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Posts posted by Alec

  1. Once they reached the middle of the lake Ol' Pete sat up and moved his feet from where he had been lounging and resting them on the edge of the boat and moved himself into an upright sitting position. He lifted his hat from over his eyes and looked at Aleve with a conspiratorial grin. "Let's catch us a monsta." he drawled as he but back onto his corn cob pipe stem and summoned a small squiggly animal that he attached to the hook and cast his line into the lake.



    Roll: 113556

    CD: 9


    Not more than a few moments after the hook and bait hit the water Ol' Pete jolted and tensed yelling happily "Ha woah there, we got us a big one!" Ol' Pete pulled on the pole and snapped it setting the hook as he grinned wildly at Alec yelling "You're up kid! Now land us this Monsta!" As he held the pole in both hands straining to not lose it he offered it to Alec. Alec shrugged and took hold of the pole nearly losing it in the process as he wasn't ready fir the tension pulling on it from the water. "THIS IS A MONSTER!" Alec thought to himself as he gritted his teeth and his natural scowl began a fierce grin if determination as he gripped the fishing pole with both hands and felt the muscles in his entire body flex and contract in response to the force he felt pulling on the pile from under the water.

  2. "All right then." Ol' Pete answered happily as his chair creaked one more time as he leaned forward and stood up. He held out his hand to Alec palm up and Alec diligently handed over the old man's new fishing pole. With a spryness that had been lacking earlier in the old man Pete nimbly stepped and nearly danced down the walkway and dock to a small wooden row boat that was tied off to the dock by a hempen rope.

    Alec just shook his head and grinned inwardly. "Of course they were taking a small wooden row boat out into a fresh water lake to catch a giant salt water Sword Fish. Why wouldn't they? But it was all a video game and not real." Alec reminded himself. "Just another chance to suspend reality and do the impossible here in lovely Aincrad." Alec stepped into the boat and it swayed alarmingly due to his massive size. Ol' Pete was already seated in the stern of the boat so Alec took the only other seat in the boat and sat down. Ol' Pete untied the boat from the dock and Alec took hold of the oars and began paddling them out towards the center of the lake. It took about fifteen minutes or so till Alec had them in roughly the center of the lake.

  3. "So let me get this straight." Alec replied. "The fishing pole Hannah gave me to deliver to you is so you can catch a massive Sword Fish that's swimming in this fresh water lake. But you don't have the physical strength the reel the giant fish in do after to catch and hook the fish it'll be my job to land the fish in the boat." Alec repeated to ensure he had all the information correct.

    "Ah yup." Ol' Pete said. "You got tha right of it. Now will ya help an ole man out or not?" Pete asked raising an eyebrow comically high as he pointed his pipe stem at Alec.

    Alec shrugged in response to the old man's question. "I don't see as I have much choice. You need a fish landed and I guess I'm your man. Let's go catch a Sword Fish in a fresh water pond!" Alec exclaimed animatedly.

  4. "Yup." the old man stated. "I can help ya. Ya see, I'm that fisherman. That's me ma names Ol' Pete. Well Pete the younguns add the Ol' part cause they thinks they's funny. But I am he and yev found me." the old man rhymed as he chuckled. "Now that ye've found me, what can I do ya fer?"

    "Well Sir." Alec began. "Hannah gave me a package to deliver to you." Alec stated as he opened up his inventory and selected the fishing pole. He held out his hand and the fishing pole shimmered and wavered into reality as Alec held it forward to the old man.

    Ol' Pete let out a long slow whistle as he gazed up and down the length of the fishing pole. "Ain't she a beaut." Ol' Pete exclaimed in awe and amazement st the sight if the new fishing pole. "That's just the pole I need." he stated with a twinkle in his eye. "Now if only I had someone with a good strong back ta help me out." Ol' Pete commented off handedly as he not do casually glanced over at Alec. "Ya see. There's this monsta Sword Fish in day dar lake. I'm been tryin ta catch it fer as long as I can remembah. But I just ain't strong enough ta real it in. But if you'd help me? I could hook it and you with that big ole back a yours could haul it in and then I'd be mighty grateful to ya." intoned nasally as he looked to Alec.

