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Posts posted by Pick

  1. ID: 104932 LD: 3+6=9 (No materials)

    Pick didn't feel like doing anything. Although he stood up for a while to stop losing the feeling in his legs, he knew that he didn't feel like doing anything at the moment. The scene was just too beautiful, and there weren't players around to witness his sudden comfort in the night. It had been a while since he had felt like this - it had been a while since he came to the wilderness at night. he was now strong enough to stand here and do whatever he wanted without worrying about any sort of monsters, and even players that might come out here. Pick sighed in relief and comfort before straightening up his back and letting out a satisfying sound as he stretched. The night was early, and Pick was an optimistic individual. He would get this owl before day time at all costs, and he was confident of it as well.

    T1 Materials (24)

  2. ID: 104931 LD: 1+6=7 (No Treasure Chest)

    As Pick was imagining his future and the promises that he had made to both himself and some of the other players in the game, he felt a slight sense of nostalgia. It was unusual, that he would get lost in is own dreams like that, but there were no players around, no monsters, and it was just completely quiet except for those bugs that chirped in the moonlight, communicating and singing with one another. Fire flies flew in the air, and Pick could swing his arms at any moment to take them as materials, but they were actually more helpful than materials out here because they lit up the way for Pick to more effectively get materials. It was a good mutual relationship between him and the wildlife on this floor. Pick smiled, standing up once again and checking around to see if there were anything. Unfortunately, there were none.

    T1 Materials (24)

  3. ID: 104936 LD: 10+6=16 CD: 6 (3 Materials)

    Pick sat down on the ground, taking a break for a few moments. It could turn out to be a long night since he hadn't seen an owl for a while. He thought these owls were a lot less rare than they actually were, and Pick didn't like that, however, with the night sky to accompany him and the quiet atmosphere, he found himself a peace when he stared up into the white moonlight that seemed to be talking to him when it shined its white rays upon his figure, lighting up both him and the grass around him. It was as if the moon was telling him that he was a special one - the one that fulfill a prophecy. He would take over this world, and then make it a better place, somehow, and then defeat the final boss with his axe in the front lines or something like that.

    T1 Materials (24)

  4. ID: 104929 LD: 5+6=11 (No materials)

    Pick was looking out for more materials, and would've probably gotten some had he not been distracted by a shooting star that seemed to come out of no where. It was a beautiful thing, a ball with white trailing off it like some sort of mystical fire that had arrived from space. He remembered all those stories about how shooting stars could be used as a wish, and about how shooting stars could bring unimaginable things to the world. All those stories weren't necessarily lies, but they were practically made up. One day, though, he wouldn't be surprised if some of those stories came into reality. Pick smiled, what a foolish thing to think, right? But that's how it is. Stories were based off of some sort of human experience that someone has experienced once or twice in their life time. One person's experiences could be another's story, and that's it.

    T1 Materials (21)

  5. ID: 104928 LD: 17+6=23 CD: 10 (4 Materials)

    Pick had managed to gather basically all the wood that he could manage to pick up from that exact tree, but he wanted more to be honest. He wanted a different type of material in order to increase the diversity in his inventory, so he decided to stroll around for a bit, keeping his eyes on both materials and an owl if one pops up. They were rare - at least, the ones that could actually help him. He was looking for a specific owl after all - one that he had seen a long time ago. Pick smirked underneath the mask - with an owl, he was unstoppable, and there was no denying it. Finally, he managed to spot something in the distance. It wasn't anything special, just some apples on the ground that he picked up. He was getting kind of bored of these apples - surely there were more types of materials.

    T1 Materials (21)

  6. ID: 104927 LD: 10+6=16 CD: 6 (3 Materials)

    Pick felt really sad that he hadn't been able to get a familiar yet, but he had to be patient. In order to get a good familiar, he must wait until it was the right one, the best one to be completely frank, and then he would approach it to pick it up. Sure, it won't be easy - familiars were rare after all, but an owl is crucial to him, as they were birds of the night. They could scout for him, and if he manages to find a way to communicate with him or her, Pick will be able to get a lot more information on his surroundings, which could be extremely useful when he is out to get riches or materials from unsuspecting players. Of course, he can't simply steal them, but he must find a method of robbing players through fear. Pick sighed, beginning to walk away from the tree.

