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Posts posted by Symphony

  1. She winced a little and blushed in embarrassment as he flicked her and said what he meant. "O-oops. My apologies," she said, then continuing to listen to Katsuki. A smile grew across her lips as she listened to him describe what he wanted to do after he got out of this game. She thought about him owning a bar, and couldn't help but smile even more. He seemed perfect for the job. 

    Her heart starts to flutter and her face grows red as she blushes because of his heart-felt comments. She pulled him in for a kiss after he kissed her forehead. It seemed fitting, them kissing on the edge of danger in the middle of a battle for life and death. When she finally pulled away from the kiss, she said, "I'd love to see the world with you by my side every step of the way." She smiled and gazed into his handsome eyes. "With you by my side, I don't fear anything, not even death itself. And you're so handsome. Not even the gods could compare themselves to you. You are the embodiment of perfection in my eyes." She rubbed his cheek with her hand affectionately. "Kat... this is... well it's gonna sounds crazy, but.. I don't want to ever leave your side when I'm with you. Parting feels like daggers in my back." She blushed at her confession and looked down, afraid that she hadn't said too much. 


  2. As soon as she stepped in, the door closed behind her and she was trapped in the dark cave with the only source of light coming from cracks in the ceiling. "Well, it seems like we have to be extra careful in here, Cloak," she said to her companion. The darkness would take down accuracy down a bit. However, that did not deter her or slow her down. 

    She decided to search the right side of the cave, and after searching for a little while, she found the shiny gem behind some ruble. She whistled to Cloak, who quickly flew over to see what his partner had found. "Look at this, Cloak! I found the gem! See, it wasn't too hard." Cloak cawed happily and nuzzled Symphony's face. She gave him a good pet as she tucked the gem into a leather pouch hanging on her belt. "Though now, the real question is how do we get out of here?" Right after she spoke, she saw a giant lump move a few feet away from her. 


    Roll ID#: 116184
    LD: 20 (found it)

    1/1 gem found

  3. Symphony smiled and said, "Of course I would love to help!" I just hope this mission is a lot more fun than Lyle's, she thought to herself. 

    The NPC smiles and replies, "I need you to find gemstone in a nearby cave. Here, I'll draw a map for you." She took out a piece of paper and drew a small map for Symphony to follow to the hidden cave. She then gave it to Symphony, who looked at it and tried her best to make out what everything meant. She was absolutely horrible with maps and directions. 

    "Thank you!" she told the kind woman and then headed out to find the cave.

    Cloak soared above her as they walked out of the safe zone and into the wilderness surrounding the zone. She headed down a path immediately to her right once out of the gate and followed it to a clearing with a rock wall at the end of it. "Huh, this is strange..." she thought aloud, trying to find an entrance to a hidden cave. After a little while of looking around, she found a button in the rock, which she pressed. Immediately, a door in the rock opened to her right, and she went inside the cave. 

  4. Symphony joined him on the ledge, trying her best not to look down. One of the few fears she had was that of heights. Though, she did feel safer with Katsuki, so she felt okay this high up as long as she was next to him. She looked over at him when he asked about what she would do in the real world. The question surprised her for a second. It had been so long since she had even thought about the real world and what she would do after all of this. 

    "Sure, I'll take a piece of gum," she said to Katsuki before answering about her future plans. Chewing the gum helped her think. Now she was ready to answer. "Well, I would like to spar and fight with you in the real world." She smiled and looked over at Kat. "Though my stats won't be as good as yours, and I'll probably be a lot weaker than you. But yeah, fighting with you will give me good practice for when I go after the men who attacked me again. I haven't forgotten about them and my mission." She sighed and reached out to squeeze Katsuki's hand, the memories coming back to her once more. "But what else to do after this game ends... I'll probably go back to school and study once more. It'll take me a while to get back into things after not practicing for so long, but I'm sure I'll pick it up quickly. Then I plan to continue my career as a violist and travel the world like my parents did before they had me."

    She smiled softly and looked Katuski in the eyes, "What about you, hot stuff? Got anything planned once this is all over?" 


