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Posts posted by Spencer

  1. "Oh God knowing people, my fear." He laughed and blushed a little bit. He tried to think back to all the people that he knew, but there weren't any people that were really coming to mind. Hmm. Telrenya, Jomei, Teion, Ryo, Ruby, Kairi, Kimi are all major Damage dealers. Hestia is a tank, so am I. No idea with Calypso. Jevi I think is a Damage Dealer? Haven't Seen Tyonis in forever. Hmmm. No Scouts, I've heard from the less level players of some Stealth/Scout builder who is really strong. I think he is Hikoru? I have no idea the exact name. He thought for a while and looked around a bit. "Yeah I'm sorry dude I don't really know anyone that went that build. I've heard of a stealth build that some high level was doing, but I do not know for sure." He shrugged. "Sorry I can't be of much help, I only know DPS and Tank builds, mostly just DPS builds. I can help you out in any way you need if that helps at all? I'm not the best at all when it comes to build building, but I can be a good travel buddy if you ever need that? Don't feel pressured to answer now or even say yes or no, just something for you to think of." He smiled and looked at the man before he kept walking.

    He is at the point of where I used to be. It almost makes me happy to see how far I have grown as a person, so to see someone I can understand that their social anxiety mimics mine in many ways, but I can push past it. It... It just makes me happy. He smiled a bit to himself and continued to walk along the dirt forest floor. "So Fayetta. Don't mean to pry into things you might not want to talk about, but are you like seeing anyone? Not trying to make you uncomfortable, just curious that is." He looked at him with a smile.

  2. Spencer nodded and listened to Tyonis reply to his inquiry of guilds. Spencer nodded some more and agreed that he would one day want to be apart of a party or apart of a guild. I can see myself being in a guild, that is if the people would want me. I'm definitely a team player so they would not have to worry about that possible issue. I am weak and I'm not able to talk to people that well... So I don't know exactly what I would do in a guild. Just stand there and be awkward? I hope not. He thought sadly to himself but shook it off when Tyonis started to spot the five boar pups in a little group. Spencer was about to warn Tyonis about stealth and trying to keep it to one boar pup at a time, but it seemed as though Tyonis was either A: bad at stealth, or B: The game doesn't like him. Whatever the problem was, the boars started to attack. Spencer bit his lip, but luckily the attacks were not that difficult to defend against, and Tyonis almost destroyed the boar. It was sticking to its life just a little bit, but Spencer came in quick with and attack, destroying the animal and taking one down. "Okay one down now Mr. Solider. Your turn." He smiled and gestured for him to attack it.

    ID: 102334 BD: 5 + 1 (Accuracy Ring) LD: 18 +1 Boar Tusk


    Boar Pups x4


        DMG: 3 (No extra DMG on Crit)


        HP: 80

        ENG: 8-1=7 

                Normal Attack: 4DMG

        Hate VS Boar Pup B: 0


        HP: 440/440

        ENG: 42/44


    Boar Pup B:

        HP: 5


  3. Spencer nodded when the man asked if he was up for it, mostly because he had nothing much to do, and the crowds around him were still not functioning the best and Spencer really didn't want to deal with that, so hanging with this guy was his best bet, and he was good company so that didn't really bother him at all. "Okay so kill these things, get the horns, bring them back to the guy, then next part. Doesn't seem too bad, hopefully the creatures aren't too bad to handle, I haven't really fought in this game yet, combat is still new to me, but I think I'll get the hang of it, I believe in myself that much to be able to do that." He smiled and followed Tyonis along the path through the plains and to the forest area that the man was talking about. "So Tyonis, are you more of a guild person? Or more of a solo man. I'm getting the feeling you are more of a guild person, but I could be wrong after all." He proposed the question and looked around the floor.

  4. Spencer stood there for a moment, waiting for Fayetta to reply to what he had said. Aww this guy is super shy... It is actually kind of adorable. He smiled and blushed a little bit at thinking that. Fayetta stood there for a moment, then finally said something, asking Spencer what kind of weapon he used. Fayetta went on to explain why he used the dagger, which was completely different than his own weapon he used. Hmmm, This kid is cool. Maybe possibly not guild material so I might not suggest that he come to join Holy Dragon Alliance, but he is someone that I would definitely like to get along with and become friends with. He smiled a bit and opened his mouth. "I use a mace. I almost wanted to go for a dagger, but I really like the idea of tanking, it seems like something I would definitely want to do. I'm going for more of a Paladin build, healer and beefy tank. Yet I'm still low level so I can't do much beside hit people with my shield and cry." He laughed a bit, knowing his build still wasn't good at all. "What kind of build do you think you are going to go for? You could maybe do stealth. scout build? Or a support." He offered his ideas and looked at him.

