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Posts posted by Hazado

  1. Haz walked away from Sunova and started looking around. This time he went over to the waterside at a small rock formation, small craps and other small sea creatures walked around there. As the sun shines on his back he sees a glimpse of something shining in the water,  He jumps from the rock formation and to the thing in the water. As he gets into the water he sees that the thing he saw was a green crystal, YES My Luck is showing up again, Well can't blame if I'm at the water, He thinks before coming back to the side of the beach and letting out a small cheer for himself. "YES I got one at least," he said to himself and started to look along the rocks a bit next to the waterside. He then looks back to the people who are also looking around and he lets out a sigh, "I think I'm not that far behind now, One green is a good amount of points so let's keep it up," he said as he focused he was back to his search. Not many people looked around the water but it was a good spot to do as well as the water was still a bit in the safe zone and it could a good hiding spot for those who were scared of the water.


    Role ID: 105482

        BD: 5 [ Crystal Found]

        CD: 9 [Green Crystal]

        LD: 2 [ No Extra Crystal


        1 Green

    Points: 3




    Hazado looked at the other people as they seemed to find crystals very easy, so he tried not to give up and began to look again. He started this time on the other side of the beach and went down to the water, He looked left and right but with no luck at all. Haz went on the ground and started looking with his hand in the sand, How is this even possible Where did all those crystals go to I really can find any here, he thought and stood up again. He walked slowly to the water and lets out a sigh "No darn Luck," she says in English while using his British accent. He then turns around to see if he saw the girl that called herself Kanari but he sees that she was busy talking to another girl, I don't have to worry about her for a moment.

    Haz walks up to Su was she is watching Neo at work and give her a head pat, "Hey Su, Happy?" he asks her before sitting down on the sand crossing his legs, "Seems I have no Luck at all right now," He said before standing up again and looking at the water and back at the beach where people were looking for those crystals, Mhp Maybe I still have luck and find something at least. He walks off giving Su a small smile "I will be right back," he says before walking off again to look for other crystals


  3. Haz walked around on floor 16 a bit as he did his normal thing there, It was a place where Hazado went just to get his mind calm again. It took not long as he got a message, Haz swum to the side of the beach again and opened the message. Reading it careful Haz nodded to himself and equip a white suit with a green tie. He opened his Menu to send Neo a response just to let her know he is coming.



    Sup Neo, I'm On my way now Just need to get out of floor sixteen, AGAIN and I will be there. I won't take long I hope so I see you there soon.



    He then went to the teleporter, "Floor 3" He sais before his vision became white and he was teleported to floor three. Seems Like this tavern is not far away from here, maybe Neo and Su are already there, So let's not let them wait, He thought walking his way to the tavern. Once at the entrance he sees a boy standing outside shouting something about having more people would end up getting half pay, The boy was surely younger than him and about 4 inches smaller them him, "Good day Kid," he said in a British accent, Yeah he did this many times before speaking in English interest of Japanese but he had his reason. "See you trying to get people in, Can I ask something, Is there a quiet Girl inside with two colored hair?" He asked the boy in front of him.


  4. He looks up at Pinball, Leaving why would he, It was his own Idea to ask if he could come, "Sorry Pin, But I won't leave, It was my own idea to come with you so I won't go back on my things," Haz said before moving behind Pin again and following him. This floor was interesting somehow it was burning hot here and but still even with armor is was kind of okay to deal with. Haz did not really feel like looking as he always ended up on the short side of the stick, and ending in finding nothing, It was just like real life but seems like his luck has carried into the game as well. "If I try to look around Trust me, I won't find anything, I'm somehow completely blind to those type of things," Haz says as he kicks the ashes a bit. It was really the only interest to see what this floor was like, and helping Pin could be okay but in getting items it would not work.

