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Posts posted by Spencer

  1. Spencer stood in the corridor for a moment, taking the intense darkness and opening in for himself. Spencer sighed and looked at Calypso, it seemed as thought she was interested in going into the cave, Noot sure was. He nooted loudly and looked around, he had never been adventuring before with Spencer and it seemed he really wanted to do it. Spencer chuckled softly at Noot and petted him, their heads still together after Noot crawled into the fabric of his cloak. "Yeah I would like to check it out. I've dealt with traps and things before, but stuff like this is still very fun, I love adventuring and exploring caves and temples, it is how I even met my guild family." He smiled and chuckled a bit at remembering everything that had happened that day. I miss them a lot, hopefully everyone in the guild can do something some day together soon, would be fun and a bit interesting to see everyone after so long of not seeing them. He sighed a bit and started to walk.

    While the pair began to venture into the dark caves, he couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen. They already encountered a mute man, so maybe more things will have to deal with deafness, or maybe silence, his mind was wandering for a moment, and he started to get lost in the darkness, not really seeing Calypso anymore.

  2. Spencer watched as Neo missed an attack, but he knew that fighting something this fast was a bit difficult to land a hit, he was lucky that he even hit the thing. Spencer twirled his mace and tried to track where it was going. The sand shifting and moving where the shark went through, then it launched up. Spencer gasped a the sudden movement of the shark and fell back, nearly getting bitten by the shark. Luckily, he was just out of the range of the creature. Spencer breathed in slowly and got up, looking around. This shark was going to be a bit more difficult than it seemed like it was going to be, which was not fun at all. Spencer grimaced, a bit annoyed, and looked over at the woman. "I'll try to keep its attention, I ca protect against the damage a bit more, and my thorns on my armor will damage it if it comes to close to me." He called to the woman and got ready to attack again.

    ID: 102690 BD: 3
    ID: 102691 MD: 5 


    Sand Shark:
    HP: 80/125
    DMG: 50

    HP: 437/440
    ENG: 40/44
    Hate: 3

    HP: 240
    ENG: 22
    Hate: 1


  3. Spencer was listening to Faye talk about how he wasn't a hardcore player and stuff like that, it seemed to Spencer that Faye was a little uncomfortable doing those sorts of things, like fighting and attacking creatures. His heart went out to the kid, it took him forever to get used to it too, took a lot of support, and some help from Tyonis to get him where he needed to be. "I'm not really one of the hardcore gamer pro people things. But I work on my leveling when I feel the need. Some times I loose the muse to do work and stuff." He shrugged. Faye was a sweet kid, maybe someone he could help level and grow more as a person.. hopefully. I hope I can help this guy out, ti was difficult for me to start out with my own build, hopefully it comes easier for him, but luckily I can be there to help.... Look at me go, trying to help a low level grow and build, just like my guild has done for me.. man I miss them so much.

    Spencer was about to comment on the way Faye reacted when it came to his comment on relationships, but it got cut short by the arrival of some not-so-nice monsters. The creatures slowly started to crawl towards them, making strange noises. There were four of them in total, and they seemed to be coming to attack them. Spencer shivered a bit with the look they gave the two players. Spencer slowly got his shield out and got ready to protect himself and protect Faye. "Stay behind me, these things are a bit tougher than the regular monster, and aren't really the type of thing level one players fight." He said to Faye, getting ready to strike. The first three of them went right for him, launching themselves at Spencer. Spencer shoved his shield forward, and with that, the three Nepents vanished into crystals as they made contact with the shield, and only giving Spencer minimal damage. The last one stayed back in fear.