  5. Spencer listened to Tyonis discuss why he used the games for escaping and playing them, talked a tiny bit about the war scene, and just discussed existential feelings all around. Spencer nodded and agreed with what the man was saying. "I can understand wanting an escape. Not to the same degree and needing that you have, but I get it. Needing a break from the world for a while sounds amazing sometimes." With Spencer's social anxiety, crowds of people and constant social interaction really got to him, and overwhelmed him. That was one of the main reasons that he went to the shop in the first place, everyone there was really starting to overwhelm Spencer. He also agreed with the acomplishments remark that he made, but Tyonis seemed a bit darker than Spencer.  Well he is in the army and he probably has seen a lot of things that he would rather forget, so I can understand why he would act a little darker and more blunt with his words. Spencer nodded along. "Man this conversation got way more deep that I expected, I just asked about video games." He laughed a bit and looked at the man. "So we need to deliver this package to someone else? Oh god don't tell me this is going to be a many part quest, I hate those with a burning passion."

  6. Spencer chuckled a bit when it was taking Tyonis a little bit in order to make this herb thing correctly. Crafting seemsa little annoying, I think I would like to cook more than doing alchemy... maybe I will become a cook... Hmmm.... He thought to himself and watched as Tyonis started to make another creation, telling him that he needed to pray in order for this to work." Oh God, don't let this strange man mess up again, he is already horrible at this, he doesn't need more pain with his horrid creations." He laughed and smiled at Tyonis, who was trying to make another alchemical creation. "So, what made you want to do VRMMORPGs? I just liked Neverwinter and gaming a bit so I decided to want to try it out, and if I wasn't trapped in here I'd probably like it a lot more than I am now. But it's good company." He smiled at Tyonis,

    Tyonis finished the creation and Spencer cheered, it seemed as though the quest was done. "Is that it? Doesn't seem that difficult that is for sure." He shrugged and smiled at Tyonis, happy to have helped the man out a bit

  7. Spencer smiled at the comments that Tyonis was giving him, and the walk back to the shop left Spencer in high sprits, happy to be able to help this man complete his task, and happy to give him some company when he needed it. Also it didn't hurt that Spencer was feeling better about his life after all of this ordeal. "So, after you are done with this quest, What are you going to do?" He was kind of hoping Tyonis would want to continue hanging out, but he knew that maybe the man would want some more company. "I'm not sure exactly what I am going to do, considering that the game is still going crazy with people all around running and being upset." He gestured tot he beginning city, there were some people that couldn't really get everything together. I'm so happy that I'm not acting like that, I wouldn't be able to bear with myself acting like that.

    The tow of them got into the building and looked at the table that Tyonis was suppose to craft at, and the thing he made didn't look that good, but it seemed as though it finished the quest at least. "So... That's it?"

  8. "I would love to stick around and get to know you better, or just hang out and see more of the floor, I love walking around the forest." He smiled and gestured to the area around him. Spencer bent down and scooped up Noot, walked around a bit, trying to find a good path to walk on. Okay, he seems sweet, a little awkward, and definitely not a threat to me. I have a feeling he is a really low level, maybe even level 1. Hopefully he starts to level up a bit. It seems like he is finally getting used to the game a bit, considering he is already out and about in the forest, he also seems like he wants to get out and start doing things, which is a lot like me when I first started grinding to increase my levels and actually get out into the world that we are stuck in, I'm going to keep a close eye on him though, don't want him to get hurt possibly.

    After his mental monologue, Spencer started to walk with Noot in his arms, walking through the forest and stepping on to a dirt path that leads farther into the woods. Spencer looked back at Fayetta and motioned him to follow him, the two seem to have found a place that they could walk and talk. "So Fayetta, with it seemingly like we are going to be walking around for a little bit, anything on your mind that you would like to discuss? I'm not the best at keeping conversations so I'm sorry for my talking skills." He laughed and blushed a bit, looking at the other man, Noot snuggled into his arms.

