would protect with my life, the girl I swore would never be without the feeling of safety and companionship. The girl I pledged, and do so pledge, to care for my entire life. Giving her my being whenever it is possible to do so. She is the mistress I protect, the person I guard, the person I wish to see grow into someone that can far surpass my every ability, predict my every move and know exactly how to go about my experiences without learning of such experiences, or experiencing such experiences herself. As I did before, I will never go back on these vows. Thus, you approaching us without my knowledge of your intention to be in the location and without knowledge of who you are in the moment of threat, I feel I was in the right to assume the worst. I am sure that Eatos has held her own and gotten herself into trouble. She had a knack for such things. I have however taught her how to fend for herself. Her training is far from over, though I have no doubt that she will become so much more than she knows.”

    Silver walked over to Eatos, he sighed a bit as he did so. “There is so much of my life you do not know, so much I wish to keep from you, not because of things that I wish to hide, but I do not wish to change the way you see me. I want to protect you from the person I once was.” He then stepped back and looked at the two of them. “Eatos, Stryder is someone who I counseled. Much like I did for you. As you know, I was not one for online gaming as you oft would insist I join you for. However, more than likely undenounced to you, I dabbled quite a bit in online forum roleplay. Hence where I met your guild mate Stryder. Much before now.”

    Silver thought for a moment and looked at Stryder. “I have a preposition for you. I wish to join your guild as a head advisor, much like I have done in other guilds I was part of in the past that you ran. How do you fair on that idea?”


  11. Silver was happy to hear the footsteps of the others following him, he knew that he would be unable to complete such a task on his own, that is not to say he would be unwilling to try; he had completed tasks with the odds stacked against him in a much harsher fashion before. He kept walking, looking back at Spencer and smiling as he did so. “I haven’t a clue, if I am to be honest with you. However as long as you are ever vigilant, I have found you can accomplish any task. It takes no more than three things: firstly you must be willing to take a second look at things if you are unsure as to their solution, keep an open mind, secondly you must allot yourself the force of will to allow yourself to succeed, and thirdly, you must apply yourself to your task to the fullest extent of your being. With this you can do anything from climbing the side of a cliff without a rope or harness, using only your bare hands whilst carrying an unconscious human over your shoulder, to landing the perfect hit on a black belt in a martial arts on your first try. I have done both of these things, and much more, using the strategy I have told you. Do not believe that your limits are outside of your control, instead believe you can control your limits.”


  12. The door had opened, Silver watched from the corner of his eye as an armoured man walked in. Whilst Silver didn’t directly allow his observations to be seen, he kept a close eye, save it be someone from his past. He looked back at his daughter, giving her a smile. “I believe I sated that I would get you waffles, so let us start there.” 
    Suddenly, Fae spoke to the man who had walked in, offering for the man to join them. He almost jumped out of being so startled. He was, as he had been, unaccustomed to confrontation that he was not prepared for. Still he smiled at the man and waved him over. Silver proceeded to stand up, so he could properly a dress the man whether the man would intend to join them or not “Greetings, good sir. I am Silver ‘Thorsten’ Zevulum. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Silver spoke with a thick norther eanglish accent, his heterochromatic eyes glistening in the light of the café. He then gave the man a respectful bow. “You may call me Silver or Thorsten, whichever you prefer.” Silver then motioned to Fae. “This is my daughter, Fae. How does the day fair thee?”
    @Lee @Fae

  13. Silver smiled at the sight of Fae being as joyful today as she had proven to be yesterday. She had asked him what it was he had been writing in his journal. He knew he couldn’t be honest with her about what it was he wrote to the fullest extent yet, he hadn’t even told Katherine before entering the game. Nor did he plan to tell the girl that he spent more then half his life tending too. Instead he decided to stretch the truth, or more so, not tell the whole truth. “It’s my journal, I scribe notes on what goes on from day to day. Notes on the people I have met, on the things I’ve observed and encountered. While I write, I code my notes to ensure that no one can read the contents of my notes but myself. Whilst in our original realm, I did this along with locking the journal with a lock I forged myself. Allowing myself to know, only I hold the key.” He nodded at her expression to put on clothing, giving a slight chuckle. "Indeed, it is most beneficial to wear clothing whilst out and about, save people think you are mad.” He smiled at her. 
    Once Fae was clothed Silver opened the door and waved for her to come with . They walked to the shops in town, the cold morning air nipped at their exposed appendages. A small café was open, so Silver waved Fae in and motioned for her to sit down. Only sitting himself after she had. “Alright little one, take your pick of what you want. Don’t fret about payment either, I will take care of the cost.”
    @Fae @Lee

  14. [Thread begins on Floor 4]