    ID: 102685 BD: 4 (Miss)
    ID: 102686 MD: 7 3 Dmg
    ID: 102687 MD: 2 None
    ID: 102688 MD: 7 3 Dmg
    ID: 102689 MD: 9 4 Dmg

    -3 Health to Spencer, -14 Health to Nepents 1,3,4. One Nepent Left


    1x Nepent
    HP: 7
    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3

    Spencer: [HP: 437] [ENG: 42] [DMG: 4] [Thorns: 14 DMG] [MIT: 47] [REC: 1] [REG: 1]  Hate: |0|0|0|0|


  4. "Sounds good to me, at least it is still around the first floor, nothing too difficult when it comes to fighting." He smiled and looked around the floor a little bit as they continued to walk. By this time, there were more people getting around than people freaking out at this point, which was a good sign. However, the people who were working on leveling were not doing much in terms of readying themselves, when Tyonis and Spencer are here, working on leveling very quickly. "Man... This is really a statement to the mental ability of people to overcome hardshi- oh my god that is a dragon. I want it." Spencer stopped and looked at the little animal perched around, then it started to fly, just a little bit though. It is adorable, I want one- wait, is it a familiar? I read that you can get pets in this game. Spencer thought to himself for a moment, wondering if that is what it is. He pushed the thought away as the woman directed the two to the next part that they needed to go to.

    Spencer followed along silently and looked up when it started to get dark from the surrounding cave, which made Spencer a little uneasy. Tyonis brought up the thought that maybe there was a skill to see in the dark, and he wouldn't be surprised if there was. "Probably, I've heard there could be floors completely in the  dark." He said to the solider, the pair venturing deeper.

  5. Spencer quickly got up from the ground and got ready for the next attack that could be incoming from the Shark. And long behold, it came, however Neo was able to get a couple good stabs on it to deter it for a moment and make it move out of the way of the two. "Yeah Neo!" He called back to her and smiled, getting ready for his own attack. He was just now realizing the level difference between the two of them, but she was still strong in her own right, so she could definitely take care of herself. The shark slowly started to come back around, and Spencer got ready to strike. The shark burst from the sand, but Spencer quickly raised his shield, the thing sending Spencer sliding back, but he was able to protect himself well enough to only take minimal damage, and the shark seemed to be hurt by the strike against Spencer. This was his chance, and he went for it. Spencer ran forward and swung up gracefully into the air, sending the shark reeling back and sliding back into the sand, a good portion of its health already gone from itself. "Okay, your turn Neo." He called back with a slight smile.


    ID: 102598 BD: 10 (5 Base Damage x 3 = 15) 
    MD: 7 (50 - 47 = 3 Damage to Spencer, 14 Damage in Thorns)


    Sand Shark:
    HP: 80/125 - 29 From Thorns and Attack
    DMG: 50

    HP: 437/440
    ENG: 40/44
    Hate: 3 (3 From Max Crit)

    HP: 240
    ENG: 23
    Hate: 1


  6. Spencer kept walking with Neo, then saw her start to use her hands to show how many years she had been gaming. She held up a 2 and a 5, which confused him for a little bit, then it finally dawned on him. "OHHHH, you mean 7 years, for some reason I was looking at '25' instead, and got super confused." He laughed and smiled at the woman. He was about to say something else, but the ground started to shake. Spencer's eyes went wide and he searched around the desert, but couldn't find much happening. However, in the distance, there was a little bit of sand moving around, like it was caving in on itself. Spencer's eyes went wide and he held out an arm for Neo to stop, they found the shark.

    Spencer felt another quake as the sand dislodged around them and Spencer fell, sliding down the sand. Luckily he fell on his back, so his shield helped him slide down the sand dune. When he finally got to the bottom, the Shark was already out of reach, going around the sand quickly and efficiently, cutting through everything in its path. "We got a bit of a problem... here we go." He muttered to himself.

