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Benjamin Bookworm

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Posts posted by Benjamin Bookworm

  1. Back from a bit of a break, it's time to get back to work


    Craft attempt 1 - (T3 Potion) ID 123004
    Craft die 3+1=4 Loot die 14
    Materials Salvaged, +4 xp, -0 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 2 - (T3 Potion) ID 123005
    Craft die 7+1=8 Loot die 20
    Uncommon Items (3), +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 3 - (T3 Potion) ID 123006
    Craft die 10+1=11 Loot die 9
    Rare Item (1), +7 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 4 - (T3 Potion) ID 123007
    Craft die 5+1=6 Loot die 5
    Uncommon Item (1), +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 5 - (T3 Potion) ID 123008
    Craft die 7+1=8 Loot die 13
    Uncommon Items (2), +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 6 - (T3 Potion) ID 123009
    Craft die 2+1=3 Loot die 8
    Salvage, material lost, +4 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 7 - (T3 Potion) ID 123010
    Craft die 9+1=10 Loot die 18
    Rare Items (3), +7 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 8 - (T3 Potion) ID 123011
    Craft die 6+1=7 Loot die 8
    Uncommon Item (1), +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    -7 [T3] mats, +7 [T3] Uncommon potions, +4 [T3] Rare potions, +42 xp

  2. "Y-yea.... I'm glad it was.  I got a bit worried there when you were hit- I thought you might be in some trouble.  Guess I should have known you'd pull through." Ben said as he breathed a sigh of relief. "Usually I like playing the support in these adventures, but this game makes me really nervous when it's my friends getting injured like that." He looked over at Yinangi, who was still behind him, to check if she was still there as well.  At least everyone is in one piece.  Though they were still in the middle of this weird maze. "Um, so gals, I might need a little help re-orienting myself after that fight.  I kind of lost track of which way we came from." he said as he looked around for any familiar landmarks, hoping that they hadn't gotten themselves lost again. That would be quite bad if they had to wander around here any more than they had to.



  3. Ben breathed a sigh of relief as Dazia's strike dug into the back of the Minotaur, taking a huge chunk of health off of it with a single blow, and allowing Ben to dance around as it tried to keep track of both of them at once as he put more blows into the huge bulk presented to him.  Each of the strikes with his dagger didn't do much damage each, but it ticked the monster down to the red in its health quickly enough.  Ben's smile quickly faded as that helped the Minotaur made up his mind, and smashed it's huge club towards the back of the maze, catching Dazia off guard and slicing off a chunk of her health as she was tossed back.  Ben gritted his teeth at that- no monster was going to hurt his friend like that, and get away with it.  Dazia... please be OK. he thought as he struck again, trying to pull the enemy in his direction again. 


    +2 EN at turn start

    ID# 105793 BD: 5+1=6, HIT
    Ben uses Round Accel sword art (BD 5+1=6) Hit!  [-2 EN]
    Ben deals (3x2=6) 6 Damage

    MOB die 9 - Critical Hit (+1 Dmg)
    Minotaur deals 30+1-14= 17 DMG to Dazia

    [H:2] Benjamin: HP 360/360, EN 31/36 | 3 DMG | 3 EVA | 1 ACC

    [H:2] Dazia: HP 203/220, EN 18/22 | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 ACC


    Hoya Minotaur: HP 9/45, 30 DMG (Stun immunity, 2 turns)



  4. Ben kept himself and Yinangi quiet and still.  Dazia hadn't given the signal yet... it looked like something had gone wrong.  Yinangi, stay here and don't move.  I'll be right back. Ben told her as he crept out of the alcove.  His weapon was readied, but shaking a bit.  His hope that it was just his nerves was dashed when he came across the sight of the second Minotaur, it's massive bulk towering above Dazia as she pressed against the wall.  Without thinking, he threw himself into a run at the monster driving his weapon deep into its back as he let out a wild scream.  The monster bellowed back, swinging wildly to try and return the favor, only to find that Ben's sword art had slowed it down.  Ben quickly took a few steps back as the enraged beast turned its full attention on him.  At least we have it surrounded now... he tried to joke with a shaky laugh.  Though I will mention my healing abilities can't actually be used on myself...


    (Combat die roll ID 104108)

    Ben uses Side bite sword art (BD 5+1=6) Hit!  Minotaur is Stunned! [-5 EN]
    Ben deals (3x2=6) 6 Damage

    MD 10 - Minotaur is Stunned, and takes no action!

