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Posts posted by Hazado

  1. Hazado saw how both girl and himself were having it hard with thks sandstorm but he tried to shield them as best as he could. It was not that the sandstorm was much trouble it was more the time they had to spend trying to get to the location of the supplies. "If we hit this spot I bet for at least something that it is going to be three boxes of those so called supplies, like just out of coincident," he said as he looked at Su who was getting a bit hyped about the supplies somehow. As Sunova took a sprint however he lost sighed of her only to hear on the other side of the hill that Sunova called them snails and needed to help digging. He did not have time to sit around and run after Sunova so he just walked up the small hill looking at Neo what she was going to do. As he came to the other side he saw Su again but digging in some sand, as he walked closer he could see three boxes called it, he thought and helped with digging.

    RoleID: 103571

        CD: 11 sandstorm has no effect

  2. As Pick said about him not being a object Hazado looked a bit guilty about it and igored his joke a bit "I did not mean you being a object, but I'm sayimg you are very useful to have around, just like I'm useful in helping people," he said following Pick to the last party of the quest. It was now all up to him to identify the items and see what got out of them, as for now he had three items one uncommon one rare and the last one being Perfect, still even if the perfect item was a consumable it would be a thing Hazado never gets used to, because what ever it is, it came from the ground.

    As they came to the place for Pick to identify the items he started with the light armor, it was nice and good item even for an uncommon the MIT would help out a good bit for lower leveled players. Then Pick commented on his small Accent he did earlier, "don't class as royalty, maybe some years back but we don't, even if my father serves as a sergeant in the Japanese Royal army," he says as the leans back at a wall waiting for Pick to finish up his thing here. "Darn, I really don't care about my father but he got me this game after my accident,"he says pulling up his left side of his pants showing a big scare on his legg, "I official got out of the hospital about one week after this started, think I'm back at the same bed again tho," he said with a smile.


  3. Hazado nodded to @Grimm who said he was getting some food, Hazado followed him "Do my a good chunk of meat, I will be right over here or maybe there," as he points to the small group that was existing out of Krysta Vigilon and Sunova. He looked back at the water where the two girl where still in the water. He knew Arabelle would come for some payback soon or later so he stayed on his guard making sure Arabelle did not sneak up as she did most of the time. He starches a bit and looks around to see what kind of people had joined the party, a guy with still full clothing was wondering around and some other people, he then saw a girl he knew, what the hell is she doing here, thought she did not like things like this, he thougt to himself.

    A small laugh came of as a ball landed next to her, a guy was playing with that ball all by himself. He thought is would be funny to see her reaction if he walked up as well, but however as he looked closer he saw that her small shadow hugger was not around. He walked up to the two and greeted them "Aah look who is here it is the 'Next time I'll see you I'll try to die' @Asakku herself," he said equipping his summer jacket again. He then turned to the guy "good day to you as well, see you are talking to Asukku here,Tip she doesn't like to talk really and likes to be left alone, Name is Hazado." @Surehe said to the guy standing there. He looked around to see if the shadow hugger of a familiar was around but of no luck "Think your buddy shadow hugger is over there at does shadows from the trees or maybe at the barbeque over there,"  he said to her

  4. Hazado liked the sound of this small trade he had with Pick getting a shield was maybe of his goals before heading out for the frontlines, but not only that he could make sure by using a shield that he protected his good friend as she was most worried about because of her fighting style. "You have a nose for good trade don't you, well it is understandable that you do. So I will mostly end up accepting your offers because I can see something useful in you," he said sounding a bit more happier then before.

    As a response to his answer Pick reacted with something that sounded very familiar to him, better of it sounded like Spanish. A small laugh came of him "haha, your Spanish I hear." he said with a grin on his face "British English as you hear," he then said in full English and a British accent not showing any tone of Japanese accent. He shakes his head a bit "Sorry on with business, the frontlines still have no need for me, and I'm waiting for my support friend she is still trying to see where to go but we are slowly are getting there," he said as Pick took the last item he needed for the quest. As Pick suggested to go back and start to work for the last part of the quest.