  5. Confused by the whole situation do far Alec stepped forward into the old man's view. "Excuse me Sir." Alec tried again "My name's Alec and I'm looking for Ol' Pete."

    The old man abruptly stopped his rocking and looked up at Alec. "Heh?" the grizzled old man said as looked up at the giant of a man standing before him. "Ya have ta speak up Sonny." the old man croaked. "I'm deaf in one ear and can't hear outta the othah."

    Alec looked down at the old man and cleared his voice. "HELLO SIR. MY NAME'S ALEC AND IM LOOKING FOR A FISHERMAN BY THE NAME OF OL' PETE. CAN YOU HELP ME?" Alec bellowed in his deep baritone voice.

    The old man flopped backward in his wooden rocking chair so hard he would have flipped it over and ended up on his back or tumbled out of it, if not for smacking loudly into the wall of his shack. "Criminy!" the old man let out loudly. "Set if pipes on you biggun. Whatcha tryin to do deafen an old man. I ain't deaf was just pullin ya leg. But I may be a lil deaf now afta ya blew out ma ear drums."

    "I'm very sorry Sir." Alec exclaimed after the reproach. "I apologise for yelling. As I said my name's Alec and I was sent here by an Artisan named Hannah to find a fisherman named Ol' Pete. Can you help me?"

  6. As Alec approached the shack he noted that the shack was a small building no more than twelve feet on a side. Definitely not spacious, but enough to live in, if you didn't need much. Alec approached and as he got closer he saw a grizzled old man puffing on a corn cob pipe and rocking slowly back in forth in an old wooden rocking chair. "Creak creak, creak creak." the chair announced as Alec approached. The smoke drifting off the old man's pipe was a pungent bluish smoke that wasn't all together unpleasant but was very strong. The heaviness of the smoke bit into Alec's lungs and caused him to cough accidentally. As Alec neared the old man gazing out over the lake Alec cleared his throat in an attempt to get the old mans attention. "Excuse me Sir." Alec began but the old man didn't respond he just sat there staring out over the lake rocking back and forth in his chair. "Creak creak, creak creak, creak creak."

  7. Alec made his way down the natural bowl to the first of many lakes that lay before him. He wasn't sure exactly how to begin this. Hannah hadn't told him which lake to go to. He had looked at his map last night but none of the many lakes in this area had names not that he had a name of a lake to look for, "So guess it's the old fashioned way." Alec thought to himself. Start with the first and go from there." An old joke popped into his head at that thought. "Why is whatever you're looking for in the last place you look?" Alec thought ruefully. "Because when you find what you're looking for you stop look idiot." Alec let out a low rye chuckle at the random thought and began  looking around the lake for any kind of shack, or cabin or house of some sort. Alec found nothing as he circled the first lake. However as Alec got to the far side of the lake he spotted a thin smoke plum coming from the next lake over. The plume seemed to be coming from a small shack on the edge of the lake with a wooden dock extending into the lake. "This must be it." Alec thought to himself as he stepped off headed for the shack.

  8. Alec had to stop and inhale in shock before him stretched out miles of lakes and tributaries. The water in the lakes was a crystal clear deep blue color that was hard to find in real life. He had heard Lake Tahoe was this color if blue but he had never been there himself. Maybe if he made it out if this game he'd take Gwen and Danny there. He had heard there was lots to do at Lake Tahoe like boating and jet skis and camping and hiking and skiing. Yes he thought he'd definitely take Gwen and Danny there when he got out of this place. With that Alec strode forward and began his descent down towards the lakes that lay before him. As Alec dipped down behind the hill the air got cooler and picked up a crispness from the abundance of fresh water before him. A faint smile broke through his perpetual scowl for the briefest of moments as he smelled the air and took in the beauty that lay before him. "Here goes." he thought to himself.