  5. Symphony left the shop of Lyle Tealeaf and headed out to find the artisan named Hannah. Cloak, her raven familiar, flew overhead, searching for the grove in the city where Hannah was supposed to be. After a few minutes of searching, Cloak gave out a caw over a large tree in a grove. Ah, this must be it, Symphony thought to herself as she jogged over to the area. Underneath the tree that Cloak had spotted, she saw a woman painting a picture of a dragon over a broken castle. This must be the artisan. 

    Symphony smiled and introduced herself, saying, "Hi, my name is Symphony. I was sent here by Lyle to give you some items that you needed." She handed the woman the package, which the woman opened, revealing a shiny gold band. 

    The NPC then introduced herself. "I'm Hannah, and thank you very much for bringing this to me. I needed this band to create an enchanted ring. Though it seems like I'm still short on materials." The woman frowned and then looked up at Symphony. "Gee, you don't think you would be able to fetch some materials for me real quick, do you?" 

  6. Symphony smiled. "Of course," she said to him when he thanked her. "You need your strength for today. Don't forget that we're doing your second quest. It'll be a long one, I promise you." Her had taken her a long while. Too long to even want to remember. She just hoped that he had the luck to get this mission finished quickly. "Now, once you eat and we get on the road, you can start telling me about that nightmare." 

    She grabbed a cup of yogurt with strawberries on top from her inventory and began gobbling it down. Once she had finished eating, she rubbed Rag's back. "Now, I'm gonna go into the room next door and get changed into my gear. Knock on it when you're ready to leave, okay?" She went through the door to her adjoined room and locked the door. Next, she changed into her royal blue bodice armor with black jeans, black combat boots, and a blue bandanna to keep her hair out of her face. 


  7. Finally! Symphony killed the thing in one shot and didn't even care enough to check or loot the body. She then whistled to Cloak, who came flying over after a few seconds. "Well, we finally got the three boar tusks. Now let's head back to the town," she said to him. He cawed happily and took off ahead, leading the way from his vantage point in the air. She raced through town, not even acknowledging anyone as she just wanted to get this quest done and over with. In fact, this quest had ticked her off so much, that her usual happy expression was replaced by an upset one. Once she made it back to the blacksmith, she gave him the materials. And, of course, he assigned her with another task: to go deliver a package to a woman named Hannah. She sighed and accepted the next quest with a strained smile on her face. At least the blacksmith was nice to give her a measly tier 1 dagger with one damage on it. I'll sell this later, she thought to herself as she walked out of the shop. 


    Roll ID#: 116181
    BD: 10
    MD: 4

    Symphony: 179/180 HP | 8/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG

    Quest Rewards: 
    400 Col, 
    3 SP
    <<T1 Uncommon Dagger>> Named Useless. 
    Enhancements: 1 Damage

  8. The thing charged back and hit her before running off again. Now she was just pissed. Stupid bacon useless thing. Now she wanted bacon. Yummy, juicy bacon. If only these stupid boar pups dropped bacon. She would have a good ole cook up. Delicious. Maybe some fried eggs to go along with it. Awe now she was just making herself hungry again. Back to the hating thoughts it was then. Everything is stupid. Nothing is fun. Ah. I hate all of this.Stupid stupid not fun. Bleh ah bleh ah bleh ah bleh ah bleh ah bleh ah bleh ah bleh ah. Stupid stupid thing quest thing ahck ack ah. Trying to get a word count. Ah heck stupid. Why did I have to choose this useless quest. I don't like it. I hate it. I despise it. The game creator can go fall off a cliff for all I care. 


    Roll ID#: 116180
    BD: 4 (-2 energy)
    MD: 9

    Symphony: 179/180 HP | 8/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  9. Symphony did her best to try and hit the other boar pup, but it quickly hit her and then ran away. She had to chase after it, of course. God, I hate fighting these little things. No fun and a waste of time. I hate this. I'm bored. I hate this. I'm so bored. I so so hate this. I'm so so so bored. What is going on here? Why can't I have meaningful quests. This is stupid and a waste of time. ugh. Stupid quest. Stupid dude who rules over us. Everything is stupid. Nothing is fun. Ah. I hate all of this. Why couldn't I pick a more fun and meaningful quest? Why couldn't I pick something with plot. Now that would have been fun. A good plot-based thing. But no. Of course not. I have to be stupid and pick a way too easy beginner quest. Gods I hate myself. 


