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Posts posted by Kimi

  1. Kimi wanted to try her luck out today in her craft. She was still practicing, but she's been getting better at her profession. At the moment however, Kimi was running out of materials and needed to head out to get some soon, but for now she wanted to use whatever she had left. As she neared her shop and made her way to her work bench. She took out whatever she had to work with and began crafting. Kimi wanted to see if she could try to get a perfect item with the little amount of materials she had, but it was really all in the chance of how lucky she would be today.

    First Attempt: Fail



    ID# 92141

    Craft: 4


    Second Attempt: Fail



     ID# 92142 results:

     Craft: 1



  2. Without hesitation Kimi ran up the them and put all her energy into her arms and said under her breath "Aggressive Twins" As she rushed to attack both with relentless assault of flurrying punches. As she came to attack both one of the boars was caught as Kimi more focused opponent and took on the brunt of the attack. She didn't hold back for a second as she wanted to deal as much damage as possible and as fast as possible. For the other boar, it managed to dodge a few of the jabs but only barely by the skin of its tusks. As Kimi sent them back she followed suit and recovered saying to herself. "Damn really thought i could hit the other one more with that attack. Guess ill have to try harder next time." Kimi was eyeing the hurt boar as she thought fighting a two versus one is unfavorable. 

    ID# 92150 results:

    • BD: 10 Hit + 2 base DMG
    • MD: 4 Boar #1 Miss

    ID# 92151 results:

    • BD: 8 Hit
    • MB: 1 Boar #2 Miss

    | Kimi | Level 5 | 100/100 HP | 6/10 E | 7 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 1 | LD 0 | MIT 18 |

    Boar #1 | 32/50 HP | 15 DMG | -18 HP

    Boar #2 | 36/50 HP | 15 DMG | -14 HP

  3. As she said that Kimi proceeded to pull out one of her items she crafted and began playing its recording. Soon the whole forest was echoing with the sound of music from it. From the distance Kimi could hear rustling coming closer and closer. Out from the shrubbery came two boars both we're entranced by the music playing and didn't notice Kimi yet or to the very least didn't want to attack just yet. As soon as the music stopped and the boars snapped out of it. They flew into a rage with eyes glowing red and carving their foot into the ground. This was perfect for Kimi as she just got her a new pair of armor and wanted to test it out. Hopefully in this fight or the fights to come she can get something new to get identified. The armor she had now she gained by getting some of her loot identified so she was more than excited.

    | Kimi | Level 5 | 100/100 HP | 10/10 E | 7 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 1 | LD 0 | MIT 18 |

    Boar #1 | 50/50 HP | 15 DMG |

    Boar #2 | 50/50 HP | 15 DMG |

    -1 Battle Lullaby

  4. With that said Kimi accepted the quest and went off. It was long until she arrived at the forest clearing. The directions that the NPC gave really helped, but from here on out she just had to move forward. It was a clear sunny day with a light breeze that could be felt constantly in the forest clearing. As Kimi traversed the dirt path towards the cavern she noticed footprints from time to time, but they were all over the place. None of it she could use, but all of them did lead further into the clearing. As Kimi reached the end she could barely make out a mound of rocks and dirt that had a hole slightly protruding the ground at an angle. "This must be it... This looks pretty dangerous, imma just get a warm-up fight going first before i go in." Kimi said to herself examining the cavern from a distance.

  5. As Kimi was walking through some woods on the second floor looking for some materials. She spotted in the distance an female NPC frantically pacing back and forth on the road. Kimi was curious and moved closer to see whats the problem. Kimi approached and said. "What seems to be the matter?" At this moment the NPC finally took notice of Kimi. "My Child have you seen my child?! She was playing near a cavern here with a friend when they both got attack by monsters. The friend managed to get away, but i haven't been able to find my child." "I can help you find her, but i need you to point me in the direction of the cave." Kimi said strongly to reassure the NPC. She then explains that down the road there will be a clearing of trees to the right and if she would go through there Kimi will reach the cavern.

    | Kimi | Level 5 | 100/100 HP | 10/10 E | 7 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 1 | LD 0 | MIT 18 |

  6. Kimi was wondering about when she found herself at a grand looking shop with many interesting detail and etchings that defined it. Kimi was spent some time outside looking at the items in the window display when a ring "Andvari's Blessing" caught her eye. As she cracked open the door slowly, not sure if the shop was open at the time she awkwardly walked inside. "Hello? I saw a nice ring in your display that i'd like to purchase if its not too much trouble." She said as she kept her eye at the display looking for other items of interest.  