    OOC Post 3 - Energy Fully Regenerated


  9. Alec began a nice steady pace to the North East where his map told him lie the lakes he was looking for to find an old fisherman named Ol' Pete. He had a fishing pole to give the man as part of a quest given to him by a young Artisan named Hannah. That's all he knew so far. Find Ol' Pete and give him the fishing pole. As Alec scanned his surroundings a thought came to him he had randomly searched the cave and found some Materials he had even hunted Boat Pups in this very plains for Materials. Why not try again? With that Alec began to poke through the high grass and look for anything that might be a Tier 1 Material.



    Roll: 113555

    LD: 2 (Nothing Found)


    Alec spent what he felt was a decent amount of time searching the area and found nothing of note. He shrugged his broad shoulders and exhaled "Oh well." he thought "You can't win em all." With that Alec took another deep breath and savored the fresh grass smell of the prairie and continued off to the North East in search of a large lake with an old fisherman living there. Alec travelled for another hour before he came to the top of a small rise that spread out the terrain before him.


    OOC Post 2


  10. The Boar exploded into a shower of red pixels that shot up and then rained down and eventually evaporated into nothing. Alec looked at his inventory and saw some more Tier 1 Materials and a few more Col. Not too bad he thought to himself as he closed his inventory window and continued on his way towards the lakes ahead. Alec paused to look around at his surroundings. He was in a large rolling prairie with a thick forest he had already travelled in on his last quest to his North and West and from what he'd been told and what his map showed a series of large and small lakes to his North and East. There were some mountain ranges encircling the whole thing but that was basically the entirety if the first floor. From what Alec had heard there wasn't much left for him on the First Floor. A couple more quests if he was lucky then he'd have to venture on and explore the Second Floor. It was hard to believe in such a short time he'd progressed so far. Given how long it'd taken him to even figure out the basics here like his inventory, the map and accessing items. Alec still didn't feel anywhere near comfortable, I fact he truly hoped he never did! This world was alien to him and what he felt comfortable with but he was stuck here and he'd make the best of it.  With that Alec took a deep breath and set out to the North East where his map told him he could find the series of lakes he was looking for.



    OOC Post 1

    Regain Tier * 10 HP = 10 HP

    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP180/180 / EN: 14/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0/ Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10



  11. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP172/180 / EN: 15/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0/ Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 4/90 / DMG: 27


    The Boar had dove at Alec opening up a slash in the outside of Alec's leg only because Alec had managed to deflect most if the Boars momentum to the side. Alec had returned with an over head swing that had landed between the Boars shoulder blades and lowered its hit points further. Its health bar no blinked on and off in an angry red hue. The Boar snorted again and dove toward Alec squealing at an ear splitting level. Alec cringed as he gritted his teeth and set his shield to receive the blow headed his way. He also hefted his axe and raised it over his shoulder in preparation to swing down at the wild Boar.



    Roll: 113552

    MOB: 6 (Success) 27 DMG - 40 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    BD: 10 + 2 ACC = 12 (Critical + 2) (Paralyze Activates) (Mob Dead)


    The Boar dove forward and Alec raised his shield in defense to meet the crazed animal. The Boar slammed into the shield again thrashing and twisting wildly the Boars frenzied efforts paid off and one if its tusks found purchase and slashed a line in Alec's shoulder opening a small red gash that leaked red pixels. As the Boar flailed against Alec's shield it began to hum and then SNAP it surged static electricity into the Boar's body causing it to shake at jolt and spasm wildly out of control until it exploded in a shower of red pixels that evaporated into the air.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP171/180 / EN: 14/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0/ Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 0/90 / DMG: 27 (DEAD)

    Roll: 113553

    LD: 3 (2 Tier 1 Materials)

    CD: 11 (2 Tier 1 Marterials)

    Col: 270



  12. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP173/180 / EN: 15/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 7/90 / DMG: 27


    The Boar let out an ear splitting sound of fury and pain at Alec's last attack dug deep into its already sliced up back. The Boar shook its head and rammed its large tusks at Alec's midsection once again. Alec quickly lowered his shield into a low defensive postutre to protect the lower half of his body from the enraged Boar.  Raising his Mithril Axe high over his head again Alec prepared for what he hoped would be his last strike and end the combat. 



