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Posts posted by Alec

  1. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 120/120 / EN:  12/12 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 35 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit)/ Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Cave Guardian
    HP: 17/20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Doesnot gain bonus damage from crits


    The Cave Guardian roared at Alec as it raised both its fists to slam them into Alec. As it brought them down it caught the ceiling and pulled down a giant chunk of the roof on its head knocking it prone with the sheer amount of rubble. Alec took the offered opportunity to uncork and chug down the Safeguard Potion. As the potion took effect and Alec felt its protective tingle take hold the Cave Guardian rose from the pile of collapsed roof angrier than ever. It cocked its massive fist back like a boxer and rocketed it forward at Alec. Alec brought his shield up in response and braced himself for the massive power behind the punch while readying his axe and bringing it around in diagonal chop.



    Roll: 113210

    MOB: 2 (Fail)

    BD: 3 + 2 ACC = 5 - 1 (Darkness) = 4 (Fail) (Safeguard effect active)


    The Cave Guardian's fist rocketed out at Alec but Sleeve was able to get his shield in the way and deflect the blow away harmlessly. Alec swung his axe down in a diagonal slash but the sheer force of the Cave Guardian's attacked knocked Alec off balance and he missed with his axe swing.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 120/120 / EN:  11/12 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 35 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit)/ Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Cave Guardian
    HP: 17/20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Doesnot gain bonus damage from crits



  2. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 120/120 / EN:  12/12 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 35 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Cave Guardian
    HP: 17/20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5 (Doesnot gain bonus damage from crits


    The Cave Guardian swung its massive fist st Alec but Alec was able to bring his shield up to deflect the blow. The fist connected with Alec's shield and rang off it with the sound of a gong echoing throughout the tunnel. Alec swung his axe at the Cave Guardian in return and dug it into the Cave Guardian's chest opening a slice that spilled dark pixels. The Cave Guardian drew both its fists over its head and brought them down in a double overhand smash. Alec had a split second to consider his options and took a chance summoning his Safeguard Potion to his hand and gulping it down as he braced for the eminent impact.



    Roll: 113209

    MOB: 1


    The Cave Guardian roared at Alec and brought both its massive fists over it's head as it started to swing them it caught the ceiling and tore a giant chunk of stalagmites from the roof that came crashing down on its head knocking it to the ground flat with a giant pile of rubble covering its body. There was a grinding as the rocks began to shift as the Cave Guardian growled and began pushing itself up. Alec took the moments respite to rip the stopper out of the potion bottle with his teeth and upend it into his mouth gulping it down and feeling a warm tingle spread through his body and down his limbs. As the effects of the potion took effect the Cave Guardian rose to its feet. It cocked back its massive fist and fired it forward at Alec like a rocket. Alec raised his shield in response and prepared his axe to swing.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 120/120 / EN:  12/12 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 35 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Cave Guardian
    HP: 17/20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5 (Doesnot gain bonus damage from crits



  3. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 120/120 / EN:  12/12 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 35 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9  (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Cave Guardian
    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5 (Does not gain bonus damage from crits)

    The cave has no natural lighting, and reduces your accuracy by 1 point.


    As Alec pried the gem stone from the wall and inspected it he began to hear a rumbling grating sound of stone grinding on stone. In response Alec shrugged off his shield and slipped it on and eased his axe from the ring on his hip. Both items ready and in hand he turned around to face what was causing the noise behind him. As he turned around Alec was forced to squint in shadowed darkness surrounding him in an effort to make out the dark hulking form blocking him inside the tunnel. The shadowed creature made a growling sound that resembled rocks being ground together and before Alec could respond the darkened creature swung a massive fist at Alec. Alec raised his shield in defense and brought his axe up to counter attack.



    Roll: 113207

    MOB: 2 (Fail)

    BD: 5 + 2 ACC = 7 - 1 Darkness = 6 (Success) 3 DMG


    As Cave Guardian swung it's massive fist at Alec he was able to bring his shield up in just enough time to deflect the attack. The swing hit with such ferocious power it reverberated off the Shield causing a sound like a gong to echo throughout the tunnel. "Holy crap!" mumbled Alec "This must be what that potion was for. I better take it my next chance." Alec swung his Mithril Axe down and connected with the giant Shadow creature in its chest. It let out a roar like and avalanche as black pixels vented from the slash.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 120/120 / EN:  11/12 / DMG: 3 / MIT: 35 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9  (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Cave Guardian
    HP: 17/20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5 (Does not gain bonus damage from crits