  7. "That's perfect!" She exclaimed "I didn't think my first perfect i found would be very handy." As she made her way to the exit saying her farewells Kimi took the armor happily and switched out of her old armor. "I'm not to sure of what to do with this, but i heard merchants buy these stuff. Can i sell them to you?" She said staring at her old armor then glancing back at Shield. "I also have other things that i don't need. I just happened to come across these as i was looking for some materials to use for crafting." Kimi closed the door and made her way back inside. She opened her inventory and took out some things that she didn't need anymore. "Here's the stuff i wanna get rid of."



    (3) Unidentified T1 Uncommon Consumable 

    Thornmail (T1 Uncommon Heavy Armor) +1 Thorns

    T1 Rare Armor: Fighting Spirit Tunic (+18 MIT)


  8. "Yeah I'm good, thanks for the save." Kimi said as she nearly tripped from the sudden action. Kimi didn't think that a boar would be all the way out here and the two of them wouldn't notice it either. The boar picked itself up after being sliced by Kaya and the duo now prepared for a fight. The boar stood not to far from them carving its hooves into the dirt and grass trying to be intimidating. As it seemed the boar would charge again at them Kimi ran towards it preparing to punch it, but ultimately missing as the boar dodged to the side. As she prepared for a hit from the boar it seemed it was ignoring Kimi and wanted to get revenge on Kaya for cutting him. The boars eyes flared red with anger towards Kaya as it only saw her as its opponent completely disregarding Kimi. "Watch out! He's only going to go for you." Kimi said from behind the boar.

     ID# 92081 results: Battle: 5 MOB: 8

    [H 1] @Kaya | Level 3 | HP 60/60 | E 4/6 | DMG 7 | ACC 3 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 | LD 2

    [H 0] Kimi | Level 1 | HP 20/20 | E 1/2 | DMG 1 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 18 | LD 0

    Boar | HP 16/30 | DMG 9

  9. As Kimi was wandering around the area looking around. She went again to look for any more material that might be nearby. Honestly she was just testing her luck because she got lucky with finding the materials the whole time she was out during the quest. Regardless of that, this didn't stop her. As she said again to herself "Lazy way is the best way." As she was was searching diligently nothing came to show itself, but there was a brief moment when she thought she saw something in the thick green grass. Sadly it was only a droplet of water from whenever it might've rained. This didn't bum Kimi out as she was only doing this for her own benefit and not for the purpose of the quest now. Either way material or not, she went back to Kaya saying "I couldn't find anymore mats. So lets get going whenever you're ready."


    ID# 92071 results: Loot: 4

  10. Kimi made some space for Kaya as she sat near her. Both were watching the sky as they took a break to regain their strength. It isn't always that you can take a good look at the detail of the game and how surreal it is. "I've heard of switch before, but i've never performed it." Kimi said casually still taking in the great amount of detail the game had to make it feel real. Even though this is a death game a lot of work has been put into it. As the duo sat together Kimi said "imma go scavenge for some possible materials while were resting." Kimi then picked herself up, being careful not to put to much pressure on her leg that was wounded, and searched the area. As expected of the plains everything was covered in tall grass except the roads that lead to distant settlements and villages. Kimi scoured some of random patches of the tall grass attempting to find anything that might be useful. When she finally stopped at a very small dandelion that was hidden within the shrubbery. "Wow... Didn't think i would actually find one." she said in surprise.