  5. Hazado Looked around to see what was happening, He looked behind at a few people that joined as well, and one was standing out and was doing a bad job trying to avoid people, at least for Haz. He walked up to her and smiled "Good Day Neo, see you also came to the beach, I won't ask much, but you sure you did not seem like the time to me," He said to her. He looked back at Su who was standing there with a big smile on her face, "Look Neo, your best friend is also here, she ... kind of tricked me to get here," he said ending with a deep breath before looking at the host again, She started to explain a bit and somehow it did sound interesting this Hunt so Haz walked up to her, "I think I will join too now, it sounds good," Haz said before moving to start his hunt for those crystals.

    @Neopolitan @Zandra

    Haz walked around on the beach in the hopes to find these crystals, but surely Haz had his luck again and a good for nothing eye, As he looked and looked but without any crystal to be seen. "Well darn it," he said in his British accent and walked more over the beach. It was not that he was just bad in looking it also was just his luck in finding things, Just like in real life Haz was looking around and around. He moved a few stools and looked under the tables but of no sight of any crystals. Haz walked over to the food and drinks table and took two drinks and walked back over to Neo, "So, I hope you have better luck than me Neo, Here have a Drink, something so that I don't feel like paying you back for the water on floor five," He said before looking at Su and waving at her to get here.


    Role ID: 105369

        BD: 3 [ Already failed finding any crystals]


  6. Su sounded very happy at the both accepting her request, but not shortly after she started jawning, Typical for her, She is still the youngest here, so she needs her rest, He thinks before patting Su on the head and waving her goodbye as well. He let out a sigh as the party disbanded and he looks at Neo, "Sure, She can be a bit too much energy from time to time, but it keeps up morale, and well she kind of does need to learn to keep her emotions it places a bit more as well, apart from that She is an all-around good leader to follow," Haz says hanging back into the chair a bit, Sure Neo was not really going to answer right now, and he just looked at her. "Yes I know she thinks almost the same as me, you want to protect that innocent smile of hers, so keep a promise would you, We both do that," he says before standing up and patting Neo on the head as well. "Well Neo I would be going as well now, it was fun to meet you she spoke highly of you like a real friend, I hope we will work together more like this," he says as he waves now Neo goodbye and walks outside only to stand outside for a long time under some street light, "Darn I need to see that I get to an inn before it is too dark," he mumbles to himself before walking to the teleporter and teleporting away.

  7. He looked at the mountain Pinball pointed at, Sure it was a mountain nothing special about it but still Pin sounded careful, "Don't worry... I um, I can handle it, I'm a tank of course," he said not sure if he wanted to be the tank at his point as the warmth of this floor did low him down even more so than on floor five. But for his own sake and Pin's he kept going holding his spirit high as he always has been doing. Sure thing got hard here but that was the game better here then being dead. "I'm better here then somewhere else, Never give a bird wings if you don't want it to fly away," Haz said sounding a bit more confidence in his voice. Maybe it was just because he was thinking positive most of the time and not only that at this point his moral would already be dropping down hard but he kept his head high and followed Pin.


  8. He looks at the girl and starts to laugh as well, "No worry If there was fall damage here I would be dead already, Been doing that quite a few times," he said. As she then walked off giggle a bit, He could think about the ways he already saw this kind of giggle from more people and was prepared for anything. He stayed in the water for a time and even went underwater to see if something interesting was going on underwater, But only a few fish and nothing more. The ocean was calm and most and he was always so calm on the beach. as he came above water he saw that the host of the party was going to say something, He moved out of the water to hear what she was going to say.


    He moved closer and saw that Su and the people she was talking to also got closer to the host of the party. The host started talking about the events that would happen sadly no sport but still a good fight was the best he could join in on, Both the other thing sounded interesting but both events he would not be good in, let alone a swimsuit contest. Once the host was done talking he saw Su walk up to the papers without any second thought, Haz followed shortly and tapped her on the shoulder, "So Su, going to show off again," he said with a teasing way, It was kind of a way to get her back from all the times she teased him. He then walked over to the Fighting event and signed up there, "Su I will fight So no worry, I Won't risk anything I would not like to miss your event," he said still kind of trying to tease her back. He turned to the Host Zandra and gave her a smile as he was done signing in for the battle event that was going to happen, He was quite interested how this was going to happen as the level differents did not care anymore.