    Roll: 113551

    MOB: 10 (Critical + 2) 27 DMG + 2 Crit = 29 DMG - 40 MIT = 1 DMG

    BD: 7 + 2 ACC = 9 (Success) 3 DMG


    The Boar dove in tusks leading either rage and fury in it's beady eyes. It dove faster than Alec anticipated and he was barely able to get his shield down fast enough to block the charging Boar. Alec barely managed to deflect the Boar's missile like dive to the side causing the Boars tusk to snag the outside edge if his leg tearing a minor gash there. Alec brought his Mithril Axe down in return and struck the Boar on the back between the shoulder blades. Alec watched as red pixels jetted from the latest wound to the Boar and it's health bar dipped more and began to flash red. This fight was nearing its conclusion Alec noted as he prepared for the next attack.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP172/180 / EN: 14/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 4/90 / DMG: 27



  13. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP174/180 / EN: 15/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 19/90 / DMG: 27


    The Boar threw itself at Alec and his shield again twisting and turning against it till eventually one of it tusks stuck Alec in the arm and opened a hole there. Alec's shield reacted to the Boars contact and began to hum then produced its satisfying SNAP as it shot a burst of static electricity into the twisting Boar. The Boar cried out from the shock as Alec swung his axe down from above his head and lodged its blade in the Boar's back. The Boar instantly retaliated by thrusting its tusks up towards Alec's stomach and groin area. Alec whipped his shield down as fast as he could to deflect the blow while bringing his axe back up to swing down at the Boar again.



    Roll: 113550

    MOB: 6 (Success) 27 DMG - 40 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    BD: 5 + 2 ACC = 7 (Success) 3 DMG


    The Boar instantly lunged at Alec aiming for his lower stomach and groin. Alec brought his shield down to block the blow and managed to knock the Boar slightly off target and it's tusk only managed to open a slash on his inner thigh. Alec's shield was pressed against the back of the Boar's neck as it began to hum the SNAP released a burst if static electricity into the Boat causing it to twitch and convulse. Then Alec brought his axe down again in the back of the Boar opening another chunk that let forth red pixels in a stream. The Boar let out another sound of anger and pain and dove as if in a frenzy at Alec.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP173/180 / EN: 14/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 7/90 / DMG: 27



  14. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP175/180 / EN: 15/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9DMGUnmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 31/90 / DMG: 27


    The Boar lunged at Alec again tusks leading the way. As it threw itself upon Alec's shield yet again it continued to thrash around until one of its tusks managed to get close enough to cut a scratch on his arm. As the Boar open the tiny cut Alec heard the the oh so satisfying sound of his shield hhuuummm SNAP and again the Boat was jolted with an arc of stored up static electricity. The whole while Alec had been summoning the energy for a Sword Art. As soon as his shield arced Alec released the stored up energy in his axe in a pair or diagonal slashes and unleashed the energy into Hack. The slashes took the Boar in the chest and opened a wide red X there.

    The Boar squealed in protest and shuffled away from Alec. Once it had retreated it snorted and snuffled at Alec then squealed and charged at Alec. Alec brought his shield forward to meet the Boar and raised his Mithril Axe high over his head to chop down on the Boar when it attacked.