  5. Hazado saw that Neo tried to show him that he didn't need to apologize for himself, but still it was in Hazado's nature to do so. He saw Su move to Neo with a small spark of joy in her eyes, what was she up to he thought to himself as he couldn't hear what she said to Neo. Even if she was up to something Hazado did not try to care and focused himself of keeping a eye out for both Neo and Sunova, more to Neo then Su because Su always showed she did not get lost even in this sandstorm. Sunova was done talking to Neo and this made him a bit curious to what Sunova said to Neo, but that changed fast as Sunova said to them to keep moving. "you... forgetting that... I'm wearing mostly heavy armor, I like to move faster if I could." he said to Sunova who was walking in front of them again. Hazado looked up at the sun trying to see what time it was but instate of seeing the sun he saw a orange glow to his left, "Su, not to alarm you or anything how long will soon be, the sun already started to set a bit," he called out to Sunova. Hazado knew from a documentary he once saw that the desert becomes real cold as the sun went down and he did not want to stick here for that long.

    RoleID: 103497

        CD: 6 sandstorm no effect

  6. Hazado brought out a small smile on his face, even though Pick was right it would be still a good option to look at that location. "you are true about those words Pick," he said still with his voice as serious as he could be. Pick did not seem like a bad guy even if his accent sound like someone from far away, even so Hazado knew that he was not the only one from a different country. Pick walked over to a tree and began tk shack it a bit, Hazado looked up a bit weird as a shield fell out "Strong looking shield, very interesting one. Still need to find me a shield and maybe a one handed spear later if it comes to that. A shield is the best option to protect and use the MIT best way." he says as he moved over to Pick to look at the shield he just found.

    Pick then turned to Hazado and asked him Why he decided to help lower leveled players, "well, I have been tank in most MMO's but as I learned that a lot of players died because they did not have any means to protect themselves with I decided to step in and sigh myself up as a shield for hire, and I just don't want to leave anyone behind and let them die." Hazado said, truly this was not all whay he thought as he was not really into conversation with people he did not know good, but still it was a rough explanation why he decided to help low leveled players.


  7. A waitress came and she had two cubs of coffee with her, oh he must of ordered those two, I sure take one, he thought as he took the coffee the waitress gave him. "ooh, um thanks I guess, and I do believe that is a good way taking to coffee with us." he said taking a sip from the coffee. He followed Pick to the wilderness to find the thing he needed to find for the quest, it was not a hard one it was just looking for items and get them later on in the quest identified. It was not hard and Hazado took another sip from his coffee.

    As he watch over Pick as he was looking around for items he seemed to get distracted a bit by the fact that this was a area where he was before, it brought some good memories back. He then sees Pick getting something, it looked like armour light for sure and yes it was an uncommon item so it was not really something special but at least it was a beginning to a starting point, "Pick I know this area, and not much down that hill is a old kind of old temple, it has no monsters spanwing near it so it should be save there to look for items" as he point behind Pick to some small hill where there was a pillar standing out of the ground.


  8. The storm and the sun were not making it easy for him he had covered his mouth and was trying to follow Sunova closely so he would not lose her. Sunova began to say something but he could barley hear is because of the wind that was blowing hard but luckly he heard it just. "let's see, about 6p.m. or something, the Sun is still here I can feel that for sure but in about three to four hours it would be dark and I think so," he said turning his eyes back to the ground were he saw Sunova's footsteps. "Su make sure you walk to the location and not make us walk in circles as you most likely will end up doing somehow" he said with a joking tone in his voice. But out of nowhere he felled something pushing him as he lost his balance a bit and fell to Neo hitting her with his body, but he caught her just before she fell to the ground, he began to blush a bit and helped Neo back to her feed "s-sorry N..Neo something pushed me and I lost my balance a bit, again sorry." he said with a nervous voice, as he looks at Neo. The then looks at Sunova who was acting all innocent in front of them, like nothing happened.

    Role ID: 103457

        CD: 8 (sandstorm no effect)

  9. @Arabelle came up into the water and left Sunova behind with two other players. Arabelle started right away with teasing both him and @Grimm and Hazado did not ignore it at all "want to go Miss Arabelle, I can very easy throw water on you like last time and this time I won't stop." Pointing out that there was more water here then in a bucket. The blond lady came up to Arabelle and spoke to her about taking them both on "wait what, no no nope not going to happen" but it already seemed to late as she went underwater for a moment and then with a quick move took him underwater. The water was clear and he saw the girl go above water. He did the same but much faster then she would, as she cracked open he smiled a bit thinking already for a way to get her back. 