    T1 Materials (17)

  7. Pick continued to stare at the woman- he would've pulled out his weapon if he didn't risk exposing his true identity. The golden axe that he had was a trademark unique to him, and he cannot use it when he's in disguise - that's just how it is. The girl was fascinating though. She was unafraid of the atmosphere, the aura of death, that surrounded the two players. In the darkness, anything can happen. Pick could go ahead and attack her at any moment, and since she was on the first floor still, she can't be that strong. Pick didn't know if she was bluffing or if was actually unafraid of him, but it interested him, causing him to turn his entire body towards the female.

    Slowly walking up, he stood straight - and since he was a few inches taller, he was able to look down at the woman with those chilled eyes that were usually lively during the day. "What makes you think I am a thief? I can still kill you right here, right now. Sometimes, it's good to be patient with your killing, to be able to torture your victims with fear until the last moment when you send him or her away to hell. If I was a killer, you wouldn't be dead now, but you would be dead when I feel like it - that's just how it is." Pick said coldly, continuing to stare straight into the eyes of the red-headed woman without backing off. "I'm here to initiate my plan - a plan that is far too intellectual for your feeble brain."


  8. ID: 104904 LD: 9+8=17 (Success, but useless, so FAIL)

    The time was close. The night time had fallen, but it wasn't that dark outside, so owls would be rare. Pick walked up to a tree and that was when he saw it - a small owl with gray feathers. It wasn't what he wanted - he wanted brown feathers, perhaps even black if that was possible. He wanted something that would blend more with the trees during the night when he's out doing whatever he was doing. of course, he couldn't be too picky but the color was just off, and he would pass up on the owl. He wouldn't kill it - the creatures of the night were creatures that fit in with him. They were practically his friends at night, and they could prove to be useful at times. In fact, if he managed to tame the king or queen of the owls, he'll have a huge resource at hand.

    T1 Materials (14)

  9. ID: 104903 LD: 11+6=17 CD: 4 (2 Materials)

    Continuing on with the same tree, he picked up his axe and began to take a wind up. Without thinking too much about it, he tore at it as hard as possible only for the axe to simply make a dent in the tree. Pick wasn't the strongest individual, and his figure was slim as well, so he really couldn't bring the whole tree down for all that materials that could be hidden within. However, Pick could manage to chop the tree just a little bit and get some materials out of it. Although his material gathering won't be as productive as a muscle man dealing damage to the tree, it wasn't bad at all and he hoped that he could manage to gather some more materials before the night ends and that he would be able to gather a familiar a well. Or rather, tame a familiar in better words.

    T1 Materials (14)

  10. ID: 104902 LD: 9+6=15 CD: 8 (3 Materials)

    Pick had saw that two wooden pieces came out of the tree and into his inventory. He was glad, because he had seen Sure do the same thing not that long ago, and his efforts were practically wasted as he did it. Perhaps it was just that he was unlucky and had been unable to gather any materials from chopping at the tree with an axe, but Pick showed him a better way to gather materials. Now, the two players were swithced, and Pick was chopping the tree instead of Sure, while Sure was doing whatever the heck he was doing - it didn't particularly matter to him. It was just the fact that Pick hadn't seen the man in a long time so he was feeling a tiny bit of memories rush back at him from that one particular day that the two had spent together. Shaking his head, he swung.

    T1 Materials (12)

  11. ID: 104901 LD: 17+6=23 CD: 3 (2 Materials)

    Pick looked left and saw a blunt axe laying on the ground. Normally, he wouldn't have been able to see it in the dark but today was an exception. Today, he was definitely able to see exactly what was there - the fire flies lit them up, after all, and the searching skill he had today was exceptional. He picked up the axe slowly, wondering what to do with it before suddenly, through instincts, smashed it against the tree that it had been laying next to. Whoever left the axe here was probably doing the same thing before he left it and moved away. Whoever had left it here was probably in a huge rush though, since why leave it on the ground if you can just pick it up and put it in your inventory in like a second. He or she must have been in grave danger for him to escape like this.