    Roll ID#: 116179
    BD: 4 (-2 energy)
    MD: 8

    Symphony: 179/180 HP | 8/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  10. Symphony struck down and killed the first boar quite easily. The second one decided to harmlessly attack her as per usual. She just let it do so, not feeling a thing. It was next anyways. Nothing much left to worry about. She looted the boar and smiled for the first time in a while when she found the final boar tusk she needed. Now all she needed to do was kill the other boar and be on her way. Shouldn't be too hard as long as the thing didn't run. She looked towards the little boar, running around stupidly and aimlessly. You better not try to run away. I don't want to waste my time by chasing you. In fact, I wish I didn't have to waste my time with this mission at all. I just wanted to level up, and I figured this was the easiest way to do that. Boy was I wrong. 


    Roll ID#: 116176
    BD: 6 
    MD: 3 boar pup 1

    Roll ID#: 116177
    MD: 9 boar pup 2

    Symphony: 179/180 HP | 9/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    Loot of boar pup
    Roll ID#: 116178
    LD: 11 (success)

    3/3 boar tusks found. 

  11. She tried to stealthily sneak attack the first boar pup, but to no avail. The thing noticed her, attacking, and then dodging out of the way of her own attack. Well, back to thinking, she sighed. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, heck, bleh. Ugh this is boring. Why did I have to do this quest? I hate this. Ugh this is boring. Why did I have to do this quest? I hate this. Sooo much. I hate this. I hate this. More than anything, I hate this. These boar pups are stupid. These tusks are stupid. Why did I choose this mission and do this to myself? Why did I get trapped in here? The world may never know. Ugh. Ahh I hate this. I hate this. I hate this more than anything. Trapped inside my own head, hoping to die. Ugh. Stupid, stupid quest. Stupid thing. 


    Roll ID#: 116173
    BD: 2 (-2 energy)
    MD: 8 boar pup1 

    Roll ID#: 116174
    MD: 5 boar pup 2

    Symphony: 179/180 HP | 10/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 1: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  12. Symphony wiped out the last of this group of boar pups. This one didn't drop anything. She sighed and looked in another field for some boar pups and spotted two. She spit out her gum and ate an apple before she headed over to them. It didn't seem like they had noticed her anyways. While eating, she just filled her thoughts with random rubbish. Doot de doot. Scoop on the loot. Right on the die. Scooby nobby nob. Fresh on the dab. Woo woo woot. Dooby dooby doot. I'm so gosh darn bored. I wish I could just get this quest done with. This is so stupid and boring. Heck the guy who decided on this as a tutorial quest. Man this is mind numbing still. Ugghh ugh ugh ugh ugh. Heck. Rubbish. Frick. Ugh. I wish one of these hecks would drop some loot, because this is just absolutely lame. 


    Roll ID#:116171
    BD: 10
    MD: 5 

    Symphony: 180/180 HP | 10/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 6: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG

    Loot roll
    Roll ID#: 116172
    LD: 2 (Fail)

  13. Symphony threw her dagger at a moving boar pup and hit it. But the useless thing dropped nothing. Back to thinking it was then. That would be pretty cool if someone from my music classes was still alive. Maybe we could make a quartet or music thingy again. Or compose songs together. Now that would be cool if a composition major was in here with me. They would be composing music all the time. They would probably be a performer then. I know composition majors never looked to make money anyways. Quite funny how that works. I wonder if any NPCs have exotic pets. That would be pretty awesome. Then I should be able to go rescue a pet in the future for a quest or something. Could be cool. I also wonder if NPCs level to the floor they're in. Maybe there is a level 30 NPC on a level 30 play area and stuff, even though we haven't discovered that floor yet. 


    Roll ID#: 116168
    BD: 9 
    MD: 3 boar pup 5

    Roll ID#: 116169
    MD: 2 boar pup 6

    Symphony: 180/180 HP | 10/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 5: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    Roll ID#: 116170
    LD: 1 (Fail)

    2/3 boar pup tusks found

  14. As another boar pup attacked, Symphony cut its head off. Unfortunately, it did not drop anything useful. Back to thinking she went. I'll try to occupy myself with tongue twisters this time. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Peter piper picked a pair of peppers... I don't know how the rest of that one goes. Must rhyme tho in order to be a tongue twister. Surprised this game doesn't have a speech skill or anything. That would be pretty cool. Ooo what if I could talk to wild animals and could understand them as well. That would be totally cool. Too cool for school haha. Man I kinda miss college. Odd to say, but I do. I miss practicing and doing hard math problems and all that sort of stuff. I miss composition classes and my friends. I wonder if any of them got trapped in here with me. 