  4. Alec bent down to inspect the gem stone that was embedded into the wall about waist high and was emitting a faint lavender glow. As Alec bent close he saw that the gem was about the size of a quarter and had clear flecks in the lavender stone. Alec reached out to touch the gem and found it was attached securely to the wall. Alec began to dig at the stone with his fingers until finally he was able to pry the stone free of the wall. As soon as the stone was free it stopped glowing and rolled down into his palm. The gem looked a darker shade of purple now that it wasn't emitting light. Plus it just gotten darker so that made it harder to inspect it as well. As Alec brought the stone closer to his face he noticed the item icon which said it was a quest item. Alec smiled a smile to himself as he opened his inventory and placed there. As soon as he had done that Alec began to hear a grinding as of stone on stone from behind him. Alec shook his head as he slipped his shield from his back and pulled his axe from its ring at his hip and turned around scowl on his face as if set in stone itself and turned to see what was happening behind him.

  5. Alec continued forward deeper into the cave. His right hand still trailing the wall. Alec walked what felt like a lifetime as he made his way deeper and deeper into the cave. Alec's eyes were straining to adjust to the near pitch black darkness but they were struggling and Alec was still nearly blind. Alec checked his clock and saw another half hour had passed in his exploration of the cave and still he'd found nothing. Alec hoped he hadn't missed any gem stones in the near pitch black darkness. As Alec inched his way forward he had to stop and rub his eyes. Was he seeing things or was that a faint glow from up ahead in the tunnel? Alec could swear he could see a faint lavender glow coming from farther ahead in the tunnel. Alec crept forward being as stealthy as possible as he inched towards the lavender glow. Alec continued to slowly creep forward till he was able to make out that the tunnel he was inching down was actually a dead end. As he drew closer to end of the tunnel he say the lavender glow was coming from a small gem stone embedded in the wall in front of him. He slowly made his way to the gem stone. The gem was embedded in the wall about waist high, do Alec bent down to observe it.

  6. Alec emerged from the side tunnel he had ventured down back into the caves main tunnel. Alec placed his hands back upon the walls on either side of the tunnel and continued forward deeper into the cave. The temperature had reached a steady degree of chilly. Alec's body had now adjusted to ambient temperature and his goose bumps had subsided. He could still feel the slight dampness in the air as he continued deeper into the cave. As Alec continued to inch his way forward tentative step by tentative step. He felt he'd spent a lifetime within this dark dank cave when really I'd had only been a little over an hour. Alec continued forward in his dark spelunking into the cave. After several more eternal minutes Alec's left hand fell away from the wall. That meant there was a tunnel to his left but if he took that path he was abandoning his original plan and that was a sure fire way to end up lost. No Alec thought forward now. He would eventually come back this direction then he'd have a chance to explore that tunnel. So with his mind made up Alec kept his right hand to the wall and inched forward again. After about five feet Alec judged his left hand again found the wall and he continued forward.

  7. Alec thought back to his days in school. They had done a lesson about mazes and he had learned that the best and most sure way to get yourself out of a maze was to pick a direction and keep going that way. Since right had presented itself first right it was. Alec would keep his right hand on the wall and keep following it. Any time a pathway opened up on the right he'd take it. It might prove to be the long way but it was the one way he had to ensure he didn't get lost down here in this cave. Who knew how many twists and turns were down here. Hopefully not many but it could a veritable labyrnth he was facing and the prospect of bring lost here in the dark was not an appealing one to Alec. So decision made Alec turned to the right and continued deeper into the cave. After another half hour that felt more like a lifetime Alec reached what seemed to be a dead end. The wall he was following eventually started to curve and ended in a wall that turned Alec back around the way he had come. "Well one pathway down" Alec thought to himself as he began to feel his way back toward the main tunnel of the cave. 

  8. Alec continued forward step by step. The further he got into the cave the darker and colder it became. The passage way stayed at confining dimensions as he slowly made his way down the gently sloping passage. Finally after several minutes of walking it felt like the passage had finally levelled out. Alec glanced over his shoulder and squinted at the bright nearly burning light coming from the tiny cave entrance above and behind. Alec shook his head and mildly berated himself for not putting two and two together and having some fire thought. Hannah had said he needed to venture into a deep dark cave. Stupid Alec, very stupid. Why had he not thought to grab some sort of light source from a Merchant before departing the Town. Now was stuck stumbling and fumbling around a dark cave looking for a gem with no ambient or artificial light. This might just turn out to be a lot more difficult than he had originally thought. Well note to self and lesson learned buy torches or something, whatever this game had to produce light, or be stuck squinting and walking around like Helen Keller. *<Sigh>* Well here goes Alec thought as he placed his hands on the sides of the walls as he took slow tentative steps forward in the near pitch black darkness. Alec walked for seemed so eternity but his clock told him was only about twenty minutes when his hand tracing the right wall suddenly slipped away and Alec felt nothing. He inched forward till he felt a the wall begin again he had come to a right hand intersection. Alec now had a choice turn right or go straight. Which way to go? Alec thought to himself.