    A new day dawned it’s head, however Silver was awake much before the sun and Fae alike. He stat on the bed writing in a notebook, keeping pace with the book of profiles he had in the real world. He wrote using a playfair cipher that was transferred into Morse code. To someone not knowledgeable to his specific playfair cipher, even if they knew Morse code, would be unable to determine his writing. There was a section of the page that would be a square with 1's and 0's running down the page in binary which when translated gave the physical features of a person so that they could be expertly drawn by an artist. This one was exceptionally well made, and Silver was proud of it. He learned about coding from the books his father left at the house when Silver was left in the small town located in England. He had learned not only how to code messages but tips and tricks on how to decode them as well.
    Once Fae had woke up, Silver smiled at her. “Good morning, little one, how about we go and get you some waffles?”
    This was what was on the top of the page, larger than the rest if the text 
    --.- .-..  ..- --  -. .-.  ..-. --.  -... ....
    @Fae @Lee

  15. Angel had approached Silver, demanding attention. Silver provided happily. Petting the husky puppy as he did so. He wondered what would come of his inevitable search for a companion as this one was. Back in the real world, he had a pet owl that was expertly trained. It tended to sit on his shoulder wherever he was to go, watching and observing everything. Much like he did.
    Silver turned to Eatos, smiling as she leaned against him. “What kind of protector would I be if I hadn’t been here? I feel that entering into this realm is the best thing that could have happened to me. Not only do I get the satisfaction of seeing you grow as a person. However, I get to experience things that few will be able to. The life and death associated with this world is not different from our own. In fact, they are one in the same. It is only your perception of such things that changes. What some see as fabrication in this realm, I see as reality. For what dictates reality if not the perception of each individual that experiences it?” Silver grabbed a handful of sand and let it fall slowly out of his hand.How is my grabbing at sand that looks, smells, and feels real, but is in this world, different from my doing the same in a different world?”

  16. Silver listened to the girl as she removed her clothing and got into bed. He tucked her in and kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you had a good day as well. Good night my princess, sleep well and have good dreams.” With that Silver walked to the other side of the full sized bed, not removing any clothing, he tended to sleep fully clothed as to be always prepared for danger. As a protector it was his duty to always be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. He thought back to the bunckbeds that were in his house of the original realm and the time he spent staring at the ceiling. How lonely he was without someone to keep his company. That all changed tonight, tonight was his first night as a father and a caretaker. He couldn’t wait for the moment he could look at how far Fae had come, for the moment that he could be happy with how he shaped others. Most of all he couldn’t wait for the time he could be proud of himself. With that, he fell asleep.


    @Fae 1sp - 200col

    Thorsten 1sp - 200col

  17. Fae had opened the door for Silver, stating that he should go in first. Silver leaned down so that he was face to face with her and patted her head. “No, it’s our room now.” He then walked in and once Fae had he made sure the door closed. “Yeah, it may take a while but if we put effort into it then we can accomplish anything, as a family.” He walked to the main portion of the room and motioned for Far to join him. "How about I tuck you in and we can get some sleep. The day seems to have slipped by during our time on the lake and the walk home.” Silver pulled the covers back for her. “Thank you Fae. This has been the best day ever.” Silver couldn’t get over how happy he was with how the day had gone. He had a flash of thought as to when this was all said and done. Would all of this go to waist? He came to the conclusion that he would implore the Zevulum family to have someone keep an eye on her, perhaps it would in the end be him that did so. Regardless he knew that she would be safe either way. His family s had the connections to make anything happen.


  18. Silver smiled at Fae. “Perhaps we can! It would be nice to have a place to own. Perhaps we can even get somewhere with a yard so that you and I can go and play.” He though of how much me had needed something like this. It had always amazes Silver how he never truly knew what he needed until it was there. Fae had a somewhat contagious happiness to her, it was nice to observe the innocence and pleasantries of youth. Ignorant in the best of ways. “What is your favorite food, Fae? Perhaps I will be able to get it for you in the morrow.” 
    Silver had never cared for a child before, and yet, in many ways he had. They approached the inn where the two would be staying until they could scavenge the necessary funds for a house. They walked past the front desk, Silver smiling at the psudoperson behind the counter, greeting him but not stopping to chat. “Good day, sir!” Silver then walked Fae up for he door to the room. “Well, here we are. Make yourself at home little one!” 

  19. Silver smiled at Spencer. “I am glad you chose do do this as well! If you had chose otherwise, I would not have met a capable man as you are that I could call a friend!” Silver then thought for a moment on how to respond to the question in which Pinball asked. “Well, my companions, I have heard rumors of a town around this location in which there is a sickness. They say that the town’s folk will ask you to help them by retrieving medicine from the woods around the town. If you will indulge me, I would like to investigate these goings on. And knowing I am with capable men like yourselves I feel that I will be in no danger that we cannot face as a team! What say you two? Will you assist me?” Silver didn’t wait for an answer, instead he began walking in the direction of the town, either they would help him or they would chose not to. Regardless he wanted to find out about this strange illness that raged in the town.