    Roll ID#: 116163
    BD: 10 
    MD: 8 boar pup 4

    Roll ID#: 116164
    MD: 1 bp 5

    Roll ID#: 1161165
    MD: 1 bd6

    Symphony: 178/180 HP | 10/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 4: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    Roll ID#: 116167
    for loot of boar pup
    LD: 4 (fail)

    2/3 boar pup tusks found

  15. Symphony paused in her thinking once more in order to try and hit a boar pup, but she missed and went back to thinking. Who invented colors? What if not everyone sees colors as the same color? Like if I saw blue and someone else's blue looked like my red but they identified it as blue, then their whole world would look different than mine. Like what if my trees were blue but I knew then as the word green but they were someone else's blue? That would be so weird. At least it would make us all unique in vision though. That would be pretty cool. Maybe we could invent something to see through other people's eyes just to make sure. Well, I guess that's kind of what this game creator could do through us. Maybe he has tiny cameras in all of our character's eyes so he can see what each and everyone of us are doing at any moment. He must be a creepy perv if that's true. 


    Roll ID#: 116160
    BD: 4 (-2 energy) 
    MD: 2 BP 4

    Roll ID#: 116161
    MD: 7 bp 5

    Roll ID#: 116162
    MD: 6 bp6

    Symphony: 178/180 HP | 10/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 4: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  16. Symphony lashed out and killed another boar pup as it attacked her. She then went back to thinking once more. This time, she just started counting doubles while waiting for the other boars to attack her. One, two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, one hundred and twenty eight, two hundred and fifty six,  she counted in her head. When she grew bored of that and couldn't count any higher, she began to recite the ABC's. A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, now I know my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me. Then she moved onto thoughts of food. Man, I could really go for a medium done steak right now. With some mushrooms and a nice sauce on top. Mmm that would be so good. And then some mash potatoes with thick beef gravy right next to it. Now that's the stuff. 


    Roll ID#: 116155
    BD: 10 
    MD: 6 for boar pup 3

    Roll ID#: 116156
    MD: 3 boar pup 4

    Roll ID$: 116157
    MD: 10 (success) boar pup 5

    Roll ID#: 116158
    MD: 7 for boar pup 6

    Symphony: 177/180 HP | 11/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 3: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 4: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    loot of boar pup 
    Roll ID#: 116159
    LD: 9 (fail)

    2/3 boar pup tusks collected

  17. Symphony attempted to hit another boar by throwing her dagger, but missed completely. So she just went back to thinking, not even noticing the other boar pups hitting her. I mean, what would even strike a man to put us in a living hell? Where we aren't even living? What did he want to gain from this? Maybe he was one of those types that hurt animals as a kid. But then that wasn't enough for him, so now he turned to trapping humans. I mean it's as plausible as any idea I suppose. Properly fitting. So I guess that must make us like rats in a cage, doing his bidding until we die. Does he even want us to beat the game, or will he troll us and put unbeatable standards on the last floor? Now that would be a sick, twisted trick. Well, at least he allows us to have food. 


    Roll ID#: 116151
    BD: 5 (-2 energy)
    MD: 2 for boar pup 3

    Roll ID#: 116152
    MD: 8 (success) for boar pup 4

    Roll ID#: 116153
    MD: 10 (success) boar pup 5

    Roll ID#: 116154
    MD: 1 boar pup 6

    Symphony: 178/180 HP | 11/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 4: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  18. Once Symphony had realized that the piggies had stopped attacking her, she attacked the boar pup she had focused on before and absolutely decimated it. Then one of her brother's tried attacking Symphony. She just let it happen and yawned, bored. Luckily, the boar pup had dropped a boar pup tusk. She picked up the item and tucked it into the leather pouch at her side. Ya know, this is just taking way too long, Symphony thought to herself. So she pulled out a beer from her inventory and began to drink from it while leaning against a tree. This is one of the most boring fights I think I've ever had. In fact, I think it is THE most mind numbing fight I've had to date. I wish I was on a beach somewhere or something. I mean the only reason I'm doing this quest is so that I can level enough to get to front lines and then help them beat the game. That would just be dandy. Then we can all go home scot-free. 