  9. The mouth of the cave was about eight feet high. Large for most people but still a little confining for Alec's nearly six and a half feet of frame and wide shoulders. His swings with his axe would be drastically constrained and limited. Alec hoped that if he had to fight anything inside it would be in a more open area like a cavern or large alcove. But Alec would take what was given to him. He would face any obstacle he had to so that he could get back to his wife and son. This was just another wall in the way to getting back to the ones he loved. And he'd go over, around or through any and all walls in his way. With that Alec took a deep breath of the cold dank air inside the cave. Then Alec stepped out and entered the cave. Good bumps instantly broke out over his exposed skin. The forest had been cooler than the grassland but this was significantly colder than the forest and the air had a slight dampness that implied possible water or at least moisture. As Alec slowly made his way deeper into the cave the colder and the darker it got. Alec shivered involuntarily from the rapidly cooling temperature. 

  10. Alec spent another hour travelling through the forest. He heard various snaps and cracks from the under brush around him but didn't see any more monsters. He found the travel very pleasurable and calming as he strode through the trees of the forest and enjoyed the sights, sounds and smells of his surroundings. There were many colors and hues to be seen if one only took the time to observe and see them. Alec appreciated the detail that was put into the environment. It wasn't nearly as good as the coffee but it was darn close Alec thought to himself as he walked along enjoying the peace and quiet. As Alec walked he saw that the light was getting dimmer. He checked his clock and saw it was still mid day. That meant he had to be getting close to the rock outcropping and it was beginning to block the sun's rays. Sure enough within the next five minutes the temperature began to cool and then he saw what looked like rock cliffs broken up through the trees. Another five minutes after that and Alec found himself coming out of the dense part of the forest and standing within twenty feet of a giant sheer rock cliff. Alec let out a long low whistle at the height of this rock cliff it had to be at least 60 feet tall. Not huge but still definitely impressive when standing at the base of it. After a few minutes starting up at the large chunk of rock Alec shook his head ruefully and started moving along the base till he found the mouth of a cave.

  11. Alec found himself humming quietly to himself as he progressed through the forest. All I'm all it really was quite peaceful here. The trees were really well designed and the broken filtered sunlight that broke in rays and shafts through the overhead canopy had a very soothing feel to it. He supposed others might find it disconcerting or spooky to be in a shaded shadowy forest all alone but Alec preferred the solitude and quiet of out here the hustle and bustle and turmoil which accompanied the Town and all the bodies within it. Alec took a deep breath of the fresh clean air noting the hints of pine and loam and peat that he detected. This was were he felt most comfortable and himself not crammed into this tiny beds in tiny rooms surrounded by all those people. Alec felt his muscles relaxing and the scowl that was ever present on his face melting away. A slow easy smile crept on to his face as he progressed deeper and deeper into the forest in search of the cave he sought.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 120/120 / EN:  12/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 /Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Post 3 - OCC - All Energy restored



  12. Spoiler

    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 119/120 / EN:  4/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Alec made his way slowly and carefully through the forest. He'd already encountered one group of wandering monsters a small pack of three Wolves. Though Alec had had very little trouble with them he preferred not to be blindsided by another group. He was in search of a deep dark cave in which he must search for a gem suitable enough to be incorporated into the creation of a ring by a young female Artisan named Hannah. Alec was actually enjoying himself a little on this quest. His combat had gone ten times better than his last one thanks to his new axe and shield! This forest was rather nice and Alec was enjoying quite a bit. It reminded him of the woods back home. Alec continued his walk through the forest. Alec had a thought. If he was in the forest maybe he could find some useful Materials while he was here. Alec began looking through the underbrush and peering under rocks for anything useful.



    Roll: 113186

    LD: 19 (Success) - 1 Tier 1 Material found


    As Alec began poking through the underbrush he found an interesting looking plant with iridescent green leaves and brilliant white flower attached. Alec bent down to inspect it and carfully dig it up as the remove the small plant and root from the ground he was rewarded with a notation over the item Tier 1 Material found! Alec smiled to himself and placed the Tier 1 Material in his inventory and continued on his way to the cave beneath the rock out cropping.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 120/120 / EN:  4/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Post 2 - OCC