  9. Spencer expected the worst when Tyonis started to talk about his little speech he gave him about the love of his life that he lost in the real world. His little frown of sadness turned to a small smile, Tyonis was taking his baggage in strides, and offering up some advice and very kind hearted words in replace of any negative feelings that he was feeling. I was not expecting this at all, this man is really full of surprises, and a really cool guy on top of that, I'll definitely try to keep him around as a friend, maybe even join up on a guild with him? He ignored that last little bit of his thoughts, he knew that thinking about guilds already will be something a bit unlikely, it is going to take some people weeks to get used to the idea of being stuck here... some people might not even get used to it.

    Spencer looked up at the man and gave him a soft hug, not caring about his own reserves of physical contact with people he hadn't known for long. He let go of the hug quickly, but he was really starting to feel better, not even hiding his feelings about being upset. "T-thank you Ty, really... Not many people know about Eric, and less know what to say about it." He laughed at that, rubbing the back of his own head. "You seem to be the most progressive solider I have even met, which isn't saying much. Some of my family are soldiers, and wow.... they are something else." He laughed and shrugged, seeing that the two of them had found all five of the herbs. "And it looks like we found all of the 5 things we are looking for, what's next? Going back to that shop correct?" He looked up at Tyonis expectantly.

  10. Spencer felt his body calm slightly when Tyonis asked the man if he wanted to talk about it. "T-thank you." He muttered, not really saying anything, just thanking the man for being so open and understanding. 'I got lucky with my first friend... Should I tell him about Eric? I mean no one died or anything, it is just a big part of my emotional distress, I'd be so worried about letting all of that out to him... I don't know.' His thoughts were cut off by Tyonis commenting again about how he can open up about what is going on, and it won't bother Tyonis. 'Okay.. Okay I will tell him.'

    Spencer breathed in slowly, let it out, then opened his mouth to talk. "In the real world, I met a guy named Eric at a party. The two of us became friends... Then we became a little more than friends. He didn't want to come out, and because I was so head over heels for him, I accepted it and stayed with him even though it was hurting me. One day, I finally got up the courage to confront him about my feelings, and he dropped me because he was scareed. It hurt so bad because it's almost as if I didn't matter, and he couldn't get the courage to love me, which made me think he didn't at all..."

    ID: 102274 LD: 10
    (4/5) Mats Acquired

  11. "Oh god weeb friends, I have way too many of those back home. And I'm happy I got the right terminology." He smiled and was happy that it seemed to him that Tyonis was cool with him and easy to get along with. This was something that Spencer always looked for in someone, someone who was cool with him being Gay. 'Okay we luckily passed that barrier, he probably already realized my social anxiety but I'm hoping I'm hiding it okay? Yeah probably not with how bad my stutter was at the beginning of us talking.' He blushed at his own thoughts and kept walking, they were really close to being done with this quest, even those Spencer wasn't doing the quest himself, he was happy to help out any way he could for anyone that is.

    He hears Tyonis talk about relationships and frowned a bit, it sucked to see someone not have the opportunity to get a relationship with someone. Spencer was someone who really liked relationships and things like that, so it always pulled at his heart strings that he didn't find anyone in the real world. "Relationships for me have not always been the best. Well, I shouldn't say anything in plural. My relationship I've had was not that good.. but that's the past and it's over so no need to worry about that." He shrugged and bit his lip, he was still slightly nervous at his possible over sharring.

    ID: 102261  LD: 9
    (4/5) Mats Acquired


  12. "I guess you are right, always need to be able to laugh at yourself." He smiled, Tyonis seemed to have a good personality all the way around, Spencer picked a pretty good first friend. He had to stop himself from busting out laughing again when Tyonis proclaimed god dead, he also had a really good sense of humor. When the man started asking for money and Waifus, he tried thinking of how to respond. "Hmm.. Money would be nice, but what would the male version of a waifu be? A Husbando? That's just annoying to say and think of." He laughed and shrugged, searching a bit more. Tyonis screaming at the sky also made Spencer chuckle a little bit, pushing some brush aside. "Kayaba probably abandoned us, 10,000 people, I would think, is way too much to handle all at once. And waifus seem too hard to program, gotta settle with finding a lovely lady or man in this game." He just realized that Spencer outed himself to this man, and he didn't really care. Go me! I was able to out myself to a stranger and not be super embarrassed or reserved about it. He felt proud of himself and continued to look around. "Were you with anyone before this game started?" He was hoping he wasn't pushing any boundaries. While Spencer was worried about what he was saying, he seemed to have found a herb. "Also Ty, we only need one more." He smiled and held up the herb.