    ID: 102581 BD: 2 + 1 = 3 Miss


    Sand Shark:
    DMG: 50

    ENG: 42/44
    Hate: 0

    ENG: N/A
    Hate: 0

    (Spencer's Stat Changes: Dmg 4 - 1 = 3 (Switching Mace with Ring) ACC: 0 + 1 = 1


  7. As they walked, it seemed a little bit before Spencer got a response, which made him a little anxious. Oh no did I say the wrong thing? Maybe I aked a little too much of her, hope I didn't make her uncomfortable. He was worried in his head, but calmed down when Neo offered up her age, saying she was 20. Spencer nodded and thought for a moment, and he decided to go with the age he started this game at. "I'm eighteen. And to keep the conversation flowing, here's another question. How long have you been playing video games for? For me its been about a few years, I haven't done much with the full dive technology like the nervegear before, only minor MMOs online, and some VR stuff, nothing major." He thought back to all the games he used to play in the real world, some of them were so fun, but he didn't think that he would go back to any of them considering what is happening to him at the moment. "Neverwinter was always my favorite game."

  8. "Some wise words from someone who cursed the heavens and stuffed their face into a bush." He laughed a bit and looked at Tyonis, laughing a bit more. "But yeah I would have guessed almost 8 years on you for army, you just have an air about you is all." He smiled and continued to follow him, noticing the other players along side of Tyonis. I can't believe I'm not one of them to be honest. I would be a mess if I wasn't in the presence of someone who was way more calm than me. I'm glad I found Tyonis when I did, or I would be one of the people in the fetal position. He pushed back the sadder and grimmer thoughts as they weaved in and out of players and NPC's, the game was a little insane at the moment. Spencer looked towards the sky and shook his head, he couldn't believe something like this happened and existed.

    "So, what are your plans for when you get out of this game?" He was trying to keep his spirits up, which meant he start talking like they are going to get out other than they might get out. "I want to finish college, and maybe go for another degree, school might not be the most fun thing in the world, but it sure beats this." He gestured to everything around him.

  9. Spencer smiled and picked up Noot, who was a little upset that he wasn't getting a lot more petting from the nice woman. Spencer started to walk when Neo gestured for him to start the adventure. Spencer was a little nervous that this was going to be very difficult, considering that she couldn't talk and Spencer was the best at keeping a conversation going even with someone who could talk. This is going to be challenging, but that is okay, I can deal with challenging, just need to get used to not having someone vocalize things back to me, but this should be okay. He calmed himself down with his own thoughts and got ready to get going. Spencer put his umbrella to angle a bit more towards the sun so it was easier to not be hit by it all the time. Spencer looked around the barren desert for a moment before he turned to Neo to start up a conversation. "So, if I may ask, how old are you?" He wanted to start off with something small to get used to talking to someone who isn't verbal.

  10. Spencer smiled when he got the party invite. The name 'Neo' popped up on his screen and he nodded, wanting to remember it for the future. "Names Neo, nice name. First person I've ever met with that name that is for sure. Also, I have a friend, her name is Calypso, and she is also mute. Well.. She used to be mute but she got used to talking in the game, not saying you have to talk or anything." He smiled at her, it was sweet to see someone loving on Noot. He looked around for a moment, and finally got his bearings on where the two of them now needed to go. "So Neo, you ready to head out? Or would you like to stay here and pet my familiar some more?" He asked with a small smile, Noot was certainly happy. The penguin squeaked happily from the loving that he was getting, turning around and holding on to her arm happily, trying to give her arm a hug. "He seems to really like you, not many people just stop and give him tons of attention."

  11. Spencer was waiting for a response, but it seemed as though he wasn't going to get anything out of her. Hmm, I wonder if she is mute like Calypso used to be.. She obviously isn't deaf because she heard what I said to her,, Hmm I'm going to try signing and see if that works. Spencer raises his hands and signs to the woman, but the look on her face makes him think as though she didn't really understand what he was signing to her. Okay, Mute but doesn't know sign language, but she can understand me just fin- wait is she going to do the quest that I'm trying to do. Spencer looked at the quest she showed up and he nodded very quickly. "Yes! I'm actually here just to do that quest. I would love to join you." He smiled and saw her trying to pet Noot, and he happily obliged. "So, I'm guessing you are mute, so want to send me a party invite so I can figure out what your name is?" He cocked his head with the question, the penguin waddling towards Neo, hugging her leg softly.