  13. Spoiler

    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 109/120 / EN:  4/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Alec breathed a sigh of relief as the last Wolf exploded in a glittery, shimmering shower of red pixels. That hadn't been as hard as he thought now that he had this amazing new Axe and Shield. The axe was so light and agile! It was incredible how easy it was to shift its direction mid swing and adjust for his enemies movements making it easier to hit them and this new Shield was a dream come true! With its storage of static electricity it seemed to constantly be zapping and shocking and stunning his foes! Alec sent another mental thank you out to there creators Macradon and Vigilon were truly masters of their crafts and geniuses at their art! They had made levelling and questing a night and day difference. Alec looked around and saw no other eminent mobs so he holstered his Mithril Axe on his hip and slipped a loop of the Shield of the Thunderhearts around his shoulder do that he wore the shield on his back. With that Alec glanced down and opened up his inventory and eyed the new Col he had earned and the new trinkets he'd acquired in the last Battle. Alec made a mental note to himself that when this quest was done and he got back to the Town of Beginnings. He would need to stop by a Merchant and see about getting some of his new Unidentified items identified. Maybe they'd be useful or maybe he could sell it trade them for some other gear. Who knows? Alec thought. This world had suddenly opened up to him and all sorts of new possibilities were presenting themselves to him now. This world didn't seem so daunting any more. In a short time he had moved far from the man who at one point didn't even know how to open his inventory. This world had become not so insurmountable. This world had potential and Alec saw his own potential within this world. With that Alec checked his map HUD and set off in the direction of the rock outcropping that marked the deep dark cave where he would search for a suitable gem to give to Hannah to allow her to finish her project and craft her ring. Once Alec had his bearings he set out at a walk through the woods towards his destination.


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 119/120 / EN:  4/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Post 1 - OOC


  14. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 109/120 / EN:  5/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

     Wolf (1) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

           Wolf(2) -- HP: 3/60 / DMG: 18


    The Wolf dove back at Alec again as soon as it had reset itself. As the Wolf dove at Alec he switched to an over head chop that slammed into the Wolf's back and opened a huge tear that jetted a massive amount of red pixels. The Wolf leaped at Alec and was smashed in the back by Alec's Mithril Axe which bit deeply and caused a large gaping wound. The Wolf tried scrabbling over Alec's shield to get at him. Finally the Wolf caught hold of Alec's shoulder and tore a small scratch there. As it was fighting to get over the shield Alec jammed it into the Wolf's body and was rewarded with the shields hum zap as it jolted the Wolf was static electricity. The Wolf retreated and launched itself right back at Alec. Alec swung his axe at the Wolf as it fly at him.



    Roll: 113182

    BD: 5 + 2 ACC = 7 (Success) 3 DMG

    MOB: 10 (Dead)


    As the Wolf dove at Alec he lashed out with his axe and buried it in the Wolf's flying body the Wolf began to shimmer and waver until it exploded in a burst of red pixels.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 109/120 / EN:  4/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

     Wolf (1) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

           Wolf(2) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

    Roll: 113183

    LD: 9  (2 Tier 1 Materials)

    CD: 7 (2 Tier 1 Materials)

    240 Col

    1 Trinket (Rare - Unidentified)



  15. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 110/120 / EN:  5/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

     Wolf (1) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

           Wolf(2) -- HP: 15/60 / DMG: 18


    The Wolf charged in completely out of control. Its muscles were still twitching and spasming at the most in opportune times and now was one of them. The Wolf charged and as it approached its muscles seized and it ended up in an uncontrolled roll that deposited it at the feet of the man creature.

    As the Wolf came tumbling send spinning towards him Alec drew back his Mithril Axe and swung in a looping side arm arc that just missed the Wolf and flew over its rolling out of control roll that ended it at Alec's feet. The Wolf recoiled and instantly dove back at Alec. Alec reset his defense and waited the Wolf's approach. As the Wolf came at him he switched to an over head chop and brought his axe down towards the Wolf.



    Roll: 113181

    BD: 9 + 2 ACC = 11 (Critical + 1) 3 DMG + 1 Crit = 4 DMG

    MOB (W 2): 8 (Success) 18 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)


    The Wolf dove back at Alec after its uncontrolled tumble. As it neared Alec switched to an over head chop that came down on the center of the Wolf's back. His axe tore a large rent into the back of the Wolf opening a huge gash that vented red pixels.

    The Wolf clawed and bit at Alec's Breastplate as it tried to get past his shield as well. The Wolf caught Alecs shoulder and tore a piece open leaking out some small red pixels.

    As the Wolf tried crawling over the shield Alec jammed it against the Wolf the shield hummed and snapped jolting the Wolf violently with electrical current. The Wolf yiped and retreated back several feet before it sprang again.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 109/120 / EN:  4/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

     Wolf (1) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

           Wolf(2) -- HP: 3/60 / DMG: 18



  16. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 110/120 / EN:  6/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

     Wolf (1) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

           Wolf(2) -- HP: 15/60 / DMG: 18


    Having both extricated themselves from their opponent the Wolf and Alec both hazarded a glance over their respective shoulders to ensure no one but them had witnessed the embarrassing tumble they'd both been a party to. Satisfied they were still alone their gazes drifted back to settle on each other. Both man and Wolf looked into the others eye as they shared a nod of preparedness signaling each was ready to begin again. With that the Wolf dove at Alec as he raised his shield in defense and brought up his Mithril Axe to strike. As the Wolf dove in Alec swung his axe down toward the rocket of a Wolf.