    ID: 102255 LD: 15
    (4/5) Mats Acquired

  13. Spencer was really starting to enjoy the conversation between Tyonis and himself, the guy seemed to be really light-hearted and able to hold a conversation pretty well. When he made mention of College, he was honestly very, very excited to go off to college, it was a big step in his life, and he really wanted it, like really bad. He nodded in agreement to the adult hood statement, then chuckled with a bit of nerves when Tyonis threatened to stab himself in the head if any poetry he heard was really bad. "Oh god, putting me on the spot. Hmm... I can't think of anything at the moment. Usually takes me a bit to really write anything. The most recent thing I wrote was a song that I'm halfway proud of. The verse and the chorus don't really match up that well." He shrugged a bit at the comment, there was nothing he could really do about it at that time.

    Tyonis's dramatic reenactment of his sadness of the RNG system made Spencer almost Pee from laughing. Seeing a Tall, build solider, stuff his face into a bush after cursing at the gods really made Spencer loose it. After a moment of laughing, he blushed brightly. "S-sorry, from my angle that was super funny." He smiled and blushed harder. As he turned, he spotted a different color, and not just from the spots of his anxiety and laughing mixing together to form them. He slowly picked the Herb and placed it in his bag. "H-hey I found one, you can take your head out of that bush now."

    ID: 102243 LD: 18
    (3/5) Mats Acquired

  14. Spencer smiled a bit when he accepted the nickname that he made for him. He also began to talk about his college degree, which made him chuckle a bit when Tyonis insulted his own degree. He listened on and stood there almost shocked with the seriousness that the man mustered when telling him his hobbies. He quickly blushed brightly and laughed, thinking the man was being serious. "Hiking can be really fun. I used to do it a lot, but as I grew up my schedule got more and more insane. Still tried my best to get out when I could." He shrugged and frowned a bit, he was already starting to miss home. He forced those thoughts away, he was not in the mood to look upset around this man he had only recently met. "I also love to write and read, even though I'm [censored] at writing. I mostly try to write songs or poetry, but that is a hobby I lost recently, I was too self critical for my own good." He shrugged a bit and looked along the side of a tree, hoping to god that they could find the other four of them. Spencer Smiled and held up a Herb. "Look what I found!"

    ID: 102241 LD: 15
    (2/5) Mats Acquired

  15. "Yeah, being in your line of work, there must be a lot of things you are happy to not have to deal with at the moment." It almost made him shiver at the thought, seeing the things on television and in movies is one thing, in real life it is a whole different story. He checked under a bush and heard Tyonis speaking to him again, but this time used a nickname. He smiled and laughed a bit when he heard the shortened version of his name. Tyonis asked him what he was doing with his life, and he thought back to starting college, he almost wished to be going to class. Remember Spencer, no student loans when you are trapped in a mental prison. He almost laughed at the grim thought, but decided to answer the solider instead. "Well, I was going to College for History, I want to be a Historian, and minoring in American Sign Language, doing interpreting jobs on the side to help make money for college, my parents were not the most well off people you have met." He shrugged, his financial situation didn't really both him anymore. "How about you Soldier Guy?.... Okay that was a bad nickname... Ty? Yeah Ty. So Ty, other than the Military, what did you do to spend your time?"

    ID: 102239 LD: 9
    (1/5) Mats Acquired

  16. "Oh god. I don't think paper mache exists so making those herbs will be more trouble than it is worth." He laugh with Tyonis, the man discussing other MMOs. It occurred to Spencer that he hadn't really played many other MMO's, other than Neverwinter and FFXIV, those were the only two that he had ever played. Once I get out of this game, I'm going out and playing more games. He sighed and thought about the real world for a little bit, then Tyonis started to talk about where he used to be stationed for the military, and talking about how he didn't enjoy it that much. "At least you can consider this game as almost like a vacation? Might be nice to relax a bit and De-stress from everything that was getting to you in your life, that is what I''m considering this to be, it helps me cope with the idea of being stuck here.." He bit his lip and looked down. "Sorry for making this kind of sad, not sure why I brought it up. And thank you for defending Sign Language, not many people realize how much it can help you in your everyday life." He smiled and looked at Tyonis

    ID: 102237 LD: 6
    (1/5) Mats Acquired

  17. "Oh I would much rather having a bow and arrow other than a mace. I'm not even sure why I chose a Mace, but too late now I suppose." He laughed and looked at his weapon re-sheathing it. He thought about how he did Archery with his dad. He was, meh, at it. He assumed that in SAO, it would be a bit different and would be a bigger hit box, also easier to hit the monsters. He ended his thoughts when he saw that Tyonis had gotten his own Material. "Thank god we got one, I have a feeling that searching for material is going to be the death of me, which is something I'm definitely not look forward to." He smiled and sighed in defeat, searching a bit more for the herbs.