  20. Silver was pleased to hear her say she would be willing to stay with him. “I only have a room a the inn on this floor. It has a bed and a couch, a bathroom and a small kitchen. You may sleep on the bed if you’d like.” Silver turned to start walking toward Snowfrost. “I can’t be having my little one sleeping on the streets. I will say, though, the room is why o find myself without money. Come let me take you to your new home, sweetie.” Silver turned back to Fae and stretched his arm out for her to take his hand. 
    As they walked, Silver thought of the times long past, the things he’d seen and done. The things he could tell no body, the things he regretted and had no regret for at all. Perhaps this was his chance at redemption. He knew that Fae would one day learn of his past, he feared that day. He feared the day Katherine would learn of his past as well. How would they take him? How would they deal with who he was? He didn’t know, but felt it best to allow himself to deal with such things when they came. Whilst thinking this he still wore a warm smile, not wanting to scare Fae.

  21. Silver looked at the face of the girl who was mow his daughter. And whipped the tears from her eyes. “I promise you, I will be the father you deserve and will protect you always. I vow to instruct you with the things that you need to blossom into a beautiful rose, I vow to be there for you should you ever need me. I will do all of this and so much more.” Silver pat Fae's head. He was happy as they stood there. He hoped that he could provide for her to the best of his ability and could protect here without fail. Starting today, Silver adopted another into the people whom he would go to any lengths to protect. He found himself happy with this, 
    So, little one, where do you live? Would you like for us to move in together?” This was a question Silver had not considered thus far. He hoped that she would be willing to join him, that would prove to be the best way he could protect her and care for her without a doubt. He, himself, held up in one of the inns on the fourth floor, waiting for the point that he could afford a house. Having Fae there would make that apartment style room much less lonely.

  22. Silver smiled at Hikoru and began to walk to the supposed location. “Sir, you hit it on the nose! My informant stated that we would be required to defeat a large insectoid. I called upon you because my informant also stated that you had the unique ability to cloak yourself in the shadows of that which his around you, not to mention your feats on the front lines! I must admit, I am enthralled by your very being!” Silver had always been intrigued by people who could blend in with that which was around him, ever sense he was a kid, Silver was intrigued by assassin’s and thieves alike. Much more so after he had gains the knowledge of his mother’s profession. “And indeed, the help of someone who can deal the damage of a frontliner on a quest is very useful! Not to mention that I have complete trust in you for multiple reasons. Most of which being that I have no reason not to trust you, other being that even if you were to not be trusted, killing any number of low-level players would indubitably cost you more than you would gain based on your position and power.”


  23. Silver light up with excitement. “This is magnificent!” he did a spin and reached the edge “I would be honored and filled with joy to be your daddy. We can be a family like those I’ve seen others had! Also, no need to call me ‘mister’, you may call me whatever you see fit!” Thorsten lifted Fae off his shoulders and placed her on the ground. He then hugged her tightly as a tear of happiness fell form his eye. He contemplated her words concerning how her was never really in the picture. He through about the vast parallels between himself and Fae. Most of all he though that he could give her that things he never had and make sure she never followed the life he had lived before Katherine, but make sure she had the knowledge to do what he did in case of any need 
    He decided to inform Fae of his household. “My mother left when I was about your age and my father was always working and traveling. I never stayed in on town for more then a month. Whilst he did educate me on certain aspects of life, a majority of what I know come from what I could learn on my own. Now I can pass my wisdom and knowledge onto someone. Thank you, Fae, this is the happiest day I have ever lived.” He then released her from the hug.

  24.  Silver felt a tinge of nostalgia. This girl showed herself to be more and more like he was. He thought to a little in silence before coming to a conclusion of the next best action to take. It only seemed right for him. “I know what it’s like not having any friends. I also know what it’s like growing up alone.” Silver smiled at Fae, “So I have an idea. If you would like, the two of us can act like a family. I can take care of you if you ever need it and you can take care of me. You won’t be a burden to me at all, in fact the knowledge that I have someone to take care of gives me great joy!” Silver then skates up behind Fae and lifts her up, placing her on his shoulders. He didn’t wobble or loose balance , in fact he kept skating around the lake with her. His martial arts training had taught him many thing, and he knew that even if he wasn’t the strongest fighter, he could take a beating and never lost balance. “What do you think Fae, would you accept me as a caretaker? There is so much wisdom and beauty I wish to show you and you can show me all the things you know as well.” Silver did a slight twirl. “Life doesn’t last long, so let’s enjoy it.” He then awaited her response eagerly.


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