    ROLL: 113174

    BD: 3 + 2 ACC = 5 (Fail)

    MOB (W 2): 1 (Critical Fail)


    As the Wolf and Alec squared off again after their last gag reel attempt of an attack they sized each other up. Then out if the blue the Wolf charged in out if control and tripped over its own paws, most likely from all the times it had been shocked by Alec's shield. Alec attempted to swing at the tumbling Wolf but its low profile made it very difficult and Alec's Axe swing was just a little too high to hit the tumbling Wolf. As the Wolf stopped its tumble it came to a stop and righted itself turning to face Alec it growled and lurched at him again. Alec reset his defenses and raised his Mithril Axe in preparation to strike.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 110/120 / EN:  4/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA:0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

     Wolf (1) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

           Wolf(2) -- HP: 15/60 / DMG: 18



  17. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 110/120 / EN:  6/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

     Wolf (1) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

           Wolf(2) -- HP: 15/60 / DMG: 18


    The first Wolf dove at Alec high. It was just the opening he needed. He swung his Mithril Battle Axe up and cut a large chunk from it's side. The Wolf came over the top of his shield and opened a small slash. Alec lifted his shield up and into the Wolf pressing into it. Alec's Shield of the Thunderhearts began to hum, then snap it arced into the Wolf destroying it completely shattering it into a million tiny red pixels.

    With that Alec turned his full attention on the last remaining Wolf. Alec spread his feet wide, brought his shield up in front if him and hefted his axe casually as he waited for the Wolf to charge. The Wolf sprinted in and leaped. As the Wolf neared Alec hoisted his Mithril Axe over his head and swung it down at the leaping Wolf.



    ROLL: 113172

    BD: 1 (Critical Fail)

    MOB (W 2): 1 (Critical Fail)


    The Wolf leaped at the annoying man creature intent on exacting retribution for its two brothers who had been slain. The had let blind rage take over and had leaped carelessly. As it came down it realized it had jumped too soon and would land short it tried to correct.

    Alec saw the beast jump at him but saw quickly its leap would land too short for him to strick so he took an over confident step forward. As his foot came down his ankle rolled and he list his balance and began to flounder and flail trying to catch his balance pinwheeling his arms to no avail.

    The Wolf's early jump brought it down right into the flopping flailing man creatures legs. Both the Wolf and Alec became entangled with each other and hit the ground in a spinning, tumbling flopping mess of arms, legs and furry paws. As they came to a stop they were forced to completely cease fighting for a moment as they extricated themselves from each other.

    When both had regained their feet they each sheepishly looked over there shoulders to ensure no one but them had seen the embarrassing situation. Sure that they were alone and no one had witnessed what had happened they paused looked the other in the eye and continued the fight.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 110/120 / EN:  5/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

     Wolf (1) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

           Wolf(2) -- HP: 15/60 / DMG: 18



  18. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 112/120 / EN:  6/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

            Wolf (1) -- HP: 11/60 / DMG: 18

    Wolf(2) -- HP: 24/60 / DMG: 18


    The second Wolf dove for Alec scratching and biting. Alec swung his axe around and cut a large chunk from the Wolf's side, the Wolf was scrabbling for purchase and managed to scratch Alec again. In response Alec pressed his shield against the Wolf  as it was biting at him and smiled as he heard the tell tale and then snap as his shield discharged more static electricity into the Wolf causing it to tuck its tail between its legs and scamper away. Just then the first Wolf dove on to Alec's back and sunk its teeth into his shoulder. Alec swung his shield around and pressed it against the Wolf on his back and again was rewarded by the comforting hum snap of his shield expelling static electricity against a target. Alec then shifted his defenses to the first Wolf and prepared for an attack Mithril Axe raised and ready. The first Wolf charged in and leapt high at the last moment. Alec responded by raising his shield and bringing his axe down while the second Wolf streaked in from behind.