     ID# 92048 results: Loot: 15

    +1 T1 material


  11. Name: Battle lullaby  

    Your Profession: Performer
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 92039

    Roll Result: 11
    Item Type: Attraction
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Monster Call (2)
    Description: A sweet song perfect for the night. It calls upon the nearby monsters to entice them to fight, but also yielding greater rewards if they are defeated.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15643-floor-1-rank-2-performer/?do=findComment&comment=532401

  12. Kimi made her way back to her shop after a long day. She finally finished a quest shes been meaning to do. Not only that she managed to get a T1 Material off that quest so now was a good time to craft. Along the way to her store she stopped by several others to check what they had on display. Mostly because Kimi didn't have anything for sale yet. She didn't get much time to sell anything because shes been saving, or she felt as if what she had to offer weren't that great. At least for the moment she can focus on getting materials to gain rank to make better items. That aside she began to craft for the day.

    First Attempt: Fail



    ID# 92037

    Craft: 1


    Second Attempt: Fail



    ID# 92038

    Craft: 2


    Third Attempt: Success



    ID# 92039

    Craft: 11

    +1 Rare Consumable


    Fourth Attempt: Salvage, Fail



    ID# 92040

    Craft: 6

    Loot: 8



  13. "Yeah... yeah i'm good, Thanks for finishing it off. I got worried for a second because it kept dodging you attack." Kimi said as she dusted herself off and stood. She glanced over at where the mimic died. "Good riddance." She then proceeded to take a little break. Having that box focus on her was pretty scary, but thankfully she got the "Tank Package" and she had really good armor well suited for moments like this. "Lets take a little break, I kinda need it especially after that fight." Kimi suggested. Even though she just finished dusting herself off Kimi sat back on the ground. Her leg was still stinging from that monstrosities bite, but she felt it going away little by little. The damage would have been a lot worse if she would've taken on that thing without any good armor. Kimi sat in a more grassy area of the plains away from the battle damaged ground, but still within vision of Kaya just to be safe. 

  14. "Ohh you fought it before Vigilon? I know this might be much to ask, but could you lead the way please? You're much better equip than us and you've done this before. It only makes sense, but its alright if you don't want to." Kimi said after hearing what Vigilon had to said. With the small talk going on the trio were putting in good distance without noticing it. Kimi looked around a bit trying to get a good look at where they we're at the moment. She knew that the Wasp Queen was coming up at any moment. She really had a sixth sense about these things, but she didn't know how far until they run into her. Kimi just prepared by tightening her gloves and said to the other two. "I think we're coming up on the Wasp Queen, its best to prepare yourself now." Kimi looked at towards Krysta and said "Well after this when we make it out. Maybe I can assist with finding a familiar. I always enjoy helping and you two seems like a reliable bunch." Kimi always wanted to have more friend around her and while she was stuck in this death game. She had to solo more quests than she did as a party so a change was always welcome.

    @Krysta @Vigilon

  15. As Kimi was traveling around looking for someone to identify some of her things she remembered she came by a nice store on the 5th floor which did exactly that. She then began making her way back to the store that was mysteriously placed on a plateau. "Hello?" Kimi said as she entered this mansion of a store once again. She walked up to the counter which had a sign that offered to identify her things for a fee of course. "Could you please identify this for me?" As she slide a Perfect T1 Heavy armor on the counter. As she glanced around she noticed some golden keys in a nearby display with a label "1100 Col Each" "could i get 1 of these also please?" She said as she placed 2050 Col onto the table.


  16. "You done it now." Kimi said towards the evil little box as she examined her wound. She saw that it was looking fairly bad. Kimi then picked herself up and looked towards Kaya to see how shes doing. Kimi thought to herself "I best leave her be until we kill this thing."  Kimi stood up and cleared her head from any malice thoughts that clouded it. As she prepared herself to attack Kimi tried to balance herself on her wounded leg. As she got a fairly good hold of herself Kimi eyed the mimic and went to attack. After a few steps though Kimi stumbled and fell to the ground leaving herself completely exposed to attack for the mimic. As she was on the ground the mimic didn't attack, Kimi just assumed it was because Kaya landed a hit that made it hesitate on attacking any further. Kimi layed there for a bit waiting to make sure if she was ready to stand.