    [H:1] Benjamin: HP 360/360, EN 31/36 | 3 DMG | 3 EVA | 1 ACC

    Dazia: HP 220/220, EN 22/22 | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 ACC


    Hoya Minotaur: HP 39/45, 30 DMG (Stun immunity, 3 turns)


  5. (OOC- go for it.  That sounds fun.)

    They walked through more of the turns in the maze, Ben's feet getting tired as he did so.  He was really nervous and strained as he walked, watching each turn for new dangers.  When Dazia went to scout ahead, Ben nodded in agreement.  Good luck.  We'll stay back here waiting. he whispered as she left, sliding back into one of the alcoves to stay hidden.  He signaled for Yinangi to come back there as well instead of just looking out there. 

    The minotaur's steps grew ever closer with each second, Ben held his breath, trying to stay as quiet as he possibly could.  He could hear the thumping of his heart, the slight shake as his weapon vibrated in his hand, and even his familiar hiding under his scarf.  At least he was hiding quietly.  He really hoped that Dazia could pull this off-  getting themselves knocked around by another minotaur would be way too risky this far into the dungeon. 


  6. Ben looked down at Kasier, finally lightening up a bit.  She was opening up now, which at least meant that she wanted to talk.  It was an improvement at least.  Well, I'm not sure that's the way I see it.  We are playing an RPG after all- it just means that the tougher things get, the more we have to grind to ease up the difficulty again.  Not an easy task- eventually we would be trading weeks of our lives for just the slimmest boosts- but it can be done. he said with a brave face.  Even with the cowardly PKers around- and they are cowards who mostly to attack players much lower level or alone- we have a lot of good people on the front line, risking themselves to push us on towards the top.  I've seen the strength that players show here- not from themselves, or their own ambitions, but from the goals they have together.  As guilds, and friends, working as a team. 


  7. Ben stopped moving towards her for a few seconds, trying to find the words to say.  That's... a lot.  I haven't actually seen any of the things the PK guilds have been up to.  Just the names of the monument of life that keep appearing.  Ben sat near the cliff, still away from the edge and too her side as he thought about all it took to bring him out of the town.  I haven't been out in the world long enough to have anyone I really care for- or even know- die yet.  Seeing that many people at once... he shifted around, trying to think how he would feel losing a friend in here.  I wish we had someone in town we could talk to and help everyone get their heads sorted out.  But right now we just have our friends to watch our backs.  Maybe... instead of being out here, you should think about talking with some of them? 


  8. Ben watched as the girl by the cliff sat up.  She was still looking very melancholy, but was at least talking.  I, um, well I don't know, but I don't think the game was supposed to be a death game from the very start.  I mean, with all the money that was poured into making it, there was probably a lot of people who were trying to make a nice beautiful game before the whole thing got hijacked.  I mean, um, sorry, I tend to over analyze things a lot. he said, just putting out the first things he could think of to try and keep her attention. 

    As Ben spoke, he started to scooch up to the ledge with her.  It was still really scary to get there, and he didn't want to look down at all, but the other choice was leaving someone on the edge by herself, and he wasn't about to do that.  Especially when it looked like she was going to start crying.  Well, how about you tell me about your fears then?  It must be pretty bad if it's worse than a cliff like this... he said with his voice breaking a bit, still not looking at the big scary drop.  Please?


  9. He gave Shield a nod.  Yea, I would like to try and make a difference if I could.  There's too much trouble as it is, and everyone wants to be the hero.  Seems like nobody wants to be the guy helping make sure the heroes get home safely.  And that's especially true now that I have some friends out there fighting. 

    Ben leapt back when the large cat-like animal burst out from the area, charging at Shield with it's first attack.  It took him a few seconds to register that he was supposed to be doing something here.  OK, um, I got it Shield.  I'll hit it from the side. he said with a bit of trepidation.  It may be wide open, but it was still a huge monster that he didn't want to get anywhere near.  And as he swung his blade at the monster's open side, a huge bloom of fire erupted from the attacks that were bouncing off Shield's armor, knocking him off balance and pushing Ben back.  He gathered himself for another charge at it, hopefully more successful next time. 