    ROLL: 113168

    BD: 7 + 2 = 9 (SUCCESS) 3 DMG

    MOB (W 1): 8 (SUCCESS) 18 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    ROLL: 113169

    MOB (W 2): 6 (SUCCESS) 18 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)


    The first Wolf dove at Alec trying to go high and jump over Alec shield. Alec adjusted the flight path of his Mithril Axe in mid swing and firmly connected with the Wolf's side cutting a chunk from the side of the Wolf which spewed red pixels. The first Wolf dove in high and came at Alec above his shield. The Wolf managed to scratch Alec on the face as he brought his shield up to defend hi self from the assault his shield began to hum and vibrate and snapped arcing into the Wolf. The Wolf's body began to thrum and twitch and convulse mildly st first and then more violently till finally the Wolf exploded in a shower if shimmering falling pixels. The second Wolf dove at Alec from behind nipping him in the back of the leg and drawing a small trickle of red pixels. Alec back handed the Wolf with his shield and was rewarded with the of do pleasing sound of hum snap as another surgery if static electricity arced from his shield into the Wolf again. Causing it to yelp and leap away. Alec turned now. His entire attention on the lone Wolf.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 110/120 / EN:  5/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

            Wolf (1) -- HP: 0/60 / DMG: 18 -- DEAD

    ROLL: 113171

    LD: 15 (2 Tier 1 Materials)

    CD: 3 (2 Tier 1 Materials)

    180 Col

    1 Trinket (Rare -- Unidentified)

    Wolf(2) -- HP: 15/60 / DMG: 18



  19. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 114/120 / EN:  6/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 20/60 / DMG: 18

               Wolf (2) -- HP: 36/60 / DMG: 18


    The first Wolf dove at Alec biting and snapping. As it came within range of Alec he brought his Mithril Axe down in an over head chop that smashed into the back of the attacking Wolf. It barked in complaint and proceeded to snap and bite at Alec's Breastplate till finally it managed to sink its teeth into his shoulder causing a few more red pixels to escape the wound. The second Wolf dove at Alec from behind latching on to Alec's shoulder and also opening a small cut there that leaked red pixels. Alec brought his shield around and smashed it into the Wolf attacking from behind. The shield let out a snap as it arced more electricity from itself into the second Wolf. The Wolf backpedaled to gain some distance as Alec shifted his position to face that Wolf now.

    The Wolf took several wary steps back and forth gauging Alec before it threw itself at him teeth bared and leaving the way. Alec brought his Mithril Axe down again on the charging Wolf as the first Wolf sprang at Alec from behind.



    Roll: 113162

    BD: 6 + 2 ACC = 8 (Success) 3 DMG

    MOB (W 2): 7 (Success) 18 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    Roll: 113163

    MOB (W 1): 8 (Success) 18 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)


    The second Wolf charged at Alec its snapping and searching for an unarmored part of Alec. As the Wolf got close Alec brought his Mithril Axe around and bit deeply into the Wolf's side. The Wolf howled in pain as the axe bit deep. As the second Wolf found a spot on Alec's shoulder its teeth bit in and drew a small amount of red pixels Alec brought his shield up and thrust it into the Wolf's chest as the shield hummed and popped jolting the Wolf with an arc of static electricity. The Wolf jolted and whined from the shock. The first Wolf lunged at Alec's back latching on to his shoulder and opening another tiny scratch. Alec brought his shield around and smashed it against the Wolf attacking from behind him. The shield hummed again and let out another snap as it discharged another blast of static electricity. The Wolf barked and skittered back gaining some distance. Alec turned again to face the last Wolf who had attacked him.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 112/120 / EN:  5/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 11/60 / DMG: 18

               Wolf (2) -- HP: 24/60 / DMG: 18



  20. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 115/120 / EN:  6/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

           Wolf (1) -- HP: 23/60 / DMG: 18

     Wolf (2) -- HP: 45/60 / DMG: 18


    The second Wolf had charged in and been rewarded with a solid axe chop to it's side opening up a large gash which had spilled out red pixels of life points. Just as the Wolf had managed to strike Alec had been able to position his shield between the two of them and as the Wolf had managed to scratch Alec his shield had hummed then arced a bolt of static electricity into the attacking Wolf causing it to retreat. It backed off several places and stood there growling menacingly at Alec. The first Wolf stood stock still muscles spasming in response to Alec's shield arcing a strong bolt of electricity into it. Its teeth were bared in a silent growl. Alec shifted his stance to protect against the first Wolf. He brought his shield up before him and raised his Mithril Axe high ready to strike down when the Wolf attacked.