    The blond then introduced herself as Kanari or her real name Amelia, "okay nice to see that you are taking risks here... Amelia, get prepared for payback, I'm Hazado and I'm a perfect swimmer so be prepared," he said as he went underwater very quickly and was staying underwater for a real long time. The water was clear and he could see all the people's legs thinking who would be his target he thought about it and went even deeper underwater and was behind Arabelle and Amelia still underwater. The he went with full power to both there legs and took them underwater, one and two now let's go for three, he thought and moved to Seb's legs and also took him underwater. Hazado then resurfaced and started lauging. "I'm going to he soooo doomed after this, maybe I can get Sunova too she is still dry," he said still laughing a bit to his work he just pulled of.


  10. (Ooc is a mobile post until I come back)

    Hazado sat down at the seat across from Pick, seems like he remembered as well, even if Pick did not want to trouble them because he was already talking to people. But who cared about it at this point, it happened so no running after old story's. Pick who wanted to repay Him because of helping him "see the payment as you see fit, it is all up to you I'm just here to make sure you finish this quest without any trouble." Hazado says looking at Pick with a serious face. Hazado did not care if he got paid or not, he only cared about that this player did not die. The quest that was mention was called earning a living, one of the simplest quests out there, and Pick wanted become a merchant. It was okay to him he did not care about it only cared about that he would not end up dead by some PKer.

    "So merchant, it is simple quest so no fighting involved, but still you can never be more causes. Heard a lot of PKers started to pop up on floor one." he said looking at Pick, it was true he heard the story's, never got eye to eye with a real murderer in this game yet but who knows everything is a first.


  11. walking around on floor One as he seeks for something to do. he has been trying to help more players every were Because he did not really care if you got hit by anything, It was his only way to really dagame his enemy anyway. He walked over to the Noticeboard as he did this more and more every day, His eyes looked over the board and spotted a post by someone called Pick, This person wanted help with a quest and something to do with one of the easier quests. He took the note from the board and walked to the location where this Pick person was.

    With his Big Japanese style heavy armor and spear on his back he walked inside the Coffee Shop, For a surprise, it was quite empty only a few NPC's and one other player. This player was a bit smaller than him in length, and with Hazado's Heavy armor he looked really big but that was just his armor. He walked up to the guy, "Are you Pick," he said really not wanting to show any emotions. "I see you wanted help, Haza... Wait I know you..." he stopped and looked the guy up and down. a small laugh came from his face "You were at the beach weren't you,  I think you already saw me without armor, but just in case of, Name is Hazado, Nice to meet you.... again" he says this time with more that of a living person


  12. Hazado looked back at the beach hearing Sunova yell something but he did not hear it as he dives underwater to look around. the water was clear and he could see Grimm underwater, but only his legs. Ooh maybe I can do something fun, he thought to himself thinking about what Arabelle did to Seb, Okay I won't do it, for now, he then thinks as he gets above again. He made his way to Seb who was apart from himself in the water,  "Sup Seb, I think I escaped them," as he looks back at the beach where Arabelle and Sunova were standing. The water was nice and Hazado loved to swim, he was quite good at it too. "you know what is scarier then Arabelle grabbing you underwater, well It would be me grabbing you underwater, I have much more power than Arabelle," he said with a laugh as he was clearly joking about it.

    as he then looks back to see what is going on he and both Seb get splashed in the face by a girl, Hazado moves back a bit throwing water out of his mouth and getting the water out of his face. He looks at Grimm as he does the most dramatic voice he ever heard from him that he was down. "We lost contact with Captian Grimm and his boat sir what do we do," he said jokingly. As he looks at the girl who splashed them, "also a good day then," He said in his English Accent before he splashed a wave of water back at the girl. but then out of nowhere Seb reappear next to him and out of his reaction splashed a wave into his face, "Oops, Uum Sorry Seb, just don't reappear almost next to me," he said with a worried but a laugh right behind it.


  13. Hazado looked as the waitress came holding his finger at the things he wanted, first was Sunova however as she was taking her order, He laughed a bit because she wanted tea but because of that Sunova took his order as well "oh ... How did you... Ooh, I see" he says as he takes his hand of the menu. Sunova was being herself again and asked a lot "Su... Stop ... you know I don't ... PLEASE JUST STOP... Just for once" he said sounding irritated and both nervous in his voice. But Sunova learned quick and turned around the conversation very quickly by saying the comment about his manhood.