    @Sunova @Zandra

  9. Haz was a bit surprised as Neo paid for the drinks, He was planning on playing the gentleman and pay for the drinks but it seems like Neo had other plans. "Ooh Neo you did no had to do that, I was going to pay, It was at least something I could do," he said as a few seconds later there drinks came. In one go he drinks his mug of water empty and let out a sigh. "That was nice, For sure I could use the second one but don't waste money on me," he says and turns to Neo while saying this. After that Su asks them both quite a special question, Wanting to travel with her like real companions, Sure this could be done but all parties would be from different levels and Haz kind of had made his role as Shield for hire, But He would love to help Su as long as he could. He still felt kind of sorry because he recommended the game to her. "Sure I like to help, But I would need to kind of go from time to time to help others, If you are okay with that," He says as he turns to Neo waiting to see what she would choose.

  10. Both Su and Neo seem to like the idea to get some drinks, He followed Su as she was already making her way to the bar he pointed at, Always so fast on doing things, Take it easy, He thought following her into the Bar. It was quite empty in the bar and Su mentions that he was not allowed to start drinking alcohol, "Su no worry, Even If I did, I would not get drunk, the beer would taste only bitter and who wants that? Plus there is not really something to get drunk on, the system won't allow it," he said with a smile. The bar was run by a player, that seemed like a nice thing for some players but for Hazado it would only bring a bit of confusion to who is a player and who was the NPC, but as it seemed only players were in the bar.

    Su looked on the menu and said she wanted fresh water with Sinas flavor, It sounded okay but Haz just wanted some water maybe like one liter of water, "You can take your Sinas water, I will just take a big Mug of water, maybe two My mouth is kind of dry, AND yes I will get the drinks for you two if I must," he said a bit irritated but not really sounding angry at all. He looked at both his companions and he let out a sigh and after that a smile, "I'm Happy everything is alright," he said low before standing up and waiting for Neo to say what she wanted.


    Hazado looked at the stone Pinball was holding up, It was a black. Haz did not have his luck cut out for him when it came down to gathering items, Sure this game was about numbers most of the time and Hazado did not have high numbers on getting items. "Trust me... Um, I never seem to get any luck with getting Items, So um... I will just help fight," He said a bit nervous. Never was it the idea for him to find items in the hot lands of this floor. He follows Pinball and is a quite for a bit he is not really a talker and it seems Like Pinball was also not really a talker. Maybe it was good to start talking about something before both got bored, "Um... Pin... Have you heard about the others... I mean Spangie ... and Arabelle ... and um, Tsu," he said sounding a bit unconvertible, He was not used to talking to people he did not really know, and apart from his friend being mostly girls was not making his conversations with people not any better.

  12. As Pinball said yes to his company Hazado was a bit surprised that he did agree with it, Never thought he would say yes from what I heard from Tsu, Hazado Thought. Pinball was maybe around a head smaller then Hazado himself but, He showed more courage than him. This floor was dangerous so it was no surprise that he said to keep in eyesight.  following Pinball behind Hazado thinks about how this is not really a thing that he would do this floor was complete the opposite from where he usually is. alone side that it was stinking hot in his heavy armor and every movement felt like he was cooking, "Jeez Darn it, It is Darn hot," Hazado Said in a British accent, Maybe it was not the best idea to wear metal armor to a lave based floor.  "what Kind of quest are you ... Um, doing, If I may ask, I have done ... Like nothing on this floor," Hazado asks just wanting to know if there was something he could do as well. Who knows maybe Pinball lets him in on the quest and helps him clear it and maybe he gets a good reward out of it as well from completing this quest.