  12. Spencer was walking and almost in his own little world, but he turned to see a woman waving at him. Spencer smiled a bit and walked over to her, slowly taking Noot off of his head and holding him in his arms. "Hi, I'm Spencer, and what brings you to this floor?" He asked after the woman waved at him. She seemed like a sweet woman, well not so much sweet as in nice or happy. Noot waved to her and looked at her, deeming her a nice person. "Noot!"  The penguin called out and looked at her, happy to make another friend. Spencer laughed a little bit at the penguin's noise and looked at her. "Sorry, it is something it seems as though he liked to do a lot, he noots at people that he likes. He's only met one person that he doesn't like so far, and with him he did everything he possibly could in order to get away from him." Spencer almost laughed when he thought about the whole situation at Valentines Day, but he could still feel a soft pang in his heart about it all.

  13. "Is there even a story line to SAO? I know the how thing about going through the hundred floors to escape and conquer the game, but like.... What kind of story is there even? There doesn't seem to be any story with these quests. And these are the Beginner Quests after all, seems a bit weird if you ask me." He shrugged and began to walk along the path to where ever they were going, he was just following Tyonis's lead at this point. Hmm, only two more parts. That means were half way done at least! That is really nice to think. But I wonder what we are going to have to do for these next couple quests.. oh god this is probably not going to be that fun huh? He thought to himself and continued the walk to the next section, his feet now almost dragging as he continued. "So Tyonis, when did you join the military? You seem super knowledgeable about it and experienced, so it seems like you have been in it for a very long time." He smiled at the solider and looked up at the sun, that seemed to almost not be moving in the sky.

  14. Spencer sighed softly as he entered the main settlement of the fifth floor. He heard that there was a quest on this floor that he could do that could help him level up a bit. He was happy for the chance to level a bit more, but was kind of nervous of what the quest could entail. He knew that this was going to be some sort of... what did they say.. Shark? He didn't fully know what it was going to be, and it seemed strange to fight a shark in the middle of the desert, but Spencer didn't want to take anything out of the options of what it could be. Spencer got ready for his journey and adorned his normal umbrella to block the sun that was beating down on the heads of him and his penguin. Noot was sweating and sitting on Spencer's head, the breeze was drifting by, and Noot was readily taking that in, as well as soaking up the shade that the umbrella offered him.

    Spencer smiled softly at the flightless bird who was on top of his head, and he slowly walked around the building, wondering where to exactly start, and what direction to start it in. He frowned for a moment, he didn't know exactly where he was going, and looked a bit lost. He felt a little uncomfortable just asking random strangers where to go, but he thought that he might have to at this moment, this was not going to be fun for Spencer.


  15. Spencer nodded to Tyonis, a little dirty, but he was fine. He was getting a tad irritated though. Okay, I've had enough of these boars. Please, for the love of god, leave us alone. He thought and stood there, mace in hand and he walked forward. The boar twisted towards Spencer and growled, slowly walking forward. Spencer smiled a little smugly and swung fast, the boar didn't even realize what happened. Spencer slammed so hard into the boar that it broke apart into crystals almost instantly. Spencer gasped softly at what happened and his eyes were a tad bit wide, looking at the damage he was able to cause from the one swing. A boar tusk came up from the loot menu, and he handed it to Tyonis, the third item that was needed for the quest. "There you go, now we are done." He smiled and looked at the boar tusk he was holding, he was happy to be assisting the man, and he was happy that he could help when this was a pretty annoying situation.