    Battle Ready Items:


    (2) Teleport Crystal
    (8) Lesser Basic Healing salve (Heals 20 HP) [T1]
    (18) Lesser Burning Edge Potion (+1 damage)
    (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    (3) Lesser Edge Shard (+1 damage crystal) [T1]



    Passive - Full energy, no passive energy recharge

    Action: Side Bite Sword Art - Roll ID 103659, BD 4+1 = 5, MISS [-2 EN]

    [H:7] Shield - HP1610/1610  | EN: 145/152 | DMG: 2 | MIT: 163 | ACC: 0 | EVA: -1 | BH: 80 | THN: 69 | ENV[D]: 9-10/18
    [H:0] Benjamin - HP:
    400/400  | EN: 38/40 | DMG: 3 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1

    <<Byakko>> HP: 150/150 | MIT: 40 | DMG: 60 [MD 9+, 1/2 unmitigatable - dealt as burn damage]


  10. Benjamin had started to regret his decision to explore the sixth floor once again.  It's not that he didn't need the materials, but the mountainous area that looked like it could have all the mats that he needed so far had only proven to have a lot of exercise.  He let out another frustrated sigh.

    As he passed over the next ridge though, he spied a girl sitting on the edge of the cliff.  It was a look he had seen too many times before in the Town Of Beginnings- someone who had been staring off the side long enough to think about jumping.  He had seen a lot of players try and talk others down from those thoughts- sometimes successfully- but it didn't look like there was anyone else around here today.

    He approached the area she was lying at, trying not to look too threatening.  With his dirt covered clothes, covered in rocks and burrs from the climb, he probably didn't need to bother though.

    Hey, um, hi there miss.  Are you OK over there? he asked, a worried look crossing over his face.  It's a nice view here, though I'm not much of a fan of heights myself.

  11. 7/22/2018 crafting


    Name: Lesser Mineral Vitality
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Alchemist
    ID: 103521, 103523-1, 103523-2, 103523-3
    Roll: CD-8 LD-10, CD-6 LD-19
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Mitigation (1)
    Description: A flask with a light gray tincture that has small bits suspended in it.

    Name: Mineral Vitality
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Alchemist
    ID: 103524, 103525, 103526
    Roll: CD-10 LD-9, CD-11 LD-6, CD-10 LD-8
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Mitigation (2)
    Description: A flask with a gray tincture that has small bits suspended in it.


  12. OK, hopefully we'll have better luck this time. 



    Craft attempt 1 - (T3 Potion) ID 103519
    Craft die 1+1=2 Loot die 11
    Failure, +3 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 2 - (T3 Potion) ID 103520
    Craft die 2+1=3 Loot die 20
    Salvage, materials kept, +4 xp

    Craft attempt 3 - (T3 Potion) ID 103521
    Craft die 7+1=8 Loot die 10
    Uncommon item, 1 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 4 - (T3 Potion) ID 103522
    Craft die 1+1=2 Loot die 16
    Failure, +3 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 5 - (T3 Potion) ID 103523
    Craft die 5+1=6 Loot die 19
    Uncommon item, 3 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 6 - (T3 Potion) ID 103524
    Craft die 9+1=10 Loot die 9
    Rare item, 1 copies, +7 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 7 - (T3 Potion) ID 103525
    Craft die 10+1=11 Loot die 2
    Rare item, 1 copies, +7 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 8 - (T3 Potion) ID 103526
    Craft die 9+1=10 Loot die 8
    Rare item, 1 copies, +7 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    -7 [T3] mats, +4 [T3] Uncommon potions, +3 [T3] Rare potions, +41 xp

  13. 7/21/2018 crafting evaluations


    Name: Lesser Invigorated Healing Salve
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Alchemist
    ID: 1033462, 103463, 103464, 103465, 103469
    Roll: CD-6 LD-5, CD-6 LD-1., CD-8 LD-4, CD-7 LD-9, CD-6 LD-7
    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Healing (1)
    Description: A yellow tinted balm with healing properties

    Name: Invigorated Healing Salve
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Alchemist
    ID: 1033468
    Roll: CD-11 LD-4
    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Healing (2)
    Description: A yellow and orange tinted balm with healing properties

    Name: Frozen Blood Coating
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Alchemist
    ID: 1033466
    Roll: CD-12 LD-2
    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Toxic Venom
    Description: A light blue coating that makes the weapon it is coated on cold to the touch