  13. Hazado was a bit surprised that the guy did recognize him and when he mentions the beach Haz things a bit and he also remembers it. "Yeah, The Beach... Um, With Arabelle and Tsu Right," He says, Whatever happened To Spangie is unknown to me, where could she be, He thinks right after the fact that the guy mentions Spangie. As he then is being asked what he wanted, but the truth be told he did not really know what he wanted only that he did not want to explore this floor alone. "Sorry if... Um, this is out of nowhere, but ... well yeah would it be a problem if I could tag along with you, I kind of don't know my way around here yet," He says having a bit of an awkward tone in the voice at this point, Hazado did not really know the guy well, he only knew his face and where he knew him from, for more or less Hazado was just a bit distanced with people and on his nerves quite a lot. 


  14. Hazado was exploring out on floor nine, It was so darn hot here, and that was not helping the fact that he was wearing heavy armor. His armor had a Japanese like style to it as it was both green and black, he only had one shoulder pat as it was on his left side, It was kind of spikey as the thorns came out of it. It was for sure hot in this armor but no matter Hazado wanted to seek out what this floor had to offer. It was here he found out about some quest that could get you to change some things and not only that, there was many more thing on this floor. Hazado took a look at his spear on his back, It was not the best weapon he could have right now but still, the long spear spearhead with markings of a Rhino on it as the spearhead curved a bit up. Rhino's Horn as he was used to calling it now was a good weapon but not the best maybe one day he would get a better weapon and just see if he could name it almost the same.

    As he then started walking he saw someone come out of a blacksmith, Did he knew this guy, maybe but he was not for sure. Hazado was a bit curious where he went to and Hazado followed him. Then almost at the edge of the safe zone, Hazado's mind gave a spark and he knew why the guy looked so familiar to him. Hazado was kind of in a danger here as he was a bit too risky around these parts but he wanted to adventure with someone and that someone was now this guy that he somehow knew from before. Hazado let's out a sigh and gathers his guts and walks up the guy tapping him on the shoulder, "Hello there, Mind if I ask you something, Do I know you from somewhere, You look so familiar to me?" Haz Asks the male player.


  15. Haz did a bit of stretching once they got all into the safe zone, The sandstorm was no more and the village was here. He goes with his hand through his hair as big pieces of sand come out of his hair, "Well I need to find a lake of Sea soon, to get all the sand out fully," he said still shaking out the sand of his hair. Su looked happy and then came up to both of them and Hugged first him, As he then patted her on the head, "No need for the hug, I have always been your Tank," he says to Su as she looks up to him, he looks then as Su moves over to Neo and hugs her as well, "I guess it going to be like this every time, from now on," he said with a small laugh. Su went over to the lady they got the quest from and gave them each a scroll, It was a skill that they could learn. Su looked happy doing this quest and turned to the two again with a smile.

    "Yeah, This was kind of fun, But how about some drink now, could use some refreshments," he says facing both Neo and Su. It was the best idea Haz could get right now as he was exactly quite tired and thirsty. "There is a small bar not far from here, It is mostly calm there and there are a lot of seating places," he said pointing into the town as there was a small sign along the road, He moved to the sign and waved the two girls over.

  16. Hazado let out a small grin as he is trying to get back his breath slowly, It seemed not really clear to Seb what Haz was going but soon he would explain. Now that Haz was out of the water you could see a few brushes and a big scar on his right leg, the lets out a sigh "Well you see ... I was drowning myself ... kidding.'' he says with a smile on his face as he moves his hair back, "I was seeing How long I could hold my breath, I always do that so see the water world." Haz then says stretching a bit, he looked at the frog that moved around thinking they must be with Tsu.  "But Yeah Seb, I am always drawn to the water, it just relaxing and calm here. But what brings you here Seb?" he asks looking a bit confused as Seb always seems to meet him on a beach. he looked at the beach and sees a girl there but it seems like she did not see the three people on the rock not far from her. Hazado smiled at the two and stood up Waving at the Female player at the beach in the hopes to get a reaction from the girl.