    ID: 102562 BD: 9 (5 Damage) LD: 19 (Third and Final Boar Tusk)


    Boar Pups x0


        DMG: 3 (No extra DMG on Crit)


        HP: 68

        ENG: 5

        Hate VS Boar Pup E: 0



        ENG: 42/44

        Hate VS Boar Pup E: 2

    Boar Pup E:

        HP: 5 - 5 = 0


  16. Spencer nodded with a small smirk, he was almost happy that the two of them were having almost equal trouble in fighting these boars, but luckily they had already taken three of them. Spencer stood back as he watched Tyonis go in for that attack, almost killing the creature. It seemed that they always 'almost' kill them on their first hit, and it always takes another attack in order to take it out for good. Hmmm, I should probably increase my damage a bit, probably help a little bit in attacking and even defending. The best defense is offense. He thought and shook  his head, already annoyed with the phrase that he thought in his head. He shook his thoughts away and got ready to attack the creature, gripping his mace a bit tighter and taking a step forward, but the boar was already charging an attack. Spencer quickly rolled out of the way of the impending attack, but he wasn't able to get an attack off instead. Spencer hopped up with his mace in hand, this was going to be a bit more difficult.

    ID: 102555 BD: 1 + 1 = 2 Miss


    Boar Pups x2


        DMG: 3 (No extra DMG on Crit)


        HP: 69

        ENG: 5

        Hate VS Boar Pup A: 1



        ENG: 42/44

        Hate VS Boar Pup A: 0

    Boar Pup A:

        HP: 1


  17. Spencer smiled brightly and felt happier than he had in a while. He had no idea why signing with this woman was making him so excited and happy, but yet he didn't want to question it. Spencer recognized what Calypso was saying to him, and tried to reply to her, but she was already talking to the old man. Calypso asked if the man was deaf, or couldn't speak, and he thought for a moment before signing both. "I... I vowed an oath of silence after my wife past, I refused to speak another word, wanting my last words in this life to be to her, I learned Sign Language when I realized that I was actually going to need to converse with people, but almost no one knew it. It puts a smile on my face that you two brave adventurers can speak to me in my, now native tongue. My wife would have loved to have met you." He smiled sadly, and with that, the NPC dialogue ended. Spencer was a little sad after that moment, but turned back to Calypso, giving her a sad smile, and looking into the dark cave. He motioned to the entrance with a look, wondering if she wanted to go in. Wow I haven't been adventuring in so long, would be nice to explore and make more of a friend out of Calypso.

  18. Spencer kept walking, but almost felt the emotional and physical change in Calypso as Spencer offered up the information that he knows sign language. Spencer looked a little confused for a moment, but when Calypso turned to him, and her hands slowly started to take shape the first word, Spencer's eyes widened and he almost jumped in excitement. He was too busy holding Noot, so he quickly stopped and held Noot close to his cloak, and he quickly crawled up the cloak. The penguin's head popped up next to Spencer's moving close and curling up in the fabric. Spencer smiled brightly and started to sign. "Oh my god I'm so happy right now. And I started learning about..... Since I was a child. My parents wanted me to have a language under my belt along with English." He smiled brightly and was very excited.

    The two of them came upon the temple, and right away the old man saw the two signing, and his eyes lit up a little bit, slowly shambling forward. Spencer looked concerned for a moment, but as he raised his hands, he knew what was going to happen. "You two... You two can speak to me?" He offers up in Sign language and looks at the two of them, an almost hopeful look in the older man's eyes, it made Spencer's heart warm.

  19. Spencer smiled during the little introduction that the two of them had, it was sweet to see Danesh and Calypso interact, even though the little dragon was being a butt. Spencer smiled and looked for a bit longer, than listened to Calypso talk about the familiar. He looked around the floor for a moment and nodded when he heard her say that he was found on this floor. Makes sense, a dragon for this floor, and it actually is kind of beautiful, I need to come here more too. Maybe I could hang out with Calypso here- Okay you are getting ahead of yourself, just start to make closer friends, no need to rush into things like that. Spencer mentally yelled at himself, and didn't even notice that the woman started to walk. Spencer quickly started to try to catch up to her, hearing her interest be piqued when he mention that talking to someone who doesn't talk wont be that difficult. "Oh! I know Sign Language." He smiled and cracked his knuckles, getting ready to sign to someone.