    T1 Materials (9)

  12. ID: 104900 LD: 20+6=26 CD: 12  (4 Materials)

    When you are as lucky as Pick, sometimes materials literally come looking for you. Although this is not actually the case, it may seem like it when Pick is attempting to gather materials. With one smooth swipe, he was able to get a few fire flies into his inventory the moment that he spotted them. Actually, he didn't even expect them to be like that - he didn't expect them to count as materials, but when the path was suddenly iit up for him, he grabbed forwards with his prime instincts, adding to his collection of materials as the fire flies popped up in his inventory and also adding to his material count as he continued for the night. He had yet to spot any owls as it was not late enough for them to come out and hunt for the night. While they were hunting though, Pick would be their hunter.

    T1 Materials (7)

  13. ID: 104896 LD: 4+3=7 (No materials)

    Pick watched as Dustin started waking up after getting hit by the apple. Before he continued to talk, he glanced above him one more time to see if there were any more materials only to confirm that he had already taken all the apples from that tree. "Sports? Nah, let's just say it's natural instincts. Not everyone can learn it, you know." Pick lied. He was a thief, of course, which was where his reflexes came from, but there's no way that he could possibly tell the truth in this situation. In fact, he would probably never tell anyone his true identity. He shrugged, switching his glance to Dustin. 

    "Hey, you should be thankful that I woke you up. At this point, you're going to have to pay for all our ice cream." Pick grinned, looking around for another good material gathering location. "I went on a quest with a pretty girl not that long ago. She was trying to become an artisan, and we found a burned city somewhere around here. Keep an eye out, most players don't go to these locations so there should be plenty of materials there."

    @Artemis @Dustin

  14. Pick grinned, "The weak, huh? Well, I suppose that there are plenty of weak players out there, then if you are basing it off of level and strength. Also, I'm sure there are people who live in the shadows of others and likes to do it - does it mean they are weak though? Ah, I'm getting tired of this topic. I think our conversation has wandered to a place that I would not like to stay in. The front lines, how strong someone is, it all doesn't matter when we're having a good time, right?" Pick decided to end the conversation there before he exposed too much about himself. Pick didn't like to be called weak, as he was just someone who lived in the shadows - not of someone else, of course, but he stilled lived in the shadows, and although he was sure that Elucia wasn't referring to the type of players he was thinking of, it still triggered something.  

    "And I thought the night was a time where all the bad guys come out," Pick exclaimed, finishing off the rest of his drink before forcefully planting it on the table and releasing a loud sound of satisfaction. "And you were supposed to meet someone here? May I have the privilege of knowing whether it's a guy or not?" Pick asked. Pick had thought about sparing the girl with his nasty plot since she was pretty, but if she was already taken, there would be no point.


  15. Well, naturally, the time was right for dinner. It was approximately five PM.... Pick had chosen this time in order to sneak up on the bee which would be slacking off at this time of the day. There shouldn't be that many guardians around the queen at this time, since bees most likely rested early. "Well, how about ramen? We can each take a bowl and then eat on the way there if we don't want to sit in. Since Artemis doesn't care that much, and ramen is just my simple recommendation, I suppose it's ultimately up to you." Pick pushed the burden of the final decision to Cosi. "Also, I find your choice of food... very out of the norm." He couldn't find a choice of words that wouldn't offend the girl's tastes, so that was the final thing that he could come up with. He hated to rush into things, but his patience might not be matched well with the girl's excitement, and he wasn't sure what type of person Cosi was yet.

    Pick was amused, however, when he heard that the blonde man was a merchant. Competition. That was the first thought that came to his mind. I'm afraid I always win though, He kept on going, switching his gaze to the blonde man, "Well, isn't that a coincidence. It's not every day when we meet someone else with the same profession. I'm sure we can exchange tips and help each other out when we are in need of things." Pick exclaimed. 