    Roll: 113549

    MOB: 6 (Success) 27 DMG - 40 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    BD: 4 + 2 ACC = 6 (Success) 3 DMG


    The Boar charged again and threw itself against Alec's shield twisting and turning till one of its tusks again managed to score a hit on Alec's arm poking a small hole the trickled red pixels. The shield retaliated and began to hum then SNAP jolted the Boar with a charge of stored static electricity. The Boar quivered and convulsed from the shock as Alec brought his axe down in an over head chop that sunk the blade into the Boar's back releasing more red pixels and causing the Boars health bar to dip and turn an angry shade if red. The Boar squealed and lunged again at Alec.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP174/180 / EN: 14/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 19/90 / DMG: 27



  15. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP176/180 / EN: 16/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMGUnmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 46/90 / DMG: 27


    The Boar charged Alec again. This creature was tenacious. It just kept slamming itself into Alec and his shield. This time it had managed to hook a tusk around the corner of his shield and jabbed him in the shoulder poking a small hole there that trickled red pixels. In turn Alec swung his axe down and sliced into the Boar again opening another rent in its flesh. The Boar skittered back and lunged again tusks leading its charge. Alec slid his rear foot back a foot for more solid footing and summoned the energy of a Sword Art. Alec could feel the energy course through him into his Mithril Axe. The axe began to hum and vibrate as the axe head began to faintly glow blue. The humming vibration and glow increased until they reached their peak then Alec lashed out with Mithril Axe unleashing Hack.



    Roll: 133542

    MOB: 6 (Success) 27 DMG - 40 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    BD: 4 + 2 ACC = 6 (Success) Hack: 3 DMG X 2 = 6 DMG


    The Boar lunged and Alec again its tusks leading its charge. The Boar again slammed its body into Alec's shield. The Boar thrashed around against Alec till one of its tusks again found a soft spot and drew a small cut on Alec's arm. When the Boar's body contacted Alec's Shield of the Thunderhearts the shield gave its hhhuuuuummmm SNAP which meant it was discharging a static electric shock into the Boar. As the Boar jolted from the shock Alec swung his Mithril Axe in two diagonal swipes that formed a glowing blue X in the air in front of the Boar. The X flew into the Boar and turned into a red X on the Boar's chest that erupted red pixels as its health bar dipped and turned yellow.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP175/180 / EN: 14/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMGUnmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 31/90 / DMG: 27



  16. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP177/180 / EN: 16/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 49/90 / DMG: 27


    The Boar charged at Alec again but its muscles were still jerking and spasming from the electrical current coursing through them. The Boar faltered in its charge and only managed to smash its face into Alec's shield harmlessly. Alec had drawn his Mithril Axe up over his shoulder and swung it down in a diagonal slash that buried its head deep into the Boar's side and shot out red pixels when Alec pulled it free from the Boar's body. The Boar let out a squeal of pain and shuffled back a few steps to get some distance from Alec. It snorted aggressively and charged in again. Alec brought his shield up and brought his axe back up ready to swing when the chance arrived. 



    Roll: 113541

    MOB: 9 (Critical + 1) 27 DMG + 1 Crit = 28 DMG - 40 MIT = 1 DMG

    BD: 6 + 2 ACC = 8 (Success) 3 DMG


    The Boar charged and slammed its body into Alec's shield while hooking its tusk around behind to stab into Alec's shoulder making a small hole that leaked red pixels. Alec's retaliatory swing struck the Boar and opened another slice in its body that expelled more red pixels. 



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP176/180 / EN: 15/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 46/90 / DMG: 27



  17. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP177/180 / EN: 16/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 53/90 / DMG: 27


    The Boar threw itself at Alec after regaining its use of its muscles. However its use was complete. As it touched the ground its muscles spasmed again and it crumpled to the ground in a heap at Alec's feet. Alec took the opportunity presented to him and swung his axe down in an over head chop that bit into the Boar's side. The Boar rolled away and threw itself recklessly back at Alec. He brought his Shield up to defend himself and brought his axe up over his shoulder to swing in return.