    Roll: 113160

    BD: 6 + 2 ACC =8 (Success) 3 DMG

    MOB (W 1):  10 (Critical + 2) 18 DMG + 2 Crit = 20 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG

    Roll: 113161

    MOB (W 2): 7 (Success) 18 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)


    The first Wolf had finished convulsing and charged forward with reckless abandon. That's jaws snapping and spittle flying as it charged. Alec held his ground waiting. When the Wolf came into range he swung his Mithril Axe out to the side and connected solidly with the Wolf's mid section opening a large cut the spewed red pixels. The Wolf collided with Alec and snapped and bit ferociously until finally opening a cut on Alec's face retreating afterwards. The second Wolf charged in from behind and was able to open a small cut in the back of Alec's leg but as it did so Alec brought his shield down to his left and smashed it into the Wolf causing it to pop as electricity arced from the shield into the Wolf. The Wolf yelped in pain and shock and scampered back a few feet from the man creature. Then Alec turned toward it and set his shield and axe and prepared for the next go.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 114/120 / EN:  5/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

           Wolf (1) -- HP: 20/60 / DMG: 18

     Wolf (2) -- HP: 36/60 / DMG: 18



  21. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 115/120 / EN:  6/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 23/60 / DMG: 18 - Paralyzed 1 round - no actions

           Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18


    Alec's Mithril Axe bit deep into the Wolf as it flew at him through the air. The Wolf yelped and collided with Alec's shield which suddenly sparked and popped as it jolted the first Wolf with large electrical current causing the Wolf's muscles to seeze up as it stood stiff and convulsing growling at Alec. The second Wolf dove at the man creature from behind its teeth bared and mouth wide. As it made contact with the man creature it bit and thrashed searching for purchase with it's fangs till finally they slid off and managed to draw a single cut into the creatures soft under flesh. The Wolf retreated a few steps away as the man creature in it's impossibly hard shell turned towards it. It's painful shock rock held before it.

    After this latest charge Alec again shifted his stance to now face the Wolf that had been behind him. Alec raised his Shield in defense and brought his Mithril Axe high ready to swing at Wolf when it charged.



    Roll: 113158

    BD: 6 + 2 ACC = 8 (Success) 3 DMG

    MOB (W 2): 8 (Success) 18 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns activates - 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    Roll: 113159

    MOB: (W 1): 7 (Paralyzed 1 round - No Actions)


    The second Wolf dove at Alec snarling and gnashing it teeth. As it dove forward Alec brought his Axe around over his shoulder and buried it in the shoulder of the charging Wolf. The Wolf howled in pain and continued forward intent on revenge. As it drove itself into the man creature it clawed and snapped trying to get through the hard shell of the man creature. Finally one of it's fangs finally managed to find a soft spot and opened a small rent in his flesh causing a trickle if red pixelated life blood to trickle out. However the man creature had gotten it's shock rock positioned between them and the Wolf felt a jolt of searing pain course through it's body causing it's muscles to writhe and twitch and spasm in pain. The Wolf let out a howl as it scurried back to gain some distance. The first Wolf stood frozen still muscles contorted in agony as its muscles flexed and relaxed convulsively and it still unable to move. Alec shifted his protective stance back to the first Wolf send set his shield and axe ready to receive it's charge.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 115/120 / EN:  5/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 23/60 / DMG: 18 - Paralyzation complete)

           Wolf (2) -- HP: 45/60 / DMG: 18



  22. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 116/120 / EN:  6/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 27/60 / DMG: 18

    Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18


    The first Wolf had thrown itself at Alec and received a chop from Alec's Mithril Axe and a jolt from Alec's Shield of the Thunderhearts. The second Wolf had tried to attack from behind Alec but only met with Alec's shield in its face. The Wolves retreated and began to circle again in an attempt to confuse and distract the man creature with his annoying hard shell, dangerous moon tooth and painful rock that it held in front if it. The Wolves would have their chance. Alec followed their slow circling keeping most of his focus on the second Wolf till finally it lunged at followed closely behind by the second Wolf diving at Alec from behind. Alec lashed out at the second Wolf as it drove itself forward.



    Roll: 113156

    BD: 9 + 2 ACC = 11 (Critical + 1) 3 DMG + 1 = 4 DMG (Paralyze Activates)

    MOB (W 1): 2 (Fail)

    Roll: 113157

    MOB (W 2): 10 (Critical + 2) 18 DMG + 2 = 20 - 35 MIT = 1 DMG


    The first Wolf dove for Alec. While it was mid flight Alec's Mithril Axe struck out impossibly fast and buried itself deep in the Wolf's side opening a huge rent that gushed red pixels. As the Wolf neared Sleeve thrust out his Shield of the Thunderhearts send met the Wolf in flight. His shield let out a giant snap crack as a huge amount of pent up electricity arced from the shield into the Wolf causing its muscles to look up and spasm from the huge amount of electricity that just surged into it. The second Wolf to Alec's distraction and used it to it's advantage as it pounced on Alec's back and rent a scratch into the back of his neck with its claws.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 115/120 / EN:  5/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 23/60 / DMG: 18 - Paralyzed 1 round - no actions

    Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18



  23. Spoiler


    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 116/120 / EN:  6/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 39/60 / DMG: 18

    Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18


    The second Wolf dove at Alec and Alec swung his Mithril Axe to meet up but Alec misjudged its trajectory and his swing went just over the top of the Wolf. The Wolf met only Alec's shield and wasn't able to get past Alec's defenses. The first Wolf sprang at Alec from behind and managed to get past Alec's Breastplate scratching him. When the Wolf came in contact with Alec's shield there was an arc of electricity that sent a shock into the Wolf. The Wolf recoiled and Alec switched his guard back to the first Wolf. He raised his Shield in front of him and brought his axe up ready to strike as the second Wolf dove at Alec from behind.