    @Cosi @Artemis


  16. Pick felt real good. This was the first time in forever that he had a chance to do whatever he wanted, because no one can see what's underneath the mask. However, he did not know what he could possibly do. Perhaps he can head out even deeper outside of the safe zone where there were no roads and see if any foolish player could fall victim to his burglary. However, that wasn't what Pick is like. Pick is an intellectual - a brilliant mastermind with the ability to plan things out with precision. After all, he had been a professional thief in real life, and possibly one of the best ones as well. Those were the days. Pick thought, carry out a heist during the night, and feed the poor during the day. He thought. Times were different here though - materials and Col weren't worth as much as money in the real world, so what was his purpose? That is what he is attempting to find. Crimes are a life long thing, and Pick cannot escape it, even if he wanted to. Pick could only grin at the anticipation of the excitement that would come during future heists in this game.

    Originally, he had not noticed the girl behind him. However, he heard the sound of a weapon unsheathing. He had heard the same type of sounds multiple times from his adventures with Dustin. The moonlight seemed to be shining directly on him, making his mask red instead of white as he turned his head over, revealing the creepy mask he was wearing along with the rest of his disguise. His head was the only thing he needed to turn to achieve his purpose. "Why, what do we have here?" Pick said in a much deeper voice than normal.


  17. ID: 104881 LD:  15 CD: 6 (3 materials)

    Pick watched as the girl managed to surprise him once again. She had obtained yet another material, and without major boosts either. Pick smiled - he, however, had quite the boost in luck. Watching as Dustin went down to sleep, Pick realized that it was him and the little kid in front of him. "Well, we met when we were both quite low-leveled. We're still really low, actually, but not as low as before. Although it hasn't been that long, I could say that he's one of my best friends in this game just from the experiences we have gone through. Sometimes, though, I just think he's an idiot." Pick exclaimed, and sometimes, I think I can get him to help me with things he normally wouldn't. Pick thought with a grin. 

    Just then, the two players walked under an apple tree and he heard a sound above him. Reaching out with his left hand - his non dominant hand - he only had to watch as four apples dropped into his hand. "There we go. Hey Dustin!" Pick shouted, throwing one of the apples at his head, "Time to wake up, buddy. I'm ahead already." Pick finished, watching as the apple dissolve into pieces when it landed on the ground.

    @Artemis @Dustin

    T1 Materials (3)

  18. Pick watched as the girl attempted her first crafting attempt ever, only to fail. He didn't know how hard it was to craft something successfully, since as a merchant, he technically doesn't create anything, but identifies things that were found on the floors all over Aincrad. Already, he had managed to obtain profit by selling off a perfect item that had been sold to him, but other than that, he hadn't had much business despite his generous offers. Well, it didn't matter at this particular point - with all the materials he has, it would not be that long before he manages to collect even more, and then use materials to collect Col. Pick smiled, satisfied at his plans while trailing off. It was when the girl finally said something to him when he snapped back into attention. "Well, I'm afraid that my presence here will be far too distracting for you. I will allow you to focus solely on this task at hand, and I'll be meeting back with you once I'm done. I just realized that i have something to attend to for a few moments - hopefully, it won't take that long. I'll be right back before you know it." Pick smiled.

    ID: 104880 LD: 4 (No Treasure Chest)

    Pick had intended to find a treasure chest outside of the safe zone to bring back to Ennakai as a gift to surprise her, but he failed to do so. Part of the reason was the fact that he had given away his cape which was a valuable asset, and the other reason would be the fact that most things on the first floor were already taken by other players. He soon found himself back at the shop. "Ok, I'm back. So... you done yet?"


  19. ID: 104879 LD: 9+6=15 CD: 8 (3 Materials)

    Pick, right then, saw a patch of grass that he could grab and uproot from the ground as materials. He did not know how it works - that grass could be used as materials, but you don't see him complaining at all. He never expected to be gathering materials at this time of the day, in the costume that he was wearing as well. He sighed, watching the materials pop up in his inventory. He smiled inside the mask, looking at the sky as he noticed that the sun was still in the same position at the same place of the sky. He would have to continue to gather materials as well until the time came when the owls would flourish the floors. Not only did Pick want an owl, he wanted the best owl - the best owl on this floor, and he knew that with his luck, he could get it.