  14. OK, let's makes some slaves today.



    Craft attempt 1 - (T3 Salve) ID 103462
    Craft die 5+1=6 Loot die 5
    Uncommon item, 1 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 2 - (T3 Salve) ID 103463
    Craft die 5+1=6 Loot die 10
    Uncommon item, 1 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 3 - (T3 Salve) ID 103464
    Craft die 7+1=8 Loot die 4
    Uncommon item, 1 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 4 - (T3 Salve) ID 103465
    Craft die 6+1=7 Loot die 9
    Uncommon item, 1 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 5 - (T3 Salve) ID 103466
    Craft die 11+1=12 Loot die 2
    Perfect item, 1 copies, +10 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 6 - (T3 Salve) ID 103467
    Craft die 3+1=4 Loot die 16
    Salvage, materials kept, +4 xp

    Craft attempt 7 - (T3 Salve) ID 103468
    Craft die 10+1=11 Loot die 4
    Rare item, 1 copies, +7 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 8 - (T3 Salve) ID 103469
    Craft die 5+1=6 Loot die 7
    Uncommon item, 1 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    -7 [T3] mats, +5 [T3] Uncommon items, +1 [T3] Rare item, +1 [T3] Perfect item, +46 xp

  15. 7/19/2018 Crafting


    Name: Lesser Mineral Vitality
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Alchemist
    ID: 103375-1, 103375-2, 103375-3, 103376-1, 103376-2, 103380-1, 103380-2, 103380-3, 103382
    Roll: CD-7 LD-19, CD-6 LD-13, CD-7 LD-18, CD-8 LD-6
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Mitigation (1)
    Description: A flask with a light gray tincture that has small bits suspended in it.

    Name: Mineral Vitality
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Alchemist
    ID: 103381-1, 103381-2, 103381-3
    Roll: CD-11 LD-18
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Mitigation (2)
    Description: A flask with a gray tincture that has small bits suspended in it.


  16. Today's crafting is is brought to you by the letter X, for eXactly what we need. 

    Come on Sebastian... that one was good.  Even my familiar is a critic...



    Craft attempt 1 - (T3 Potion) ID 103375
    Craft die 6+1=7 Loot die 19
    Uncommon item, 3 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 2 - (T3 Potion) ID 103376
    Craft die 5+1=6 Loot die 13
    Uncommon item, 2 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 3 - (T3 Potion) ID 103378
    Craft die 1+1=2 Loot die 1
    Fail, +3 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 4 - (T3 Potion) ID 103379
    Craft die 3+1=4 Loot die 4
    Salvage, materials lost, +4 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 5 - (T3 Potion) ID 103380
    Craft die 6+1=7 Loot die 18
    Uncommon item, 3 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 6 - (T3 Potion) ID 103381
    Craft die 10+1=11 Loot die 18
    Rare item, 3 copies, +7 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 7 - (T3 Potion) ID 103382
    Craft die 7+1=8 Loot die 6
    Uncommon item, 1 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    Craft attempt 8 - (T3 Potion) ID 103383
    Craft die 4+1=5 Loot die 8
    Salvage, materials lost, +4 xp, -1 [T3] mat

    -8 [T3] Mats, +9 Uncommon [T3] Items, +3 Rare [T3] Items, +38 xp

  17. Ben hesitated a bit at the sight of the plumes of smoke coming up in the distance.  He hadn't been up against any big bosses before, and even the few larger enemies he had faced were mostly from the beginner quests.  Still... he followed Shield, hoping he wouldn't freeze up when the time came.  Well, um, I haven't done too much outside of my shop so far.  I guess focusing on work has been helpful for me to start getting out of town.  I've never been quite too brave myself, honestly. he thought a bit more on what answers to give.  I guess I'm just more or less a gamer- it's usually better for me to hang out in games than dealing with things in the real world.  Plus it's easier to make friends here, where I can actually tell what people are feeling.  You know what I mean?  he asked Shield, trying to find a good way of describing himself. 


  18. 7/17/2018 crafting


    Name: Lesser Mineral Vitality
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Alchemist
    ID: 103312-1, 103312-2, 103314, 103316-1, 103316-2, 103316-3
    Roll: CD-7 LD-13, CD-8 LD-9, CD-7 LD-18
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Mitigation (1)
    Description: A flask with a light gray tincture that has small bits suspended in it.

    Name: Mineral Vitality
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Alchemist
    ID: 103311-1, 103311-2, 103311-3
    Roll: CD-9 LD-19
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Mitigation (2)
    Description: A flask with a gray tincture that has small bits suspended in it.