    @Grimm @Froppy @Kataware

  17. Su was full of energy once more as if she was back to her normal self, Hazado looked at Neo as she got ready as well to leave, "Just trusting In Su with her directions," he said to Neo as he heard Sunova say I know the way. Even if it was still with the sandstorm Hazado was not really bothered by it as it was just kicking him a bit, However, the sandstorm did do some small Damage but not much that you could see it. "We are coming," Hazado yelled after Sunova as she already seemed a bit too far for his liking.

    Once they walked for a bit he hears Su yell, It was about the town could she really see it. and as he got up to her Hazado also saw the town, well at least the tower from the town. "Well color me surprised, it was faster than I was thinking at first," he says as he reaches out to Neo to help her a bit just to make sure everyone was okay. But Su took a small sprint and was already ahead again "Darn it she is fast, He Neo if you want Jump on my back and we get there faster" he says to Neo as he walks next to her.


    ID-Role: 105048

        CD: 7 [sandstorm No Effect]


  18. Hazado was out in floor sixteen once more and he was here always to calm down and feel safe, most monsters would be on the islands as water combat was hard, even though it was hard Hazado was out in the ocean with his spear. He had his spear stuck to the bottom of the ocean as it was very clear there, holding onto his spear was the only thing that kept him underwater. He did this quite a lot to get more breath underwater so he could dive once he had the equipment for it in real life. Just a few more seconds, come one let me have a new record. he thought to himself as his head became red. But then he needed to get some air and with a sword art, he pushed himself out of the water to the surface. "Aw darn ... not a new ... Record ... in holding my breath," he said to himself sounding out of breath and turned around to see two people sitting on a rock, Wait a second, I know those two. he moves his spear on his back and swam over to the rock climbing on to it very easy. Both Grimm and Tsu were sitting there, and both of them he knew. He moved up from behind them, "Well um hello ... Did not think ... to see anyone here," he said sounding out of breath as he sat down on the rock completely out of breath.

    @Grimm @Froppy

  19. He looked out to the ocean and things a bit about what Tsu said, "It's nice to have some who cares," he said looking back at Tsu as a few frogs hopped on her back and knees. The frogs really seemed to like her it was a wonder how it happened but still, she cared for the frogs and they liked it. Then Tsu asked why He was here, "Kind of... Um more like being somewhere I can feel a bit at home I think," he said looking back into the ocean as the waves moved around. almost all of his life he was near a sea or anything with water, even if he did not play a water sport like swimming he did had his own boat, but sadly not anymore as what happened with the accident he had before coming to this world. He moved his hand over the scare on his right leg, "The water always had an effect on me ... it made me calm I think ... Happy and calm," he said looking back at Tsu. "even in this world ... it keeps it effect I suppose," he said as he moves his feet into the sand as the waves keep hitting them.

  20. He looked up from his spot and saw a familiar face next to him, It was Tsu as he clearly remembers. and this time she had a bit of a parade with her, quite a few frogs seemed to follow her and move around her. Hazado smiled a bit awkward to Tsu "Ooh, Hey there. um also nice to see you again," he said sounding a bit nervous in his voice because he did not really know what to say to Tsu. As the frogs moved around both of them Hazado let's out a small laugh "Haha, Your friends, well um... I don't mind them, They are ... well, interesting friends" he said looking at the frogs around him, he was not really bothered by the frogs and seemed more at east than normal as the small waves kept hitting his feet. "Um yeah, Tsu ... what are you doing here anyway ... Are you not hanging out with other people?" he asked her wondering why she was here alone with all the frogs around them. He looked at the frogs around him and Tsu he did not really seem to know why but the Frogs were just there, either way, Hazado was acting calm while his voice had a clear sound of nervous in it as he did not know how Tsu was as he just met her two times on a beach as well, only small talk came of but nothing more.

