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Posts posted by Kimi

  1. As time passed Kimi nearly made it about half way to her destination. The terrain in which she was crossing didn't change much, but what was cobblestone reverted back to dirt. The Forest of Wavering Mists began to reveal itself slowly. It was most notable by how a thick dark forest in the distance was emitting a fairly dense mist. Kimi ran the detail of the quest back in her head. She needed to fight some dark elves for the mats that they drop. At least most specifically, the dark elves have keen sense of a special herb that grows within the Forest of Wavering Mists and she needed that. Griswold also mentioned that it wasn't impossible to find some materials laying about, but it would be best just to get it off the elves that lived there. The herb that she was looking for could best be described as a dark thick leafed fern that attracts and holds on to mist. This effect of the mist on the fern even lasts when outside the forests and in different floors.

  2. As Kimi went along following the instructions of Griswold. She came upon the path that would take her to the Forest of Wavering Mists. Thankfully Kimi made good time by finding and accepting the quest early that she had plenty of time to prepare. Not only that, but she also had time to look around and absorb the new scenery. Kimi wasn't fond of leaving lower level floors even if this one was also considered as much. She much preferred staying near the Town of Beginnings and only really going out to get materials or just stay at her shop to craft. The wind out in the mountains were fairly calm, but once she would reach a mid point of some hills and mountains it would pick up the pace. As for how it looked up in the sky, it was all blue and clear. Though thick clusters of clouds were around and about, but that wasn't too much of a concern to Kimi.

  3. The duo were now finished with the quest, but it doesn't mean they have to head back right away "Great!" Kimi said very happily "Is there anything else you want to do while we're out here?" Being free of the search for materials was like having the weight of the world taken off your shoulders. Kimi hoped that this was going to be the only quest like it, but that wasn't likely. As the two were resting sitting down. Kimi couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at how many times she almost given up. Not to mention seeing how well "The lazy was is the best way." played out. Seems her saying was the right way to do things for some reason. As time passes nothing really crossed Kimi's mind she wanted to turn in the quest, but staying out to gather more materials via fighting would also be a nice choice. "You never know when you might need more Mats." Kimi thought to herself. The duo had plenty of time on their hands so there was no reason to rush things.


  4. Today was another normal day. It was slightly windier today than normal and the thick clouds covered the sky. This was probably because Kimi got up early to begin her usual routine of checking out her shop to craft some things. As she entered her shop she made her way to her work station to begin crafting. For her first song it turned out very well, but something wasn't right and she didn't succeed at crafting, but she had the opportunity to save the materials she had for the recording. Sadly though she wasn't quick enough to recover it and lost the materials. The second song she made however was a success. 

    First Attempt: Salvage, Fail



    ID# 91915

    Craft: 9

    Loot: 7


    Second Attempt: Success



    ID# 91916

    Craft: 10

    + 1 Uncommon T1 Consumable


    OOC: Leveled up and can craft 2 more times. 

    Third Attempt: Fail



    ID# 91922

    Craft: 4


    Fourth Attempt: Fail



    ID# 91923

    Craft: 3



  5. The travel was taking a bit for the trio, but it wasn't something too tiresome. Taking in the gentle breeze and clean green scenery that lay upon them was a nice way to enjoy their subtle journey. As for Kimi more questions about Veriost popped up in her mind as they traversed the uneven ground. "Must be nice to have her around. I personally would like to get myself a familiar too, but i'm not sure where to start. The thought of having someone by your side always is very comforting, well at least for me." Kimi said to Vigilon trying to break the ice. Kimi then turned around, walked backwards for a bit, and asked Krysta. "Do you plan to get your own familiar? Just like his maybe?" While Kimi was busy starting a conversation the trio made some good distance especially since they left early. The sun was still high and the thick clouds started to dissipate as time went on. The trio was nearly there to the spawning point. As they neared Kimi tightened her wraps and stretched her arms. She knew that she doesn't necessarily need to stretch since its all virtual, but it was all a force of habit. 