    Roll: 113154

    BD: 6 + 2 ACC = 8 (Success) 3 DMG

    MOB: 8 (Success) 18 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)

    Roll: 113155

    MOB (W 2): 5 (Fail)


    The first Wolf dove at Alec. As the Wolf came close Alec swung his Mithril Axe down and caught the Wolf in the back open a slash into its back that jetted red pixels from the wound. The Wolf bit and clawed catching Alec in the shoulder scratching him and causing some red pixels to spill from the wound. As the Wolf dove in, Alec met the Wolf with his shield. The shield arced and shocked the Wolf with a bolt of static electricity. The second Wolf flung itself at Alec from behind. Alex brought his shield around and met the second Wolf with his Shield and blocking its attack. Sleeve turned to face off against the first Wolf.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 116/120 / EN:  5/12 / DMG: 3 / EVA: 0 / Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 27/60 / DMG: 18

    Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18






    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 117/120 / EN:  8/12 / DMG: 3 EVA: 0 /Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 48/60 / DMG: 18

    Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18


    As the Wolves split apart to flank Alec he turned to follow the second Wolf. As the Wolf dove at him Alec swung his Mithril Axe at the Wolf sinking it into its hide. Alec then slammed his shield up under it's chin sending it sprawling. Then lifted his Shield over his head to block the Wolf attacking from behind. As the Wolves began to set up for their next attack Alec shifted his stance to face the second Wolf. As the Wolf charged in Alec brought his axe down towards the second Wolf. At the same time the first Wolf sprung from behind.



    Roll: 113139

    BD: 2 + 2 ACC = 4 (Fail)

    MOB: 5 (Fail)

    Roll: 113140

    MOB (W 1): 6 (Success) 18 DMG - 35 MIT = 1 DMG (Thorns Activates 9 Unmitigated DMG)


    Alec swung his axe at the second Wolf but missed the diving Wolf his axe flying just over the diving Wolf's body. The Wolf dove at Alec but was met only by Alec's shield. Its teeth and claws scratching at his shield ineffectually. As the first Wolf dove at him from behind Alec brought his shield up. The Wolf bit into Alec his teeth careening off his Breastplate but finally finding purchase on his shoulder. As the Wolf contacted Alec's shield there was an arc of electricity as the shield zapped the attacking Wolf shocking it.




    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 117/120 / EN:  6/12 / DMG: 3 EVA: 0 /Thorns: 9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 39/60 / DMG: 18

    Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18



  25. Spoiler

    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 117/120 / EN:  8/12 / DMG: EVA: 0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 51/60 / DMG: 18

    Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18

    0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 51/60 / DMG: 18

    Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18


    The Wolves had slunk back after Alec's Mithril Axe bit into the seconf Wolf as it led the charge this time. It yelped in pain as red pixels flew from the wound opened in its hide. As both Wolves flew in Alec moved his Shield to intercept them and block their attack. Repelled again they slunk back and started to circle in opposite directions attempting to flank Alec. Alec followed the first Wolf on its circle allowing the second Wolf to slip behind him. When the Wolves had reached opposite sides they both dove in for an attack.



    Roll: 113137

    BD: 8 + 2 ACC = 10 (Success) 3 DMG

    MOB: 1 (Critical Fail)

    Roll: 113138

    MOB (W 2): 5 (Fail)


    As the first Wolf do e towards Alec's front Alec swung his Mithril Axe around and caught the first Wolf in the side open a large chunk which spewed red pixels. He then brought his shield up and caught the Wolf with it under its chin sending it sprawling backwards. Alec continued the movement and brought his Shield over his head until it was positioned behind his head and neck blocking the second Wolf's attack from behind. Alec shifted his stance to face the second Wolf now and brought his Shield back in front of him as the first Wolf righted itself and stood up snarling in rage.



    Alec -- Lvl 6 / HP: 117/120 / EN:  7/12 / DMG: EVA: 0 /Thorns:9 (Successful Mob Attack - not on crit) / Paralyze: BD 9-10

    Wolf (1) -- HP: 48/60 / DMG: 18

    Wolf (2) -- HP: 57/60 / DMG: 18




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