  21. Hazado moved around on floor sixteen, He came here once before and got tricked into coming here that day. He looks out to the water and thinks about what happened that day. The beach was quiet and empty people would normally be here but as it seemed like not today. Hazado was mostly alone not that he is trying to get a distance between him and people, it just that he does not really is know how to talking to people. The Beach always seemed to calm him down and the things that he wanted to do now was to go for a swim or relax near the sea. He opened his inventory and walked out with his swimming trunks and his orange summer jacket. "Aah Best way to calm down is at the water," he said to himself as his feet touched the sand again. The sand was warm and the water looked very clear, the only thing he needed was a boat and he could do what he always did at the beach. He then looked at his Right leg as a big scare ran all the way down from his leg, he still remembered the accident before he came to the game. He shrugged it off and walked over to the water as he was with his feet in the water. "This feels great, I'm happy that there is at least a beach here," he said looking out into the sea as some birds flew past. he sat down close to the water so the small waves kept hitting his feet with water, it felt nice to be on the beach and it was a good way for him to relax as he had more water legs then land legs.


    Hazado's Beach outfit.





  22. He wakes up looking at the clock in his UI, it said 0835 It was morning already Hazado stood up from his bed and got his armor back on. Getting his stuff ready was simple and he walked down again, the Innkeeper called him over "Sir, there was this message for you left behind yesterday, Someone wanted to meet you they said," as she gave him the paper with a time and place to be. Hazado was confused at first and did not really know who it was and why he got it, but it did not really care as the paper said "Sir Hazado, Could you please help me with something I was too scared to talk to you in person so I left this so can you come to the place and time that has been given as well" It was interesting how someone wanted to talk with him out of nowhere but Hazado ignored it for now as he did not see to bothered to go and see what this was all about. He walked to a local food stand and took some food and got on his way again to seek special lower leveled players to help.


    Thread Summary

        Hazado: <<Hoya of Minos>> | SP:  3 | Col: 400

  23. He then stands up again walking to the bed and hitting inside it, It was the best option to get some sleep now as it would be a great day for him tomorrow as he would start getting out there again and help people were ever he can. Not knowing how fast he would get to sleep he puts out the light of the room, It was okay now because he knew nothing really scared could happen while he was inside the inn, even so, nothing would ever happen to him as he was just not interesting to people to even get attention from anyone. Closing his eyes as he does now try to sleep, Thinking about his real life was nothing he wanted as his father was always busy with his job as a sergeant in the Japanese army. He shakes his head and tries to not think about it slowly losing himself to his sleep as he moves on to the next day in his life in this new world of his.

  24. Sitting upright again in the bed Hazado finds it hard to sleep at this point and walks over to the window and looks out into the town. some players are still walking around and doing their own stuff, It was very interesting to see that people still walked around even at this late at night. Hazado was not that kind of person to go outside in the dark, not at all he hated the dark and never wanted to be in it. He took a stole and looked outside to the stars, he did not do this before and it was the first time he would do this and look at the night sky. It was weird how this was the world he lived in now and how he would be once he got outside of the game. But he wanted to stay here for as long as he could as he did not really seem keen to go back home to his father and his school. And even if he would He still would be in a hospital because of his leg and even more so after he gets out of this game.

  25. laying on his bed in the inn was okay, he would never think that this was going to be a real thing but still it was better then what he had before. THinking about the Nickname he was given by someone as 'The Rhino Tank' Or 'Rhino' for sort sounded quite interesting to himself. It was something he liked the name of as his spear already was named Rhino's horn and well he has been thinking about going with a small theme for his armor. A Rhino is a strong beast both in offense and in defense same as Hazado was at this point and having 'one Horn' spear it would fit him just perfect. Hazado looked at his stats and thought long about it what side he wanted to go to, the spear gave him a lot of choices to get both offense and defense but the shield he got from Pick, but he would need to use more Skill points to get there in the end.

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