    Hazado stood up and walked over to Sunova and hitting her on the head, "Nothing happened to my manhood," he says and walks back to his seat. he looked even more irritated than before after that comment and he looked like he was about to snap any moment now "My plan went wrong, Got scared I would die, so I stayed Hidden for a long time, but lately I have been trying to get out there and protect people were ever I can," he says still sounding very irritated. Then Sunova said about something with a quest doing together, "Sure, I can bring someone make sure they are ready for you, and we could be on our way," he said as he tabs on the table a bit just wanting to lose some steam at this point.


  14. He nodded to Neo as he read the message, it was good to hear well see that Neo wanted to work together, even if this quest did not make you fight something it was a good way to build up some trust if they were to work together longer. Hazado was walking behind, the sun was not helping his movement at all and he would be one of the main reasons the quest would take so long. "Jeez ... Why are you doing this to me Sun," he said low using his English accent removing sweat from his forehead as his armor was getting hot slowly. then Su walked next to them and sounded worried a bit that both of them could get a heatstroke or something. "You are right it is hot, Maybe... Yea why not." as he opens his menu and takes off his armor leaving only his summer jacket but leaving the bottom part of his armor on just to make sure he did not lose too much MIT "Much better, Now let's hope the sandstorm does not hit us yet," he said

    But before he knew it the wind took much stronger and sand was moving everywhere, I jinxed it didn't I, he thought to himself covering his eyes. Sunova then began to speak loud but it was hard to hear what she was saying because of the wind and the sand "Still here next to you I think," he said loudly to hope his voice got over the sound of the wind and the sand, then he remembered something. ooh God Neo, she doesn't talk better keep close to her, he thought as he moved closer to Neo almost touching her "Neo uh... If I'm to close... Say... Mean poke me or something, Just want to make sure everyone it together. The Sandstorm can be a dangerous place" he said a bit nervous Then Su got closer to him and said something about cover from the wind and his big body, "Su... Please just make sure ... what I said," sounding a bit nervous even more then what he said to Neo. It almost looked like he was some sort of guardian for both girls, making sure one did not lose the group and the other protecting from the Hazards.

    Role ID: 103330

        CD: 6 [not affected by sandstorm]

  15. While talking to Seb his eyes spot a familiar face, he waved at her to sign her over and come with the rest of the group. "Heye there Arabelle nice to see again, once again we meet on a beach," he said with a smile. as Seb remembers it very clearly what happened on that day Hazado could hold himself in and let out a small laugh, "Well we will see who strikes first Seb It would be me, you and Arabelle, Who will do the first hit with water," he said with a smile on his face. listening to what Seb was saying it sounded good to socialize or you would just become lonely and lose hope much faster. Then Sunova asked how they met "Well very simple, At a beach party just like this one, but then with more water bucket flying everywhere. I have been doing some quest with Arabelle and tried to keep in contact with Seb but I failed at that pretty quick." he said but then Sunova asked him who his GF was and Hazado snapped from his happy look to a pure panic "W-WAH, Su... It's not... Nothing Like that ... Just friends ... FRIENDS... F R I E N D S... nothing special." he said looking for a way to escape the small girl with her teasing. Arabelle would recognize this state of him as he is panicking a bit and become a bit irritating by it.

    looking around for a way out of this situation Hazado comes up with only one thing as he quickly takes off his summer jacket and runs into the water " S-Sorry Su I can't hear you.." he says in a panicking tone as he sprints in full speed into the water only to fall over halfway my being hit in the knees by a wave. He stays in underwater for a good long minute as he pops his head out of it again " Aaw Nice and cold, HEY GET IN HERE, " he yells to the rest of the group and waves them over to come into the water

  16. Sunova took both their hands and dragged them to the quest on the other side of the gate, Jeez you are strong for a small girl, he thought knowing she was strong because of the real-life training and of course because of the game. As Sunova was doing the talking with the NPC what looked to be interesting because of the NPC's look. He turned to Neo "Sorry If I come over as weird ... Just me, I think you deserve a proper introduction from myself instead of the one from Sunova..." as he clears his throat a bit  "Name is Hazado, A good friend of Su here, I have been with her and played many other games with her." he says to Neo, As Sunova was done doing the talking with the NPC she turned to both of them and said they have a job to do.