    Roll: 113540

    MOB: 3 (Fail)

    BD: 9 + 2 ACC = 11 (Critical + 1) 3 DMG + 1 Crit = 4 DMG


    The Boar charged at Alec again but its muscles were still jerking and spasming from the residual electrical current coursing through them. The Boar faltered in its charge and only managed to smash its face into Alec's shield harmlessly. Alec had drawn his Mithril Axe up over his shoulder and swung it down in a diagonal slash that buried its head derp into the Boar's side and shot out red pixels when Alec pulled it free from the Boar's body. The Boar let out a squeal of pain and shuffled back a few steps to get some distance from Alec. It snorted aggressively and charged in again. Alec brought his shield up before himself and brought his axe back up ready to seeing when the chance arrived.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP177/180 / EN: 15/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 49/90 / DMG: 27



  18. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP177/180 / EN: 16/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 56/90 / DMG: 27


    Alec had an opportunity while the Boar was paralyzed to deliver some serious damage to Boar. Once so far Alec had successfully unleashed a Sword Art. These special moves were difficult to time. It was either him or the weapon. He really loved his new axe but he couldn't seem to get the Sword Arts to activate through it. He'd have to figure something out. He had incorrectly timed his release of energy and the energy had shot off in the wrong direction causing him to miss his swing. Alec gritted his teeth and reset his footing. He raised his shield up in front of him in a defensive stance and hefted his Mithril Axe twisting it in his hand for a better grip then as the Boar lurched at him he swing his axe down at the Boar.



    Roll: 113539

    MOB: 1 (Critical Fail)

    BD: 5 + 2 ACC = 7 (Success) 3 DMG


    The Boar cheated Alec after recovering control of its muscles. The Boar lurched forward but its muscles spasmed as it touched down and the Boar crumpled to the ground in a twitching jerking mass of angry pig. Alec took advantage if the chance and brought his Mithril Axe straight down in an over head chop that dug his axe blade into the side if the Boar. The cut shot out red pixels and the Boar rolled away to regain its footing. Once it had regained its hooves it threw itself back at Alec with wild reckless abandon. Alec brought up his shield to defend himself and brought his axe up over his shoulder.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP177/180 / EN: 15/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 53/90 / DMG: 27



  19. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP177/180 / EN: 17/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 56/90 / DMG: 27 (Paralyzed 1 round -No actions)


    The Boar charged Alec again and slammed into him opening another small cut on his leg. As the Boar contacted Alec's shield there was a deeper throatier bbbuuuzzzzz SSSNNAAP as the shield discharged a large burst of static electricity and paralyzed the Boar with a heavy jolt of electric current. As the Boar stood convulsing and twitching Alec released the Sword Art - Hack in a double diagonal slash which opened a large red X in the Boars chest and jetted a large stream of red pixels into the air. The Boar stood twitching and convulsing as Alec again summoned the energy for the Sword Art Hack again and as his Mithril Axe began to glow and vibrate Alec held the energy till it had reached its peak. Then Alec swung his axe at the Boar releasing the stored energy at the paralyzed Boar.



    Roll: 113538

    MOB: 5 (Paralyzed 1 round - No Actions)

    BD: 3 + 2 = 5 (Fail)


    The Boar stood twitching and convulsing its muscles locked and its body paralyzed. Alec took the opportunity to again summoned the power of a Sword Art. Alec drew the energy into himself and his Mithril Axe. The energy building in his axe as the head began to glow and the weapon vibrate. Once the energy had reached its peak Alec Alec swung his axe at the Boar releasing the energy. Unfortunately Alec had misjudged his swing and energy release. The burst of energy went flying over the frozen Boar's body causing Alec's swing to go wide and miss.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP177/180 / EN: 15/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 56/90 / DMG: 27 (Paralyze complete)



  20. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP178/180 / EN: 18/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 75/90 / DMG: 27


    As the Boar dove at Aleve he brought his shield up to meet the lunging Boar and its large tusks. The Boar dove in hard crashing into his shield and jolting him with the force. As the Boar thrashed wildly against Alec's shield it slipped past his shield and its tusk drew another cut on Alec's leg. When the Boar slammed into Alec's shield the shield let out a stored of burst of static electricity into the Boar shocking it and causing it to retreat, as it did Alec swung his axe down into the back of the Boar cutting another chunk from it that released red pixels.