    Roll ID#: 116145
    BD: 10 
    MD: 5 (fail) for boar pup 2

    Roll ID#: 116146
    MD: 3 (fail) boar pup 3

    Roll ID#: 116147
    MD: 5 (fail) boar pup 4

    Roll ID#: 116148
    MD: 10 (success) boar pup 5

    Roll ID#: 116149
    MD: 1 (fail) boar pup 6

    Symphony: 179/180 HP | 12/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 4: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    Roll for loot of boar pup
    Roll ID#: 116150
    LD: 18 (success)

    2/3 boar pup tusks found

  19. Symphony attempted to stab the little boar pup, but the thing dodged at the last second. After it dodged, the rest of its litter decided to all start attacking the woman. Symphony sighed and let them have at it. There was no point in even trying to dodge, she just did not care enough. As they oinked and attacked her, she started humming a little tune to herself. She also added another piece of bubble gum to the one already in her mouth and began to blow minty blue bubbles. This is pretty fun, she thought to herself as she blew a few bubbles. Watching them pop upon her lips and then repeating the process. I am thinkingggg, she starting to say in her mind, just reverting to mind numbing thoughts. Did I hang out the clothes to dry? Oh, I also need to stop by the library after all this. I think I have an overdue book. That would definitely be a first. 


    Roll ID#: 116140
    BD: 3 (miss)
    MD: 2 (fail) for boar pup 2

    Roll ID#: 116141
    MD: 7 (success) boar pup 3

    Roll ID#: 116142
    MD: 9 (success) boar pup 4

    Roll ID#: 116143 
    MD: 10 (success) boar pup 5

    Roll ID#: 116144
    MD: 9 (success) for boar pup 6

    Symphony: 176/180 HP | 12/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 4: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  20. Symphony aimed for her target and easily hit it straight in the forehead. She looted its body and found nothing. Frowning, she turned towards the other boar pups and tried to decide who would be next. While she was deciding, one decided to try its luck against her and bounced off of her steel-toed combat boot. She saw 1 point of health tick off of her health bar and sighed. She would go after that one in a little while. Meanwhile, she had decided on a nice little plump female piglet to go after next. She raised her dagger lazily and walked towards it. The little thing tried to run away and she slowly walked after it. She knew it couldn't run very far with its small little legs. Cloak watched in a nearby tree, just as bored as his master again. She whistled permission for him to go and explore again, so he took off into the trees once more. 


    Roll ID#: 116133
    BD: 9 (+1 crit)
    MD: 4 (fail) for boar pup 1

    Roll ID#: 116134
    MD: 1 (fail) for boar pup 2

    Roll ID#: 116135
    MD: 4 (fail) for boar pup 3

    Roll ID#: 116136
    MD: 2 (Fail) for boar pup 4

    Roll ID#: 116137
    MD: 9 (success) for boar pup 5

    Roll ID#: 116138
    MD: 1 (fail) for boar pup 6

    Symphony: 179/180 HP | 12/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 4: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    Loot for boar pup 
    Roll ID#: 116139
    LD: 3 (fail)

    1/3 boar pup tusks collected

  21. Symphony tried her best to sneak attack the first boar pup, but the darn thing dodged away at the last second. Now that she was in the middle of the clearing after her failed attack, the boar pups turned all of their attentions onto her. Three of them managed to successfully hit her, including the one that she had tried to attack. She just stood there and let them hit her, seeing only 3 points of her health tick off. She sighed and waited for them to finish attacking before she tried killing another one of them. In the meantime, she took out a piece of mint gum and began chewing it. The mint tasted good and cleared her mind. Now to get back to the matter of which pig to kill first. The first one she chose was the fattest little one that hat hit her first. He seemed like a big enough target for her blade compared to the others. 