    T1 Materials (3)

  20. ID: 104878 LD: 2+6=8 (No Materials)

    Pick looked around... it appeared that the day was not yet completely over, and the owls have yet to come out. The sun set was far, and it was about the be over - the day that is. Of course, the quest would take a while if he doesn't manage to get the familiar on his first try, and in order to get the owl on his first attempt of taming one, he calculated that the chances of him doing so would be approximately fifty percent after all the boosts that he gave to his luck. Perhaps he even needed more than that, maybe about 40% at the current moment. Still, Pick was the king of luck, and it would take a lot of beating down for him to lose confidence in the thing that he takes pride the most - his luck and material gathering. Although there were none near, he'll keep on going.

    T1 Materials (0)

  21. Pick had gone back to take a nap, and soon he woke up and the day had already turned into darkness. Before he had finished up the afternoon, he managed to go grab some bugs in a jar that would be required to help him with getting the owl tamed. Of course, he had some items to consume as well, and he would consume all of that now that he had prepared for everything else. Double checking everything once again just to make sure that he had every thing he needed before exiting for the night. Getting out his cake and getting a familiar calling song ready to listen, he made sure to get everything sorted and prepared. Soon, he exited the safe zone and into the wilderness of the first floor. It wouldn't be that long before he would spot an owl, but before then, he might as well take advantage and get some materials.

    -1 Familiar's Calling (+2 LD When searching for familiar)
    -1 Golden Garlic Bread (+3 LD)
    Cape of Gold (+3 LD)
    Total: +8 LD Familiars | +6 LD Materials

    Objective Complete: Consume Items

  22. Pick did not order as much as he would usually, because he had other things that he needed to consume as well. Pick had some things that would help him with getting this familiar, as he was well aware that the quest was not a very easy one to complete. Now, Pick would have to get the quest done in short time as he did not want to risk getting his identity exposed through the mask as he waits outside of the safe zone. Although he came out as an anonymous identity at night, he still doesn't like the night that much. It was just that it is crucial for him to do anything to get this quest done as easy as possible. Pick sighed, ordering a pepperoni pizza and beginning to feast on it. It didn't take that long before the half pizza was finished, and he was done with dinner.

  23. Now was a brilliant opportunity to pull out that cloak he would use as a method of testing out his new identity. Of course, he had always been like this, but it was time to let his dark side out. He needed to find the owl, and owls only appear during the night. They are creatures of the night time, just like Pick at times. Pick would head to the restaurant nearby to get some dinner in before he heads out at night, after getting the dinner, however, he would probably take a nap - at least he hoped. With a nap, he would have plenty of energy to do everything that he needed to do, including getting that familiar out the way, but also getting him or her used to the strange tastes and personality of Pick. Pick sighed, walking to the nearest restaurant that seemed to specialize in pizza.

  24. Pick nodded at the words of wisdom that had come from the old gypsy's mouth. Of course, Pick had known that this would be what he needed to do since the very beginning, as it was a widely taken quest and he had quite the information in his supply. Pick grinned, anticipating, and finally watching as the quest acceptance icon popped up in front of him. Pick sighed, clicking the accept button, the blue button lit up, becoming light blue before disappearing with the rest of the screen that had popped up.

    "Very well. Brilliant from you, indeed." The old woman finished, standing up and walking away. "Good luck," He heard her say, and that would be the last time that he ever sees her. She would be busy dealing with other players who have yet to obtain a familiar, but it was his turn now, and an owl he comes for.

    Objective Complete: Accept the quest

  25. Pick waited. The woman was beginning to speak, and even when mouths poured out from her mouth, she was speaking with utmost snail-like pace, and Pick was not the type to listen patiently to these things. Of course, he was definitely not the person to simply walk away from an old woman impolitely and pass off on getting himself a cool little familiar. Pick wanted an owl, and an owl would be what he would get, of course, he was sure of it. Finally, her words began to make some sense to Pick's ears.

    "Greetings, young player," She coughed, "If you feed a monster, you may have the chance of taming it. Of course, these monsters are extremely rare and very difficult to tame, however, if you manage to do so, they will help you greatly in your adventuring needs depending on the ability that they have." The woman finished.

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