  6. "I'll need to know what kind of armor you're looking for missy." Griswold said. Kimi was quick to reply as she already knew what she wanted. I'm trying to get myself some heavy armor with the thorns enchantment." As she said that Griswold then stood up from his forge and made his way inside his house. "Wait here please." He said to Kimi. After some time Griswold came out saying. "I can make you it, but i'll be needing you to gather some materials for me... Hmm 1 Teir 1 Materials should be more than enough as long as its the herb from a specific creature. The materials are dropped by the Dark Elves in the Forest of Wavering Mists." He said pointing out into the distant forest. These elves aren't friendly and will attack on sight. Just treat them as your common day monster and you'll be fine." Griswold warned. 

    With that said Kimi went off into the distance not sure of what to expect, except that she will be fighting some dark elves and until then she won't be coming back. 

  7. Kimi was excited now that she has some tools to work with in her shop. At least now it would be better for her when she makes items, and she can get better at her craft also. As she wandered toward her shop. she couldn't express how nice it is of a day that she can use her tools for the first time. She took out the custom tools and prepared them on her workshop table. The first song came out fairly well. As for the second one it took some time trying to get it right, but it didn't turn out as well as she thought it would. 

    First Attempt: Success 



    ID# 91868

    Craft: 10

    +1 Uncommon Consumable

    +4 EXP

    Second Attempt: Fail



    ID# 91869

    Craft: 4

    +2 EXP



  8. With what Kimi said earlier "Lazy way is the best way." She stretched, let out a yawn and closed her eyes trusting Kaya would let her know if something bad were to happen. "Ahh this is nice." She said out loud. Kimi just shifted a bit and began to really get in a comfortable position. In the back of her mind she kept herself away just to be sure nothing bad happens. While she was laying down she made some effort to find materials, but it as the same as before with her gliding her arm along the grass feeling for anything that might catch her eye. Surprisingly enough there was something. She felt a odd patch of coarse grass and she peeked at it. It was another material, she didn't know how she failed to notice this before but now that she has it her part of gather materials was done. "Finally..." She uttered in relaxation. Kimi glanced over at Kaya, "I finished up over here, i got my last piece." 


     ID# 91866 results: Material Found

    Loot: 16

    +1 T1 Material

    Total Material Found:

    5 T1 Mats

  9. While strolling through the 5th floor looking for some materials and maybe someone to party up with. Kimi found a building not to far from where she was. Out of curiosity she went to check it out. Maybe this was a place for people to rest, and right now she could use some. As she made her way up to the building she spotted a sign "Everyday Miracles". "Theres a store all the way up here" Kimi thought as she neared closer to the building. The one thing that was a miracle as how a store way up here managed to make it so far away from big settlements. Anyways she went in to have a look.

    "Hello?" She said as Kimi entered, upon entering something caught her eyes. It was a set of tools that we're in display "i can use these" she thought. As she began making her way to the counter. A small sign on the side of the counter said "we also do appraisals". Kimi then took out her Rare Unidentified T1 weapon (Gloves) and placed them on the counter along side some Custom Ambition Tool. "Can i get these checked out?" She asked the store owner.

  10. As Kimi saw that Kaya found 1 more material to add to the completion of the quest she felt envious. She didn't really know what to do to make this go easier or better yet to finish quicker. They made it far already, but Kimi really felt the need to take a break so she wasn't planning on getting up off the ground any time soon. As Kimi lay not to far from Kaya, she was just enjoying the cool breeze brushing over the grass along side her and the soft greens that are underneath her. At this point Kimi just felt as if lazily doing things would probably be the best. She thought "Eventually we're bound to run into it, so why not relax a bit and enjoy the weather." As she waved her arm getting a feel for the cool grass brushing around her she felt her arm run over a very stern plant. Kimi wasn't expecting much since its just a plant she touched, but as she glanced over to what it was and got a better look it was what she was looking for. "Alright! I got one! Lazy way is the best way." Kimi said laughing a bit by the turn of events.

    ID# 91857 results: Material Found

    Loot: 15

    + 1 T1 Material

    Total Mats Found:

    4 T1 Mats

  11. As Kimi was traveling around on the third floor in search of materials. She ran into a few friendly players who were there looking for a quest that would give them "free" armor. Once she heard about that Kimi thought she would go out of her way to gain some armor because she is lacking some equipment. From what Kimi could gather the NPC who is going to make the armor for you is the master NPC Armorsmiths Griswold. It wasn't long until she found the shop in which the NPC resided. "Hello?" Kimi said looking in as she opened the door. She was quickly greeted by a female NPC, if she recalled correctly thats the wife of the smith Hanna. "Hello there dear. I take you're here to get some armor yes? If you are, let him know what armor you want. He should be in the back just go around the house." Hanna said kindly as she gestured to the side of the house.There stood a surly built man blacked by smoke from his forge. "You must be Griswold. I came looking to get a armor piece if you wouldn't mind." Kimi said.