    Spencer looked at his hands, then at the temple, he was actually getting excited. He hadn't been able to sign with anyone, in over two years. He smiled and got a little giddy at the thought of being able to sign to someone, even if it is an NPC, it will still be very refreshing to have a discussion. Oh god why am I so excited? Wait no, I know why. But I need to calm down so I don't seem so dumb around Calypso. And dumb around Noot, I still need my son- my familiars respect. His thoughts made him laugh acting like Noot was his child.

  20. Spencer watched as the sea-foam haired woman took a moment to realize who he was. Spencer smiled softly when realization dawned upon her face. She looked to be more at ease in her attire, and she seemed to actually be enjoying herself a bit more than being a wallflower. Spencer's eyes traveled to the familiar that was using the woman's body as a jungle gym. He laughed softly as the quick animal evaded the woman's hands. "Seems like your familiar does not want to be grabbed." He smiled and walked over to her and looked at the animal a little closer. Noot, now trying to figure out who the woman was, walked over to her and waddled around her, taking a look at her, and waving the the familiar she possessed. He waddled  back to Spencer and gave a Noot and a little nod, deeming her a good person. "And it seems like Noot likes you." He smiled and scooped up the little feathery animal, the penguin waving and snuggling into Spencer's arms. "What has brought you out to this temple? I was interested in exploring it myself, but I have about no information about this place, other than the man who is at the entrance area is mute, or deaf. Not sure which, but luckily that is easier for me than most." He smiled and looked over the standing temple, the architecture fitting into the mountain around it.

  21. Spencer smiled at Tyonis when he nodded at Spencer. "Hopefully we start to get some better luck, because right now we are having horrible luck." He muttered in a bitter tone as Tyonis barely missed another attack he made on the creature. Spencer grumbled a little irritated and tried to get ready for his next attack against the creature as well. Spencer gripped his mace and twisted it in his hand, trying to think of a good line of attack. He was staring at the creature that kept evading their attacks, and he was going in for another one. However the boar pup saw it coming. Spencer lunged at the creature, but his mace got stuck into the ground and the boar was able to dance free very easily, Spencer sighed and almost swore with the irritation that this thing was causing him. "Okay, please for the love of god, kill this thing." He laughed, but part of his tone had anger in it as well. He sighed again, he was irritated.

    ID: 102524 BD: 3 + 1 = 4 Miss


    Boar Pups x2


        DMG: 3 (No extra DMG on Crit)


        HP: 80

        ENG: 5

        Hate VS Boar Pup A: 0



        ENG: 42/44

        Hate VS Boar Pup A: 0

    Boar Pup A:

        HP: 5


  22. With the third boar pup down, but them only having one boar tusk, the push was on to hopefully get one in the next one and the one after that. I wonder how many more pups we are going to have to kill in order for this to be done. Hopefully just these next two? I mean if not I know we can handle to keep going with more of them, I just would rather be down with them now and move on with our lives to finish the n ext two parts to this quest chain, hopefully those don't take that long too. He thought to himself for a little bit and looked at the second to last pup, it was trying desperately to get a good angle on Tyonis to attack him. Spencer gripped his own mace and started to go forward, not wanting the boar to get an attack off on the man. Spencer swung forward and just barely missed the pup, but it scarred the creature enough to make it back off a bit, Spencer almost shooing the creature to huddle next to his friend

    ID: 102516 BD: 4 + 1 = 5 (Miss)


    Boar Pups x2


        DMG: 3 (No extra DMG on Crit)


        HP: 80

        ENG: 5

        Hate VS Boar Pup A: 0



        ENG: 42/44

        Hate VS Boar Pup A: 0

    Boar Pup A:

        HP: 5


  23. Spencer watched as Tyonis attacked the boar with ferocity, destroying it and sending its pixels to slowly float up an dissipate into the air. Spencer bit his lip as the second one died, he felt almost bad for killing all of these creatures, but he knew that they didn't exist in a physical form, so there was no actual harm done to them. Spencer gripped his mace a tad bit tighter and looked over at the remaining three, they were all trained on Tyonis, attacking him and causing the most minimal damage they could possibly make. Spencer almost laughed at how almost sad the attacks were.