    Once the Boar had gained it's distance it shook its head violently and charged again. Alec set his feet wide and brought his shield up to just below eye level to receive the Boar. At the same time Alec summoned the power of a Sword Art into his Mithril Axe. The axe began to vibrate and glow building to a solid blue glow and steady vibration. As the Boar attacked Alec released the power stored up in his Mithril Axe in the form of Hack a double diagonal slash with his axe.



    Roll: 113537

    MOB: 7 (Success) 27 DMG - 40 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    BD: 10 + 2 = 12 (Critical + 2) 3 DMG + 2 = 5 X 2= 10 DMG (BD 10 - Paralyze Activates - No actions 1 round)


    The Boar charged at Alec again as he brought his shield up in defense and widened his stance he began drawing the power of a Sword Art into his axe. The Boar slammed itself into the shield and twisted and turned till it wormed past Alecs defenses to again open a small cut in his leg. Again when the Boar and shield made contact the shield hummed and SNAP released another charge of static electricity into the Boar shocking it. This was one of the large charges of static electricity and the Boar was left spasming and twitching as its muscles locked and seized. Finally Alec brought his charged axe down in two horizontal slashes that left a glowing X in the air in front of the Boar. The X then surged into to Boar and opened a large red X on its chest that burst forth with red pixels.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP177/180 / EN: 16/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 56/90 / DMG: 27 (Paralyzed 1 round - No actions)



  21. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP179/180 / EN: 18/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 87/90 / DMG: 27


    The Boar snorted in protest at Alec's Axe swing as it sliced  into its body and reared up on its hind hooves like some kind of crazed mountain ram and lurched itself forward at Alec with its large tusks leading the way and its large muscular body propelling it forward. Alec set his shield between himself and the rearing Boar as he took up a defensive stance to block the attack and raised his Mithril Axe into the air to swing it straight down on to the back of the Boar. 



    Roll: 113536

    MOB: 8 (Success) 27 DMG - 40 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    BD: 7 + 2 ACC = 9 (Success) 3 DMG


    The Boar reared up like a crazed mountain ram and dove forward with its mighty tusks leading the way. As the Boar dove in Alec brought his shield up in front of himself to block the Boar. As the Boar dove in it smashed its body into Alec's shield and thrashed its head again till eventually it worked its way past the shield and again opened a small cut in Alec's leg that leaked a small amount of red pixels from it. As the Boar rammed into Alec's shield there was a resounding huummm SNAP as the Alec's Shield of the Thunderhearts jolted the Boar with a dose of stored up static electric energy. The Boar jolted and squealed in pain and anger and turned to gain some distance. As the Boar turned Alec brought his Mithril Axe down squarely in the middle of the Boars back and opened another slice there. The newest slice leaked out a stream of red pixels as the Boar dashed away several steps to put some distance between itself and Alec.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP178/180 / EN: 17/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 75/90 / DMG: 27



  22. Spoiler


    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP180/180 / EN: 18/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not onCrit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 90/90 / DMG: 27


    Alec continued his walk through the grasslands when suddenly he heard a rhythmic thumping sound. As he looked around his hand drifting to his Mithril Axe hanging from its loop on his hip Alec say the grass being parted and swayed from his left, as if something low to the ground was charging through it. Alec brought his Shield of the Thunderhearts up into a protective position as he positioned himself to receive a charge. Alec had his Mithril Axe firmly I'm hand now and brought it up into the air preparing to swing down at this fastly approaching foe. As the creature cane into view Alec saw it was a Boar. The Boar was similar to the Boar Pups but much larger and more aggressive looking. The Boar dove at Alec it's large tusks leading the way. Alec brought his shield up in the way to meet the Boar and brought his Mithril Axe down aiming for the Boar's front shoulder.