  19. Today, we craft again!



    Craft attempt 1 - (T3 Potion) ID 103310
    Craft die 3+1=4 Loot die 13
    Salvage, materials kept, +4 xp

    Craft attempt 2 - (T3 Potion) ID 103311
    Craft die 8+1=9 Loot die 19
    Rare item, 3 copies, +7 xp, -1 [T3] Mat

    Craft attempt 3 - (T3 Potion) ID 103312
    Craft die 6+1=7 Loot die 13
    Uncommon item, 2 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] Mat

    Craft attempt 4 - (T3 Potion) ID 103313
    Craft die 3+1=4 Loot die 8
    Salvage, materials lost, +4 xp, -1 [T3] Mat

    Craft attempt 5 - (T3 Potion) ID 103314
    Craft die 7+1=8 Loot die 9
    Uncommon item, 1 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] Mat

    Craft attempt 6 - (T3 Potion) ID 103315
    Craft die 4+1=5 Loot die 2
    Salvage, materials lost, +4 xp, -1 [T3] Mat

    Craft attempt 7 - (T3 Potion) ID 103316
    Craft die 6+1=7 Loot die 18
    Uncommon item, 3 copies, +5 xp, -1 [T3] Mat

    Craft attempt 8 - (T3 Potion) ID 103317
    Craft die 4+1=5 Loot die 17
    Salvage, materials kept, +4 xp

    +38 xp, +6 Uncommon [T3] items, +3 Rare [T3] items, -6 [T3] mats

  20. Well, that's no problem at all.  I don't want to see my friends hurt, even just for the fight.  Besides, I was the one that asked for help, with my complete lack of combat skills and all.  Ben told her as he holstered his dagger once again, getting ready to try and keep track of which route that they had taken through so far.  He really had trouble of keeping track of where he was without a GPS on hand.  He let out a sigh, once more thinking about things through the lens of the real world- which wouldn't help him out here. 

    He saw Yinangi and Dazia inspecting the wall, looking for something there.  Man, I hope they don't have any secret passages in this maze.  That would make things even harder to find the end.  Unless it's just a bunch of extra treasures and stuff they hid somewhere.  Which sounds way too much like something the designers would do. 


  21. Benjamin folded up his pouch, happy with the amount of materials that he had gathered up today.  All right Sebastian, it's time for us to start heading back. he said to his familiar as it crawled up into his scarf.  It was time to head back hoe, and any more walking around and searching was just prolonging the inevitable.  He was tired, and he was dirty, and he was in bad need of a real food soon.  Maybe he could head down to the tavern next- it would be a lot better than staying at home and cooking something simple for himself.  Especially with how poor his cooking skills were, even with the practice he had been getting. 

    At least this time he knew the route back to the main town on the way back, and there wouldn't be any surprises on the route this time.  As he started the walk, once more double checking that the location of the cave stayed on his map for another trip back, he was happy with how things turned out.  It would be a good haul for crafting. 


    Thread wrap up -

    Gained 2 SP (40 posts)
    Gained 3950 col (2 pages for 800, and 3150 from chest)
    Gained 97 [T3] materials
    1 Perfect [T3] Armor/Shield (ID 101408)
    2 Rare [T3] consumables (ID 101408)

  22. The last few parts of the cave were as bright as ever, and the entrance was the same looking too.  Colorful mushrooms everywhere, glowing with bright colors and in multiple shapes.  There was also the cave entrance that he came in through, where he could start heading back home. But first, he started picking up all the different mushrooms he had gotten when he first entered into the cave system.  Plus, he now had enough experience with identifying all the kinds of mushrooms and plants around here that he could find a few more useful ones.  It looks like the entrance cavern was a really good place to pick up materials, and that it must have regrown everything as an accelerated rate.  Maybe it was a good way of showing players what they would be getting with this quest.  Whatever the reason was, it really helped him fill his pouch up to capacity again. 


    Gathering roll ID 102168
    Loot die 15+5 = 20, battle die 10
    Found (2+3) = 5 materials  

    97 T3 materials found total 


  23. Ben shook his head, a little surprised at the hurry that his companion was in.  OK, well make sure you have gotten all the information about the quest first, and read it carefully.  We don't get a lot of information in this game, so we have to take in what we can.  Your life may depend on it some day. Ben warned.  I've been on some quests where one of our group missed something important, and we would up going in circles for a few hours because of it. He followed Sharr out to the nearby wooded area, memories of the first time he did this quest flooding into his mind.  The area would be a lot easier to search through, but it wouldn't really matter since he could not use what they found here for anything outside of the first quest.  All right, you ready to take your first steps on the quest? 


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