    As she said about the sandstorm Hazado looked at it hoping it would lay down before it got to them. Sunova already walked ahead and Hazado looked at Neo, "Better not to keep her waiting there for much longer Neo, come one" he says before heading out to were Sunova was standing,

  17. He looked up as the girl stood next to him "Hey, There, True they would enable to buy a cake, but I think this is a good thing to do, hoping for the best," he said with a smile on his face. As Arabelle also took out a Col coin and threw it in. "Aah, Uum... Girl what Uum... No, I mean No," he stopped scratching his head as he got really nervous, He did not wish for anything like that He was not really interested in a relation not yet at least. "I wished for us to get out of this game safe and maybe meet in the real world once we do,"' he said calming himself down again. It was not very easy for him to like people but the people who he knew were all just good friends and he knew to trust them. Arabelle was one of those people, she always liked to tease people but he was getting used to it slowly but it would take a long time before he got used to it completely. But he made her a promise not to lose his temper at her again and so he tried always not to.

    "But yeah, um... Arabelle how about the thing, the field boss, I heard it was a giant wasp or something." He said thinking about the field boss on floor one who was a plant. "It is a bug, so if you don't like bugs I will protect... mean Make sure it focuses on me," he said still sounding a bit nervous in the voice. He stands upright and shacks his shoulders a bit lose as his armor makes quite a loud sound while doing it. "So yeah um... Ready?" He asked her looking at the small girl. He opened his menu and invited her to a party to get this mission started. He pointed at the way from where he heard about the Waps it seemed it was not that far but still they would have to walk a bit to get there.

  18. It was good to hear that Sunova was doing good and even greater that she was still her same old self. Then she commented on his Armor and that is was no wonder he was warm. "True you got me there," he said with a low giggle. The Sunova began to yell and wave, Hazado turned around to see who was the DPS she talked about. there he saw a girl with two different times of hair color, she is the person that would be the DPS interesting. he thought,doing  an awkward wave at the girl walking up to them, before The girl was close Sunova ran up to her and grabbed her hand and took her to the place he was still standing, he was not surprised for that kind of reaction from her but still it was something he would never do.

    Sunova started the introductions and called him a quite a good tank, of course, he was good in other games but that did not mean in this as well. And Then Sunova introduced him to the girl Neo was the name even if the name tag said Neopolitan, must be a nickname. he thought as he reached out to sake the girl's hand. "Um... Nice to meet you Neo... Not much of a talker he... Well um same here... Su will do the talking for us." he said with a joking smile trying not to make it more awkward for himself then it was. Sunova asked then if it was okay to become the leader of the party "Sure... You were always my leader party " he said scratching his head a bit as the window of the party invited popped up he pressed accept

  19. Sitting down he saw that Sunova was all calm and so but once she said the word date he started to panic even more, "D-Date, we are on a WHAT. Su ... Um," he said before Sunova said she was just teasing him " ARG YOU REALLY NEED TO STOP," as he tries to hit her on the head for being mean again. then Sunova took a Menu and started pointing out sweets, he calmed down once he was old sweets he hadn't had for years sins he moved to Japan. "Ooh Jeez, English Sweets," he said with his English accent, "Oi this is the best pancakes you will ever have trust me, and ooh look at this, Black Bun a Scottish sweet as well ai. Ooh and even a Welsh Cake look at that as well all English sweets," he was completely distracted by the sweet you could get here, and it was something great too, he liked English sweets and that would never change.

    He saw Sunova cover something with her hand on the next page but just ignored it, for now, it must have been nothing important. there were really a lot of sweets, he did not know how to respond to it even if Sunova was more of a sweet tooth then him. Still, Hazado was amazed by how much evert the game went in to make the player feel at home while they were trapped forever until the game was cleared. this food is good I think I go for the Black Bun and maybe a raspberry smoothie, he thought looking at the menu.


  20. It was a cold breeze flowing over Floor two, Hazado has been to this floor multiple times and almost everytime he had fun while being here, even if it was for quests he always ended up having fun. But this time he was not here for some normal quest but for the field boss that would spawn very easy if you wanted it to, Hazado wanted it to do it all alone but one thing echoed inside his head 'you can't do things alone all the time' it was true because Hazado has been near death almost once. Opening his menu he looked at people who he had met and probably wanted to help him with this even if he could tank all the damage of the monster. His eyes came to the name of Arabelle who he hasn't spoken to in some time.


    From: Hazado

    To: @Arabelle

    Subject:  Boss Hunting

    Hey, Arabelle, It's me Hazado and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to floor two and help me defeat this field boss, it would give both of use a good boost in EXP and a pretty good item if we defeat it, maybe we can chill out after that if you want.