    Roll: 113535

    MOB: 10 (Critical + 2) 27 DMG + 2 = 29 DMG - 40 MIT = 1 DMG (Critical hit - No thorns)

    BD: 6 +2 ACC = 8 (Success) 3 DMG


    The Boar dove at Alec huge tusks leading the way. The Boar impacted with Alec's shield with a resounding BBBOOONNNGGGGH! The Boar then began to thrash until one of its tusks found a spot in Alec's leg and tore a gash there that leaked red pixels. Alec brought his Mithril Axe down in a diagonal swing that connected with the Boars shoulder and opened a slash that let out a stream of red pixels. The Boar snorted in protest as it reared onto is hind hooves and lurched again at Alec. Alec brought his shield up and again raised his axe high to swing again.



    Alec - Lvl 9 / HP179/180 / EN: 17/18 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 40 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 DMG Unmitigated (Successful Mob Attack - Not on Crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Boar - HP: 87/90 / DMG: 27



  23. Alec took a deep breath as his feet brought him outside the Northern Gate and into the grasslands beyond. Alec walked along feeling the sun shine down on him. He felt his skin wat from the sun's direct rays beating down. Alec began to breath easier the farther from the front gate he got. He felt the muscles in his neck and back begin to loosen the farther his feet carrierd him from the Town of Beginnings. Alec had to admit being outside the crowded confines of the Town was actually peaceful and somewhat relaxing. It was the cramped confined feeling he got being inside the walls, maybe because everything was scaled for a person smaller than him, maybe it was the sheer number if people both real and fake that were jammed into a space meant for a third as many people and maybe it was just being away from his family that set him on edge every morning and made him grind his teeth and glare all day and toss and turn fitfully all night long. Alec truly despised this place and all it represented. It was a prison, albeit a shiny glittery distracting prison but a prison non the less.

  24. Alec reached out in front of him and swiped down opening his inventory again. Thus time he selected his Reinforced Heavy Iron Breastplate and equipped it, the sturdy worn breastplate shimmered into view around his torso. The iron metal was worn and scuffed but it had proven an invaluable item in keeping him alive thus far. Next Alec selected his Shield of the Thunderhearts and equipped that as well. His beveled edged shield with the cool lightning symbol engraved on the front shimmered into view on his left forearm. As it took form ye glanced at the back and again read the engraving there facing him "When the tides rise, become the storm." Alec intended under his breath. Alec would become the storm be promised himself. He would be the storm that weathered away this place. Finally Alec selected his Mithril Battle Axe and equipped it. At his hip a gleaming chrome colored mirrored one handed axe wavered into life in a metal ring at his right hip. Fully armed and armored Alec selected his Battle ready slots and began choosing the items he would hold there. Sleeve selected four Tier 1 Healing Potions and put two in one slot and two in a second. He hadn't needed one yet but he knew the time would come and get didn't want to be caught short. Now fully ready to leave the Town and begin his quest today he closed his inventory and stepped out into the grassland outside the Northern Gate of the Town of Beginnings.

  25. Alec had a quest to complete. He had received a package which was a fishing pole from an Artisan named Hannah yesterday. She had asked Alec yedterday to deliver it to an old fisherman named Ol' Pete who lived near a large lake to the North and East if the Town of Beginnings and that's what Alec was about today. He was out to find Ol' Pete and deliver the fishing pole to him so that he could continue levelling up do that one day he could reach the front lines and help the top level players clear this horrible game and free himself and all the others trapped inside it. Alec stepped out into the mass of people and began making his way towards the Northern Gate and his exodus from this over crowded town and the plains and open area beyond. Alec continued to scowl and glare at everyone around him as his pace quickened and his stride lengthened in anticipation of the freedom granted outside the walls of the Town of Beginnings. The closer Alec got to the Northern Gate the more he could feel the pull of the freedom granted beyond the walls. Soon Alec found himself standing before the Northern Gate gazing longingly at the wide open country before him.

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