    "You seem to have traveled the entire world. I've just been to England, then moved to the United States. I mean I went to Canada before, but that was short and not that fun. I can't speak french so trying to converse with some people really sucked. All I know is sign language." He shrugged and stretched his fingers, thinking about all his sign language classes that he took, he missed going to those classes, but he knew they would get out of this game soon.

    ID: 102235 LD: 8
    (1/5) Mats Acquired

  18. Spencer walked with Tyonis and Heard him start to discuss the British people and how good they were at sometimes. He smiled, proud slightly at his ethnicity. He talked about the war and he listened, he knew nothing much about combat. "You have a way bigger advantage than I do when it comes to this game. You are more used to combat, I'm here just walking around with a mace and no idea what I am doing, which sucks more now that I am talking." He laughed and rubbed the back of his head. He will definitely be a good friend to hold on to, considering he already knows a bit about fighting, and he seems to be okay with my company, that is... for now. Spencer came back to reality as Tyonis discussed spears and different types of weapons, even bringing up the thought of there not being any other classes. "Classes wise they 'aren't' any, but you can build your build around a single idea. Like DPS, Hate generation, things like that. And I never thought about using a spear, mace seems more my style."

    Spencer walked for a bit longer, scanning the forest ground for any other colors, but green seemed to be the only color that he could find. He frowned a little bit and looked at Tyonis. "Do you plan on getting a shop or a pet? I heard you can get those."

    ID: 102233 LD: 1
    (0/5) Mats Acquired.

  19. Spencer started to feel a bit more at ease with the man, considering he was smiling and Spencer started to smile too. 'Thank god I'm starting to make possibly my first friend, and it seemed to be someone who was fine with talking and hangung out with me. Hopefully he doesn't possibly run away when he, well if he, finds out that I'm gay.' Spencer ended his mental worry's with accepting the party request that Tyonis sent him. 

    Tyonis started to go out and begin the quest, and Spencer was thrilled to start it, getting out into the world and doing something with his life at the moment. "S-so... Tyonis. How old are you? I can't really tell from what you look like. I'm 18 myself. Also, how did you know that I was British? Not many people can pick up on my accent." He smiled and looked at the man, he was intrigued to get the answers back, basically because this was the first man he met and made some sort of friends with. "Also, what kind of build are you going for? I think I want to do a Healer/ Tank type. Lije a paladin almost."

  20. Spencer did not how to take the body language the man was exuding when talking with him. The man didn't seem hostile or angry, but seemed almost irritated to have someone infiltrating his own little bubble. Spencer was put a bit off by his personality, but luckily the man didn't stay too Hostile for long. The man offered his name, which was nice to hear that the man was going to actually talk to him. He talked about how happy he was to hear someone else talking English, and also how he was going to start the beginner quest. Tyonis even guessed his accent from his first phrase. "Yeah I am British, and you haven't met people speaking English? A lot of people I've met have been. Eh, oh well. I think I might start that quest a bit later... Oh! And I'm Spencer." The man blushed and smiled, rubbing the back of his head. He seems nice enough, hopefully this can keep going well. He thought for a bit, then looked at him, the man seemed to be in a hurry. "Do you want me to let you go? Or would you want some company?" Spencer was fighting against his Social Anxiety with every inch of his body, hoping to god that he could have a normal conversation with someone.

  21. Spencer chuckled internally at the sight of the man blushing and getting so scared at talking to him. Man, this kid seems like me a few months ago, luckily I'm not that bad. He thought to himself and sighed a bit, listening to him ramble off his name, and also the apology for holding a dagger at him.  "Don't worry about the dagger, you have to be as safe as you can be in this game. And nice to meet you Faye I'm Spen- I just told you my name." He blushed and face palmed a bit. Faye then raised a question about a familiar and Spencer set Noot down, the penguin slowly waddling up to the man and waving, hoping on to his foot. "A familiar is basically a pet. You have to do a special quest for it, it helps with stats, but yeah.. It's just a glorified pet. But you can get some really cool animals instead of just dogs and cats." He smiled and gestured to the Penguin, who was Nooting a bit, happy to meet more people.