    Roll ID#: 116127
    BD: 3 (-2 energy)
    MD: 10 (success) for boar pup 1

    Roll ID#: 116128
    MD: 8 (success) for boar pup 2

    Roll ID#: 116129 
    MD: 4 (fail) for boar pup 3

    Roll ID#: 116130
    MD: 6 (success) for boar pup 4

    Roll ID#: 116131
    MD: 2 (fail) for boar pup 5

    Roll ID#: 116132
    MD: 5 (fail) for boar pup 6

    Symphony: 177/180 HP | 12/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 1: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 4: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  22. The boar pup decided to attack her again. She just sighed as the thing bumped up against her combat boot uselessly. "You better drop something useful," was the last thing it heard as she brought her dagger down through its back. She smiled as she looted the boar pup and found the first boar pup tusk that she needed. Suddenly, Cloak flew over head and cawed, pointing her towards another clearing just to the right of her. She raced after the raven, knowing that he must have spotted more enemies for her too kill. She followed after him while tucking the boar pup tusk into a leather pouch that hung at her side. Once at the clearing, she spotted about 6 boar pups running around, chasing each other playfully. What a shame I have to end all their fun, she thought, smiling. Now it was time to end their fun and games. With a 6 inch blade. 


    Roll ID#: 116125
    BD: 10 (+2 crit)
    MD: 6 (success)

    Symphony: 179/180 HP | 13/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 4: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG

    Loot of the Boar Pup:
    Roll ID#: 116126
    LD: 11 (success)

    Loot gathered: 1/3 boar pup tusks

  23. As Symphony was about to strike, her stomach rumbled and she looked down at herself. "Huh, I must be hungry then. Just give me a second," she said to the boar pup. She didn't really care if it listened or not, she just would like to eat without being interrupted. The little thing seemed to get the message as it sat down and groomed itself while she got a peanut butter and banana sandwich out of her inventory. Symphony took her sweet old time devouring the sweet goodness that was her food. She savored every bite and sipped water from her canteen while eating. Such good food, she thought to herself. At least she was still able to eat in game. For that, she was very grateful. And things still tasted good. Another bonus. Now, as she finished eating, she tucked her trash into her inventory and turned her attention back to the little boar pup. 


    Roll ID#: 116124
    BD: 1 (-2 energy)
    MD: 3

    Symphony: 180/180 HP | 13/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 4: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  24. Now, the third little piggy tried to attack her once more, never learning that he would never be able to defeat her. So Symphony just brought the dagger down on top of the little thing's head as it attacked her. The little enemy burst into pixels and she searched to see if it had dropped any tusks. She frowned when she realized that the enemy hadn't dropped anything. Sighing, she shrugged the matter off and turned to the last piglet. "I guess it's your turn next," she said as she twirled her blade in her hand. "I'll try to make this quick if you don't attack me, but you most likely will. Meh, it doesn't matter to me either ways. Once dead, you'll be dead. The same for all the creatures, humans, and NPCs in this world. And you will never be missed." She brought the dagger up, prepared to strike the tiny niblet if it didn't attack her so that she could take it out quickly. 


    Roll ID#: 116120
    BD: 9 (+1 crit)
    MD: 6 (success)

    Roll ID#: 116121
    MD: 6 (success)

    Symphony: 178/180 HP | 14/18 EN | 6 DMG | 14 MIT | 9-10 PLYZ | +5 REGEN (1/3)


    Boar Pup 3: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar Pup 4: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    Loot Roll for Boar Pup Tusks:
    Roll ID#: 116123
    LD: 6 (fail)

  25. When he says she missed, she was about to ask him what he meant until he pulled her in. Indeed, she had missed. She pushed herself into the kiss as long as she could, though she was careful not to push Katsuki away from the cliff. She was really starting to enjoy his sweet kisses. I don't think I'll ever get tired of the feeling of his lips against mine, she thought to herself as he pulled away. 

    To his pervy joke, she returns the grin, saying, "You have to earn that first, hun. I'm not a one-night stand type of girl." She giggled to herself. She was the type of woman that wanted something that would last. She needed to trust the other person before even taking them into her bed. That way, things were sweeter, and there would be a more intimate relationship between her and the other person when they decided to take it farther. 

    She looked up to where Katsuki pointed and her eyes widened. Up there, at the ledge of the highest cliff, was a phoenix's nest perched above the lava. The heat must really not bother them, nor the height, she thought to herself in awe. Then she turned her attention back to him after he spoke again. She smiled. "I want to see all of them with you, too." She reached out to hold his hand. "Maybe I'll keep you from getting into too much trouble," she teased, giving him a playful wink. 


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