  12. Name: Tamers Lullaby
    Your Profession: Performer
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 91832
    Roll Result: Craft: 12
    Item Type: Attraction
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Familiar Call
    Description: A lullaby hummed with no lyrics, but one sensitive enough to touch the feeling and souls of those nearby. When used it wraps its user in an aura of warmth that calms certain creatures that interact with the user.

    Post Link: 



  13. "Another day, another dollar" as the old saying goes, but for Kimis case it was more exp. That delicious exp unless of course she manages to craft something spectacular to sell, or use for her own travels. Kimi was walking back to her shop and checking the sites along the way. Now that she really thought about it, her shop wasn't all to special and she didn't have anything to serve or sell for the time being because she was busy gaining experience to make better quality things for her future customers. As of now the shop was fairly drab and droopy nothing lined the walls except some basic decorations. This wasn't much a bother to her as she knew it would take some time to really have anything of interest to sell. "I should get to crafting to fill these walls now." She thought to herself as she took out 2 crystals for recording.

    First Attempt: Success



    ID# 91832

    Craft: 12

    +1 Perfect Consumable 

    +8 EXP


    Second Attempt: Fail



    ID# 91833

    Craft: 4

    +1 EXP



  14. "So what are you gonna do now?" Kimi said in curiosity. She never really bugged Kaya to ask, but now that they were back it was probably the best time to see. The time they spent outside the Town of Beginnings was barely noticeable for them and the sun was still high giving them the whole afternoon to do stuff. Kimi wasn't too sure where to go from where they are now because they planned to meet back in the gate, but one thing was calling her and that was sweets. She spent some time looking at the markets that dotted the outskirts and at the grand entrance for some sweets to get or maybe even a snack. Nothing really satisfied her with the exception of course being whatever she is craving at the time. Regardless she couldn't wait to get back to the food district in the inner city, but first came Kaya quest.


  15. Kimi was too busy to hear the calls of Kaya as she was searching for her. All Kimi had in mind was where to find the next material or better yet to find a place that both could find it with ease. As time passed it became more apparent that this was going to take longer than it should. However now is not the time to give up especially with the fact both of them are more than half way done and all they needed is four more materials, more specifically 2 for both of them. Either way, they'll finish eventually and when that time comes they could take a break. Kimi went on to scavenge for any materials nearby, but this time within vision of Kaya as not to worry her. Kimi sat down quietly to cool her head because the constant fail of not finding mats were slowly getting to her.

    ID# 91831 results: No mats found

     Loot: 4

    Total found:

    3 T1 mats

  16. As the they finished talking about another quest Kimi spoke up "Well best you guys get yourselves ready along the way." As she gestured to start getting a move on. The weather was not so cloudy and they had a cool breeze accompanying it. It was a surprisingly nice day to get stuff done even though what they we're about to face would be a boss of sorts. Still though the enemy that they were to face wasn't anything too big. It still held the title of field boss and rumors had it set to be somewhat formidable, but that was all rumor. The trio had to see for sure what their enemy was capable of. Kimi glanced back at Vigilon and said "I've never actually seen a familiar before and yours is really cool. You said his name is Veriost? Did it take long to get him?" Kimi was trying to start small talk as they prepared to get going.

  17. Kimi did a little stretch as she was already starting to feel the lengthiness of the quest and how annoying it is to find the materials by hand. She was already tired from searching for a while, but that didn't get her down. She knew she had to finish this quest if she wanted to take on the ones following this. That said she began searching again and again. Kimi paced around for some time while looking around to spot anything good before she decided to get on all 4's to search. As this went a few minutes turned into 10 and then 20 nothing was to be seen. Feels like Kimi was out of luck already in searching for some materials. Maybe if she were to go to a different area it would provide more material, but she wanted to make sure she didn't skip over anything. Kimi was really thinking of a way to do this quicker, but she knew that she had nothing and could only do things the hard way.