    ID# 92008 results: Battle: 3 MOB: 3



  17. It wasn't too long until Kimi made her way back to the Master NPC Armor Smiths shop. From the distance Kimi saw Griswold at his workshop most specifically his forge probably making some new armor. As she approached Hanna, Griswolds' wife, came out to greet Kimi. "You're back!" Hanna said excitedly. "You know my husband has been expecting you. He can't wait to help out another adventurer. Just make you way to his forge out back dear." Kimi then followed what Hanna said and started on her way around the house to the forge. Here Griswold was already at work making some gear. As soon as Kimi entered he noticed her. "Ohh! You're back. I was beginning to worry since it took you a while, but at least you're back in one piece." He said with a wide smile across his coal smeared face. Kimi then placed the material he asked for on his workbench "Here's what you asked for." She said as she left the material for him. "This is for the heavy armor with thorns enchantment."  Kimi waited patiently as Griswold began working on the armor she requested and soon enough it was finished. 



    2 SP

    +440 Col +400 col from thread (840 Col Total)

    +1 T1 Materials

    +1 Unidentified Uncommon Consumable

    +1 Unidentified  Perfect Armor

    Thornmail (Heavy Armor) +1 Thorns

  18. Out of the forests mist a dark elf came out fully aware of Kimi being there. As the slim elf prepared to attack Kimi. She uttered under her breath "Delayed Sword" energy wrapped around Kimis' legs and arms and she unleashed a deadly flurry of heavy attacks. All of them hit one after another in a majestic combination of attacks knocking the elf back with each hit. As she neared the end of the combo, Kimi noticed that the elf wasn't moving anymore and was most likely dead. Kimi really over did her attack when the elf fell onto the floor and disappeared it left behind the herb that Griswold mentioned. "Yes! Got it." Kimi said excitedly as she put it into her inventory. The battle was faster than she thought, but then again this was supposed to be a beginner level quest. As she got it she quickly made her way back to Griswold.

     ID# 92003 results: Battle: 6 MOB: 6

    | Kimi | Level 4 | 80/80 HP | 4/8 E | 9 DMG | ACC 1 | 

    | Dark Elf | -24/12 HP | 9 DMG -36


  19. With nothing being found Kimi considered just looking for some Dark Elves to fight to get the materials she needs from them. Though she had that thought in mind she didn't want to give up now. She still felt the need to recover a little bit more before making that decision so she went on to search some more. As she traversed the winding maze like trees she stumbled upon a glowing mushroom. As she got a closer look at the mushroom it was definitely a material. Sadly though this wasn't the one that Griswold requested she would need. Regardless of that it was still materials she could use to craft some songs. As she pocketed the mushroom she heard some quick movement from a distance. This was probably some beast rummaging throughout the forest, but kimi wasn't to sure and prepared for a fight. Kimi put her back against the tree and brought her fists up expecting a fight.

     ID# 92002 results: Loot: 18


  20. It wasn't long until Kimi wandered into the Forest of Wavering Mists looking for some else to fight. Sadly thought they didn't appear as fast as she thought they would. it would take some times to find them. This was a first for Kimi to actually go though some hazardous terrain. She didn't know what to do while she was here, but then she remembered that Griswold mentioned that the herb grows there. With this in mind Kimi tried to look for the herb even though it is rare. Hopefully she might be luckier with this than looking for treasures or even fighting wolves. As she scanned the ground looking for any signs of special materials nothing presented itself. This didn't stop her from not looking so she kept at it. Soon five minutes turned to ten, and then to thirty. Still nothing could be found. This didn't bother Kimi to much as it would probably be best to check again just to be sure. 