    The man sighed and gripped his mace, looking at one boar in particular. He knew he might not be able to kill the thing, but that was not going to stop him from trying his best to kill it. Spencer ran forward and slashed with his mace, causing the creature to roll into a tree and its health bar to blink very low. That definitely took the attention of that pup towards Spencer, who quickly backed up next to Tyonis.

    ID: 102512 BD: 5 + 1 = 6


    Boar Pups x3


        DMG: 3 (No extra DMG on Crit)


        HP: 80

        ENG: 5

        Hate VS Boar Pup C: 0



        ENG: 42/44

        Hate VS Boar Pup C: 1

    Boar Pup C:

        HP: 5 - 4 = 1


  24. Spencer was caught up in his own fighting for a moment, but when he turned to see Tyonis attacking the group of pups with an AOE attack, and almost killing one boar in the shockwave, it made him realize how intense the fighting was going to be. Spencer was never a big fighter.. or really ever a fighter to begin with. His father took him to archery, but that was with targets and not with animals. His mother was more of a sweet lady. His sister was the hunter. He was never really raised with anything like combat in his mind of in his life. Seeing Tyonis attacking really put everything into perspective. Also, it was very intense and almost cool the amount of speed and strength people have now with this death game being an MMO. When this is over, I'm definitely going to need a bit to freak out about everything tha tis happening in this. Just watching this fighting is really putting me on edge... His thoughts tripped him up a bit when he tried to go in for the attack. He went for the boar that was already damaged, but it seemed like ti was waiting for him almost. It jumped out of the way with grace that surprised the blonde man, successfully getting out of the way easily. "Welp. that did not go as planned, hope you have better luck." He said and turned to Tyonis.

    ID: 102357 BD: 2 + 1 = 3 Miss


    Boar Pups x4


        DMG: 3 (No extra DMG on Crit)


        HP: 80

        ENG: 7+1-3SA=5 

                Sonic Charge ID: 102342, 102343, 102344, 102345

                BD: 1 (Critical Miss), 2+2 (Miss), 5+2 (Hit), 2+2 (Miss)

                DMG: 4x1SA=4DMG to Boar Pup D; All other attempts missed.

        Hate VS Boar Pup D: 1



        ENG: 42/44

    Boar Pup D:

        HP: 5-4DMG=1 


  25. Spencer sighed softly as he got up and got around to start moving around the isolated cliff side on the seventh floor. He was more lonely than he expected, which was something he didn't really want to think of. Luckily, he was able to deal with his loneliness much easier than he has been able to in the past. What to do with my new found emotional freedom... Hmm... I'm not positive what I want to do with all this time on my hands now. I could just explore more of this floor maybe? I heard that there was some temple sort of near by, I could go check that out and explore a little bit, I miss going on adventures.... I miss going on adventures with people mostly. Maybe I'll meet someone there I can hang out it? Highly unlikely but a boy can dream can't he? He thought to himself for a little bit before beginning his walk,

    Spencer was a little ways away from the temple when he spotted some blue hair. He thought nothing really of it, must just be another player, but then it seemed like he knew that player before. Wait... Do I know her?.... Wait! It's Calypso!! He smiled brightly and quickened his pace, Noot was a tad confused because he never actually met this woman before. He got a little farther and closer to her before he waved to get her attention. "Hi! I'm not sure if you remember me, but my name is Spencer, we met at the Valentines Event a while ago?" He looked at her, hoping he was remembered, he didn't think he was That forgettable.

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