    He pressed Send and waited at the fountain in the middle of the town he was at, it was really nice and things looked calm from this point, Hazado's Armor rather big and was green and was made as the old Japanese style armor, while on his left arm were multiple smaller spikes to protect himself from incoming hits. Looking into the fountain he saw some Col in the fountain probably from someone who made a wish, Hazado smiled and took out one Col coin and threw it into the fountain. I Wish for me and my friends in this game to make it out save, and one day meet In real life. his wish was as he then looked into the fountain waiting for Arabelle to show up.

  21. Hazado was happy that both of them had a good time, It was not often that He went on date or sorts kind. Even He knew what it was to have a true friend, and this was not even on an online game and more in real life because it already felt like that. "Ha, Not broke just, um ... making sure I have money for, um ... another." he paused as they hit the dock and got off the boat helping Arabelle get off as well. He then took a deep breath " Or next D-Date" He said with trouble, It was true though this is what you would call a date. It has been quite a time and Hazado looked a bit tiring after all the rowing from the boat " He, Arabelle... I'm a bit tired and I think I would be going to an inn now to get some rest, so is it okay if I go back to town and get some rest there, I will defiantly message you again for something like this, so keep a close eye to your messages," he said with a smile and waved goodbye to Arabelle leaving his way to the town again

  22. It was clear Asakku did not have a great time as a child and she was okay just talking about it with him, Even if she did not know it that she was not getting along with people she still did in the end. "I like to de prove your point, If you did not get along with people why would you stick around with me, why would you let me talk to you and why would you even be still here, you know you can just walk off," he said with a small smile. He knew now almost everything about Asakku and he felt sorry for her even if she told not to do. "Hey, Asakku, If you ever need a Tank, call me, well send me a message," He said opening his menu and sending a friend request to Asakku. " Remember I will take your hits for you if you want, that's my job of course And I won't let anyone die on my watch, Just remember that okay," he said with a smile standing up from his seat.


  23. He was walking around once again not knowing what quest to do, but he could not stop thinking about it. as he walked over to the noticeboard he was getting a message. He turned around and opened his menu looking at the message he got. From Sunova, ooh great another good ... not a quest, to hang out on floor sixteen that sounds like fun, WAIT, a beach even greater. he thought in his mind as he looked at the message. Just the two of them on a beach, god darn it is she going to tease me again or something, well no matter I will just go for a swim if she does. Looking into his inventory he saw his swimming stuff from the last time he went to the beach. he got ready and went to the teleporter and up to floor sixteen.

    Once he got to floor sixteen he walked over to the location sunova mentioned and changed into his swimming trunks. Blue swimming trunks and an Orange summer jacket Hazado was quite big in length and in the body itself, and that was to see in him once he got into his swimming stuff. As he walked over to a small hill he saw that there were more people more then he was thinking. SU YOU TRICKED ME, he thought to make a little bit of a fist. but that once left as he saw two other faces he knew the fun part was he knew them both from the other beach party he went to. he walked down a bit calmer and tried not to be awkward sounding. "H-Hello there, Su, Seb, Tsu. See you also are here," he said with a bit of a stutter in his voice. he walked up to Sunova first as he hits her on the head  "You little trickster, I get you next time," he said to her, then her turned to Sebastian and Tsu "How have you been Seb Long time no see, and you too Tsu, Last time was, almost the same way I think. So where have you two been up to?" He asked the two still keeping an eye out for Sunova.






  24. Hazado was walking around wanting to do something but he knew there would be a lot of things to do in this world, He always ended up alone so it would be easy however He was scared of death and did not take many risks, As he got a ping from someone he opened his menu to see who it was, Oh course the only person that would end up pinging me would be you, Su, he thought, looking at the message. mph a big quest, and she both wanted a Tank and DPS so three people, I would like to know who but on the other hand it would be ... yeah, it would. he thinks not letting his own mind finish the sentence. He got to the teleporter and went up to floor five.

    Once on floor five he started walking to the Sandstone gate Su mentions and he sees the small white haired girl standing there. Taking a bit of a sprint Hazado became already tired because of the warmth of this floor and his armor made it even hotter. "Goodmorning," he said with an English accent "How are you Su, Long time no see. How have you been" he said looking around to see if this other player already showed up but of no sighed of the other player Hazado continued. "So about this quest, What is it about, Because this Sun is really hot, How does it even shine so hot here and not on the other floors?" he said stretching out a bit.

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