     ID# 92001 results: Loot: 3

  21. As Kimi watched Kaya grow more frustrated. Kimi felt as if she had to do something big to get the fight going somewhere. As Kimi charged at the evil little box. The box managed to dodge Kimis' attack which she barely hit. As she regained her balance from the missed attack the mimic attacked her from behind. This attack came on pretty hard as she had her back turned to her opponent. "Get off me!" Kimi yelled as the mimic clamped itself onto her leg once again."God you're annoying!" She said as she tried to shake off the monstrosity that was attached to her leg. Eventually it gave way and went back a few feet to a safe distance. Kimi on the other hand went down to her leg to check again how it was doing. "Why do you keep on biting the same spot." Kimi said furiously as she glared at the mimic.

     ID# 92000 results: Battle: 5 MOB: 9

    [H 0] @Kaya | Level 3 | HP 60/60 | E 4/6 | DMG 7 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 | LD 5 
    [H 3] Kimi | level 1 | HP 17/20 | E 1/2 | DMG 1 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 18 | LD 0 

    Mimic | HP 27/30 | DMG 9 

  22. Even though Kimi was resting she didn't want to spend her time doing nothing. Kimi tried to think of something to do to kill some time while she was taking a break when she recalled something some players mentioned. There were rumors that there are treasure chests hidden in the wild and out hear by the mists where it would seem to be more hidden felt like a perfect spot. Despite Kimi being near the outskirts of the Forest of Wavering Mists. She didn't want to make this an excuse not to look for any treasure. So she began looking around and about ever spot that would be considered a nice hiding place. Sadly though the time she spent searching she couldn't find any treasure. Maybe she will come up on another chance to find treasure in a different adventure. Kimi then sat and stared into the sky and then back at the forest just absorbing everything.

    ID# 91991 Loot: 10 

    no treasure found

  23. It didn't take too long for Kimi to finally make her move on the wolf. As she noticed the wolf staggering to keep its footing. Kimi jumped in to end the wolf with a swift drop kick. Kimi proceeded to do a high jump into a fairly stylish forward flip. As she came closer to the wolf she then reemerged with a drop kick towards the head of the wolf, knocking it hard into the ground and dragging it for about a meter or so. As Kimi regained her balance from that attack the wolf slowly faded to pixels and vanished into the creeping mist. Kimi didn't notice it earlier, but her fight was slowly taking her closer an closer to the Forest of Wavering Mists. While her mind was still clearing up from the fight Kimi decided to take a quick breather to regain her breath before she decides to do anything else.

     ID# 91989 results: Battle: 7 MOB: 2

    | Kimi | Level 4 | 72/80 HP | 0/8 E | 9 DMG | ACC 1 | 

    | Wolf #2 | -7/40 HP | 12 DMG -9 HP

    Loot Dropped:

    ID# 91990 results: Craft: 4 Loot: 5 (3+2)

    120 Col

  24. Kimi noticed as Kaya was becoming more and more furious. Kimi didn't want to say anything as it might only make her more mad. As the mimic focus on Kimi, she went in to try going for another kick on this little evil box. As she swung her leg towards the monster it actually predicted it and bit unto Kimis' leg and held on. Kimi tried to get the mimic off but she couldn't shake it off. It really had a grip on Kimi now. Kimi layed a bit on the ground trying to shake off the mimic and eventually it came off. As she backed off to check her wound, it wasn't bad but it started to show signs of noticeable damage. Kimi wasn't sure to do because hitting it with her fists or legs can't do enough damage. Tanking the damage however was probably best suited for her as she had fairly good armor. Kimi just hoped that this would end soon.

     ID# 91987 results: Battle: 2 MOB: 8

    [H 0] @Kaya | Level 3 | HP 60/60 | E 4/6 | DMG 7 | ACC 0 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 | LD 5 
    [H 3] Kimi | level 1 | HP 18/20 | E 1/2 | DMG 1 | ACC 0 | EVA 0 | MIT 18 | LD 0 

    Mimic | HP 27/30 | DMG 9 

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