    After he said something, he was kind of just standing there, and realized that he might want to continue the conversation if he wanted to actually make friends with him. "So Faye, what brings you out into the forest on the first floor? I'm out here because... well I'm bored. Nothing major is really going on. I'm just using this time to relax and hang out. Bonding with Noot here, and detoxing from constant social stimulation." He was proud of himself, he was able to talk about his Social Anxiety Naturally.

  22. Spencer was at a lose for words. Not just for the world that he was in, but the world he could no longer leave. He bit his lip and stopped himself from hyperventilating, which was proving to be really difficult task for him to do, but he was able to manage it all. He fought his way through the crowds of scared people and came to a slightly open clearing, looking around for a moment. He turned to see a man entering a building, a place he recognized to be the beginner quest area. The man seemed to be someone who had a bit of his life together for a moment, and Spencer decided that that might be someone to interact with. He was hoping that maybe, just maybe, he could get a sane friend from all of this, but Spencer was wasn't the best at making friends, so this was going to be his first push for it. Spencer entered the building slowly and looked around, seeing the quest giver, and also the man standing there. "H-Hello there, I'm glad I can see someone else a little more calm and coordinated than the rest."

  23. Spencer took one step in, then slowly took another step into the cave. As he made more distance underground, the darkness slowly started to consume The penguin familiar and the blonde haired boy. He made sure he had a good hold of noot, and tried his best to see where he was going. There were torches far in the distance that were leading the way, so it was easier to make his way through the tunnels after his eyes adjusted, but that still kept him very wary of everything he was seeing in the tunnels themselves. Hmm where did that thing go, it couldn't have gone far, so it is a little confusing how it got so far... Hmmm. I guess further I go till I find it. He thought to himself for a moment before he kept walking and exploring the underground. Noot seemed a bit scared, so Spencer held him closer to his body and rubbed his back slowly, trying to calm the bird. A noise spooked both the bird and the human, causing Spencer to go in that direction.

  24. Spencer heard a noise off in the distance and he cocked his head, confused at the sudden and strange noise. He slowly stood up, and went looking for Noot, maybe the penguin had made a noise instead of someone, or something else. Spencer walked for a moment, softly concerned for the well-being of his familiar. Luckily, he was able to find the flightless bird standing and looking over in the distance. Noot pointed excitedly at a player who was out in the forest and messing with his dagger. Spencer tensed up a bit, but luckily the man seemed to be a low level, which made Spencer calm down slightly. I wonder what he is doing out in the woods, I think I'm going to pay him a visit? I was just complaining on how I didn't have any friends at the moment, so hopefully him? He thought while watching the man for a moment.

    Noot was not having this, and started to run forward. "Noot! What are you doing?!" He whispered in a concerned voice, he wanted to make friends with this man, sure, but this was not the way to go around making said friends. The penguin reached the man and Spencer ran forward. "S-sorry about him, he loves meeting new people, even if I tell him to stay by my side." Spencer gives Noot a look, then looks up at the other man, who seemed to be a little down in the dumps. Same dude, same. He thought bitterly for a moment, before changing his tune. "I-I'm Spencer, this is my Familiar Noot, they only penguin I've met to want to run off on his own."

  25. Spencer and Noot were traveling the first floor for a moment, he had just got finished with some errands he was doing, and was happy to be able to get to other things that he had to do, like explore and be by himself. His social anxiety tends to hit him at moments of emotional stimulation, mostly negative, and with what happened between his friends Teion and Ryo and himself, his social anxiety was off the charts. Luckily, he was able to get through that with some grinding on his own time, now he was happy to just walk around a bit, and go back to where he had met his first friends, two people he hasn't seen in forever. "I wonder what they are up to... I wonder if I'll see them again." He shrugged and set his Penguin down, the adorable Noot squeaking a bit and waddling around, taking in the scenery as well.

    Man, I wonder if anyone wants to hang out.. Wait everyone I know is from my guild or very close to the guild... Wow are all my friends from the guild? Oh my god they are all related to the guild. Jesus Christ me, I need to get some more friends. He grumbled to himself and sat down on a log he had found out in the open. The fact that he had no other friends other than the guild and Teion kind of made him a bit annoyed at himself. He couldn't really count Calypso as a friend because he didn't really even know the woman, so it was just that group of people. "I wonder if I'll met anyone on this floor." He thought to himself, the penguin familiar he had started to waddle off and explore more of the forest.


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