     ID# 91758 results:

    Loot: 4

    Total Mats Found:

    3 T1 Mats

  18. "Lets just rest up." Kimi said as she sat in the grass. "We can actually go if you want already." Kimi was just enjoying the fine weather as she laid in the grass, but she felt like she could spend this time being more productive while also taking a break. That said she spent some time scanning the area for some material she could bring back for her own use. As she was gazing upon the plains nothing of interest could be found, and she was just about ready to get going. Hopefully she could get back so she can buy some sweets because its been a while since she had something to eat. More specifically she hasn't had the time to satisfy her sweet tooth. "Lets head back whenever you feel like it." Kimi said looking back at Kaya. Kimi was just enjoying her time out in the plains, now that the two are finished with what needed to be done for her quest. 

    ID# 91757 results  Loot: 7

    No mats found.

  19. Kimi got up for the day not really knowing what to do, but she did know that she was going to craft. In the morning she spent her time going through the market hoping that she might find something useful for her crafting, but she wasn't sure if she would buy anything just yet. As she went along humming a song nothing really stood out in the line of stores that checkered the marketplace. So she decided it was time to start crafting, and maybe this time her crafts wouldn't fail. Much to her surprise she actaully made progress and crafted something, but for her second try wasn't as fortunate until she managed to save some material.

    First Attempt: Salvage, Saved T1 Mat



    ID# 91743

    Craft: 8

    Loot: 11

    +1 T1 Mat


    Second Attempt: Success



    ID# 91744

    Craft: 10

    +1 Uncommon Consumable



  20. "Great we have one person now. Just need one more." Kimi thought. As soon as the two finished introducing themselves a voice rang out from behind Krysta " 'Sup, Krysta? Up to anything in particular?" Kimi didn't notice the guy walking up to them, but he seemed to know Krysta already. As he made his way forward Kimi didn't want to miss this opportunity to get someone else to join their group. "Uhh... Hi there care to join our cause?" Kimi uttered as a joke, but then fixed her tone. "I'm Kimi, It seems you already know Krysta. We're about to set out to hunt down a field boss that spawned nearby. Wanna join us?" Kimi said with a friendly smile and a happy-go-lucky tone. Kimi couldn't ask for a better situation with finding someone else so soon, and not only that but he already knew Krysta. 

    @Krysta @Vigilon

  21. Kimi made her way to Good Vibes to begin doing her craft of the day once again. Last time she didn't produce any goods, but hopefully today will show a better result. Today was another day so hopefully the results of her craft would be successful, but she is still learning. As she began crafting her first song, it turned out better than last time, but still was unsuccessful. As for the second try, nothing changed and she failed. Kimi heard about tools that she could buy to help her gain more experience and contemplated buying them. With more exp she could rank up faster and would have a better chance at getting successful works.

    First attempt: Salvage fail



    ID# 91680 

    Craft: 6


    Second attempt:fail



    ID# 91681

    Craft: 2





  22. Kimi was traversing the mountainous terrain of the second floor in search of a rumored respawning Field Boss. As she finally neared the base of the mountain, off in the distance a settlement could be scene. "Finally a place to rest." She said in a sigh of relief. The settlement wasn't something outstanding, but it had what she needed so she went off to find a tavern. Despite being underwhelming, the settlement had plenty of markets, inns, and taverns. So it wasn't long before she found herself a place to stay at. As Kimi entered the closest tavern to her, she could see that many people around her were forming groups. "I should probably get myself a group too." She thought to herself as she sat down at a corner table. Though there are many people around her forming groups. Kimi wanted to lead a group herself so any invitation was met with a subtle rejection. She spent the next few minutes scanning the room for anyone that might seem to be alone, but nothing came up. As she stared at the entrance of the tavern daydreaming, a small blond girl walked in. "Ohh! A new person. Now's my chance to form a party." Kimi said to herself excitedly as she hurried over. 

    "Hey there!" Kimi said to the girl. "I'm forming a party here to go to fight a field boss nearby. Wanna join me?" Kimi felt awkward being very forward, but she knew if she was timid nothing would get done. Kimi quickly followed up with "My name's Kimi by the way." Scratching her head and letting out a nervous laugh as she almost forgot to introduce herself.

    @Krysta @Vigilon

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